ADM :: Volume #22

#2154: Corlett Military Academy

...... …… Babbitt is not a fool, since the opposite party ran by oneself, how he possible to consider other issues. 巴比特又不是傻子,既然对方让自己跑,他又怎么可能去考虑其他的问题。 Far away from this Devil is most important, the remaining things waited till Corlett Military Academy to say again. 远离这个恶魔才是最重要的,剩下的事情等到了克里特军校再说。 Whatever Babbitt departs, following Babbitt who the cliff road runs away also once for a while is, will be very afraid Mo Fan to attack him from behind. 任凭巴比特离去,顺着悬崖公路逃窜的巴比特还时不时回头是,深怕莫凡会从后面攻击他。 But Mo Fan from beginning to end does not have, such visits him to leave, Babbitt has walked away, he has not pursued the past meaning, is sizing up Mo Fan including nearby Miss Urey with that attractive nimble and resourceful eye. 莫凡始终都没有,就那样看着他离开,巴比特都已经走远了,他也没有追过去的意思,包括旁边的尤里小姐都用那双漂亮灵动的眼睛打量着莫凡 He possibly gets off scot-free like this.” Miss Urey said. “他可能就这样逍遥法外。”尤里小姐说道。 But was also possibly eradicated, Evil Court guild, I happen to have many accounts to calculate with them!” Mo Fan said. “但也可能被连根拔起,歹郎公会,我正好有很多帐跟他们算!”莫凡说道。 You are really an interesting person.” Miss Urey is saying, approached Mo Fan there specially, stares at the Mo Fan´s face to say with the eye pupil that pair can speak, that...... please ask, I can leave?” “你真是一个有趣的人。”尤里小姐说着,特意走近了莫凡那里,用那双会说话的眼眸盯着莫凡的脸道,“那……请问,我可以离开吗?” You are Evil Court guild?” Mo Fan asked. “你是歹郎公会的吗?”莫凡问道。 „It is not.” “不是。” You can walk.” “那你可以走了。” ...... …… The pack of wolves cleans up the scene to come is also familiar and easy, shortly after this chamber of commerce besides ruined a point, seeming like bloody is not fearful, ate White Wolf of belly plump one after another to return to summon in plane, believed such several also possibly, because this fine food advanced/Evolve small rank. 狼群清理起现场来也是轻车熟路,没多久这个商会除了破败了一点之外,看上去已经没有那么血腥可怕了,吃得肚子圆滚滚的白狼们陆陆续续回到了召唤位面中,相信有那么几只还可能因为这顿美餐进阶个小级别。 Suddenly, in the chamber of commerce was only left over Mo Fan and black face mark male. 一时间,商会里只剩下了莫凡和黑脸纹男。 This Mo Fan has not made the black face mark male walk, pulls out the cell phone, Mo Fan looked at time. 这一次莫凡没有让黑脸纹男走,掏出了手机,莫凡看了一眼时间。 Your 24 hours of time limit had arrived, the highest level that it seems like your role can touch was also that Babbitt, but Babbitt in my eyes was an old dog.” Mo Fan said to the black face mark male. “你的24小时时限已经到了,看来你这种角色能够触碰到的最高层面也就是那个巴比特了,但巴比特在我眼里就是一条老狗而已。”莫凡对黑脸纹男说道。 The black face mark male stood at this time continually could not come to a stop, he does not want dead, joining Evil Court guild was because Evil Court guild can help him obtain the thing that this whole life could not obtain in a short time rapidly, enjoyment well, has not bumped into such a fearful god of plague with enough time finally! 黑脸纹男此时连站都站不稳了,他不想死,加入歹郎公会就是因为歹郎公会能够让他短时间内迅速获得自己这辈子都得不到的东西,都没有来得及好好的享受,结果就碰到这样一个可怕的瘟神! I...... I...... asked you to forgive me...... I not to die, I really resulted in do not intend to kill that youngster, these were card Gaza send me to do, but the person who issued the order also certainly was Babbitt, we do not even know why must kill Xia Bai.” The black face mark male has frightened the crotch to be moist. “我……我……求求你原谅我……我不想死,我真得不是有意杀那个年轻人的,这些都是卡加沙派我去做的,而下达命令的人也一定是巴比特,我们甚至都不知道为什么要杀夏柏。”黑脸纹男已经吓得胯下潮湿了。 Before facing the Mo Fan´s strength, black face mark male also not nervous breakdown like the present, felt the words that could not be victorious, died at the worst. 之前面对莫凡的力量时,黑脸纹男还没有像现在这样精神崩溃,觉得打不过的话,大不了就是一死。 But after this experienced the great strength of this youngster step by step, the black face mark male realized oneself met does not know many time of people, reduce in Babbitt who in oneself cognition hoodwinked the public with the same fate. 可这一步步见识到了这个年轻人的强大之后,黑脸纹男才意识到自己遇到得是一个比自己强了不知多少倍的人,在自己认知中只手遮天的巴比特都沦落到了和自己一样的下场。 He must pinch itself, really must compare to pinch the dead ant to be easy!! 他要捏死自己,真得比捏死蚂蚁还容易!! People always so, if one day, in the world country vanished because of the war directly, that finds it hard to believe at most, the innermost feelings slightly are anxious several points. But if lives in neighbor suddenly dripping with blood pouring in own next door before oneself, brought that mind impact was entirely different, will frighten the whole body to become tender, will frighten same rolls up to weep bitterly like the child...... 人总是如此,假如忽然有一天,世界上一个国家因为战争而直接消失了,那顶多觉得不可思议,内心稍微不安几分。可如果是就住在自己隔壁的邻居忽然间鲜血淋漓的倒在自己面前,带来的那种心灵冲击就截然不同了,会吓得浑身发软,会吓得如孩童一样蜷缩痛哭…… The black face mark male is so, he cannot feel Mo Fan strongly, thought that he can kill itself, but after he lived for 24 hours, he truly realized oneself does the matter that dug one's own grave stupidly! 黑脸纹男就是如此,他感受不到莫凡到底有多强,就觉得他能杀死自己而已,可当他多活了24小时之后,他才真正意识到自己是干了一件多么愚蠢又自掘坟墓的事情! Now faces the death, gives him ten courage he not to dare to say again beforehand that words that threatens the Mo Fan family member, friend and nearby person. 现在重新面对死亡,再给他十个胆子他也不敢说出之前那番威胁莫凡家人、朋友、身边人的话了。 Asked you, I do not want dead......” black face mark male to entreat, he knelt in front of Mo Fan on own initiative, toward the ground that in the head kept knocks. “求求你,我不想死……”黑脸纹男哀求道,他主动跪在莫凡面前,将脑袋不停的往地面上磕。 You regretted, right?” Mo Fan asked. “你后悔了,对吗?”莫凡问道。 I regretted, I really must regret very much!” The black face mark male said. “我后悔了,我真得很后悔!”黑脸纹男说道。 Regretted did oneself join Evil Court guild?” Mo Fan asked again. “后悔自己加入歹郎公会了吗?”莫凡再问道。 Gives me an opportunity, I will not handle any dishonorable matter absolutely again!” Ashamed say/way that the black face mark male is from the heart. He really must be afraid now. “给我一次机会,我绝对不会再做任何伤天害理的事情!”黑脸纹男发自内心的惭愧道。他现在真得害怕极了。 Since you lamented, I give you a neat cause of death.” Mo Fan said. “既然你悔恨了,那我给你一个干净利落的死法吧。”莫凡说道。 The black face mark male stared in a big way the eye, looks at the Mo Fan´s back, he suddenly had a terrified feeling. 黑脸纹男瞪大了眼睛,看着莫凡的背影,他忽然间有种悚然的感觉。 cold intention transmits from the back, the black face mark male has turned the head, discovered that a black face collects before oneself. 一股冷意从背后传来,黑脸纹男转过头去,发现一张黑色的脸凑在自己面前。 Obviously with exactly the same, actually sent out strange smiling, felt like illuminates at the same time the magic beast mirror again! 明明和自己长得一模一样,却发出了诡异的笑,感觉像是再照着一面妖魔的镜子! Although you are throwing over the leather bag of person, but your soul is this appearance, even you saw feels fearful.” The Mo Fan´s sound passed from front. “虽然你披着人的皮囊,但你的灵魂已经是这个样子,连你自己看到了都觉得可怕。”莫凡的声音从前面传了过来。 The black face mark male was startled, the shadow of soul next second of that became dark puts out a hand, seized the black face mark male throat stubbornly. 黑脸纹男怔住了,下一秒那发黑的灵魂之影伸出了手,死死的掐住了黑脸纹男的喉咙。 Struggling that the black face mark male goes all out, but how his hand possibly can break off the shadow, that blocks shadow of his throat also in the thrust augmentation. 黑脸纹男拼命的挣扎,可他的手又怎么可能掰得开影子,那扼住他喉咙的影手还在加力。 The breath is getting more and more difficult, can only stare that and exactly the same face with that both eyes eyeball. 呼吸越来越困难,只能够用那双眼睛瞪着那张和自己一模一样的脸。 Finally, he in staring at the fierce soul was dying. 最终,他在凝视着自己狰狞的灵魂中死去。 ...... …… Crete Island has one to be situated in the south military academy, the military academy leaves the blue Sea City nation to have five kilometers distance probably, following the Panshan road to the summit, here not only can the entire blue Sea City nation income eyeground, be able to monitor the reason of Duran coastline. 克里特岛有一座坐落在南面的军校,军校大概离碧海城邦有五公里的距离,顺着盘山公路一直到山顶,这里不仅可以将整个碧海城邦收入眼底,更可以监视着杜兰海岸线的端头。 On the military academy sloping road, several trucks are shipping the cargo outward, seem to should be some needs to maintain the fresh thing, because these trucks have the refrigeration freight platform. 军校坡路上,正有几辆卡车正往外运输着货物,看上去应该是一些需要保持新鲜的东西,因为这些卡车都是拥有冷藏货厢的。 The before front door of female army major general Jesse card again military academy, she arrived at guarding a gate soldier there quickly. 女军少将杰西卡再军校的大门前,她快步走到了守门士兵那里。 What's all this about, is who issues the order to move away them?” army major general Jesse asked. “这是怎么回事,是谁下得命令将它们运走?”军少将杰西卡质问道。 The guarding a gate soldier looked up a Jesse card, even the military salute did not have the line, said: This is the instruction of your higher authority, the army major generals you have no right to question.” 守门士兵抬头看了一眼杰西卡,连军礼都没有行,开口说道:“这是您上级的指令,军少将您无权过问。” „Do I have no right to question?? This steel mountain Great Titan is we transports/fortunes from the battlefield!” army major general Jesse card angry say/way. “我无权过问??这头钢山泰坦巨人是我们从战场运回来的!”军少将杰西卡愤怒道。 „The army major general, here is the army, we are only responsible for the command prompt, please command prompt!” The gate guard soldier instead teaches the Jesse card. “军少将,这里是军队,我们只负责服从命令,也请你服从命令!”门卫士兵反而教训起杰西卡来。 Jesse card angrily. 杰西卡恼怒不已。 This matter she will certainly investigate thoroughly. 这件事她一定会查清楚的。 Now the precisely war stage, the Blue Star giant actually frequently appears in each area, including other Greek boundary. 现在正是战争阶段,蓝星巨人其实频繁出现在各个地区,包括希腊其他地界。 Has the place of Blue Star giant, their military basically must act, what may make the Jesse card not clear is, killed so many Blue Star giants, where the those expensive Blue Star giant internal organs! 有蓝星巨人的地方,他们军方基本上要出面的,可让杰西卡不明白的是,杀死那么多蓝星巨人,那些昂贵的蓝星巨人脏器都哪里去了! The internal organs of other Blue Star giant she can, no matter, the internal organs of this steel mountain Great Titan said that anything cannot be missing again for no reason! 别的蓝星巨人的脏器她可以不管,这钢山泰坦巨人的脏器说什么也不能再平白无故的失踪了! This military officer...... Dick auxiliary officer in!” A wear is bright, the whole person mental outlook quite strange man said. “这位军官……狄克军佐在吗!”一个穿着鲜亮,整个人精神面貌却相当古怪的男子说道。 „Are you...... you are Mr. Babbitt?” Guarded the soldier somewhat to recognize this person difficultly. “您是……您是巴比特先生?”守卫士兵有些艰难的认出了此人。
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