ATG :: Volume #17 Cloud Hangs Over The World (垂云覆世)

#1778: Crazy demon (First Part)

Life that in this world, has not had the flaw. Regards Dragon God to exceed all Ash Dragon God to the life proudly, Qianye Ying'er few languages, compared with three Yama Ancestor to his dragon body devastates brutal hundreds and thousands of times. 这个世上,没有不存在破绽的生灵。对一生都视龙神骄傲超越一切的灰烬龙神而言,千叶影儿的寥寥几语,远比三阎祖对他龙躯的摧残残酷千百倍 The Yun Che slow gentle eye, belittles however said: What's wrong, is only inexpensive dragon, telling this Devil Lord? Wants this Devil Lord to bestow favor to force suicide, asks.” 云澈缓缓斜目,蔑然道:“怎么,区区一条贱龙,是在吩咐本魔主?想要本魔主施恩赐死,求啊。” „......” The whole piece face of Ash Dragon God covers entirely the blood-color shallow mark slowly. “……”灰烬龙神的整张面孔都缓缓布满血色的浅纹。 After he becomes Dragon God, beside Dragon Sovereign, he has never asked anybody. Except for Dragon Sovereign, in this world also no one with letting him said this character. 他成为龙神之后,龙皇之外,他从未求过任何人。除了龙皇,这世上也无人配让他说出这个字。 But, the Qianye Ying'er spoken language draws, each character is to let him such as near the bottom of Purgatory nightmare. Such matter, no one can do, no one dares to do, regardless enraging Dragon God Realm, that violates the Heaven's Way human relations, must by the action of condemnation of the world. 但,千叶影儿言语所绘,每一个字都是让他如临炼狱之底的噩梦。那样的事,无人能做,也无人敢做,抛开触怒龙神界,那是违背天道人伦,必遭世之谴责之举。 But, come out that Yun Che makes certainly! 但,云澈一定做的出来 All that the Eastern God Territory pitiful condition, also he makes today, were showing, he stood in emperor plane, did not have the impressive and dignified manners of a wee bit emperor, but clearly was a from head to tail lunatic! 东神域的惨状,还有他今天做下的一切,都在证明,他站在了“帝”的位面,却没有丁点帝之威仪,而分明是一个彻头彻尾的疯子! He in frightened, regretted, regretted truly...... regretted why oneself must provoke such a lunatic. 他在恐惧,也后悔了,真正的后悔了……后悔自己为什么要招惹这样一个疯子。 When the will disintegrates, the pain on body even more is unable to withstand. His clear sensation what Weisheng is might as well die. 当意志瓦解,躯体上的痛苦愈加无法承受。他真真切切的感知着何为生不如死。 Asked opening and closing that......” dragon mouth ten trembled several times, he said that should not be the Dragon God phrase finally: Devil Lord...... forces suicide......” “求……”龙口十数次战栗的开合,他终于说出了那个绝不该属于龙神的字眼:“魔主……赐死……” This is his has said his entire life most difficult, most painful a few words. 这是他这一生说过的最艰难,最痛苦的一句话。 The split second huge humiliation, later, was actually the deep extrication, the pain on even/including body as if reduced several times all of a sudden, the redness in dragon pupil, changed into the gloomy death grey little. 一瞬间的巨大屈辱,之后,却是深深的解脱,就连躯体上的痛苦都仿佛一下子减轻了数倍,龙瞳中的赤红,一点点化为暗淡的死灰色。 The South Territory people change countenance all fiercely. 南域众人无不剧烈动容。 Regarding Ash Dragon God that the collapse submits, Yun Che has not actually laughed the taunt, on the face almost cannot see a wee bit changing countenance, as if all these that natural. He is still slanting the eye to look at Ash Dragon God, said lightly: Replied that the this Devil Lord last issue, anyone, is an idiot?” 对于崩溃屈服的灰烬龙神,云澈却没有就此大笑嘲讽,脸上几乎看不到丁点的动容,仿佛这一切都是那么的理所当然。他依旧斜目看着灰烬龙神,淡淡道:“回答本魔主最后一个问题,谁,才是蠢货?” On the face that „......” in fearful peace, Ash Dragon God twists flashes through the one ridicule unexpectedly...... to own ridicule , he is smiles to make noise lowly: He...... hehe...... I am...... I am the idiot..................” “……”可怕的安静之中,灰烬龙神扭曲的脸上竟闪过一抹嘲笑……对自己的嘲笑,随之,他更是低笑出声:“呵……呵呵……我是……我是蠢货……呵……哈……” He his entire life is like that arrogant dissolute, even if facing his Divine Emperor. 他一生都是那般的傲慢狂肆,哪怕面对他界神帝 After seeing Yun Che, what he presents is natural overlooking and lofty, but also brings some stances of despising the taunt......, because he is Dragon God! 见到云澈之后,他呈现的是理所当然的俯视、威凌,还带着些许蔑视嘲讽的姿态……因为他是龙神 Therefore, he is paying the price of always having a dream cannot think. 为此,他正付出着平生做梦都想不到的代价。 Right, oneself are an idiot. Arrived so the position, he had been doomed impossible to live. But his today's death, while igniting Dragon God Realm angry...... also without a doubt, will become the shame of Dragon God, the shame of Dragon God Realm. 没错,自己就是个蠢货。到了这般境地,他已注定不可能活。而他今日之死,在引燃龙神界愤怒的同时……也毫无疑问,会成为龙神之耻,龙神界之耻。 Very good.” A Yun Che applause, the back passes away, incomparably optional waves the arms about backward: Extinguished him.” “很好。”云澈一声赞许,背过身去,无比随意的向后一甩手:“灭了他吧。” Yes!” Three Yama Ancestor accordingly, body Yama black glow rises suddenly simultaneously thousand zhang (3.33 m), vast Southern Sea Capital City immediately dark filling the heavens. “是!”三阎祖同时应声,身上阎魔黑芒暴涨千丈,浩大南溟王城顿时黑暗弥天。 But, actually they cannot so, because of falling of Ash Dragon God finally voice/sound, he already again no resistance, even collects dragon force that in the lower part struggles...... only to strive for fast dying on own initiative. 但,其实他们已不需如此,因为随着灰烬龙神最后声音的落下,他已再无任何的抵抗,甚至主动敛下体内挣扎的龙力……只求速死。 Bang! 砰! Only split second, Ash Dragon God dragon body...... in the world cognition most indestructible Dragon God Divine Body, disruption round number ten under three Yama Ancestor the strength of terrifying, sprinkles big scarlet black Dragon's Blood rainstorm suddenly. 一瞬间,灰烬龙神龙躯……世人认知中最坚不可摧的龙神神躯,在三阎祖恐怖之力下猛然碎裂成数十段,洒开一大片赤黑色的龙血暴雨。 Easily probably crushed body of the Fan dragon. 轻易的像是粉碎了一具凡龙之躯。 Under this, everyone decides stubbornly in same place, in the pupil, is framing dragon body and everywhere of disruption Dragon's Blood for a very long time. 这一幕之下,所有人都死死的定在原地,瞳孔之中,久久定格着碎裂的龙躯和漫天的龙血 Even if South Territory Four Divine Emperors, even if their all previous ancestor Divine Emperor, has never witnessed a Dragon God tragic death so. 哪怕是南域四神帝,哪怕是他们的历届先祖神帝,都从未亲眼目睹过一个龙神这般的惨死。 But is tranquilest, is actually makes this to startle action of the world Yun Che, he leisurely however moves toward own seating area, at a moderate pace say/way: „A private affair, hopes that do not go bad everyone's aesthetic pleasure. Implicates this king hall to be damaged carelessly, Southern Sea Divine Emperor cannot blame.” 而最为平静的,却是做下这骇世之举的云澈,他施施然的走向自己的坐席,不紧不慢的道:“一点私事,希望不要坏了大家的雅兴。不慎连累这王殿受损,南溟神帝万勿怪罪。” Short several languages, light as if was just run over and died momentarily a being an eyesore mosquito ant. 短短几语,平淡的仿佛刚刚只是随时碾死了一只碍眼的蚊蚁。 „......” Qianye Ying'er stares at his one eyes, is silent the intention racing. “……”千叶影儿盯他一眼,沉默间心念急转。 Her many can guess correctly that some Yun Che this time so arrive at the Southern Sea Divine Realm goal simply, but has not thought that he comes up then to do such certainly. 她多少能猜到些云澈此番如此干脆到来南溟神界的目的,只是没想到他一上来便做的如此之绝。 Moreover, she is very clear, Yun Che massacre Ash Dragon God, absolutely not because of the opposite party impolite......, even if the opposite party is respectful like the grandson before him, Yun Che will also find appropriately reason makes him die an untimely death this place. 而且,她无比清楚,云澈虐杀灰烬龙神,绝非是因对方的无礼……哪怕对方在他面前如孙子般毕恭毕敬,云澈也会找到“合适”的理由让他横死此地。 Dragon's Blood still sprinkles in everywhere wind. Trembling of people Soul is unable to stop for a very long time. Ash Dragon God...... almost endures in the world in the eyes position compared with one of the other King Realm Divine Emperor Dragon God, died!? 龙血依然在漫天飙洒。众人灵魂的战栗也久久无法休止。灰烬龙神……在世人眼中地位几乎堪比其他王界神帝龙神之一,就这么死了!? Not frigid fierce battle, even without many struggling. Dying incomparable easily...... and humiliation. 没有惨烈的恶战,甚至没有多少的挣扎。死的无比之轻易……和屈辱。 They look at a Dragon God torn remnant body dull, but in soul sea, tremor is actually Yun Che that as if covers in the endless dark form. 他们呆呆的看着一个龙神被撕裂的残躯,但魂海之中,颤动的却是云澈那仿佛笼罩于无尽黑暗的身影。 This was...... uses short less than one month then to bury into desperate North Territory Devil Lord Eastern God Territory! 这就是……用了短短不到一个月便将东神域葬入绝望的北域魔主 Was this...... past that their in the eyes excessively pure and good-hearted East Territory Yun Che? 这就是……当年那个他们眼中过分纯良的东域云澈 At present, will direct world shock without a doubt. Then, Yun Che then and Dragon God Realm had the unsolvable enmity. At waiting and seeing condition Western God Territory, will certainly in light of this and Northern God Territory potential with the water and fire. 眼前一幕,毫无疑问会引天下震动。只是,如此一来,云澈便和龙神界结下了绝不可解的仇怨。一直处在观望状态的西神域,也必将就此和北神域势同水火。 Yun Che as North Territory Devil Lord will not understand this point, when homicide Ash Dragon God, simply does not have a wee bit hesitations and dreaded. 身为北域魔主云澈不会不明白这一点,但他杀灰烬龙神时,却根本没有丁点的迟疑和忌惮。 Southern Sea Divine Emperor turns around slowly, shows a faint smile saying: this King has just now said that the real man works as the pleased love and hate. The action of North Territory Devil Lord, was this pleased love and hate peak, this King admired.” 南溟神帝缓慢转身,微微一笑道:“本王方才说过,大丈夫当快意恩仇。北域魔主之举,也算是这快意恩仇的极致了,本王佩服。” Admire?” Yun Che lightly said: Your solemn will Southern Sea Divine Emperor, say these two characters unexpectedly?” “佩服?”云澈淡声道:“你堂堂南溟神帝,居然也会说这两个字?” Southern Sea Divine Emperor said nothing pro or con, suddenly gold/metal sleeve flung, the storm curled up, palace in the remnant wall flickered to scatter everywhere. 南溟神帝未置可否,忽然金袖一甩,暴风卷起,将殿中的满地残垣一瞬驱散。 Southern Sea Divine Emperor flickers the body, has returned to king seat above, compares in other three Divine Emperor and numerous Sea God stiff face, his actually face calm thin smile: North Territory Devil Lord and Ash Dragon God private affair, then, then should be my Southern Sea grand occasion. Honored guest also please take a seat......” 南溟神帝一个瞬身,已回至王席之上,相比于其他三神帝和众溟神僵硬的面孔,他却一脸从容的淡笑:“北域魔主灰烬龙神的私事既了,接下来,便该是我南溟的盛事了。诸位贵客还请重新落座……” Bang! 砰! Southern Sea Divine Emperor finishes barely the words, a dull thumping sound transmits, as wisp of not normal grey glow passed over gently and swiftly, along with rich and boundless dragon qi. 南溟神帝话音未落,一声闷响传来,随着一缕不正常的灰芒掠过,伴随着一股浓郁而磅礴的龙气 The Yan Er devil claw holds up slowly, in the hand, is dragon pill who he just took out. 阎二的鬼爪缓缓举起,手中,是一枚他刚刚取出的龙丹。 Ash Dragon God was overawed by the true Dragon God soul by Yun Che bursts, by five ancestor sidewise compressions, was suppressed the death from him, the entire journey has no strength of the struggling counter-attack. Thus, his dragon pill a wee bit buckles, have not had no time perfectly. 灰烬龙神云澈以真正龙神的魂威震溃,被五祖横压,从他被压制到死亡,全程没有任何的挣扎反击之力。从而,他的龙丹没有丁点的折损,完美无暇。 But, this came from Dragon God dragon pill! 而,这是来自龙神的龙丹! Is various Divine Emperors on the scene has never seen divine item! 是在场诸神帝都从未见过的神物 Because in the God Realm history, all previous Dragon God died in bed of old age/be exhausted, dragon pill also along with life completely self-scattering, no one can kill Dragon God. 因为在神界历史中,历届龙神都是寿终正寝,龙丹也随命尽而自散,从来没有人能强杀一个龙神 Draws back ten million steps saying that some vertical really person of energy abilities, have the guts to compel until death the boundary Dragon God, with the arrogance of Dragon God, will decide self-destruction dragon pill before dying, will not fall into the opposite party by own power core 退千万步讲,纵真的有人能能力,有胆量将一个龙神逼至死境,以龙神之高傲,也定会在死前自毁龙丹,绝不会让自己的力量核心落入对方 In hand. 手中。 But pitifully, Ash Dragon God by the power complete suppressions of five ancestors, before dying, wants the self-destruction is completely dream of a fool. 但可惜,灰烬龙神被五祖的力量完完全全的压制,死前想要自毁完全是痴人说梦。 In the Yan Er hand, perhaps is God Realm in history, first...... is to the utmost perfect Dragon God dragon pill. 阎二手中的,或许是神界有史以来,第一颗……还是极尽完美的龙神龙丹。 Under the aura, even Southern Sea Divine Emperor voice/sound stagnates, vision flash setting. 气息之下,连南溟神帝声音停滞,目光骤凝。 Yan Er shadow in a flash. Has done obeisance before the Yun Che body, both hands hold high dragon pill: Master, how does this thing handle?” 阎二黑影一晃。已拜在云澈身前,双手将龙丹高高捧起:“主人,此物如何处置?” Yun Che puts out a hand, when ashes dragon Dandun light falls into his palm. 云澈伸手,灰烬龙丹顿时轻飘飘的落入他的手心 Without owner aura of dragon, under Dragon God pressure that in he releases slightly incomparable docility, does not dare to have slight moving restlessly. 无主的龙之气息,在他稍稍释放的龙神威压下无比之温顺,不敢有丝毫的躁动。 Yun Che Spirit Sense releases slightly, one foot dragon pill, as if the embodiment an endless world, boundless of dragon force, seems endless, inexhaustible. 云澈灵觉稍稍释放,一尺大小的龙丹,却仿佛内蕴着一个没有尽头的世界,龙力之磅礴,仿佛无止无休,无穷无尽。 Qianye Ying'er looked at Yun Che one. From his look, she then knows that he will make anything with this dragon pill. This after all is Dragon God plane/level power, by Yun Che present nihility strength, real refining? 千叶影儿看了云澈一眼。从他的眼神,她便知道他会拿这个龙丹做什么。只是,这毕竟是龙神层面力量,以云澈如今的“虚无”之力,真的炼化的了吗? The palm turns, ashes dragon pill had been thrown into Sky Poison Pearl by Yun Che. The eyeball of people also fierce jumps, as if awakening from a dream, in heart myriad mighty waves. 手掌一翻,灰烬龙丹已被云澈丢入天毒珠中。众人的眼珠也随之猛的一跳,如梦方醒,心中万千波澜。 Kills Dragon God dragon pill who Dragon God can obtain...... this is the thing of basically impossible present world! 只有强杀龙神才能取得的龙神龙丹……这本是根本不可能现世的东西啊! Yun Che beckons with the hand, said lightly: Receives its corpse, looks to be an eyesore.” 云澈一摆手,淡淡道:“将它的尸体收起来,看着碍眼。” Yan Er receives an order, the palm grasps, dragon body of Ash Dragon God disruption drew in one group of black light instantaneously, with drawing of Yan Er five fingers, the black light contraction, changed to -and-a-half inch jet black space crystallization. 阎二领命,手掌一抓,灰烬龙神碎裂的龙躯被瞬间收拢到一团黑光之中,随着阎二五指的收拢,黑光收缩,化作了一枚半寸大小的漆黑空间结晶。 Yun Che has taken dark crystallization that thinks of the Ash Dragon God corpse, suddenly strange smiles, the face slightly revolutions, the vision shifted was being built on the side of Southern Sea Divine Emperor young people. 云澈拿过装着灰烬龙神尸体的黑暗结晶,忽然诡异的一笑,脸庞微转,目光转向了正立于南溟神帝之侧的年轻人。 As Southern Sea Crown Prince, Nan Qianqiu state of mind nature already enough informed and experienced, absolutely not common. 身为南溟太子,南千秋的心境自然早已受到足够的历练,绝非寻常 But, just now the matter of occurrence, making various Divine Emperors for a very long time still shaken, let alone his accurate Crown Prince! 但,方才所发生之事,让众神帝都久久惊魂未定,何况他一个准太子 When he detected suddenly, the Yun Che's vision stares unexpectedly when own body, was previously neither arrogant nor servile before anybody throughout, elegantly simple calm southern autumn wind body suddenly one stiff, the blood of whole body as if stopped flowing all of a sudden, the both hands uncontrolled start that does not grip voluntarily trembles, pinches tightly the five fingers unable to stop stubbornly. 当他忽然察觉,云澈的目光竟盯在自己身上时,先前在任何人面前都始终不卑不亢,淡雅从容的南秋风身躯猝然一僵,全身的血液仿佛一下子停止了流动,不自觉攥起的双手不受控制的开始哆嗦,死死捏紧五指也无法停止。 Looks at Nan Qianqiu, the Yun Che faint smile, said slowly: this Devil Lord has said that this to seal surely newly Southern Sea Crown Prince offers a big ritual.” 看着南千秋,云澈似笑非笑,缓慢说道:“本魔主说过,此来定会为新封的南溟太子奉上一份大礼。” He lifts the hand slowly, between two fingers, is clamping that space that is putting the Ash Dragon God corpse crystallizes: „The blood, the meat, muscle and bone Dragon God, any one is the treasure of the world. Vertical is your Royal Father, cannot expect.” 他缓缓抬手,两指之间,夹着那枚盛放着灰烬龙神尸体的空间结晶:“龙神的血、肉、筋、骨,任一都是世之珍宝。纵是你的父王,都奢望不得。” Southern Sea Crown Prince, this generous gift, can you dare to accept?” 南溟太子,这份厚礼,你可敢收下?” „......” Nan Qianqiu is shocked, the back sends coolly, the hair tingles with numbness, is unable to say a word. “……”南千秋愣住,背脊发凉,头发发麻,无法言语。 He just witnessed a Dragon God tragic death. Facing looking straight ahead own Yun Che, as Southern Sea Crown Prince he actually lives an incomparably fearful feeling steep: Own life seemed acted bashful by him in the hand, so long as he wants, so long as his were not happy, can take at any time. 他刚刚亲眼目睹了一个龙神的惨死。面对直视着自己的云澈,身为南溟太子的他却陡生一个无比可怕的感觉:自己的性命仿佛就被他拿捏在手中,只要他愿意,只要他一个不高兴,便可随时取走。 The people tremble with fear...... Yun Che unexpectedly the Ash Dragon God corpse, as congratulatory gift that giving Southern Sea Crown Prince confers!? 众人惊颤……云澈竟将灰烬龙神的尸体,作为送给南溟太子册封的贺礼!? Is this big ritual that” he previously said? Why this is he to Ash Dragon God will say that was only a pity, you feared couldn't see? 这就是他先前所说的“大礼”?这就是为什么他会对灰烬龙神说那句“只可惜,你怕是看不到了”? Wait, could it be that......, from the beginning, he did not plan Dragon God that at that time kills Western God Territory to arrive at!? 等等,难道那个时候……不,从一开始,他就打算杀西神域到来的龙神!? These think in the person complete heart of this idea suddenly cold. 那些想及此念的人全部心中骤寒。 Arrived at this moment, which their was not clear, the goal that Yun Che this comes, basic thinks with them complete different. Even possibly contradicts completely. 到了此刻,他们哪还不明白,云澈此来的目的,根本与他们所想的完全不同。甚至可能完全相悖。 Hahahaha!” 哈哈哈哈!” Laughs to resound, such as timely exhortation to virtue and purity, shakes the Nan Qianqiu soul play to tremble. Southern Sea Divine Emperor in a clear tone said: Millenium, although age still young, but not only for my Southern Sea Crown Prince, this world then does not have the matter of fear, big ritual that and what to come does not dare to meet.” 一声大笑响起,如暮鼓晨钟,震得南千秋心魂剧颤。南溟神帝朗声道:“千秋虽年龄尚幼,但既为我南溟太子,这世间便没有畏惧之事,又何来不敢接的大礼。” Millenium, the blood bone of this Dragon God, indeed does not dare the extravagant demands for the fathers the heavy treasure, you may probably well thanks Devil Lord the generous gift.” “千秋,这龙神的血骨,的确是为父都不敢奢求的重宝,你可要好好谢过魔主的这份厚礼。” The Nan Qianqiu soul decides anxiously, he knows oneself just now reveal alarmed and afraid is to make Royal Father be greatly disappointed surely. 南千秋心魂急定,他知道自己方才露出的惊惧定是让父王大失所望。 He bites the tip of tongue fiercely, eye of duplicate/restores clear understanding, then welcomed the Yun Che's vision to forward gradually, extend the hand came, to receive the space crystallization in Yun Che hand...... from beginning to end, was looking straight ahead Yun Che's both eyes, has not avoided. 他猛咬舌尖,目复清明,然后迎着云澈的目光缓步向前,伸出手来,接下了云澈手中的空间结晶……自始至终,都直视着云澈的双目,没有避开。 „The millenium thanks Devil Lord heavy ritual, losing of this Dragon God, the millenium will use appropriately surely.” He bends down slightly a ritual, voice/sound contains the prestige sonorously. “千秋谢过魔主重礼,这份龙神之遗,千秋定会善加利用。”他稍稍俯身一礼,声音铿锵含威。 Very good.” Yun Che looks at his one eyes, nodded slightly, such as an elder to the applause of junior......, although on life essence, Nan Qianqiu is bigger much than his grandfathers. “很好。”云澈看他一眼,微微点头,如一个长辈对晚辈的赞许……虽然就寿元而言,南千秋比他的祖父都大得多。 Worthily is the successor who Southern Sea Divine Emperor selects, not only the semblance remarkably, this boldness is also extraordinary, were at least more than that inexpensive dragon cute a moment ago.” Yun Che slowly said: You received the this Devil Lord big ritual, that answered this Devil Lord several issues while convenient, how?” “不愧是南溟神帝所择的继承者,不仅外表卓然,这魄力也是非凡,至少比刚才那条贱龙可爱多了。”云澈缓声道:“你既收了本魔主的大礼,那就顺便回答本魔主几个问题,如何?”
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