ATG :: Volume #7 Heavenly Calamity Shakes the World (劫天撼世)

#713: Heavy Sword steamroll

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Strength full Yun Che facing flying to shoot Phoenix Arrow that comes, extends extend the arm unexpectedly, grasped directly, with his low roaring sound, is condensing extremely Phoenix Arrow of Phoenix Fire strength by Yun Che by palm tearing ruthlessly, turned into the remnant inflammations of two distortions, was flung by Yun Che to behind. 实力全开的云澈面对飞射而来的凤凰箭,竟伸出手臂,直接抓了上去,随着他的一声低喝,凝聚着极凤凰炎力的凤凰箭云澈以手掌狠狠的撕裂,化成了两道扭曲的残炎,被云澈甩向了身后 WU!! Feng Tianyu pupils dilate , under the shock of whole face, even took indistinct panic-stricken. 唔!!凤天谕瞳孔放大,满脸的震惊之下,甚至带上了隐约的惊恐。 „The person who must die is you!” The Yun Che whole body phoenix blood combustion, the back, flashes before the shadow of clear Phoenix, immediately, the Phoenix pressure superimposes profound strength aura, has pressed Feng Tianyu in the imposing manner unexpectedly faintly. “要死的人是你!”云澈全身凤血燃烧,背后,闪现出清晰的凤凰之影,顿时,凤凰威压叠加玄力气场,在气势上竟是隐隐压过了凤天谕 The Yun Che arm rumbles, only split second, the phoenix flame of eruption filled the entire space, in the world, is only left over immediately arrives at the extreme purely the red. Some Evil God's Fire Seed in the body, he transfer the fire attribute power speed, even the opposite cultivates Phoenix Fire strength more than 600 years of Feng Tianyu unable to compare. 云澈手臂轰出,只一瞬间,爆发的凤炎弥漫了整个空间,天地之间,顿时只剩下纯粹到极点的赤色。有邪神火种在身,他调动火系力量的速度,就算是对面修炼凤凰炎力六百多年的凤天谕也无法相比。 split second fills the field of vision the flame, lets the shock in Feng Tianyu heart in the extreme, the approached Phoenix flame lets his protecting body profound strength fierce trembling. He does not dare to despise and pull rank, profound strength transfers to most likely (80%) at the maximum speed, the whole body erupts huge flame storm. 一瞬间弥漫视野的火焰,让凤天谕心中的震惊更是无以复加,逼近的凤凰火焰让他的护体玄力剧烈颤荡。他再不敢轻视和托大,玄力以最快速度调动到八成,全身爆发起一股庞大的火焰风暴。 Phoenix Flames Searing Heaven!!” 凤火燎天!!” BANG!! 轰!! Invests the tranquil sea like thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant stone together, the air within dozens li (0.5 km) range by crude dispelling, was swung one to strike the eye the astonishing terrifying ripples, the entire sky changed the color completely, under blazing red light, two groups of Burning Heaven extinguished the place the Phoenix flame to collide sufficiently in the most aggressive way, burnt to extinguish, tear and swallowing mutually. 如同一块千丈巨石投入平静的沧海,数十里范围内的空气被粗暴的排开,荡起一圈触目惊人的恐怖涟漪,整个天空完全变了颜色,炽热的红光之下,两团足以焚天灭地的凤凰火焰以最激烈的方式碰撞到了一起,互相焚灭、撕裂、吞噬着。 But this, starts merely. Under two groups explode the fire of fierce Phoenix to shell and swallow mutually, not only does not have gradually to extinguish the dissipation, instead is inflating at an exceptional pace, the scarlet color is also getting more and more profound, in dozens li (0.5 km), all vegetation burnt completely, the rock under flame package starts the fast melting. 而这,仅仅是开始。两团爆烈的凤凰之火在互相轰击、吞噬下非但没有逐渐熄灭消散,反而在以惊人的速度膨胀着,赤红的颜色也越来越深邃,数十里内,所有的植被全部燃烧了起来,火焰包裹之下的岩石都开始快速的融化。 RUUUUUMBLE...... 轰轰轰轰轰…… On the abundance of profound strength, Yun Che naturally is less than Feng Tianyu, but also uses Phoenix Fire, Yun Che in Profound Arts Realm and principle understanding and above the flame strength control, wants steamroll Feng Tianyu completely- even he is most powerful Sovereign! 玄力之雄厚,云澈自然不及凤天谕,但同样是使用凤凰炎,云澈玄功境界法则理解、炎力驾驭之上,全部都要碾压凤天谕-即使他是最强大的帝君 profound strength that Yun Che rises dramatically suddenly although makes Feng Tianyu shock, but in his subconscious still does not think that Yun Che has with power that he resists. But the pure flame bombardment, he used entire most likely (80%) profound strength, has not pressed Yun Che's Phoenix Fire unexpectedly, after short deadlock, he even started to feel more and more serious pressure. 云澈忽然暴增的玄力虽让凤天谕震惊,但他潜意识里依然不认为云澈有与他抗争的力量。但单纯的火焰轰击,他动用了整整八成玄力,竟没有将云澈的凤凰炎压过,短暂的僵持之后,他甚至开始感觉到了越来越沉重的压力。 Hah!!” 喝!!” Behind Feng Tianyu appears shadow of the huge Phoenix, promoted profound strength 90%, the body Phoenix flame erupted again, curls up a huge flame vortex, immediately suppressed Yun Che's Phoenix Fire forcefully. 凤天谕背后映现出一个巨大的凤凰之影,将玄力提升到了90%,身上凤凰火焰再度爆发,卷起一个庞大的火焰漩涡,顿时将云澈的凤凰炎强行压制。 Gives me to break!!” “给我破!!” The phoenix flame explodes, the space disruption, the innumerable debrises such as the steel needle flies to shoot generally, is piercing sky and land. Under flame storm that explodes, Yun Che and Feng Tianyu by distant separation. The Feng Tianyu pupil contraction, he is staring at Yun Che stubbornly...... Yun Che in line of sight, although was rumbled to be farther, but his complexion is quiet, does not have flood white, body only then the clothes become disrupt, actually could not find half injured trace. 凤炎爆开,空间碎裂,无数的空间碎片如钢针一般飞射出去,洞穿着苍穹和大地。爆开的火焰风暴之下,云澈凤天谕被远远的分开。凤天谕瞳孔收缩,他死死的盯着云澈……视线中的云澈虽然被轰出了更远,但他的面色沉静,毫无泛白,身上只有衣服变得碎裂,却找不到半处受伤的痕迹。 22 years old...... Emperor Profound Realm Third Level...... actually under pure profound strength clashes to compel him to use 90% power, before this is him , even if has a dream the matter that impossible thinks. 二十二岁……王玄境三级……却在单纯的玄力对撞之下逼得他用出90%的力量,这是他以前纵然做梦都不可能想到的事。 this child...... cannot remain!” 此子……决不能留!” Fights with Yun Che, not Feng Tianyu that Yun Che pays attention to realized that truly Yun Che's is fearful. Is only 22 years old then already so, he is unable to imagine him to arrive at oneself age to meet terrifying to what Realm. But this person, is the Divine Phoenix Sect mortal enemy...... 云澈交手,本不怎么把云澈放在眼里的凤天谕才真正意识到云澈的可怕。才二十二岁便已如此,他都无法想象他到了自己的年纪会恐怖到何种境界。而这个人,还是凤凰神宗的死敌…… In any event, spares nothing, must make him die!! 无论如何,不惜任何代价,也必须让他死!! „Who your is Master......?” The Feng Tianyu whole body muscle and blood vessel blow up, around body, starts to present more and more crowded hot spirit. Realizes Yun Che's to be fearful, he had decided that does not hesitate to use the full power to such a junior, in the shortest time puts in the deathtrap him. If he does not die...... in the future, must be the Divine Phoenix Sect nightmare. “你的师父……是什么人?”凤天谕全身肌肉、血管鼓起,身体周围,开始出现越来越密集的火灵。意识到云澈的可怕,他已决定不惜对这么一个小辈用出全力,在最短的时间内将他置于死地。他若不死……将来,必是凤凰神宗的噩梦。 Also just like others, he wants to know that was actually who to train such a to make his Sovereign be startled to palpitation disciple unexpectedly! 也同其他所有人一样,他想知道究竟是谁竟调教出了这样一个让他一个帝君都惊到心悸的弟子 You have not matched to know.” Yun Che coldly said. “你还不配知道。”云澈冷冷的道 You die.” Feng Tianyu can also be replied from the Yun Che's mouth hopelessly, his both arms open, the hair raises up in the combustion, behind the shadow of Phoenix sends out resonant ear-piercing Phoenix cry. “那你就去死吧。”凤天谕也没指望能从云澈的口中得到回答,他双臂张开,头发在燃烧中直直竖起,身后凤凰之影发出一声嘹亮刺耳凤鸣 His body has not released the flame of Phoenix, but the temperature of air is actually rising at a terrifying peerless speed, the space, fast the turning red in the distortion, the crushed stone slightly sand in ground is also shivering, even drifted massively. 他的身上没有释放凤凰之炎,但空气的温度却在以一个恐怖绝伦的速度上升着,空间,也在扭曲中快速的变成赤色,地面上的碎石微沙在颤动,甚至大量的飘浮了起来。 Phoenix Domain!!” As Feng Tianyu pupil light flashes suddenly, a surroundings more than ten li (0.5 km) region, in split second, changed to the sea of huge flame, in the sea of fire, innumerable Phoenix Flame Spectre in dancing in the air and long cry recklessly, release is burning down the strength of all destruction sufficiently. 凤凰领域!!”随着凤天谕眸光的骤闪,周围十几里区域,在一瞬间,化作了庞大的火焰之海,火海之中,无数的凤凰炎影在肆意的飞舞、长鸣,释放着足以焚烧一切的毁灭之力。 Huge flame Domain, Feng Tianyu and Yun Che are at the Domain dead center, Feng Tianyu both hands lift, his Domain, he naturally is the control, he can change Domain at will and transfers power of each corner, all in Domain, will change to his advantageous factor: yellow-haired young child, before you die, with your life experience one well what is Sovereign plane/level Domain! In this Phoenix Domain, you, even when used to defend whole body all power, in ten breaths will still turn into the ashes!” 庞大的火焰领域,凤天谕云澈便处在领域的正中心,凤天谕双手抬起,他的领域,他自然是主宰,他可以随意的变化领域和调动每一个角落的力量,领域之中的一切,都将化作对他有利的因素:“黄毛小儿,在你死之前,用你的生命好好的见识一番何为帝君层面领域!在这凤凰领域之中,你就算把全身所有的力量都用来防御,十息之内也将被化成灰烬!” Sovereign plane/level Domain, indeed incomparably powerful, it can be said that Profound Sky Continent highest plane/level power. 帝君层面领域,的确强大无匹,可以说是天玄大陆最高层面力量 But, Feng Tianyu has a dream also impossible to think, pure flame power, even again on strong ten times, still Yun Che of impossible to having Fire Spirit Evil Body causes the damage of slightest. 但,凤天谕做梦也不可能想到,纯粹的火焰力量,就算再强上十倍,也不可能对拥有火灵邪体云澈造成分毫的损伤。 Stands in this destruction Domain center, around Yun Che light casting a sidelong glance, on the face reveals is not frightened and alarmed and afraid, instead is sneering that Feng Tianyu is unable to understand: You , if not use this Phoenix Domain, perhaps death is slower.” 站在这毁灭领域的中心,云澈淡淡的瞟了一眼周围,脸上露出的不是惶然和惊惧,反而是凤天谕无法理解的冷笑:“你如果不动用这凤凰领域,或许死的还慢一些。” Hong'er, come out worked!!” 红儿,出来干活了!!” „...... Oh!” “啊……噢!” The bright red ray flashes, Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword had been grasped by Yun Che in the hand, that flash, in entire Phoenix Domain the flame of all conflagrations as if presented the stop, but a pair of pupil of Feng Tianyu also such as stuck a thorn by the steel needle, suddenly convulsion. 朱红的光芒一闪,劫天诛魔剑已被云澈抓于手中,那一刹那,整个凤凰领域中所有爆燃的火焰都似乎出现了停顿,而凤天谕的一双瞳孔也如被钢针扎刺,骤然痉挛。 Feng Tianyu lived for several hundred years, sees the so huge sword for the first time. From this on the giant sword, he almost cannot feel any aura, but, merely is touching of line of sight, his heart also Soul, unexpectedly beyond control appearance twitching of fearing. 凤天谕活了数百年,第一次见到如此庞大的剑。从这把巨大的剑上,他几乎感觉不到任何的气息,但,仅仅是视线的碰触,他的心脏还有灵魂,竟无法控制的出现了惧怕的抽搐。 HU!! 呼!! The Yun Che arm flings, Heaven Smiting Sword wields together the vermilion arc. But is simple swing, brought a heavenly thunder startled cry tearing sound...... he most powerful power, this Sovereign plane/level Phoenix Domain, unexpectedly in path the front that the great sword brandished, ripping open one more than four zhang (3.33 m) were long, half foot wide fissure. 云澈手臂一甩,劫天剑挥出一道朱红色的弧线。而不过是一次简简单单的挥舞,却带起了一声天雷惊鸣般的撕裂声……他最强大的力量,这帝君层面凤凰领域,竟在巨剑挥舞的轨迹前方,撕开了一道四丈多长,半尺多宽的裂痕。 Whatever the surrounding phoenix flame four plunder, Phoenix Spectre waves, this fissure has not actually healed for a very long time. 任凭周围凤炎肆掠,凤影舞动,这道裂痕却是久久没有愈合。 What sword is that......?” Feng Tianyu voice/sound is trembling. “那是……什么剑?”凤天谕声音在战栗。 Yun Che has not replied, after a whole body skeleton explosive...... and Little Demon Empress gets married, he received large number of peerless famous swords, under Hong'er every day eats crazily, power more and more terrifying of Heaven Smiting Sword embodiment, solely its weight, has reached 600,000 jin (0.5 kg). 云澈没有答话,全身骨骼一阵爆响……和小妖后成婚之后,他收到了大量的绝世名剑,在红儿的每天狂吃之下,劫天剑内蕴的力量越来越恐怖,单单其重量,也已达到了六十万斤。 If arrives at Illusory Demon Realm Yun Che initially, almost impossible control. But present Yun Che, actually relaxed like controlling own body! 若是初到幻妖界云澈,几乎不可能驾驭。但如今的云澈,却轻松的如同控制自己的身体 Saw Feng Tianyu Phoenix Domain, Yun Che also saw the Feng Tianyu strength limit, made him confirm, he not only did not have reason to lose to Feng Tianyu certainly, even/including strikes to kill his assurance today , over 70%! 看到了凤天谕凤凰领域,云澈也就看到了凤天谕的实力极限,也让他确认,他不但绝无理由败给凤天谕,就连今日击杀他的把握,也在七成以上! Yun Che fly up, puts on Phoenix Domain, Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword sweeps away to go to Feng Tianyu. 云澈飞身而起,直穿凤凰领域,劫天诛魔剑凤天谕横扫而去。 Heaven Smiting Sword everywhere one visit, Phoenix Domain cracks layer upon layer, originally is flame of suppressed complete extinguishment hot tempered Phoenix, in an instant runs out of hundred zhang (333 m) in these more than ten li (0.5 km) Domain the long gully, the face of Feng Tianyu is twisting together, his back Phoenix Spectre is struggling, body surrounding guard profound strength like sticking a thorn by myriad steel needles, incites to make noise. He grasps a flame long halberd, surroundings hundred zhang (333 m) space flame completely centralized above long halberd, changes to a giant flame python, the bang to Yun Che. 劫天剑所到之处,凤凰领域层层崩裂,本是暴躁的凤凰之炎被压制的完全熄灭,转眼之间在这十几里的领域之中冲出一道百丈之长的沟壑,凤天谕的面孔在扭曲,他背后的凤影在挣扎,身体周围的护身玄力如同在被万千钢针扎刺,滋滋作响。他抓起一把火焰长戟,周围百丈空间的火焰全部集中在长戟之上,化作一条巨大的火焰巨蟒,轰向云澈 BANG!! 轰!! The flame explodes, the sky changed the color again, under the Heaven Smiting Sword power storm, the Feng Tianyu flame python supported half breath merely, then had been twisted broken. Feng Tianyu at present one white, felt that chest such as by mountain bang , the pulp of body instantaneous destroyed, then by guard profound strength blocking that the rib and wells up. 火光爆裂,天空再次变了颜色,劫天剑力量风暴之下,凤天谕的火焰巨蟒仅仅支撑了半息,便已被绞碎。凤天谕眼前一白,感觉胸口如被大山轰中,皮肉瞬间被毁灭的稀烂,然后被肋骨和重新涌上的护身玄力堪堪的阻住。 The neglected advice sound howls, Feng Tianyu directly flew upside down 56 li (0.5 km), finally stagnated, his whole body vitality boiling, the abdomen is bloody, he extends extend the arm, about the discovery above the arm, was actually shaken several long fissures. 耳边风声呼啸,凤天谕直线倒飞了五六里,才终于停滞了下来,他全身气血沸腾,腹部血流如注,他伸出手臂,却发现左右臂之上,都被震开了数道长长的裂痕。 The surrounding flame is dissipating, the temperature also rapidly dropped, lost the power support, the Phoenix Domain direct collapse. 周围的火焰在消散,温度也快速下降,失去了力量支撑,凤凰领域直接崩溃。 Other source was shouting ten breaths of Yun Che under Phoenix Domain must be burnt to extinguish, however ten breaths in the past...... were actually the tragedies of Phoenix Domain direct collapse. 他方才喊着云澈凤凰领域之下十息之内必被焚灭,然而十息过去……却是凤凰领域直接崩溃的惨剧。 impossible......” Feng Tianyu is covering the abdomen, actually forgot suppresses not the too heavy injury, he looks at the front Yun Che, the expression that on the face twists, like having the fearful nightmare: How impossible...... likely has this matter......” 不可能……”凤天谕手捂着腹部,却忘记了去压制并不算太重的伤势,他看着正前方云澈,脸上扭曲的表情,如同在做着可怕的噩梦:“不可能……怎么可能发生这种事……” He used 100% profound strength, was actually struck the bang wound...... to condense his maximum level power Domain by the opposite party, unexpectedly short ten breaths, immediately such collapse. 他用出了十成玄力,却被对方一击轰伤……凝聚他最高层次力量领域,居然短短十息,便就这么崩溃了。 How rumbled a moment ago in his body power...... possibly to come from at present this 20-year-old person's hand!! 刚才轰在他身上力量……怎么可能是来自眼前这个只有20多岁的人之手!! I have said that does not use Domain, the save the strength words, you possibly can die slightly slowly!” In Yun Che's passes ice cold killing intent, he to the opportunity of Feng Tianyu respite, Heaven Smiting Sword has not rumbled again, the front counts the hundred feet space in overbearing to extreme the strength of Heavy Sword under large scale hollow. “我已经说过,不用领域,省点力气的话,你可能会死的稍慢点!”云澈的目中晃过冰冷的杀机,他没有给凤天谕喘息之机,劫天剑再度轰出,前方十丈空间在霸道到极点的重剑之力下大幅度凹陷。 power that withstood a moment ago fearful like the nightmare, how dare Feng Tianyu direct kept off, his pupil shrank, body plundered together the shadow of flame, withdrew to count hundred feet fast......, but Heavy Sword bombardment big of range, the absolutely not common weapon may compare, even if Feng Tianyu withdrew at the extremely quick speed is very far, was still swept by the Heaven Smiting Sword power complementary waves, although merely was the complementary waves, let his whole body ruthlessly turn over, nearly planted. 刚才承受的力量可怕如噩梦,凤天谕岂敢正面相挡,他瞳孔一缩,身体掠出一道火焰之影,快速后撤数十丈……但重剑轰击的范围之大,绝非寻常武器可比,凤天谕纵然以极快的速度退出很远,依然被劫天剑力量余波扫到,虽仅仅是余波,却让他全身狠狠一个翻转,险些栽了下去。 Feng Tianyu startled and anger, pair of claws is uneven, two magical skill zhang (3.33 m) thick Phoenix flame rumble violently, forms one, straight Yun Che. 凤天谕又惊又怒,双爪齐出,两道数丈粗的凤凰火焰猛烈轰出,汇成一股,直云澈 BANG!! 轰!! The phoenix flame that a explosion sound, Feng Tianyu rumbles full power was been loose by a Heaven Smiting Sword sword bang, after flame of dissipation, the giant sword blade approaches fast, Feng Tianyu has a big shock, withdraws again full power, whole body profound strength protecting stubbornly before the body, in alarmed and afraid, does not dare to intend to counter-attack unexpectedly. 一声轰响,凤天谕全力轰出的凤炎被劫天剑一剑轰散,消散的火焰之后,巨大的剑身快速逼近,凤天谕大惊失色,再度全力后撤,全身玄力死死的护在身前,在惊惧之中,竟再不敢出手反击。 ---- ---- red light that in Phoenix City, can the clear seeing southeastern direction sky flash unceasingly, the sound of rumbled, although is away from be far, somewhat is still ear-spitting. 凤凰城中,可以清晰的看到东南方向的天空不断闪动的红光,轰鸣之声虽然隔着极远,依然有些震耳。 Hehe, that Yun Che really impossible can escape the Grand Elder palm.” Feng Ximing sneers saying: Grand Elder intended...... too to be simply cheap personally he!!” “呵呵,那云澈果然不可能逃得过太长老的手掌心。”凤熙铭冷笑道:“太长老亲自出手……简直太便宜他了!!” Acted from Grand Elder already in the past some little time, unexpectedly hadn't finished...... could it be that is Grand Elder is playing stresses the game of mouse noisily?” Feng Feilie thin smile the say/way, their anybody was not suspecting that Feng Tianyu must kill Yun Che to be easy as pie. “从太长老出手已经过去好一会儿,居然还没有结束……难道太长老在玩闹抓耗子的游戏?”凤非烈淡笑着道,他们任何人都绝不怀疑凤天谕要杀云澈根本易如反掌。 The Feng Tianqing complexion is very at first tranquil, as the ray of southeast sky is getting stronger and stronger, voice/sound is getting more and more heavy, his brow also little sank. 凤天擎的脸色起初很是平静,而随着东南方天空的光芒越来越浓烈,声音越来越沉重,他的眉头也一点点的沉了下来。 Notices his complexion change, Feng Hengkong asks: Grand Elder, what accident Tianyu (heaven's decree) Elder that side does could it be that have?” 注意到他的脸色变化,凤横空问道:“太长老,天谕长老那边难道有什么变故?” Feng Tianqing said in a low voice: Tianyu (heaven's decree) used half profound strength at first...... is eight force components...... now, enhances the 100% strength unexpectedly! What's the matter? Yun Che's strength even again exaggerating, still did impossible compel Tianyu (heaven's decree) Elder to use full power...... could it be that to present others? Is and some Yun Che together powerful helper?” 凤天擎低声道:“天谕起初用了一半玄力……然后是八分力……现在,居然提升到了十成力!怎么回事?云澈的实力就算再夸张,也不可能逼得天谕长老用出全力……难道是出现了其他人?或者是和云澈一起的某个强力帮手?” At this time, near the ear of Feng Tianqing transmitted Feng Tianyu rapidly to pass the frightened phoenix soul to send greetings suddenly: 这时,凤天擎的耳边忽然传来凤天谕急促中透着惶然的凤魂传音: Coming at once...... me is not his opponent!!” “速来……我不是他的对手!!” The Feng Tianqing complexion drastic change, cannot believe voice/sound that oneself hear. He looks up to the southeastern sky, inspires again, explained to Feng Hengkong and the others without enough time, fly up, has flushed to go at the maximum speed horizontally. 凤天擎脸色剧变,根本不敢相信自己所听到的声音。他抬头看向东南方的天空,重吸一口气,来不及向凤横空等人解释,已飞身而起,以最快的速度横冲而去。
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