ATG :: Volume #17 Cloud Hangs Over The World (垂云覆世)

#1787: Emperor Southern Sea falls

Cang Shitian this strikes extremely virulently ruthless spicy, a wee bit retentions, have not wished one could to frustrate the bone to raise the ash Nan Wansheng directly, buries into the eternal deathtrap. 苍释天这一击极其恶毒狠辣,没有丁点的保留,恨不能直接将南万生挫骨扬灰,葬入永恒的死地。 Above the heavy losses causes heavy losses again, this to Nan Wansheng, is the betrayal under hopeless situation. But, in lax pupil light, the anger and pain only continued to flicker, finally, even could not see surprised. 重创之上再加重创,这对南万生而言,是绝境之下的背叛。但,涣散的瞳光之中,愤怒和痛苦只持续了一瞬,最后,甚至都看不到一丝的惊讶。 He...... hehe...... Nan Wansheng low smiling, his five fingers stretch out slowly, seems like wants to grasp to the throat of Cang Shitian, is actually not able to approach the half a point in trembling of out-of-control. 呵……呵呵……南万生低低的笑着,他五指缓缓伸出,似乎是想要抓向苍释天的喉咙,却在失控的战栗中无法靠近半分。 Is you......” his aura is worthily lax, but in the sound of cutting tooth, brings as before emperor pressure that shakes the soul: „The emperor of Azure Waves, is actually willing to degenerate into lackey of demon...... hey...... you to shoulder...... the ten thousand th shame!” “不愧是你……”他气息涣散,但切齿之音中,依旧带着撼魂的帝王威压:“沧澜之帝,却甘愿沦为魔之走狗……嘿……你必背负……万世耻辱!” Cang Shitian the anger, the corners of the mouth smile is light, the entire life first time, he uses the vision that overlooks, despises and pities to look at Nan Wansheng, this, to him is only the fantasy that impossible realizes, now actually in this manner real presents, distortion the intensity of pleased simply crisp bone. 苍释天毫不着怒,嘴角微笑淡淡,生平第一次,他用俯视、蔑视、怜悯的目光看着南万生,这一幕,对他而言原本只是不可能实现的幻想,如今却以这种方式真实的呈现,扭曲的快意简直酥骨的强烈。 „Can lackey the feeling better dead dog, not?” His said with a smile: Moreover, this catastrophe...... Oh, after is not ‚the war of Heaven Covering, the God Realm future control and definition good intentions to the wrong outcome will be the person or the demon, the choice of this King are ten thousand world the shames, will be ten thousand world the glory...... also perhaps!” 走狗总要好过死狗,不是么?”他笑吟吟的道:“而且,这场‘浩劫’……不,是‘覆天之战’后,神界未来的主宰、定义善意对错的究竟是人还是魔,本王的选择是万世的耻辱,还是万世的荣耀……都还说不定呢!” Pitifully, you witnessed all these qualifications not to have......, Hahahaha!” “可惜,你连见证这一切的资格都没有了……嘿,哈哈哈哈!” BANG!! 砰!! A Cang Shitian wrist/skill revolution, passes through Nan Wansheng the strength of Azure Waves to erupt violently, burns to destroy the twist deformation to peak Divine Emperor's power the Nan Wansheng body ruthlessly, the whole body skeleton and meridians crazy disruption collapsing. 苍释天手腕一转,贯穿南万生沧澜之力猛烈爆发,狠辣到极致神帝之力南万生躯体摧到扭曲变形,全身骨骼、经脉疯狂碎裂崩断 Hiss...... Aaaah!” “嘶……啊啊啊啊!” Nan Wansheng both eyes explode the blood, in the mouth exude one also to want the sad and shrill strange roar compared with wild beast, at this moment, his hate intent to Cang Shitian, still wins Yun Che. 南万生双目爆血,口中发出一声比野兽还要凄厉的怪吼,这一刻,他对苍释天恨意,犹胜云澈 Cang Shitian, the this King powder body...... must drag your together under hell even!!” 苍释天,本王就算粉身……也要拖着你一起下地狱!!” Hated sorrow extreme, Nan Wansheng to collect all guards extremely unexpectedly directly with the strength of resistance, even no longer paid attention to the Yan San terrifying evil clutches, the body reverses by the scope that devastated violently, golden glow straight duplicate Cang Shitian. 恨极哀极,南万生竟是直接敛起了所有护身与抵御之力,甚至不再理会阎三恐怖魔爪,躯体以一个自我摧残的幅度猛烈扭转,一蓬金芒直覆苍释天 This as if Southern Sea divine glow that is sparkled by the Nan Wansheng remaining all blood, brings a desperate and beautiful but unfortunate radiance. 这仿佛是由南万生残剩的所有鲜血所闪耀的南溟神芒,带着一种绝望与凄艳的璀璨。 Southern Sea Divine Emperor of remnant life, is Southern Sea Divine Emperor! 残命的南溟神帝,亦是南溟神帝 golden glow sparkle instantly, Cang Shitian Soul fierce palpitates. He has not thought that dying of Nan Wansheng strikes pounds to oneself, has not thought that he can also erupt so power in this state, on behind is supine, the complexion slightly changes, power collapse on his hand, was driven back several li (0.5 km). 金芒闪耀刹那,苍释天灵魂猛的一悸。他没有想到南万生的绝命一击是砸向自己,更未想到他在这种状态下还能爆发出这般力量,上身后仰,脸色稍变间,他手上的力量崩散,被生生逼退数里。 Although returns safe and sound, but under Nan Wansheng by so condition was driven back, to him is quite ugly. 虽然毫发无伤,但被这般状态下的南万生逼退,对他而言已是相当难看。 „......” “呵……” Nan Wansheng taunted to sneer...... rear infiltrated the soul bottom gloomy and cold to raid, he let alone resisted, folded the body to be incapable continually. 南万生一丝嘲讽的冷笑……后方一股直渗魂底的阴冷袭来,他别说抵御,连折身都已无力。 Bang The Yan San devil claw solid bang on Nan Wansheng back, black mist blasts out in his body. 阎三的鬼爪结结实实的轰在南万生后背上,一蓬黑雾在他身上炸开。 Nan Wansheng at present immediately a darkness, body becomes incomparably cold, coldly to not being able to feel slight pain. 南万生眼前顿时一片漆黑,身体变得无比寒冷,冷到感觉不到丝毫的疼痛。 Southern Sea, ends in the this King hand unexpectedly...... 南溟,竟在本王手中终结…… End so pitiful pitiful...... 终结的如此凄惨卑怜…… this King...... is unwilling...... 本王……不甘…… Under Yan San power, half dead Nan Wansheng such as the dies day star falls, although has not died, but body does not have resistance power and will again, obviously has accepted fate thoroughly. 阎三力量之下,半死的南万生陨落的天星般直坠而下,虽未绝命,但身上已再无反抗的力量与意志,显然已彻底认命。 Exalted King!” Sky over broken Southern Sea Capital City, resounds the big piece sad miserable roar, the path that Southern Sea Divine Emperor crashes, is cracking ruthlessly their final hope illusions. 王上!”残破的南溟王城上空,响起大片悲戚的惨吼,南溟神帝坠落的轨迹,狠狠切裂着他们最后的希望幻梦。 Distant place, Yellow Emperor and Emperor Purple Tenuity whole body aura even more disorder, innermost feelings manic such as monstrous waves of out-of-control. 远处,轩辕帝紫微帝周身气息愈加紊乱,内心的狂躁如失控的巨浪。 Obviously, Cang Shitian presents to throw on describes. But this throws describes, once were accepted by Yun Che, was equal for oneself and Ten Directions Azure Waves Realm attained a maintaining life symbol. 很显然,苍释天在上奉投名状。而这投名状一旦被云澈接受,便等同为自己和十方沧澜界拿到了一张保命符。 The Southern Sea result is irreversible, although they are Divine Emperor, impossible contends with so the terrifying North Territory lineup decisively. 南溟的结局已不可扭转,他们虽为神帝,也断然不可能抗衡如此恐怖北域阵容。 Devil Lord ruthless spicy pierce heart fears the soul as before, Cang Shitian already surrender before, if they do not take an action, feared must without enough time. 魔主的狠辣依旧锥心怵魂,苍释天已“投诚”在前,他们若再不有所行动,怕是要来不及了。 Clenches teeth fiercely, Yellow Emperor five fingers, whole body sword qi release. 猛一咬牙,轩辕帝五指一张,周身剑气释放。 But among next instant, his shoulder had held down firmly, Emperor Purple Tenuity visits him, shakes the head slowly. 下一瞬间,他的肩膀已被牢牢按住,紫微帝看着他,缓缓摇头。 Xuanyuan,” Emperor Purple Tenuity voice/sound is low and deep, categorical: „ For our King Realm, we can put pride in pocket to bow the head temporarily......, but, cannot lose the final bottom line! Once acts, then does not have the place of looking back again! Another day even if north god Devil by dragon 轩辕,”紫微帝声音低沉,斩钉截铁:“为了我们的王界,我们可以暂时忍辱低首……但,绝不能失了最后的底线!一旦出手,便再无回首之地!他日哪怕北神魔人被龙 A god clan slaughter extinguishes completely, this stain, always impossible washes clean! ” 神一族屠灭殆尽,这个污点,也永世不可能洗清!” The eyebrow corner/horn cowers, the Yellow Emperor double palm grips tightly , the sword qi disintegration, has not acted finally. 眉角瑟缩,轩辕帝双掌重新攥紧,随之剑气崩碎,终是没有出手。 At this moment, a land explosive, in the instantaneous filling the heavens sand and stone broken jade, was pounded into underground Nan Guizhong blood-stained all over the body suddenly, shoots up to the sky, the dead wood big hand firmly held Nan Wansheng, a power direct impact his body soul sea, is shaking he quiet the blood and soul. 就在这时,大地忽然一声爆响,瞬间弥天的沙石碎玉中,被砸入地下的南归终遍体染血,冲天而起,枯木般的大手牢牢抓住了南万生,一股力量直冲他的躯体魂海,震荡着他沉寂中的血液与心魂。 Ten thousand live,” Nan Guizhong said slowly: Is Southern Sea Divine Emperor, then when did not have the qualifications dead...... this is in the past for the father the imperial throne delivered to you first warning, you have forgotten cleanly!” “万生,”南归终缓缓道:“既为南溟神帝,便没有资格死……这是当年为父将帝位交予你时的第一句告诫,你已经忘干净了么!” Nan Wansheng opens the eye that the blood dyes, low cry that has the pain: Royal...... Father...... 南万生睁开血染的眼睛,发生痛苦的低鸣:“父……王…… The low cry completely, his eye pupil has not enlarged suddenly...... because of the Nan Guizhong chest spot, golden glow extinguishes suddenly suddenly, broken jade afterglow that such as appears briefly. 低鸣未尽,他的眼瞳忽然放大……因为南归终的心口部位,一点金芒骤然骤灭,如昙花一现的碎玉残光。 Ah............” the face and voice/sound of Nan Wansheng become incomparably painful, the pain to is unable to say a word. 啊……咯……”南万生的面孔与声音变得无比痛苦,痛苦到无法言语。 Sea God collapse jade.” Qianye Wugu talked over. 溟神崩玉。”千叶雾古念叨。 Yeah, why bother so.” A Qianye Bingzhu sigh, by the Nan Guizhong strength, if he flees full power, absolutely not not possibly. “哎,何苦如此。”千叶秉烛一声叹息,以南归终的实力,若他全力遁逃,绝非没有可能。 Gu Zhu looks back, is one reads lowly: Sea God collapse jade.” 古烛回首,亦是一声低念:“溟神崩玉。” Qianye Ying'er knits the brows slightly , a chuckle marrow, satirized: „The light of light reflection is intense, how can also?” 千叶影儿微微皱眉,髓之一声轻笑,讽刺道:“返照之光再强烈,又能如何呢?” The distant place, adds again mournfully in the final two Sea God vision that Yan Er and Yan Wu under the hand/subordinate struggles desperately. 远处,在阎二阎舞手下苦苦挣扎的最后两溟神目光再添凄然。 Sea God collapse jade, is Sea God lineage/vein the technique of burning life, once starts, certain death, is final counter-attack of desperate Sea God under hopeless hopeless situation. 溟神崩玉,属于溟神一脉的焚命之技,一旦发动,十死无生,是绝望溟神在无望绝境下的最后反扑。 Sea God collapse jade existence, various Great King Realm deeply to know. But, by the great strength of Southern Sea Divine Realm, who can think, they really will suffer so does not hesitate with burying by the life the hopeless situation unexpectedly on the 1st. 溟神崩玉的存在,各大王界都深为知晓。但,以南溟神界的强大,又有谁能想到,他们竟会真有一日遭遇这般不惜以命同葬的绝境。 Sea God collapses under the jade, Nan Guizhong lifeline, Profound Vein and ocean soul simultaneously disintegration, originally feeble about half power suddenly such as volume day Azure Waves, insane berserk rises, in an instant, broke through his limit in peak condition unexpectedly directly. 溟神崩玉之下,南归终命脉玄脉、溟魂同时崩碎,原本衰弱了近半的力量忽如卷天沧澜,疯狂暴涨,转眼之间,竟是直接冲破了他巅峰状态的极限。 The wind and cloud stagnates, the world trembled, erupts from once the Southern Sea Divine Emperor desperate strength, without doubt as powerful as the extreme...... 风云停滞,天地战栗,爆发自曾经南溟神帝的绝望之力,无疑强大到极点…… But, spans four people before his body, is actually Qianye Wugu, Qianye Bingzhu, Caizhi, Absolute Beginning Dragon Emperor. 但,横亘在他身前的四人,却是千叶雾古,千叶秉烛,彩脂,太初龙帝 In front of them, Nan Guizhong burns through divine glow that all sparkles, presents the miserable gloom as before. 他们面前,南归终燃尽一切所闪耀的神芒,依旧呈现出凄凉的暗淡。 Life, the extrication, the old friend, present era, no longer is us.” Qianye Bingzhu sighed one lightly, when first acted, prestige of no grief Brahma Emperor stroked to the Nan Guizhong fathers and sons. “命既如此,解脱吧,故友,如今的时代,已不再属于我们。”千叶秉烛轻叹一声,当先出手,梵帝之威毫无悲悯的向南归终父子拂下。 Inserts one, App The sincerity is good, is worth installing, after all can the buffer read, the off-line read aloud! 插一句,【app】真心不错,值得装个,毕竟可以缓存看书,离线朗读! Nan Guizhong does not hesitate to burn the life, no matter what who thinks him desperately, wants to bring wave of Devil to be buried along with the dead at risk of life. 南归终不惜焚命,任谁都以为他绝望之下,想要拼死带一波魔人陪葬。 But, facing Qianye Bingzhu power, he has not actually met the approaching enemy, instead the form falls, to exceed limit power, bringing Nan Wansheng to charge into below Capital City ruins. 但,面对千叶秉烛力量,他却没有迎击,反而身影直坠,以超越极限的力量,带着南万生冲向下方的王城废墟。 „......?” Qianye Bingzhu slightly one knits the brows. “……?”千叶秉烛微一皱眉。 Un?” The Qianye Ying'er surface has doubts presently, suddenly thought of anything, blurts to yell: Is imaginary ocean ancient armillary sphere! Blocks him!” “嗯?”千叶影儿面现疑惑,随之忽然想到了什么,脱口喊道:“是幻溟璇玑阵!拦住他!” The imaginary ocean ancient armillary sphere, escapes instantaneously, does not keep the silk mark, is not trackable, endures, if illusory! 幻溟璇玑,瞬间远遁,不留丝痕,不可追踪,堪若空幻! Is powerful Star Realm, will leave behind the law of powerful escaping leaving. 越是强大的星界,亦会留下强大的遁离之法。 Southern Sea Divine Realm imaginary ocean ancient armillary sphere is space profound array, has seen without the bystander, but during the record, its space transmission capacity can achieve such as the Illusory Stone general instantaneous transmission, and will not leave behind tracing the trace. 南溟神界的幻溟璇玑阵是一个空间玄阵,从无外人见过,但在记载之中,它的空间传送能力可以做到如空幻石一般瞬间传送,且不会留下追踪的痕迹。 However, in the record also mentioned that imaginary ocean ancient armillary sphere is two echoes, where another eye, no one knows, Southern Sea also impossible makes the bystander know. 不过,记载中亦提到幻溟璇玑阵是两阵呼应,另一处阵眼在何方,没有人知道,南溟不可能让外人知道。 If imaginary ocean ancient armillary sphere such as in the record traceless may seek seriously like that once that ran away by the Nan Guizhong fathers and sons, wants to track down then looks for a needle in a haystack without doubt. 若幻溟璇玑阵当真如记载中那般无痕可寻,那么一旦被南归终父子逃走,想要追寻便无疑是大海捞针。 BOOM!! 轰隆!! If the startling thunderclap bang world, Qianye Bingzhu and Qianye Wugu also make a move, strength of without a gap fusions two Brahma Emperor, bore a hole through the space, straight bang under. 如惊雷轰世,千叶秉烛千叶雾古同时出手,两股梵帝之力无间融合,凿穿空间,直轰而下。 Another side, the response of Caizhi actually resembled is slightly slow a point, does not have first to act by Absolute Beginning Dragon Emperor that she controlled. 另一边,彩脂的反应却似是稍慢了一分,连带受她驾驭的太初龙帝都没有第一时间出手。 She looked that to Nan Guizhong and Nan Wansheng that the extreme speed falls, quiet night stars eyes flashes through the one crafty light indistinctly. 她看向极速坠下的南归终南万生,幽夜星辰般的眼眸隐约闪过一抹诡光。 The heavy pressure raids, Nan Guizhong has not turned round, golden glow that to burn the life to trade power that blooms to block out the sun, welcomed rearward two big buddhist ancestors' power. 重压袭来,南归终没有回身,以焚命换来的力量绽放出蔽日的金芒,迎向后方两大梵祖的力量 BOOM!! 轰隆!! Ten thousand li (0.5 km) space simultaneously cracks, in the world covered entirely the jet black fissure, Qianye Bingzhu and Qianye Wugu whole body intense shock, was shaken ruthlessly draws back, Cang Shitian that is wanting to approach was shaken in the sky turns, whole body blood energy surges. 万里空间齐齐崩裂,天地间布满了漆黑的裂痕,千叶秉烛千叶雾古全身剧震,被狠狠震退,正欲靠近的苍释天更是被当空震翻,全身血气翻腾。 !” “噗!” In the Nan Guizhong mouth the blood arrow spurts crazily, he does not make aura relax the half a point, the speed has not been weaken...... strikes to drive back two big buddhist ancestors, this haughty action, he this life only has this to flicker. 南归终口中血箭狂喷,他却不让气息松弛半分,速度更是没有丝毫减弱……一击逼退两大梵祖,这一傲世之举,他今生唯有此瞬。 He burns the speed under life too to be really quick, the driven back two big buddhist ancestors obstruct again difficultly, with a Nan Guizhong palm bang, under disintegration Capital City, quiet innumerable year of profound array of revolves suddenly, shining has together the glow of incomparably pure space. 他焚命之下的速度实在太快,被逼退的两大梵祖再难阻截,随着南归终一掌轰下,崩碎的王城之下,一个沉寂无数年的玄阵忽然运转,耀起一道无比纯净的空间之芒。 Imaginary ocean ancient armillary sphere! 幻溟璇玑阵! The Nan Guizhong palm pushes, looks that Nan Wansheng flies to inject, by white glow engulfed. 南归终手掌一推,看着南万生飞射入阵中,被白芒吞没 Ten thousand live, you are listening, you do not have the qualifications dead. Even if a long time, you can only such as the mourning dog live on dishonorably to hide in the future in the darkness, must go on living!” “万生,你听着,你没有资格死。哪怕未来很长一段时间,你只能如丧犬般苟活藏匿在黑暗之中,也必须活下去!” Southern Sea lineage/vein divine legacy item, then in Nan Wansheng body. Even if today Southern Sea Divine Realm thorough collapse, so long as he is also living, when Southern Sea then has being near day again! 南溟一脉的神遗之器,便在南万生身上。哪怕今天南溟神界彻底崩灭,只要他还活着,南溟便有再次临天之时! Father......” “父……” The Nan Wansheng form and voice/sound sink into white glow completely, even aura also dissipates completely. 南万生的身影和声音完全陷于白芒,随之连气息也完全消逝。 Then such as in record general, instantaneous transmission, is traceless. 便如记载中一般,瞬间传送,毫无痕迹。 white glow dissipates, loses power direct collapse of imaginary ocean ancient armillary sphere under the palm of Nan Guizhong. 白芒消散,失去力量的幻溟璇玑阵在南归终的掌心之下直接崩灭 „......” Distant place, the Yun Che's brow deeply sinks, suddenly gloomy aura of release, making body side Yan Yi not tremble independently. “……”远处,云澈的眉头深深沉下,忽然释放的阴沉气息,让身侧的阎一不自主的哆嗦了一下。 Although Nan Wansheng had caused heavy losses to being on the verge of death, but was fled by him, eventually is a disaster. 虽然南万生已被重创至濒死,但被他遁走,终究是个祸患。 Let alone, entire Southern Sea, he most wants to kill, the person who most is eager to do to kill is he! 何况,整个南溟,他最想杀,最急欲杀的人便是他! ...... 偏偏…… „...... Hehe.” The Nan Guizhong form sinks slowly, in the mouth sends out hoarse low to smile. “呵……呵呵。”南归终的身影缓缓沉下,口中发出沙哑的低笑。 body the strength of burning life has not cleared, but he has not actually counter-attacked by this, but is accepting fate closed the eye. 身上的焚命之力没有散尽,但他却没有以此反扑,而是认命的闭上了眼睛。 calamity that is drowned, will instead let a person's real growth sometimes. 灭顶的灾厄,有时反而会让一个人真正的成长。 He cannot save Southern Sea from Yun Che under the hand/subordinate, but at least, he by oneself dead wood remnant body remnant life, pulled the seed of Southern Sea most core...... and endless hope! 他没能从云澈手下拯救南溟,但至少,他以自己枯木般的残躯残命,挽下了南溟最核心的种子……和无尽的希望! Remote Star Territory, burning hot withered, blade of grass not fresh desolated planet. 遥远的星域,一个炎热干枯,寸草无生的荒芜星球 aura that the pollution cannot withstand, incomparably thin element, even cannot feel existence of life. This planet situated in God Realm Domain, will not have any Divine Dao profound practitioner scraps/condescend in stepping into. 浑浊不堪的气息,无比稀薄的元素,甚至感觉不到生灵的存在。这颗星球位于神界领域之内,却不会有任何神道玄者屑于踏入。 This forgotten planet north, in a mountain range of break actually shining has one suddenly to pure white glow, in white glow, flings an all over the body blood-stained form. 这颗被遗忘的星球之北,一处断裂的山脉之中却忽然耀起一抹至纯的白芒,白芒之中,甩出一个遍身染血的身影。 Nan Wansheng lies on the ground, if the eye the blood wolf...... endless hate intent is flooding his whole body each drop of blood, each cell. 南万生趴在地上,目若血狼……无尽的恨意充斥着他全身每一滴血液,每一个细胞。 , He stands up slowly. He is Southern Sea Divine Emperor, even if at the end of the rope, is existence of terrifying. Nan Guizhong loses to his power finally, supplemented his vitality to a great extent. 缓缓的,他站起身来。他是南溟神帝,哪怕油尽灯枯,亦是恐怖的存在。南归终最后输给他的力量,更是很大程度上补充了他的元气。 Yun...... Che!” His between lips read lowly, words is mixing the blood and broken tooth: this King...... meets......” 云……澈!”他唇间低念,字字混着鲜血与碎齿:“本王……一定会……” voice/sound stops steep, the world suddenly becomes incomparably peaceful, the air becomes incomparable ice cold suddenly. 声音陡止,世界忽然变得无比安静,空气忽然变得无比冰冷 His body was unable to move, except for ice cold, the sensation does not arrive at other again. 他的身体已无法动弹,除了冰冷,再也感知不到其他。 Limpid such as the dream blue glow passes through into his chest together, erupts terrifying peerless ice-cold in split second, seal his whole body each organ, each drop of blood, until Soul and will. 一道清澈如梦幻的蓝芒贯穿入他的心口,又在一瞬间爆发出恐怖绝伦的冰寒,封结着他全身每一个器官,每一滴血液,直至灵魂与意志。 All these do not have the omen, does not have aura, he does not even know how oneself are passed through by this blue glow. 这一切毫无先兆,毫无气息,他甚至不知道自己是如何被这道蓝芒贯穿。 Was framed completely, in fuzzy line of sight that is unable to move, screens a beautiful slowly, if immortal imaginary female form, her body cold qi fills the air, each hair is sparkling ice blue cold light. 被完全定格,无法移动的模糊视线之中,缓缓映出一个美若仙幻的女子身影,她身上寒气弥漫,每一根发丝都闪耀着冰蓝色寒光 Ding...... 叮…… This is final voice/sound that he this life hears, the awl enters the cold qi radical eruption of whole body, his body, once the body of indestructible Divine Emperor, in this imaginary beautiful, but under terrifying ice-cold changes to piece by piece the dispersing ice end. 这是他今生听到的最后声音,锥入全身的寒气彻底爆发,他的躯体,曾经坚不可摧的神帝之躯,在这幻美而恐怖冰寒之下化作片片飞散的冰末。 Finally only then head complete preserves, crashes from in the air ice cold. 最终只有头颅完整的留存,从空中冰冷坠落。 Life's final instantly, returns to consciousness just before dying, he saw clearly the appearance of that female unexpectedly. 生命最后的一个刹那,回光返照般,他竟看清了那个女子的容颜。 Outside that Blue Pole Star...... obviously already dead person...... 那个蓝极星外……明明已经死去的人…… How............ meeting...... 怎……么……会…… Thump. 咚。 The head falls to the ground, depressed pounding earthquake sounds, with the head not different place of mortal. 头颅落地,沉闷的砸地声,和凡人的头颅并无异处。 In ice cold and deathly stillness, Mu Xuanyin forwards gradually, ices in the pupil not to have the mighty waves. 冰冷与死寂中,沐玄音缓步向前,冰眸之中毫无波澜。 Own enmity, eventually incoming telegram. 自己的仇,终究还是自己来报。
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