ATG :: Volume #17 Cloud Hangs Over The World (垂云覆世)

#1780: Southern Sea card in a hand

This split second, incessantly is a shrine, as if entire Southern Sea Divine Realm sky becomes the quiet cold deathly stillness. 一瞬间,不止是神坛,仿佛整个南溟神界苍穹都变得幽冷死寂。 Not is only Divine Emperor Shitian, Yellow Emperor, Emperor Purple Tenuity and the others, even numerous Sea God, still clearly revealed being caught off guard startled look. 不仅仅是释天神帝轩辕帝紫微帝等人,就算一众溟神,也分明露出了措手不及的惊容 This turning hostile suddenly is too quick, extremely suddenly, moreover is extremely unwise. Although side Yun Che few people, but their terrifying strength and ruthless method just like the dark nightmare, how Southern Sea Divine Emperor will touch crime in this place and this time suddenly the offense ghost who Dragon God does not pay attention to! 这忽然的变脸实在太快,太过突然,而且极不明智。虽然云澈身边不过寥寥几人,但他们恐怖的实力以及狠绝的手段宛如黑暗噩梦,南溟神帝怎会在这个地方、这个时机忽然去触罪这个连龙神都不放在眼里的戾鬼! Only has North Prison Sea King and East Prison Sea King, they have not turned around, in both eyes accumulated has deeply richer golden glow. 唯有北狱溟王东狱溟王,他们没有转身,双目之中蕴起越深越浓郁的金芒 Nan Qianqiu lifts the head slowly, instantly after the shock, he understood anything immediately, the corners of the mouth, chant in a low voice saying: Worthily is Royal Father.” 南千秋缓缓抬首,刹那震惊后,他马上明白了什么,嘴角微咧,低吟道:“不愧是父王。” Southern Sea Divine Emperor,” Yellow Emperor said forward: Grand occasion before, what needs these inopportune jokes.” 南溟神帝,”轩辕帝向前道:“盛事在前,又何需这些不合时宜的玩笑。” Joke?” Southern Sea Divine Emperor is saying with a smile lowly: this King never cracks a joke. The mad dog not only need write off, but must the earlier the better, must write off together the dog bone, hair cannot stay behind. Otherwise, perhaps is Southern God Territory next Eastern God Territory, how Devil Lord thinks?” “玩笑?”南溟神帝低笑着道:“本王从不开玩笑。疯狗不但要抹杀,而且要越早越好,要抹杀到一块犬骨,一丝毛发都不能留下。否则,南神域说不定就是下一个东神域,魔主认为如何呢?” Right, a point right.” Yun Che smile, voice/sound quiet however: When a living person was compelled the mad dog, even this Devil Lord, felt that frequently frightened fear, but your does Southern Sea, lead Soul also to tremble now?” “没错,一点都没错。”云澈微笑,声音幽然:“当一个活生生的人被逼成狂犬,连本魔主,都经常感觉到恐惧害怕,而你南溟,现在领灵魂是不是也在瑟瑟发抖呢?” No people estimated violent anger, ominous offense or laughing wildly, Yun Che's response light somewhat makes people somewhat absolutely terrified. 没有众人预想中的暴怒、凶戾或狂笑,云澈的反应平淡的有些让人有些毛骨悚然。 The Yun Che's body side, the response of Qianye Ying'er is also quite light, but static is listening, even has not looked askance to look to Southern Sea Divine Emperor one, seems to have no immediate concern to oneself. 云澈的身侧,千叶影儿的反应也颇为平淡,只是静静的听着,甚至没有侧目看向南溟神帝一眼,仿佛事不关己。 Three Yama Ancestor, in their old eyes release scary black light actually suddenly, just like throws down six to swallow all dark abyss in this Southern Sea Capital City sky sufficiently instantaneously. 倒是三阎祖,他们的老目之中猝然释放出骇人的黑光,宛若在这南溟王城的上空投下六个足以瞬间吞噬一切的黑暗深渊 Qianye Wugu and Qianye Bingzhu look at each other one , the vision shoots a look at simultaneously to the under foot, the complexion gradually becomes heavy. 千叶雾古千叶秉烛对视一眼,随之目光同时瞥向脚下,面色逐渐变得沉重。 Yun Che's response, Southern Sea Divine Emperor is not strange. The body leans seven Tenth Level Divine Lord to follow, in which five ancestors are terrifying to startling the world, trades to be anyone, facing this suddenly getting angry, will not be startled and angry, perhaps only will feel laughably. 云澈的反应,南溟神帝毫不奇怪。身侧七个十级神主跟随,其中的五祖更是恐怖到骇世,换做谁,面对这忽然的“翻脸”,都根本不会惊慌和愤怒,说不定只会感觉到可笑。 Right.” Southern Sea Divine Emperor lifts the arm slowly: Can make this King tremble from the soul bottom. Yun Che, your mad dog is really great! this King has not thought, you really...... are so unexpectedly thorough, compels this step this King!” “没错。”南溟神帝缓缓抬起手臂:“能让本王从魂底瑟瑟发抖。云澈,你这条狂犬着实了不起!本王也没想到,你居然真的……还如此彻底的,将本王逼到这一步!” Before was also implies, Southern Sea Divine Emperor this opens the mouth is thorough ripping open. When his voice falls, Shitian, Xuanyuan and Purple Tenuity three emperor looks presented strange fiercely shakes simultaneously, but Southern Sea Divine Emperor body golden glow flashes suddenly, a lifted arm bloomed dazzling gold/metal seal, rumbles instantly. 之前还算是“暗指”,南溟神帝这次开口已是彻底的撕开。他话音落下之时,释天轩辕紫微三帝眼神同时出现了奇异的剧荡,而南溟神帝身上金芒骤闪,抬起的手臂绽开一个耀目的金印,刹那轰出。 But this gold/metal seal, actually does not hit to close Yun Che, but is behind the straight bang, the cover to was situated in together Divine Emperor Shitian, Yellow Emperor and Emperor Purple Tenuity three people. 而这道金印,却不是打向近在咫尺的云澈,而是直轰后方,罩向了立于一起的释天神帝轩辕帝紫微帝三人。 But three big South Territory Divine Emperor also strange no one resists and avoids, instead when gold/metal seal cover body, uniform at the same time borrows strength retreat, such as three stream of light project, split second flies from the shrine by far. 而三大南域神帝也奇异的无一人抵御和避开,反而在金印罩身之时,整齐划一的同时借力后退,如三道流光般射出,一瞬间远远飞离神坛。 Three emperors were rumbled suddenly the shrine instantly, gold/metal rainbow unfolds in the Southern Sea Capital City sky together, silent covering above the shrine of cloud penetration. 三帝被骤然轰出神坛的刹那,一道金虹在南溟王城的上空铺开,无声的笼罩在了穿云的神坛之上。 Un?” Looks that a Southern Sea Divine Emperor palm rumbles to fly three emperors, Yun Che as if very accidental/surprised. “嗯?”看着南溟神帝一掌将三帝轰飞,云澈似乎很是意外 But at this time, Qianye Wugu and physique of Qianye Bingzhu that ancient well without ripples has shaken simultaneously, among their form broken splitting space, contained the arm of huge Brahma Emperor Divine Power to grasp to the same person...... 而在这时,千叶雾古千叶秉烛那一直古井无波的身姿同时微晃,他们的身影碎裂空间,蕴含着庞大梵帝神力的手臂抓向了同一个人…… But lets goal that these two big buddhist ancestors make a move simultaneously suddenly, impressively is shrine center Nan Qianqiu! 而让这两大梵祖同时猝然出手的目标,赫然是神坛中心的南千秋 But, Southern Sea Divine Realm extant two Great Sea King in Nan Qianqiu 但,南溟神界现存的两大溟王都在南千秋 In ten steps, they seemed to have known in advance this arrival, almost at the same time that two big buddhist ancestors make a move, their forms then cross suddenly, the power instantaneous release that has condensed in secret, changes to a shining golden protection barrier, not flurried welcoming to two big buddhist ancestors' power. 十步之内,他们似乎早就预知了这一幕的到来,几乎在两大梵祖出手的同一时间,他们的身影骤转而过,早已暗中凝聚的力量瞬间释放,化作一个耀金色的守护屏障,毫无慌乱的迎向两大梵祖的力量 Zheng!! 铮!! Four Tenth Level Divine Lord power direct collides, the sound of instant power rupturing almost must tear sky, 四个十级神主力量正面碰撞,刹那的力量爆裂之音几乎要将苍穹撕裂, Although with is Tenth Level Divine Lord, but Qianye Wugu and Qianye Bingzhu power is extremely eventually vigorous boundless, non- East Prison Sea King and North Prison Sea King may compare. But a side acts suddenly, a side is ready, two big buddhist ancestors' power and figure were hindered by the strength of two Great Sea King firmly, cannot near body, unable to injure and Nan Qianqiu slightest. 虽同为十级神主,但千叶雾古千叶秉烛力量终究太过浑厚磅礴,非东狱溟王北狱溟王可比。但一方猝然出手,一方蓄势待发,两大梵祖的力量和身形都被两大溟王之力牢牢阻滞,未能近身,更未能伤及南千秋分毫。 But is instantly enough, two Sea King arms push simultaneously, taking advantage of strength suddenly/violently to retreat, brings on the face not flurried Nan Qianqiu, departed above the shrine by far. 而一个刹那便已足够,两溟王手臂同时一推,借力暴退,带起脸上毫无慌乱的南千秋,远远飞出了神坛之上。 Qianye Wugu and Qianye Bingzhu have not overtaken, had not looked that again to Nan Qianqiu one that escapes, actually acts to a junior by their ranks and status jointly suddenly, in this them before death, the matter that cannot make decisively. 千叶雾古千叶秉烛没有追及,亦没有再看向远遁的南千秋一眼,以他们的辈分与身份却联手向一个小辈忽然出手,在这他们“生前”,是断然做不出的事。 Late.” Qianye Wugu sighed short. “迟了。”千叶雾古一声短叹。 Qianye Bingzhu transfers the eye, said lightly: Southern Sea, good method.” 千叶秉烛转目,淡淡道:“南溟,好手段。” Hehe, two seniors overpraised.” Southern Sea Divine Emperor said with a laugh: „When , very person, when with very method.” “呵呵,两位前辈过奖。”南溟神帝笑呵呵的道:“非常之时,非常之人,当用非常之手段。” When he spoke, numerous Sea God in shrine has flickered completely after Southern Sea Divine Emperor, body golden glow flashed, is releasing in the world in the eyes just like Divine Spirit was born the pressure. 他说话之时,神坛之中的众溟神已全部瞬身于南溟神帝之后,身上金芒微闪,释放着在世人眼中宛若神灵降世般的威压。 What are you making?” Yun Che narrows the pupil slightly, stares to Qianye Wugu and Qianye Bingzhu, the tone is quite bad, obviously is blaming them to act without the order arbitrarily. “你们在做什么?”云澈微微眯眸,盯向千叶雾古千叶秉烛,语气颇为不善,显然在怪罪他们未经命令而擅自出手。 Ocean... the sovereign... ties....” Qianye Ying'er flowery lips opens, said four characters slowly. “溟…皇…结…界。”千叶影儿唇瓣微启,缓缓说出四个字。 what's that?” Yun Che shot a look at a pale pale gold rainbow that covers the shrine, this series of accidents, have not gone to dissolute of his in the eyes pale, but formation of this world, in his eyes, as if is the laughingstock. 那是什么东西?”云澈瞥了一眼笼罩神坛的淡淡金虹,这一系列的变故,没有淡去一丝他眼中的狂肆,而这世间的结界,在他眼中,仿佛皆为笑柄。 Qianye Ying'er hangs the pupil saying: You should not forget in the past before Evil Infant was published, that Star God Realm opened suddenly Star Soul Absolute Enclosure? This ocean sovereign formation, is probably similar to that Star Soul Absolute Enclosure.” 千叶影儿垂眸道:“你应该没忘记当年邪婴问世前,星神界忽然张开的那个‘星魂绝界’吧?这个溟皇结界,大概便和那个星魂绝界相似。” She lifted the pupil slightly low and deep, voice/sound several points: Present age similarly has the intensity that the strength of cognition cannot destroy to extinguish, similarly only has to have corresponding bloodline and Divine Power can pass through.” 她微微抬眸,声音低沉了几分:“同样有着当世认知之力不可摧灭的强度,同样唯有身具相应的血脉神力才能穿过。” Yun Che: „......” 云澈:“……” In the past, when Star God Realm prepared to offer sacrifices Jasmine and Caizhi Star Soul Absolute Enclosure that opened, it is said there is no power to be able strong broken, coming various Divine Emperors was isolated outside, only has to have Star God Divine Power or Star God Blood lineage/vein to come and go out. 当年,星神界准备献祭茉莉彩脂时所张开的星魂绝界,据说没有任何力量可以强破,闻声而至的一众神帝都被隔绝在外,唯有拥有星神神力星神血脉者才可出入。 Naturally, finally was broken by awakens the strength of Evil Infant. 当然,最后是被苏醒的邪婴之力所破。 Worthily is Ying'er, my Southern Sea has several tens of thousands years not to open ocean sovereign formation, you decide have never seen, actually knows, it seems like even the dark demon dirt, has not bitten your intelligence.” The Southern Sea Divine Emperor smile approves, as Nan Qianqiu was taken away safely, the happy expression on his face already safely calm, in the eyes divine light, gradually becomes deep and quiet. “不愧是影儿,我南溟已有数万年未曾张开溟皇结界,你定是从未见过,却一眼识出,看来即使是黑暗的魔污,也没有噬掉你的聪慧。”南溟神帝微笑而赞,随着南千秋被安然带离,他脸上的笑意已更为的安然从容,眼中神光,也逐渐变得幽邃。 Outside the shrine, the South Territory three Divine Emperor vision concentrate tightly, before Southern Sea Divine Emperor acts, they have received it to send greetings, very much therefore coordinates opens before ocean sovereign formation escapes instantaneously the shrine. 神坛之外,南域神帝目光紧凝,在南溟神帝出手前,他们已接到其传音,所以很是配合的在溟皇结界张开前瞬间遁出神坛。 They actually cannot understand Southern Sea to want what for. 只是,他们却看不懂南溟所欲何为。 The Southern Sea spoken language and malignant influences of eruption, must not hesitate to extinguish suddenly without doubt kill Yun Che. 南溟的言语和忽然爆发的煞气,无疑是要不惜一切灭杀云澈 But, the strength that not to mention Yun Che that ghosts and gods measure not, his seven person that fearful strengths, Southern Sea Divine Realm vertical is Southern God Territory first King Realm, impossible kills Yun Che in under the hand/subordinate of these seven people decisively. 但,且不说云澈自身那鬼神莫测的实力,他身边七个人那可怕的实力,南溟神界纵为南神域第一王界,也断然不可能在这七个人的手下强杀云澈 Although ocean sovereign formation is impregnable, 溟皇结界虽然牢不可破, But can do also imprisons the opposite party merely...... is difficult to be inadequate, is to imprison them in this, then waits for the violent anger Dragon Sovereign and Dragon God arrives at this place, with joint forces suppress and kill? 但能做的也仅仅是将对方禁锢……难不成,是要将他们禁锢于此,然后等暴怒的龙皇龙神们降临此地,合力剿杀吗? Looks flood moves the glimmer ocean sovereign formation, this probably is the only possibility that the South Territory three emperors can think. 看着泛动微光的溟皇结界,这大概是南域三帝所能想到的唯一可能。 Ocean sovereign formation powerful at the same time, energy consumption that needs also without doubt huge incomparable, does the consumption huge average man not unimaginable degree of each breath...... really need to maintain Dragon Sovereign and numerous Dragon God forcefully from the remote Dragon God Realm arrival? 只是,溟皇结界强大的同时,所需要的能量消耗亦无疑巨大无比,每一息的消耗都巨大的常人无法想象的程度……真的要强行维持到龙皇和众龙神从遥远的龙神界到来吗? Hehe,” and South Territory three emperors dignified different, Nan Qianqiu actually exuded one to smile lowly: This devil, must die in the hand of Royal Father eventually.” “呵呵,”和南域三帝的凝重不同,南千秋却是发出了一声低笑:“这个魔鬼,终究还是要死在父王的手上。” The South Territory three emperors knit the brows to transfer the eye simultaneously. 南域三帝同时皱眉转目。 Yeah, the price was too big.” East Prison Sea King sighed lightly: „, Exalted King is not unless it is absolutely essential willing to walk this step, is that Yun Che is haughty, brings about own destruction!” “哎,代价太大了。”东狱溟王一声轻叹:“不到万不得已,王上绝不愿走这一步,都是那云澈狂傲无度,自寻死路!” Nan Qianqiu and East Prison Sea King make the South Territory three emperors more surprised. At this time, the Divine Emperor Shitian pupil shrank suddenly, loses one's voice the language: could it be that is......” 南千秋东狱溟王南域三帝更为惊疑。这时,释天神帝忽然瞳孔一缩,失声而语:“难道是……” The words have not exported, he fierce raising the head has looked to the shrine, in the eye pupil of fiercely shakes, has one point to tremble impressively. 话未出口,他已猛的抬头看向了神坛,剧荡的眼瞳之中,赫然带着一分战栗。 What is!?” Yellow Emperor and Emperor Purple Tenuity closely examine simultaneously. “是什么!?”轩辕帝紫微帝同声追问。 Cang Shitian was unresponsive, both eyes stare at the front stubbornly, both hands have been gripping in an instant tighten to the blanch. 苍释天却毫无反应,双目死死盯着前方,双手转眼间已攥紧到发白。 The Yun Che eye sweeps all around, suddenly laughs wildly one: Hahahaha, Southern Sea, this Devil Lord also anticipated after your boastful talk, will exhibit how wise method, finally spread such a tortoise shell?” 云澈目扫四周,忽然狂笑一声:“哈哈哈哈,南溟,本魔主还期待你一番狂言之后会摆出多么高明的手段,结果就铺了这么一个龟壳?” Is difficult to be inadequate, you are want this Devil Lord to smile to execute, in your does let under the stupid line that the person laughed aloud? Hahahahaha!” “难不成,你是想要本魔主笑毙在你这让人笑掉大牙的蠢行之下么?哈哈哈哈哈!” Southern Sea Divine Emperor grins to smile, said at a moderate pace: Yun Che, you guess that today this shrine, actually does rise for whom?” 南溟神帝咧嘴而笑,不紧不慢道:“云澈,你猜今日这神坛,究竟是为谁而升呢?” Then?” Yun Che thin smile is dense. “然后呢?”云澈淡笑森然。 The Southern Sea Divine Emperor back passes away, gradually moves toward the formation edge: Although arranges long time, but this King hopes here is only the place of my son ancient rite of making sacrifices, what a pity, ah what a pity, your Yun Che is not a lunatic, but is the mad dog, that lets your dirty devil blood, under my Southern Sea ancient times heavenly might, eternal extinction.” 南溟神帝背过身去,缓步走向结界边缘:“虽然筹备良久,但本王还是希望这里只是吾儿封禅之处,可惜啊可惜,你云澈并非疯子,而是疯狗,那就让你肮脏的魔血,在我南溟的远古天威下,永恒的绝灭吧。” voice/sound falls, before his form has also arrived at formation, then does not have the impediment puts on, arrived at outside the shrine. 声音落下,他的身影也已来到结界之前,然后毫无阻隔的一穿而过,来到了神坛之外。 Numerous Sea God also under his hand signal, draws back the powder completely, simultaneously no hindering fell back on beside formation. 溟神亦在他的手势之下,全部退散,同时毫无阻滞的退到了结界之外。 Yun Che has not tried to act, the shrine such big place, wanting recession Sea God to stay behind full power forcefully, is the basically impossible matter, do not say Southern Sea Divine Emperor. 云澈没有试图出手,神坛就这么大的地方,想要将全力退离的溟神强行留下,是根本不可能的事,更不要说南溟神帝 Depends on you? Depending on such a laughable tortoise shell?” Yun Che laughs to make noise, he narrows the pupil slowly, ocean sovereign formation aura in line of sight is weak, vague, but is that wisp of superficial aura, takes to him, is actually incomparably clear cannot destroy to extinguish feeling. “就凭你?就凭这么一个可笑的龟壳?”云澈嗤笑出声,他缓缓眯眸,视线中的溟皇结界气息微弱,若有若无,但就是那一缕浅薄的气息,带给他的,却是无比清晰的“不可摧灭”感。 The great strength of Star Soul Absolute Enclosure, is linking the many Star Gods Star God source strength because of its power, but this ocean sovereign formation is actually not true obviously, its power originates, the biggest possibility, is the shrine of under foot, as well as cloud penetration Divine Tower under shrine. 星魂绝界的强大,是因它的力量连结着众星神星神源力,而这个溟皇结界却显然并非如此,其力量来源,最大的可能,便是脚下的神坛,以及神坛之下的穿云神塔 Devil Lord,” Qianye Wugu makes noise: May still remember that Old Man previously informed your......” 魔主,”千叶雾古出声:“可还记得老朽先前告知你的……” Shut up!” Yun Che is actually low makes noise coldly, breaks the word of Qianye Wugu, then first refers, belittles however said: Yan Yi Yan Er Yan San, tries this tortoise shell.” “闭嘴!”云澈却是低冷出声,打断千叶雾古之言,然后前指,蔑然道:“阎一阎二阎三,去试试这龟壳。” Southern Sea Divine Emperor extremely arrogant and touches the crime, has made in three Yama Ancestor hearts hostility dreadful, but goes out of formation until Southern Sea Divine Emperor and numerous Sea God safely, Yun Che has not ordered to act, they nearly suppress devil blood rupturing. 南溟神帝的狂妄和触罪,早就让三阎祖心中戾气滔天,但直到南溟神帝和众溟神安然走出结界,云澈都没有下令出手,他们险些憋到魔血爆裂。 At this time under the Yun Che command, Yama Three Ancestors same current craze howling, three dark devil claws flash before void, rips in the the front world cognition not to have ocean sovereign formation that may destroy to extinguish. 此时云澈号令之下,阎魔三祖同时狂嚎一声,三只黑暗鬼爪虚空闪现,直撕前方世人认知中无可摧灭的溟皇结界
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