ADM :: Volume #18

#1775: Spark

...... …… ...... …… The time passes by quietly, spread those to make the person palpitation howling everywhere, Mage that but can also the city in Ding City fight bravely alone are not many, on the contrary was those Rockman Monster and Large Ironrock General quantity in unceasing increase, they are using Mage that those left behind gradually toward the Hillock Rock Beast evolution, their build probably between 15-30 meter, being equivalent to three buildings was high to ten buildings. 时间悄然过去,到处都传出了那些令人心悸的吼叫声,还能够在矴城中城区独自奋战的魔法师已经不多了,反倒是那些岩石怪人岩铁巨将的数量在不断的增加,它们正在利用那些落单的魔法师逐渐朝着岗石岩兽进化,它们体型大概在15米到30米之间,相当于三层楼到十层楼高。 These Hillock Rock Beast bodies firm, grayish white pass an ore gloss, the arm, thigh and back are adhering to stick cohere a stone bone of zigzag, enabling them to seem like more dangerous fearful. 这些岗石岩兽身体非常的坚固,灰白中透着一种矿石的光泽,手臂、腿部、背部都附着一种锯齿状的石骨,使得它们看上去更加危险可怕。 The Hillock Rock Beast quantity indeed rapid growth, gave the tremendous bell tower castle tremendous pressure in one hour. 岗石岩兽数量的确在一个小时里迅速的增长,给予了大钟楼石堡巨大的压力。 Did not have other means that in a half hour will defend in the complete personnel who the mountain built recalls the city, must persevere this finally Barrier time!” Xie Qinghua issues the order to say. “没有别的办法了,半个小时内将守在山垒的全部人员调回中城区,务必坚守这最后结界时间!”谢青华发出命令道。 Wen Xia and Mo Fan side this Ding City Commander-in-Chief, Xie Qinghua solely are not the military chief senior officials, is the Magic Association elder, the military personnel and Brown Rock Mage needs to obey. 文霞莫凡就在这位矴城总指挥身边,谢青华不单单是军方这边的总长官,同时也是魔法协会的长者,军方人员与褐岩法师都需要服从。 Issues this order, was actually equal to giving up the east, south, west, and north four big Ding City city area besides city, the dark hole is gushing out those Rockman Monster and silt continuously is strange, if the original(ly) city Waishan built the defense line to give up, those Rockman Monster and Shapechanger Silt strangely recklessly walked to hunt for in entire Ding City. 下达这个命令,其实就等于放弃了除中城区外东南西北四大矴城城区,暗窟正源源不断的涌出那些岩石怪人和淤泥怪,若原本的城外山垒防线放弃的话,那些岩石怪人淤泥变形怪将肆意的在整个矴城中行走捕猎。 In Ding City also has Mage of so many other organizations, they not such have the organization and discipline like the military and Magic Association Brown Rock Mage, has the strong operational capacity, has too like Tao Jing, Zhou Donghao and Lin Qihui does not have Mage of too many actual combat capability, even a large quantities of Novice-Order strength compared with they also weak person, once gave up the defense of surrounding, these people will turn into grain of strong Rockman Monster clan! 矴城中还有那么多其他组织的魔法师,它们不像军方与魔法协会褐岩法师那样拥有组织纪律,拥有强大的作战能力,有太多像陶静周冬浩林七辉这样的没有太多实战能力的法师,甚至还有一大批初阶实力比他们还弱的人,一旦放弃了外围的防守,这些人都将变成壮大岩石怪人一族的粮食! By that time, here no longer was Ding City, but was city of the Rockman Monster...... 到那时,这里就不再是矴城了,而是一座岩石怪人之城…… You were equal to directing the mountain forest, the village perhaps the fire for the village to preserve like this temporarily , but when the trim mountain forest burnt, the village by a big sea of fire is given surrounding!” Mo Fan resolutely opposed that Ding City adopts the preserving strategy that this stops at nothing. “你们这样等于是为了村庄将大火引到山林,村庄或许暂时保住了,可当整片山林烧起来的时候,村庄就被一大片火海给包围了!”莫凡坚决反对矴城采取这无所顾忌的保全策略。 Ding City is fights the city not wrong, without the protection people safe this saying, here building also itself is destroyed recklessly same also for the city that the fight set up can the short time remould, but those swallowed Mage?? 矴城是战城没有错,没有守护民众安全这一说,这里的建筑物也本就是为战斗设立的城市被肆意摧毁也一样可以短时间重塑,但是那些被吞噬的魔法师呢?? If a Rockman Monster clan huge to even if Barrier established hard to to contend, everyone turned into a Rockman Monster clan completely, who rescued swallowed Mage! 假如岩石怪人一族庞大到即便结界成立了都难以抗衡,大家全部变成岩石怪人一族,谁来解救被吞噬的魔法师 Who are you?? Here has not been one's turn university student here gesticulate while talking that your anything does not understand.” Xie Qinghua sees some people to oppose face to face this commander-in-chief, the brow tightens immediately. “你又是谁??这里还轮不到你一个什么都不懂的高校学员在这里指手画脚。”谢青华见有人当面反对她这个最高指挥官,眉头立刻紧锁了起来。 Who your leave alone I am, now makes this decision to be equal to that forces into everyone the sea of fire, the fire cannot suppress, everyone must die.” Mo Fan numerous saying. “你别管我是谁,现在做这个决定就等于把所有人逼入火海中,火扑不灭,大家全得死。”莫凡重重的说道。 teacher, I also thought that cannot the those monster outside ignores city enter the city, this type of distortion silt will swallow the person to grow strangely unceasingly, in the city so many......” Officer Wen Xia wanted to say some own viewpoints. 老师,我也觉得不能放任城外的那些怪物入城,这种变形淤泥怪会不断的吞人成长,城内有那么多的……”文霞军官想要说一些自己的观点。 Shut up, you thought that currently also has that time to discuss an absolutely safe strategy! Needs you to tell me not to do this appropriately, such insufficient reason, if you have better means that saying that I change the decision immediately...... , if no, shuts up to me. Since Research Division Group had indicated that the those swallowed person will not be in danger, then we temporarily military centralized on city Barrier, city Barrier establishes, we rescue immediately them.” But Xie Qinghua anger strong by-way. “闭嘴,你觉得现在还有那个时间去商议出一个万无一失的策略吗!需要你们来告诉我这样做不妥当,这样不够理智吗,如果你们有更好的办法那就说出来,我会立刻改变决定……如果没有,就给我闭上嘴。既然研司会已经表明那些被吞噬的人不会有生命危险,那么我们只是暂时将兵力集中在城市结界上,城市结界一建立,我们会立刻将他们解救出来。”谢青华怒而强横道。 Officer Wen Xia does not dare to speak again, she looked at Mo Fan, Mo Fan opens mouth, finally has not said anything. 文霞军官不敢再说话了,她看了一眼莫凡,莫凡张了张嘴,最后还是没有说什么。 They truly have no better way, but knows that this strategy will be likely out of control! 他们确实没有什么更好的办法,只是知道这个策略很可能会一发不可收拾! Wen Xia, is all right do not mix up with the unimportant person who this type can only say things just to frighten people, their will attend to spiritlessly will glance to the left right will only neglect own determination. You must Safety Zone Core to the element be confident, a Safety Zone Core establishment, these rock monsters no longer are the issues!” That Brown Rock Mage chief Lu Bin said. 文霞,没事不要和这种只会危言耸听的小人物混在一起,他们那顾左顾右的懦弱只会怠慢了自己的决心。你要对元素之都的结界之蕊有信心,结界之蕊一成立,这些岩石怪物不再是问题!”那名褐岩法师的首席卢斌说道。 Hears Lu Bin these words, Mo Fan only wants to set upright the middle finger to him, at this time also in all directions show superiority feeling. 听到卢斌这番话,莫凡只想给他竖中指,都这种时候了还四处秀优越感。 Mo Fan knows oneself do not have the speech power here, is basic the function depending on oneself expansion judgment to this element evil spirit, now he can do is static looks. 莫凡知道自己在这里没有说话权,光凭自己对这种元素恶灵的扩张判断也根本起不到作用,他现在能做的就是静静的看着了。 Wen Xia drew back, sees haze that on the Mo Fan face reveals, say/way that is somewhat sorry: They are actually same as me, wish makes this city establish.” 文霞退了下去,看到莫凡脸上露出的阴霾,有些抱歉的道:“他们其实和我一样,想要让这座城市建立起来。” The Wen Xia faith is, even if the city are understrength, must do utmost to guard Safety Zone Core, but Xie Qinghua and Lu Bin are actually do extreme, they defend original(ly) in the Chengshan rampart prevent the peripheral strength Military Mage and Brown Rock Mage dispatch the city completely, making other Ding City city area fall into does not have the army and loose sand condition of Magic Association support. 文霞的信念是,哪怕中城区人员不足,也要竭尽全力守卫住结界之蕊,而谢青华卢斌却是做得更为极端,他们将原本守在城山垒阻挡外围力量的军法师褐岩法师全部调遣到中城区来,让矴城其他城区陷入没有军队与魔法协会支撑的散沙状态。 This Ding City person truly is the preparation personnel, but most of them by the hunter, student, Mage and Noble Family members or other organizations at ease, did not have the military and support of Magic Association these two big strengths, they will degenerate into those Rockman Monster food thoroughly. 这座矴城的人确实全都是备战人员,可他们大多数由猎人、学生、闲散法师世家成员或其他组织的,没有了军方和魔法协会这两大力量的支撑,他们会彻底沦为那些岩石怪人的食物。 Hopes my intuition is wrong, hoping these Rockman Monster me not to imagine that fiercely, hopes this city Safety Zone Core to be powerful...... Mo Fan to sigh enough. “但愿我的直觉是错的吧,但愿这些岩石怪人没有我想象中得那么厉害,也但愿这个城市结界之蕊够强大……”莫凡叹了口气。 Originally does not want to manage this matter, why did not curl carefully came in so is also earnest, their policy-makers made anything to decide that was their matter, oneself did what one can well then. 本来就不想管这事,不小心卷了进来又何必那么认真呢,他们决策者做什么决定是他们的事情,自己量力而行便好。 Now their in eye, only then zero point, so long as zero Barrier opens, they will launch a counter attack, rescues those annexed Mage, this you could rest assured that moreover by that time the seal will also fire......” Officer Wen Xia to say. “现在他们眼里只有零点,只要零点结界开启,他们就会转守为攻,将那些被吞并的魔法师都解救出来,这点你放心,而且到那个时候封印也会解除……”文霞军官说道。 Em, I know, then on and other point.” Mo Fan nods. “恩,我知道,那就等零点吧。”莫凡点了点头。 ...... …… Mo Fan has not acted again, but sits in one can look into the quite far place. 莫凡没有再行动,而是坐在一个能够眺望比较远的地方。 Under the curtain of night, the forms of huge fright batter in Ding City, the loud sound from transmits in all directions almost does not have the intermittence. 夜幕下,一个又一个庞大惊魂的身影在矴城之中横冲直撞,巨响从四面八方传来几乎没有间歇过。 Has had that many experience that calls it the battlefield, is more secret than this darker day, compared with this more temperate weak had, making Mo Fan actually foster an intuition, to intuition how the aspect will roughly develop, was mountain rain wants, was attacking army has reached the city, will be daybreak Shuguang will have an approximate judgment...... 有过那么多次称之为战场的经历,比这更昏天暗地,比这更温和微弱的都有,使得莫凡其实已经养成了一种直觉,对局面大致会如何发展的直觉,是山雨欲来,是兵临城下,是黎明曙光都会有一个大致的判断…… Mo Fan is not the city of Curse this special element, is not insisted that the own idea of numbly being proud is right, but had realized personally this element evil spirit after powerful and has contrasted the fight reserve of this city, draws an intuition conclusion. 莫凡不是诅咒这座特殊的元素之城,也不是麻木自负的坚持自己的想法是对的,而是亲自体会过这种元素恶灵的强大和对比过这座城市的战斗储备后得出一个直觉结论。 The spark can set the prairie afire, let alone this is a violent flame! 星星之火可以燎原,何况这本就是一场猛烈之焰!
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