ADM :: Volume #26

#2561: Game of darkness Lord God

Chapter 2561 第2561章 Game of darkness Lord God 黑暗主神的游戏 This military might is passing the form of evil aura, looks at such several points of familiar. 这个威武又透着邪气的身影,看着有那么几分熟悉。 Mo Fan remembers vaguely in that mirage campaign of Egypt, is having such a to stand erect in all powerful Sovereign above Mage and undead, is grasping a darkness big sword, is riding Dark Horned Horse, the evil aura is imposing, the cold blood is brutal! 莫凡依稀记得在埃及的那场海市蜃楼战役中,正有这样一个屹立在所有法师亡灵之上的强大君主,手持着一柄黑暗大剑,骑乘着黑暗角马,邪气凛然,冷血残酷! Darksword Lord!” Mo Fan revealed the surprised color. 黑暗剑主!”莫凡露出了惊讶之色。 This Darksword Lord has not grasped the big sword, its big sword in the waist, actually do not tow to entrain a long fleeing black Frost path because of running of Dark Horned Horse. 黑暗剑主没有手持大剑,它的大剑别在腰间,却因为黑暗角马的奔跑而拖拽出了一长窜黑色的冰霜轨迹。 It is riding the black gnu also non- ordinary gnu, armed the tail from the surface gate, the Frost dark armor was covering every inchs, had extremely strong dark frost might including the oppression of the people, have stepped on all bone ashes congealed on loose frost. 它骑乘着的黑色角马也非普通的角马,从面门武装到了尾巴,冰霜暗铠覆盖着每一寸,包括铁蹄都拥有极强的暗霜威力,踩踏过的所有骨灰都凝结上了一层松霜。 Can look, this is a strength is more powerful, position higher Darksword Lord, as the King of Darkness loyal sword health/guard, Darksword Lord has the extremely high position in darkness plane. 看得出来,这是一位实力更强大,地位更高的黑暗剑主,作为黑暗王的忠诚剑卫,黑暗剑主黑暗位面拥有极高的地位。 Before , appears in Egypt, Darksword Lord that in the Hufu pyramid hinders, their strength probably only between Lesser Sovereign and small Sovereign, but in darkness plane, the Darksword Lord strength must compare in fact in another plane is strong, moreover Darksword Lord also has the division of rank! 无论是之前在埃及出现的,还是胡夫金字塔中阻碍的黑暗剑主,他们实力大概都只在亚君主和小君主之间,但事实上在黑暗位面中,黑暗剑主的实力要远比在另一个位面强,况且黑暗剑主也有等级之分! Mo Fan does not dare to neglect, after all now does not have the Devil strength, the body also some exhaustedly, arrives at the new domain to bump into such powerful rank creature, this darkness plane is really not good. 莫凡不敢怠慢,毕竟现在没有恶魔力,身体还有些许疲惫,一到新地盘就撞见这样强大级别的生物,这黑暗位面果然不是什么善地。 „Do you do!” Astraea sees the Mo Fan murderous aura steaming stance, asked. “你干嘛!”阿莎蕊雅莫凡杀气腾腾的架势,问道。 Is flat it, I cannot make it harm you.” Mo Fan said. “扁它啊,我可不能让它伤害你。”莫凡说道。 Astraea in a good mood is also funny, such is actually very charming, her manner always has the flavor compared with the Eastern females, does not bring many concealing and insignificant acting with constraint. 阿莎蕊雅好气又好笑,那样子却倒是很迷人,她的神态总是比东方女子更有味道,不带过多的掩饰与无意义的矜持。 It is my guard, don't you remember??” Astraea blinks to say. “它是我的侍卫,你不记得了??”阿莎蕊雅眨了眨眼睛道。 Your guard??” Mo Fan is somewhat puzzled. “你的侍卫??”莫凡有些困惑。 Really, that black frost sword main , in 50 meters position to stop to two people, grave turned from Dark Horned Horse, moved toward Astraea step by step rigorously. 果然,那黑霜剑主在离两人只有五十米的位置上停了下来,庄重的从黑暗角马上面翻了下来,一步一步严谨的走向了阿莎蕊雅 It to Astraea in front , the single knee knelt down, took off oneself head...... the head, in the waist, do not bow later! 它到了阿莎蕊雅面前,单膝跪下,摘下了自己的头……头颅,别在了腰间,随后鞠躬! The Mo Fan chin has almost not fallen to the bone ash ground. 莫凡下巴差点没掉到骨灰地上。 Your this knight, others pick the helmet, you pick the entire head are scary! 你这骑士,别人都是摘头盔的,你把整个脑袋都摘下来是要吓人吗! Head puts.” Astraea said. “脑袋放上去。”阿莎蕊雅道。 Yes, my master.” “是,我的主人。” This black frost sword main immediately respectful bringing the head of helmet settling, but obvious secure the direction, the head looks at behind mistakenly, body to front. 这位黒霜剑主立刻毕恭毕敬的把带着头盔的脑袋给安了上去,但明显安错了方向,脑袋看着后面,身子对着前面。 Mo Fan almost smiles to make noise. 莫凡差点笑出声来。 Shadow Division knight! 司夜骑士! Mo Fan thought. Side Astraea truly the Shadow Division knight who summoned from darkness plane, did not summon Magic, but was some type of ancient contract, enabling Saintess Astraea to have a protector from darkness plane. 莫凡想起来了。阿莎蕊雅身边确实有一位从黑暗位面中呼唤来的司夜骑士,不是召唤魔法,而是某种古老的契约,使得圣女阿莎蕊雅可以拥有一位来自黑暗位面的守护者。 In the past in Ancient Capital, went to the journey in those village, this Shadow Division knight also showed the good strength. 当年在古都,前往那些村庄的路途上,这司夜骑士还展现出了不俗的实力。 Naturally, at that time the rank was not high. 当然,那个时候级别也不高。 Has not thought of the present, this Shadow Division knight has promoted Darksword Lord this rank, has an imposing appearance, funny as before. 未想到现在,这司夜骑士已经晋升到了黑暗剑主这个级别了,气宇轩昂,滑稽依旧。 Then, were we have the native to lead the way in this darkness plane?” Mo Fan said. “这么说来,我们在这个黑暗位面也算是有本地人引路了?”莫凡道。 Un, Hanmer is quite familiar with here, it should be able to lead us little to walk some darkness plane traps, but, we must abide by the King of Darkness game rule.” Astraea said. “嗯,汗默拉对这里比较熟悉,它应该可以带我们少走一些黑暗位面的陷阱,不过,我们仍旧得遵循黑暗王的游戏规则。”阿莎蕊雅说道。 Game rule, what rule?” Mo Fan asked. “游戏规则,到底什么规则?”莫凡问道。 King of Darkness is eccentric and unreasonable Emperor, it grants sometimes generously, such as Heaven gods, sometimes cruel brutal, resembles nine quiet devils, more often it like a stubbornly disobedient child, will formulate some strange principles to each plane, either takes their souls as the price, either grants them some special darkness supernatural powers.” Astraea stated said. 黑暗王是一个性格乖张的帝王,它有的时候慷慨赐予,如天界神明,有的时候残暴无情,似九幽魔鬼,更多时候它就像一个顽劣的孩童,会给各个位面制定一些奇奇怪怪的法则,要么以他们的灵魂为代价,要么就是赐予他们一些特殊的黑暗法力。”阿莎蕊雅述说道。 Listened to a Astraea such saying, Mo Fan to remember itself suddenly actually and King of Darkness has had social dealings, although was only King of Darkness small clone. 阿莎蕊雅这样一说,莫凡忽然间想起了自己其实曾经和黑暗王打过一次交道,尽管只是黑暗王其中一个小小的分身 Soul that at that time to snatch Mu Bai had been controlled by King of Darkness, they went to Heavenly Mountain to seek for the division quartz, it is said that was one of gems King of Darkness most liked. 当时为了抢回穆白已经被黑暗王掌控住的灵魂,他们去天山寻找司石英,据说那是黑暗王最喜欢的宝石之一。 But the division quartz has the function to King of Darkness, Mo Fan has very deep suspicion, to its rank, this type of gem should also be insufficient to lack again rarely, but in classical of Greece from beginning to end has such a legend, the division quartz can receive in exchange a soul from King of Darkness. 可司石英到底对黑暗王有作用吗,莫凡带着很深的怀疑,到了它那种级别,这种宝石再稀有应该也不至于缺少,可希腊的古典中却始终有这样一个传说,司石英能够从黑暗王中换回一个灵魂。 darkness plane is prosperous and huge, will have many plane creature to try to rely on their strengths, including our human inside darkness Mage, offers the supernatural power that own hard painstaking cultivation refining up through the sacrifice, received exchange for the darkness method. But darkness plane also has the inseparable relation with many other plane, therefore here momentarily along with carving to have the life to fall into, had not died including our types, the live person who the soul has not lost, this life calls it the traveler.” 黑暗位面昌盛、庞大,会有许多位面生物都试图借助它们的力量,包括我们人类里面的黑暗法师,通过祭献自己的辛苦修炼的法力,换取到黑暗法门。而黑暗位面又与其他许多位面有着密不可分的联系,所以这里随时随刻都会有生灵掉入进来,包括我们这种即没有死亡,灵魂又没有失去的活人,这种生灵称之为旅人。” Originally, King of Darkness can make these travelers stay here forever, but it always likes playing one to be similar to the Lord God same game. It all travelers who arrive at darkness plane one time the opportunity of returning to the original world, the premise obeys its game rule. Won, is living departure, does not gather any price, lost, will then stay here forever and ever, your meat body belongs to King of Darkness, your soul belongs to King of Darkness, cannot live, will actually cross the alternative in the death colorful “本来,黑暗王可以让这些旅人永远留在这里,可它总是喜欢玩一场类似于主神一样的游戏。它给所有来到黑暗位面的旅人一次回到自己本来世界的机会,前提是遵照它的游戏规则。赢了,活着离开,不收取任何代价,输了,便永生永世留在这里,你的肉躯属于黑暗王,你的灵魂更属于黑暗王,不能生,却会在死亡中过得另类的‘丰富多彩’” Understanding of Astraea darkness plane is deeper than anybody. 阿莎蕊雅黑暗位面的了解比任何人都深。 Its Greece is the research of darkness plane is thorough, in the classical books mentioned, in addition can the creature direct communication with darkness plane. 本身希腊就是黑暗位面的研究非常彻底,古典书籍里面有提到,再加上能够与黑暗位面生物直接沟通。 darkness plane is not another world kingdom. 黑暗位面并非是一个另世界王国。 In fact darkness plane may be very huge than that plane of mankind exist. 事实上黑暗位面很可能比人类生存的那个位面还要庞大。 Human powerful darkness Magic, Curse System, Shadow System, Necromancy System and Poison System come from King of Darkness. 人类强大的黑暗魔法,诅咒系暗影系亡灵系毒系都源自于黑暗王 To put it bluntly, which day of King of Darkness is sad, closed among the sacrifice with human to offer the channel, human will lose the strength of entire four department directly! 说白了,哪天黑暗王心情不好,关闭了与人类之间的祭献通道,人类将直接失去整整四个系的力量! King of Darkness, deserving exists high, until now had not found to exceed existence of King of Darkness in the research of human. 黑暗王,当之无愧的最高存在,迄今为止在人类的研究中还未找到超越黑暗王的存在。 What that game rule is, will all our travelers be integrated in this game?” Mo Fan asked. “那游戏规则是什么,我们所有的旅人都会被纳入这个游戏里面吗?”莫凡问道。 In the bone ash sand distant place, the urbanites of many vacant collapse, they are somewhat wearing the career suit, some fashions are pretty, was entrained into another plane like this forcefully, the life mystically is given grabbing firmly by that to the high king. 在骨灰沙地远处,还有不少茫然崩溃的都市人,他们有些身穿着职业套装,有些时尚靓丽,就这样被强行拽入到了另一个位面,性命被那个神秘至高的王给牢牢的抓着。 They are also the travelers, naturally must follow.” Astraea said. “他们也都是旅人啊,当然得遵循。”阿莎蕊雅说道。 Su Lu really damn, does not know that many people can live.” Mo Fan said. 苏鹿真的该死啊,也不知道有多少人可以活着回去。”莫凡说道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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