ADM :: Volume #25

#2419: Now your anything is not

„!!!” “啊!!!” A pitiful yell, on Ge hero chest presented the sharp blade to cut open the general wound, the blood fog sprays. 一声惨叫,葛雄胸膛上出现了利刃割开一般的伤口,血雾喷洒。 His body also takes off/escapes the strength in this flash, slowly kneels down, the boneless lies to fall down like that the bright red blood continues to overflow from his body, a pool of blood beach. 他身体也在这一瞬间脱力,缓缓的跪倒下来,无骨那般趴倒在地上,鲜红的血从他的身下继续溢出,血泊一滩。 Not far away, several discipline Mage are holding severe wound Mu Tingying. 不远处,几名戒律法师正扶着重伤的穆婷颍。 Mu Tingying persists in not leaving, is enduring the severe pain, must see Mu Ningxue to end up with a fate, however she wants to see simply has not happened. 穆婷颍坚持不离开,忍着剧痛,要看到穆宁雪落得和自己一个下场,然而她想看到的根本没有发生。 Ge Xiongbai! 葛雄败了! He the master as discipline hall, can be in the Mu old family being able to stand in line number powerhouse, isn't he Mu Ningxue opponent?? 他作为戒律堂的主人,算得上是穆氏世族里排得上号的强者,连他都不是穆宁雪的对手?? ...... …… Mu Ningxue simply has not paid attention to Ge hero again, she continues to proceed following the level area in mountain country. 穆宁雪根本没有再理会葛雄,她顺着山坪继续往前走。 The front is one piece is restored the fine halfway up the mountainside botanical garden, evergreen ancient Zhu plants all over, their branch and leaf are completely the azure emerald greens, but because above fell the reasons of many snowflakes, enabling this bamboo botanical garden to have the poem and painting ideal condition. 前方是一片被修缮得非常精致的半山园林,四季常青的古竹种得漫山遍野,它们树枝、树叶全部都是青翠色,但由于上面都落了许多雪花的缘故,使得这片竹子园林更有诗画意境。 Crossed this snow bamboo groves, can see the main building of Mu old family, as precipitates in Im­pe­r­ial Capital does not know that many generation of most powerful old families, their main buildings endured compared with ancient palace error. 过了这片雪竹林,就可以看到穆氏世族的主楼了,作为在帝都沉淀不知多少代的最强盛世族,他们的主楼堪比古代宫阙。 The bamboo fence of standing tall and erect, the azure flagstone, is becoming red-hot popular the golden tiled roof-peak, a limpid mountain spring flows, entire continuously path to lead to main building in this mountain stream, steps on this ice glass long saying that walks can also while appreciates in the stream the school of fish to play. 高耸的篱墙,青色的石板,红透着金色的瓦顶,一条清澈的山泉流淌,整个一直通向主楼的道路就在这山溪上,踩着这冰玻璃长道,一边走还能够一边欣赏溪里鱼群嬉戏。 Mu Ningxue walks on the say/way at this time in this ice glass stream, surroundings those was high can cover the bamboo forestry of sky, as the wind swing was unceasing, just like azure mighty waves 40-50 meters in top of the head. 穆宁雪此时就走在这条冰玻璃溪上道上,周围那些高得可以遮盖了天空的竹林叶随着风摇摆不断,宛如青色的波澜就在头顶上40-50米。 More and more discipline Mage appear around her. 越来越多戒律法师出现在她周围。 What a pity, master Ge hero of their discipline hall was just beaten, pouring is unconscious on the ground, the disciples in these discipline halls do not certainly dare to act rashly, can only like one flock of crows...... 可惜,他们戒律堂的主人葛雄刚刚被击垮,倒在地上不省人事,这些戒律堂的弟子们当然不敢轻举妄动,只能够像一群乌鸦那样…… Immediately obtained the resplendent in gold and jade green main building, Mu Ningxue saw the man who is wearing the dark purple azure collarless garment stood before oneself. 马上就得到了金碧辉煌的主楼了,穆宁雪看到一名身穿着绀青色无领衫的男子站在了自己面前。 Discipline Mage do not dare to keep off on the path that Mu Ningxue goes forward, they follow in behind, in side, because any obstructs the person who Mu Ningxue goes forward, will cause heavy losses by her. 戒律法师们都不敢挡在穆宁雪前进的道路上,他们只是在背后跟着,在侧面,因为任何阻扰穆宁雪前进的人,都会被她重创。 This person obviously was Mu sends to cope with the Mu Ningxue expert, he seemed like also young, on the outstanding face brought self-confident pale to smile, even saw Mu Ningxue to bring several points of murderous aura, his facial expression was invariable. 此人明显是穆氏派来对付穆宁雪的高手了,他看上去也非常年轻,俊逸的脸上带着自信的淡笑,即便看到穆宁雪带着几分杀气,他神情不变。 Extraordinary, can such short time beat Ge hero.” “了不起,能这么短的时间击败葛雄。” These year of discipline hall truly some are not booming, probably also because of existence of Ge hero such waste. This traded from top to bottom one round!” “这些年戒律堂确实有些不景气啊,大概也是因为葛雄这样废物的存在。该从上至下都换一轮了!” The azure collarless garment man said. 青色无领衫男子说道。 His these words, seemed like to those discipline Mage say. 他的这番话,似乎是对那些戒律法师说的。 Mu Ningxue, you have been very actually outstanding, without having those is degrading the matter of our Mu old family, believes that you become next me hopefully.” Man tranquil saying. 穆宁雪,你其实一直都很出色,假如没有发生那些有辱我们穆氏世族的事情,相信你有希望成为下一个我。”男子平静的说道。 You do not need the complaint about Mu, the Mu old family can these years from beginning to end at the highest position, precisely, because we are willing to concentrate on the resources and painstaking care on each promising juniors, because also we dare, when the old family is under some threats, decisive wise rejection this/should rejection!” “你也没有必要对穆氏心存怨念,穆氏世族能够这么多年来始终处在最高地位,正是因为我们舍得在每一个有前景的子弟身上投注资源和心血,也因为我们敢于在世族受到一些外界威胁的时候,果断明智的舍弃掉该舍弃的!” The dark purple collarless shirt man continues to say to Mu Ningxue. 绀青无领衬衫男子继续对穆宁雪说道。 Hou Ze.” Mu Ningxue recognizes this person. “侯泽。”穆宁雪认得此人。 Mu spread all over entire country each city, will specifically be responsible for training in the clan the person of juniors to screen to each place from one crowd every four years. 穆氏遍布整个国家各个城市,每四年就会由一群专门负责培养族内子弟的人到各个地方去筛选。 The selected person, will then deliver to Mu Pang Mountain to come, competes with other hundred and thousand of Mu juniors. 被选中的人,便会送到穆庞山来,与其他成百上千的穆氏子弟竞争。 Hou Ze can be Mu Ningxue and Senior Brother of Mu Tingying this group of people, often needs one excellent example time, Hou Ze will certainly be said by those Teacher Mu. 侯泽算得上是穆宁雪、穆婷颍这一批人的师兄,更是每每需要一个“学习榜样”的时候,侯泽一定会被那些穆氏导师们挂在嘴边。 Initially when Mu Ningxue excelled all other competitors, she was analogied as the female version of this group of Mu juniors Hou Ze. 当初穆宁雪技压群雄时,她都被比喻为这一批穆氏子弟的女版“侯泽”。 Hou Ze similarly is not in the Mu clan the direct line juniors, from relies on own strength to emerge all over the country, finally stands in the Mu juniors peak. 侯泽同样不是穆氏族内直系子弟,是从天南海北中凭借着自己的实力脱颖而出,最终站在穆氏子弟巅峰的。 But Hou Ze is luckier than Mu Ningxue. 只不过侯泽比穆宁雪幸运。 His not only has not met by such setback of Mu directly rejection, renders meritorious service repeatedly, becomes the Mu truly rising character. 不仅没有遇到被穆氏直接舍弃的这样挫折,更屡屡立功,成为了穆氏真正如日中天的人物。 Now, Hou Ze entered the clan meeting, was a important member in huge Mu old family interior conference, even the position has been close to Mu Qing luan leader! 如今,侯泽进入到了族会,是庞大穆氏世族内部会议中的一名重要成员,甚至地位已经非常接近穆青鸾这种领军人物! Can not say exaggeratingly, Hou Ze is four years ago Mu Ningxue, his steamroll peer, sang loudly, enjoys Mu most collection to favor in resources, even if were many talents of same time entered into Ultra-Order, but those Ultra-Order Mage is still not able to contend with him. 可以毫不夸张的说,侯泽就是四年前的穆宁雪,他碾压同辈,一路高歌,享受着穆氏最集宠于一身的资源,哪怕是同一期的许多天才都迈入了超阶,可那些超阶法师仍旧无法与他抗衡。 Your matter I have been paying attention, actually sometimes I also admire your courage, if the bystander, perhaps also meets boast shamelessly said resists the Mu old family, after all they did not understand that Mu old family huge, what kind of power and influence had......” Hou Ze then to say. “你的事情我一直在关注,其实有的时候我也蛮佩服你的勇气,若是外人,或许还会大言不惭的说出对抗穆氏世族的话,毕竟他们根本不了解穆氏世族有多庞大,拥有怎样的权势……”侯泽接着说道。 In Mu, Hou Ze has profound understanding. 身在穆氏,侯泽深有体会。 How even if he same time, stepped into the Mu old family clan meeting initially by far finally, may enter that moment of clan meeting in fact, he was equal to just entering into to the Mu Pang Mountain power and influence entrance! 哪怕他当初如何远胜同期,最终踏入穆氏世族族会,可事实上进入族会的那一刻,他等于才刚刚迈入到穆庞山的权势山门! Still had so many compared with he stronger Mu member, still had is controlling top of his destiny stubbornly. 仍旧有那么多比他更强的穆氏成员,仍旧有死死操控着他命运的顶位者。 Mu Ningxue, is fighting a hopeless battle! 穆宁雪,是在以卵击石! Even if I, in the leader facing Mu certain clans, wants bow humbly to bow, why your Mu Ningxue dares to make a big row Mu Pang Mountain, first even/including injures two Mu important members, you really felt even defeated, still turns into a disabled person who does not have Magic is so simple, you really must underestimate Mu!” Hou Ze the tone had some obvious changes. “即便是我,在面对穆氏里某些族内领袖的时候,都要卑躬屈膝,你穆宁雪又凭什么敢大闹穆庞山,一连打伤两名穆氏重要成员,你真觉得即便是败了,也不过是变成一个没有魔法的废人那么简单吗,你真得太小看穆氏了!”侯泽语气发生了一些明显的变化。 Hou Ze and Mu Ningxue , were in the past symmetric by the Senior Brother younger sister. 侯泽与穆宁雪,过去也算是以师兄妹相称。 Initially Hou Ze settled on Mu Ningxue outstandingly beautiful with potential, truly intended to be close and direct. 当初侯泽看中了穆宁雪的绝色与潜力,确实有意接近和指点。 The Mu Ningxue mood is desolate, in the eye only then cultivates. 穆宁雪心情冷淡,眼里只有修炼。 Person who Hou Ze does not have the patience, to him, world outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman not, only then her Mu Ningxue, does not need to waste the too much time on an iceberg beautiful woman. 侯泽不是有耐心的人,对他来说,世间绝色美女并不只有她穆宁雪一个,没有必要在一个冰山美人上浪费过多的时间。 Therefore two people reluctantly are the acquaintances, but in the clan in the conference decides to abolish Mu Ningxue cultivation base time, Hou Ze has not had the least bit opposing opinion. 所以两人勉强算是熟人,但族内会议上决定废除穆宁雪修为的时候,侯泽并没有持半点反对意见。 At that time, his opposition power played some roles, at least can discipline hall to carry out in the struggle of World School from now on, Hou Ze has not such done. 当时,他的反对权能起一些作用,至少可以让戒律堂的人在世界学府之争过后再执行,侯泽没有那样做。 He does not know the reason. 他自己都不知道原因。 Perhaps, is hopes after Mu Ningxue turns into an average person , without the arrogance to be better to begin...... also or, he somewhat worried, crossed again some years, Ice Element ultra talent Mage of this day life body, after obtaining the Mu huge resources will pour into to threaten itself. 或许,是希望穆宁雪变成一个普通人后,没有了傲气更好上手……亦或者,他有些担心,再过些年,这个天生灵体的冰系超天赋魔法师,在获得穆氏庞大资源倾注后会威胁到自己。 Just arrived at Mu, I take you as an example, expected that can have such a day with you to be on par.” Mu Ningxue said to Hou Ze, now, your anything not.” “刚到穆氏,我以你为榜样,期望能有那么一天可以与你比肩。”穆宁雪对侯泽说道,“现在,你什么都不是了。”
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