ATG :: Volume #15 When Hope Dies, the Devil Awakens (万念成魔)

#1579: Criminal Yun Clan

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Here is the Center Ruins Realm center, is place of real disaster, each wisp of passing over gently and swiftly phoenix, has the strength of fearful destruction. 狂风席卷,呼啸震天,视野被极大的限制。这里是中墟界的中心,是一处真正的灾难之地,每一缕掠过的凤,都带着可怕的毁灭之力。 The space that Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er are is a peace, the storm is actually isolated by their power completely outside, is unable to invade tiny bit. 云澈千叶影儿所在的空间却是一片安静,风暴被他们的力量完全隔绝在外,无法侵入一丝一毫。 Standing of Yun Shang obediently in Yun Che body side, gripped hand full is the beads of sweat, she does not know that who nearby two people is, why will also save her, does not know what kind of destiny oneself will welcome. 云裳乖乖的站在云澈身侧,被握住的手儿满是汗珠,她不知道身边的两人是谁,又为什么会救她,更不知道自己将迎来怎样的命运。 Her delicate body is tying tight, still has not buried in the picture that extinguishes slow the god to come...... the life and death from it previous life, in front of such power and disaster, lowly to even makes people unable to feel cruelly. 她纤弱的身体紧绷着,依然没有从之前世界葬灭的画面中缓过神来……生命和死亡,在那样的力量和灾难面前,卑微到甚至让人感觉不到残忍。 Yun Che turns around, his hand turned, pinches in girl's wrist/skill, as his aura flooded into, girl losing presence of mind startled recited, above her arm, appeared deep and quiet purple glow...... to be away from the snow white clothes immediately together, as before bright to dazzling. 云澈转身,他的手一翻,捏在了女孩的手腕上,随着他气息涌入,女孩一声失措的惊吟,她的手臂之上,顿时浮现一道幽邃的紫芒……隔着雪白的衣裳,依旧明亮到刺目。 This seems like strength of the bloodline.” Qianye Ying'er said: She was previously blocked profound energy by Lu Bubai, actually can also release, only had the strength of this kind of extremely rare bloodline.” “这似乎是一种血脉之力。”千叶影儿道:“先前她被陆不白封死玄气,却还能释放,也唯有这类极为罕见的血脉之力了。” Strength of thing bloodline, the average man decides hard to understand. But Qianye Ying'er what kind of existence......, even, their Brahma God clan, not only has the strength of extremely strong Brahma Soul, has bloodline Divine Power that is in sole possession. 血脉之力这东西,常人定难以理解。但千叶影儿何许存在……甚至,他们梵神一族,不但有着极强的梵魂之力,亦有着独有的血脉神力 Girl's body trembles slightly, anxious does not dare to speak, in pair of bright eyes except for fear, also very deep surprised...... why, can he make my power appear? 女孩的身体微微发抖,紧张的不敢说话,一双明眸中除了害怕,还有很深的惊讶……为什么,他能让我的这个力量自行显现? Looks at the purple light mark on girl arm, the Yun Che's vision receives to congeal slightly. 看着女孩手臂上的紫色光痕,云澈的目光微微收凝。 Because, this clearly is...... 因为,这分明是…… Profound Handle! 玄罡 Profound Handle that his Yun Clan is in sole possession of! 云氏一族独有的玄罡 Including this young girl gets rid of the shackles, when escapes said lightning bolt to of Lu Bubai release...... its Yun's lightning principle, Purple Cloud Arts resembled with his Yun Family family Profound Arts extremely! 包括,这个少女摆脱牢笼,逃亡时向陆不白释放的那道雷光……其所蕴的雷电法则,也和他云家的家族玄功紫云功”极其相像! Profound Handle...... Purple Cloud Arts...... this girl surnamed Yun...... 玄罡……紫云功……这个女孩又姓云…… Where will your family, why be chased down by the Nine Glories Heavenly Palace person?” Yun Che asked: In their mouth Criminal Clan, what's the matter?” “你的家族在什么地方,为什么会被九曜天宫的人追杀?”云澈问:“他们口中的‘罪族’,又是怎么回事?” Yun Shang flowery lips opened, has not spoken, obviously as in fear......, although is Yun Che rescues his Lu Bubai. 云裳唇瓣张了张,却是没有说话,显然依旧在害怕……虽然是云澈将他陆不白手里救出。 You could rest assured that since I saved you, will not harm you.” The Yun Che tone slows down slightly: Moreover, my also surnamed Yun.” “你放心,我既然救了你,就不会害你。”云澈语气稍微放缓:“而且,我也姓云。” His these words language has not played the too major role...... to experience the drastic change of destiny, Yun Che had the huge change from inside to outside, as if the whole person wraps in the gloominess, the look is quiet cold Ruyuan. Even if were seen one by him, will feel a disappointed density. 他的这番话语并没有起到太大的作用……经历了命运的剧变,云澈从内到外都发生了巨大的变化,仿佛整个人都包裹在灰暗之中,眼神更是幽冷如渊。哪怕被他看到一眼,都会感觉到一种寒心的森然。 Let alone Yun Shang is only a not yet two decades old young girl, witnessed his fearfulness, but also to his such near. 何况云裳只是一个不足双十年华的少女,又亲眼目睹了他的可怕,还离他如此之近。 But at this time, she has hoodwinked in the frightened pupil to decide, fell on the Yun Che's nape of the neck...... then, her driving opens the mouth, exuded one very lightly twittering: Colored glaze sound stone......” 但这时,她一直蒙着恐惧的眸中定了一下,落在了云澈的脖颈……然后,她主动开口,发出一声很轻的呢喃:“琉音石……” Yun Che: „?” 云澈:“?” Is your daughter, gives to you?” Her flowery lips moves slightly, voice/sound is very light, issue some suddenly are towering. “是你的女儿,送给你的吗?”她唇瓣微动,声音很轻,问题却有些突然突兀。 „......” Yun Che look slight change, replied: How is...... you to know?” “……”云澈神色轻微变动,回答:“是……你怎么知道?” The last few words, he is almost the unconsciousness asked. 最后一句话,他几乎是无意识的问出。 Because, before Daddy leaves, I my voice/sound, engraved on the colored glaze sound stone...... they said that only then the childish girl will like such childish thing. But, Daddy actually likes very much, and wears it on the neck...... is like you.” “因为,爹爹离开前,我把自己的声音,刻印在了琉音石上……他们说,只有幼稚的女孩子才会喜欢这么幼稚的东西。但,爹爹却很喜欢,并且把它戴在脖子上……和你一样。” Yun Che: „......” 云澈:“……” Like you such fierce person, actually wears such ordinary stone, therefore...... really is also the daughter delivers you.” Yun Shang is supine face to visit him , unexpectedly is the tears fog is hazy: it's just... it's just... asked you, do not cheat on your daughter ?” “像你这么厉害的人,却戴着这么平凡的石头,所以……果然也是女儿送你的。”云裳仰着脸儿看着他,不知不觉间,竟已是泪雾朦朦:“只是……只是……求你,不要欺骗你的女儿,好吗?” „...... What meaning?” The Yun Che eyebrow corner/horn moves. “……什么意思?”云澈眉角动了动。 Daddy has said obviously, the meeting life protects me, does not make me be injured by anybody, but...... but...... he actually lies...... has not come back again.” Yun Shang voice/sound trembles, the tears burst a dike, the colored glaze sound stone that on the Yun Che nape of the neck wears, touched her heart deep place most painful scar. 爹爹明明说过,会一生都保护我,不让我被任何人伤害,可是……可是……他却说谎……再也没有回来。”云裳声音发颤,眼泪决堤,云澈脖颈上所戴的琉音石,触动了她心底深处最痛的伤痕。 You......” soul seems like by poisonous blade incomparably cruel direct piercing, the Yun Che's whole body fierce in a flash, on the face split second did not have the blood-color. “你……”心魂像是被一把毒刃无比残忍的直接刺穿,云澈的全身猛的一晃,脸上一瞬间没有了血色。 Qianye Ying'er one step, held the Yun Che's shoulder forward. 千叶影儿向前一步,抓住了云澈的肩膀。 Yun Shang has not detected the Yun Che's difference, her vision, throughout on the colored glaze sound stone between his necks: Good attractive colored glaze sound stone, you have certainly one to love your daughter very much, asking you...... do not deceive her............” 云裳没有察觉到云澈的异样,她的目光,始终都在他颈间的琉音石上:“好漂亮的琉音石,你一定有一个很爱你的女儿,求你……不要欺骗她……好吗……” Because she knows, this type deceit how cruel. 因为她知道,这种“欺骗”是多么的残忍。 Shut up!” Qianye Ying'er cold sound said: Cannot speak again!” “闭嘴!”千叶影儿寒声道:“不许再说话!” Regarding present Yun Che, in the world many things cannot make him change countenance...... even if died. 对于现在的云澈而言,世上已没有多少东西能让他动容……哪怕死亡。 But this girl was touched the losing soul under heartstrings to whisper, to Yun Che, is actually in this world the cruelest torture. 而这个女孩被触动心弦下的失魂低语,对云澈而言,却偏偏是这个世上最残忍的酷刑。 „......” Yun Che chest fluctuating is fierce, several breaths slow under. He clenches teeth slightly, just about to speaks, but sees the teardrops that on the girl cheeks falls slowly, as well as she is not willing to leave the tears pupil of colored glaze sound stone, the words that will soon export were actually stopped up firmly in the throats. “……”云澈胸口起伏剧烈,足足数息才生生缓下。他微微咬牙,刚要说话,但看到女孩脸颊上缓缓滑落的泪珠,以及她不愿意离开琉音石的泪眸,即将出口的话语却被牢牢堵在喉间。 The Yun Che arm in a flash, breaks free from the hand of Qianye Ying'er, under the physique is slightly short, said: Yun Shang, you are listening, answered my issue......, so long as you replied honestly, I can guarantee...... delivered you to return to your family!” 云澈手臂一晃,甩开千叶影儿的手,身姿稍微矮下,道:“云裳,你听着,回答我的问题……只要你老老实实回答,我可以保证……送你回你的家族!” Ah......” Young girl beautiful eyes trembles lightly, she makes an effort the one cheeks, said: „Haven't you...... deceived people?” 啊……”少女美眸轻颤,她用力一抹脸颊,道:“你……没有骗人?” I ensure does not deceive you!” Yun Che concentrates the eyes said: In the name of father!” “我保证不骗你!”云澈凝目道:“以一个父亲的名义!” But, we Criminal Clan shouldn't the matter, as we all know?” The Yun Shang doubts are saying, because in her cognition, is not only plane that she is, Middle-Rank and Low-Rank, should know that is right. “可是,我们‘罪族’的事,不是应该所有人都知道吗?”云裳疑惑的说着,因为在她的认知里,不仅仅是她所在的位面,中位下位,也都应该知道才对。 You tell me who oneself know to be good.” Yun Che said: You first replied me, your family, named, in which Star Realm.” “那你就把自己知道的告诉我就好。”云澈道:“你先回答我,你的家族,叫什么名字,在哪个星界。” „......” Attitude of Yun Che to Yun Shang, making Qianye Ying'er golden eyebrows sink. Her vision slanting Yun Shang, eyes deep place, crosses one deep hidden killing intent steep presently. “……”云澈云裳的态度,让千叶影儿金眉微沉。她目光斜了一眼云裳,眼眸深处,陡现过一抹深隐的杀机 Criminal Yun Clan.” Yun Shang replied: This is everyone, to a name of our clan. Star Realm that we are, named Thousand Desolations Realm.” 罪云族。”云裳回答:“这是所有人,对我们一族的称呼。我们所在的星界,名为千荒界。” Why called Criminal Yun Clan?” Yun Che continues to ask. Crime character, clearly tied up eternal crime seal to this family. “为何叫罪云族?”云澈继续问道。一个“罪”字,分明是给这个家族缚上了永恒的罪印。 Yun Shang face is slightly low-spirited, lightly said: Because of our clan, committed the unforgivable big crime...... I to listen to Daddy saying that before being very long, our families, named Heavenly Handle Yun Clan, even/including Star Realm, did not call Thousand Desolations Realm, but called Heavenly Handle Cloud Realm, at that time, our families, were the strongest rule families, our ancestors, also past Patriarch, was Star Realm Great Realm King.” 云裳的脸儿稍稍黯然,轻语道:“因为我们一族,曾经犯下过不可原谅的大罪……我听爹爹说过,很久以前,我们的家族,名为‘天罡云族’,就连星界,也不叫千荒界,而是叫‘天罡云界’,那个时候,我们的家族,是最强的统治家族,我们的先祖,还有当年的族长,都是星界大界王。” „Is the big crime that your ancestors commit what?” “你们先祖犯下的大罪是什么?” Yun Shang said: „More than 10,000 years ago, Sir Patriarch...... and that time Vice-Patriarch, had very big difference in the will, afterward, Vice-Patriarch in one day, leads many and his will same clansman, fled Heavenly Handle Cloud Realm...... also to escape from Northern God Territory.” 云裳道:“一万多年前,族长大人……和那时的第二族长,在意志上出现了很大的分歧,后来,第二族长在某一天,带着很多和他意志相同的族人,逃离了天罡云界……还逃出了北神域。” Escapes from Northern God Territory?” Qianye Ying'er light: That is not courts death!” “逃出北神域?”千叶影儿一声轻哼:“那不是找死么!” Once Northern God Territory Devil were detected by other God Territory people, must be encircled kills. Is powerful Devil, more was discovered easily. But Yun Shang said that artificial Vice-Patriarch, dark profound strength is extremely surely strong......, let alone is also not he, but is organizes to flee. 北神域魔人一旦被其他神域的人发觉,必遭围杀。越是强大的魔人,越是容易被发现。而云裳称那人为“第二族长”,黑暗玄力必定极强……何况还不是他一人,而是组团出逃。 By sensitivity of three God Territories to dark profound strength, looks like in Qianye Ying'er, this indeed and courts death not different. 三方神域黑暗玄力的敏感,在千叶影儿看来,这的确和找死无异。 Listened to Daddy saying that in the past, Vice-Patriarch found can diverge the dark profound strength method completely.” Yun Shang said one, no matter what who listened, will be startled. “听爹爹说,当年,第二族长找到了可以完全散去自身黑暗玄力的方法。”云裳说了一句任谁听了,都会大吃一惊的话。 Yun Che: „......” 云澈:“……” Un?” Qianye Ying'er knits the brows slightly: dark profound strength, once melts the body, then impossible gets rid, moreover must be inherited, once becomes Devil, the descendant is Devil. I never hear the darkness in profound strength to wash off completely. If can realize seriously, feared that is this Northern God Territory Devil, has turned out in full strength to escape.” “嗯?”千叶影儿微微皱眉:“黑暗玄力一旦融身,便不可能摆脱,而且必被传承,一旦成魔人,后代皆为魔人。我从未听说过玄力中的黑暗可以完全洗去。若当真可以实现,怕是这北神域魔人,早已倾巢逃出。” Yun Shang flowery lips opened, does not know how to argue. 云裳唇瓣张了张,不知道怎么辩解。 Gets rid of the dark profound strength price, can first from abandoning all profound strength?” Yun Che said suddenly. “摆脱黑暗玄力的代价,是不是需先自废所有玄力?”云澈忽然道。 Un.” Yun Shang thinks, in thing that lightly nod, she knows, indeed has to mention this. “嗯。”云裳想了想,轻轻点头,她所知晓的东西中,的确有提到这个。 „If only some clansmen is separated, that is also only in your clan the matter, why will degenerate into Criminal Clan?” Yun Che continues to ask. “如果只是部分族人脱离,那也只是你们族内之事,为何会就此沦为‘罪族’?”云澈继续问道。 Because, they escape from Northern God Territory time, carried off one of the family generation protection sacred relic.” “因为,他们逃出北神域的时候,带走了家族世代守护的一件‘圣物’。” What sacred relic?” “什么圣物?” I do not know.” The young girls shake the head: Listened to Daddy saying that in the entire clan, should only have Sir Patriarch to know that was anything, does not know Daddy. That sacred relic, is always protected by our families. Ten thousand years ago, Patriarch also prepares to give to King Realm that sacred relic...... seems like, is this reason, Vice-Patriarch can bring sacred relic to flee Northern God Territory.” “我不知道。”少女摇头:“听爹爹说,全族之中,应该只有族长大人知道那是什么,连爹爹都不知道。那件‘圣物’,一直以来都是由我们家族所守护。万年前,族长还准备将那件圣物献给一个王界……似乎,也是这个原因,第二族长才会带着圣物逃离了北神域。” Yun Che: „......” 云澈:“……” That matter, making King Realm be furious greatly, said that our clan gave to three God Territories sacred relic, is the unforgivable betrayal and big crime, lowers very fearful sanction to our clan.” “那件事,让王界大为震怒,说我们一族是将圣物献给了三方神域,是不可原谅的背叛和大罪,对我们一族降下很可怕的制裁。” In the past protected the sacred relic senior to be put to death completely, Patriarch is seriously injured, but also was planted one type to be very fearful, moreover can never relieve curse. Once Heavenly Handle Yun City, becomes imprisoned our clan Criminal Territory, Heavenly Handle Yun Clan, became the back took the blame seal Criminal Yun Clan.” “当年守护圣物的前辈全部被诛杀,族长受了重伤,还被种下了一种很可怕,而且永远不能解除的‘诅咒’。曾经的‘天罡云城’,成为了囚禁我们一族的‘罪域’,天罡云族,也成为背负罪印的‘罪云族’。” These words, Yun Shang said is very light, not sad, not to unfair being unwilling of destiny. She was born in Criminal Territory , is also shouldering Criminal Clan the name growth, has long been used. 这些话,云裳说的很平淡,没有悲伤,没有对命运的不公不甘。她出生在“罪域”之中,亦背负着“罪族”之名成长,早已习惯。 Nine Glories Heavenly Palace, in Thousand Desolations Realm that your families are at ‚’?” Yun Che asked. 九曜天宫,也在你们家族所在的‘千荒界’?”云澈问道。 Un.” Young girl nod: Our family's people, only if obtains Thousand Desolations Divine Cult permission, otherwise cannot leave Criminal Territory casually ‚’. If leaves secretly, anybody can attack and put to death us, Daddy......” “嗯。”少女点头:“我们家族的人,除非得到‘千荒神教’的许可,否则不可随便离开‘罪域’。若私自离开,任何人都可以攻击、诛杀我们,爹爹就是被……” Her voice/sound stops gradually, small head dangles, again when opens the mouth, voice/sound was also smaller: This is my first departure Criminal Territory. Because, our clan predestined time of death must arrive, Patriarch said that in any event, must deliver me to flee, is......, but......” 声音渐止,螓首垂下,再次开口时,声音也小了很多:“这是我第一次离开‘罪域’。因为,我们一族的‘大限’就要到了,族长说,无论如何,都要送我逃离,可是……可是……” Predestined time of death, what is also?” Yun Che asked again. “大限,又是什么?”云澈再问。 „......” This time, Yun Shang silent was very long, said gently: King Realm...... takes Thousand Desolations Divine Cult as Criminal Yun Clan supervision sanctioner, cannot retrieve sacred relic, every year killed my clan hundred people...... the millenniums unable to find, the slaughter my clan half...... ten thousand years could not retrieve...... may serve with punishes willfully, including buried to extinguish our clan completely.” “……”这一次,云裳沉默了很久,才轻轻道:“王界……以千荒神教罪云族的监督制裁者,找不回圣物,每年杀我族百人……千年找不到,屠我族半数……万年找不回……则可施以任意制裁,包括将我们一族完全葬灭。” Ps1: The feeling has Profound Handle condition that under must display Yun Che current: Is the normal state orange --> Evil Soul is yellow --> Burning Heart is green --> Purgatory is cyan --> Rumbling Heaven is blue --> Hades is purple -->?】 【ps1:感觉有必须罗列下云澈目前的玄罡状态:常态为橙色邪魄为黄色焚心为绿色炼狱青色轰天为蓝色阎皇为紫色?】 Ps2: The Profound Handle highest might shape is the purple, the coca holds oneself 70% power, is very rare. But is very early ~ very early ~ very preamble early had also mentioned one type only saves in the record, but some people have never seen, seemingly has also never presented golden Profound Handle, the coca holds 100% power.】 【ps2:玄罡最高威力形态便是紫色,可加持自身70%的力量,无比罕见。但很早~很早~很早前的前文还提到过一种仅存于记载,但从未有人见过,貌似也从未出现过的金色玄罡,可加持自身十成力量。】 txt / 293 /. _ txt/293/。_ Reads trading source software that book city reads free long-drawn-out, the Android cell phone needs googleplay downloading installment, apple cell phone must land non- mainland China account downloading installment 【悠閱書城一個免費看書的換源軟體,安卓手機需googleplay下載安裝,蘋果手機需登陸非中國大陸賬戶下載安裝】
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