ATG :: Volume #16 Emperor of the Northern Territory (北域为帝)

#1609: Everlasting Middle Stage

Glazed Light Realm hid Devil Yun Che in the past, spreads by Moon God Realm and matter of Eternal Sky God Realm sanction quickly, causes for a long time in an uproar in Eastern God Territory. 琉光界当年藏匿魔人云澈,被月神界宙天神界制裁的事很快传开,在东神域引起许久的哗然。 Eternal Sky 3,000 years, Glazed Light Realm were many female of Shui Meiyin Middle-Rank Divine Lord Shui Yingyue and miracle, the hold of crest of wave is almost above rises high all High-Rank Star Realm, in many in the eyes, Glazed Light Realm replaces Sacred Universe Realm, became the head of numerous High-Rank Star Realm. 宙天三千年,琉光界多了一个中位神主水映月和奇迹之女水媚音,风头之盛已是几乎凌然所有上位星界之上,在很多人眼中,琉光界已是取代圣宇界,成为众上位星界之首。 Now, the two people of Glazed Light Realm most core...... Shui Qianheng was abandoned, Shui Meiyin was banned, in addition takes the blame for that cannot be cleared, the Glazed Light Realm rising prestige fell ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) without a doubt. 如今,琉光界最核心的两个人……水千珩被废,水媚音被禁,再加上背负上了不可洗刷的罪名,琉光界原本如日中天的声威毫无疑问一落万丈。 But the world knows, if not for Eternal Sky Divine Emperor asked favor, Shui Qianheng will unable to save the life. 而世人更知,若不是宙天神帝求情,水千珩连性命都将保不住。 After nine days, Shui Qianheng retreats the position of Glazed Light Realm King low-spirited, passes on eldest daughter Shui Yingyue. This should be has caused a stir in Eastern God Territory, the important matter that ten thousand realms celebrates, Glazed Light Realm is actually completed in a silencing, does not have the grand ceremony, without inviting any guest. 九日之后,水千珩黯然退去琉光界王之位,传位长女水映月。这本该是轰动东神域,万界来贺的大事,琉光界却是在一片静寂中完成,没有盛大的仪式,没有邀请任何的来客。 As for the Shui Meiyin destiny over the following thousand years, no one can know and forecast. 至于水媚音接下来千年的命运,无人可以知晓和预测。 ............ ………… God Realm of Absolute Beginning. 太初神境 The pale world, is hoodwinking ashes probably eternal. 苍白的世界,像是永恒蒙着一层灰烬。 rumbled and tearing...... finally, are the depressed and desperate wails. 轰鸣、撕裂……最后,是沉闷而绝望的哭嚎。 Three thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant beast also drops down in everything may become vulnerable, under the dust that sinks slowly appeared the Qianye Ying'er physique. In her hand whip sword departs, cuts the crack the corpses of three giant beasts, brings their perfect profound core, then lost the Yun Che's body side. 三只千丈巨兽在地动山摇中同时倒下,缓缓沉落的灰尘之下现出了千叶影儿的身姿。她手中软剑飞出,将三只巨兽的尸体切裂,带起它们完好无损的玄丹,然后丢到了云澈的身侧。 Yun Che sits well in stretch of ruins, both eyes closed, aura is steady, was all around unresponsive to all. 云澈端坐在一片废墟之中,双目闭合,气息平稳,对周遭一切毫无反应。 He stays this condition, has seven days. 他保持这个状态,已有七日之久。 God Realm of Absolute Beginning, in rumor only one has Small World that” has not collapsed from primordial chaos, but has rumor, this Small World, perhaps compared with God Realm, even is huger than Chaos Dimension. 太初神境,传闻唯一一个混沌之初存在至今都没有崩坏的“小世界”,而更有传闻,这个“小世界”,说不定比神界,甚至比混沌空间还要庞大。 Its aura, is entirely different from the outside world. 它的气息,和外界全然不同。 Life that and has, regardless of the flower vegetation forest, is the bird insect fish beast, similarly and outside world is different. 其中所存在的生灵,无论花草木林,还是鸟虫鱼兽,同样和外界不同。 In the world cognition, God Realm of Absolute Beginning belongs to Small World of primordial chaos world, but all enters person, will discover that it in Small World with cognition is completely also different, is more like the independence in beyond Primordial Chaos another huge world. 在世人认知中,太初神境是属于混沌世界的小世界,但所有进入其中的人,都会发现它又和认知中的小世界完全不同,更像是独立于混沌之外的另一个庞大世界。 Moreover its existence, resembles compared with the primordial chaos world unexpectedly also wants high level. 而且它的存在,竟似比混沌世界还要高等 Because knows profound practitioner that God Realm of Absolute Beginning has, knows that is one place of danger. Although its plane/level upper limit with God Realm same is the Divine Lord peak, but its class lower limit actually high fearful...... Divine Sovereign Realm, visits the God Realm of Absolute Beginning threshold! If Divine Lord is thorough, must take more and more big risk. 因为知晓太初神境存在的玄者,都会知道那是一个都么危险的地方。虽然它的层面上限和神界一样是神主巅峰,但它的阶层下限却高的可怕……神君境,才是踏足太初神境的门槛!神主若是深入,都要冒着越来越大的风险。 The God Realm 1 million years, these are built on the summit of Profound Dao, most difficult dies Divine Lord, except for dying in bed of old age, perished most places, was God Realm of Absolute Beginning. 神界百万年,那些立于玄道之巅,最难陨落神主,除了寿终正寝者,殒命最多的地方,便是太初神境 Extinguishes profound beast that eliminates approaches, Qianye Ying'er returns to the side of Yun Che, has not actually continued to cultivate, but looks at he at this moment tranquil appearance silently. 灭除临近的玄兽,千叶影儿回到云澈之侧,却没有继续修炼,而是默然看着他此刻平静的样子。 A year ago arrives at God Realm of Absolute Beginning, the most reason is because it cannot be helped. They cannot brave any to fall into Plundered Soul Realm or the Burning Moon King Realm risk. 一年前到来太初神境,大半原因是出于无奈。他们绝不能冒任何落入劫魂界焚月王界的风险。 The God Realm of Absolute Beginning risk and resources surpass any place, after arrival several months, Absolute Beginning Profound Beast that as they hunt and kill are getting more and more, Yun Che's body, presented another strangely to the fearful ability suddenly...... 太初神境的风险和资源超过任何地方,在到来数月之后,随着他们猎杀的太初玄兽越来越多,云澈的身上,忽然出现了另外一个诡异到可怕的能力…… After absorbs after directly transforms profound crystal power, Absolute Beginning Profound Beast profound core in hand in he, if unexpectedly absorbs profound crystal to be the same, absorbs power in profound core directly......, and directly transforms as similarly the strength! 继直接吸纳转化玄晶力量之后,将一枚太初玄兽玄丹拿在手中的他,竟如吸纳玄晶一般,直接吸纳起玄丹中的力量……并且同样是直接转化为自身之力! Quite is at first crabbed, two months later, then such as has absorbed profound crystal to have a familiar task and handle it with ease. 最初还比较艰涩,两个月之后,便已如吸纳玄晶般驾轻就熟。 She is unable to understand that Yun Che's this strange ability is anything, Yun Che has also never mentioned half character with her. 她无法理解云澈的这种诡异能力是什么,云澈也从未和她说起过半个字。 profound crystal that forms from World's Spiritual Energy to profound core that profound beast congeals, seems like, the limit of this strange ability also and is not limited to this, is unable to imagine to show how fearful ability in the future. 天地灵气形成的玄晶玄兽凝结的玄丹,看起来,这种诡异能力的极限还并不止于此,无法想象将来又会表现出多么可怕的能力。 Even, she has fearful thought that had flashed past several times...... in the future, can have the possibility to plunder other profound practitioner cultivation base directly!? 甚至,她有过数次一闪而过的可怕念想……将来,会不会有可能直接掠夺其他玄者修为!? Here is not the God Realm of Absolute Beginning deep place, is actually the Divine King beast and Divine Sovereign beast everywhere, but profound beast profound core is equal to existence of human Profound Vein, institute accumulated is not general profound energy, but is the powerful profound beast source strength, Yun's spiritual energy is no comparison between them with profound crystal. 这里并非是太初神境的深处,却已是遍地的神王兽和神君兽,而玄兽玄丹是等同人类玄脉的存在,其中所蕴的不是一般的玄气,而是强大玄兽的源力,和玄晶所蕴的灵气不可同日而语。 Massive initially profound crystal that seized from Thousand Desolations Divine Cult, as well as absorbed having a familiar task and handling it with ease of strength of profound core, Yun Che has no conventional cultivation, cultivation base actually increases day by day. 大量当初从千荒神教夺来的玄晶,以及吸纳玄丹之力的驾轻就熟,云澈没有任何常规的修炼,修为却是与日剧增。 When arrives at God Realm of Absolute Beginning, he enters Divine Sovereign Realm initially, now, is actually Divine Sovereign Realm Fourth Level. 到来太初神境时,他初入神君境,如今,却已是神君境四级 Span of Divine Sovereign Realm each small Realm, is ascending to heaven without doubt, not only needs the huge resources, but must use one talent profound practitioner millenniums and even ten thousand years of effort. But Yun Che, short one year, without any cultivation, is actually continually the cross three natural moats. 神君境每一个小境界的跨越,都无疑是在登天,不但需要庞大的资源,还要倾尽一个天才玄者千年乃至万年的努力。而云澈,短短一年,未经任何修炼,却是连跨三道天堑。 What a pity, witnesses this to startle the mark of the world, only has Qianye Ying'er. 可惜,见证这骇世之迹的,唯有千叶影儿 Does not need cultivation on desirably Profound Dao, in this year, the Yun Che basic all energy, are practicing above Darkness Everlasting. 无需玄道上的刻意修炼,这一年,云澈基本所有的精力,都在修炼黑暗永劫之上。 But has Qianye Ying'er this excellent human furnace, Darkness Everlasting the rapidness of advancement, exceeded his own expectation. 而有千叶影儿这个绝佳的炉鼎在,黑暗永劫的进境之快,亦超出了他自己的预期。 At this time, he opened the eye suddenly, Qianye Ying'er was looking steadily at his vision to. 这时,他忽然睁开了眼睛,对上了千叶影儿正盯视着他的目光。 Seven days, after this is he enters God Realm of Absolute Beginning, sitting in meditation time longest one time. 七天,这是他进入太初神境后,入定时间最长的一次。 But in the place of this extreme danger, feared that is better than Divine Emperor, does not dare to sit in meditation in this alone. 而在这个极度危险之地,怕是强如神帝,都不敢单独在此入定。 eyes opens instantly, the center of his pupil, passes one deep and quiet black light suddenly. 眼眸睁开的刹那,他瞳孔的中心,陡然晃过一抹幽邃的黑光 Black profound light, is normal to Devil. But, this wipes black light actually from Qianye Ying'er eye pupil directly shining to the soul, lets her heart, and even Profound Vein shook ruthlessly. 黑色的玄光,对“魔人”而言再正常不过。但,这抹黑光却从千叶影儿的眼瞳直接耀至心魂,让她的心脏,乃至玄脉都狠狠的震动了一下。 Is this? 这是? Suddenly quiet was so long, it seems like made any big breakthrough.” Qianye Ying'er said that when is surprised, in the heart anticipated but actually very much. “忽然沉寂了这么久,看来是有什么大突破了。”千叶影儿道,惊讶之余,心中倒很是期待。 Yun Che lifts the hand slowly, looks at own palm, said in a low voice: Finally...... the fusion of devil blood, has completed half.” 云澈缓缓抬手,看着自己的掌心,低声道:“终于……魔血的融合,已经完成了一半。” devil blood?” Qianye Ying'er narrows the pupil slightly: also?” 魔血?”千叶影儿微微眯眸:“还有呢?” The fusion of devil blood, is when their body blends conducts. Yun Che suddenly stay still seven days, obviously impossible because of this. 魔血的融合,都是在他们身体交融的时候进行。云澈忽然静止不动的七天,显然不可能只是因为这个。 Yun Che smiled suddenly strangely, he extends extend the arm to Qianye Ying'er, the five fingers draws in slowly. 云澈忽然诡异的笑了起来,他向千叶影儿出手臂,五指缓缓收拢。 Suddenly, the ascension that Qianye Ying'er whole body intense shock, her dark profound energy sends always doing nothing but, releases suddenly. 忽然间,千叶影儿全身剧震,她的黑暗玄气竟自发的升腾而起,猛然释放。 This startled no small matter, Qianye Ying'er complexion changing suddenly, the rapid congealing heart suppresses inexplicable turbulent profound energy. She feels clearly, oneself dark profound energy by one is not being known thought unexpectedly from where, seems like an invisible hand to control. 这一惊非同小可,千叶影儿面色陡变,迅速凝心压制莫名动荡的玄气。她清楚感觉到,自己的黑暗玄气竟在被一股不知来自何处的意念,又像是一只无形的手所操控。 Yun Che's arm puts down, in the pupil black glow dissipates, that power also vanishes by the feeling that others control, Qianye Ying'er withdraws two steps, golden eyes stares at Yun Che...... by her Profound Dao cognition, short under several breaths, on her jade face covered entirely the close beads of sweat unexpectedly. 云澈的手臂放下,瞳中黑芒消逝,那种自身力量被他人操控的感觉才随之消失,千叶影儿退后两步,金眸直盯云澈……以她的玄道认知,短短数息之下,她的玉颜上竟是布满了细密的汗珠。 This was...... you had said that can control Northern God Territory all Devil Devil Emperor's power?” Qianye Ying'er voice/sound exceptionally slow. “这就是……你曾经说过的,可以驾驭北神域所有魔人魔帝之力?”千叶影儿声音异常的缓慢。 Before she is very early, then listened to Yun Che to say after Darkness Everlasting cultivated/repaired to big accomplishment, all lives that cultivated dark profound strength will become his tool. She not suspected......, because that came from Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor power! 她很早之前,便听云澈说过黑暗永劫修至大成后,所有修炼黑暗玄力的生灵都将成为他的工具。她从无怀疑……因为那是来自劫天魔帝力量 But at this moment faces, in her heart is unable to depress with amazement in any event. 但此刻亲身面对,她心中的骇然无论如何都无法压下。 Can direct control others 's dark profound strength...... in the world, really have this matter unexpectedly unexpectedly! 竟可以直接操纵他人的黑暗玄力……世上,竟真的存在这种事! No, but also insufficiently, by far insufficiently.” Yun Che said in a low voice: At present, but stepped into middle stage reluctantly, from the boundary and final level big accomplishment, but also difference is very far.” “不,还不够,远远不够。”云澈低声道:“目前,只是勉强踏入了中境,距离大成之境和极境,还差的很远。” „Can you now, what degree interfere with others 's dark profound energy?” Qianye Ying'er said. Her present cultivation base, had been restored by Yun Che to Divine Lord Realm Fourth Level, power actually by so easily and violent inspiring...... so the degree, enters Darkness Everlasting middle stage initially? “你现在,可以对他人的黑暗玄气干涉到什么程度?”千叶影儿道。她如今的修为,已被云澈恢复至神主境四级,力量却被如此轻易和猛烈的引动……如此程度,才是初入黑暗永劫中境吗? degree, probably was my limit.” Yun Che cold say/way: This degree, as before not with Devil Empress draws have cooperation the qualifications. However......” “刚才的程度,大概就是我的极限了。”云澈冷然道:“这种程度,依旧没有和魔后起‘合作’的资格。不过……” His vision slightly Yin: At this time next year, will be perhaps similar.” 他目光微阴:“明年这个时候,或许就差不多了。” No, has no need for next year.” Qianye Ying'er thinks, said: Starting today, you may cultivation your Darkness Everlasting in my body greatly. I want by your ability, to achieve the boundary of big accomplishment you expect, should......” “不,用不着明年。”千叶影儿想了想,道:“从今天开始,你大可在我身上修炼你的黑暗永劫。我想以你的能力,要达到你所期望的大成之境,应该……” Qianye Ying'er voice/sound stops suddenly, south vision fierce shift: Some people came. Moreover this aura......” 千叶影儿声音忽止,目光猛的转向南方:“有人来了。而且这个气息……” Eternal Sky God Realm person!” Yun Che makes noise, voice/sound low and deep to the extreme. 宙天神界的人!”云澈出声,声音低沉到了极点。 The place that Eternal Sky God Realm...... this he most respected in the past, now, these four characters, are actually contaminating the endless ominous offense and hate intent in his heart. 宙天神界……这个当年他最敬重的地方,如今,这四个字,在他心中却沾染着无尽的凶戾和恨意 Two people,” Qianye Ying'er Spirit Sense release, continued: That Profound God Conference president who Qu Hui, the head of Eternal Sky Adjudicator, you participate. Another person......?” “两个人,”千叶影儿灵觉释放,继续道:“祛秽,宙天裁决者之首,你参加的那届玄神大会的主持者。另一个人……嗯?” Her brow wrinkled, why some as if surprise people will come here. 她的眉头皱了一下,似乎有些诧异这个人为什么会来到这里。 Eternal Sky Crown Prince...... Zhou Qingchen!” Yun Che incomparably accurate low read another aura Master. 宙天太子……宙清尘!”云澈无比准确的低念出了另一个气息主人 Venerable Qu Hui, Eternal Sky Crown Prince, these two people, appeared in God Realm of Absolute Beginning unexpectedly! 祛秽尊者,宙天太子,这两个人,竟出现在了太初神境 Walks!” The Qianye Ying'er incomparable fruit blocks the way. “走!”千叶影儿无比果断道。 Changes aura.” Yun Che said. “变更气息。”云澈道。 Qianye Ying'er knits the brows fiercely: What do you want to make? Although Zhou Qingchen is a waste, but he is Eternal Sky Divine Emperor decreed Eternal Sky Crown Prince! He appear here place, the side protects is not certainly possible, only then a Qu Hui person, likely has Guardian in the side!” 千叶影儿猛一皱眉:“你要做什么?虽然宙清尘是个废物,但他是宙天神帝钦定宙天太子!他出现在这种地方,身边相护的绝无可能只有祛秽一人,很可能有守护者在侧!” Yun Che stands up, the one of palm on toward the face, had traded an entirely different face at will, the surrounding wind element silent turbulence, occasionally has the gentle wind spin. 云澈站起身来,手掌往脸上随意一抹,已是换了一张全然不同的面孔,身周的风元素无声动荡,偶尔带起平和的风旋。 Under stretched facial features, his face again is not coldly quiet, but is gentle, the even/including look passes is making one have the favorable impression extremely benign. 舒展的五官之下,他的面孔已再无幽冷,而是一片平和,就连眼神都透着让人极其生出好感的温善 Qianye Ying'er puts out a hand, holds Yun Che's arm stubbornly: Actually do you want to make what? Now is not the time, you bear to me!” 千叶影儿伸手,死死抓住云澈的手臂:“你究竟要做什么?现在不是时候,你给我忍住!” Endures?” Yun Che particularly fearsome sneering: Who he is...... he is the son who Eternal Sky Divine Emperor most cherishes! His son AH!! “忍?”云澈一声分外可怖的冷笑:“他是谁……他是宙天神帝最钟爱的儿子啊!他的儿子啊!! Qianye Ying'er: „......” 千叶影儿:“……” He away my such near, how I can endure now! Why I must endure!” “他现在距我如此之近,我怎么能忍!我为何要忍!” How did you kill him to be able?” The hand of Qianye Ying'er still grabs Yun Che stubbornly: Releases temporary hate to take such big risk, is seriously cost-effective?” “你杀了他又能怎样?”千叶影儿的手依然死死抓着云澈:“泄一时之恨冒这么大风险,当真划算吗?” Kills him?” Yun Che is still smiling, originally the scary happy expression unexpectedly becomes more fearful: Why do I want to kill him? I will make him return to his father Old Dog Eternal Sky there to go to...... a hair is not few completely. Oh not, perhaps, will also be many something.” “杀他?”云澈依然在笑,本就骇人的笑意竟又变得更加可怕:“我为何要杀他?我会让他完完整整的回到他父亲宙天老狗那里去……一根头发都不会少。不,说不定,还会多一些东西。” Qianye Ying'er: „??” 千叶影儿:“??”
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