ATG :: Volume #17 Cloud Hangs Over The World (垂云覆世)

#1773: Ash Dragon God

As far as eyes can reach, remote sky, a great shark flies high, the surroundings are two profound ships with overpowering momentum, although these are Yun Che saw for the first time, but only depends on aura, then makes him judge them sufficiently in the ownership of Southern God Territory. 一眼望去,遥远的苍穹,一只巨鲨凌空,周围则是两艘气势磅礴的玄舰,这些虽都是云澈首次见到,但仅凭气场,便足以让他判断出它们在南神域的归属。 Hahahaha,” laughs to resound, in king hall, Southern Sea Divine Emperor has welcomed on own initiative, in a clear tone said: Devil Lord your honorable self, Southern Sea extremely honor.” 哈哈哈哈,”一声大笑响起,王殿之中,南溟神帝已是主动迎出,朗声道:“魔主大驾,南溟不胜荣光。” Three Yama Ancestor that has swept Yun Che behind, the Southern Sea Divine Emperor vision had the instant stagnation, looks straight ahead Yun Che, is saying with a smile: For a long time does not see, past Divine Child for present Devil Lord, so the elegant demeanor, had said that is the bestowed by heaven miracle is not overrated.” 一眼扫过云澈身后的三阎祖,南溟神帝的目光有了刹那的停滞,随之直视云澈,笑着道:“许久不见,当年的神子已为如今的魔主,这般风采,说是天赐奇迹都不为过。” Yes?” The Yun Che light narrowing the eyes pupil visits him: „Before Southern Sea Divine Emperor, some date and time in the Brahma Emperor Capital City elegant demeanor , is to make this Devil Lord broaden the outlook.” “是么?”云澈淡淡的眯眸看着他:“南溟神帝前些时日在梵帝王城的风采,也是让本魔主大开眼界。” The Southern Sea Divine Emperor complexion was unrelieved, smiled one, transferred an eye of say/way: Does not know that these three are?” 南溟神帝脸色毫无变化,笑了一声,转目道:“不知这三位是?” Yun Che's only led three people firmly, but these three people, are make the Southern Sea Divine Emperor soul shake, for a very long time, the innermost feelings are far from the surface like that tranquil. 云澈的确只带了三个人,但这三个人,却是让南溟神帝心魂震荡,久久不息,内心远远没有表面上那般平静。 The projection of Eternal Sky God Realm, he has naturally seen. In the projection, is these three old men powerful Guardians willfully will then trample tearing, the strength of no resistance thus suppresses entire Eternal Sky Realm. That time picture, vertical was Divine Emperor sees it, is unable is not startled for it heart. 宙天神界的投影,他自然见过。投影中,便是这三个老者将强大的守护者们肆意践踏撕裂,从而将整个宙天界压制的毫无反抗之力。那时的画面,纵是神帝见之,亦无法不为之心惊。 Now personally sees, is close, the Southern Sea Divine Emperor innermost feelings withstand far more than is shocking. 如今亲眼所见,亲身相近,南溟神帝内心承受的何止是震惊。 As Southern God Territory number one Divine Emperor, he confessed that present age may can be called the person only above him, only has Dragon Sovereign. Can with his placing on a par, basically have Qianye Fantian and Dragon God Realm strongest Dragon God Scarlet Extinction Dragon God. 作为南神域第一神帝,他自认当世唯一可称得上在他之上的人,唯有龙皇。能与他相提并论者,基本也只有千叶梵天龙神界最强龙神绯灭龙神 But three black-clothed old man that Yun Che brings, although has not been assigned away from the capital aura, but Southern Sea Divine Emperor Spirit Sense, first instantly, then believes firmly with amazement, these three people, unexpectedly existence with his same plane/level. 云澈所带的三个黑衣老者,虽未外放气场,但南溟神帝灵觉,第一个刹那,便骇然确信,这三人,竟都是与他同等层面的存在。 That old man who especially comes, clearly gave him unexpectedly one type above him terrifying feeling. 尤其是居中的那个老者,竟分明给了他一种“在他之上”的恐怖感觉。 Beside Dragon Sovereign, this absolutely is the first time! 龙皇之外,这绝对是第一次! Also no wonder, vast Eternal Sky Realm, thorough of like that rout under this Three Old Ones claw. 也难怪,浩大宙天界,在这三老者爪下溃败的那般彻底。 Un?” Facing the language of Southern Sea Divine Emperor, Yun Che is actually the vision one slanting, thin smile said: If you see, three old servant that's all. In rumor haughty evil four, eye of light all are Southern Sea Divine Emperor, unexpectedly amiable to the trivial accompanying servants must look after continually? It seems like rumor this thing, really cannot believe.” “嗯?”面对南溟神帝之语,云澈却是目光一斜,淡笑道:“如你所见,三个老奴而已传闻中狂傲邪肆,目轻一切的南溟神帝,如今竟谦和到连区区随行奴仆都要关照?看来传闻这东西,果然信不得。” Hahahaha, Devil Lord chatted.” Southern Sea Divine Emperor just said, pupil light suddenly moved. 哈哈哈哈,魔主说笑了。”南溟神帝刚说完,眸光猛的一动 Is better than these three old men, any is Divine Emperor plane/level, even exceeds most Divine Emperor. terrifying strength hence, has the correspondence inevitably haughty with dignity, moreover does not have any reason resides under others. 强如这三个老者,任何一个都是神帝层面,甚至超越绝大多数的神帝恐怖至此的实力,必然有着对应的狂傲与尊严,而且没有任何理由居于他人之下。 But, when Yun Che by old servant and servant called them, three people of aura not only do not have, no matter what what difference moved, instead obviously restrained several points, the even/including head, deep dangling as if by prior agreement, showed respectful lowly in front of Yun Che. 但,云澈以“老奴”、“奴仆”称呼他们之时,三人的气息非但没有任何异动,反而明显的收敛了几分,就连头颅,都不约而同的深深垂下,以示在云澈面前的恭敬卑微 Depresses the heart startled, Southern Sea Divine Emperor is sideways saying: Devil Lord invited, various Divine Emperors and my son have waited.” 压下心惊,南溟神帝侧身道:“魔主请,诸位神帝与犬子早已翘首以盼。” Marches into king hall, but with amazement aura store front. Yun Che saw Cang Shitian, saw two Great Sea King and numerous Sea God. The side of Cang Shitian seat, that two have Divine Emperor aura, without doubt is Southern God Territory another two Great Divine Emperor —— Emperor Purple Tenuity and Yellow Emperor. 步入王殿,一股骇然气场铺面而至。云澈一眼看到了苍释天,看到了两大溟王和一众溟神苍释天席位之侧,那两个有着神帝气场者,无疑便是南神域的另外两大神帝——紫微帝轩辕帝 So astonishing scene, how also possibly to confer rank and title for Crown Prince. 如此惊人场面,又岂可能只是为了一个太子册封。 Conversation of Yun Che and Southern Sea Divine Emperor outside palace, they hear clear. As Yun Che's enters, in king hall atmosphere changing suddenly. Peaceful brings one point of heavy constraining, the vision of people fell on Yun Che's body, actually no one made noise, the waist that Cang Shitian sat slantingly slowly was also straight, the vision unceasingly in Yun Che and Yama Three Ancestors body circulation, the complexion is changing slightly. 云澈南溟神帝在殿外的交谈,他们都听得一清二楚。随着云澈的进入,王殿之中氛围陡变。安静中带着一分沉重的压抑,众人的目光都落在了云澈的身上,却无一人出声,苍释天原本斜坐的腰身也缓缓直起,目光不断在云澈阎魔三祖身上流转,脸色轻微变化着。 In the past, that strength in their eyes was not lowly, can easily be controlled the destiny by them, was forced into the Northern God Territory person by them, now is not only situated in their lines of sight fearlessly, but also is taking to them heavy incomparable constraining and deters. 当年,那个实力在他们眼中卑微都算不上,可以被他们轻易掌控命运,被他们逼入北神域的人,如今不但昂然立于他们的视线,还带给着他们沉重无比的压抑与威慑。 Under three Yama Ancestor dark pressure, in two Sea King and numerous of Sea God all heart startled look changes place of imposing manner heyday home game. 阎祖的黑暗威压下,在主场之地气势极盛的两溟王与众溟神无不心惊色变。 North Prison Sea King and East Prison Sea King as Tenth Level Divine Lord, they should to lead numerous Sea God expose the southern Sea God prestige in front of Devil Lord, deters, actually the soul under three Yama Ancestor aura palpitates alarmed, almost suffocates, tranquil rises high on even/including expression, is almost impossible to maintain. 身为十级神主北狱溟王东狱溟王,他们本该引领溟神魔主面前展露南溟神威,以示威慑,却在三阎祖气场之下魂惊心悸,几近窒息,就连表情上的平静凌然,都几乎无法维持。 Devil Lord, invited the seat of honor quickly.” Southern Sea Divine Emperor said with a laugh, the stance and intonation are very intimate. 魔主,快请上座。”南溟神帝笑呵呵的道,姿态、语调都很是亲热。 Yun Che no trace of politeness taking a seat seat of honor, but this is a double seat, another, supposes for Devil Empress obviously. 云澈毫不客气的入座尊席,而这是一个双席位,另外一个,显然是为了魔后而设。 Pitifully Devil Empress, had not regretted.” Southern Sea Divine Emperor said, he swept Yun Che behind three Yama Ancestor, waves: Fast is three old seniors prepares the seat.” “可惜魔后未至,不免遗憾。”南溟神帝道,他扫了一眼云澈身后的三阎祖,一挥手:“速为三位老前辈准备席位。” No need.” Southern Sea Divine Emperor finishes speaking, Yan San is gloomily spoke: Qualifications that the side of Master, how can there be I and others took a seat.” “不必。”南溟神帝话音刚落,阎三已是阴恻恻的出声:“主人之侧,我等岂有落座的资格。” When he spoke did not lift, said obviously was the humble word, but actually only regarding Yun Che, fell into other person of ears, was meaning of the chill infiltrates the soul bottom from the body all. 他说话时头也不抬,说出的明明是谦卑之言,但却仅对于云澈,落入其他人耳中,无不是一股阴寒之意从身躯直渗魂底。 The strength passes Divine Emperor, in front of Yun Che actually just like loyal dog. So shocks, does not have to describe. 实力强逾神帝,在云澈面前却宛若忠犬。这般震撼,无以形容。 Yun Che cold thin smile smiling, said: On seat of Southern Sea Divine Emperor arrangement, is so specially spatial, indeed was somewhat a pity. Yan San, you sit.” 云澈淡笑了笑,道:“南溟神帝特意安排的上席,就这么空着,的确有些可惜。阎三,你坐吧。” Yes.” Yan San receives an order accordingly, sits down in the side of Yun Che, still does not look at anybody one eyes. Under withered palm hidden in Huipao, the five fingers of slightly have been ready. “是。”阎三应声领命,在云澈之侧坐下,依然不看任何人一眼。干枯的手掌隐于灰袍之下,微张的五指早已蓄势待发。 Once there is any accident, three Yama Ancestor anyone of metropolis/can first acts. But Yan San resides in the side of Yun Che, may guarantee absolutely safe. 一旦有任何变故,三阎祖的任何一人都会第一时间出手。而阎三居于云澈之侧,更可保万无一失。 Gloomy and cold air/Qi in silent spreads, here obviously is Southern Sea king hall, is Southern God Territory highest sacred ground, in invisible, was actually infiltrated by the breath of darkness. 一股阴冷之气在无声蔓延,这里明明是南溟的王殿,是南神域的最高圣地,却在无形间,被黑暗之息渗透。 But this also told everyone clearly, fearful absolutely not of Yun Che behind that three old man false...... even likely compared with their sensation, imagined them was more fearful. 而这亦清楚的告诉所有人,云澈身后那三个老者的可怕绝非虚假……甚至很可能比他们感知,比他们想象的还要可怕。 Southern Sea Divine Emperor enters in Throne, the both arms open, the imposing manner said remarkably: My Southern Sea newly established Crown Prince, but oneself minor matter, actually arrives at the testimony, good fortune how. Especially Devil Lord arrives, this King is happy.” 南溟神帝入于王座,双臂张开,气势卓然道:“我南溟新立太子,不过自家小事,却得诸位亲临见证,何其之幸。尤其魔主到来,本王更是高兴的很。” Yun Che eyes partly narrows the eyes: Happy? Why?” 云澈眼眸半眯:“高兴?为何?” Southern Sea Divine Emperor said: Devil Lord wants give face today, but, at least explained, Devil Lord does not prepare and my Southern Sea, becomes the enemy with Southern God Territory, this in any aspect, can be the good fortune.” 南溟神帝道:“魔主今日愿意赏面而至,至少说明,魔主并不准备和我南溟,和南神域成为敌人,这在任何方面,都算得上是幸事。” Hehe,” Yun Che smiled, leisurely said: Southern Sea Divine Emperor does not fear happily too early? this Devil Lord is always a seeking revenge for the slightest grievance person. The Eastern God Territory fate, you saw. But your Southern Sea had made anything to this Devil Lord in the past......” “呵呵,”云澈笑了起来,慢悠悠的道:“南溟神帝就不怕高兴的太早了吗?本魔主一向是个睚眦必报之人。东神域的下场,想必你们都看到了。而你南溟当年对本魔主做过什么……” His voice/sound slows down, gloomy is light: „Won't so quick forget cleanly?” 声音放缓,阴沉淡淡:“不会这么快就忘干净了吧?” But Yun Che personally, and only has three people, seems like one type to show the honest performance. But actually comes up, is in sharp opposition with Southern Sea Divine Emperor. Under a language, making the people complexion change. 云澈亲身而至,且只带三人,似乎是一种示诚的表现。但却一上来,便和南溟神帝针锋相对。一语之下,让众人脸色微变。 Southern Sea Divine Emperor is the happy expression has not actually reduced: During one's lifetime, when this/should pleased love and hate, the useless waste, will tuck is suppressing. This point, this King and Devil Lord alike.” 南溟神帝却是笑意未减:“人生在世,当该快意恩仇,只有无用的废物,才会掖着憋着。这一点,本王魔主像的很。” But, revenges the way and giving vent to indignation always not just to only have one type.” Southern Sea Divine Emperor looks at Yun Che saying: „The what kind of compensation can subside Devil Lord to abhor, only needs a Devil Lord word, this King does not knit the brows.” “只不过,报仇与泄恨的方式从来都不单单只有一种。”南溟神帝看着云澈道:“何等补偿能平息魔主恨怨,只需魔主一言,本王绝不皱眉。” Hahahaha!” Yun Che laughs, resembles to satirize sighs: „The Southern Sea Divine Emperor what kind of dissolute character in rumor, despised all living things not saying that for oneself the advantage, dares to resort to all means to anybody, in the past when to this Devil Lord got angry, does not allow any leeway. How today's Southern Sea Divine Emperor, seem like initiative necking in coward!” 哈哈哈哈!”云澈一声大笑,似讽似叹:“传闻中的南溟神帝何等狂肆的人物,藐视众生不说,为自己之利,对任何人都敢不择手段,当年对本魔主翻脸时,更是不留任何余地。怎么今日的南溟神帝,倒像个主动缩头的怂包!” Southern Sea Divine Emperor does not lose one's temper, leisure say/way: This world, is always the strength to revere. When past Yun Che, had Devil Emperor and Evil Infant for the backer, no one had the guts to go. But when Devil Emperor and Evil Infant not, what also remains?” 南溟神帝毫不动怒,慢条斯理的道:“这个世界,从来都是实力为尊。当年的云澈,有魔帝邪婴为靠山时,谁也没胆量去动。但当魔帝邪婴都不在了,又还剩什么?” Salvation merit? Divine Child halo? Hehehe, what's that?” His eye narrows the eyes slowly: No, you are only a weak one, moreover is weak one who has the endless potential and huge future trouble. Who will care about the feeling of weak one? Who will comply with the wish of weak one? Trading to be you are this King, your meeting?” “救世功绩?神子光环呵呵呵呵,那是什么东西?”他眼睛缓缓眯起:“不,你只是个弱者,而且还是个有着无尽潜力和巨大后患的弱者。谁又会在意弱者的感受?谁会遵从弱者的意愿?换做你是本王,你会吗?” However now is certainly different, present you, are not so-called Divine Child, but was powerful did not know many times, Devil Lord of palm huge influence, has treated as an equal to this King, qualifications that letting this King has to dread.” “而现在当然不同,如今的你,不是所谓的神子,而是强大了不知多少倍,手掌庞大势力的魔主,已经有了与本王平起平坐,让本王不得不忌惮的资格。” The Southern Sea Divine Emperor body throat, the vision is always looking straight ahead Yun Che: „Will a same matter, facing the weak one with facing the powerhouse, how the stance be equal? Perhaps such simple truth, past Divine Child Yun Che did not understand, present Devil Lord, how can also?” 南溟神帝身躯前探,目光始终直视着云澈:“同样的一件事,面对弱者与面对强者,姿态又岂会等同呢?这么浅显的道理,当年的神子云澈或许不懂,如今的魔主,又岂会不懂呢?” The Yun Che finger ties jade cup before body, the fingertip raps slowly: Said well. such being the case, Southern Sea Divine Realm...... isn't Oh, your Southern God Territory is willing to regress in front of this Devil Lord?” 云澈手指拢住身前的玉盏,指尖缓慢敲击:“说得好。如此说来,南溟神界……不,是你南神域甘愿在本魔主面前退步?” The hand of Southern Sea Divine Emperor also places on jade cup, the smile said: „The great strength of Northern God Territory, my Southern God Territory has seen clearly, but my Southern God Territory strength, Devil Lord is also well aware. If both sides live the fierce battle, which side victory regardless of finally, can only be the remnant victory. Kills 1000, but injures 800, regardless to Northern God Territory, is Southern God Territory, is ten thousand evils does not have an advantage.” 南溟神帝的手也放在玉盏上,微笑道:“北神域的强大,我南神域已看得清楚,而我南神域的实力,想必魔主也心知肚明。双方若生恶战,无论最终哪一方胜,都只能是残胜。杀一千而伤八百,无论对北神域,还是南神域,都是万害而无一利。” Let alone, my Southern God Territory with your Devil Lord, may be far from Eastern God Territory enmity like that why fight in which both sides perish. Otherwise, Devil Lord will not arrive at this today, yes?” Southern Sea Divine Emperor carrying jade cup with a laugh, pushes to Yun Che. “何况,我南神域与你魔主之间,可远没有东神域那般的仇怨,何必鱼死网破。否则,魔主今日也不会亲身到此,是么?”南溟神帝笑呵呵的端起玉盏,向云澈一推。 Yun Che not accordingly. But he arrives today, in anybody opinion, in the expression does not want with the meaning of Southern God Territory battle. 云澈没有应声。但他今日到来,在任何人看来,都是在表达不想和南神域开战之意。 Enmity must report, the resentment must leave, my Southern Sea, also Southern God Territory owed Devil Lord in the past, decides meeting one point of many presenting.” Southern Sea Divine Emperor is with smile on the face, the spoken language decidedly, eye of halo regards: Three Divine Emperor, under your intent how?” “仇要报,怨要出,我南溟,还有南神域当年欠魔主的,定会一分不少的奉还。”南溟神帝面带微笑,言语决然,目光环视:“三位神帝,你们意下如何?” Unobjectionable.” Yellow Emperor said: To show the sincerity, before today, my Yellow Emperor Realm has ordered, cannot kill dark profound practitioner again absurdly.” “无异议。”轩辕帝道:“为示诚意,在今日之前,我轩辕界已然下令,不可再妄杀黑暗玄者。” Un.” Emperor Purple Tenuity nods slowly: Purple Tenuity Realm the happy dispute, is never so best.” “嗯。”紫微帝缓缓颔首:“紫微界从不喜纷争,如此最好。” Snort.” The Divine Emperor Shitian nose moved, has not said anything. “哼。”释天神帝鼻子动了一下,却也没说什么。 Very good.” The Southern Sea Divine Emperor vision takes back, slowly said: How can subside the resentment of Devil Lord, but also wants exhausted Devil Lord to consider straightforwardly. However, if my Southern God Territory is not really able such as hoping of Devil Lord, or Devil Lord insists on wanting to lead Northern God Territory with my Southern God Territory war, my Southern Sea is also glad to accompany.” “很好。”南溟神帝目光收回,又缓声道:“如何能平息魔主之怨,还要劳烦魔主直白相告。不过,若我南神域实在无法如魔主之愿,或是魔主执意要引领北神域与我南神域一战,那我南溟也乐意奉陪。” Is the emperor life, if can result in this war, how regardless of finally, pouring were also not in vain, Hahahaha!” Southern Sea Divine Emperor laughed heartily, jade cup carries, tosses down. “为帝一生,若能得此一战,无论结果如何,倒也算是不枉了,哈哈哈哈!”南溟神帝大笑一声,玉盏端起,一饮而尽。 His words are especially straightforward, wish also expression incomparable clear. Southern God Territory does not want to make war with Northern God Territory, but if really develops, Southern God Territory does not fear. 他的话语格外直白,意愿也表达的无比清楚。南神域不想和北神域开战,但若真的开展,南神域也丝毫不惧。 Under heavy atmosphere, the attention of people centralized in the body of Yun Che, is observing the change of every minute his facial features and look, is waiting for his response. 沉重的气氛之下,众人的注意力都集中于云澈之身,观察着他面容和眼神的每一分变动,等待着他的回应。 But at this time, heavy, if the sound of extremely heavy shaking soul transmits distantly: Southern Sea, you invited me to come, then to look at your timid ugly performances!” 而这时,一个重若万钧的震魂之音遥遥传来:“南溟,你们邀我前来,便是为了看你们这唯唯诺诺的丑态么!” voice/sound passes on, boundless dragon prestige also but also , the air wave tumblings during, entire king hall is shivering faintly. 声音传至,一股磅礴龙威也随之而至,气浪翻滚间,整个王殿都在隐隐颤动。 A big gray person's shadow, was situated in center the palace gate at this time, both eyes, as if had the unsurpassed prestige light to sweep king hall each corner together. 一个高大的灰色人影,也在这时立于殿门正中,双目所至,仿佛有一道无上威光扫过了王殿的每一个角落。 Southern Sea Divine Emperor stands up, said with a smile: Ash Dragon God your honorable self, Southern Sea extremely welcome, invited the seat of honor quickly.” 南溟神帝站起,笑眯眯的道:“灰烬龙神大驾,南溟万分欢迎,快请上座。” Regarding that startled spatial ear-spitting satire, he did not seem to heard a moment ago from the start. 对于刚才那句惊空震耳的讽刺,他仿佛压根没有听到。 But future, precisely Dragon God Realm, Ash Dragon God of Dragon Sovereign subordinate nine Dragon God. 而来者,正是龙神界,龙皇麾下九龙神灰烬龙神 Dragon Clan is powerful, but is not militant, arrogant, but is not arrogant, and generally the calm, happy anger does not show, is the powerful dragon, is so. 龙族强大而不好战,高傲而不凌人,且一般性情沉稳,喜怒不形于色,越是强大的龙,越是如此。 But in nine Dragon God, actually the exception...... that is Ash Dragon God. 但九龙神中,却有一个例外……那就是灰烬龙神 A personality sentiment not deep reserved, even extremely violent Dragon God. 个性情毫不深沉内敛,甚至极为暴烈的龙神 Dragon Shadow , the satire has not advanced, in Dragon God Realm numerous Dragon God and Dragon Monarch, only has Ash Dragon God to make come out. 龙影未至,讽刺先行,龙神界龙神龙君中,也唯有灰烬龙神做得出来 Southern Sea Divine Emperor sets out to welcome, does not get angry. The surface so, the innermost feelings are so...... opposite, his eyes is deep, instead passed over gently and swiftly the one exciting crafty light. 南溟神帝起身相迎,丝毫不怒。表面如此,内心更是如此……相反,他的眼眸深出,反而掠过一抹兴奋的诡光。 Dragon God Realm will not know this time grand ceremony goal. Dragon Sovereign does not know the trace as before, but Dragon God Realm this time comes, is not most powerful Scarlet Extinction Dragon God, is not Dragon God of Azure of calmest wisdom, instead is this personality sentiment is haughtiest hot tempered Ash Dragon God. 龙神界不会不知道这次“大典”的目的。龙皇依旧不知所踪,而龙神界此番前来的,不是最强大的绯灭龙神,亦不是最沉稳智慧的苍之龙神,反而是这个性情最狂傲暴躁的灰烬龙神 So, matter probably compared with the estimate...... simple many! 如此,事情或许要比预想的……简单的多了!
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