ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2039: Initially falls

Fog Sea one like ordinary sinks to damp peacefully, but Hua Caili heartstrings, after entering Fog Sea any is tighter. 雾海一如平常般安静沉抑,而画彩璃的心弦,比进入雾海后的任何一刻都更要紧绷。 Her profound strength consumes greatly, all injures. Especially that blood between volumes said, seems shocking in the snow jade flesh color, but she as if no to think, Spirit Sense that outside releases full power extends to as far as possible the far space, does not dare to have slightly laxly. 玄力大耗,一身皆伤。尤其额间的那道血道,在雪玉般的肌色上更显得触目惊心,但她仿佛毫无所觉,全力外释的灵觉延伸向尽可能远的空间,不敢有丝毫松懈。 Her pupil light touches unceasingly to belonging to peaceful Yun Che, from time to time is complex, from time to time is confused. 她的眸光不断碰触向归于安静的云澈,时而复杂,时而迷茫。 Once again was rescued by him...... 又一次被他所救…… Her life, grows under others' pamper, has been accustomed to is sheltered. 她这一生,都在别人的宠溺下成长,早就习惯于被庇护。 But Yun Che, short half a year, always meets by chance. 云澈,短短半载,总是不期而遇。 Acts for her for the first time, she felt particularly interesting, cannot help but remembered this person ; 第一次为她出手,她觉得分外有趣,不由得记住了这个人; When the second time...... that is her first danger just like descends from the sky ; 第二次……那是她平生第一次危难之时的宛若天降; This time, he for does not make her be injured, does not hesitate to grasp the sword...... to let her by the hand such as the body gauze clothes pure white world, is unable in not printing that to drench from the scarlet blood of his palm. 这一次,他为不让她受伤,不惜以手抓剑……让她如身上纱衣般纯白的世界,无法不印染上那淋自他掌心的赤血。 His protection, brings to be thrilling and frigid, receives that incomparably sincerely to be completely different from protecting of feeling at ease with her entire life. 他的保护,带着惊险与惨烈,与她生平所承那无比厚重与心安的呵护完全不同。 Probably as the return, she is very anxious the surroundings, will for fear that have the wound and Yun Che's accident to happen. 像是作为回报,她无比紧张着周围,生怕会有伤及云澈的意外发生 Grey arched above, the Hua Qingying eye is observing Hua Caili this time appearance, cannot help but pressed frowning. 灰穹之上,画清影目观着画彩璃此时的样子,不由得蹙了蹙眉。 Without letting her is too anxiously long, small a quarter of an hour, Yun Che has then opened the eye. He lifts the left hand, the cavity of palm already by seal, but seems like especially is still scary. 没有让她紧张太久,小一刻钟,云澈便已睁开了眼睛。他抬起左手,掌心的空洞已被封结,只是看上去依旧格外骇人。 His movement makes the Hua Caili pupil light rotate instantaneously, two steps, concerned asking „is your injury forward good? Should better restore again some time.” 他的动作让画彩璃眸光瞬间回转,向前两步,关切的问道“你的伤势还好吗?最好再多恢复一段时间吧。” Yun Che actually sets out directly, smile say/way felt relieved, my constitution is special, this injury cannot be regarded to me anything.” 云澈却是直接起身,微笑道“放心,我的体质特殊,这种伤势对我来说算不得什么。” He looks to Hua Caili, the vision is startled suddenly slightly, has tastes Fairy Elder Sister, whether I...... nearly touch your forehead.” 他看向画彩璃,目光忽然微微一怔,出口道“仙子姐姐,我可否……近触一下你的额头。” Inferred that the Hua Caili instantaneous astonished pupil light, he said hastily I do not intend to offend, will not really touch, but must nearly to half foot.” 察知到画彩璃瞬间惊愕的眸光,他连忙道“我绝不是有意冒犯,更不会真的触碰,只是要近到半尺之内。” He urgently explained and look of obvious change let Hua Caili does not change into consternation voluntarily smiles, curious say/way why?” 他急切的解释和明显变动的眼神让画彩璃的愕然不自觉化为莞尔,好奇的道“为什么?” Yun Che has not continued to explain, but two steps, find out the finger forward directly, touches I guarantees quickly to the forehead of young girl blood-stained good.” 云澈没有继续解释,而是向前两步,就这么直接探出手指,触碰向少女染血的前额“我保证很快就好。” ei?” Hua Caili subconscious retreat......, but, in her heart flurried, then had been reappeared to seize the complete mind in present white glow. “欸?”画彩璃下意识的后退……但,她心中慌乱未起,便已被浮现于眼前的白芒攫走了全部的心神。 She likes the pure white thing, such as body smoke snow clothes, Glass Cloud Sword in hand, Pure Land pink clouds. 她喜欢纯白的事物,如身上的烟雪衣,手中的璃云剑,净土的彩云枝。 But, she has never seen pure white brilliance hence. Arrived as if lets the world purely sufficiently, even if crosses the small contamination to hide again nowhere. 但,她从未见过纯净至此的白色光华。纯净到仿佛足以让世界哪怕再过微小的污秽都无处遁形。 She is startled for a while there, whatever white glow approaches. 她一时怔在那里,任由白芒临近。 When white glow touches the body, among the volumes...... and even the pain of surrounding wound unexpectedly instantaneous goes weakly most, five senses such as was washed to drench by the clear spring, the pollution that Fog Sea brings with constraining dissipates in a flash, becomes incomparable clear understanding. 白芒触体之时,额间……乃至周围创伤的痛感竟瞬间弱去大半,五感如被清泉洗淋,雾海带来的浑浊与压抑转瞬消散,变得无比清明 flowery lips opens little, she was startled thoroughly there, the vision was away from white glow, cannot help but looking straight ahead Yun Che that pair under shine just like the white night eye. 唇瓣一点点张开,她彻底怔在了那里,目光隔着白芒,不由自主的直视着云澈那双在映照下宛若白夜的眼睛。 The remote space, Hua Qingying had doubts at first, suddenly thought of anything, the pupil light play moves, what also floats is nine points overrules. 遥远的空间,画清影起先疑惑,随之忽然想到了什么,眸光剧动,但随之浮上的是九分否决。 As that wipes the sacred feeling that white glow brings to be getting more and more clear in Spirit Sense, her shock starts to enlarge crazily...... 而随着那抹白芒带来的神圣感在灵觉中越来越清晰,她内心的震惊开始疯狂放大…… sacred this type of thing, in the abyss existence way, only has the record. If insisted to say it to exist, that also merely was one type relative sacred. 神圣这种东西,在深渊的存在方式,唯有记载。如果硬要说它存在,那也仅仅是一种“相对”的神圣 But, at this moment presents in Hua Qingying Spirit Sense, is actually one type should not exist, impossible exists...... absolutely sacred, absolutely purely. 但,此刻呈现于画清影灵觉之中的,却是一种绝不该存在,也不可能存在的……绝对神圣,绝对纯粹。 The life is unable the cognition never to contact thing. But, this sacred feeling is actually clear like that seems existence to high principle, not absolute cognition that accommodates the life judgment and doubts. 生灵本无法认知从未接触过的事物。但,这种神圣感却是那般的清晰,仿佛是一种存在于至高法则,不容生灵评判与置疑的绝对认知。 Light... bright... profound... strength......” “光…明…玄…力……” Hua Qingying pronounces unstressed should only exist in the sacred phrase of remote ancient record, in azure pupil that drifts away presently, she looks at the blood ditch between Hua Caili volumes to the speed of completely unique cognition to disappear in white glow quickly little...... until together with the bloodstain same place, complete disappearance does not have the trace. 画清影轻念着本该只存在于遥古记载的神圣字眼,微现游离的青眸之中,她看着画彩璃额间的血沟在白芒之中以快到完全超脱认知的速度一点点消失……直至连同血迹一起,完完全全的消失无踪。 white glow dissipates, the Yun Che finger takes back, on the face appears the smile. 白芒消散,云澈手指收回,脸上重新现出微笑。 The Hua Caili entire lifting hand, caresses to own forehead, refers to only has jade satin general touching that transmits, does not have a wee bit wound traces. 画彩璃整整的抬手,抚向自己的额头,指间传来的唯有玉缎一般的触碰,没有丁点创伤的痕迹。 What power is this......?” Her beautiful eyes obviously somewhat absent-minded, in the hearts, is drifting in the air light profound strength four characters. “这是……什么力量?”她美眸明显有些失神,心间,浮荡着“光明玄力”四个字。 She after all is Heaven Breaker God's Daughter, has high plane/level cognition. 她毕竟是折天神女,本就有着很高层面的认知。 Although light profound strength never appears in the abyss world, but during the record, its characteristics are extremely obvious. Pure white and pure, but sacred, having world is purest, strength of the most powerful cure, even can create the life the miracle. 光明玄力虽从未在深渊世界出现,但记载之中,它的特征太过明显。纯白、纯净而神圣,有着世间最纯粹,也最强大的治愈之力,甚至可以创造生命的神迹。 Yun Che opens the vision slightly, confident say/way is my Master grants my one special power, is a secret that my body...... must keep.” 云澈稍稍偏开目光,随之又坦然道“是我的师父赐予我的一种特殊力量,也是我身上……必须保守的一个秘密。” light profound strength present world, this matter, once spreads, it can be imagined will initiate how huge shock. 光明玄力现世,此事一旦传开,可想而知会引发多么巨大的震动 Only without a doubt, powerful to will not easily control for others, otherwise this is one must the secret that goes all-out to cling to tenaciously. 毫无疑问,除非强大到不会轻易为他人所控,否则这是一个必须尽全力死守的隐秘。 Such important secret, you why......” “这么重要的秘密,你为什么……” The Yun Che vision is genial, the lip angle slightly curved Master has said that the graciousness of water drop, surely the spring reported. Fairy Elder Sister just now saves me in the danger, even if I use up the life should by the report, let alone is only the secret.” 云澈目光和煦,唇角微弯“师父说过,滴水之恩,必当涌泉相报。仙女姐姐方才救我于危难,我哪怕竭命以报都是应该,何况只是秘密。” His vision suddenly slightly low, as if hesitant some little time, restrained by force is blushing however says actually...... actually also some selfishness. Although Fairy Elder Sister only reveals half face, but is actually my has seen entire life most attractive, most perfect...... thing.” 他目光忽然微微低下,似乎犹豫了好一会儿,才强压着赧然说道“其实……其实也是有一些私心在内。仙子姐姐虽然只露半颜,但却是我这一生见过的最好看,最完美的……事物。” „The wound between Fairy Elder Sister volumes, making me understand suddenly why in world most regrettable matter was not unparalleled dies honorably, but was white Biran the flaw. Therefore...... cannot bear......” 仙子姐姐额间的创伤,让我忽然明白了为什么世间最遗憾之事不是无双玉碎,而是白璧染瑕。所以……忍不住就……” „......” The Hua Caili inner world exudes a completely strange cake however, completely does not know how should respond. “……”画彩璃心海泛起一种完全陌生的酥然,全然不知该怎么回应。 Fairy can Elder Sister help me keep this secret?” Yun Che lightly said Master once repeatedly urged, may not premature before the person of this power show/unfolds . But I...... am not really able to repress in front of Fairy Elder Sister.” 仙子姐姐可以帮我保守这个秘密吗?”云澈轻声道师父曾反复叮嘱,绝不可过早的将这种力量展之人前。但我在仙子姐姐面前……实在无法按捺。” Hua Caili three points ignorant however, seven points of inexplicable mentally confused, she nods you to be able rest assured that hastily, you to help me...... I will definitely keep this secret for you, will not make others know.” 画彩璃三分懵然,七分莫名的心乱,她连忙颔首“你放心,你是为了帮我……我肯定会为你保守这个秘密,绝不会让他人知道的。” Moreover,” she stressed that is you saves me obviously more multiple, should be I repays you to be right.” “而且,”她强调道“明明是你救我更多次,也应该是我报答你才对。” Yun Che returns to smile, he no longer said anything, the palm grasps, Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword flies to reach behind the back, that large abyss crystal has not forgotten to take back. He slightly one nods Fairy Elder Sister to Hua Caili, can meet in Fog Sea, fortunately, then no longer disturbs you to be informed and experienced very much, is predestined friends see again/goodbye.” 云澈回以微笑,他不再多说什么,手掌一抓,劫天诛魔剑飞回手间,那枚颇大的渊晶也没有忘记收回。他向画彩璃微一颔首“仙子姐姐,能在雾海相遇,很是有幸,便不再打扰你历练,有缘再见吧。” Then, he has turned around directly, is dragging Heaven Smiting Sword neat departure. 说完,他直接转过身,拖着劫天剑干净利落的离去。 „......” The words that wants the exit|to speak innumerably stop in the hearts, the young girl can only look his form goes far away. “……”无数想要出口的话就此止在心间,少女只能怔怔的看着他的身影远去。 At this time, near her ear transmitted Hua Qingying voice/sound suddenly 这时,她的耳边忽然传来画清影声音 Caili, finding the way to travel together with him.” 彩璃,想办法与他同行。” Hua Caili beautiful eyes trembles to swing...... from stepping into Fog Sea, this is the first time that she voice/sound that hears Hua Qingying. 画彩璃美眸颤荡……自踏入雾海之中,这还是她第一次听到画清影声音 Several times the dangerous situation, the two times dead boundary, she never has previously come today. Even makes Hua Caili cannot help but start to suspect that she has really left. 先前数次危境,今日两次死境,她都从未现身过。甚至让画彩璃都不由得开始怀疑她是不是真的已经离开。 This time makes noise finally, is actually not directed or warned, to let her unexpectedly...... goes to travel together with a man on own initiative? 此次终于出声,却不是予以指引或告诫,竟是为了让她……主动去与一个男子同行? Paternal aunt?” She tries to send out voice/sound in the hearts. “姑姑?”她试着在心间发出声音 Hua Qingying voice/sound carries cold cold sword intent to transmit „the advancement rapidness of extremely this person, short half a year from Divine Sovereign Realm grows to Divine Lord Realm Third Level, profound strength is as strange as the extreme, defeats a First Level half god by the strength of Divine Lord Realm unexpectedly, this matter, looks over the abyss history, has never had.” 画清影声音携着冷寒剑意传来“这个人的进境极其之快,短短半载从神君境成长至神主境三级,玄力更是诡异到极点,竟以神主境之力挫败一个一级半神,这种事,纵观深渊历史,都从未有过。” And you personally see, when he breaks through, appears five element strength unexpectedly. Five element strength with saving its, do not have the riot sign. But he a moment ago present white glow...... that absolutely was in the record already peerless light profound strength without doubt.” “且你亲眼所见,他突破之时,竟是现出五种元素力。五种元素力同存其身,却毫无暴乱迹象。而他刚才所现的白芒……那绝对是记载中早已绝世的光明玄力无疑。” Hua Caili say/way „, therefore, paternal aunt's meaning is......” 画彩璃道“所以,姑姑的意思是……” Different of this child, being hard word to chat.” Hua Qingying continued he must be just shortly after enter world, otherwise must be shocking. His origin, is not absolutely common. this period of time, you for the time being nearly his body, but does not need you deliberately to investigate his anything...... I to observe.” 此子之异,难以言叙。”画清影继续道“他应当是刚刚入世不久,否则必已惊世。他的来历,绝对远非寻常。这段时间,你暂且近他之身,但也无需你刻意探查他什么……我自会观察。” In Hua Caili beautiful eyes surprised such as the ripples of wind volume surge for a very long time, making her so surprised is not Hua Qingying appraises to Yun Che's, but yes...... 画彩璃美眸中的惊讶如风卷的涟漪般久久波荡,让她如此惊讶的不是画清影云澈的评价,而是…… In her cognition the personality weakens to peak, except for her and sword, will never care about all paternal aunts, can observe one to meet soon junior man unexpectedly on own initiative initially? 她认知中性情淡漠到极致,除了她和剑,从不会在意一切的姑姑,竟要主动观察一个初遇不久的后辈男子? As if detected oneself display exceptionally and urgent, Hua Qingying tonality pale under Caili, when a little you may feel relieved, this child absolutely not evil person.” 似乎察觉到自己表现的过于异常和迫切,画清影音调淡下“彩璃,有一点你当可放心,此子绝非恶人。” All the record about light profound strength once mentioned, light profound strength are extremely few presently in world, because of wanting to receive light profound strength, not only need have the Wugou (stainless) body, must the pure ultimate good, does not accommodate slightly dirty Soul. Since he body receives light profound strength, that settled is a mind is quite pure the good person.” “所有关于光明玄力的记载都曾提及,光明玄力之所以极少现于世间,是因欲承光明玄力,不但要有无垢的身躯,更要有至纯至善,不容丝毫秽恶的灵魂。他既然身承光明玄力,那定当是个心灵极为纯善之人。” Meets by chance actually rescues continually, to protect others did not hesitate to cause heavy losses to oneself body...... he previously the line, without doubt and pure good two character compatibility. Otherwise, I will permit you and he absolutely not travel together.” “萍水相逢却连番施救,为护他人不惜重创己身……他先前所行,也无疑都与‘纯善’二字契合。否则,我断不会允你与他同行。” Un, I understood.” Hua Caili accordingly. “嗯,我明白了。”画彩璃应声。 After entering Fog Sea, she never goes hand in hand with anybody. But at this moment, facing paternal aunt's driving request, in her hearts actually the strange does not have any repel, instead...... that seems like a faint anticipation? 进入雾海之后,她从未与任何人结伴而行。而此刻,面对姑姑的主动要求,她心间却奇异的没有任何排斥,反而……那似乎是一种隐隐的期待? Has not pursued Yun Che immediately, her both feet to make beautiful eyes that the endless starry sky changes colors dimly supine, very earnestly said „, but the paternal aunt, I have promised him, must keep the secret for him. You......” 没有马上追去云澈,她那双足以让无尽星空黯淡失色的美眸仰起,很是认真的道“但是姑姑,我答应过他,要为他保守秘密。你……” Loquacity.” Hua Qingying returned to her two characters lightly, how she can the scraps/condescend in exposing others secret. “多话。”画清影淡淡回了她两个字,她岂会屑于暴露他人之秘。 Hee.” Toward paternal aunt possibly in the direction spat sticking out one's tongue quietly, her body plunders together delicate figure, flies to Yun Che direction. “嘻。”向着姑姑可能在的方向悄悄吐了吐舌,她的身躯掠起一道纤影,飞向云澈所去的方向。 The Yun Che's speed is not so fast but so slow neither, goes to the Fog Sea surrounding. 云澈的速度不快不慢,向雾海外围而去。 Why can you expose light profound strength?” Li Suo asked. Other, she has doubts at most, but this point, she is incomprehensible. “你为何要暴露光明玄力?”黎娑问道。其他的,她顶多是疑惑,而此点,她不可理解。 The Yun Che sluggish say/way exposes the secret is the trust that one type alone is, guarantees the rules to be able invisible to pull closer the two people distance together, the secret is bigger is so......, if did not have that peeper to be better.” 云澈慢吞吞的道“展露秘密是一种独属的信任,一起保守则会无形拉近两人的距离,秘密越大越是如此……若是没那个偷窥者就更好了。” „......” Li Suo still difficult solution, but does not want to ask again, caution say/way you did not worry this secret did leak out? This to present you, can be a very big trouble.” “……”黎娑依然难解,但不想再问,警示道“你不担心这个秘密被泄露出去吗?这对如今的你而言,会是一个很大的麻烦。” „The price of divulging is very certainly big, it is precisely for this reason, exposes the brought trust income on own initiative also is also very big.” Yun Che was saying leisurely natural premise is, I enough believe that they will not leak out it.” “泄露的代价当然很大,也正因如此,主动展露所带来的信任收益也同样很大。”云澈慢条斯理的说着“当然前提是,我足够相信她们并不会将之泄露出去。” So assured basis, is brutal. 这般笃定的基底,又何尝不是无情。 Before sinking to abyss, and after visiting abyss, Yun Che takes to Li Suo motion appearance difference of heaven and earth, sentences, if two people. 沉入深渊前和踏足深渊后,云澈带给黎娑的情绪状态可谓天差地别,判若两人 How do you then prepare?” Li Suo asked you so diligently close to Hua Caili, why in that best time, is actually just now leaving again?” “那你接下来准备如何?”黎娑问道“你如此努力的在接近画彩璃,为何在方才那个最好的时机,却又再次抽身?” Similarly approaches, initiative and passive, but difference of heaven and earth.” Yun Che smiles, consistently is maintaining not so fast but so slow neither step, has to be in the discretion of Fog Sea, hesitant what does not appear me to want is she approaches me on own initiative.” “同样是临近,主动和被动可是天差地别的。”云澈笑了一笑,始终保持着不快不慢的步伐,有着身在雾海的谨慎,又不显得犹豫“我要的是她主动靠近我。” Li Suo is astonished by her status, some people protect in the side, you depend on what think her to be able......” 黎娑微讶“以她的身份,又有人在侧相护,你又凭何认为她会……” Young Master Yun!” 云公子!” The shout of young girl transmits from the rear area, vertical passes through layer upon layer the deep pool fog, as before that elusive happy. 少女的呼喊声从后方传来,纵穿过层层渊雾,依旧那么的空灵悦心。 „......” Li Suo voice/sound stops suddenly. “……”黎娑声音戛然而止。 Yun Che turns around, looked that to such as puts on the young girl who the fog sparkling stone butterfly flies, just right brings shocking with being astonished. 云澈转身,看向如穿雾莹蝶般飞来的少女,带着恰到好处的惊艳与讶异。 The young girls fall the body in his the front, snowy face are turning round slightly mist, does not know that because of approaches an anxiety of man for the first time on own initiative, stemming from has goal disturbed...... or other anything she is unable to know the clear reason. 少女落身于他的前方,雪颜覆着一层微霞,不知是因平生第一次主动靠近一个男子的紧张,还是出于“别有目的”的忐忑……又或者其他什么她自己都无法识清的原因。 The jade lip moves lightly, just about to opens the mouth, actually listens to men's surprised say/way how you to know my surnamed Yun at present?” 玉唇轻动,刚要开口,却听眼前男子一脸惊讶的道“你怎么知道我姓云?” „......” Hua Caili is at a loss for words immediately, fast circulation of intention in disturbance, this recalls, their several contacts, he never seems to have really mentioned oneself given name in her front. “……”画彩璃顿时语塞,心念在忐忑间快速流转,这才忆起,他们的几次接触,他似乎真的从未在她的面前提及过自己的名讳。 The young girl delay of suddenly makes Yun Che knit the brows, resembles earnestly, resembles say/way of inquisition I to be strange, why short a half year, actually can run into you from Qilin Abyss Realm to boundless Fog Sea. Originally, do you continuously and track me in investigation secretly?” 少女忽然的呆滞让云澈皱了皱眉,似认真,似探究的道“我就奇怪,为什么才短短半年,从麟渊界到茫茫雾海却总能遇到你。原来,你一直在偷偷的调查和跟踪我?” Li Suo „......?” 黎娑“……?” no no no!” 不是不是!” The young girl life must completely spoil, how could was so wronged. Her mood seems like punctured, incomparably hurried shakes the head to deny that I do not have. How I can......” 少女一生得尽娇宠,何曾受过如此冤屈。她的情绪像是被刺到,无比匆忙的摇头否认“我才没有。我怎么会……” How will you know my surnamed Yun?” Yun Che asked again. “那你怎么会知道我姓云?”云澈再次问道。 Looks at so easily then the mind/square inch chaos young girl, Yun Che has to doubt her real age and story again. 看着如此轻易便方寸大乱的少女,云澈不得不再次置疑起她的真实年龄和阅历。 Strange......, even if protected again good, gains experience of the world again shallowly, at her age, isn't the extent that? 奇怪……哪怕被保护的再好,涉世再浅,以她的年龄,也不至于如此吧? Superficial disposition that so one group flusters, how seem like yiershi-year-old little miss? 这般一拨就慌的浅薄心性,怎么倒像个才一二十岁的小姑娘? Hua Caili explained hastily in Qilin Abyss Realm, I know your surnamed Yun, clear. And......” 画彩璃连忙解释“在麟渊界的时候,我就知道你姓云,名澈。而且……” Oh ~ ~ Yun Che voice/sound lengthens, a face understands clearly, the vision was also of ample the color deeper inquisition unexpectedly to search clear my details immediately. No wonder...... you added that you have not tracked me.” ~~”云澈声音拖长,一脸了然,目光也顿时盈满了更深的探究之色“居然这么早就探清了我的底细。怪不得……你还说你没有跟踪我。” An explanation is completely the counter-effect, the Hua Caili mind/square inch is unexpectedly more chaotic, shaking the head that can only make an effort I really do not have! At that time...... at that time......” 一番解释竟完全是反效果,画彩璃方寸更乱,只能更加用力的摇头“我真的没有!当时……当时……” Hahahaha!” Yun Che actually smiled to make noise at this time smoothly, smiled Hua Caili was ignorant for a while however. 哈哈哈哈!”云澈却在这时畅笑出声,笑的画彩璃一时懵然。 Cracks a joke, I know certainly that you do not have.” Yun Che looks that she said I think a moment ago, you know my name, should...... during staying Qilin Abyss Realm, witnessed that Qilin God Conference? After all can make you be willing to keep Qilin Abyss Realm, possibly was opening of Qilin God Realm.” “开玩笑的,我当然知道你没有。”云澈看着她道“我刚才想了一下,你之所以会知道我的名字,应该……是在停留麟渊界期间,去目睹了那场麟神之会吧?毕竟能让你愿意留在麟渊界的,也只有可能是麟神境的开启了。” Displays without enough time to his absolutely correct guess surprisedly, young girl nod expressed own pureness hastily „! Was at that time. I want to take a look at legendary that only God Qilin with own eyes, therefore waited and saw Qilin God Conference, knew your name there.” 来不及对他这完全正确的猜测表现出惊讶,少女连忙点头表示自己的清白“嗯!就是那个时候。我很想亲眼看看传说中的那只麟神,所以去观望了麟神之会,在那里知道了你的名字。” She also added „the also age immediately.” 她又马上补充道“还有年龄。” Really.” The Yun Che say/way „the Qilin God Realm non- bystander may enter, your desire wants to come not to achieve.” “果然啊。”云澈道“不过麟神境非外人可入,你的愿望想来没有达成。” Got rid of suspicion, the Hua Caili facial expression relaxes right. Therefore Qilin God Conference had not finished, I left.” 摆脱了“嫌疑”,画彩璃神情松弛下来“对啊。所以麟神之会还未结束,我就离开了。” Then, her unstated criticism...... fools me secretly unexpectedly intentionally. The paternal aunt added that he certainly is not villain, is actually also bad. 说完,她暗自腹诽……居然故意唬我。姑姑还说他一定不是坏人,其实也蛮坏的。 She had not realized. Oneself so will never appraise a person in the hearts. 她没有意识到。自己从不会在心间如此去评价一个人。 Confirmed that Hua Caili does not know Qilin God Realm mutation, the Yun Che happy expression does not reduce, under heart immediately a loosen. 确认画彩璃并不知道麟神境的“异变”,云澈笑意不减,心下顿时一松。 That Fairy Elder Sister stopped by calling out me, what but there is to tell?” He asked. “那仙子姐姐叫住我,可是有什么吩咐?”他问道。 „It is not the instruction.” Hua Caili approaches one step, under the heart little stretch/leisurely one breath, then winked resplendent star beautiful eyes, under the hidden in Yansha flowery lips bloomed one sweet and pretty arc Fog Sea compared with wants many fearfully, if not for today you who I estimate, I perhaps already......” “不是吩咐。”画彩璃靠近一步,心下小舒一口气,然后眨了一下灿星般的美眸,隐于烟纱下的唇瓣绽开一抹娇美的弧线“雾海远比我预想的要可怕好多,今天若不是你,我说不定已经……” My present injury and profound strength have not restored, does not dare again rashly a person. Therefore, can invite you and I goes hand in hand some time?” “我现在伤势和玄力都没有恢复,更不敢再贸然一人。所以,可不可以邀请你与我结伴而行一段时间?” Are too many with the petty action that to conceal, showing the young girl is disturbed and jerky scheme. 用以掩饰的小动作太多,彰显着少女过于忐忑和生涩的“图谋”。
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