ATG :: Volume #21

#2114: Evil God recalled finally

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„Are the Pure Land god health/guard?” Yun Che whispered. “他们就是净土神卫?”云澈低语道。 These three people of body not mail-armor and helmets, but is the brocade clothes, obviously non- Abyss Knight. 这三人身上并无甲胄,而是锦衣,显然非深渊骑士 Yes.” Meng Jianxi passes message to respond: They do not have the power of judgement, almost the life does not leave Pure Land, is managing Pure Land all, is inferior to Abyss Knight in the world in the eyes position. But, but therefore do not despise to them.” “是。”梦见溪传音回应道:“他们无裁决之权,几乎一生不离净土,操持着净土的一切,在世人眼中的地位不如深渊骑士。但,可千万不要因此对他们有所轻视。” Through Pure Land trial, the disqualification has not become Abyss Knight profound practitioner, can by sweep-out Pure Land. But if passed moral character trial, leaves beside, will also be many a choice, that keeps Pure Land, becomes the Pure Land god health/guard. 未通过净土试炼,无资格成为深渊骑士玄者,会被驱出净土。但若是通过了其中的品格试炼,离开之外,还会多一个选择,那就是留在净土,成为净土神卫。 Becoming the words that the Pure Land god protects, lifetime is not likely able to tread Pure Land again, was equal to give up the previous life, tied up the subsequent life. 只是成为净土神卫的话,很可能一生都无法再踏出净土,等同于放弃了先前的人生,又缚死了此后的人生。 Most Pure Land gods protect all come from this. Also becomes the god health/guard, then almost no longer comes beside Pure Land, the world is also natural the cognition to be extremely few to them. The freedom, power, position , is lower than Abyss Knight. 大部分的净土神卫皆是来自于此。既成神卫,便几乎不再现身于净土之外,世人对他们也自然认知极少。其自由、权能、地位,也皆低于深渊骑士 But, Yun Che then knows from Hua Caili there very much early, a Pure Land also small part extremely special god health/guard. 但,云澈很早便从画彩璃那里知晓,净土还有一小部分极其特殊的神卫。 Pure Land four Divine Emissary personally god health/guard of training. 净土神官所亲手培养的神卫。 Under abyss True God, the Divine Pinnacle Realm peak, is a person of peak altogether has 11 people. 深渊真神之下,神极境巅峰,亦是人之巅峰共有十一人。 The six in six big Divine Country, Pure Land monopolize its five. 其六在六大神国,净土独占其五。 But this Pure Land five big Divine Pinnacle Realm peaks, its one is Abyss Knight, its four all are the Pure Land god health/guard. 而这净土的五大神极境巅峰,其一为深渊骑士,其四皆为净土神卫。 Under Grand Divine Emissary: East is bright ; 大神官麾下:东煌; Under Divine Emissary Wan Dao: Long wins ; 万道神官麾下:长赢; Under Divine Emissary Ling Xian: Falling ; 灵仙神官麾下:素商; Under Divine Emissary Liu Xiao: Yuan brave. 六笑神官麾下:元英。 Returning of Yun Che sigh said: Above Pure Land, even if the person of most negligible, no one dares to take lightly.” 云澈不无感叹的回道:“净土之上,哪怕是最微末之人,也无人敢看轻。” Even most common Pure Land god health/guard, still not through the trial would-be knight......, but must obtain to participate in the qualifications of Pure Land trial, an essential condition is cultivation base steps into Divine Extinction Realm. 即使是最普通的净土神卫,也是未通过试炼的准骑士……而要取得参加净土试炼的资格,一个必要条件是修为踏入神灭境 In other words , cultivation base that the Pure Land god protects, does not have is lower than Divine Extinction Realm, in either one Life Land, has existence of qualifications establish a sect. 换言之,净土神卫的修为,无一低于神灭境,在任何一方生地,都是有资格开宗立派的存在。 Solely this concept, then makes living of person thinking fear. 单单这个概念,便让人思之生恐。 Steps into up, the world switches over suddenly. 踏入光界,世界陡然切换。 First, Pure Land takes to the Yun Che's feeling to only have two characters: Element Jane/simple. 第一眼,净土带给云澈的感觉只有两个字:素简。 Does not have in the cognition territory of some ruler to be magnificent and expensive, has not been austere to lofty that the high place nature covers , the even/including construction especially is as far as eyes can reach sparse, conversely finding at everywhere all kinds of green jade wooden complicated/many flower/spend. 没有认知中帝皇之域该有的华贵辉煌,亦没有至高之地自然笼罩的威凌肃重,一眼望去,就连建筑都格外稀疏,反倒是随处可见各种各样的翠木繁花。 Temperateness that especially here all aura past, cannot seek any anxiety and anxiety from life, here ray is temperate as if can map in the hearts, easily caresses all negative state of mind sufficiently. 这里的所有气息都流转的格外温和,寻不到任何来自生灵的不安与焦躁,这里的光线更是温和的仿佛能映入心间,足以轻易抚下一切的负面心绪。 Yun Che looks all around, felt clearly everyone's breath under unconscious slow, when these young disciple surprised exclamation, reveals being infatuated all condition. 云澈环顾四周,清晰感觉到所有人的呼吸都在不自觉的缓下,那些年轻弟子惊奇惊叹之余,更是无不露出陶醉之态。 Because here is Pure Land, absolutely does not have the abyss dust world, is the abyss life endless respect, the boundary of fantasy endless yearns. 因为这里是净土,是完全没有渊尘的世界,是深渊生灵无尽敬仰,无尽向往的幻想之境。 Meng Jianxi long inspiration, long putting out, exudes a sigh that is difficult to damp: Although is not the first arrival, but one type visits the feeling of immortal realm...... absolutely not to have the abyss dust world as before.” 梦见溪长长的吸了一口气,再长长的吐出,随之发出一声难抑的感叹:“虽已不是第一次到来,但依旧有一种踏足仙境之感……完全没有渊尘的世界啊。” Hears that Eternal Pure Land, the entire huge world does not have abyss dust, is unable to imagine simply, that should be a how happy world.” “听闻那‘永恒净土’,整个庞大世界都不存在一丝的渊尘,简直无法想象,那该是一个多么美好的世界。” Survival in such world, any life does not need to be worried momentarily the attack of abyss dust, ten thousand wood naturally grow, ten thousand beasts gallop freely, innumerable race derives, a even/including newly-born baby can cry aloud recklessly...... such world, the life decides secure and who however is we are unable to imagine, will not have the fear, to struggle, sorrow to cry, the even/including evil thought will be comforted purely, is difficult the brutal battle with slaughtering.” “生存于那样的世界,任何生灵都不需要随时担心渊尘的侵袭,万木自然生长,万兽自由奔腾,数不清的种族在其中衍生,就连一个刚出生的婴孩都可以肆意啼哭……那样的世界,生灵定然是我们无从想象的安和,不会有恐惧、挣扎、哀哭,就连恶念都会被纯净安抚,难有残酷的争斗与杀戮。” Yun Che is silent. 云澈默然不语。 Meng Jianxi continued: This Pure Land has an audience with, Abyss Sovereign might mention Eternal Pure Land. Can Younger Brother Yuan have the anticipation?” 梦见溪继续道:“此次净土觐见,渊皇很可能会言及永恒净土渊弟可有期待?” Yun Che looks to yearn: Without the abyss dust world, who can not yearn.” 云澈面露向往:“没有渊尘的世界,谁人会不向往。” Will achieve wishes.” “会如愿的。” the front Meng Kongchan makes noise suddenly lightly: „The place of that once fantasy, now is within reach. Perhaps, has the short dozens years again, you can base above that piece of Eternal Pure Land, and will open and continues our Weaving Dream the world of future there, Hahahaha.” 前方梦空蝉忽然淡淡出声:“那片曾经的幻想之地,如今已是触手可及。或许,再有短短数十载,你们便可亲身立足于那片永恒净土之上,并在那里重新开辟和延续我们织梦的未来之世,哈哈哈哈。” In the Meng Kongchan big laughter, Yun Che is consistent with the Meng Jianxi facial expression, actually exudes the entirely different surging emotions. 梦空蝉的大笑声中,云澈梦见溪神情一致,却是泛动着截然不同的心潮。 At this time, Yun Che's facial expression suddenly fierce stagnated, the footsteps also sewed there stubbornly. 这时,云澈的神情忽然猛的一滞,脚步也死死钉在了那里。 Younger Brother Yuan, how?” The Meng Jianxi suspension of movement asked. 渊弟,怎么了?”梦见溪停步问道。 „...... Is all right.” Yun Che shakes the head, the manner is free: Is just now inexplicable some consciousness to be absent-minded.” “……没事。”云澈摇头,神态自若:“方才莫名有些意识恍惚。” Meng Jianxi understands clearly said: This is normal. Was used to existence of abyss dust, for the first time enters no abyss dust world, the cognition will be turbulent. When I entered Pure Land at the beginning of that year, several times was once absent-minded.” 梦见溪了然道:“这再正常不过。习惯了渊尘的存在,乍入毫无渊尘的世界,认知都会为之动荡。我当年初入净土时,也曾数次恍惚。” abyss profound practitioner treads body Pure Land, such as the fish from the been familiar with foul and stinking mire entered to the spring of clear suddenly, indeed will have the tremendous blow to the cognition. 深渊玄者踏身净土,就如鱼儿从早已习惯的污臭泥沼忽入至清之泉,的确会对认知造成巨大冲击。 But, regardless world aura plane/level, abyss profound practitioner in the eyes just like immortal realm sacred ground Pure Land, but is in the Yun Che cognition an ordinary side world. 但,抛开天地气息层面,深渊玄者眼中宛若仙境圣地净土,不过是云澈认知中再平凡不过的一方世界。 Just now, divine sense covered him. 方才,一个神识笼罩了他。 Among that moment, his five senses as if sank to the endless sea, when does not know, does not know the turning over to place, does not see the end. 那一瞬间,他的五感仿佛沉入了无尽之海,不知来时,不知归处,不见尽头。 That merely one divine sense, as if has been enough being defeated world, swallows various world. 那仅仅一个神识,似乎已足以覆没天地,吞噬诸世。 That divine sense stayed the moment in his body, made Yun Che as if experience a long world. 那个神识在他身上停留了须臾,却让云澈仿佛经历了一段漫长之世。 Just now...... is that?” Li Suo voice/sound is extremely light, brings since she has regained consciousness, sincerest and heavy worry. “方才……那是?”黎娑声音极轻,带着自她苏醒以来,最为深切和沉重的担忧。 When asked that she had known the answer. 问出之时,她已知晓了答案。 He discovered me.” Yun Che is very tranquil, regardless of tone or state of mind. “他发现我了。”云澈很是平静,无论语气还是心绪。 You...... have thought seriously how to face in him?” Li Suo asked that words all was worry that was hard unable to release. “你……当真已经想好了如何面对于他?”黎娑问道,字字皆是难以无法释下的担忧。 Un, don't worry.” “嗯,不用担心。” Yun Che voice/sound is light, the surging emotions are calm, says Li Suo, says itself. 云澈声音淡淡,心潮平静,是说予黎娑,更是说予自己。 A stabbing pain transmits from the soul sea deep place, and gradually intensifies. 一股刺痛从魂海深处传来,并逐渐加剧。 From Evil God Ni Xuan final two memory fragments. 是来自邪神逆玄最后的两枚记忆碎片。 They, unexpectedly by him when exists to touch triggers, disruption. 它们,竟是在被“他”的存在触及时触发,碎裂。 But this pricking is also telling Yun Che, the emotion that this final memory fragment carries fluctuates, must be better than previously. 而这股刺痛感亦在告诉云澈,这最后的记忆碎片所携带的情感波动,要远远胜过先前。 The Pure Land god protects their to lead to a garden, arrangement Jane/simple especially, no some entertaining a guest elegant thing, only then dozens profound array that uses to calm the mind, most striking, only has green wooden complicated/many flower/spend as before. 净土神卫将他们引领至一处庭院之中,陈设格外之简,无任何该有的待客雅物,只有几十处用以静心的玄阵,最为醒目的,依旧唯有翠木繁花。 But, an numerous Divine Country noble person, actually no one dares to put out a hand to touch here flowers and trees, resembling is for fear that blasphemed. 但,一众神国的高贵之人,却无人敢去伸手触碰这里的花木,似是唯恐亵渎。 The Pure Land god protects the warm sound said: Double-hour still early, but also invited Dreamless God Venerate and everyone/numerous honored guest rests in this temporarily. If the double-hour, Abyss Sovereign has summon. Moreover place of minute/share Pure Land according to stern, restricted area quite a lot, but also asked the everyone/numerous honored guest do not take a walk at will.” 净土神卫温声道:“时辰尚早,还请无梦神尊众位贵客在此暂歇。时辰若至,渊皇自有宣召。另外净土之地分据森严,禁地颇多,还请众位贵客勿要随意走动。” Un.” Meng Kongchan nods: Other can Divine Country already to?” “嗯。”梦空蝉颔首:“其他神国可已皆至?” The Pure Land god defends traditional moral principles: Currently to Divine Country, only has Weaving Dream and booklet day, guest of other four Divine Country and Dragon Clan still on the way.” 净土神卫道:“目前已至神国,唯有织梦与折天,其他四神国龙族之客尚在途中。” The Pure Land god health/guard leaves, has not kept any waiter. 净土神卫离开,未留任何侍者。 But, will have anybody to think that absolutely not Pure Land is disrespectful. 但,断不会有任何人觉得净土失礼。 The stabbing pain in Yun Che soul sea is getting more and more fierce, he takes advantage of opportunity this discomfort presently above the five senses. 云澈魂海中的刺痛越来越剧烈,他顺势将这种不安感现于五官之上。 Meng Kongchan some detected early, the concern said: Initially enters Pure Land, easy mind difficult peaceful, especially your cultivation base still to be shallow, easily so. If unendurable, with rapt attention calming the mind a while, adapts to here world aura then.” 梦空蝉早有察觉,关切道:“初入净土,会容易心神难宁,尤其你修为尚浅,更易如此。若难以忍受,去凝神静心一会儿,适应此处的天地气息即可。” Good.” Yun Che obeys accordingly, then very low voice say/way: If Caili came, but also asked God Venerate to conceal some.” “好。”云澈顺从应声,然后又很小声的道:“若是彩璃来了,还请神尊掩饰些许。” Oh?” Meng Kongchan looks being astonished color, laughs saying: Is a gruff boy, is the weak condition is not willing to reveal seriously gives the person of admiring. Relax, is self-sufficient you to defend for the father.” ?”梦空蝉面露讶色,随之哈哈大笑道:“到底是个倔小子,当真是一点弱态都不愿露给心仪之人。放心,为父亲自给你守着。” Yun Che no longer talks too much, arrives in profound array to sit down rapidly, then launches to isolate formation, whatever own consciousness sinks to the memory fragment that piece just disrupted. 云澈不再多言,迅速来到一处玄阵中坐下,然后展开隔绝结界,任由自己的意识沉入那片刚刚碎裂的记忆碎片中。 ...... …… The vast world, is rolling up and pushing along the calamity storm. 浩渺的世界,卷动着灾厄的风暴。 The vault of heaven in the dislocation, the land is trembling, space each can the split open innumerable fissure instantaneously, as if there is violent of innumerable lightnings crazy in the world to flee. 天穹在错位,大地在震颤,空间每一个瞬间都会崩开数不清的裂痕,仿佛有无数的闪电在天地间狂乱的暴窜。 Even if away from extremely remote era, Yun Che as before the grayish white color that is in sole possession of that sky, distinguishing this is the God Realm of Absolute Beginning world. 纵然隔着太过遥远的时代,云澈依旧从那苍穹独有的灰白之色,辨出这是太初神境的世界。 Presents in God Realm of Absolute Beginning, is the average man remote ancient calamity that the imagination is unable to draw up. 只是呈现于太初神境的,是常人连想象都无法拟出的遥古灾厄 The Ni Xuan long hair hangs loose, originally is the outstanding unparalleled facial features only has the grey defeat at this moment, is proliferating the fearful scar of heavily overlap. But his coat seemed like just bailed out from the blood pond, spreads to dye fishy smell scarlet. 逆玄长发披散,本是俊逸无双的面容此刻唯有灰败,遍布着重重交叠的可怕伤痕。而他的外衣像是刚从血池中捞出,遍染腥赤。 His upper body slow-action, movement of setting out difficult such as a withered old person. But immediately, he heavily kneels down, the blood of Creation God drenches from his body innumerable wounds crazily falls, is contaminated Absolute Beginning ground of under foot. 他上身缓动,起身的动作艰难如一个枯槁老人。但马上,他又重重跪倒在地,创世神之血从他身上无数的创口中疯狂淋落,浸染着脚下的太初大地 He is Elemental Creation God, present age to exists high. no one can imagine...... even he himself not to think, he some day will injure unexpectedly heavily hence, distressed hence, pain hence. 他是元素创世神,当世的至高存在。无人能想象……连他自己都未曾想过,他竟会有一天伤重至此,狼狈至此,痛苦至此。 His the front, is a gold cloth big man. 他的前方,是一个一身金衣的高大男子。 His five senses, the feeling of incomparably clear sword carving. 他的五官,给人一种无比清晰的剑刻之感。 His facial features, let first that the person looks, in the hearts then clear incomparable appears uprightly two characters. 他的面容,让人看去的第一眼,心间便会真切无比的显现出“刚正”二字。 As if before this facial features, any principle does not allow to violate, any rule does not allow to trample, any mistake does not accommodate lightly, any evil does not allow to exist. 仿佛这幅面容之前,任何法则都不容违背,任何规则都不容践踏,任何过错都不容轻恕,任何罪恶都不容存在。 He is the head of Four Great Creation Gods, present age most supreme existence: 他是四大创世神之首,当世最至高无上的存在: Heaven Punishing God Emperor —— Mo E. 诛天神帝——末厄 In his hand, is grasping a spacious sword. The sword for the color of ancient bronzes, sword body is ordinary, front obtuse awnless, no sword presses lofty. Vertical falls into the world of mortals, is every iron that every profound practitioner will not look askance. 他的手中,握着一把宽大的剑。剑为古铜之色,剑体平凡,锋钝无芒,更无任何剑压威凌。纵落入凡间,亦是一把凡界玄者都不会侧目的凡铁。 However, it has a startled day to startle the name of the world. 然而,它却有着一个惊天骇世之名。 Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword. 诛天始祖剑 The heads of seven big Heavenly Profound Treasure ranks, the world's of first sword primordial chaos, the first ancestor of primordial chaos ten thousand Shizhu. 七大玄天至宝排位之首,混沌之世第一把剑,混沌万世诸器之始祖。 He grasps Ancestral Sword, stands still in the world. The vertical calamity, storm more/complete world, his resolute does not have gorgeously like mountain holding the sky. 他手持始祖剑,静立于天地之间。纵天塌地陷,风暴弥世,他毅如擎天之岳般巍然无动。 He looks at blood-stained all over the body Elemental Creation God Ni Xuan indifferently, the facial expression from beginning to end, has not had change that even if flickers. 他漠然看着遍体染血元素创世神逆玄,神情自始至终,未曾有过哪怕一丝一瞬的变动。 To defeat me, you do not hesitate to use the Ancestral Sword prestige unexpectedly for the second time.” “为了败我,你竟不惜第二次动用始祖剑威。” Ni Xuan voice/sound, the dry letting person is unable to believe that is the sound of Creation God: This also for your heart in so-called correct path!” 逆玄声音,干涩的让人无法相信那是创世神之音:“这也是为了你心中所谓的‘正道’吗!” The Ancestral Sword prestige, the mortal executes it, shortly will be killed violently ; True God executes it, the longevity folds 90%. 始祖剑威,凡人施之,顷刻毙命;真神施之,寿折90%。 Vertical is better than Creation God, stimulates to movement the Ancestral Sword prestige, must consume 30% life essence. 纵强如创世神,催动始祖剑威,亦需耗费30%寿元 This is the second time that he used Ancestral Sword, his creation world life essence, damages 60% greatly. 这是他第二次动用始祖剑,他的创世寿元,已是巨损60%。 He has not had the hesitation, does not have the regret. 他却是未有犹豫,更无悔意。 He is unable to understand Mo E obsession so. 他无法理解末厄的这般执念 Such as he is unable to understand why he must kill Mo Su. 就如他无法理解,他为何一定要杀了末苏 That obviously is the son who he most cherishes! Is his Heaven Punishing Crown Prince, is his respect selected power and will inheritor. 那明明是他最钟爱的儿子!是他的诛天太子,是他钦选的力量与意志的传承者 Even if Mo Su breaks the taboo, crime undeserved of death...... should not be he executes personally. 末苏就算触犯禁忌,也罪不至死……更不该是他亲手处决。 You killed Mo Su, harmed Jie Yuan, steals my daughter...... at this moment, should to me.” “你杀了末苏,害了劫渊,劫走我的女儿……此刻,也该到我了。” The Ni Xuan mirthless smile, on the face of grey defeat brings hopeless dejected: Begins.” 逆玄惨笑着,灰败的脸上带着无望的颓然:“动手吧。” Mo E opens the mouth, sound pale such as in cloud light smoke: I, although the heart hates in you, does not have reason to kill you.” 末厄开口,声淡如云上轻烟:“我虽心恨于你,却没有理由杀你。” Heh! Ni Xuan smiles lowly: Counter you correct path the person, vertical is you uses the biological son of concern and hope, you may execution of personally no leeway, let alone my so counter your person.” 呵!逆玄一声低笑:“逆你‘正道’之人,纵是你倾尽关爱和希望的亲生儿子,你都可毫无余地的亲手处决,何况我这般逆你之人。” The storm rolled up and pushed along Mo E several wisps of long hair, hits in the face, plunders several points of deep hidden grief. 暴风卷动了末厄的几缕长发,打在面部,掠起几分深隐的悲怆。 Mo E has not lifted the sword, body, has not exuded any aura. 末厄没有举剑,身上,亦没有泛动任何的气息 For a long time, he opens the mouth slowly, is actually a Ni Xuan completely strange intonation: Ni Xuan, you may know, I until now envying how in you.” 许久,他缓缓开口,却是一种逆玄完全陌生的语调:“逆玄,你可知,我一直以来何其的羡慕于你。” Ni Xuan: „......?” 逆玄:“……?” Primogenitor Goddess gives in your god name to have counter character, gives your personality is like that free and easy uninhibited, unrestrained. You are never willing any to have the rule to tie up, again and again goes reverse, to change these in your opinion to be stodgy, the absurd, unfair, wrong rule and present situation.” 始祖神给予你的神名中带着‘逆’字,给予你的性格是那般洒脱不羁,无拘无束。你从不愿被任何既有规则所缚,一次次的去反逆、改变那些在你看来死板、荒谬、不公、错误的规则与现状。” „The world needs your such Creation God. The evolution because of the world, alternation of era needs unceasing changing, needs again and again to eradicate the obsolete rule, eliminates each era dirty silt and shackles.” “世界需要你这样的创世神。因为世界的进化,时代的更迭需要不断的更变,需要一次次破除陈旧的规则,摒除每一时代的污淤与桎梏。” „The world from a piece of Huang Ji bareness, prosperous of myriad spirits ten thousand realms, then experienced the innumerable revisions and changes until now.” “世界从一片荒寂的空无,到如今万灵万界的繁盛,便是经历了无数的修正与变迁。” Ni Xuan looks at Mo E, perhaps he is unable to believe, these words stem from the mouth of Mo E unexpectedly. 逆玄看着末厄,或许他无法相信,这些话竟是出自末厄之口。 „The world needs some people to go to change unceasingly.” Mo E also looks at Ni Xuan: But similarly, needs some people to defend stubbornly.” “世界需要有人去不断地更变。”末厄也看着逆玄:“但同样,需要有人去固守。” Therefore,” Ni Xuan makes noise deeply: Gods and Devils cannot accommodate, is you must defend stubbornly, doesn't accommodate any rule of touching? Even if Mo Su, even if Creation God and Devil Emperor, even if you must so damage life essence again, must eliminate it certainly!?” “所以,”逆玄深沉出声:“神魔不可容,就是你必须固守,绝不容任何触及的规则?即使是末苏,即使是创世神魔帝,即使你要如此重损寿元,也必须将之绝除!?” Compares puzzled,...... in the god pupil of Mo E does not have the mighty waves in Ni Xuan sad heart, anger and soul war casualty, just like stagnant water. 相比于逆玄的悲心、愤怒、魂殇、不解……末厄的神眸之中却始终毫无波澜,宛若死水。 Also or, is the wound extremely and not sad. 又或者,是伤极而无悲。 He opens the mouth: World minute/share lives to extinguish, estranged Yin-Yang, Yin-Yang weighs, various world safe and calm.” 他开口:“世分生灭,生分阴阳,阴阳相衡,诸世安平。” First ancestor creates the world, bases on balanced, begins in the balance. The people are not balanced, take a step to limp, the world is not balanced, will fall down inevitably.” “始祖创世,是基于‘平衡’,始于平衡。人无平衡,举步蹒跚,世无平衡,势必倾塌。” Therefore, at the beginning of the world is Four Great Creation Gods and four big Devil Emperor, rather than eight big Creation God, or eight big Devil Emperor.” “所以,世界之初是四大创世神与四大魔帝,而非八大创世神,又或八大魔帝。” The Heaven Punishing God Emperor surface does not have the facial expression, nearly wooden was telling words that never mentioned. 诛天神帝面无神情,近乎木然的诉说着从未言及的话语。 From ancient to present, the Gods and Devils two clans all are this world to exists high, may easily determine the Heavens ten thousand realms destiny. The Gods and Devils slightly calamity, in Zhushi is actually the disaster that is drowned.” “从古至今,神魔两族皆是此世的至高存在,可轻易决定诸天万界的命运。神魔微祸,于诸世却是灭顶的天灾。” Various Gods and Devils two clan arrogant sides, repulse to make, formed for a long time weighs. The world all are all variable, only this balanced,... does not allow... to touch... the wound.” 神魔两族各倨一方,相斥相制,也形成了长久以来的相衡。世之一切皆可变,唯此平衡,不…容…触…伤。” The disaster violent rests gradually, slow got down space crackling. In the world, only two big Creation God Soul are trembling the wind and cloud of the world. 灾暴渐歇,也缓下了空间的嘶鸣。天地之间,唯有两大创世神灵魂震颤着世界的风云。 Ni Xuan voice/sound pushes to Mo E the storm: Your only knowledge repulses to make. But merge, is another type better weighs.” 逆玄声音将风暴推向末厄:“你只知相斥相制。而相融,又何尝不是另一种更好的相衡。” You said right, merge, perhaps is better weighs.” “你说的没错,相融,或许是更好的相衡。” In the Ni Xuan cognition incorrigibly obstinate Mo E, gives the echo that he approved forever unexpectedly. 逆玄认知中永远顽固不化的末厄,竟是给了他认同的回音。 But, any big change, must begin in the probe of negligible place, touching of two clan the idle talk so involves the world safety.” “但,任何大的变动,都应当始于微末处的试探,遑论这般涉及世界安危的两族之触。” Can be the god creates the world and demon creates mortal of the world, either can be end plane god and devil...... but, cannot be your Ni Xuan, cannot be Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor, cannot be...... the child of my Mo E!” “或可以是神创世界与魔创世界的凡灵,或可以是最末位面神与魔……但,不能是你逆玄,不能是劫天魔帝,更不能是……我末厄之子!” Ni Xuan pupil light had the temporary stagnation. 逆玄瞳光有了短暂的停滞。 He detected that oneself soul, is touching unexpectedly. 他察觉到自己的心魂,竟在为之触动。 Even so......” brief four characters, show him not to overrule the word of Mo E completely: You why to Mo Su, to oneself so ruthlessly certainly!” “即便如此……”简短四字,彰显着他没有完全否决末厄之言:“你又何必对末苏,对自己这般狠绝!” Mo E had the movement finally, his arm tune, hung the place Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword slowly horizontally before the body. 末厄终于有了动作,他手臂曲起,垂地的诛天始祖剑缓慢横在了身前。 Four Creation God, four Devil Emperor, are the world the highest plane life, but the body has not received highest plane power.” “四创世神,四魔帝,是世之最高位面的生灵,但并未身承最高位面力量。” power of peak world, carries to receive in Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword, with Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations.” “世之力量极致,载承于诛天始祖剑,与邪婴万劫轮。” Ni Xuan,” he is calling the name of Elemental Creation God lightly, not hates sadly, not the resentment does not have the wound: You may know, have them of strength of say/way extremely, why will be given Heaven Punishing and all generations so ominous name?” 逆玄,”他轻唤着元素创世神之名,无悲无恨,无怨无伤:“你可知,拥有极道之力的它们,为何会被赋予‘诛天’和‘万劫’这般不祥之名?”
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