ADM :: Volume #27

#2654: Civil and military complete in both

When the heart imaginary labyrinth in the external force raids disintegrated, just like a sleepy person to be awakened by the huge vibration, the dreamland will also eradicate rapidly. 心幻迷宫在外力袭来时就自我瓦解了,犹如一个瞌睡的人被巨大的震动惊醒,梦境也会随之迅速破除。 Time that Mo Fan sobers completely, this will explode the star god fist soon to arrive in a gate. 莫凡完全清醒过来的时候,这爆星神拳即将抵达面门。 He first was changed into the nihility quiet condition by oneself body, the whole person probably is transparent steps into to another plane, all strengths have nothing to do with him. 他第一时间让自己身体化为了虚无幽态,整个人透明得像是踏入到另外一个位面,所有力量都与他无关。 Sneaks such use darkly is some waste, may, in the opposite party seized in the situation of situation not to have a better way. 幽暗潜行这样使用是有些浪费,可在对方抢占了先机的情况下也没有更好的办法。 The most important thing is, Apasi should successfully disturb space magic formation of opposite party. 最重要的是,阿帕丝应该成功干扰了对方的空间魔法阵 Laoshan understood especially the key of this fight is the time, Mo Fan never will fall into to that type passively by oneself? 老山特了解这场战斗的关键是时间,莫凡又何尝会让自己陷入到那种被动中? Discovered this frightened wall time, on the Mo Fan apparent dwelling place of the immortals has cultivation base astonishing Mind System Mage, in clearly knows that what method cannot escape in this Mind System Mage eye situation, Mo Fan seizes to the opposite party naturally, making Apasi begin. 发现这个恐惧墙的时候,莫凡便知道山上有一位修为惊人的心灵系法师,在明知道什么手段都逃不过这个心灵系法师的眼睛情况下,莫凡大大方方的给对方捉住,让阿帕丝去动手。 If Laoshan clings to tenaciously especially near magic formation, Apasi estimated that is not good to begin. 假如老山特死守在魔法阵附近,阿帕丝估计也不好动手。 I do not like those being gaudy, the matter that the fist can solve does not want to use the brain.” After Mo Fan avoided the exploding star god fist of opposite party, flung the arm. “我也不太喜欢那些花里胡哨的,拳头可以解决的事情坚决不想用脑子。”莫凡躲开了对方的爆星神拳后,不由的甩了甩自己胳膊。 Laoshan said that your strength is very strong, but person old doctor who looks like the those not too assurance, liking toward being heavier the condition above said, this will cause the idea of patient.” Younger chest front that Saint bear design starts to present the flame to drag the shape. “老山特说你实力很强,但人老了就像是那些没有太多把握的医生,喜欢把病情往重一些上面说,这样才会引起患者的主意。”杨格尔胸前那“圣熊图案”开始呈现出火焰摇曳状。 The Mo Fan eye uncontrolled is staring at this Saint bear design, looks at inside golden flame fierce swing. 莫凡眼睛不受控制的盯着这个圣熊图案,看着里面金色的火焰剧烈的摇摆。 Looks, in flame high-rising however ran out of astonishing gold/metal fire bear Toulai, it throws to nip, hid not to be possible to hide, making Mo Fan of magic arts inexplicable changed into a lacking the strength to truss up a chicken person, was fallen down by numerous pressing directly. 看着看着,火焰里兀然的冲出了一头惊人的金火熊头来,其扑咬过来,躲无可躲,让一身法术的莫凡莫名的化为了一个手无缚鸡之力的人,直接被重重的摁倒在地上。 The arm, cheeks and nape of the neck appeared immediately burnt fire claw marks, Mo Fan quickly changed into the innumerable only shadow birds, the body like vampire such dispersion to the surroundings. 手臂、脸颊、脖颈马上出现了烫火爪痕,莫凡急忙化为了无数只影鸟,身体如吸血鬼那样散飞向周围。 The flame Saint bear as if knows that which is the Mo Fan true body, immediately is pursuing a shadow bird that flies to the side branch, hot tempered bit! 火焰圣熊似乎知道哪一个是莫凡真身,马上追逐着其中一头飞向旁边枝头的影鸟,暴躁的一口咬了上去! Order changes!” “次序之变!” The Mo Fan rapid transformation rule, making an empty illusory image bird substitute that real incarnation. 莫凡迅速的转变规则,让一头虚幻影鸟替代了那个真实的化身。 Hot tempered flame Saint bear Yao in one group of black gas, it turned around, fierce look, extreme cruelty! 暴躁火焰圣熊咬在了一团黑色的气体上,它扭转过来,火眼金睛,极端的残暴! Mo Fan spread out certain, the vision is staring at this flame Saint bear time, this realized that at all not Magic that throws from the design, but is Younger, his whole body gold/metal fire burns down, physique to become bear, the fist changes into the claw, the strength and speed rose dramatically did not say, looked like the beast person such to become super strong! 莫凡拉开了一定距离,目光盯着这头火焰圣熊的时候,这才意识到那根本不是从图案中扑出来的魔法,而是杨格尔本人,他全身金火焚烧,体态成熊,拳化为爪,力量与速度暴增不说,就像是兽人那样变得力大无穷 Taste how, the blood of my Saint bear may want is too more than your those bored trick superiorly!” Younger showed the wild smiling face. “滋味如何,我圣熊之血可比你们那些无聊的戏法要优越太多!”杨格尔露出了狂野的笑容来。 Mo Fan looked at a wound, is not deep, is the somewhat burning ache. 莫凡看了一眼自己伤口,不算非常深,就是有些火辣辣的疼痛。 The blood concentrates in the wound place, has not overflowed, Mo Fan made a hesitation slightly. 血凝在伤口处,并没有溢出来,莫凡稍作了一番犹豫。 Now Mo Fan fights hand-to-hand the fight to have three stances, the first type is to let the blood flows the ground, arouses own Heaven Level rock seed land heavy clothing, under country of Absolute ban sand, the Mo Fan´s battle efficiency is also unusual. 如今莫凡肉搏战斗有三种姿态,第一种是让血液流淌到地上,唤起自己的天级岩种的大地重装,沙之国绝对禁界下,莫凡的战斗力也非同一般。 Second natural(ly) is the hot yama stance, happen to big Fire Seed and Little Flame Fairy complete period double rises dramatically, now does not determine the hot yama stance Mo Fan fierce, under this stance, Mo Fan civil and military complete in both, but near body resists this type to change the body powerhouse, can the long range leave roaring flame bombing. 第二种自然是火阎王姿态,正好大火种小炎姬的完全期双暴增,现在连莫凡都不确定火阎王姿态有多凶猛,这个姿态下,莫凡文武双全,可近身对抗这种变身强者,也可以远距离烈焰轰炸。 The third type then did not have the Black Dragon coverall of opportunity use. 第三种便是一直没有机会使用的黑龙套装。 The Black Dragon arm that is built by the dragon claw, but the fist claw, in the coordination Space System, Shadow System, Chaos System and Earth Element these cunning movements, can make Mo Fan turn into ten thousand army to take the enemy top assassination of severed head. 由龙爪打造的黑龙臂,可拳可爪,配合上空间系暗影系混沌系土系这些诡诈的身法,可以让莫凡变成一个万军之中取敌将首级的顶级刺杀者。 Land heavy clothing...... 大地重装…… Blood stream a little few, the environment does not seem like very suitable. 血流得有点少,环境也好像不是很适合。 The words of hot yama stance, it is estimated that a little bullied the person. 火阎王姿态的话,估计有点太欺负人了。 Then on the Black Dragon demon military stance, happen to can test the intensity of Black Dragon coverall completely. 那就黑龙魔武姿态吧,正好可以完整的测试一下黑龙套装的强度。 Black Dragon military equipment!” “黑龙武装!” Mo Fan summoned directly all Black Dragon magical equipment besides the wing of dusk Li, from aggressive invincible Black Dragon corner/horn helmet, the black dragon scales armor and Black Dragon armband to wrapping the Black Dragon demon boots of knee joint, pure black, is actually emitting the top metal same gloss. 莫凡直接呼唤出了除昏黎之翅外所有的黑龙魔具,从霸气无敌的黑龙角盔、黑龙鳞铠、黑龙臂铠到包裹到膝关节的黑龙魔靴,一身纯黑色,却又散发着顶级金属一样的光泽。 The beast person appearance of Younger that flame Saint bear truly is wildly aggressive, filled the cruel air/Qi, aggressive, Mo Fan looked like one before him a moment ago, no matter what its wild deer of butchering general...... 杨格尔那火焰圣熊的兽人模样确实霸气狂野,充满了暴戾之气,咄咄逼人,刚才莫凡在他面前就像是一只任其宰割的野鹿一般…… After may arm the demon dragon attire, that Black Dragon soul lingers in the Mo Fan whole body, the air/Qi field of Black Dragon Great Emperor sends out has pressed Saint bear Yanmang directly, lets contemptuous smiling face rapid disappearance on Younger face! 可武装上魔龙装束后,那黑龙魂萦绕在莫凡周身,散发出来的黑龙大帝的气场直接压过了圣熊焰芒,让杨格尔脸上的轻蔑笑容迅速的消失! The good wild rampant equipment, Northern European those Saint installed mediocre, that is representing the control breadth of spirit of destruction and death, making its this Northern European Saint bear degenerate into the stupid black bear that played the mud in the country shortly. 好狂野嚣张的装备,北欧那些圣装也不过如此了吧,那代表着毁灭与死亡的主宰气魄,让它这头北欧圣熊顷刻间沦为了在乡野中玩泥巴的蠢狗熊。 Relies on magical equipment, how also to place on a par with the bloodlines of my golden bear, looks at me to tear into shreds your armor!!” Younger became angry out of shame. “依赖魔具,又怎么与我这黄金熊之血脉相提并论,看我撕碎你的铠甲!!”杨格尔恼羞成怒了起来。 The actor of Saint bear, in Northern Europe aesthetic is the model of beauty of male gender, Younger also has been proud about oneself Saint bear Shouren incarnation incomparable, likes with other can the beast ancient family compete, the strength or the esthetics, the Saint bear ends the victory! 圣熊的行头,在北欧的审美都是雄性之美的典范,杨格尔也一直对自己的这圣熊兽人化身而感到骄傲无比,更喜欢跟别的可以兽化的古老家族攀比,无论是力量还是美学,圣熊都是完胜! However...... 但是…… Younger has to acknowledge, opposite party pitch-dark armor, such as an ancient sacred Black Dragon attaches in the attire of his whole body be higher than its this Saint bear Bige! 杨格尔不得不承认,对方这个黑漆漆的铠装,如一头古老神圣黑龙依附在他全身的装束要比它这圣熊逼格更高! Others lusters, others material qualities, others streamlines, others fine edges and corners and scale decoration...... 人家的色泽,人家的材质,人家的流线,人家的精致棱角与鳞饰…… Said that anything must destroy it! 说什么也要将它打碎! Flashy but lacking substance false black equipment!! 华而不实的虚伪黑装备!! Saint bear explodes claw!!” “圣熊爆爪!!” Younger is testy, such as suddenly/violently bear is the same. 杨格尔易怒,如暴熊一样。 The speed that he erupts does not need the Magic medium, is completely strength of the crazy beast blood, the golden powerful roaring flame seems like the metal that can wave such to cover his whole body, roaring flame and large sum of money in the true sense are fully-armed. 他爆发出来的速度是不需要魔法媒介的,完全是自身狂兽血之力,金色强大的烈焰像是一块块会舞动的金属那样覆盖着他全身,真正意义上的烈焰与重金全副武装。 The Saint bear kills in front of Mo Fan, resembles the together golden color brilliance to clash, the claw dazzling dance, has not been full of the heavy claw of brute force and gold/metal flame effect merely purely strikes! 圣熊杀到莫凡面前,似一道金色光焰冲来,爪子没有令人眼花缭乱的狂舞,仅仅是纯粹充满蛮力与金焰效果的重爪拍击! Bang!!!!!!” “嘭!!!!!!” The heavy claw falls on the Mo Fan chest, Mo Fan slid but actually, will be full is the mountain forest of vegetation shaves a bare gully. 重爪落在莫凡胸膛上,莫凡倒滑了出去,将满是植被的山林剃出了一条光秃秃的沟壑。 Broken.” “碎。” Younger put out this word, sees in Mo Fan chest that claw seal not to know that is when remaining to move restlessly to approach in all directions the Explosion golden energy. 杨格尔吐出了这个词,就看见莫凡胸膛那个爪印上不知道什么时候还残余着一股躁动要向四面八方爆裂的金色能量。 Rumbling!!!!!!” “轰轰!!!!!!” Golden claw seal release terrifying Explosion, blew off Mo Fan was very very far. 金色爪印释放恐怖爆裂,将莫凡炸飞了很远很远。 The black dragon scales armor is the Magic immunity, this brute force will play the role, particularly golden claw seal Explosion, clearly is the ancient animal power, the black dragon scales armor has not had the immunization. 龙鳞铠是魔法免疫,这种蛮力是会起到作用的,尤其是金色爪印爆裂,也明显属于古老兽力,黑龙鳞铠并没有产生免疫作用。 But the immune effect is just the dragon soul effect of black dragon scales armor, this armor has extremely strong defense capability, resists dashing, to tear, crush and shakes these energies directly. 可免疫效果只不过是黑龙鳞铠的龙魂效果,这件铠甲本身就有极强的防御能力,直接抵御冲撞、撕裂、粉碎、震荡这些能量。
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