ATG :: Volume #16 Emperor of the Northern Territory (北域为帝)

#1615: Kills Tai Yin

The Eternal Sky Guardian strength, Qianye without doubt many that Yun Che is clearer. 宙天守护者的实力,千叶无疑要比云澈清楚的多。 Yun Che has not suspected the Qianye Ying'er words, but of his eye pupil deep place wipes the dim light actually not to dissipate, instead becomes darker. 云澈没有怀疑千叶影儿的话,但他眼瞳深处的那抹幽光却没有就此消逝,反而变得更加幽暗。 It seems like, can only kidnap.” Qianye Ying'er passes message lowly: Although......” “看来,只能劫持了。”千叶影儿低低传音:“虽然……” In her ear, transmits Yun Che's voice suddenly: Controls Zhou Qingchen and Qu Hui.” 她的耳中,忽然传来云澈的声音:“控住宙清尘祛秽。” voice/sound falls, Qianye Ying'er has not made any response with enough time, nearby Yun Che explodes to suddenly, power that erupts instantaneously such as a volcano of avalanche, shakes ruthlessly Qianye Ying'er. 声音一落,千叶影儿尚未来得及作出任何回应,身边的云澈忽然爆冲而出,瞬间爆发的力量如一座崩塌的火山,将千叶影儿都狠狠震开。 Opening of Evil God gate only need flicker, concerns the instantaneous explosive force, can say that present age no one can compare with Yun Che, his whole person such as the flowing light, the direct impact is wanting to fly into profound ark Venerable Tai Yin instantly. 邪神境关的开启只需一瞬,论及瞬间爆发力,可以说当世无人能与云澈相比,他整个人顿如刹那流光,直冲正欲飞入玄舟太垠尊者 This accident suddenly, Qianye Ying'er is even caught off guard, idle talk Tai Yin, Qu Hui and Zhou Qingchen three people. But such near distance, surpasses flickering of cognitive boundary to explode, feared that is most flourishing condition Tai Yin, may not react with enough time. 这忽然的变故,连千叶影儿都措手不及,遑论太垠祛秽宙清尘三人。而如此之近的距离,超出认知界限的瞬爆,怕是全盛状态的太垠,都不一定能来得及作出反应。 Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor Sword brings the dim light of flashing before, the puncture space, Venerable Tai Yin that straight turns round suddenly. 劫天魔帝剑带着闪现的幽光,穿刺空间,直中猝然回身的太垠尊者 BANG!! 轰!! Dark Profound Glow blasting open, startled Qu Hui and Zhou Qingchen distant bang flies. 黑暗玄光炸裂,将愕然中的祛秽宙清尘远远轰飞。 Center Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor Sword chest of Venerable Tai Yin...... in extremely heavy injury, does not have protection next time this to hit hard, the sword sharp was actually stagnation stubbornly in the chest of Tai Yin, cannot pass through his body. 劫天魔帝剑正中太垠尊者的胸口……在极重伤势,又毫无防备下遭此重击,剑尖却是死死的停滞在了太垠的胸口,没能将他的躯体贯穿。 This, clear told Yun Che Guardian this grade of character is being one crowd of how fearful monsters. 这一幕,清清楚楚的告诉着云澈守护者这等人物都是一群何其可怕的怪物。 Wound Tai Yin all over the body under this sword, in the mouth, whole body spurted the big piece simultaneously the blood froth. This sudden accident, making a Tai Yin pair of eyeball enlarge to nearly blasts open, blood-stained palm also grasped at this time completely stubbornly above the jet black sword blade. 本就创伤遍体的太垠在这一剑下,口中、全身同时喷开大片的血沫。这突如其来的变故,让太垠一双眼珠放大到近乎炸裂,一只完全染血的手掌也在这时死死抓在了漆黑的剑身之上。 Same instantly, Qianye Ying'er profound energy does not suppress, acts suddenly, flickers nearly before Zhou Qingchen, waist golden glow departs, such as the tall and slender golden snake, twines Zhou Qingchen together firmly. 同一个刹那,千叶影儿玄气也再不压制,猛然出手,一瞬近到宙清尘之前,腰间金芒飞出,如一道细长的金蛇,将宙清尘牢牢缠绕。 Has not received the inheritance Zhou Qingchen to have now cultivation base, can be called absolutely is Heaven's Chosen Child. But he facing releasing full power Qianye Ying'er, where has a wee bit when the possibility of struggling the resistance, golden glow is encumbered, his profound energy is completely also blocked, struggles slightly, golden glow has then entered the flesh and blood, making him send out the painful sorrowful roar. 未承传承的宙清尘有如今修为,绝对称得上是天之骄子。但他面对释放全力的千叶影儿,哪有丁点挣扎抗争的可能,被金芒缠身之时,他的玄气亦被完全封锁,稍一挣扎,金芒便已直入骨肉,让他发出痛苦的哀吼 Qingchen!” Venerable Tai Yin hoarseness called, when the eye contact that wiped golden glow, the pupil of enlargement contracted instantly violently: Divine....Decree!” 清尘!”太垠尊者一声嘶叫,在目光接触到那抹金芒之时,刹那放大的瞳孔又猛烈收缩:“神……谕!” ——- —— power eruption of Guardian, although is the remnant strength under extreme severe wound, but such as disaster general terrifying, along the body of Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor Sword straight Yun Che, shakes with sword heavily him as before flies. 守护者力量爆发,虽然是极度重伤下的残力,但依旧如天灾一般恐怖,沿着劫天魔帝剑云澈之身,将他连人带剑重重震飞。 Half respite, has not tried to rescue Zhou Qingchen. Venerable Tai Yin at accident and panic-stricken, is actually making to the fearful choice calmly, that incomparably precious Guardian blood essence offered a sacrifice to instantaneously by him, making his remnant body erupt terrifying peerless power, takes Yun Che that was shaken. 没有半口喘息,更没有试图去救宙清尘太垠尊者在变故和惊骇之下,却做出着冷静到可怕的选择,那无比珍贵的守护者精血被他瞬间祭出,让他的残躯爆发出一股恐怖绝伦的力量,直取被震开的云澈 Although he does not know that Qianye Ying'er previously so achieved he has even hidden the truth from the hidden, profound energy that but she just now erupts, is astonishing Intermediate Stage Divine Lord. Then the Zhou Qingchen whole body winding, has Divine Decree Brahma Golden Whip Sword of name, belongs to Brahma Emperor God Realm divine legacy item, is the status symbol of Qianye Ying'er! 虽然他不知千叶影儿先前是如此做到连他都瞒过的隐藏,但她方才爆发的玄气,是惊人的中期神主。那把将宙清尘全身缠绕,有着“神谕”之名的梵金软剑,是属于梵帝神界神遗之器,亦是千叶影儿的身份象征! Was locked the body by Divine Decree, Qianye Ying'er only needs a thought that can twist broken the Zhou Qingchen body, is difficult the possibility that he rescues forcefully. 神谕锁身,千叶影儿只需一个意念,便可将宙清尘的身躯绞碎,难有将他强行救出的可能。 Then, the best choice, is spares nothing, instead to kidnap this with the person of her travelling together! 那么,最好的选择,就是不惜代价,反劫持这个与她同行之人! Eternal Sky Guardian, Ninth Level Divine Lord, offers sacrifices unexpectedly blood essence facing Fourth Level Divine Sovereign, that this is unable to understand simply, Venerable Tai Yin actually chooses instantly, without hesitation! 一个宙天守护者,九级神主,竟面对一个四级神君献祭精血,这简直无法理解的一幕,太垠尊者却是刹那抉择,毫不犹豫! At that moment, if there is a galaxy together to rupture, startles the world aura to let control Zhou Qingchen Qianye Ying'er startled however to look back. 那一刻,如有一道星河爆裂,骇世的气息让控住宙清尘千叶影儿惊然回首。 She just warned Yun Che, even if Tai Yin severe wound hence, their also absolutely not rival! She cannot think through, why Yun Che must make a move to Venerable Tai Yin forcefully! Only must kidnap Zhou Qingchen to be able obviously directly! 她刚刚才警告云澈哪怕太垠重伤至此,他们也绝非敌手!她想不通,云澈为何要对太垠尊者强行出手!明明只需直接劫持宙清尘便可! He, has the possibility to deliver to Tai Yin on the contrary forcefully! 他如此,反倒有可能将自己强行送到太垠手上! Eternal Sky Guardian offers sacrifices blood essence the strength of renouncing, not yet close to and erupts, is to make Yun Che suffocate thoroughly. He is fearless, on the face instead appears one to see crazy of palpitation, result that because this precisely he wants! 宙天守护者献祭精血的决绝之力,尚未临近和爆发,已是让云澈彻底窒息。他毫无畏惧,脸上反而现出一抹让人见之心悸的疯狂,因为这正是他想要的结果! In hand Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor Sword superficial wields, welcomes may be called world highest plane/level power to this at present. 手中劫天魔帝剑轻描淡写的挥出,迎向这眼前堪称世间最高层面力量 Drawing Moon Returning Star! 月挽星回 Before Heaven Smiting Sword, element fall into disorder, the principle retrogradation, Venerable Tai Yin uses buckle blood essence as price release the body of power suddenly reverse, straight Tai Yin. 劫天剑前,元素崩乱,法则逆反,太垠尊者以折损精血为代价释放的力量猛然反逆,直中太垠之身。 The place of Drawing Moon Returning Star most terrifying is not its compulsion counter attack, but is the power retrogradation, the precisely opposite party power release, the self-defence is instantly weakest, when most impossible has the protection, let alone Venerable Tai Yin is severely wounded in addition offers sacrifices blood essence! 月挽星回恐怖之处不是它的强制反震,而是力量逆反的刹那,正是对方力量释放,自身防御最弱,也最不可能有防备之时,何况太垠尊者是重伤加献祭精血 A fulmination, earth-shattering. Completely violates one of the common sense understanding facing this, Venerable Tai Yin including one panic-stricken to give birth without enough time, then by own power bang , the innumerable say/way has been able to destroy mountain Duanhai the power mighty current to swamp into his body ruthlessly crazily, in his within the body dashing and wreaking havoc, the miserable life that Merciless Destruction he is only remaining. 一声爆鸣,天崩地裂。面对这完全违背常理认识的一幕,太垠尊者连一丝惊恐都来不及生出,便已被自己的力量狠狠轰中,无数道可以摧山断海的力量洪流疯狂的涌入他的躯体,在他的体内冲撞、肆虐,无情毁灭着他仅剩的惨命。 Void World Cauldron also lets go to depart, even the Soul relation interrupts for a while. 寰虚鼎亦脱手飞出,连灵魂联系都一时中断。 Tai Yin!!” This desire charges into Zhou Qingchen Venerable Qu Hui to startle the courage to crack immediately. 太垠!!”本欲冲向宙清尘祛秽尊者顿时骇得肝胆欲裂。 The Venerable Tai Yin whole body wound completely collapses, probably broke blood bag, but black glow actually at this time punctured the sword blade that together suddenly, but, was previously shaken firmly actually brutally passed through his body at this moment, such as destroyed the rotten wood! 太垠尊者全身伤口尽崩,像是一个破了的血袋,而一道黑芒却在这时骤刺而至,先前被牢牢撼住的剑身此刻却是无情贯穿他的躯体,如摧朽木! Eh...... Aah......” in the Venerable Tai Yin throat overflows the hoarse painful moan, his vision is lax, almost could not have seen clearly the close shadow, only has the bang of arm nearly instinct only remains. 呃…啊啊……”太垠尊者喉中溢出沙哑痛苦的呻吟,他目光涣散间,已几乎看不清近在咫尺的黑影,唯有仅剩的手臂近乎本能的轰出。 BANG!! 轰!! Guardian that even if will die, may turn round mountain Yihai, this strikes Yun Che shakes directly turns, in his mouth spurts big blood fog fiercely, Heaven Smiting Sword also pull body. 哪怕将死的守护者,亦可覆山移海,这一击将云澈直接震翻,他口中猛喷一大蓬血雾,劫天剑亦拔体而出。 But, the blood fog that sprays actually in the in the air conflagration, unfolds one golden seas of fire, Venerable Tai Yin instantaneous burying, the Yun Che driven out figure also in in the air turning back forcefully, by Star God's Broken Shadow flashes before the Tai Yin body again, center Heaven Smiting Sword the chest, for the second time passes through to enter...... at the same time, in his soul sea a low roar: 但,喷洒的血雾却在空中爆燃,铺开一片金色火海,将太垠尊者瞬间埋葬,云澈被轰开的身形亦在空中硬生生的折返,以星神碎影再次闪至太垠身前,劫天剑正中心口,第二次直贯而入……于此同时,他的魂海中一声低吼: He Ling!” 禾菱!” The dark green glow along the sword blade circulation, silent explodes together in the Tai Yin flesh. 一道幽暗的绿芒沿着剑身流转,无声爆开在太垠的血肉之中。 AH!! “喝啊!! Even the pain is incomparable, bellowing of Venerable Tai Yin has the astonishing imposing manner as before, under Eternal Sky Divine Power of violent eruption, Golden Crow Fire flickers to destroy, the Yun Che whole body play shakes, sprinkles the blood to depart, blood stream that but these everywhere sprinkle horizontally, does not know that is the blood of Yun Che, is the blood of Tai Yin. 即使痛苦无比,太垠尊者的大吼依旧带着惊人的气势,猛烈爆发的宙天神力下,金乌炎一瞬溃灭,云澈全身剧晃,洒血飞出,只是这些漫天横洒的血流,不知是云澈之血,还是太垠之血。 Bang! 砰! Yun Che heavily falls down, body rocks, actually shakes with the sword, has not dropped down. 云澈重重坠地,身体晃动间,却是以剑撼地,没有倒下。 Remote the front, a scary blood hole seal in the chest of Tai Yin, the flesh of whole body such as destitute rags hangs in body, shocking. 遥远的前方,一个骇人的血洞印在太垠的胸口,周身的血肉如一块块凋残的破布挂在身上,触目惊心。 Originally the extremely heavy injury, causes heavy losses to by Yun Che counter attack power and his two swords again, trades to be the average man...... not, even if common Divine Lord, has been killed violently. 本就极重的伤势,被云澈反震力量和他的两剑再度重创,换做常人……不,哪怕是一个寻常的神主,都早已毙命。 But, Tai Yin stands as in there, body stretches straight, imposing manner myriad spirits is not near. 但,太垠依旧立在那里,身体绷直,气势万灵莫近。 This is Eternal Sky Guardian, with fearful power, is exceeds the tenacity and vitality that the average man imagines. 这就是宙天守护者,与可怕力量相匹的,是超越常人想象的强韧与生命力。 Feels Tai Yin remaining aura, Qianye Ying'er deeply is knitting the brows. Her delicate fingers extend, Divine Decree the sword hilt returns to her hand, the tall and slender sword blade twines as in Zhou Qingchen body. 感受着太垠残余的气息,千叶影儿深深皱眉。她纤指一伸,“神谕”的剑柄回到她手上,细长的剑身依旧缠绕在宙清尘身上 Even if Zhou Qingchen is only small struggling, can the golden glow crack body, is in deep sorrow. His whole body duplicate full cold sweat, actually dull looks to Qianye Ying'er...... as Eternal Sky Crown Prince, twines in golden glow of body is anything, how he can not know. 宙清尘哪怕只是微小的挣扎,都会金芒裂体,痛不欲生。他全身覆满冷汗,却是呆呆的看向千叶影儿……身为宙天太子,缠绕在身的金芒是什么,他怎会不识得。 You...... you are......” he send out chanting in a low voice of pain, the vision is to actually move fast, if fog. “你……你是……”他发出痛苦的低吟,目光却是飘忽若雾。 You are Brahma Emperor Goddess!” Venerable Qu Hui makes noise with amazement. His whole body is stiff, thorough ignorant there. “你是梵帝神女!”祛秽尊者骇然出声。他全身僵硬,彻底懵在那里。 Qianye Ying'er has not visited him, the finger moves gently, the blood glow flashes, brings Zhou Qingchen incomparably sad and shrill hiss recited: Tai Yin, hands over Divine Fruit either, either...... I ripped him!” 千叶影儿没有看他,手指轻轻一动,血芒微闪,带起宙清尘无比凄厉的嘶吟:“太垠,要么交出神果,要么……我撕了他!” Venerable Tai Yin ignores, the vision decides in Yun Che body, voice/sound is low and drawn out: Golden Crow Fire...... also that sword...... you are Yun Che!” 太垠尊者置若罔闻,目光定在云澈身上,声音低缓:“金乌炎……还有那把剑……你是云澈!” Wha...... anything!” Qu Hui fierce revolutions eye, both eyes of even/including Zhou Qingchen suddenly one raised. “什……什么!”祛秽猛的转目,就连宙清尘的双目都骤得一凸。 The one of Yun Che palm on the face, reveals the real face, makes person touch fearful indifferently. 云澈手掌在脸上一抹,露出真颜,却冷漠的让人目触心寒。 You......” seem like crash into the deep prison cold deep pool suddenly, the Qu Hui whole body has the innumerable say/way cold air/Qi to flee crazily. “你……”像是忽然坠入冥狱寒潭之中,祛秽全身有无数道冷气在疯狂窜动。 Yun Che, Qianye Ying'er, these two names that vanishes in Eastern God Territory, they appeared here unexpectedly! 云澈,千叶影儿,这两个消失在东神域的名字,他们竟然出现在了这里! Especially Yun Che...... Eternal Sky Divine Emperor, and even three God Territories uses the full power, does not hesitate all also the person who wants the slaughter to extinguish, comes in them at present! 尤其云澈……宙天神帝,乃至三方神域倾尽全力,不惜一切也要屠灭的人,现身在了他们的眼前! No, is this period of time, they continuously close, nearly in Zhou Qingchen body border! 不,是这段时间,他们一直都近在咫尺,近在宙清尘身际! Qu Hui is unable to describe this moment panic-stricken with amazement in any spoken language. 祛秽无法用任何言语形容这一刻的骇然惊恐。 Fruit... however... is... you!” “果…然…是…你!” Chases down Yun Che's Guardian as these years full power, how they will fade from the memory the Yun Che's face. Two years ago Yun Che, enter Divine King obviously initially, present aura, unexpectedly is Fourth Level Divine Sovereign. 身为这些年全力追杀云澈的守护者,他们又岂会淡忘云澈的面孔。只是,两年前的云澈,明明只是初入神王,如今的气息,竟已是四级神君 But eruption power, clearly approaches Intermediate Stage Divine Lord! 而爆发的力量,更分明逼近中期神主 In his heart shaking, in the extreme! 他心中之撼,无以复加! Understands suddenly why Eternal Sky Divine Emperor such dreaded to him, did for him nearly lost the sane action. 更是忽然明白了宙天神帝为何对他如此之忌惮,为他做了一个又一个近乎丧失理智的举动。 When Tai Yin clear remembering, Yun Che was honored as World-saving Divine Child in the past, his look how profound temperate, at the present, actually probably bottomless abyss, dark makes him hardly dare to look straight ahead. 太垠清楚的记得,当年云澈被尊为“救世神子”时,他的眼神多么的深邃温和,而今,却像是无底深渊,幽暗的让他都几乎不敢直视。 Aaaaaaah!!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!” A rending pitiful yell sound resounds suddenly, twines Zhou Qingchen golden glow to cut open dozens to break the mark in his body, Qianye Ying'er coldly makes noise: It seems like, you have not heard clearly my words. I said the last time again, either hands over Divine Fruit, either, I deliver you a place broken corpse!” 一阵撕心裂肺的惨叫声陡然响起,缠绕宙清尘金芒在他身上切开数十道断痕,千叶影儿冷冷出声:“看来,你没有听清我刚才的话。我再说最后一次,要么交出神果,要么,我送你们一地碎尸!” Venerable Tai Yin is actually unemotional, his whole life has not withstood so the severe wound unceasingly, the consciousness is blurring, but drenches the body of blood to stand proudly: „The person of my Eternal Sky, day after day unyielding, how also to bend in you!” 太垠尊者却是面无表情,他这辈子都未承受过如此重伤,意识都在不断的模糊着,但淋血的身躯傲然而立:“我宙天之人,连天都不屈,又岂会屈于你!” Qingchen, if dies, you...... must be buried along with the dead!” 清尘若死,你们……必为之陪葬!” words such as heavenly bell deafening sound, heavy trembling soul. 字字天钟震响,重颤心魂。 But follows closely this to shake the sound of soul, is actually Yun Che ice cold whispering of taunt: Qianying, does not need to make the transaction with them, the Eternal Sky old dog...... also match!?” 而紧随这撼魂之音的,却是云澈冰冷而嘲讽的低语:“千影,不必和他们做交易,宙天的老狗……也配!?” Today, Divine Fruit must stay behind, their lives, must stay behind completely!” “今天,神果要留下,他们的命,也要全部留下!” Qianye Ying'er slanting his eyes. 千叶影儿斜了他一眼。 „,” Tai Yin as if smiled: Depends on you? When you really my Eternal Sky Guardian......” “呵,”太垠似乎笑了:“就凭你?你真当我宙天守护者……” voice/sound interrupts suddenly, his whole body suddenly one stiff, in the eye pupil of enlargement, emerges two to wipe the deep and quiet green glow. 声音忽然中断,他全身猝然一僵,放大的眼瞳之中,浮出两抹幽邃的绿芒。
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