ADM :: Volume #26

#2559: The travel of hell

Chapter 2559 第2559章 The travel of hell 地狱之旅 On that leafed door, there is a distortion such as the long mark of centipede, interlocked one had the independent corner did not know what creature head design. 那扇门上,有扭曲如蜈蚣的长痕,交错成了一个带有单独一根犄角的不知什么生物的头颅图案。 When the gate of entire darkness opens, this head design opened the mouth probably, swallowed into everyone one breath his throat. 当整个黑暗之门打开时,这头颅图案像是张开了嘴,将所有人一口气吞入到了他的喉咙之中。 Passed through mounted the thick dim throat, what will soon arrive was a bright red esophagus. 穿过了黏稠昏暗的喉咙,即将抵达的是一个鲜红的食道。 The esophagus is giant like an independent world, the words that but carefully looks at will find that this bright red esophagus impressively is comprised of the countless insect, these insects somewhat are very bright red, some are jet black, must compose one a fearful esophagus, does not know that actually to have many such insect, they in process of creeping motion, even felt that this esophagus also wriggles! 食道巨大得像一个独立的世界,可仔细看的话会发现这个鲜红的食道赫然是由数之不尽的虫子组成,这些虫子有些鲜红无比,有些却漆黑至极,要组成一个这样一个可怕的食道,不知究竟是有多少这样的虫子,它们在蠕动的过程中,甚至感觉这个食道也随之蠕动! Just like transporting freshest food is the same, the black turbulent current washed out here tens of thousands people, after all black worms saw the live person, all threw unexpectedly, such as malicious ghost such tearing and biting! 宛如输送下来最新鲜的食物一样,黑色的激流将几万人冲刷到了这里,所有的黑色蠕虫看到了活人之后,竟然全部扑了上来,如恶鬼那样争相撕咬! In the black turbulent current, Mo Fan looks at these black worms, suddenly familiar feelings. 黑色激流里,莫凡看着这些黑色的蠕虫,忽然之间有一种熟悉的感觉。 Was surrounded, was gnawed, almost must from be submerged by these black worms in all directions, that desperate Mo Fan still remembers with the fear until now, if not Little Flame Fairy gives self up to display the fire of Heavenly Tribulation, perhaps oneself had been gnawed anything initially not remaining! 被包围,被啃噬,几乎要被这些黑色蠕虫从四面八方淹没,那份绝望与恐惧至今莫凡还记得,如果不是小炎姬舍身施展天劫之火,恐怕自己当初已经被啃噬得什么都不剩下! This Su Lu, did not hesitate to entrain the darkness hell everyone unexpectedly!!” “这个苏鹿,竟然不惜将所有人拽到了黑暗地狱!!” The lunatics, Su Lu is a through and through lunatic, when knows that is unable to contend with Black Dragon and Ka, Mo Fan, he displayed such law of the evil banning, the one breath curls in the darkness turbulent current the complete people. 疯子,苏鹿就是一个彻头彻尾的疯子,在知道无法和黑龙、莎迦、莫凡抗衡的时候,他施展出这样一个邪禁之法,一口气将全部人都卷到了黑暗激流里。 This darkness turbulent current, flowed is not other place, precisely one European calls it the hell darkness plane! 黑暗激流,流向的不是别的地方,正是一个被欧洲人称之为地狱的-黑暗位面 This is the darkness plane entrance, the darkness worm that those blots out the sky is the best proof, initially Mo Fan and Xinxia were nearly towed to entrain. 这是黑暗位面的入口,那些铺天盖地的黑暗蠕虫就是最好的证明,当初莫凡心夏都险些被拖拽进去。 „!!!!!” “啊啊啊!!!!!” „!!!!!!!” “啊啊啊!!!!!!!” Help, do not eat me, do not eat me!!!” “救命啊,不要吃我,不要吃我!!!” Go away, go away, your dirty hybrids!” “走开,走开,你们这些肮脏的杂种!” Tens of thousands people, are the huge scales, but the quantity of black worm is more exaggerating, these people looked like experience screening of meat factory general, some people smooth crashing into to the darkness entrance of most bottom, some people were actually eaten cleanly by the black worm, bone sediment not remaining. 几万人,本是庞大规模,可黑色蠕虫的数量更夸张,这些人就像是经历了一场肉食工厂的筛选一般,有些人顺利的坠入到了最底部的一个黑暗入口中,有些人却被黑色蠕虫吃得一干二净,骨头渣子都不剩下。 Struggles, does not help matters, so huge crowd their previous second also in flower-decked city, even under the dispute campaign, they are still safe and uneventful, but the next second actually fell into this worm hell, degenerated into food of hell worm, the picture terrifying must make other person of intermittent scalp tingles that those fell by luck! 挣扎,无济于事,如此庞大的人群他们前一秒还在繁花似锦的城市之中,即便在纷争战役下,他们也安然无事,可下一秒却跌入到了这个蠕虫地狱里,沦为地狱蠕虫的食物,画面恐怖得令那些侥幸落下去的其他人一阵阵头皮发麻! They do not know where here is, does not know why will crash into here, Su Lu fearful bans evilly, the undifferentiated attack all, his goal, seems being slaughters and destroys. 他们不知道这里是哪里,更不知道为什么会坠入到这里,苏鹿的可怕邪禁,无差别的攻击着一切,他的目的,似乎就是杀戮和毁灭。 Depends on your dirty insects also to injure me??” Ultra-Order Mage angry exclaiming in Dubai tower. “就凭你们这些肮脏的虫子也想伤我??”一名迪拜塔中的超阶法师愤怒的吼道。 He is Wind Mage, [Wind Slaughter Slash] has swept, hundred and thousand of black worms were cut the blood juice fragment. 他是一名风系法师,屠风斩扫过,成百上千的黑色蠕虫被切割成了血汁碎片。 The battle efficiency of black worm is not high, is the quantity is numerous, can never kill unable to kill. 黑色蠕虫的战斗力并不高,就是数量众多,永远杀不死杀不完。 But this Wind Mage has not been pleased with oneself with enough time, a huge incomparable shadow appears from the black worm, that black xu xu fierce body fierce throws toward that Wind El­e­ment Ultra-Order Mage! 可这名风系法师还没有来得及沾沾自喜的时候,一个庞大无比的黑影从黑色蠕虫中出现,那黑魆魆的狰狞身躯猛的朝着那名风系超阶法师扑去! The claw fishes, Wind El­e­ment Ultra-Order Mage was pinched like the rag doll in the palm. 爪子一捞,风系超阶法师像布偶那样被捏在手掌心里。 Numerous grasps, the blood plasma overflowed from this darkness creature claw seams, moreover it also searched the past the head, licked this red juice with the tongue. 重重的一握,血浆从这个黑暗生物的爪缝间溢了出来,而且它还将脑袋探过去,用舌头去舔一舔这红色的汁。 This was witnessed by many people, many have no average person of supernatural power to scare to death directly. 这一幕被很多人目睹,许多根本没有任何法力的普通人更是直接吓死过去。 This black xu xu fierce monster chooses those to have the human powerhouse of resistance ability specially, is almost claw Insta-kill, its grinning fiendishly sound is also strange, takes slaughtering as completely happily, immerses to be one of them. 这黑魆魆狰狞怪物专门挑选那些有反抗能力的人类强者,几乎都是一爪秒杀,它的狞笑声又诡异至极,完全就是以杀戮为乐,沉浸在其中。 Tens of thousands people, can enjoy the long-term joy. 好几万人,能够给它享受很长时间的快乐。 Quick, this monster appeared near Mo Fan´s. 很快,这怪物出现在了莫凡的附近。 It as if smells the aura that on Mo Fan lent. 它似乎嗅到了莫凡身上散发出来的气息。 It is dragging the long tail, by, with the claw opens out those it at all not pleasant human, the pupil stubbornly is gradually staring at Mo Fan. 它拖着长长的尾巴,逐渐靠来,用爪子拨开那些它根本不入眼的人类,瞳孔死死的盯着莫凡 Suddenly, this powerful monster to damn is the same, frightening the body is uncoordinated, disperses the leg to run unexpectedly. 突然,这强大至极的怪物跟见了鬼一样,吓得身子都不协调了,竟然撒开腿就跑。 The black worm almost composed a stretch of soft sand bed, that monster precisely drilled inside directly, whatever unexpectedly those human fell into darkness plane, does not dare to come out to hunt. 黑色的蠕虫几乎组成了一片柔软的沙层,那怪物正是直接钻到了里面,竟然任由那些人类落入到黑暗位面里,再也不敢出来狩猎。 Fellow who Mo Fan sees that scared out of one's wits, is funny. 莫凡看到那个吓破胆的家伙,不禁好笑。 Has not thought that here can also run into acquaintance! 没有想到在这里还能够遇到“熟人”! Killed by mistreatment the black xu xu monster of human powerhouse a moment ago, precisely Greece God of Death Thanatos!! 刚才虐杀人类强者的黑魆魆怪物,正是希腊死神骸旯!! Once participated in Holy Inquisition Tribunal final tried Magic, can person living entraining of some monstrous crimes into to the hell, accept the most fearful soul to suffer in darkness plane, in the true sense always can not be reincarnated. 曾经参与圣裁院的最终审判魔法,可以将一些罪恶滔天的人活生生的拽入到地狱里,在黑暗位面中接受着最可怕的灵魂折磨,真正意义上的永世不得超生。 May in the Parthenon Temple disturbance, Thanatos cause heavy losses by Devil Mo Fan, hits half dead not saying that those belonged to its body part of black worms of also almost to be exterminated by the fire of Heavenly Tribulation. 可在帕特农神庙风波中,骸旯恶魔莫凡重创,打了个半死不说,那些属于它身体一部分的黑色蠕虫还被天劫之火差点灭绝了。 Regarding Thanatos, that is a lesson of blood, rested and built up strength for a long time restored slightly some. 对于骸旯来说,那是一次血的教训,休养生息了这么久才稍微恢复了些许。 But Thanatos cannot even think, will see god of plague Devil again! 可连骸旯自己都想不到,会再一次见到瘟神恶魔 Therefore who after knowing the opposite party is, Thanatos turns around walks, almost frightens is frightened out of one's wits. 所以在知道对方是谁后,骸旯掉头就走,差点吓得魂飞魄散。 Thanatos is Perception very strong creature, it can feel that Mo Fan these became time stronger, at all was not its this supreme Sovereign can contend! 骸旯是一个感知力很强的生物,它能够感觉到莫凡这一次变得更强了,根本不是它这个至尊君主能够抗衡的! „Is below really darkness plane?” Mo Fan is unable to get out of the black turbulent current. “难道下面真的是黑暗位面?”莫凡无法摆脱黑色激流。 In fact Ka, Black Dragon have no way to get rid including Su Lu, all portraits were to sit a bantone toward the train of death hell, the midway are unable to leave! 事实上莎迦、黑龙包括苏鹿在内都没法摆脱,所有人像是坐上了一班通往死亡地狱的列车,中途根本无法离开! „Will these people also be involved in darkness plane completely??” “难道这些人也都将全部被卷入到黑暗位面??” Mo Fan looks at the under foot and top of the head, countless city people, they together by Su Lu banned the magic arts dragging to entrain evilly. 莫凡看着脚下和头顶,数之不尽的城市居民,他们共同被苏鹿的邪禁法术给拖拽了进来。 Many person luck are not good, directly by black worm eating, but also is left over probably 10,000-20,000 people, they and same , was attracted pulls to darkness plane in...... 很多人运气不好,直接被黑色蠕虫给吃了,还剩下大概10,000-20,000人,他们和自己一样在被吸扯到黑暗位面里…… Crazed. 丧心病狂。 Su Lu this act is simply crazed! 苏鹿这个行径简直丧心病狂! not only wants Mo Fan, Black Dragon and Ka to be buried along with the dead, wants the Dubai city tens of thousands people buried along with the dead with him together! 不仅莫凡、黑龙、莎迦陪葬,更要迪拜城几万人一起跟他陪葬! Mo Fan, Mo Fan, Mo Fan!” 莫凡,莫凡,莫凡!” Suddenly, some back people are shouting themselves. 忽然,背后有人在喊自己。 Mo Fan has turned the head, accidental/surprised discovery Astraea unexpectedly to oneself less than several hundred meters away place, but among these several hundred meters is flooding the build bigger black worm. 莫凡转过头去,意外的发现阿莎蕊雅竟然在离自己不到几百米远的地方,只不过这几百米之间充斥着体型更大的黑色蠕虫。 Astraea is also darkness Mage, she very diligently glide comes toward Mo Fan here. 阿莎蕊雅也是黑暗法师,她正很努力的朝着莫凡这里“滑翔”过来。 Mo Fan is somewhat helpless, never expected that Astraea was also curled. 莫凡有些无奈,没有想到阿莎蕊雅也被卷了进来。 The travel of this hell, did not calculate lonely. 这个地狱之旅,不算寂寞了。 But somewhat yearns for the original world! 可还是有些留恋本来的世界啊! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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