ADM :: Volume #27

#2656: The forest of maple tree fire

Younger returns to Dacaoping of home for the elderly, he looked at one in structure space magic formation several people, discovered that the space magic formation writing up scale, in less than the too much time, they can leave this everywhere is the place of shark person. 杨格尔回到养老院的大草坪上,他看了一眼正在构架空间魔法阵的几人,发现空间魔法阵出具规模了,用不了太多的时间,他们就可以离开这个到处都是鲨人的地方。 How do you end up this appearance?” Saint bear eldest child Counot said to Younger. “你怎么落得这幅样子?”圣熊老大库诺伊对杨格尔说道。 Somewhat had a low opinion of the enemy, he pursues immediately, we must find the way to cope with him.” Younger somewhat ashamed replied. “有些轻敌了,他马上就追上来,我们得想办法对付他。”杨格尔有些惭愧的回答道。 We by one are not known the Female Demon essence where runs gives to stumble, magic formation completes also requires some time.” Counot somewhat agitated saying. “我们被一个不知道哪里跑出来的女妖精给绊了一跤,魔法阵完成还需要一些时间。”库诺伊有些烦躁的说道。 So long as is not the deaf person, can hear the fierce sound that passes from the mountain city halfway up the mountainside, that is the shark person country big tribe is certainly grinding toward here. 只要不是聋子,都可以听到从山城半山附近传过来的剧烈响动,那一定是鲨人国大部落正在往这里碾进。 If space magic formation receives some disturbances again, their group of people must really result in to become the food in shark abdomen. 假如空间魔法阵再受到一些干扰,他们这群人就要真得成为鲨鱼腹中的食物了。 We left here, asks them to do accounts again!” Younger nods. “等我们离开了这里,再找他们算账!”杨格尔点了点头。 Account can calculate now, why after to waiting ?” At this time, the Mo Fan´s sound passed from another. “账现在就可以算,何必等到以后?”这时,莫凡的声音从另一头传了过来。 Younger has turned head, sees Mo Fan of black clothes armor, the angry situation welled up immediately. 杨格尔扭过头去,见到一身黑色衣铠的莫凡,愤怒的情况马上就涌了上来。 Big brother, this fellow is not quite good to cope, we best process him as soon as possible, so as to avoid our magic formation were affected again.” Younger quickly said. “大哥,这家伙不太好对付,我们最好尽快处理掉他,免得我们的魔法阵再受到影响。”杨格尔急忙说道。 Our two brothers make a move, no one can live together for three minutes.” Counot appears wants Younger more self-confident. “我们两兄弟一起出手,没有人可以活过三分钟。”库诺伊显得要比杨格尔更加自信。 His dragon Magic Armor Equipment is somewhat special.” Younger reminded one. “他的龙铠魔具有些特别。”杨格尔提醒了一句。 Nothing to be afraid! On!” “不足为惧!上!” Counot also no longer rubbish, at this time wanted to destroy their magic formation, otherwise they left, was equal to that must deliver toward the belly of shark in them. 库诺伊也不再废话,这种时候想要破坏他们的魔法阵不然他们离开,就等于是要将他们往鲨鱼的肚子里送。 Therefore Counot will not speak what international mercenary soldier morality and justice again and so on, first handled said again. 所以库诺伊也不会再讲什么国际佣兵道义之类的,先把人处置了再说。 What on Counot braves is the brown red roaring flame, although does not seem like that sacred dignity, but actually wants in Younger in the imposing manner many. 库诺伊身上冒起来的是棕红色的烈焰,尽管看上去没有那么神圣威严,但在气势上却要比杨格尔强上许多。 Meanwhile, on Younger also burnt the fire of golden color again, under beast, two people turned into was standing shoulder to shoulder the roaring flame Saint bear thoroughly, the tall and strong and powerful body made some overlord levels creature frighten sufficiently is frightened out of one's wits! 与此同时,杨格尔身上也再一次焚起了金色之火,兽化之下,两人彻彻底底变成了并肩站立着的烈焰圣熊,魁梧而又充满力量的身躯足以让一些霸主级的生物都吓得魂飞魄散! Does not know is the misconception, is the reason of mutual complementing, Mo Fan discovered that Younger this roaring flame beast the condition be crazier than fiercely before, particularly that both eyes eyeball, has extremely strong deterrent force! 不知是错觉,还是相互映衬的缘故,莫凡发现杨格尔这烈焰兽化的状态要比之前更狂猛,尤其是那双眼睛,带有极强的威慑力! The brown red roaring flame and golden roaring flame complement mutually, the flame is more flaming, quick Mo Fan then felt that the god Sacred Beast breath of heading on, endured ratio two in the hot sun that in front of oneself burns, is unable to look straight ahead. 棕红色烈焰与金黄色烈焰相互映衬,火光更加炽盛,很快莫凡便感觉到了扑面而来的神圣兽息,堪比两颗就在自己面前燃烧的烈日,无法直视。 It seems like Younger said that their Saint bear never the individual combat has the view, their two brothers crowd together, strength rise doubled and re-doubled. 看来杨格尔说他们圣熊从不单兵作战是有说法的,他们两兄弟凑在一起,实力成倍的提升。 Little Flame Fairy.” 小炎姬。” Such being the case, Mo Fan cannot a person shoulder hardly. 既然如此,莫凡也不能一人硬扛。 Summoned Little Flame Fairy, the Flame Fairy goddess of quick complete body appeared in the Mo Fan body side, the hot maple leaf that combustion danced in the air is rolling up and pushing along, is crowding around the Flame Fairy goddess graceful slender physique. 呼唤出小炎姬,很快完全体的炎姬女神出现在了莫凡身侧,一片一片燃烧飞舞的火枫叶卷动着,簇拥着炎姬女神婀娜修长的身姿。 In the under foot of Little Flame Fairy, will have the new hot maple leaf to dance in the breeze unceasingly, before those completed hot maple leaf after a week of winding around then to disperse the air, in being far away from the process of Little Flame Fairy body gradually melted. 小炎姬的脚下,不断会有新的火枫叶飘舞起来,之前那些完成了一周的缭绕后的火枫叶便会散下空气,在远离小炎姬身躯的过程中逐渐消融。 Mo Fan also summoned own Bright Divine Fire at this moment, after mysterious feather Totem granted a more powerful ancient strict, the gloss that Bright Divine Fire glows has some gorgeous gradations, looked then resembles the horizon fiery red rosy cloud, changes with the angle and time. 莫凡此刻也呼唤出了自己的重明神火,被神秘羽毛图腾赐予了更强大的古老火后,重明神火焕发出来的光泽都带着一些绚丽的渐变,看上去便似天边火红火红的云霞,又会随着角度与时间发生改变。 Flame rosy cloud, on Mo Fan shows completely, actually is not completely only the feeling of beautiful, what are more is that type indicates intensely the darkness ashes forthcoming arrogance, will rush wildly, calm graceful! 火光似霞,只是在莫凡身上完全展现出来的时候,却并不完全是唯美之感,更多的是那种强烈预示着黑暗灰烬即将到来的气焰,澎湃狂野,又冷静优雅! The essential attribute that the Saint bear two brothers control is the fire. 圣熊两兄弟掌控的主要属性是火。 But at this time Mo Fan and Little Flame Fairy stand, a hot demon, a hot succuba, in the imposing manner will not be inferior in these two flame beast Saint bear half beast people, suddenly has not erupted the fight directly, four different flame planted to encounter in the air, swing the innumerable colored flame glow. 而此时莫凡小炎姬站在一起,一位火魔头,一个火魔女,气势上根本就不会逊色于这两头火焰兽化的圣熊半兽人,一时间还没有直接爆发战斗,四种不同焰种已经在空气中交锋,荡出了无数层彩色焰芒。 I cope with bear big, you cope with the bear two.” Mo Fan said to Little Flame Fairy. “我对付熊大,你对付熊二。”莫凡对身旁的小炎姬说道。 Little Flame Fairy nods gently, her face appears in the veil of flame dim and noble, as if mysterious feather Totem granted her to be self-confident and proud, particularly on flame Domain. 小炎姬轻轻点了点头,她的面孔在火焰的面纱中显得朦胧而又高贵,似乎神秘羽毛图腾赐予了她那份自信与骄傲,尤其是在火焰的领域上。 Counot and Younger the numerous stepping on treads, Mo Fan think simultaneously at first their two are stepping on the mud to play general like the bear big bear two these two clumsy fellows, after all their surfaces melt like the mud...... 库诺伊与杨格尔同时重重的踩踏着地面,起初莫凡以为他们两个如同熊大熊二这两个笨拙的家伙在踩泥巴玩一般,毕竟他们脚下的地表像泥浆一样化开…… Who knows that these mud are actually the impenetrable fortress roaring flame, compared with dissolving the temperature of thick liquid also wants on high several times, shortly after this type of boiling hot mud starts to extend. 谁知道这些泥浆却是金汤烈焰,比溶浆的温度还要高上数倍,没多久这种滚烫至极的泥浆就开始漫延开。 The speed that they extend is not quick, has the fearful threatening nature, Mo Fan and Little Flame Fairy do not know that these mount the thick boiling hot mud are anything...... 它们漫延的速度不是很快,却具有可怕的威胁性,莫凡小炎姬也不知道这些黏稠的滚烫泥浆是什么…… Suddenly, the boiling hot mud splatters, like having a fiery red mud monster throws from inside, swallowed toward Mo Fan and Little Flame Fairy. 突然,滚烫的泥浆喷溅开,如同有一只火红的泥浆怪物从里面扑出来,朝着莫凡小炎姬吞了过来。 This boiling hot mud monster opens all of a sudden very greatly, Mo Fan and Little Flame Fairy were wrapped directly, but in the esophagus of mud monster, floods those not to know that was burnt the rolling oil of many temperatures! 这滚烫的泥浆怪物一下子张开得非常大,莫凡小炎姬是直接被包裹进去的,而在泥浆怪物的食道里,充斥着那些不知道被烧到了多少温度的滚油! Rolls hot bubble that on the oil emits then to blast out such as the rock stuff chest equally fearful picture, but the entire esophagus big such as a canyon, inside is flowing these boiling hot red oil. 滚油上冒出的一个热泡便会炸开如岩浆池一样可怕的画面,而整个食道大如一个峡谷,里面流淌着这些滚烫的红油。 We crashed into their some Domain probably.” Mo Fan said to Little Flame Fairy. “我们好像坠入到了他们的某种领域里了。”莫凡小炎姬说道。 How an esophagus of mud monster possibly is so greatly profound, obviously the Saint bear two brothers showed their true abilities. 一个泥浆怪物的食道怎么可能如此深邃巨大,显然圣熊两兄弟施展出了他们真正的本领了。 The red oil is tumbling, the long boundless esophagus deep place, can see that had the Ignite red oil such as the mud-rock flow such to flow, the place that in the entire monster esophagus four sides by the boiling hot mud blocking, did not have other can escape, Mo Fan and Little Flame Fairy can only look at the red oil to tumble helplessly, the scale was getting more and more huge, the picture was getting more and more terrifying! 红油在翻滚,冗长无垠的食道深处,可以看到有灼烧的红油如泥石流那样流淌了过来,整个怪物食道里四面都被滚烫的泥浆给封死了,没有别的可以逃跑的地方,莫凡小炎姬只能够眼睁睁的看着红油翻滚过来,规模越来越庞大,画面越来越恐怖! Warned!” “咛!” Little Flame Fairy exuded one to recite lightly, her under foot fluctuated the leaf of more maple tree fire. 小炎姬发出了一声轻吟,她的脚下变幻出了更多的枫火之叶。 Probably flooded Fengshulin all over, fierce by sudden strong winds whirling away all red leaf blades, red leaf wave spread the mountain ridge of fluctuating suddenly, magnificent with the wind dances the fluctuation! 像是有一座充斥了漫山遍野的枫树林,猛的被一阵突如其来的狂风给卷走了所有通红的叶片,一时间通红通红的叶浪铺遍了起伏的山岭,壮观至极的随着风起舞波动! The mud red roller, the maple tree forestry mountain range assault, the esophagus of this mud monster was given to fill up by these two hot materials, erupted the impact of stronger strong fire instantaneously. 泥浆红油滚来,枫林叶峦袭去,这个泥浆怪物的食道被这两种火物质给填满,瞬间爆发起了更强的浓烈之火的冲击。 Can see that the red oil sprinkled became enlightened the innumerable flame shops on the ground, the maple tree fire broke to pieces to change into red raindrop everywhere is! 可以看到红油洒开成了无数火苗铺在地上,枫火碎去化为了红色雨点漫天都是!
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