ATG :: Volume #16 Emperor of the Northern Territory (北域为帝)

#1628: Popular anger

Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er look at each other instantly, moved toward Succubus Yaodie in the people stunned vision to the utmost, sat in her right side. 云澈千叶影儿刹那对视,在众人极尽愕然的目光中走向了魔女妖蝶,坐在了她的右侧。 Moreover is sits neighboringly, the middle is separated by less than half body, the movement is slightly big, can touch the opposite party directly. 而且是相邻而坐,中间相隔不到半个身位,动作稍大,都能直接碰触到对方。 Yaodie knits the brows slightly, but has not said anything, has not reprimanded them. 妖蝶稍稍皱眉,但并未说什么,也没有将他们斥开。 A Imperial Sky Palace peace, everyone is at deep ignorant to compel the condition, Heaven Encompassing Realm person who particularly will begin, for a while there, helpless. 皇天阙一片安静,所有人都处在深深的懵逼状态,尤其是正要动手的天罗界人,一时都愣在那里,不知所措。 Succubus two characters, not only has the deterrent of big extremely, is Northern God Territory most mystical existence. Although no one does not know their name, but the average man investigates its life is also difficult to see one time. 魔女二字,不仅有着极其之大的威慑,更是北神域最神秘的存在。虽无人不知其名,但常人究其一生也难见到一次。 Tian Muyi as first Realm King, has never seen any Succubus appearance/portrait, can know the Fourth Succubus status, is not common Realm King can. 天牧一身为第一界王,也从未见过任何一个魔女的真容,能识出第四魔女的身份,都已非寻常界王所能及。 But is such an existence, in the place of this Imperial Sky, invites two unexpectedly on own initiative is Tian Guhu detests , the malicious talk touches crime Imperial Sky Sect Divine Sovereign!? 而就是这样一个存在,竟在这皇天之地,主动邀约两个为天孤鹄所嫌恶,又恶言触罪皇天宗神君!? But Yaodie just now inquired the name of man, was not acquainted obviously. 妖蝶方才询问男子之名,又显然根本并不相识。 They are unable to understand, but does not dare to ask. If qualifications that Tian Muyi this grade of character, has not horizontally viewed with Succubus, let alone others. 他们无法理解,但又不敢多问。如天牧一这等人物,都没有与魔女平视的资格,何况他人。 The atmosphere changes beyond the score for a while strange, touches the crime Imperial Sky Realm person ruthlessly, actually took a seat because of Succubus Yaodie this Imperial Sky Palace most honored seat. Although Tian Muyi wishes one could to be cut to pieces the Yun Che two people personally, has to endure stubbornly, on the face reveals also calculates the modest smile: 气氛一时变得分外诡异,狠狠触罪皇天界的人,却因魔女妖蝶而入座了这皇天阙最尊贵的席位。天牧一虽恨不能亲手将云澈二人千刀万剐,也不得不死死忍下,脸上露出还算温和微笑: Succubus Your Highness, Yama Ghost King and Burning Moon emperor's children, three are not only my Imperial Sky honored guests, is the surveillant of this Heavenly Monarch grand meeting. Three assume the inspector general, decides not contracts not superiorly, fair Wugou (stainless).” 魔女殿下阎鬼王焚月帝子,三位既是我皇天的贵客,亦是此界天君盛会的监督者。有三位坐镇监督,定无患无优,公正无垢。” Honored guest, it's time, the grand meeting has opened!” Tian Muyi announced: everyone/numerous young Divine Sovereign, you are the pride of Northern God Territory, will be my Northern God Territory future. This is your grand meetings,” “贵客已至,时辰已到,盛会开幕!”天牧一宣布道:“众位年轻的神君,你们是北神域的骄傲,更是我北神域的未来。这是属于你们的盛会,” Please bloom heartily your rays, and engraves above North Territory sky eternal.” “请尽情绽放你们的光芒,并永恒刻印于北域苍穹之上。” The Tian Muyi vision shifted to the King Realm three people slightly resoundingly, voice/sound also several points: If can be King Realm favors fortunately, meteoric rise. Can seize these hundred years of only opportunities, must look at you......” 天牧一的目光稍转向王界三人,声音亦高亢了数分:“若能有幸为王界所青睐,更将直上青云。能否抓住这百年唯一的机会,皆要看你们自己了……” Tian Muyi voice/sound is continuing, is reading out the rule, as well as Tian Guhu will not enter the battlefield, but as by the exceptional case of Challenger. Numerous Heavenly Monarch is all unobjectionable, instead mostly relieved. 天牧一声音在继续,宣读着规则,以及天孤鹄不会入战场,而是作为被挑战者的特例。众天君皆毫无异议,反而大都长舒一口气 Takes a seat the side of Succubus Yaodie, Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er all silent silent, bows the head to hang the pupil, from beginning to end not looks at one to numerous Heavenly Monarch and battlefield. 入座魔女妖蝶之侧,云澈千叶影儿皆沉默无声,低首垂眸,自始至终没有向众天君和战场看去一眼。 Has the vision to look unceasingly to them, performing the belt/bring is surprised and puzzled. They do not think in any event clearly, actually this personal Devil Empress Succubus wants why. 不断有目光瞄向他们,尽带惊疑和不解。他们无论如何都想不明白,这个贴身魔后魔女究竟所欲为何。 rumbled, the profound light sparkle, huge formation unfolds in the central battlefield, this Heavenly Monarch grand meeting also opens officially, grasps the double sword, the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star goal man, when first leaps forward the battlefield, holds up the head in a clear tone said: „ In the below falling state southern clear feather, please grant instruction! „ 一声轰鸣,玄光闪耀,一个庞大结界在中心战场铺开,这场天君盛会也就此正式开幕,一个手持双剑,剑眉星目的男子当先跃入战场,昂首朗声道:“在下陨州界南清羽,请赐教!“ Finishes barely the words, another Heavenly Monarch has followed closely the admission, has not had the phrase confrontation, the two people pointed weapons the knock-on collision in together, rips open space fissure that rapidly spreads together. 话音未落,另一天君已紧随入场,未有片语交锋,两人的兵刃已直接碰撞在一起,撕开一道快速蔓延的空间裂痕。 The confrontation between Heavenly Monarch starts, the vision of people also completely centralized above battlefield. Everyone in battlefield, even if cultivation base most weak one, is the character who they must remember and pay attention. 天君之间的交锋开始,众人的目光也全部集中在了战场之上。战场中的每一个人,哪怕是其中修为最弱者,也是他们必须牢记和关注的人物。 Each Heavenly Monarch grand meeting, will have many pleasant surprises. But Tian Guhu without doubt is during these several hundred years the biggest pleasant surprise. His vision is also centralized throughout above the battlefield, but his look absolutely not is actually horizontally viewing the opponent, but is staying out, occasionally shakes the head, occasionally reveals overlooking of appreciation approval. 每一届天君盛会,都会出现不少的惊喜。而天孤鹄无疑是这几百年间最大的惊喜。他的目光也始终集中在战场之上,但他的眼神却绝非是在平视对手,而是一种置身事外,偶尔摇头,偶尔显露欣赏认可的俯视。 The grand meeting continues, with dazzling fight, the scene also even more is one by one warm, surprised, appreciates voice/sound that and acclaimed to start continuously. But the audience most peaceful corner, is Succubus Yaodie is. 盛会持续,随着一场比一场耀眼的交手,场面也愈加热烈,惊讶、赞赏、赞叹的声音开始此起彼伏。而全场最安静的角落,便是魔女妖蝶的所在。 Is away from the butterfly wing mask, her vision as if continuously above battlefield, but never says a word, lets the person palpitation peacefully. Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er are also silent throughout. 隔着蝶翼面罩,她的目光似乎一直都在战场之上,但始终不发一言,安静的让人心悸。云澈千叶影儿也都始终沉默。 Three people sit together, becomes the Imperial Sky Palace strangest picture. 三人坐在一起,成为了皇天阙最诡异的画面。 At this time, Huo Tianxing's daughter Huo Lanji entered the stage, acted then the forcing outstanding heroes, in an instant, then pulled plane/level the pattern of entire battlefield. 这时,祸天星之女祸蓝姬出场,一出手便力压群雄,转眼之间,便将整个战场的格局都生生拉高了一个层面 Huo Tianxing caresses must smile short slightly, Tian Mu 祸天星手抚短须微微而笑,天牧 Looks at his one eyes, said with a laugh: Worthily is Brother Huo's daughter, so the elegant demeanor, in the North Territory peer female, absolutely no one may leave its right.” 一看他一眼,笑呵呵的道:“不愧是祸兄之女,如此风采,北域同辈女子中,断无人可出其右。” Huo Tianxing happy expression restraining, slanting Tian Guhu, a coldly snorted sound said: This saying said come out from your mouth, is not that joyful.” 祸天星笑意收敛,斜了天孤鹄一眼,冷哼一声道:“这话从你口中说出来,可不是那么让人高兴。” Hehe,” Tian Muyi said with a smile: Guhu, how do you feel them?” “呵呵,”天牧一笑道:“孤鹄,你觉得他们如何?” Tian Guhu said: Returns to Royal Father, compares in hundred years ago, the everyone/numerous Heavenly Monarch appearance is more abundant, particularly Fairy Huo and Young Master Kui, big of advancement acclaimed pleasantly surprised.” 天孤鹄道:“回父王,相比于百年前,众位天君神采更盛,尤其是祸仙子蝰公子,进境之大让人惊喜赞叹。” Child, although the story is superficial, but the war of today, making child deeply feel North Territory in the future the time, believes firmly, our generation, will not disappoint everyone/numerous senior.” “孩儿虽阅历浅薄,但今日之战,让孩儿深感北域未来可期,亦更为确信,我们这一辈,绝不会辜负众位前辈的期望。” The Tian Guhu words bring in the smile of numerous Realm King to nod the head. Cold face that even/including Huo Tianxing just exhibited temperate several points. 天孤鹄的话引来众界王的微笑颔首。就连祸天星刚刚摆出的冷脸都温和了数分。 Ling Yun,” peaceful Succubus Yaodie has opened the mouth at this time suddenly: You felt these days 0.】 Monarch how?” 凌云,”一直安静的魔女妖蝶在这时忽然开口:“你觉得这些天【零零.】君如何?” Yaodie voice/sound has monster different Devil Power probably, is very obviously light, actually resembles in the ear of everyone whispers, then such as flows swiftly the mercury, penetrates the Soul deep place, has an irresistible force of traction, everyone's mind, including in numerous Heavenly Monarch of battlefield fierce battle, is towing her body completely. 妖蝶声音像是有着妖异的魔力,明明很轻,却似在每个人的耳边低语,然后又如泻地水银,直穿入灵魂深处,带着一种不可抗拒的牵引力,将所有人的心神,包括正在战场恶战的众天君,全部牵引到了她的身上 Obviously is desirably for it. 显然是刻意为之。 Yun Che raised the head slightly, the eye partly opens the eyes, has not actually looked to battlefield one, only has in the nostril to exude the incomparably contemptuous hum/snort: One crowd of trash, also match called Heavenly Monarch unexpectedly, was really the joke.” 云澈稍稍抬头,眼睛半睁,却没有看向战场一眼,唯有鼻孔中发出无比轻蔑的哼声:“一群垃圾,居然也配天君,真是笑话。” Everyone's attention was directed by Yaodie, Yun Che's words without a doubt clear incomparable spreads to the ear of everyone, instantly such as the still water stone, split second arouses the innumerable anger. 所有人的注意力都被妖蝶引过来,云澈的话语毫无疑问清晰无比的传入每个人的耳中,霎时如静水投石,一瞬间激起无数的怒火。 The battlefield fierce battle stopped, numerous Heavenly Monarch all turns around suddenly, vision straight thrust Yun Che, has the violent anger that is flickering. 战场的恶战停止了,众天君全部骤然转身,目光直刺云澈,带着瞬起的暴怒。 As Northern God Territory youngest Divine Sovereign, only hundred were classified as Heavenly Monarch the person of name, they look up to peer's worship, in the praise awe of the world grows, has with it a self-respect and proudly. 身为北神域最年轻的神君,仅有的百名被冠以“天君”之名的人,他们都是在同辈人的崇拜仰望,世人的赞誉敬畏中成长,更有着与之相匹的自尊与傲然。 Their grand meetings, most High-Rank Realm King comes to observe the meeting personally, the surveillant who King Realm sends is also the pivotal character. Although is young, but it has can be inferred in Northern God Territory plane/level and position. 他们的盛会,大半的上位界王都亲自来观会,王界派来的监督者亦是举足轻重的人物。虽还年轻,但其在北神域层面、地位已可见一斑。 Who dares to regard them lowly, who matches regards them lowly!? 谁敢低视他们,谁配低视他们!? But the word of Yun Che...... far more than is regards lowly, that ear-piercing incomparable trash two characters, have the deep shame, is very dissolute, incomparably laughable racket on the faces of child of these miracles. 云澈之言……何止是低视,那刺耳无比的“垃圾”二字,带着深深的羞辱,无比狂肆,又无比可笑的拍在了这些奇迹之子的人脸上。 But they are Northern God Territory youngest Divine Sovereign, the word of Yun Che, is equal to shame on the scene, and even Northern God Territory all Divine Sovereign! 而他们是北神域最年轻的神君,云澈之言,亦等同于羞辱着在场,乃至北神域所有的神君 Even if the emperor of King Realm, Northern God Territory to exists high, will despise these true talents absolutely not, impossible said such two characters. 哪怕是王界之帝,北神域的至高存在,也断不会轻视这些真正的天才们,更不可能说出这样两个字。 Courts death!” Stands in battlefield center Heavenly Monarch vision gloomy, whole body profound energy surges, murderous aura is imposing. “找死!”站在战场中心的天君目光阴沉,全身玄气激荡,杀气凛然。 Good clumsy mischief-doer.” Huo Lanji coldly smiles, then the direct vision has transferred, does not look at Yun Che one, resembling fears dirty own eye. “好一个跳梁小丑。”祸蓝姬冷冷一笑,然后直接目光转过,再不看云澈一眼,似是怕脏了自己的眼睛。 Some people open the mouth, numerous Heavenly Monarch does not need to suppress immediately again, burns with rage, if not Yun Che in the side of Succubus, feared was pointed weapons and profound energy has been separated from the battlefield, took Yun Che. 有人开口,众天君顿时再无须压制,群情激愤,若非云澈是在魔女之侧,怕是道道兵刃和玄气早已脱离战场,直取云澈 Hahahahaha!” Emperor's children Fen Jieran laughs wildly to make noise, doubles with laughter: Interesting interesting, was too interesting, this unexpectedly is Seventh Level Divine Sovereign, Hahahaha.” 哈哈哈哈哈!”帝子焚孑然狂笑出声,前仰后合:“有趣有趣,太有趣了,这居然还是一个七级神君,哈哈哈哈。” Hehe, far more than emperor's children Your Highness.” The Viper Sacred Monarch eyes narrow together the cold and gloomy slit: Old Man lived near 50,000 years, has never seen the so big joke. The this child or crazy, either to strive for coming.” “呵呵,何止帝子殿下。”蝰蛇圣君双眼眯成一道森冷的缝隙:“老朽活了近五万载,都从未见过如此大的笑话。此子要么疯癫,要么就是为了求死而来。” Snort, is really the shame of Divine Sovereign!” Heaven Encompassing Realm King said solemnly. “哼,真是神君之耻!”天罗界王沉声道 Kills this evil creature, is the dirty my hand!” “杀此孽畜,都是脏我之手!” Hehe, builds Divine Sovereign, what kind of is not easy, what a pity...... feared that was complete corpse do not even want to stay behind.” “呵呵,修成神君,何等不易,可惜……怕是连全尸都别想留下了。” ...... …… Indifferent, the nose and taunt, angry...... they look to the Yun Che's vision, such as is looking at one soon the clown of tragic death. They feel incomparably absurdly, is very laughable, felt oneself should not get angry...... because of such goods, does not match to make them live the anger, is actually not able not to get angry. 冷眼、哧鼻、嘲讽、愤怒……他们看向云澈的目光,如在看一个即将惨死的小丑。他们觉得无比荒谬,无比可笑,亦觉得自己不该怒……因为这样一个货色,根本不配让他们生怒,却又无法不怒。 Above seat of honor, Yan Sangeng looked at Yun Che one 尊席之上,阎三更看了云澈一眼 , Grayish white face as before cold and stiff, lightly language: Succubus Your Highness, this person deserves death.” ,灰白的面孔依旧冷僵,淡淡而语:“魔女殿下,此人该死。” this person deserves death these four characters put out from the Yan Sangeng mouth, how many people in does the world have to guarantee him? 此人该死”这四个字从阎三更口中吐出,世上又有几人能够保他? Succubus Yaodie not responded. 魔女妖蝶并无回应。 Snort.” Tian Muyi stands up, the complexion is tranquil, killing intent that but the eye band of light is not concealing: This word not only shame and these extraordinary Heavenly Monarch, shame and my North Territory all Divine Sovereigns, sin unforgivable.” “哼。”天牧一站起,面色还算平静,只是目光带着并不掩饰的杀意:“此言不仅辱及这些了不起的天君,更辱及我北域所有神君,罪无可恕。” Since wants dead, that this King helped you!” “既然这么想死,那本王就成全了你!” Wait!” Tian Guhu actually opens the mouth suddenly, the form in a flash, is leaving the table, said: Royal Father, this person, since word shame our Heavenly Monarch, that then by our Heavenly Monarch from the line solution. This grade of minor matter, this and other laughable generations, has not matched to ask Royal Father, did not match dirty Royal Father and hand of everyone/numerous senior.” “等等!”天孤鹄却是忽然开口,身影一晃,已是离席而出,道:“父王,此人既然言辱我们天君,那便由我们天君来自行解决。这等小事,这等可笑之辈,还不配劳驾父王,更不配脏了父王以及众位前辈的手。” Excessively had not considered, Tian Muyi slowly nodded. 没有过多思虑,天牧一缓缓点头 Under is the center of attention, before Tian Guhu lifts the step arrives at Yun Che, to Succubus Yaodie deeply saluted: Senior, junior wants Ling Yun several words, but also please stretch the rules.” 众人注目之下,天孤鹄抬步来到云澈之前,向魔女妖蝶深深一礼:“前辈,晚辈欲予凌云几言,还请通融。” Even Yun Che in all person eyes is a deceased person, Tian Guhu to the utmost to the awe of Succubus. 即使云澈在所有人眼里都已是个死人,天孤鹄还是极尽了对魔女的敬畏。 At will.” Succubus Yaodie light two characters. “随意。”魔女妖蝶淡淡二字。 Although she has not driven out Yun Che directly, but this two characters, resemble at will have been telling the people, Ling Yun, is how uninterested with her. 虽然她没有将云澈直接轰开,但这“随意”二字,似是已在告诉众人,凌云如何,与她毫无关系。 thanks Senior helps.” Tian Guhu is a ritual, when transfers eye of Yun Che, look actually also not too big change, even seeks less than an anger, the gentle letting person acclaimed: Ling Yun, the words, can you dare to say again?” “谢前辈成全。”天孤鹄又是一礼,转目云澈时,眼神却也并没有太大的变化,甚至都寻不到一丝愤怒,平和的让人赞叹:“凌云,刚才的话,你可敢再说一遍?” Yun Che lifts the eye, incomparable pale looked at his one eyes: One crowd of trash.” 云澈抬目,无比之淡的看了他一眼:“一群垃圾。” You!” Numerous Heavenly Monarch again violent anger. “你!”一众天君再次暴怒。 Tian Guhu lifts the hand to hint to other Heavenly Monarch, depresses the anger that they reach, the corners of the mouth instead shows the smile that one seems does not have: Our Heavenly Monarch, although is proud, but is never arrogant, certainly not shame! Your word, if not give us an enough confession, feared that cannot go out of this Imperial Sky Palace.” 天孤鹄抬手向其他天君示意,压下他们冲顶的怒意,嘴角反而露出一抹似有似无的微笑:“我们天君虽自傲,但从不凌人,更绝不可辱!你方才之言,若不给我们一个足够的交代,怕是走不出这皇天阙。” „......” Yun Che indifferently silent. “……”云澈漠然无声。 But, if the elder acts, or rallies together to attack it, you may refuse to accept, does not match. Then......” the Tian Guhu vision like the sword, voice/sound is low and drawn out: „The glory is North Territory Heavenly Monarch, when possesses forbearance a person of quantity, I then on behalf of everyone/numerous brothers and sisters, enjoy your opportunity.” “不过,若长辈出手,或群起攻之,你或许会不服,更不配。那么……”天孤鹄目光如剑,声音低缓:“既荣为北域天君,当有容人之量,我便代表众位兄弟姐妹,赏你一个机会。” With is Seventh Level Divine Sovereign, in my your mouth trash comes to fight with you. If you win, we then acknowledged oneself do not match Heavenly Monarch the name, you said the word, our also nature investigated without the face. If you defeated, loses to my your mouth trash......” he smiles lightly: Shame my North Territory Heavenly Monarch, you will see with one's own eyes yourself should the price of payout.” “同为七级神君,我这个你口中的‘垃圾’来和你交手。若你胜,我们便承认自己不配‘天君’之名,你所说之言,我们也自然无颜追究。而若是你败了,败给我这个你口中的‘垃圾’……”他淡淡一笑:“辱我北域天君,你会亲眼看到自己该付出的代价。” First leaves is looking for the excuse rejection anxiously, I enjoy a you huge kindness again.” “先别急着找借口拒绝,我再赏你一个天大的恩典。” Has not waited for Yun Che to respond, the Tian Guhu finger stretches out slowly: Seven moves. With is Seventh Level Divine Sovereign, you want in my under the hand/subordinate seven moves of undefeated, then calculates you to win, how?” 没等云澈回应,天孤鹄手指缓缓伸出:“七招。同为七级神君,你只要在我手下七招不败,便算你胜,如何呢?” The Tian Guhu words, making these just now the people of violent anger show the smile, in the Tian Muyi vision is fuller father the pride of as Tian Guhu. 天孤鹄的话语,让那些方才暴怒之人都露出微笑,天牧一的目光中更满是身为天孤鹄之父的骄傲。 same Realm, seven moves then calculate the defeat extremely. This in the Divine Dao profound practitioner hear, is what kind of is absurd. 同境界,七招不胜便算败。这在神道玄者听来,是何等的荒谬狂妄。 But, he is Tian Guhu, in the posture of Seventh Level Divine Sovereign, is a worthy opponent sufficiently Tenth Level Divine Sovereign Tian Guhu! 但,他是天孤鹄,是以七级神君之姿,足以匹敌十级神君天孤鹄 Although is only seven moves, but no one thinks that he will defeat. Also only has him to be able, and certainly can sidewise compression same Realm the opponent in seven moves. 虽然只是七招,但没有人认为他会败。也唯有他能够,且一定能够在七招之内横压同境界的对手。 Tian Guhu this is nothing less than wise. But the prestige, releases indignant of numerous Heavenly Monarch, can humiliate Ling Yun extremely, making him lose entirely all face countenance dignity before dying, after dying continually, will become laughingstock that will spread very for a long time. 天孤鹄这一手不可谓不高明。可扬自己之威,泄众天君之愤,更能将“凌云”极度折辱,让他在死前丧尽所有的颜面尊严,连死后,都会成为流传很久的笑柄。 Right, provokes Imperial Sky Realm, said shame numerous Heavenly Monarch, if killed him directly, extremely cheap he. 没错,挑衅皇天界,言辱众天君,若直接杀了他,也太过便宜了他。 The angry look turned into teasing, even if in these ordinary days must look up to Divine Sovereign Divine King, at this time looked that filled to the Yun Che's vision despised and pitied. 愤怒的眼神都变成了戏谑,哪怕是那些平日里要仰望神君神王,此时看向云澈的目光都充满了鄙夷和怜悯。 Ling Yun, should you...... this not dare?” Tian Guhu said slowly, his voice falls, has several Heavenly Monarch direct ridicules to make noise. 凌云,你该不会……连这都不敢吧?”天孤鹄缓缓道,他话音一落,已是有数个天君直接嘲笑出声。 Yun Che's arm puts down from the chest front, finally sets out slowly, slights the say/way that and is incapable of: Seven moves were too many, three moves.” 云澈的手臂从胸前放下,终于缓缓起身,冷淡而无力的道:“七招太多了,三招吧。”
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