ADM :: Volume #23

#2284: Rushes to the city

Whiz!!” “嗖!!” Also is together strange shadow punctures the dart, it slow incomparable flying approached that wind ship captain. 又是一道诡异的暗影刺镖,它缓慢无比的飞向了那名风舰舰长。 The dreadful captain stands there, the body by the those shadow needlework sewing, cannot be moving. 猥琐舰长站在那里,身体被那些暗影针线给缝着,根本动弹不得。 Quick he discovered that this shadow punctured the dart to fly toward his thigh infall, immediately the whole face was pale! 很快他就发现这一根暗影刺镖正朝着他的大腿交叉处飞了过来,顿时满脸苍白! No, asked you, no!” The dreadful captain entreated. “别,求求你,别!”猥琐舰长哀求道。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!” “啊~~~~~~~~~~~!!!” A sad and shrill pitiful yell resounds in this Zhongyang Avenue, the dreadful captain is covering own crotch section, non-stop on the ground is swaying back and forth. 一声凄厉的惨叫在这条中央大道中响起,猥琐舰长捂着自己的裆部,在地上不停的打滚着。 The pain lets his body cramp, suddenly two pains fold put together, the dreadful captain lives to might as well die. 痛苦让他身体抽筋,一时间两种痛叠加在一起,猥琐舰长生不如死。 This is very detailed topographic map......, how did you fight with the people of this crowd of brown rebel armies?” Zhao Manyan is grasping one volume of scroll one thing. “这是非常详细的地形图……咦,你怎么和这群褐色叛军的人打起来了?”赵满延手握着一卷卷轴一样的东西。 Although in the sky has a pair of special Crystal pupil bead to monitor Wu Ku, like the numerous satellite, but entire Re River upstream dozens kilometers, is always impossible to act according to that the stippling scope precisely on found the Wu Ku position. 尽管天空中有一双特殊的水晶瞳珠在监视着吴苦,如同百度卫星,但整个热河上游好几十公里长,总不可能根据那么点画面就精确的找到吴苦的位置。 No, waits for your to solve a waste conveniently.” Mo Fan said. “没什么,等你的这会随手解决一个人渣。”莫凡说道。 Zhao Manyan shot a look at same ground was torn to pieces the check school skirt, quick understands had anything. 赵满延瞥了一样地上一件被撕破了的格子校裙,很快就明白了发生了什么。 But that female high-school student does not know where ran up to went, in the startled situation, she only knows after withdrawing, ran outward, with meeting anything also does not say as for later. 只不过那个女高中生已经不知道跑到哪里去了,过于惊慌的情况下,她只知道脱身之后就往外跑,至于之后还会遇遇到什么又不好说了。 Mysterious Howth Sacred School does not uphold justice, said that removes removes, no matter also the lives of these average people.” Zhao Manyan complained. 奥霍斯圣学府也不太仗义啊,说撤就撤,也不管这些普通人的死活。”赵满延埋怨道。 Each is a God's favored one, in the future will take over control of the country person, truly does not need to pay attention to these war sacrificial victims, no matter in any case who won finally, they will sit in the quite high position.” Mu Bai lost the favorable impression to Mysterious Howth Sacred School all of a sudden. “他们每个都是天之骄子,未来接管国家的人,确实没有必要理会这些战争牺牲品,反正不管最后谁赢了,他们都会坐在比较高的位置上。”穆白奥霍斯圣学府一下子失去了好感。 Without means that in this world like us lofty, shoulders the person of community responsibility is not many...... Mo Fan, did you others castrating, how him call that miserably?” Zhao Manyan asked. “没办法,这个世界上像我们这样崇高,肩负着社会责任的人已经不多了……莫凡,你是不是把人家给阉了啊,他怎么叫得那么惨?”赵满延问道。 Em, the needle and match.” “恩,针和阵更配。” Your these traitors, will obtain the penalty of our brown army, you gave up any idea of come out unscathed leaves this country!!” Brown army Corporal loudly points at Mo Fan to exclaim. “你们这些叛逆者,会得到我们褐军的惩罚,你们休想安然无恙的离开这个国家!!”一名褐军小队长指着莫凡大吼道。 Zhao Manyan arrived at that Corporal front directly, a foot Corporal trampling turns by darkness imprisoned in the place. 赵满延直接走到了那个小队长的面前,一脚就将被黑暗禁锢了的小队长给踹翻在地。 „A Mahler ball, your crowd of small rebel armies also dare to say here was the dynasty? Without this rain, gives you ten courage not to dare to revolt!” Zhao Manyan scolded. “马勒个球的,就你们这群小叛军也敢在这里自称是皇朝?没有这场雨,给你们十个胆子也不敢造反!”赵满延骂道。 The brown political power regiment is very huge, is at the making a snowman effect. 褐色政权军团是很庞大,正处在滚雪球效应。 May in front of Ultra-Order Mage, brigade Mage not can be regarded anything, let alone was such dozens bullying the weak by relying on powerful connections sons of bitches! 可在超阶法师面前,一大队魔法师也算不得什么,更别说是这么几十个狐假虎威的狗东西了! Walks, don't with this crowd of army bandit waste time.” Mu Bai said. “走吧,别和这群军匪浪费时间了。”穆白说道。 Em!” “恩!” ...... …… Most people are fleeing in another direction, Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan and Mu Bai three people will be direct the brown army moist hedge that and will soon well up, although on them wears the clothes of Mysterious Howth Teacher Sacred School, but under such chaos, so long as does not put on the brown political power the clothes, will be regarded the enemy. 绝大多数人都在往另一个方向逃离,莫凡赵满延穆白三人却直接与即将涌来的褐色军潮对冲,他们身上虽然穿着奥霍斯圣学府导师的衣服,但在这样的混乱局面下,只要不是穿着褐色政权的衣服,都会被当成敌人。 The crazy offense spring water is affecting mental of everyone, they become under the continued corrosion of rainwater aura more and more hot tempered, finally even turns into one crowd only to know wild animal that slaughters. 狂戾泉水影响着每个人的心智,他们会在雨水气息的持续侵蚀下变得越来越暴躁,最后甚至变成一群只知道杀戮的野兽。 Three people do not have the conflict with the brown regiment political power person of those destruction as far as possible everywhere, as for former that castrated captain, he is not person who grasps the power, is impossible to send people to chase down the Mo Fan three people. 三人尽量不去与那些四处破坏的褐色军团政权人产生冲突,至于之前那个被阉割的舰长,他也不是什么手握大权的人,不可能派人来追杀莫凡三人。 Arrived in the city liveliest section, many residents had been controlled, their used wire netting to be stranded in some buildings or the squares. 抵达了城市最繁华的地段,已经有许多市民被控制了起来,他们被用铁丝网困在一些大楼或者广场之中。 Fortunately these brown political power servicemen have not gone crazy thoroughly, are insufficient to slaughter the resident. 所幸这些褐色政权军人也没有彻底发疯,不至于屠杀居民。 Was controlled in so many people, was taken the hostage to coerce the new federal in the situation, if the new federation did not grant the corresponding condition, the resident who these were controlled can be what fate does not say. 只是在这么多人被控制起来,被作为人质去要挟新联邦的情况下,新联邦要是不允诺相应的条件,这些被控制起来的居民会是什么下场就不好说了。 Any person!” The brown army men who is responsible for admonishing discovered three people. “什么人!”一名负责警戒的褐军男子发现了三人。 Eh, we are Mysterious Howth Sacred School teacher, dispersed with the big team.” Zhao Manyan performance is also very calm, and revealed the status. “额,我们是奥霍斯圣学府老师,和大队伍走散了。”赵满延表现的也很从容,并亮出了身份。 The brown army men frown slightly, he was speaking several local dialects to ear near communication device. 褐军男子微微皱起眉头来,他对着耳边的通讯仪说了几句当地的方言。 Front is a very big checkpoint, covered entirely the brown army Military Mage person, the Luo City middle will as if spend one to come, the building that even collapses with those is mixing Earth Magic, formed an city trench. 前面是一个很大的关卡,布满了褐军军法师的人,他们似乎将般罗城的中间破出一条界来,甚至用那些倒塌的楼房混合着土系魔法,形成了一个城市战壕。 This trench to prevent counter-attacking of federal army, but this also hindered Mo Fan three people of surely Re River. 这个战壕就是为了防止联邦军的反攻,只是这同时也阻碍了莫凡三人千万热河 Re River to Luo City this region, just like becomes the barracks of brown political power regiment, must arrive in the Re River upstream not to do with these rebel army personnel is impossible! 热河到般罗城这块区域,俨然成为了褐色政权军团的驻扎地,要神不知鬼不觉的抵达热河上游不与这些叛军人员打交道是不可能的! „Here you come to make anything, we have issued the circular, Luo City takes over control by our brown political power army now, the unrelated personnel enter the concentration camp to be subject to either, either scrams out of the city, after seven hours, still in non- brown political power serviceman of this city stay, will make processing by the enemy completely!” Saying that this stands guard the Mage righteousness expression. “你们来这边做什么,我们已经发出了通告,般罗城现在由我们褐色政权军接管,不相干的人员要么进入集中营接受监管,要么滚出城市,七小时后还在这座城市逗留的非褐色政权军人员,将全部以敌军做处理!”这名警戒法师义正言辞的说道。 This little elder brother......” Zhao Manyan pulled out a small drill, the stopper gave this to stand guard Mage, then said, we had several students, lived near Re River, we want to pick them, does not know that you can stretch the rules to us, was best to lead us to cross the city.” “这位小哥……”赵满延神不知鬼不觉的掏出了一枚小钻,塞给了这名警戒法师,接着道,“我们有几位学生,就住在热河附近,我们想把他们接走,不知道你能不能给我们通融一下,最好带我们过城。” Admonishes the little elder brother to have a dark face, the eyeball very white. 警戒小哥有着一张黝黑的脸,眼球非常的白。 Time that his eyeball moves is very obvious, he looks at this value not poor small diamond, does intentionally the proper say/way: Leads the person to cross the city to use energy very much, let alone you have three people.” 他的眼珠子动起来的时候特别明显,他看着这颗价值不菲的小钻石,故作正经的道:“带人过城是很费劲的,何况你们有三个人。” Zhao Manyan pulled out two same small diamonds immediately. 赵满延马上又掏出了两颗一样的小钻石。 Admonishes the little elder brother rapid puts in the bag, and toward looked around everywhere. 警戒小哥迅速的收入囊中,并且朝着四处张望了一下。 That...... you follow me. Remembers do not use any Magic, does not need to speak with others, after all the present is very intense battle time.” Admonishes the little elder brother to say. “那……你们跟我走。记住不要使用任何魔法,也不用跟其他人说话,毕竟现在是非常紧张的交战时刻。”警戒小哥说道。 ...... …… Follows this to stand guard the little elder brother to march into to the city trench behind. 跟随着这名警戒小哥步入到城市战壕后面。 Does not rush not to know, half city everywhere is the person of brown political power army, are many lived with them in these buildings is the same. 不闯进来不知道,半座城市到处都是褐色政权军的人,多得就跟他们本就居住在这些楼房中一样。 Has not chosen fortunately comes hardly, otherwise hit is not impossible to arrive in another end of city for several days and several nights. 还好没有选择硬来,不然打个几天几夜也不可能抵达城市的另一端。 Admonishes the little elder brother's military rank should not be low, many small Mage must salute to him, like this poured to facilitate the Mo Fan three people. 警戒小哥的军衔应该不低,不少小法师都要向他行礼,这样倒方便了莫凡三人。 So long as can arrive in west the city smoothly, crossed the tropical forest of cover again, is not far from Re River. 只要能够顺利到城市西头,再过了茂密的热带森林,便离热河不远了。 Although took Wu Ku to be not necessarily able to end this war, but at least can let all place the person in this chaos caused by war more sane, few some bled the sacrifice, some degeneration acts. 虽然拿下吴苦未必能够结束这场战争,但至少可以让所有身处这个战乱中的人更理智一点,少一些流血牺牲,少一些堕落行径。 ...... ……
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