ATG :: Volume #16 Emperor of the Northern Territory (北域为帝)

#1633: Fleeing to the wilderness

Did not have Yun Che's assistance, Yaodie and Qianye Ying'er fall into again refuse to compromise, two people power lets the formation attacked unceasing contraction that numerous Realm King haunches. 没有了云澈的“协助”,妖蝶千叶影儿再次陷入僵持,两人力量让众界王撑起的结界被冲击的不断收缩。 But the people can also think with the nostril, fights in two big Divine Lord, Imperial Sky Realm had lowered inevitably compared with the disaster also fearful calamity. 而众人用鼻孔也能想到,在两大神主之战下,皇天界必然已降下了比天灾还可怕的厄难。 The Yaodie goal is Yun Che, will not allow others to meddle. But is far the expectation in Qianye Ying'er the strength, under with very possible to interfere from Yun Che's strangely, she has not prevented Yan Sangeng, actually once again, saw she has a dream the picture that cannot think. 妖蝶的目标是云澈,本绝不会允许他人插手。但在千叶影儿远出预料的实力,与很可能是来自云澈的诡异干涉下,她没有阻止阎三更,却又一次,看到了她做梦都想不到的画面。 Yun Che previous two times avoids the attack of Yan Sangeng, obviously is the pretence that he supposes, for is a later thunder sword. This is also the method that he habitually uses. 云澈先前两次避开阎三更的攻击,显然是他设下的幌子,为的就是之后的雷霆一剑。这也是他惯用的手段。 But this absolutely not what wise method, is having powerhouse in the eyes of rich story is the joke. But in Yun Che's body, has never had slip. Strongly to Divine Lord Seventh Level, has Yan Sangeng of several tens of thousands years of Profound Dao story, direct move. 而这绝非什么高明的手段,在有着丰富阅历的强者眼中更是笑话。但在云澈的身上,却从未有过失手。强至神主七级,又有着数万年玄道阅历的阎三更,都直接中招。 It is not his technique exquisite, but is his Profound Dao aura extremely has fraudulent, it can be said that innumerable times surpasses any profound practitioner cognition. Ants are strong, absolutely impossible makes first ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ferocious beast have the vigilance truly, impossible lets its preparing by the full power. 不是他的手法有多精湛,而是他的玄道气息太过有欺诈性,可以说是无数倍的超出任何玄者的认知。一只蝼蚁再强壮,也断不可能让一头万丈凶兽真正生出戒心,更不可能让其备之以全力。 Let alone, is one is trigged completely, ants of unable to move. 更何况,是一只已被完全制住,动弹不得的蝼蚁。 But in turn, Yan Sangeng, even if again unprepared, does not have the vigilance again, eventually is Seventh Level Divine Lord! This grade of Realm, his body and protects oneself of profound strength, the absolutely not average man can imagine. 但反过来,阎三更哪怕再无准备,再无戒心,也终究是一个七级神主!这等境界,其躯体和护身玄力之强,绝非常人所能想象。 ...... A sword was actually passed through the body by Yun Che!? 却被云澈……一剑贯体!? BOOM! 轰隆 A loud sound, black mist and dark clouds also blast out, sky as if separates together the fearful peerless fissure. A Qianye Ying'er delicate figure revolution, has arrived at the Yun Che body side, Succubus Yaodie has not acted again, she looks at Yan Sangeng and Yun Che, the vision rocks has little had extremely shocking pupil light. 一声巨响,黑雾与黑云同时炸开,苍穹仿佛分开一道可怕绝伦的裂痕。千叶影儿纤影一转,已来到了云澈身侧,魔女妖蝶也没有再出手,她看着阎三更云澈,目光晃动着极少有过的震骇瞳光 Yun Che just now the profound energy eruption between that moment, as before is Seventh Level Divine Sovereign aura, but berserk of aura, unexpectedly probably are innumerable Seventh Level Divine Sovereign power to erupt simultaneously, powerfully to almost not less than as Seventh Level Divine Lord Yan Sangeng! 云澈方才那一瞬间的玄气爆发,依旧是七级神君气息,但气息狂暴,竟像是无数个七级神君同时力量爆发,强盛到了几乎不啻身为七级神主阎三更 What is unable to believe is......, even if Yun Che really can promote power to with Yan Sangeng close plane/level, being caught off guard Yan Sangeng should not be passed through by such a sword easily. 更无法相信的是……哪怕云澈真的能将力量提升到与阎三更相近的层面,措手不及的阎三更也不该被这么轻易的一剑贯穿。 The Yaodie vision fell in the wound of Yan Sangeng body, there vermilion light burr is moving her eye. The Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword image appears in her mind, is unable to diverge, 妖蝶的目光落在了阎三更身体的创口上,那里的朱红光芒刺动着她的眼睛。劫天诛魔剑的影像在她脑海中显现,无法散去, Destroys to extinguish one of the imagination to make Imperial Sky Palace arrive peacefully fearfully, the people almost stared to break the eyeball, cannot believe picture that oneself looked. 摧灭想象的一幕让皇天阙安静到可怕,众人几乎瞪破了眼珠,也根本不敢相信自己所看的画面。 But Yan Sangeng seemed to have been shocked thoroughly, a breath...... two breaths...... three breaths...... he frames unexpectedly as in there, looks dull the cavity of own chest. 阎三更自己似乎已被彻底惊呆,一息……两息……三息……他竟依旧定格在那里,呆呆的看着自己心口的空洞。 Finally, his lip shivers, sends out voice/sound: You......” 终于,他嘴唇颤动,发出一丝声音:“你……” A character exits, his whole body shakes suddenly slightly , under the whole person drops down, dropped down below formation, the both feet deeply fell into the land, then stood there, was again motionless. 一个字出口,他全身忽然微微一抖,随之整个人直直落下,一直落回了下方的结界之中,双脚深深陷入土地,然后站在那里,再次一动不动。 Ghost...... Senior Ghost King?” “鬼……鬼王前辈?” Leaves recent several Realm King to try forwarding, then puts out body to carry best spirit medicine as if by prior agreement. Although as Yama Ghost King, basic impossible can have a liking for their spirit medicine, but if can win a wee bit favorable impressions, after the metropolis/can, uses infinitely. 相离最近的数个界王试着向前,然后不约而同拿出身上所携最好的灵药。虽然身为阎鬼王,基本不可能看得上他们的灵药,但若能博得丁点好感,都会后用无穷。 But, they go forward few steps, then decided suddenly completely there. 但,他们才上前没几步,便忽然全部定在了那里。 Body that Tian Muyi, Huo Tianxing and the others were just about to clash also decided there, perhaps the facial expression stagnated, such as saw the ghosts and gods. 天牧一祸天星等人正要冲过来的身型也定在了那里,神情恐滞,如见鬼神。 Yan Sangeng profound energy, also life aura is dissipating, but this type dissipates emaciated under absolutely not injury, but is...... such as broke suddenly the balloon, to be defeated and dispersed to the scary speed quickly. 阎三更玄气,还有生命气息正在消逝,而这种逸散绝非伤势之下的孱弱,而是……如一个忽然破了的气球,以快到骇人的速度溃散着。 Short several breaths, aura has become cannot withstand weakly, body that then partly kneels such as mud generally soft paralysis. 才短短数息,气息就已变得微弱不堪,然后半跪的躯体如烂泥一般软软的瘫了下去。 The moment of head hitting the ground, he releases the biggest pupil to retract slowly , is not again turbulent. 脑袋撞地的一刻,他释放到最大的瞳孔缓缓缩回,随之再无动荡。 Yan Sangeng life aura complete vanished, even if better than Yaodie , the sensation does not arrive again tiny bit. 阎三更的生命气息完完全全的消失了,哪怕强如妖蝶,也再感知不到一丝一毫。 Peaceful, incomparably fearful peace. 安静,无比可怕的安静。 Above the upper air, the pupil of Yaodie is cowering. 高空之上,妖蝶的瞳孔在瑟缩。 As Succubus, cultivates dark profound strength, she had forgotten that what cold is. But at this moment, the innumerable say/way have never had cold qi, flees crazily under her entire body, each. The hair, in the vertical stroke is cowering. 身为魔女,修炼黑暗玄力,她早已忘记“冷”为何物。但此刻,无数道从未有过的寒气,在她全身上下疯狂窜动,每一根.毛发,都在倒竖中瑟缩。 Yan Sangeng...... 阎三更…… Died............ 死……了…… As Ninth Level Divine Lord, Yaodie naturally can end to win Seventh Level Divine Lord Yan Sangeng. But wants to kill him, is actually difficult extremely. 身为九级神主,妖蝶自然可以完胜七级神主阎三更。但想要杀他,却是极其之难。 Arrived Divine Lord Late Stage this Domain, wants dead is really an extremely difficult matter. 到了神主后期这个领域,想死真的是一件极难的事。 In Yama Realm, under Yama Emperor is Yama, under Yama is Yama Ghost, but Yan Sangeng, is Head of the Yama Ghosts, in entire Yama Realm, regardless of the strength or the position, is next to aloof existence of Yama Emperor and Yama. 阎魔界,阎帝之下为阎魔,阎魔之下为阎鬼,而阎三更,是阎鬼之首,在整个阎魔界,无论实力还是地位,皆是仅次于阎帝阎魔的超然存在。 Therefore, even if Yaodie can kill him easily, will not dare to start. 因而,哪怕妖蝶能够轻而易举杀了他,也绝不会敢于下手。 Even, she cannot believe, in Northern God Territory, some unexpectedly people can kill...... also dares to kill Yama Realm Ghost King! 甚至,她都不敢相信,在北神域之中,竟有人能杀……还敢杀了阎魔界鬼王 It is not able to understand, actually he how dies!? 更无法理解,他究竟是怎么死的!? By the great strength of Divine Lord, the vitality and self-recovery ability have far exceeded mortal Domain, vertical is cuts off limb can perfect fresher, was put on the body by a sword, completely the can be regarded severe wound to Divine Lord, fatal is the basically impossible matter. 神主之强大,生命力和自愈能力都已远远超出了凡灵领域,纵是断肢都能完美愈生,被一剑穿体,对一个神主而言完全算不得重伤,致命更是根本不可能的事。 But under a Yun Che's sword, Yan Sangeng died unexpectedly! 云澈的一剑之下,阎三更竟然就这么死了! aura that the grayish white eyeball, the complete mourning extinguishes, is proving this basically impossible matter all actually really...... in their at present. 灰白的眼珠,完全丧灭的气息,无不证明着这件根本不可能的事却是真的……就在他们的眼前。 His body wound, the bright red mark vanished at this time finally slowly, but while disappearance, actually jet black mist overflowed continuously slowly. 身上的伤口,朱红的印痕在这时终于缓缓消失,而在消失的同时,却有一缕缕漆黑的雾气缓缓溢出。 The person of presence, all cultivates dark profound strength life-long, some numerous Divine Lord Divine Sovereign on the scene, but they actually no one sensation to these black qi Profound Dao aura, as if, that is only continuously ordinary black windblown dust. 在场之人,皆是终生修炼黑暗玄力,更有众多神主神君在场,但他们却无一人感知到这些黑气玄道气息,仿佛,那只是一缕缕再平凡不过的黑色尘烟。 This...... this is......” “这……这是……” Hand that Tian Muyi extends stiff in in the air, is unable to take back, is unable to put down. As first Realm King, Eighth Level Divine Lord, his incomparably clear Seventh Level Divine Lord is the what kind of concept, panic-stricken and unbelievable in his heart, by far others. 天牧一伸出的手僵在空中,无法收回,无法放下。身为第一界王,八级神主,他无比清楚七级神主何等概念,他心中的惊骇和难以置信,远胜他人。 Yama Ghost King dies, this is after ten thousand years ago Divine Emperor Jing Tian sudden dies, Northern God Territory happened...... most inconceivable matter. 阎鬼王死,这是继万年前净天神帝猝死后,北神域所发生的……最不可思议的事。 „, Must court death well.” “好好的,非要找死。” In the lonesome cold world, resounds desolate voice/sound, and before , completely same voice/sound and intonation, fall at this time hear, such as the ice needles are unexpectedly piercing, making their whole bodies send coldly. 寂冷的世界中,响起一个冷淡的声音,和之前完全一样的声音与语调,此时落入耳中,竟如冰针刺骨,让他们全身发寒。 „The Northern God Territory idiot also is really many.” Yun Che coldly snorted: could it be that can only like a nest domestic animal, be closed in the basket forever.” 北神域的蠢货还真是多。”云澈冷嗤一声:“难道只能像一窝牲畜一样,被人永远关在笼子里。” „......” Succubus Yaodie transfers the pupil slowly, she looks at Yun Che, said solemnly: You know that who...... he is?” “……”魔女妖蝶缓缓转眸,她看着云澈,沉声道:“你知道……他是谁吗?” Says, she feels shocked, own voice/sound actually brings beyond control trembling. 说出口,她才惊觉,自己的声音竟然带着无法控制的战栗。 Yan Sangeng, the heads of Yama Realm 30 six Ghost King.” Qianye Ying'er leisurely said: Fame is very big, what a pity the brain is not quite easy-to-use, live, must court death well.” 阎三更,阎魔界三十六鬼王之首。”千叶影儿慢悠悠的道:“名气很大,可惜脑子不太好使,活的好好地,非得找死。” The pupil of Yaodie is only staring at Yun Che as before, killed Yama Ghost King him, the look still like previous is unexpectedly quiet, does not have any excited, self-satisfied and rampant, lingering fear...... defeated Tian Guhu to be the same with before, light seemed like run over and died at fingertips insects! 妖蝶的眸光依旧盯着云澈,杀了阎鬼王的他,眼神竟依旧如先前般幽淡,没有任何的兴奋、得意、嚣张、后怕……就和之前败天孤鹄一样,平淡的像是信手碾死了一只虫蚁! That is Yama Realm Ghost King! 那可是阎魔界鬼王 Doesn't he simply have the sentiment? 还是他根本没有感情? How is he............ dies?” Yaodie bites the tooth, words is crabbed. “他是……怎么……死的?”妖蝶咬齿,字字艰涩。 Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er had not replied, but the look flashes through one to be contemptuous, seems telling her: Is your eye blind? Naturally is sword stabs to death. 云澈千叶影儿都没有回答,只是眼神都闪过一抹轻蔑,仿佛是在告诉她:你眼睛瞎吗?当然是一剑捅死 Yama Ghost King by person sword stabs to death...... hehe, how incredible joke. 阎鬼王被人一剑捅死……呵呵,多么荒诞的笑话。 Yaodie had not asked again, she looked at a Yama Ghost King corpse finally, read lowly: No wonder......” 妖蝶没有再问,她最后看了一眼阎鬼王的尸体,一声低念:“怪不得……” She turns around, the body black butterfly dances, having her form to go far away suddenly, in an instant vanishes in the murky horizon. 她转身,身上黑蝶起舞,带着她的身影骤然远去,转眼消失在昏沉的天际。 Doesn't leave behind her?” Qianye Ying'er said: You have said that must make her regret.” “不留下她?”千叶影儿道:“你可是说过,要让她后悔的。” No need.” Yun Che said: „Her walks, in our hands, calculated many one chip.” “不必。”云澈道:“她这一走,我们手里,也算多了一个‘筹码’。” Qianye Ying'er thinks shortly, understood the Yun Che's meaning. 千叶影儿短暂一想,算是明白了云澈的意思。 Yun Che lifts own hand, in the palm, a very small black cyclone is pasting slowly. Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword instantly, the strength of his Darkness Everlasting the Yan Sangeng body passes through also floods into his within the body with the sword blade violently. 云澈抬起自己的手,掌心之中,一个很小的黑色气旋在缓慢流转。劫天诛魔剑阎三更躯体贯穿的刹那,他的黑暗永劫之力亦随着剑身猛烈涌入他的体内。 Dark Profound Arts from Devil Emperor, such as Primordial Devil God in the Yan Sangeng within the body dissolute violent anger, destroys to extinguish his body all darkness to exist. 来自魔帝的黑暗玄功,如一头上古魔神阎三更体内狂肆暴怒,摧灭着他身上所有的黑暗存在。 The five fingers draw in slowly, Yun Che aspirates gently. Darkness Everlasting can punish all darkness, but also is only restricted in the darkness. If can other God Territory profound practitioner so, should good. 五指缓缓收拢,云澈轻轻吐了一口气。黑暗永劫能够制裁一切黑暗,但也仅限于黑暗。如果能对其他神域玄者如此,该有多好。 Yaodie leaves, its condition almost flees to the wilderness. Can let Succubus by shocking and panic-stricken of such big, all over the world, perhaps also only has Yun Che this freak. 妖蝶离开,其态几乎是落荒而逃。能让一个魔女受如此之大的震骇与惊骇,普天之下,或许也唯有云澈这个怪胎 The battle stops, but protects less than half Imperial Sky Palace formation actually not to release, eye is a to look at Yun Che. Their cognition, today by the smashing that grinds thoroughly. 交战停止,但护着小半个皇天阙结界却没有就此释下,一双双眼睛在瑟缩中看着云澈。他们的认知,在今天被彻彻底底碾的粉碎。 „Who are you?” Tian Muyi makes noise, both hands closely grip, the whole body ties tight. “你们到底是什么人?”天牧一出声,双手紧紧攥起,全身紧绷。 Person who even Yama Ghost King dares to kill, this is not lunatic two characters can describe. 一个连阎魔鬼王都敢杀的人,这已不是“疯子”二字可以形容。 But merely one sword made Seventh Level Divine Lord be killed, under Tian Muyi first entire body is passing frightened. 而仅仅一剑让一个七级神主丧命,天牧一平生第一次全身上下都透着惊悚。 Walks.” Yun Che has not gone to look at anybody one eyes, turns around to be about to leave directly. He will come this, he wants to do a sound taking advantage of the Heavenly Monarch grand meeting specially. But the appearance of Succubus, pouring is happiness of the accidental/surprised. “走吧。”云澈没去看任何人一眼,直接转身准备离开。他会来此,他本是想借着天君盛会特意搞出个动静来。但魔女的到场,倒算是个意外之喜。 At this time Yun Che said these two characters again, if everyone attained big, exuded a series of expiration sound, a Tian Muyi stiff body also loosen, actually does not dare to voice, for fear that any unnecessary action will bring to his attention suddenly. 此时云澈再说出这两个字,所有人如获大赫,纷纷发出连串的吐气声,天牧一僵硬的躯体也随之一松,却再不敢发声,唯恐任何多余的举动会忽然引起他的注意。 Previously, he did not allow two people to live departure. Now, he only asked them to leave immediately, do not appear, even their status, he does not dare to know. 先前,他绝不允许两人活着离开。现在,他只求他们能马上离开,再不要出现,连他们的身份,他都不敢去知道。 But killed Yan Sangeng, Yama Realm will launch to him surely chases down full power. Because that sword not only inserts in Yan Sangeng body, inserts on the Yama Realm face. 而杀了阎三更,阎魔界定会对他展开全力追杀。因为那一剑不仅是插在阎三更身上,更是插在阎魔界脸上。 Wait!” “等等!” voice/sound suddenly makes the people fierce one thump, will wish one could a person of palm making noise to pat, but will see the person of speaking, they have to clench teeth to endure. 忽然的声音让众人心里猛一咯噔,恨不能将出声之人一掌拍死,但看到出言之人,他们又不得不咬牙忍下。 The person of making noise impressively is Fen Jieran, he looks at the Yun Che's back, said: „Are you surnamed Yun?” 出声之人赫然是焚孑然,他看着云澈的背影,道:“你是不是姓云?” Facing his question, Yun Che does not have the response, goes far away fast, clearly disregarded his existence. 面对他的问话,云澈毫无回应,快速远去,分明无视了他的存在。 Fen Jieran clenches teeth secretly, actually does not dare to ask again. 焚孑然暗暗咬牙,却是没敢再问。 At this time, Yun Che actually stopped suddenly. In the people think when he must with the Fen Jieran dialogue, he said slowly: Tian Guhu, this so-called Ghost King violates me, I bestow him dead. But you are actually also living, why can you know?” 这时,云澈却忽然停了下来。就在众人以为他要与焚孑然对话时,他却缓缓说道:“天孤鹄,这个所谓的鬼王犯我,我赐他死。而你却还活着,你可知为什么?” The Tian Guhu injury is quite serious, but just now, he looks at in the eyes completely completely. Is listening to the Yun Che's spoken language, his difficult raising the head, that the somewhat remote form, he has looked up to at this moment, in the heart only has to feel ashamed with lowly. 天孤鹄伤势颇重,但方才的一幕幕,他全部完整的看在眼中。听着云澈的言语,他艰涩的抬头,那个已有些遥远的身影,他此刻仰望,心中唯有自惭与卑微 Own before behavior, funny laughable...... was too laughable. 自己之前所为,多么的滑稽可笑……太可笑了。 Senior...... disdains to kill me.” Tian Guhu said. Even is weak and gloomy, his voice/sound has the limpidity that one point is in sole possession of as before. “前辈……不屑杀我。”天孤鹄道。即使虚弱和暗淡,他的声音依旧有着一分独有的清澈。 He called Yun Che the senior, but has a dream does not think, the Yun Che's age, was still less than him 1/10. 他称云澈为前辈,但做梦都不会想到,云澈的年龄,尚不及他十分之一。 Heh! Yun Che chuckle, said: Northern God Territory this shackles, many people want to escape, because this shackles is too to them difficult to survive. And has many people, has never thought escapes, because they are powerful, situated in high, is the control of Northern God Territory, never needs to be worried about survival two characters, but reveres to enjoy the thing that others ten lifetimes is not daring to expect.” 呵!云澈轻笑一声,道:“北神域这个牢笼,有很多人想逃出去,因为这个牢笼对他们来说太难生存。而又有很多人,从未想过逃出去,因为他们实力强大,位居高位,是北神域的主宰,从来不需要担心‘生存’二字,而是尊享着他人十世都不敢奢望的东西。” Change? Flees? This to them, radically is the joke. Reveres to enjoy all, why can brave the danger to change? When they save the world, Northern God Territory is also insufficient completely to vanish, as for later generation......, with their what relations?” “改变?逃离?这对他们而言,根本就是笑话。尊享着一切,为什么要冒着危险去改变?他们存世时,北神域还不至于完全消失,至于后世……呵,又与他们何干呢?” „!!” Tian Guhu fierce raising the head, was the gloomy eye pupil insane general shivered. “!!”天孤鹄猛的抬头,本是暗淡的眼瞳疯了一般的颤抖起来。 Is ablest, the person who most should resist, has actually never thought the resistance. Actually rare, had/left your such different kind. Pitifully only......” Yun Che coldly smiles: You for it the line, are actually childish laughable to the extreme! Was simply more laughable than...... past me!” “最有能力,最应该抗争的人,却从未想过抗争。倒是难得,出了你这么一个异类。只可惜……”云澈冷冷一笑:“你为之所行,却是幼稚可笑之极!简直比……当年的我还要可笑!” He turns around, the vision fell on Tian Guhu body: Kind-heartedness? Morality and justice? Hehehe...... what's that? Can change all these, only has ruthless that places oneself the deathtrap, also overspreads the blood of entire North Territory sufficiently, understands!” 他转身,目光落在了天孤鹄身上:“仁心?道义?呵呵呵……那是什么东西?能改变这一切的,唯有置身死地的狠,还有足以铺满整个北域的血,懂吗!” Tian Guhu such as was struck by lightning, whole body intense shock. He looks at Yun Che's eyes, the double pupil shivers more and more fierce...... suddenly, he struggles to crawl, endures the wound to crack, unexpectedly was kneeling of heavily there. 天孤鹄如遭雷击,全身剧震。他看着云澈的眼睛,双瞳颤抖的越来越剧烈……忽然,他挣扎着爬起,忍着伤口崩裂,竟是重重的跪在了那里。 Guhu, you?” Tian Muyi is stunned, everyone is shocked. 孤鹄,你?”天牧一愕然,所有人都愣住。 Bang! 砰! Toward Yun Che's direction, his head heavily pounds, this knocks on, he exhausts the full power, has not actually protected oneself only, just to seal/confer Yu the wound completely all cracked, when the forehead wind blood, raised the head, on the face except for the bloodstain, unexpectedly full is the tear stains: Asked the senior...... to receive me for the disciple. Guhu...... is willing to follow the senior, makes the cow to make the horse...... to ask the senior to help!” 向着云澈的方向,他的头颅重重砸地,这一叩,他用尽全力,却唯独没有护身,刚刚封愈的伤口尽皆崩裂,额头飙血,抬头之时,脸上除了血痕,竟满是泪痕:“求前辈……收我为徒。孤鹄……愿追随前辈,做牛做马……求前辈成全!” The word of Tian Guhu, making Tian Muyi and other people be startled, Tian Muyi fierce forwarding, holds the Tian Guhu shoulder: Guhu, you are talking nonsense anything!” 天孤鹄之言,让天牧一等人大吃一惊,天牧一猛的向前,一把抓住天孤鹄肩膀:“孤鹄,你在胡说什么!” He turns around immediately, said to Yun Che: Senior…… Ling Yun, my son injury is critical, unconscious, nonsense, but also looks should not be offended.” 他马上转身,向云澈道:“凌云……前辈,犬子伤势过重,神志不清,胡言乱语,还望不要介怀。” Yun Che from unclear, character strange ruthless spicy regardless. He just killed Yama Ghost King, then must be chased down by Yama Realm full power, how could he allows Tian Guhu to have any relations with him. 云澈来自不明、性格怪异狠辣且不论。他刚杀了阎鬼王,接下来必遭阎魔界全力追杀,他岂能允许天孤鹄与他扯上任何关系。 Tian Guhu usually never violates the word of father, but this time, his both eyes actually stare at Yun Che firmly, voice/sound hoarse renounces: Royal Father, child this life, has never so sobered.” 天孤鹄平时从不违背父亲之言,但这一次,他双目却是牢盯云澈,声音嘶哑而决绝:“父王,孩儿这一生,从未如此清醒过。” Tian Muyi is shocked. 天牧一愣住。 Tian Guhu this time look, he has never seen. At this moment, in his heart emits dismal suddenly, actually incomparably clear thought...... seem like, has never understood this he proudest son truly. 天孤鹄此时的眼神,他从未见过。这一刻,他的心中忽然冒出一个悲凉,却又无比清晰的念想……自己似乎,从未真正了解过这个他最骄傲的儿子。 Guhu...... even his Royal Father, excludes this solitary one. 孤鹄……连他这个父王,都排除在外的孤只。 Requests me to be the master?” The Yun Che back passes away: Depending on you, but also far unqualified. But your life, may be useful to me. Moreover on this day...... will not be long.” “拜我为师?”云澈背过身去:“凭你,还远不够资格。但你的命,对我或许会有用。而且这一天……不会太久。” Sound still in ear, but Yun Che's form has gone by far, only keeps Tian Guhu stupidly sky over looks. 音犹在耳,但云澈的身影已远远而去,唯留天孤鹄痴痴呆呆的看着上空。
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