ADM :: Volume #22

#2115: Purely by charisma

The snow credible females of 12 teams encircled the Chinese olive flower design, and in the Divine Mountain square most central kept a stretch of snowy area, seemed like a white refined stage. 十二个队伍的雪足信女们围成了橄榄花的图案,并在神山广场的最中央留出了一片雪地,看上去像一个白色的雅致舞台。 At this time, does not know where presented a man who wore black formal clothes, he did not intrude Prince Shadow Division in snow elf country's like one carefully, is treading a clever and adept dance step, trod out the depth to vary actually very regular snow seal, is passing a dark charm and noble approached toward Astraea there. 这个时候,不知道从哪里出现了一位穿着一身黑色礼服的男子,他像一位不小心闯入到了雪精灵国的司夜王子,踏着一种灵巧而又娴熟的舞步,踩出了深浅不一却非常规律的雪印,就那样透着一股暗魅与高贵的往阿莎蕊雅那里靠近。 If the magic same changed a black Chinese olive flower, first empty kiss of gentleman on the Astraea back of the hand, crisscrossed this black Chinese olive later in the Astraea ear bank. 如魔术一样变出了一支黑色的橄榄花,先在阿莎蕊雅手背上绅士的虚吻,随后将这黑色的橄榄花插在了阿莎蕊雅耳畔。 The black Chinese olive flower turned into the snow white instantaneously, at the same time continuously static such as Astraea of sculpture also living...... 黑色的橄榄花瞬间变成了雪白色,同一时间一直静如雕塑的阿莎蕊雅也“活”了过来…… Fuck, who are this goods???” The Zhao Manyan eye stares greatly, tight stares at that to jump side Astraea is pulling up the black formal clothes man who the show dances. 卧槽,这货是谁啊???”赵满延眼睛瞪得更大,紧紧的盯着那个在阿莎蕊雅身边跳着撩骚舞蹈的黑礼服男子。 My his mother also wants to know, does not reach an agreement is female!” Mo Fan called out. “我他妈也想知道,不是说好全是女的吗!”莫凡叫道。 The snow letter/believes females who resurrecting comes started their dance, the soft physique made one crash into the sea of light waist and beautiful leg all of a sudden, along with sliding into the singing sound of mind...... all filled the divine nature beauty. “复活”过来的雪信女们开始了她们的舞蹈,柔软的身姿让人一下子坠入到了轻腰、美腿的海洋,伴随着滑入心灵的歌声……一切都充满了神性的美。 ...... …… Then ended the wonderful ceremony to the sunset, although a Mo Fan and Mo Fan liangs person appreciated the entire process, had a loftier cognition to Parthenon Temple as well as Saintess, is that grain of black male, really makes people very uncomfortable. 美妙的仪式到了日落便结束了,莫凡个人虽然欣赏了全部过程,对帕特农神庙以及圣女有了更崇高的认知,就是那一粒黑色的男的,实在让人特别不舒服。 Can in this grand god ritual and Saintess to the person who jumping sprinkles the dog grain crazily, absolutely is not the same children of the nobility.” Zhao Manyan feels the chin, starts to guess that by the status of man the entire city people envy. “能在这种盛大的神礼上和圣女对跳狂洒狗粮的人,绝对不是一般般的贵族子弟啊。”赵满延摸着下巴,开始揣测那个被全城人羡慕的男子的身份。 Was reasonable, the man of that black formal clothes appeared, it is estimated that under the entire day the men were brokenhearted, original(ly) this entire street 12 teams of 144 snow letter/believes females should be the entire world, static snow Saintess should also be everyone, a that black formal clothes fellow appearance, felt that all happy small jade feet, the beautiful appearance and big long leg all turned over to him, the fellow simply was the king in woman country's!! 讲道理,那个黑色礼服的男子出现的时候,估计全天下男人都心碎了,原本这整条街12队144名雪信女应该是全世界的,静雪圣女也应该是所有人的,那黑色礼服家伙一出现,感觉所有美好的小玉足,美容颜、大长腿全归他了,那家伙简直就是女人国的国王!! Their Parthenon Temple also is really, had not considered the feeling of men, pot beautiful soup well by that grain of mouse excrement badly, drinking the thief was uncomfortable.” Mo Fan said. “他们帕特农神庙也真是的,就没有考虑过男人们的感受吗,一锅好好的美汤就被那一粒老鼠屎给坏了,喝得贼难受。”莫凡说道。 Big brother, your first day knows Parthenon Temple, Parthenon Temple actually a little female reveres the principle, if you want to place a man to come at such a big ceremony, is with the Saintess hand in hand graceful dance, this male fuck background is exceedingly high!” Zhao Manyan very affirmative saying. “大哥,你第一天认识帕特农神庙,帕特农神庙其实有点女尊主义的,你要想在这样一个大典礼上会安插一个男人进来,还是和圣女携手曼舞,这男的尼玛背景通天好吧!”赵满延非常肯定的说道。 Isn't the etiquette demand?” Mo Fan provokes eyebrow puzzled asking. “不是礼仪需求?”莫凡挑起眉毛困惑的问道。 Is this, generally Parthenon Temple all big etiquette, basically do not arrange the man, their female theocracy will get sick will not compare Alps School to be light. This time will place, the reason only then......” Zhao Manyan carefully analyzes saying that product placement you understand, good does a very plot film and television, run obviously suddenly the bewildered lines or LOGO?” “是这样,一般帕特农神庙所有的大礼仪,基本上不安排男人,她们女神权病不会比阿尔卑斯山学府轻好吧。这次会安插进来,原因只有一个……”赵满延认真分析道,“广告植入你懂吧,明明很好的一段剧情影视,忽然间跑出莫名其妙的台词或者LOGO?” Your meaning is, is Parthenon Temple giving that male hitting advertisement?” Mo Fan is surprised the different way. “你的意思是,帕特农神庙在给那男的打广告?”莫凡诧异道。 Roughly can understand that male unusualness, like our Zhao Clan this type may the old family of enemy, go to and Parthenon Temple in brief richly discusses matter in the business, when they are many migratory bird being disinclined bird our good, are this whole nation magnificent ceremony level must place a person to come in let alone. Mo Fan, you feared that was walking away, at least in others Astraea at heart.” Zhao Manyan said. “大致可以这么理解吧,总之那男的非同寻常,像我们赵氏这种富可敌国的世族,去和帕特农神庙谈点生意上的事情,她们很多时候鸟都懒得鸟我们的好吧,更何况是这种举国盛典级要安插一个这样的人进来。莫凡啊,你怕是在走远了,至少在人家阿莎蕊雅的心里。”赵满延说道。 mental disorder, her has not gotten married Parthenon Temple Saintess to love with whom hi with whom, closes my trifling thing.” Mo Fan said. 神经病,她一个未嫁人帕特农神庙圣女爱跟谁嗨跟谁嗨,关我屁事。”莫凡说道。 ...... …… Goes to Parthenon Temple, happen to also met returned to the letter/believes females to Divine Mountain, after they completed this grand ceremony, everyone was cheerful and lively, is chatting some ordinary matter, before being short, that gravity on street, appearing was more energetic. 前往帕特农神庙,正好也遇见了返回到神山上的信女们,她们完成了这场隆重的仪式后,每个人都有说有笑,聊着一些很平常的事情,少了之前在街道上的那副庄重,显得更有活力。 The day started black, Parthenon Temple hosted the evening banquet in the belief palace, 144 letter/believes females will participate, meanwhile some guests of coming from far away. 天开始黑了,帕特农神庙信仰殿举行晚宴,144位信女都会参加,同时还有一些远道而来的客人。 Kelling knows Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan will come, runs over specially, getting them to enter the evening banquet together. 克里卿知道了莫凡赵满延会来,特意跑了过来,领他们两个一起入晚宴。 Together comes also has female sage Lena, in any event Mo Fan is the Xinxia family member, Xinxia cannot descend the mountain according to the stipulation at will, but should also come to receive by the female sage of certain rank, Lena and Mo Fan also calculate that knew one, Xinxia then Gempek Lena came. 一同前来的还有女贤者佩丽娜,无论如何莫凡都是心夏的亲人,心夏按照规定不能随意下山,但也应该由一定级别的女贤者前来接待,佩丽娜和莫凡也算认识一场了,心夏便让佩丽娜过来。 Parthenon Temple is this trouble, the custom specially many, wants to see one side Xinxia, only if night Touch, has basically wanted several checkpoints secretly in broad daylight, the biggest checkpoint is Thatta this old lady, she most does not hope Mo Fan and Xinxia meet. 帕特农神庙就是这点麻烦,规矩特别的多,想见心夏一面,除非夜里偷偷摸摸,大白天基本都要过好几个关卡,最大的关卡就是塔塔这老太婆,她是最不希望莫凡心夏多见面的。 This time comes happen to run upon the holiday evening banquet, since caught up, that natural(ly) must participate, lives it up anything, their two most liked! 这次过来又正好撞上节日晚宴,既然赶上了,那自然要参加的,热闹什么的,他们两个最喜欢了! ...... …… The Parthenon Temple evening banquet same custom are many, two people selected one to look at the corner of beautiful woman casually, selfish ate while looked. 帕特农神庙的晚宴一样规矩非常多,两个人挑了一个可以随便看美女的角落,自顾自的边吃边看。 That, is that I on the street paid attention, she careful calf oh in vain, I can play an evening not to bring greasily!” Zhao Manyan is pointing at has changed the snow letter/believes female of clothes to reach an agreement. “那个,就是那个,我在街上的时候就注意了,就她细细白白的小腿,我可以玩一晚上都不带腻的!”赵满延指着其中一位已经换了衣裳的雪信女说好。 Your beautiful woman locks the ability, if can your Magic locking skill is equally outstanding, we can little eat painstakingly...... the purple stewardess in Egyptian pyramid, don't you want?” Mo Fan said. “你美女锁定能力要是能够和你魔法锁定技能一样优秀,我们在埃及金字塔里可以少吃很多苦……紫色空姐,你不要了?”莫凡说道。 Hehe, this I like, walk, in the past, by her also many sisters, I feared together does not handle.” Zhao Manyan said. “嘿嘿,这个我更喜欢,走,一起过去,她旁边还有好多个姐妹,我怕搞不定。”赵满延说道。 Having the beautiful woman can pull up the show, this matter Mo Fan will not always reject! 有美女可以撩骚,这种事情莫凡从来都不会拒绝的! The thick-skinnedness of Zhao Manyan is Mo Fan has admired very much, moreover his saying something to smooth things over ability is really superb, several can chat one piece with the girls, most girls look at the face, Zhao Manyan puts on despicable airs asks for their liking very much. 赵满延的皮厚是莫凡一直都很佩服的,而且他的搭讪本领真是出神入化,不出几句就能够和姑娘们聊成一片,绝大多数姑娘又是看脸的,赵满延人模狗样很讨她们的喜欢。 Mo Fan felt oneself were different, purely by charisma! 莫凡觉得自己就不同了,纯靠人格魅力! You two are mixes, how hasn't the drop of formal clothes cut?” “你们两个是混进来的吗,怎么礼服的吊牌都没剪呀?” Eh...... rents, cut had no way to draw back.” “额……租来的,剪了就没法退了。” These words, stir up several girls to smile all of a sudden are beautifully attired. 这句话,一下子惹得几个姑娘们笑得花枝招展。 The snow letter/believes female many are experienced, their smiling were not ridiculing, has not thought in the evening banquet also has such interesting person. 雪信女不少都是见多识广的,她们的笑可不是在嘲笑,是没有想到晚宴里还有这么有趣的人。 Looked quickly, the night princekin came, is good to lead.” Age 16-year-old that snow letter/believes female brings several points of small exciting saying. “快看,夜小王子来了,好帅呀。”年龄只有16岁的那位雪信女带着几分小兴奋的说道。 Yes, really must lead well, I also want to dance a dance with him alone!” That little jade credible female who Zhao Manyan has a liking for said. “是喔,真得好帅,我也想和他单独跳一段舞!”赵满延看上的那位小玉足信女说道。 The Zhao Manyan corners of the mouth pull out, obviously was injured. 赵满延嘴角一抽,显然是受伤了。 ---- ---- ( Renewal notice: 7 th resumes two chapters of renewals ~ ~ ~) (更新通知:初七恢复两章更新~~~)
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