ADM :: Volume #25

#2460: All depending on suspicion

United Kingdom, castle a close to roaring sea cliff. 英国,一座靠近咆哮海崖的城堡。 The splendid corridor end has a luxurious suite, in the hall in suite, on the broad sofa is lying down an exhausted person. 富丽堂皇的走廊尽头有一间奢华的套房,套房的厅内,宽阔的沙发上正躺着一个疲惫不已的人。 On the rug of sofa , the person paralysis there, only has to wear big long hair combed straight back Mu Bai of light gray suit, straight sitting on the chair, eyes closed maintains mental tranquility. 沙发的地毯上,也有一个人瘫在那里,唯有身穿着一身浅灰色西装的大背头穆白,端正的坐在椅子上,闭目养神。 The person of paralyzed on rug, is having a cell phone on hand. 瘫在地毯上的人,手边正有一只手机。 After he hears those that opposite said that sat immediately, was serious. 当他听到对面说的那些之后,立马坐正了起来,一脸严肃。 We return to homeland now.” Mo Fan to another two humanity. “我们现在回国。”莫凡对另外两人道。 Opened what joke, we give Irene that young sorceress to hit to finish, tired to become dog!” Fell into Zhao Manyan to sofa to call immediately. “开的什么玩笑,我们才给艾琳那个小巫婆打完工,累成狗了!”陷入到沙发里的赵满延立刻叫了起来。 Mo Fan, you first said the matter.” Mu Bai opened the eye, talked over the telephone he also to listen a moment ago. 莫凡,你先说事情。”穆白睁开了眼睛,刚才通话他也听了一些。 We walk while listen to the monkey to relate in detail.” Mo Fan said. “我们一边走一边听猴子细说。”莫凡说道。 ...... …… Puts on the earphone, wanted speed quickest wind Luo Sub-Dragon, three people rush to United Kingdom to be cloudy immediately the sky, toward the West to flying. 戴上耳机,要了一条速度最快的风罗亚龙,三人立刻冲上了英国乌云密布的天空,朝着西方向飞去。 Flew mistakenly the direction?” Zhao Manyan asked a mouth suddenly. “是不是飞错了方向?”赵满延忽然问了一嘴。 At this time this wind Luo Sub-Dragon flies in the direction of Atlantic Ocean. 此时这条风罗亚龙是往大西洋的方向飞去的。 Earth is round, mental handicap.” Mo Fan this geography idiot found an opportunity to spurt others with great difficulty, immediately said. “地球是圆的,智障。”莫凡这个地理白痴好不容易找到了一个机会喷别人,马上道。 Zhang Xiaohou in Hawaii?” Mu Bai asked. 张小侯在夏威夷?”穆白问道。 Em, first goes to there and he meets, how long this wind Luo does Sub-Dragon want to arrive?” Mo Fan inquired. “恩,先去那里和他见个面,这条风罗亚龙要多久可以抵达?”莫凡询问道。 20 hours.” Mu Bai replied. “二十个小时吧。”穆白回答道。 This wind Luo Sub-Dragon precisely Irene gives their reward, are more than a attribute of wind Flying Dragon, in the flight must Flying Dragon in market, its domesticated degree also arrive at six stars splendidly. 这条风罗亚龙正是艾琳送给他们的酬劳,比飞龙多一个风的属性,在飞行上也要出色于市面上的飞龙,其驯化程度也到了六个星。 However, Irene is also very mean-spirited, gave this wind Luo Sub-Dragon, delivers two Flying Dragon her is not willing. 不过,艾琳也很小气,就给了这一条风罗亚龙,多送两条飞龙她都不肯。 Although the good wind Luo Sub-Dragon build is small a little compared with Flying Dragon, carrying/sustaining three human had more than enough to spare. 还好风罗亚龙体型虽然比飞龙小那么一点,承载三个人类是绰绰有余了。 The sea flies compared with the land flight safety, after all most sea creature are in the stay sea, high-level sea creature in the deep sea, they are not interested in the sky very much. 海洋飞行会比陆地飞行安全许多,毕竟大部分海洋生物栖息海洋里,高级海洋生物在深海之中,它们对天空并不是很感兴趣。 Has the tribe and race that the need makes the tyrant sky on the land, they will not make the low-ranking flying beast pass through their territorial airspace casually. 在陆地上却有需要制霸天空的部落、种族,它们就不会随随便便让级别低的飞兽经过它们领空。 Naturally, wind Luo Sub-Dragon this rank, most land regions same will not be affected, the prestige of big dragon is placed there, the magic beast ghost needs [Repulsion Blast]. 当然,风罗亚龙这种级别,大部分陆地区域也一样不会受到影响,巨龙之威摆在那里,妖魔鬼怪都需要退散 ...... …… 20 hours of in the air travel, happen to can make them rest. 二十个小时空中之旅,也正好可以让他们三个人休息休息。 Arrived in Hawaii, Mo Fan is somewhat strange, how the American makes Hawaii have central Pacific Ocean, and wasn't besieged by powerful Sea-Monster? 抵达了夏威夷,莫凡有些奇怪,美国人是怎么让夏威夷存在太平洋中部,而又不被强大海妖围攻的? It is said is in Hawaii has a natural ore, will release a special ban, this type bans the Sea-Monster unusual contradiction, therefore they are not interested here 1 point.” Mu Bai showed him to study the tyrant to have the knowledge that. “据说是夏威夷岛上存在一种天然的矿石,会释放一种特殊的禁制,这种禁制海妖非常的抵触,所以它们对这里一点都不感兴趣。”穆白展现出了他学霸该有的学识。 That this type of ore overspreads our coastline, wasn't the coastline security?” Mo Fan said. “那这种矿石铺满我们海岸线,不是海岸线安全了?”莫凡说道。 You feel the possibility, said is natural.” “你觉得可能吗,都说是天然的了。” ...... …… Found Zhang Xiaohou in a park, sees Zhang Xiaohou time, Mo Fan cannot bear scold: Your Ultra-Order Mage, as for hides like the tramp in the park!” 在一个公园里找到了张小侯,看到张小侯的时候,莫凡忍不住骂道:“你一个超阶法师,至于像个流浪汉一样躲在公园里吗!” cough cough, nothing can prove my status, does not have the one cent on hand.” Zhang Xiaohou awkward say/way. 咳咳,没有什么东西可以证明我身份,手头也没有一分钱。”张小侯尴尬道。 Mo Fan is more speechless to Zhang Xiaohou. 莫凡张小侯更加无语。 Must do that earth-shaking misdemeanor, but also cares to steal a thing to use?? 都要干那么惊天动地的坏事了,还在意偷点东西来用吗?? Now, I am very actually tired, a little wants a false, to come here before here.” Zhao Manyan asked. “现在呢,其实我很累,有点想在这里度个假,以前就想过来这里了。”赵满延问道。 Four people sit in the lawn. 四人在草坪上席地而坐。 Side Zhao Manyan even has refined running to go to move the drink store to buy several bottles of iced beers, after may hear Forbidden Magic action, beverage bottle on hand all fell on the ground, broke to pieces the beer bubble! 赵满延甚至非常有雅致的跑去旁边移动饮料商店买上几瓶冰镇啤酒,可一听到“禁咒”行动后,手上的酒瓶子全落在了地上,碎出了啤酒泡沫! Your insane!!!” Zhao Manyan yelled. “你们疯拉!!!”赵满延大叫了起来。 The destruction guidance, prevents Forbidden Magic!! 破坏引导,阻止禁咒!! Zhao Manyan has also thought this time could do a ticket to be big, running from afar comes here four people to form a partnership, by their present strengths, forms a partnership truly also the competent point earth-shaking important matter...... 赵满延也想过这次可能是要干一票大的,千里迢迢的跑来这里四人合伙,以他们现在的实力,合伙起来确实也能干点惊天动地的大事来…… How may want unable to think that can prevents Forbidden Magic!! 可怎么想都想不到会是阻止禁咒!! Forbidden Magic!! 禁咒啊!! Under Forbidden Magic, all people being equal. 禁咒之下,人人平等。 Any Ultra-Order, High-Order, Middle-Order and Novice-Order, must turn into the ash!! 什么超阶高阶中阶初阶,都要化成灰!! That what's the matter, should Forbidden Magic to not relieve the hidden danger, your military assist to be right full power?” Mu Bai asked. “那到底怎么回事,禁咒不是为了解除隐患吗,你们军方应该全力协助才对?”穆白问道。 I only know now, in Sea-Monster has one type to imagine the Sea-Monster fearful life compared with us, their not only has with our equal wisdom, even has been using various methods to covet our human, steals our battle strategies, understood that our human the Magic ability, as well as supposes to us using certain special crowds to their advantageous traps.” The Zhang Xiaohou very earnest elaboration said. “我现在只知道,海妖之中存在着一种比我们想象中海妖可怕的生命,它们不仅拥有与我们相等的智慧,甚至早已经在利用各种手段觊觎着我们人类,窃取我们的作战策略,了解我们人类的魔法能力,以及利用某些特殊的人群给我们设下一些对他们有利的陷阱。”张小侯很认真的阐述道。 Human must be inferior in the strength in magic beast freely, but the unity and wisdom of human, cause magic beast presumptuously thinks to invade the human territory the time will also dread incomparably. 人类尽管在力量上要逊色于妖魔,但人类的团结与智慧,使得妖魔妄想侵略人类领地的时候也会忌惮无比。 When deals with Sea-Monster, people thought subconsciously can rely on the wisdom to divert Sea-Monster, to control Sea-Monster, to suppress the attack of Sea-Monster, the fact is actually not true! 所以在应对海妖的时候,人们下意识觉得可以凭借着智慧来牵制海妖、控制海妖、抑制海妖的进攻,事实却并非如此! This...... some scholars have put forward this theory, in deep sea sea area that perhaps in we do not understand, Sea-Monster has their civilizations, but we really know about the sea too few.” Mu Bai nods, approved of Zhang Xiaohou to speak these words very much. “这个……一些学者是有提出过这种理论,兴许在我们不了解的深海海域里,海妖拥有它们自己的文明,只是我们真的对海洋了解太少。”穆白点了点头,很赞同张小侯说得这番话。 „, The Forbidden Magic plan had been understood clearly by Sea-Monster if as expected, and they are using this Forbidden Magic strength.” Zhang Xiaohou then said. “不出意外的话,禁咒计划早已经被海妖洞悉了,并且它们在利用这次禁咒的力量。”张小侯接着说道。 little Hou, you are also a general, if you have ironclad evidence, presents to own experience and proof the military leader, believes that this matter can solve with a more peaceful way, why bother to make us be the orphan?” Zhao Manyan said. “小侯啊,你好歹也是一名将军,假如你有真凭实据,把自己的经历和论证呈现给军方领袖,相信这件事可以用更和平的方式解决,何苦让我们大家做孤儿呢?”赵满延说道。 Zhang Xiaohou the face, is shaking the head to say painstakingly: Issue has no ironclad evidence in me.” 张小侯苦着脸,摇了摇头道:“问题就在我没有任何真凭实据。” „......” “……” A moment ago in other words, you said is your speculations??” Mu Bai also gawked under. “也就是说,你刚才说的都是你的猜测??”穆白也愣了下。 Also thinks that Zhang Xiaohou had knowledge of what quite astonishing secret, in the end does not have the least bit basis. 还以为张小侯掌握了什么相当惊人的秘密,到头来却是没有半点依据。 For a suspicion, destroys the Forbidden Magic guidance?? 就为了一个猜想,去破坏禁咒引导?? Traded to make the ancient times, this with plotting a rebellion to have anything to distinguish, must implicate the nine generations!! 换做古代,这跟谋反有什么区别啊,要株连九族的!! Relax, I will not let everyone, for I thought that my decision is truly careless. Therefore when the time comes we could fan out in two groups.” Zhang Xiaohou looks at three people, on the face revealed several points of ashamed color. “放心,我不会让大家为了我这样的一个猜想拼命的。我觉得自己的这个决定确实草率。所以到时候我们可能要兵分两路。”张小侯看着三人,脸上露出了几分惭愧之色。 How does fan out in two groups?” Mo Fan asked. “怎么个兵分两路?”莫凡问道。 I must try to prove, that place is near in Forbidden Magic that another army erects in advance. If also has the same silver ore seabed columella near in advance, is certain this Dragon King ringleader is a trap.” “我得去求证,那个地方就在另外一支部队架设的禁咒预临点。假如预临点也有一样的银矿海底地壳轴,那么可以肯定这次龙王罪魁就是一个陷阱。”
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