ATG :: Volume #7 Heavenly Calamity Shakes the World (劫天撼世)

#780: Xiao Yun is missing

Said, I can defeat Fen Juechen initially, because of Hong'er?” Yun Che said surprised. “这么说,我当初之所以能战胜焚绝尘,也是因为红儿?”云澈惊讶道 Snort, otherwise?” “哼,不然呢?” „......” Yun Che has mind filled with immediately depressed, he after defeating Fen Juechen, continuously as well as own strength has endured compared with the boundary of Sovereign Profound Realm Sixth Level, originally unexpectedly because of Hong'er! “……”云澈顿时满腹郁闷,他在战胜焚绝尘后,一直以及自己的实力已经堪比君玄境六级之境,原来竟然是因为红儿 No wonder, when that day and Fen Juechen fights, his aura incomparable terrifying, discovery that dark profound strength was actually well below aura releases powerful...... he felt like that at that time extremely strangely, but completely has not thought of Hong'er body, but also thinks that is Fen Juechen is unable to control that external dark profound strength to be the result completely. 怪不得,那日和焚绝尘交手时,他的气场无比恐怖,却发现那黑暗玄力远远不如气场所释放的那般强大……他那时就觉得万分奇怪,但全然没想到红儿身上,还以为是焚绝尘无法完全驾驭那股外来黑暗玄力所致。 Under vermilion light glow of Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword release, originally only then piece of primordial chaos dark Moon Slaughter Devil Nest becomes incomparably clear, the purity that the pebble of even/including corner looks, naturally also saw clearly the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign complete picture...... height near matter of consequence, body black light shaded the body, the skin that exposed was the color of deep ash. The hair is actually pale one piece, hangs to the under foot. 劫天诛魔剑释放的朱红光芒下,原本只有一片混沌黑暗的弑月魔窟变得无比清晰,就连角落的小石子都看的一清二楚,自然也看清了弑月魔君的全貌……身长近一丈五尺,身上黑光蔽体,裸露出的皮肤呈深灰之色。头发却是苍白一片,直垂至脚下。 At first sight, he is giant except for the build, the skin color deep ash, the appearance is human basically is unexpectedly undifferentiated. Experienced 1 million years of seal to suffer with 10,000 years of suffering injustice , the Yun Che itself/Ben thinks that his appearance surely was incomparably ugly, old like ghost, but accidental/surprised, his time expression, although the pain was fierce, but the face by the aesthetic standard of human, was actually especially handsome, the age seemed like, human 30 years old that's all. 乍看之下,他除了体型巨大,肤色深灰,外貌竟是和人类基本毫无差别。经历了百万年的封印折磨和一万年的不见天日,云澈本以为他的外貌必定是无比丑恶,苍老如鬼,但意外的,他此时的表情虽然痛苦狰狞,但面孔以人类的审美观而言,却是格外英俊,年龄看上去,也不过人类的三十来岁而已 „...... impossible...... impossible is not Devil Slayer Sword!” “不……不可能……不可能诛魔剑!” Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign stands up finally, but upper body crooked, covers the gray palm of chest scar to tremble, refers to the seams, that said the vermilion light glow not weak sign. 弑月魔君终于站起,但上身佝偻,捂着胸口伤痕的灰色手掌在发抖,指缝之间,那道朱红光芒毫无微弱的迹象。 Sword Spirit God Clan...... is first exterminated God Race...... in this world impossible still has Devil Slayer Sword!” Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign voice/sound is still flooding the pain, perhaps in this world except for Devil Slayer Sword , there is nothing the wound that can enable depending on together half foot makes true devil body continue so long-time suffering. 剑灵神族……是第一个被灭绝的神族……这世上不可能还存在诛魔剑!”弑月魔君声音依然充斥着痛苦,这世上除了诛魔剑,或许没有什么能让能凭一道半尺长的伤口让一具真正的魔躯持续如此长久的折磨。 Sword light......” the eye enlargement of Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign, the violent exclaimed: Devil Slayer Sword is the white sword light...... that is not Devil Slayer Sword!! The sword in your hand is what sword! Where comes?” “剑光……”弑月魔君的眼睛放大,暴吼道:“诛魔剑是白色的剑光……那不是诛魔剑!!你手里的剑是什么剑!是从哪里来的?” Jasmine: „......” 茉莉:“……” Snort, where you manage my sword to come, you only need to know that you will die in this...... are enough the sword under!” Yun Che Heaven Smiting Sword before the body, on the face did not have drawing back of half a point previous dreading to be timid horizontally again, instead performed is incomparably self-confident, sneering that as if had victory in the hand. “哼,你管我的剑是从哪里来的,你只需要知道你会死在这把剑下……就足够了!”云澈劫天剑横在身前,脸上再也没有了半分先前的忌惮的退怯,反而尽是无比自信,仿佛胜券在握的冷笑。 The Yun Che's psychology changes, the clarity of Jasmine natural sensation, she said suddenly: „Were you are self-confidently excessive? The Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign attack, most used half power, you can injure him, is only he is unexpected. Although Hong'er power has the extremely strong restraint to his power, did not represent you certainly to win him! The abundance of his power, must be better than you! Makes up for Hong'er completely sufficiently to his restraint.” 云澈的心理变化,茉莉自然感知的清清楚楚,她忽然说道:“你是不是自信过头了?弑月魔君刚才的攻击,最多用了一半力量,你能伤了他,也只是他猝不及防。虽然红儿力量对他的力量有着极强的克制,绝不代表你就一定能胜了他!他的力量之雄厚,要远远的胜过你!完全足以弥补红儿对他的克制。” I know.” Yun Che both hands gripped tight Heaven Smiting Sword, in voice/sound took some excitements unexpectedly: I roughly can feel to his great strength. He previously took to me, fearful feeling that impossible defeats completely. But why does not know, after I call Hong'er, this feeling completely vanished. Now not only does not have a wee bit fears, instead when...... simply face Fen Juechen initially is more relaxed than and excited.” “我知道。”云澈双手攥紧劫天剑,声音里居然带上了些许的兴奋:“我大致能感觉的到他的强大。他先前带给我的,是完全不可能战胜的可怕感觉。但不知道为什么,我唤出红儿以后,这种感觉就完全消失了。现在非但没有一丁点害怕,反而……简直要比当初面对焚绝尘时还轻松和兴奋。” Jasmine: „......?” 茉莉:“……?” Strange, sacred power and Fiend Strength dread mutually, mutual restraint. Yun Che is not the body of holy spirit, does not have the strength of holy spirit, therefore because of existence of Hong'er, but restrains Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign devil body and power unilaterally. 奇怪,神圣之力恶魔之力是相互畏惧,相互克制。云澈本身并非圣灵之躯,也没有圣灵之力,所以会因红儿的存在而单方面克制弑月魔君魔躯力量 But is also only devil body and power! But influence Soul plane/level! 但也只是魔躯力量!而影响不到灵魂层面 Regardless of life plane/level, Soul plane/level, is power plane/level, Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign must dominate in Yun Che comprehensively, therefore do not say that power far ultra Yun Che, even two people power is impartial, Yun Che was still suppressed inevitably, particularly before suppression of Soul plane/level......, that invincible fear, is the normal performance. 无论生灵层面,灵魂层面,还是力量层面,弑月魔君都要全面凌驾于云澈,所以不要说力量远超云澈,就算是两人力量持平,云澈也必然受到压制,尤其是灵魂层面的压制……之前那种不可战胜的恐惧,是再正常不过的表现。 But why the Yun Che's fear condition completely vanishes, imposing manner rises high. Instead is Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign...... , if the god of same rank grasps Devil Slayer Sword, he may dread. But by far is inferior his Yun Che facing the strength, will fear condition why so intense? 但为什么云澈的恐惧之态完全消失,气势凌然。反而是弑月魔君……如果是同一个级别的神手持诛魔剑,他或许会畏惧。但面对实力远远逊于他的云澈,为什么畏惧之态会这么强烈? And remembers about the record of Devil Slayer Sword, had never mentioned it can have the suppression in Soul plane/level to the demon. 关于诛魔剑的记载和记忆,从未提到过它可以在灵魂层面对魔产生压制。 Right, Hong'er is not pure Devil Slayer Sword! Her sword transforms into shape and ray, are completely different from legendary Devil Slayer Sword...... 对了,红儿并非是单纯的诛魔剑!她所化之剑的形态、光芒,都和传说中的诛魔剑完全不同…… However, can produce to the demon so significantly, exceeds plane/level Soul to suppress...... in the world simply, should not have this type of thing to be right! In all record and memory inheritance about Primordial Era, has not always had...... by god and devil plane/level, basically impossible exists. 但是,能对魔产生如此大幅度,简直超越层面灵魂压制……世上,根本不应该存在这种东西才对!在所有关于上古时代的记载和记忆传承中,也从来未有……以神与魔层面,也根本不可能存在。 Only if...... is the demon or the god of higher level,...... that pure plane/level suppression to the demon or god of low class! 除非……是高阶层的魔或神,对低阶层的魔或神……那种纯粹的层面压制! „......” Yun Che has been in the unusual performance emotionally fiercely, making Jasmine be deep in the long-time thought. “……”云澈在情绪上剧烈到过于异常的表现,让茉莉陷入了长久的沉思。 Very good!” The face of Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign is twisting angrily, he slowly is straight body, approaches to Yun Che: Then the sword what's the matter, is unimportant to this King! Because is finally same! Only low grade lifeform, makes this King feel that unexpectedly the ache...... the crime did not have the amnesty!” “很好!”弑月魔君的面孔愤怒的扭曲着,他缓缓直起身体,向云澈走近:“那把剑是怎么回事,对本王并不重要!因为结果都是一样的!区区一个低等生物,竟然让本王感觉到了疼痛……罪无可赦!” this King first turns into the powder the bone of your whole body!!” 本王先将你全身的骨头化成粉末!!” voice/sound falls, Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign whole body black qi ascends, from Yun Che, only remains hundred remote. He thinks, oneself approaches step by step, to Yun Che on such as Death God nearly compels step by step, will make him arrive frightened shakes all over, the heart and gall wants to crack, then such turned around to retreat to before......, but this time, he saw actually throughout was sneering of Yun Che whole face, with his nearness, his face not only has not revealed the fear, instead the vision was excited, even/including profound strength aura also not confusion condition. 声音落下,弑月魔君全身黑气升腾,距离云澈,也只剩百步之遥。他本以为,自己一步步的靠近,对云澈而言就如死神的步步近逼,会让他恐惧到全身发抖,心胆欲裂,然后向之前那样转身溃逃……但是这次,他看到的却始终是云澈满脸的冷笑,随着他的靠近,他的面孔非但没有露出恐惧,反而目光越是兴奋,就连玄力气场也毫无混乱之态。 Instead is he, every time approached one step, the soul seems pressed a giant stone, was getting more and more heavy. The ray that especially in the Yun Che hand the sword releases, making his whole body uncomfortable, never dares to look straight ahead. But under this was regarded as life source and soul source to damage by him greatly to the bright rejection reaction, looks until his concentrates the eyes suddenly to Yun Che , the ray and in contour complete integration of line of sight that bright red great sword...... 反而是他,每靠近一步,心魂就仿佛被多压上了一块巨石,越来越沉重。尤其是云澈手中之剑所释放的光芒,让他全身难受,始终不敢直视。而这被他视作自己命源魂源巨损之下对光明的排斥反应,直到他猛然凝目看向云澈,也同时将那朱红巨剑的光芒与外形完全的纳入视线之中…… Among that moment, his footsteps stop, several that a pair of pupil enlarges instantaneously want to blast open. 那一瞬间,他的脚步停止,一双瞳孔瞬间放大的几欲炸裂。 Tribulation...... Heaven Smiting Devil God Sword!!” “劫……劫天魔神剑!!” Jasmine: „......!!!?” 茉莉:“……!!!?” plop...... 噗通…… In Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign body trembling, unexpectedly is the under foot one soft, single knee knelt all of a sudden the ground, the whole body was trembling like the screen generally fiercely. Just likes sees the scene that the world's most frightened, most is unable to believe. 弑月魔君身体颤荡间,竟是脚下一软,一下子单膝跪到了地上,全身如同筛子一般剧烈发抖着。犹如看到了世上最恐惧、最无法相信的场景。 This all unusualities, compared with before it shouted that Devil Slayer Sword three word-time also wants intense hundred times! 这所有的异常,比之之前喊出“诛魔剑”三个字时还要强烈百倍! What's the matter?” Yun Che had prepared full power bombardment, never expected that Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign seemed like frightened the soul suddenly. He moves the brow, mystified looks at Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign...... this fellow not really because of the too long deathly stillness, but isn't the mind normal? “又是怎么回事?”云澈本已做好了全力轰击的准备,没想到弑月魔君忽然间像是被吓掉了魂魄。他动了动眉头,一脸迷惑的看着弑月魔君……这家伙不会真的因太久的死寂而早已心神不正常了吧? „Was he shouting...... Heaven Smiting Devil God Sword a moment ago? Un?” Yun Che said suddenly: Right! Hong'er sword, besides Devil Slayer two characters, but also engraves Heaven Smiting two characters. He shouted a moment ago Devil Slayer Sword, shouts Heaven Smiting Devil God Sword now, about then and Hong'er sword transforms into very compatibility. could it be that does he know the Hong'er origin? After all, he and Hong'er are the same, came from Primordial Era!” “他刚才在喊……劫天魔神剑?嗯?”云澈忽然道:“对了!红儿所化的剑,除了‘诛魔’二字之外,还刻印着‘劫天’二字。他刚才喊了‘诛魔剑’,现在又喊了‘劫天魔神剑’,合起来的便和红儿所化之剑很是契合难道他知道红儿的来历?毕竟,他和红儿一样,都是来自上古时代!” „...... The present does not need to manage these!” Jasmine voice/sound is somewhat unusual, has not responded to Yun Che's question: Remembers before me , the words that spoke, do not keep any ample force, cannot at all costs and cards in a hand, must kill Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign! Now, his devil body and power receive Hong'er to restrain, in addition he threw Profound Sky Continent the weapon, therefore on the weapon, you also had the overwhelming superiority...... to wrestle at risk of life! Certainly had to kill his possibility!” “……现在没必要管这些!”茉莉声音有些异样,却没有回应云澈的疑问:“记得我之前说的话,不要留任何余力,不许一切代价和底牌,一定要杀了弑月魔君!现在,他的魔躯力量都受红儿克制,再加上他把武器丢到了天玄大陆,因而在武器上,你也占据绝对优势……拼死一搏!一定有杀了他的可能!” Good!” Yun Che has a change of heart rapidly, the whole body flame conflagration, murderous aura is imposing. “好!”云澈迅速收心,全身火焰爆燃,杀气凛然。 Not...... impossible! impossible! impossible!!” Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign in the low roar of crazy, seems like thought aloud: Appearance...... exactly the same...... also this devil might...... not! impossible...... absolutely impossible! Color different...... how, even if is really...... also possibly to have Devil Slayer Sword aura......” “不……不可能不可能不可能!!”弑月魔君狂乱的低吼,又似乎是自言自语:“外貌……一模一样……还有这种魔威……不!不可能……绝不可能!颜色不一样……就算真的是……又怎么可能会有诛魔剑气息……” Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign in this time fierce raising the head, roared to Yun Che: Then the sword...... is what sword, where comes!!” 弑月魔君在这时猛的抬头,向云澈咆哮道:“那把剑……到底是什么剑,是从哪里来的!!” He had also shouted a moment ago that the origin of sword unimportant...... at this time, has been roaring beforehand has been roaring the words to Yun Che, moreover howled was hot tempered. 他刚才还喊过那把剑的来历已经并不重要……此时,却在向云澈吼叫着之前吼过的话,而且吼叫的更加暴躁。 You rubbish really many!” The reply of Yun Che coldly, the form in a flash, has then fired into Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign on own initiative: „After you died, asked the yama!!” “你废话真多!”云澈冷冷的回答,然后身影一晃,已是主动冲向弑月魔君:“你还是死了之后去问阎王吧!!” The Yun Che's words let in the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign eye pupil devil light greatly hold, he revealed in front of human unexpectedly frightened and distressed condition, lets his anger explosion: When this King abandoned you, searched for your soul again!!” 云澈的话让弑月魔君眼瞳之中魔光大盛,他竟在一个人类面前露出了恐惧和狼狈之态,更是让他怒火爆炸:“待本王废了你,再搜了你的魂!!” He has changed the mind, temporarily does not kill Yun Che...... obviously, he incomparably wants to know the bright red great sword outcome in Yun Che hand what's the matter! 他已改变主意,暂不杀云澈……显然,他无比想知道云澈手中的朱红巨剑究竟是怎么回事! Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign whole body devil qi rushed, conducts the back to shine the dark-gray demon mark, moment, tumbling dark devil qi his behind congealed huge black phantom, this black phantom had several hundred feet to be high fully, is divided into nine, swayed from side to side on such as the legendary wicked beast hydra! 弑月魔君全身魔气澎湃,背上亮起了深灰色的魔纹,须臾,翻滚的黑暗魔气身后凝成了一个巨大的黑色虚影,这黑色虚影足有几十丈高,分成九股,扭动间就如传说中的恶兽九头蛇! Tyrannical, painful and crazy aura scatter come out, drives the aura complete rebellion in Moon Slaughter Devil Nest, then changes to nine dark aura to dash to Yun Che. 一股股暴虐、痛苦、疯狂的气息从中流散出来,带动弑月魔窟中的气息完全暴动,然后化作九股黑暗气息直扑云澈 This is the Eternal Night nine war casualties in Eternal Night Illusory Devil Law! Has nine extreme negative gods to read, has not injured the enemy, first destroys the heart!” Jasmine fast reminded. “这是永夜幻魔典中的永夜九殇!带有九种极端的负面神念,未伤敌,先摧心!”茉莉快速提醒道 Yun Che rises high does not fear, corners of the mouth one sneers, the whole body joint ka ka ka makes noise, about 1 million jin (0.5 kg) Heaven Smiting Sword Hengkong (across the sky) wield, the strength of Heavy Sword is sweeping across the flame of Golden Crow, changes to together the potential the flame storm that instantaneously wants to blot out the sky, ran upon nine dark devil qi. 云澈凌然不惧,嘴角一抹冷笑,全身骨节咔咔咔作响,近百万斤的劫天剑横空一挥,重剑之力席卷着金乌之炎,瞬间化作一道势欲铺天盖地的火焰风暴,撞上了九道黑暗魔气 dark devil qi by flame storm engulfed, the space is completely been suddenly broken, wind and cloud look changes, ear-spitting airing sound and ear-piercing swallowing sound for a very long time, frigid to the extreme. 黑暗魔气被火焰风暴吞没,一时间空间尽碎,风云色变,震耳的气爆声与刺耳的吞噬声久久不息,惨烈之极 On Yun Che and Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign power plane/level, Moon Slaughter Devil Nest this battlefield, although incomparable tenacity, but too is small, two people power under hits violently, the whole world is shivering. The Yun Che body clothing drum broken, the eye pupil emits the profound red glow, Heaven Smiting Sword again and again is rumbling, every causes world Zheng to call one time. 云澈弑月魔君力量层面而言,弑月魔窟这个战场虽然无比之坚韧,但却实在太小,两人力量的激撞之下,整个世界都在颤抖。云澈身体衣衫鼓破,眼瞳放射着深邃的红芒,劫天剑一次次轰出,每一次都引得天地铮鸣。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… The Yun Che even/including rumbles more than ten swords, Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign nine devil qi anti- beside hundred feet, no near body. Saw own about 70% power strikes must be rumbled unexpectedly shortly completely loose, the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign form explodes shoots, the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator who a pair just like from abyss brings to extreme dark devil qi profoundly, grasps the Yun Che throat. 云澈连轰十几剑,将弑月魔君的九道魔气阻在了十丈之外,没有一丝近体。看到自己近70%力量的一击竟眼看着要被完全轰散,弑月魔君身影爆射,一双犹如来自深渊的黑手带着深邃到极点的黑暗魔气,直抓云澈喉咙。 BANG!! 轰!! The sword claw interlocking, the scarlet flame light and jet black devil breath also burst out. The Yun Che body shakes, the upper body bend, was startled...... this Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign unexpectedly by wrapping the palm of Dark Strength at heart slightly was resisting his Heaven Smiting Sword! 剑爪相接,赤红的炎光与漆黑的魔息同时迸发。云澈躯体一震,上身弯折,心里微微吃惊……这弑月魔君竟是以包裹着黑暗力量的手掌抵住了他的劫天剑 by this alone, if not for Heaven Smiting Sword in the hand, his decisively impossible is the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign opponent. 单凭这一点,若不是劫天剑在手,他断然不可能弑月魔君的对手。 But in the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign heart is more shocking than hundred times him! He shocks in himself as the noble demon, power is resisted by low grade human unexpectedly! 弑月魔君心中更是比他震惊百倍!他震惊于自己身为高贵的魔,力量竟被一个低等人类所抵挡! When he more shocking in...... own power at bang to bright red great sword on, weakens unexpectedly suddenly! Like was removed by anything baseless generally! 他更震惊于……自己的力量在轰到朱红巨剑上时,竟是忽然减弱!如同被什么东西凭空卸去了一般! pā pā pā...... 啪啪啪…… The Yun Che whole body skeleton such as ruptured the common sound, assumed the pale red look to congeal completely berserk murderous aura, just now power complementary waves have not dispersed completely, he has stood up from failure suddenly, a sword bang to Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign. 云澈全身骨骼如爆裂了一般响动着,本就呈淡赤红色的眼神凝满了狂暴杀气,方才的力量余波尚未完全散开,他已骤然翻身,一剑轰向弑月魔君 Lowly human...... depends on you also to presumptuously think and this King is a worthy opponent!!” “卑贱的人类……就凭你也妄想和本王匹敌!!” The Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign anger roared extremely, pair of claws was uneven, jet black devil light rose suddenly to counting hundred feet instantaneously, the potential must destroy the fragment Heaven Smiting Sword, bit the nihility. 弑月魔君怒极咆哮,双爪齐出,漆黑的魔光瞬间暴涨至数十丈,势要将劫天剑摧成碎片,噬成虚无。 Rumbling rumbling...... 轰轰轰轰…… The flame light explodes, the obscure ray wreaks havoc, several breaths, the flame light and devil light then have hit continually hundred times, this narrow and small space started the end disaster immediately......, if is not Moon Slaughter Devil Nest, even if thousand li (500 km) islands, at this moment had also been destroyed the nihility. 炎光爆裂,暗光肆虐,数息之间,炎光与魔光便已连撞百次,这个狭小的空间顿时掀起了末日般的灾难……若非是弑月魔窟,纵然是一个千里岛屿,此刻也已然被摧成虚无。 ------ ------ Blue Wind Nation, Blue Wind's Imperial City, Imperial Palace Main Palace. 苍风国,苍风皇城,皇宫主殿 Above the phoenix chair, Cang Yue moon/month appearance/allow Weiying thin smile, the manner is tranquil, in the hand is taking jade slip to glance through. 凤椅之上,苍月月容微盈淡笑,神态恬静平和,手里正拿着一副玉简翻阅。 At this time, transmitted the slight profound strength fluctuation from sound transmission jade. 这时,从传音玉上传来轻微的玄力波动。 Cang Yue puts down jade slip, sound transmission jade in the hand, above transmits, is Xiao Lingxi voice/sound...... voice/sound is rapid, but also brings the weeping voice faintly. 苍月放下玉简,将传音玉拿在手中,上面传来的,是萧泠汐声音……声音急促,还隐隐带着哭腔。 „...... What!” Listens to passes message of Xiao Lingxi, Cang Yue fierce standing up, crescent moon eyebrow tight pressed in the same place. “……什么!”听完萧泠汐的传音,苍月猛的站起,月眉紧紧蹙在一起。 Considers fast, she takes up sound transmission jade, passes on the sound said to Xiao Lingxi: Lingxi, do not worry, first full power comforting good Younger Sister Qi mood, not movable pregnancy nauseau! I find the way to send greetings immediately to husband.” 快速思虑一番,她拿起传音玉,向萧泠汐传音道:“泠汐,你不要着急,先全力安抚好七妹的情绪,千万不可动了胎气!我马上想办法传音给夫君。” Puts down sound transmission jade, the Cang Yue tight pressed phoenix eyebrow has not stretched for a very long time, she whispered: husband now Supreme Ocean Palace outside three 100,000 li (50,000 km). Most high level sound transmission talisman also can only send greetings 100,000 li (50,000 km) to be apart from......” 放下传音玉,苍月紧蹙的凤眉久久没有舒展,她低语道:“夫君现在三十万里之外的至尊海殿。最高等传音符也只能传音十万里之距……” Only has Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace! Perhaps has the means to send greetings to husband!” “唯有冰云仙宫!或许有办法传音给夫君!” Comes the person! Fast passes on Palace Chief Dongfang and Palace Chief Qin!!” Blue Wind anxious sound to yell. “来人!速传东方府主秦府主!!”苍风急声喊道 What sound transmission talisman most high level is Ten Thousand Mile Sound Transmission Talisman, and expensive incomparable. But is also absolutely impossible to send greetings beside Supreme Ocean Palace to three 100,000 li (50,000 km). Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace is the only hope that she can think of......, but, in Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace she leaves leeway sound transmission mark, only then Yun Che, Feng Xue'er and Xia Qingyue, but their three people are not in Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace at this moment. 传音符高等的为十万里传音符,而且昂贵无比。但也绝无可能传音到三十万里之外的至尊海殿冰云仙宫是她所能想到的唯一希望……但偏偏,冰云仙宫中她留有传音印记的,只有云澈凤雪児夏倾月,但他们三人此刻都不在冰云仙宫之中。 Moment, Dongfang Xiu and Qin Wushang half step arrives. 须臾,东方休秦无伤快步到来。 Palace Chief Qin!” Cang Yue welcomed fast, greeted without enough time, said directly: You send greetings Blue Wind major Profound Palace immediately, making major Profound Palace about three days put down all his matters, sought for the Xiao Yun trail in the respective region full power!” 秦府主!”苍月快速迎上,来不及招呼,直接说道:“你立即传音苍风各大玄府,令各大玄府近三日之内放下一切他事,在所属区域全力寻找萧云的踪迹!” Xiao Yun?” Qin Wushang and Dongfang Xiu simultaneously one startled: What happened!?” 萧云?”秦无伤东方休同时一惊:“发生什么事了!?” Xiao Yun was missing before two double-hour.” Cang Yue said with deep veneration: „Others do not see two double-hour insufficient strange, but Xiao Yun usually in little leaves his wife half step extremely, this time suddenly does not see, absolutely not common! Palace Chief Qin, the time press, many explanation suspicions, you know the Xiao Yun age appearance without enough time, before being missing, puts on is a pure white long dress, the valuables conducted the person white bunch...... fast informs major Profound Palace! But was sure to remember, wants the numerous Profound Palace secret search, may not disclose decisively! If discovers the trail, first passes message the incoming telegram!” 萧云在两个时辰前失踪了。”苍月肃然说道:“其他人不见两个时辰并不足怪,但萧云平日里极少离开他的妻子半步,此番忽然不见,绝非寻常秦府主,时间紧迫,来不及过多解释猜想,你知晓萧云的年龄样貌,失踪前所穿为一身素白长衣,腰缠白束……速去通知各大玄府!但切记,要众玄府隐秘搜寻,断然不可声张!若发现踪迹,第一时间传音来报!” Yes!” Qin Wushang deeply feels the situation to be serious, has not talked too much again, receives an order the half step to go. “是!”秦无伤深感事态严重,没有再多言,领命快步而去。 Whether can additionally appoint the manpower to go to Floating Cloud City?” Dongfang Xiu said. “可否要加派人手前往流云城?”东方休道。 Cang Yue shakes the head slowly: Xiao Yun husband and wife profound strength, even if places the Heavenly Sword Villa no one enemy. The opposite party can actually Xiao Yun silent abduction, if they want to start to others, even if many manpower, does not help matters.” 苍月缓缓摇头:“萧云夫妇玄力,纵然放在天剑山庄无人可敌。对方却可以把萧云无声无息的掳走,若他们想对其他人下手,纵然再多的人手,也根本无济于事。” Palace Chief Dongfang, the husband...... Yun Che his present Supreme Ocean Palace, only has Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace to contact with him! I want you immediately, travel day and night, in any event, must arrive at Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace within 12 double-hour, informs their matter! They naturally can know how to do.” 东方府主,夫……云澈他现在至尊海殿,唯有冰云仙宫有可能联系到他!我要你马上出发,日夜兼程,无论如何,也要在十二个时辰之内到达冰云仙宫,告知她们此事!她们自然会知道怎么做。” The east wind rests nods slightly, then fly up, has vanished in the main hall, goes directly to the north. 东风休微微颔首,便已飞身而起,消失于大殿,直赴北方。 -------- --------
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