ATG :: Volume #16 Emperor of the Northern Territory (北域为帝)

#1613: Disassimilation Heavenly Wolf

Zhu Liu!!” 逐流!!” Venerable Tai Yin neighing sound by engulfed in disaster storm of lingering. 太垠尊者的嘶叫声被吞没于经久不散的灾难风暴之中。 Eternal Sky Guardian, it is not only the Eternal Sky God Realm cornerstone, is Eternal Sky God Realm Soul and symbol of shining world. 宙天守护者,它不仅仅是宙天神界的基石,更是宙天神界灵魂和耀世的象征。 In the past buckle two big Guardian, are makes Eternal Sky suffer the heavy losses, cannot seek the suitable successor. But that time encountered Evil Infant, in world biggest heresy, such loss not may not withstand. 当年折损两大守护者,已是让宙天遭遇重创,至今都未能寻到适合的继承者。但那次是遭遇了邪婴,世间最大的异端,那样的损失并非不可承受。 But today, this did not have Devil Emperor, without the Evil Infant world, Eternal Sky Guardian, was buried in him at present. 但今日,这个没有了魔帝,没有了邪婴的世界,一个宙天守护者,就这么葬身在了他的眼前。 Being buried in that obviously was familiar...... actually at this moment under the incomparably strange dark blue great sword him. 葬身在了那把他明明熟悉……却此刻又无比陌生的苍蓝巨剑下。 Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword, belongs to Star God Realm Heavenly Wolf Star God the assigns/life Divine Sword. Its great strength without a doubt, but in his cognition, in the present age anybody's cognition, its impossible so burying easily extinguishes Eternal Sky Guardian! 天狼圣剑,属于星神界天狼星神的本命神剑。它的强大毋庸置疑,但在他的认知,在当世任何人的认知中,它都不可能如此轻易的葬灭一个宙天守护者 The line of sight across in the destruction storm of wreaking havoc, Venerable Tai Yin saw the one exquisite slender and delicate girl form as before. That colored skirt clothes, are her birth mother weave before leaving the world personally, leaves her only gift, therefore, in she can put on it when body, she is not then willing to grow up again, even if inherited Heavenly Wolf Divine Power, rather the rejection has Heavenly Wolf games armor of powerful guardian spirit strength. 视线穿过依旧在肆虐的毁灭风暴,太垠尊者看到了一抹玲珑纤柔的女孩身影。那身彩色的裙裳,是她生母在离世前亲手所织,是留给她的唯一礼物,所以,在她可以将它穿在身上时,她便不愿再长大,哪怕继承了天狼神力,也宁肯舍弃有着强大守护神力的天狼甲。 Therefore, that Caiyi (colored clothes) many years ago starts, then invisible within has become the symbol of her status. 于是,那身彩衣从很多年前开始,便已无形间成为了她身份的象征。 Heavenly Wolf Star God...... Caizhi. 天狼星神……彩脂 Venerable Tai Yin pupils dilate to the edge of limit...... his eyes of the status of recognizing the opposite party. But, as Eternal Sky Guardian, he is the world's most understands a Star God kind of person, this new life Heavenly Wolf Star God, although was known as that has extremely high compatibility with Heavenly Wolf Divine Power, but she inherits Divine Power, altogether also ten years over that's all. 太垠尊者瞳孔放大到了极限的边缘……他一眼认出了对方的身份。但,身为宙天守护者,他算是世上最了解星神的一类人,这个新生天狼星神,虽然号称和天狼神力有着极高的契合度,但她继承神力,一共也才十年出头而已 But Heavenly Wolf Divine Power, is recognizes in 12 Star Gods to be strongest, but awakens difficultly and slowest Star God's power. 天狼神力,是公认十二星神中最强,但觉醒最难、最慢的星神之力 In the past, just inherited Divine Power Caizhi, will frequently run Eternal Sky Realm, Zhou Xuzi also likes about her very much. That time Caizhi without a doubt was in 12 Star Gods weakest Star God. Even if she and Heavenly Wolf Divine Power compatibility is high, short several years...... even dozens years, should not have the too big change. 当年,刚刚继承神力彩脂,经常会跑去宙天界,宙虚子对她也很是喜爱。那时的彩脂毫无疑问是十二星神中最弱的星神。哪怕她与天狼神力契合度再高,短短数年……甚至数十年,也不该有太大的变化。 But, at this moment facing her, his heart in the startled chestnut, his body uncontrolled is trembling......, even if also wants the side of huge great sword compared with her form, is another Eternal Sky Guardian burying life flying dust. 但,此刻面对她,他的心脏在惊栗,他的身体在不受控制的发抖……哪怕比她身影还要庞大的巨剑之侧,是属于另一个宙天守护者的葬命飞尘。 Although, Venerable Zhu Liu was routed power and wound by Absolute Beginning Dragon Emperor in first, but he after all is Eternal Sky Guardian, is in the world one of people are difficult to bury to extinguish, was actually extinguished by a sword bang......, but can the body of Guardian under the strength bursts wrecking completely, only if, power plane/level achieves...... Tenth Level Divine Lord plane/level! 虽然,逐流尊者是被太初龙帝击溃力量并创伤在先,但他毕竟是宙天守护者,是世上最难葬灭的人之一,却被一剑轰灭……而能将守护者之躯在力溃之下一击毁尽,除非,力量层面达到……十级神主层面 Even if in entire Eternal Sky God Realm, only has Eternal Sky Divine Emperor and Venerable Taiyu two people resides in this grade of plane/level. 哪怕在整个宙天神界,也唯有宙天神帝太宇尊者两人居于这等层面 Even if in the past prosperous Star God Realm, only has Star God Emperor Xing Juekong one person. 哪怕当年鼎盛的星神界,也唯有星神帝星绝空一人。 She...... obviously should is only young wolf Heavenly Wolf Star God...... could it be that...... 她……明明本该只是“幼狼”的天狼星神……难道…… How...... impossible...... in this world will not have the so absurd matter! 不……不可能……这世上怎么会有如此荒谬的事! Has to the high strength and story, life experience storm innumerable Venerable Tai Yin, in panic-stricken to forgot to escape to leave at this moment immediately. 有着至高实力和阅历,一生经历风浪无数的太垠尊者,在此刻惊骇到了忘记马上遁离。 But in he returns to the soul finally instantly, that say/way buries to extinguish Venerable Zhu Liu sword might the heavily pressure on turn round in his body, keeping him again from panting for breath. In his line of sight, presented one to throw bites, but to the shadow of dark green wolf. 而在他终于回魂的刹那,那道葬灭逐流尊者剑威重重压覆在他的身上,让他再无法喘息。他的视线之中,出现了一道扑咬而至的苍狼之影。 Instantaneously, in his five senses except for wolf spectre, does not have other again. As if among next instant, his world, will be torn into shreds to destroy to extinguish. 瞬间,他的五感中除了狼影,再无其他。仿佛下一瞬间,他的这个世界,都会被撕碎摧灭。 But again the one who makes his soul startled palpitate, this Heavenly Wolf Divine Spectre, in its wolf pupil sparkles is actually not the shadow of pure dark blue, but is combining secluded and lonely black light! 而让他心魂再次惊悸的是,这道天狼神影,它的狼瞳之中闪耀的却不是纯粹的苍蓝之影,而是混杂着幽寂的黑光 The demon...... changes!? 魔……变!? These two characters flash through his consciousness suddenly, the body has been before the consciousness flies, Eternal Sky Divine Power such as by wild beast that awakens from the dream, incomparably violent release. 这两个字骤闪过他的意识,躯体已先于意识飞起,宙天神力如被从梦中惊醒的野兽,无比猛烈的释放。 He had not participated in the war of Evil Infant in the past, he does not remember how long oneself do not have so the unretentive release full power. 他当年未参与邪婴之战,他已经不记得自己有多久没有如此毫无保留的释放全力。 Under Eternal Sky Divine Power, before body of Venerable Tai Yin, folds dozens to defend profound array instantaneously...... right, his all power are used to defend. Venerable Zhu Liu by the picture that a sword is buried in still at present, but even if she as before were past Heavenly Wolf Star God, Absolute Beginning Dragon Emperor that side, there is still one his impossible was a worthy opponent absolutely, his impossible games, only escaped! 宙天神力之下,太垠尊者的身前瞬间叠起数十道防御玄阵……没错,他的所有力量都用来防御。逐流尊者被一剑葬身的画面犹在眼前,而哪怕她依旧是当年的天狼星神,旁边,还有一个他绝对不可能匹敌的太初龙帝,他不可能,唯有逃! The destruction storm rumbling crack, Venerable Tai Yin defense profound array is defeated and dispersed again in an instant most, his complexion is suddenly pale, nearly spouts mouthful of blood at the scene. 毁灭风暴再次轰裂,太垠尊者的防御玄阵转眼溃散大半,他的脸色陡然苍白,险些当场喷出一口血来。 But under this sword, his final is also defeated and dispersed by luck. 而这一剑之下,他最后的侥幸也就此溃散。 Heavenly Wolf sword might that because this share of he is withstanding, has really achieved him to think unexpectedly a moment ago, that plane/level that is actually not able to believe! 因为这股他正在亲身承受的天狼剑威,竟真的已达到了他刚才所想,却又无法相信的那个层面 Has clearly endured compared with...... not, likely, has exceeded previous Heavenly Wolf Star God, that for Heavenly Wolf Xisu that the world focuses attention on! 分明已堪比……不,很可能,已超越了上一个天狼星神,那个为世所瞩目的天狼溪苏 How...... to meet... has... this... the type... the matter!! 怎…么…会…有…这…种…事!! Venerable Tai Yin startled, but is not chaotic, hand signal transient, figure after the strength moves, and grasps Void World Cauldron fast. 太垠尊者惊而不乱,手势瞬变,身形借力后移,并快速抓起寰虚鼎 But space Divine Power just revolved, surrounding space then suddenly by the blockade of incomparable overbearing, unsurpassed dragon prestige Heavenly Wolf Divine Power duplicate under. 但空间神力刚刚运转,周围的空间便陡然被无比霸道的封锁,无上龙威紧接着天狼神力覆下。 During the pupil contractions, Venerable Tai Yin has to receive the strength forcefully, during is bellowing is forced to shake the strength of Dragon Emperor hardly. 瞳孔收缩间,太垠尊者不得不强行收力,在大吼之中被迫硬撼龙帝之力。 BOOM! 轰隆 The world overturns, Venerable Tai Yin was flickered the bang to draw back several li (0.5 km), although is still fearless and vertical, in the seven orifices is actually the blood froth splash. But, his impossible has opportunity of slight therapy and respite, because two are by far his power to tie up his cover simultaneously stubbornly, surroundings flock of dragons danced, closed off his all possible escape routes. 天地翻覆,太垠尊者被一瞬轰退数里,虽然依旧昂然而立,七窍中却是血沫飞溅。但,他不可能有丝毫的疗伤与喘息之机,因为两股远胜他的力量已同时将他死死罩缚,周围群龙起舞,封锁了他所有可能的退路。 human of alien race, brings your greedy, forever buries this place!” “异族的人类,带着你的贪婪,永远埋葬此地吧!” Dragon Emperor places on trial general chants in a low voice to resound through in sky. Here is the Absolute Beginning Dragon Clan territory, Dragon Emperor comes, additional powerful to exceeding demon Heavenly Wolf of cognition. Even if to powerful Eternal Sky Guardian, certainly. 龙帝审判一般的低吟响彻于苍穹。这里是太初龙族的领地,龙帝现身,又加一个强大到超越认知的魔化天狼。哪怕对一个强大的宙天守护者而言,亦是绝地。 ———— ———— Bang! 砰! Eternal Sky God Realm, the Zhou Xuzi whole body in a flash, puts out a hand to support the forehead, a complexion paleness. 宙天神界,宙虚子全身一晃,伸手扶住前额,脸色一阵惨白。 Venerable Taiyu before his body goes forward rapidly, said solemnly: „Did Majesty, what matter have?” 他身前的太宇尊者迅速上前,沉声道:“主上,发生了何事?” Zhou Xuzi aura is chaotic, for a long time, is straight body, sends out empty soft voice/sound: Zhu Liu...... died.” 宙虚子气息混乱,许久,才直起身体,发出虚软的声音:“逐流……死了。” God Realm of Absolute Beginning exists independently, the Soul relation also isolates with the outside world completely. But, Eternal Sky God Realm this kind of existence cannot after all by often the theory, 太初神境独立存在,灵魂联系亦与外界完全隔绝。但,宙天神界这等存在毕竟不能以常理论, What!?” Venerable Taiyu has a big shock: Who? Is who? Did could it be that...... let slip?” “什么!?”太宇尊者大惊失色:“谁?是谁?难道……失手了?” Eternal Sky Divine Emperor shakes the head, by separation of God Realm and God Realm of Absolute Beginning, can induce to the death is the limit, other impossible feedback Soul news. 宙天神帝摇头,以神界太初神境之隔,能感应到死亡已是极限,不可能回传其他的灵魂讯息。 On his face continued not to see the blood-color, the Guardian death, to Eternal Sky God Realm, did not compare this bigger disaster again. He muttered: By their space Divine Power, in addition Void World Cauldron, even if lets slip, will still move out......” 他的脸上持续不见血色,守护者死亡,对宙天神界而言,再没有比这更大的灾难。他喃喃道:“以他们的空间神力,加上寰虚鼎,就算失手,也该全身而退……” Or has the possibility, Absolute Beginning Dragon Emperor just protects in the side of Divine Fruit?” Venerable Taiyu said. “或有可能,太初龙帝刚好守护在神果之侧?”太宇尊者道。 Eternal Sky Divine Emperor to close both eyes, then said suddenly: Void World Cauldron by Tai Yin master control, even if really encounters Absolute Beginning Dragon Emperor, he will still decide will not have the matter. But their another duty protects Qingchen in secret, this makes me be hard to feel at ease.” 宙天神帝闭目,然后忽然道:“寰虚鼎太垠主控,就算真的遭遇太初龙帝,他也定不会有事。但他们的另一个任务是暗中保护清尘,这让我难以心安。” Taiyu, you go to God Realm of Absolute Beginning immediately, cancels trial, brings back to Qingchen!” 太宇,你立刻亲身前往太初神境,取消试炼,将清尘带回!” Yes!” Taiyu receives an order, the rapid booklet body goes. “是!”太宇领命,迅速折身而去。 ———— ———— Venerable Tai Yin knows what for the nightmare and despair for the first time truly. 太垠尊者第一次真正知晓何为噩梦与绝望。 The God Realm of Absolute Beginning strongest dragon, Heavenly Wolf Star God of demon, he facing its one, will be very strenuous, under both's joint effort, this powerful Eternal Sky Guardian supported ten several breaths, is the comprehensive rout, berserk Heavenly Wolf Divine Power and overbearing strength of crazy bang Dragon Emperor falls on his body. 太初神境的最强之龙,魔化的天狼星神,他面对其一,都将无比吃力,两者的合力之下,这个强大的宙天守护者堪堪支撑了十数息,便已是全面溃败,狂暴天狼神力霸道龙帝之力疯狂的轰落在他的身上 Bang! 砰! He was hit hard back by the claw of Dragon Emperor, body smashes into under the ground ruthlessly. 他被龙帝之爪重击后背,身体狠狠砸入地面之下。 Bang! 轰! Since he was been supine from the land by a great strength, heartless wolf spectre passes through the body together directly, in his body split open dozens fissures, flesh splash. 他被一股巨力从大地中仰起,一道绝情狼影直接贯体而过,在他身上崩开数十道裂痕,血肉飞溅。 BANG!!! 轰!! The blood arrow in throat spouts, he had been fallen by the dragon claw bang again, five internal organs play crack. 喉中的血箭才堪堪喷出,他已再次被龙爪轰落,五脏剧裂。 He looks like one piece to be involved in the storm the withered leaf, was twisted to extinguish by devastation recklessly, did not have, even if the strength of a wee bit resistance. 他就像是一片被卷入暴风的枯叶,被肆意的摧残绞灭,没有了哪怕丁点的反抗之力。 Bang...... he has held Void World Cauldron in hand to let go to depart stubbornly, pounds to fall by far. 砰……他一直死死持于手中的寰虚鼎脱手飞出,远远砸落。 Caizhi vision cold and still probably buries to extinguish dark abyss of trillion lives, facing the whole body to horrible to look at Venerable Tai Yin, in pupil does not have slight pitying broken as before, small hand pushes, Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword brings to extinguish world devil might to depart, the straight bang crashes Venerable Tai Yin. 彩脂目光冷寂的像是葬灭过亿万生灵的黑暗深渊,面对全身已残破到惨不忍睹的太垠尊者,瞳眸之中依旧没有丝毫的怜悯,小小的手儿一推,天狼圣剑带着灭世魔威飞出,直轰坠落中的太垠尊者 By the Venerable Tai Yin present condition, might be broken the body by a sword. 太垠尊者如今的状态,很可能会被一剑断体。 Venerable Tai Yin obviously lax pupil has flashed through gloomy brilliance, the tattered and torn body reverses under the pressure as before. 太垠尊者已明显涣散的瞳眸闪过暗淡的光华,千疮百孔的躯体在威压之下依旧堪堪扭转。 CHA!! 嚓!! Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword scratches the body, has not passed through the body of Venerable Tai Yin, led him already the right arm that the blood drippinged. 天狼圣剑擦体而过,没有贯穿太垠尊者的躯体,却带起了他早已鲜血淋淋的右臂。 The entire only right arm detaches to be broken, changes inundates the blood froth of spatial dispersing. 整只右臂脱体而碎,化作漫空飞散的血沫。 Bang! 砰! Venerable Tai Yin pounds to fall on the place, his whole body is bathed in blood, if air/Qi fine thread, but does not have the stupor, two eyes stare stubbornly in a big way, only has to be gloomy and despair. body...... anybody sees his time appearance in the unceasing twitching convulsion, believes that absolutely not he unexpectedly is Eternal Sky God Realm Guardian, Ninth Level Divine Lord that is situated in the summit of Profound Dao. 太垠尊者砸落在地,他全身浴血,气若游丝,但并没有昏迷,两只眼睛死死瞪大,却唯有灰暗与绝望。身体在不断的抽搐痉挛……任何人看到他此时的样子,都断不会相信他竟是宙天神界守护者,一个立于玄道之巅的九级神主 For a long time, he is unable to stand up again, final aura, gradually is also separated in the by relative quick speed. 许久,他都再无法站起,最后的气息,也在以相当之快的速度逐渐离散。 The storm rests gradually, Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword flies back to the hand of Caizhi, her small head lifts, looking at Absolute Beginning Dragon Emperor...... is this, Absolute Beginning Dragon Emperor took back its startling world dragon prestige, hands over executes this intruder by her, is the person who she hates. 风暴渐歇,天狼圣剑飞回彩脂的手中,她螓首微抬,看了一眼太初龙帝……就是她这一眼,太初龙帝收回了它的骇世龙威,交由她来处决这个入侵者,亦是她怨恨的人。 Caizhi forwarded gradually, stands in Venerable Tai Yin the front, looks at this indifferently, although is also opening the eye, perhaps but does not have consciousness Guardian, Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword lifted slowly. 彩脂缓步向前,站在了太垠尊者前方,漠然看着这个虽还睁着眼睛,但或许已经没有了意识的守护者,天狼圣剑缓缓抬起。 But at this moment, distant that let go Void World Cauldron that flew to fall to glitter one weak divine glow from Tai Yin. 而就在这时,远方那尊从太垠手里脱手飞落的寰虚鼎闪烁了一抹微弱的神芒 Flickers, Venerable Tai Yin vanished in same place, in the same instance, appeared in Absolute Beginning Divine Fruit under. 一瞬,太垠尊者消失在了原地,在同一个瞬间,出现在了太初神果的下方。 Seemingly suffocates, Venerable Tai Yin fly up that the consciousness does not have, the left arm of being bathed in blood grasped in being caught off guard of surrounding numerous dragons suddenly to Absolute Beginning Divine Fruit. That special Eternal Sky Divine Power Absolute Beginning Divine Fruit incomparably easily and complete taking down. 看似奄奄一息,意识几无的太垠尊者忽然飞身而起,浴血的左臂在周围众龙的措手不及间抓向了太初神果。那股特殊的宙天神力太初神果无比轻易而又完好的取下。 Caizhi turns around suddenly, violent anger Heavenly Wolf Divine Power erupts again, repeats its......, but, Void World Cauldron also reappeared in the hand of Venerable Tai Yin at this time. 彩脂猛然转身,暴怒的天狼神力再次爆发,重覆其身……但,寰虚鼎亦在这时重新出现了太垠尊者的手中。 Accident suddenly, under split second of electric light flint, Absolute Beginning Dragon Emperor has blocked the space radically without enough time, dragon prestige duplicate, Void World Cauldron and Venerable Tai Yin have also vanished, does not have aura again, only also collapse, but overflows high level space principle profound array. 陡然的变故,电光火石的一瞬间之下,太初龙帝已根本来不及封锁空间,龙威堪堪覆下,寰虚鼎太垠尊者已同时消失,再无气息,唯余一个随之崩散,但溢动着高等空间法则玄阵 Tai Yin...... Guardian, eventually is Guardian. 太垠……守护者,终究是守护者 Angry Dragon Roar resounds through, in does not have in the Divine Fruit aura land, True Dragon Spirit Sense release vigorously, is actually not able to seek any trace and aura. 愤怒的龙吟响彻在已没有了神果气息的大地上,一道道真龙灵觉极力释放,却无法寻到任何的痕迹与气息 Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword vanishes in the hand of Caizhi, not flurried, does not have the anger, she has turned around, looks to the remote south. 天狼圣剑消失在彩脂的手中,没有慌乱,没有愤怒,她转过身,看向遥远的南方。 My Master,” in her soul sea, resounds one to have unsurpassed dignified voice/sound: You so hate in him, why can also make him take Divine Fruit intentionally?” “我的主人,”她的魂海之中,响起一个有着无上威严的声音:“你如此怨恨于他,又为何要故意让他取走神果?” No response, she fly up, has gone directly to the south. 没有任何的回应,她已飞身而起,直赴南方。
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