ADM :: Volume #19

#1884: Collapsing at the first blow Ultra-Order

Mo Fan has not acted presumptuously, in such environment, he must depend on Zhang Xiaohou the wheel of floating wind, otherwise is close to that vast Sea-Monster beast very being difficult continually. 莫凡没有擅自行动,在这样的环境下,他还是要靠张小侯的浮风之轮,不然连接近那头浩海妖兽都很困难。 Brother Fan, this is experienced old seniors, the combat disposition in good order, I think other Ultra-Order Mage should also be responsible for not the same link?” Zhang Xiaohou said. 凡哥,这是一名经验丰富的老前辈啊,战斗部署得井井有条,我想其他超阶法师应该也在负责不相同的环节吧?”张小侯说道。 Em, you looked that stands in channel central Light Element Mage, he has been using Magic to protect other and Ultra-Order Mage of this monster battle. That woman of highest place you saw, she is launching the spiritual attack, Mind System and Sound System, should be stop this vast Sea-Monster beast as far as possible displays like a moment ago the fearful powerful monster technique. That several in Light Element Mage following Pacific Mage, is Ultra-Order, coordinating the big teacher of that wear blue color clothes to launch the element attack, that side also had Plant System Ultra-Order Mage...... to be bad!” The Mo Fan vision fell in a channel Sandy Cay. “恩,你看那名站在海峡中央的光系法师,他一直都在用魔法保护着其他与这头怪物交战的超阶法师。最高处的那个女人你看到了吗,她在进行精神上的攻击,心灵系音系的,应该是尽可能的阻拦这头浩海妖兽施展像刚才那样可怕强大的妖术。还有那几个在光系法师后面的东海法师,也都是超阶的,配合那个穿着蓝色衣服的大导师在进行元素攻击,那边还有一个植物系超阶法师……糟了!”莫凡目光落在了海峡中的一块沙岛。 White Sandy Cay will submerge momentarily general in strong winds [Storm Wave], that Plant System Ultra-Order Mage is the card in a quite appropriate distance, correct use plant Magic conducts the underwater Twisting fetter to this colossus, but at this time, the vast Sea-Monster beast discovered this doing things stealthily Plant System Ultra-Order Mage, moved a moment ago that fiercely like the black scorpion crazy flood dragon same back whip claw, strikes directly toward little Sandy Cay that in that Plant System Mage is at!! 白色的沙岛在狂风暴浪中随时都会沉没一般,那名植物系超阶法师算是卡在一个比较恰当的距离,正用植物魔法对这庞然大物进行水下缠绕束缚,但就在这个时候,浩海妖兽发现了这名偷鸡摸狗的植物系超阶法师,猛的甩动了刚才那如同黑蝎狂蛟一样的背脊鞭爪,直接朝着那名植物系法师所在的小沙岛上击去!! This black scorpion crazy flood dragon bone whip, moves the time quickly such as startled day [Thunderbolt], in Sandy Cay that Plant System Ultra-Order Mage had not detected that this fatal bone whip is raiding, after all the monster build is huge, the water column soars to the heavens, he has not seen. 这黑蝎狂蛟骨鞭,甩动时候快如惊天霹雳,沙岛上那名植物系超阶法师并没有察觉到这致命的骨鞭正袭来,毕竟怪兽体型庞大,水柱冲天,他没有看见。 Boom!!!!!!!” 嘣!!!!!!!” This bone whip flings, immediately two such as the day curtain same wave seethed simultaneously, took that Sandy Cay to be divided into two as the median line long channel unexpectedly! 这一骨鞭甩下,顿时两道如天帘一样的浪同时翻腾了起来,以那个沙岛为中线冗长的海峡竟然被一分为二! So the strength, felt that can make dozens meters the big channel again deeply, dozens meters width, the sea water flies in the air falls again returns to the spacious region, that Plant System Ultra-Order Mage on white Sandy Cay as well as Sandy Cay has dissipated under the strength of this boundless startled day. 如此力量,感觉能将大海峡再打出几十米深、几十米宽,海水飞到空中再重新落回到空旷的地带,白色的沙岛以及沙岛上的那名植物系超阶法师已然消逝在了这股磅礴惊天之力下了。 Mo Fan inspires, but Zhang Xiaohou looks is dumbfounded. 莫凡倒吸了一口气,而张小侯看得更是目瞪口呆。 Every...... Brother Fan, you really must to imprison that thing.” Zhang Xiaohou recovers a while, very saying of worry. “凡……凡哥,你真得要去禁锢那东西。”张小侯好一阵子才回过神来,非常担心的说道。 First does not propose this always only to reveal that a body mountain corner/horn Hao sea monster body, that back whip bone, was much more fearful than a moment ago some Sovereign Level creature that saw commonly, that person on Sandy Cay was Ultra-Order level Mage, because neglected for a while, for a while sought after star palace in hand, such was patted is split up!! 就先不提这一正头总是只显露出身躯一山一角的浩海怪兽本躯了,就刚才那背脊鞭骨,都远比寻常见到的一些君主级生物要可怕得多,沙岛上的那人是一名超阶法师啊,就因为一时疏忽,一时贪图手中的星宫,就那样被拍得四分五裂!! Any magic armor, what Magic Shield Equipment, what endurance defends Magic, decorates in front of this vast Sea-Monster beast, a whip bone crushes all, crushes the mortal body directly, in front of the absolute strength some not solid Ultra-Order Magic seems like with the vaudeville has no distinction. 什么铠魔,什么盾魔具,什么持续性防御魔法,在这个浩海妖兽面前都是摆设,一鞭骨击碎一切,直接粉碎肉身,绝对的力量面前有些不扎实的超阶魔法都看上去跟杂耍没有什么分别。 You said that we then do handle the remaining that two sea spirit beasts not to come with enough time?” Mo Fan asked one. “你说我们回头去处置掉剩下的那两头海灵兽还来不来得及?”莫凡问了一句。 „Our is not good.” Zhang Xiaohou then looked at that Sound System old Mage. “我们这样不大好吧。”张小侯回头看了一眼那位音系法师 The Sound System old Mage eyeful shock, that Ultra-Order Mage on Sandy Cay was he appoints in the past, was mainly responsible for the underwater tenacious plant, formed a underwater plant sea to tie down the step that this vast Sea-Monster beast went forward, who would have guessed that he died like this. 音系法师满眼的震惊,沙岛上的那名超阶法师是他指派过去的,主要负责水下的坚韧植物,形成一片水下植物海来缠住这头浩海妖兽前进的步伐,哪知道他就这样死去了。 Do not lose concentration, the attention diverts, side Tong Like withstand/top the plant impediment the vacancy, cannot make this monster approach the undersea tunnel half step again, side Tong, stares is making anything, you want to see everyone are such fate!!” The Sound System old Mage sound passed to the ear of everyone. “不要分神,注意牵制,方佟立刻顶上植物阻隔的空处,决不能让这怪物再靠近跨海大桥半步,方佟,愣着做什么,难道你想看到所有人都是这样的下场吗!!”音系法师的声音传到了每个人的耳中。 Even if cannot change to lose Mage of Ultra-Order level again angrily, many mood must suppress, because vast Sea-Monster beast also, if continues to present such negligence, will have such tragedy to happen! 纵然再愤怒都改变不了损失了一名超阶级的魔法师,再多的情绪都要抑制着,因为浩海妖兽还在,若继续出现这样的疏忽,会有更多这样的悲剧发生! Brother Fan, we fight, everyone puts together the protection undersea tunnel that goes all-out.” Zhang Xiaohou said. 凡哥,我们还是战吧,大家都这么拼尽全力的保护跨海大桥。”张小侯说道。 I know. You sent me to here to be good, I will find the back root bone of this fellow, the whip bone of this monster was truly fearful, if cannot imprison with Thunder Magic, will truly die more people, its attack speed was too fast, the angle was too cunning, hard to guard.” Mo Fan said. “我知道。你送我到这里就好了,我会去找到这家伙的脊背根骨的,这怪物的鞭骨确实可怕,若是不能够用雷系魔法禁锢住,确实会死更多人,它攻击速度太快,角度太刁钻,难以防范。”莫凡说道。 Brother Fan, you will not fly, saying that own words......” Zhang Xiaohou does not feel relieved greatly. 凡哥,你不会飞行,自己一个人的话……”张小侯不大放心的说道。 You lead me like this, not only must divert attention to look after me, the speed will also be affected, coping with this monster was not our ordinary small battles, the ability does not display pinnacle to be killed momentarily. I will find the distance and position, let alone my Shadow System is not the ornaments. You do not need to manage me, oneself when seek for its field of vision breadth and blind spot must be careful again carefully, if you do not make every effort to succeed here died to me, I bury your corpse and Yu Ang wreckage in the same place!” Mo Fan said to Zhang Xiaohou. “你这样带着我,不仅要分心照料我,速度也会受到影响,对付这怪物可不是我们平常的小厮杀,能力不发挥到极致都会随时丧命。我自己会找好距离和位置,何况我的暗影系也不是摆设。你不用管我,自己在寻找它视野广度和盲区的时候一定要小心再小心,你要是不争气的在这里给我死了,我就把你的尸体和宇昂的残骸葬在一起!”莫凡张小侯说道。 Zhang Xiaohou one hear, the whole person was stimulated more energetic. 张小侯一听,整个人被刺激得精神百倍。 Brother Fan, I ensure is living well.” Zhang Xiaohou said. 凡哥,我保证好好活着。”张小侯说道。 „The monster beast ability of this rank continues these, will have many shapes, for example probes the shape, the Focus shape, the shape, the violent walks the shape full power, and dying shape, each shape their abilities are different, you must pay attention to observe, when their condition changes, the ability and monster technique may promote 1-2 scales instantaneously.” Mo Fan urged Zhang Xiaohou to say again. “这种级别的妖兽能力不止这些,甚至还会有很多个形态,比如说试探形态,专注形态,全力形态,暴走形态,以及垂死形态,每一个形态它们的能力都不一样,你要注意观察,当它们状态发生变化时,能力、妖术都可能会瞬间提升1-2档次。”莫凡再一次叮嘱张小侯道。 Mo Fan is not considered as that was strange to creature of this rank, sent Scorpion Monarch, Sphinx, the evil scale mummy...... Mo Fan unable to judge that like Totem Black Snake, Colossal Corpse, Silver Skylord, Thanatos and snake temporarily which Sovereign strength this angry sea crazy beast drew close to oneself have met specifically, but this fellow can certainly include these Sovereign in echelon. 莫凡不算是对这种级别的生物陌生了,像图腾玄蛇山峰之尸银色穹主骸旯、蛇发蝎君、斯芬克斯、邪鳞木乃伊……莫凡暂时不能够判断出这头怒海狂兽具体贴近于自己所遇到过的哪个君主的实力,可这家伙一定是可以列入到这些君主梯次里面的。 Sovereign also has the division of strong and weak, these big Sovereign and supreme Sovereign of Mo Fan clear remembering, gave Mo Fan to make such an impression mostly, they in fight conducted in the process to change the shape suddenly, the ability as also its morphogenesis huge change. 君主也有强弱之分,这些莫凡清晰的记得的大君主、至尊君主,多半都给莫凡留下了这样一个印象,它们会在战斗的进行过程中忽然变化形态,能力也随着其形态发生巨大的变化。 The probe shape was needless saying that they were the sly hidden strengths. 试探形态就不用说了,它们就是狡猾的隐藏实力。 The Focus shape is Sovereign the fight stance of comparing concentrate one's attention completely, the strength and skill that at this time displayed were their true strengths. 专注形态是君主们一种比较全神贯注的战斗姿态,这个时候施展出来的力量和技能才是他们真正的实力。 The shape is they will roughly put out full power should have the exclusive ability and race ability that as Sovereign Level, such as the snake sends Medusa staring that Scorpion Monarch has, the terrifying. 全力形态大致就是它们会拿出一些作为君主级该有的专属能力和种族能力,如蛇发蝎君具备的美杜莎凝视,恐怖至极。 The violent walks the shape, that is trump card time, Sovereign under this shape called fearfully! 暴走形态,那就是出杀手锏的时候了,这种形态下的君主才叫可怕! Now Mo Fan is unable to judge that what shape this vast Sea-Monster beast, Focus or the full power, who can reach an agreement it is also only probing?? 现在莫凡无法判断这头浩海妖兽是处在一个什么形态,专注还是全力,谁又能说好它是不是还只在试探呢??
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