ATG :: Volume #15 When Hope Dies, the Devil Awakens (万念成魔)

#1543: killing kings as if slaughtering dogs

This is extremely strange and shocks, the whole world as if congeals completely pitifully...... except for Ming Ao that such as the pitiful yell sound of Purgatory malicious ghost. 这一幕太过诡异和震撼,整个世界都似乎为之完全凝结……除了暝鳌那凄惨如炼狱恶鬼的惨叫声。 Shocking of that moment, lets Ming Xiao is the eye pupil of gloomy enlarged to extremely all of a sudden nearly blasts open, he decided half breath, from returns to the soul with amazement, rapid moves sideways, visits the Ming Ao injury. 那一瞬的震骇,让暝枭本是极度阴沉的眼瞳一下子放大到险些炸裂,他足足定了半息,才从骇然中回魂,迅速一个闪身,去探视暝鳌的伤势。 But when he bends down, incomparable chill aura is suddenly imminent. 而就在他俯身之时,一股无比阴寒气息猛然迫近。 Bang! 轰! A loud sound, the blood and black qi ascend to count high of hundred feet simultaneously. 一声巨响,鲜血和黑气同时升腾起数十丈之高。 Yun Che's form such as the ghosts and demons fall generally again, right foot treads falls on Ming Ao body, in black light, the Ming Ao pitiful yell sound stopped, his body and below land are split up in the Yun Che's under foot instantaneously, in black light, changes to everywhere fine powder in broken bits. 云澈的身影如鬼魅一般重坠而下,右脚踏落在暝鳌身上,黑光之中,暝鳌的惨叫声停止了,他的躯体和下方的土地在云澈的脚下瞬间四分五裂,又在黑光之中,化作漫天细碎的齑粉 You......” Ming Xiao body in a panic retreat...... Ming Ao, Dark Peng Clan Great Elder, Fifth Level Divine King that overawes East Territory, the entire clan is next to his character....... Died unexpectedly! “你……”暝枭身体仓皇后退……暝鳌,暝鹏一族大长老,一个威震东域五级神王,全族仅次于他的人物。竟然……死了! Dying so sudden, so easily. 死的如此突然,如此轻易。 Yun Che's form is close, his complexion as before cold and stiff like deceased person, buries to extinguish Fifth Level Divine King in a flash, his unexpectedly a wee bit expressions do not have, indifferent was run over and died likely conveniently near foot ants. 云澈的身影近在咫尺,他的脸色依旧僵冷如死人,转瞬葬灭一个五级神王,他竟一丁点表情都没有,漠然的像只是随手碾死了一只脚边的蝼蚁。 But his aura...... that obviously is First Level Divine King profound energy, not to be clear clearly! 而他的气息……那明明是一级神王玄气,清晰到不能再清晰! Everyone in suffocates with amazement, even if they crush the lifetime the cognition, cannot believe seen one. 所有人在骇然中窒息,他们哪怕粉碎毕生的认知,都不敢相信所看到的一幕。 Clang! 锵! In the hand of Fairy Zixuan, are many profound sword that purple light lingered, indescribable ice cold and sense of crisis raids to fill her whole body. 紫玄仙子的手中,已多了一把紫光萦绕的玄剑,一种无法形容的冰冷与危机感袭满她的全身。 Dark Peng Clan......” Yun Che facing Ming Xiao, read lowly: Also thinks that big ability, originally is one pile of waste.” 暝鹏族……”云澈面对暝枭,一声低念:“还以为多大的能耐,原来不过是一堆废物。”! Ming Xiao voice/sound has been trembling faintly. Again and again, he repeatedly confirmed the aura of Yun Che's profound strength, and he only ever perceived Divine King first level...... But in two face-to-face attack killed Ming Ao! 你……到底是……什么人!暝枭声音已经在隐隐发抖。他一次又一次,反复再反复的确认着云澈的玄力气息,感知到的,永远都只有神王境一级……却两个照面轰杀了暝鳌! How could this happen? 怎么可能会有这种事! In his mouth sends out the language of shock, but...... Dark Peng Clan Patriarch is Dark Peng Clan Patriarch, his last character just fell, originally is no imposing manner body profound energy erupts suddenly, right hand to become Zhua, is covering the azure black profound glow straight Yun Che chest. 他口中发出震惊之语,但……暝鹏族长便是暝鹏族长,他最后一个字刚刚落下,本是毫无气势的身躯陡然玄气爆发,右手成抓,罩着青黑色的玄芒直云澈心口。 Distance of two people 5 steps, Ming Xiao Seventh Level Divine King, strength by far Ming Ao. So making a move under suddenly short distance, its prestige can be imagined. 两人不过五步之距,暝枭七级神王,实力远胜暝鳌。如此近距离下的猝然出手,其威可想而知。 If not for Yun Che made him feel an extremely serious sense of crisis, he also broke disdains in so. 而若不是云澈让他感受到了一股极为沉重的危机感,他也断不屑于如此。 Under his Péng claw, the space twists slightly, the fearful storm that carries, such as myriad sharp blade are cutting the space. 他的鹏爪之下,空间都为之轻微扭曲,所携的可怕风暴,更如万千利刃切割着空间。 Vision mean of Ming Xiao, he is thinking under this suddenly claw, Yun Che does not die must cause heavy losses......, but, in pupil that in he enlarges suddenly, unexpectedly many does not know palm where stretches out, and is getting more and more near, greatly, palm each about one inch, the storm will then more and more extinguish a point, when close to at present. He by Divine King Realm Seventh Level power the dark storm that if releases vanishes unexpectedly completely. 暝枭的目光一片阴狠,他想着这猝然一爪之下,云澈不死也要重创……但,在他骤然放大的瞳孔中,竟多了一只不知从哪里伸出的手掌,并越来越近,越来越大,手掌每近一寸,风暴便会消弭一分,临近眼前时。他以神王境七级力量若释放的黑暗风暴竟全部消失。 But that only as if the palm that stretches out from void abyss, on arm that sweeping that light vast writes pale in he grasps. 而那只仿佛从虚空深渊中伸出的手掌,轻渺淡写的扫在他抓出的手臂上。 Ka! 咔! Probably was pounded by hundred million extremely heavy heavy great mallet bang on the arm, his right arm...... an arm of Seventh Level Divine King, in split second broken round number ten, the whole person such as the top revolves to fly generally horizontally. 像是被一把亿万钧重的巨槌轰砸在手臂上,他的右臂……一个七级神王的手臂,在一瞬间碎成数十段,整个人如陀螺一般旋转着横飞出去。 Yun Che body has not moved, the palm appears the one dark flame, then wants the bang to Ming Xiao. 云澈身体未动,手掌现出一抹黑暗火光,便要轰向暝枭 But at this moment, together purple glow suddenly thorn to his back of the body. 而就在这时,一道紫芒骤刺向他的后心。 Senior was careful!!” “前辈小心!!” Dongfang Hanwei startled shouted, but, her voice/sound, how also to remember a Divine King speed. Her first character has not shouted, the Fairy Zixuan sword such as the thunder version has punctured, straight Yun Che's back of the body. 东方寒薇一声惊喊,但,她的声音,又怎么记得上一个神王的速度。她第一个字尚未喊完,紫玄仙子的剑已如雷霆版刺至,直中云澈的后心。 Dang! 当! This sword, such as punctured above the indestructible rock, the split second of Yin color in Fairy Zixuan pupil in changed into extremely with amazement, huge countershock force, making her entire only arm completely numb, even splashed several capillaries. 这一剑,如刺在了坚不可摧的磐石之上,紫玄仙子眸中的阴色在一瞬间化为极度的骇然,巨大的反震力,让她整只手臂完全酥麻,甚至溅起数道血丝。 But the sword point of purple sword, in same instantaneous direct disintegration. 而紫剑的剑尖,在同一个瞬间直接崩碎。 But Yun Che...... his body let alone was pierced, has not overflowed including a bloodstain. 云澈……他的身躯别说被刺穿,连一点血痕都没有溢出。 Even, his body, has not had slight leans forward because of sword might of this sword, a wee bit does not have. 甚至,他的身体,没有因她这一剑的剑威有丝毫的前倾,一丁点都没有。 Yun Che has not turned round, does not seem to seen with the sensation to her existence from the start, his form in a flash, direct impact Ming Xiao, Golden Crow flame zone Dark Profound Glow, brutal heavy bang in Ming Xiao body. 云澈没有回身,仿佛压根没有看到和感知到她的存在,他身影一晃,直冲暝枭,金乌火焰带着黑暗玄光,无情的重轰在了暝枭身上 Wuaaaah!” 呜啊啊啊啊!” Painful pitiful yell acoustic shock day resounding, Ming Xiao changes to a hot person thoroughly, but the ignition of Golden Crow Fire is how painful, his pitiful howling, the storm and dark profound strength in the tumbling were insane the common release, is destroying lands, is actually not able to extinguish tiny bit the body golden flame. 痛苦的惨叫声震天的响起,暝枭彻底化作一个火人,而金乌炎的灼烧何其痛苦,他悲惨的吼叫,暴风和黑暗玄力在翻滚中更是疯了一般的释放,摧毁着一片又一片的土地,却无法将身上的金色火焰熄灭一丝一毫。 Ah... Ah......” The Fairy Zixuan footsteps are being cowered retreat, in indescribable alarmed and afraid, she felt that oneself body uncontrolled becomes must be weak, footsteps retreat, again retreat. 啊…啊……”紫玄仙子的脚步在瑟缩中后退,无法形容的惊惧之中,她感觉到自己的身体不受控制的变得酥软,脚步后退,再后退 Vice Palace Chief, this...... this person......” Grand Protector arrives at her body side. 副府主,这……这个人……”大护法来到她的身侧。 Walks...... walks quickly!” Shivering read lowly, Fairy Zixuan got back one's composure...... to this time suddenly, which her also managed what Heavenly Martial Country. “走……快走!”一声颤抖的低念,紫玄仙子猛然回神……到了这个时候,她哪还管什么天武国 But, in instantly, her body that Fairy Zixuan has turned around actually all of a sudden stiff there, in the eyes panic-stricken enlarged dozens times instantaneously. 但,就在紫玄仙子转过身的刹那,她的身体却一下子僵在了那里,眼中的惊恐瞬间放大了数十倍。 Because, Yun Che such as the ghosts and demons appear in her generally at present, from her...... three steps distance! 因为,云澈如鬼魅一般出现在了她的眼前,距离她……只有不到三步的距离! Eh......” Fairy Zixuan opened the mouth, grasps the palm of incomplete purple sword to shiver fast flood white, during fears extremely, on her face squeezes out one also to calculate smiling of attractive reluctantly: se... senior, just now...... it's just... 呃……”紫玄仙子张了张口,握着残缺紫剑的手掌在颤抖中快速泛白,极惧之中,她的脸上勉强挤出一丝还算好看的笑:“前……前辈,方才……只是…… But responded her, is palm that Yun Che promoted indifferently. 而回应她的,是云澈漠然推出的手掌。 The Fairy Zixuan pupil contraction, the both arms are uneven, arrives full power in the chest front......, but, such as the storm destroys the rotten wood, that Kacha break sound clear resounding through near the ear of everyone, Fairy Zixuan two arm simultaneous/uniform broken, bringing a long blood arrow to fly to fall under. 紫玄仙子瞳孔收缩,双臂齐出,全力抵在胸前……但,如暴风摧朽木,那“咔嚓”的断裂声清楚的响彻在每个人的耳边,紫玄仙子两臂齐断,带着一道长长的血箭飞坠而下。 Ming Ao, Ming Xiao and Fairy Zixuan...... complete puts in an appearance, is either dead or wounded! 暝鳌暝枭紫玄仙子……全部一个照面,非死即伤! Yun Che puts out a hand to grasp, then departing the purple sword was attracted in his hand, was thrown by him conveniently to flew to fall Fairy Zixuan, passes through from her chest, sewed her body on the ground directly, dark profound energy berserk that above carried flooded into her within the body, bit to extinguish all her vitalities in a flash. 云澈伸手一抓,那把飞出的紫剑被吸到了他的手中,然后被他随手掷向了飞坠中的紫玄仙子,从她的心口直贯而过,将她的躯体直接钉在了地上,上面所携的黑暗玄气狂暴的涌入她的体内,转瞬噬灭了她所有的生机。 Extreme Yin Divine Palace Vice Palace Chief, death. 太阴神府副府主,死。 In the past, only if there is a bitter hatred of being able to untie, otherwise, he is never willing to start to the woman, particularly extreme methods. 以往,除非有解不开的深仇大恨,否则,他从不愿对女人下手,尤其是死手。 But, his obvious changed. 但,他明显的变了。 Present he treats the woman, whether only then wants, not pities again! 如今的他对待女人,只有是否愿意,再无怜悯! Vice Palace Chief!” 副府主!” Extreme Yin Divine Palace Grand Protector sad howl, but the roar has not fallen, a shadow had covered him suddenly. 太阴神府大护法一声悲吼,但吼声未落,一个阴影已骤然笼罩了他。 Previous still the form in his line of sight, appeared in his above instantly unexpectedly suddenly, a foot stepped in his nape of the neck, trod him to fall fiercely under. 上一个刹那还在他视线中的身影,竟忽然出现在了他的上方,一只脚踩在了他的脖颈上,踏着他猛坠而下。 BANG!! 轰!! The ground blasts out the innumerable say/way fissures, some straight vine dozens li (0.5 km), black mist mixes the crushed stone flying dust to stick out suddenly hundred zhang (333 m) high...... in black mist, Yun Che goes out gradually, but moon Grand Protector, has vanished in the line of sight thoroughly, until black mist clears, has not seen, even if a lower hem corner. 地面炸开无数道裂痕,有的直蔓数十里,黑雾混合着碎石飞尘暴起百丈之高……黑雾之中,云澈缓步走出,而太阴大护法,已彻底消失在了视线之中,直至黑雾散尽,亦没有看到哪怕一丝衣角。 Pitiful yell sound of Ming Xiao in flame is still rending, in addition, the world does not have voice/sound as before again...... Eastern Cold Country and Heavenly Martial Country, looking awful that each of them's face twists, but has enough half, does not know when oneself have collapsed to the ground, definitely is unable to stand up in panic-stricken. 暝枭在火焰中的惨叫声依旧撕心裂肺,除此之外,世界依旧再无一丝的声音……东寒国天武国,他们每一个人的脸孔都扭曲的不成样子,而有足足半数,都不知自己何时已瘫坐在地,又在惊恐中完全无法站起。 Divine King, in this domain, in Eastern Cold and Heavenly Martial such state, presents for the character of gods, can result in its one is lucky. Regardless which in excessively, Divine King, is protects country the person. 神王,在这片界域,在东寒天武这样的国度,都是奉为神明的人物,能得其一都是万幸。无论在哪个过度,神王,都是“护国”之人。 Ming Ao, Fairy Zixuan, Grand Protector and Ming Xiao...... their absolutely not is general Divine King. But has the person of extremely high position in Nine Great Sects! Is subordinates Nine Great Sects Great Elder, Vice Palace Chief and Grand Protector! A time is lord of the country sees character difficultly. 暝鳌紫玄仙子大护法暝枭……他们还绝非是一般的神王。而是在九大宗中都有着极高地位的人!是隶属九大宗大长老副府主大护法!是一国之主都难见一次的人物。 But Ming Xiao, Sect Master bigger Nine Great Sects! 暝枭,更大九大宗之一的宗主 Actually under Yun Che's hand, short several breaths, three die an untimely death! Does not want to live miserably! 却在云澈的手下,短短数息之间,三个横死!一个惨不欲生! Really, only then several breaths, has not responded the time and having accepted quickly to them. 真的只有那么数息,快到他们根本都没有反应和接受的时间。 As if the Divine King so their cognition endures compared with existence of gods, in Yun Che's eyes, but is one crowd of lowly useless clay chickens and pottery dogs. 仿佛神王这般他们认知堪比神明的存在,在云澈的眼中,不过是一群卑微无用的土鸡瓦狗 Ming Xiao body Golden Crow Fire finally seemed to be paler, but Yun Che has not gone dead to him strikes, his body has transferred slowly, looked to Heavenly Martial Country. 暝枭身上金乌炎似乎终于淡了一些,但云澈并没有去给他绝命一击,他身体缓缓转过,看向了天武国 This, lets Heavenly Martial Country high and low everyone as if saw hell fiercely, Heavenly Martial Country Lord body in a flash, nearly collapse, but his body side, the Divine King Protector Bai Pengzhou fierce fleeing body, such as the dog of keel retreats to go. 这一眼,让天武国上下所有人仿佛看到了地狱,天武国主身体猛的一晃,险些瘫倒,而他的身侧,护国神王白蓬舟猛的窜身而起,如断脊之犬溃逃而去。 Extremely panic-stricken, his profound energy piece of chaos, solemn Divine King, the path of flight actually twists cannot withstand. 极度的惊恐之下,他的玄气一片大乱,堂堂神王,飞行的轨迹却扭曲不堪。 The Yun Che finger wields, the flame light puts on to empty to go together, but Bai Pengzhou retreats body to flicker to pass through. 云澈手指一挥,一道炎光穿空而去,而白蓬舟溃逃中的身体一瞬贯穿。 BANG!! 轰!! Bai Pengzhou only sends out the first pitiful yell with enough time, the body of his Divine King then blasts open in the flame light in the sky, changes to burned black ashes. 白蓬舟只来得及发出第一声惨叫,他的神王之躯便在炎光中当空炸裂,化作一片焦黑的灰烬。 He and Bai Pengzhou do not have the enmity without the injustice, even the words have not said. 他和白蓬舟无冤无仇,连话都没有说过。 He cannot the scraps/condescend in his life and death. 他更不会屑于他的生死。 But, present he, most hates, betrays! 但偏偏,现在的他,最恨的,就是背叛! If Bai Pengzhou remains honestly same place, Yun Che let alone kills him, looked that is disinclined to look at his one eyes. 如果白蓬舟老老实实留在原地,云澈别说杀他,看都懒得看他一眼。 Bai Pengzhou dies, broke extinguished Heavenly Martial Country Lord finally that frail straw to grasp. The pupil of Heavenly Martial Country Lord put was biggest, Yun Che form that in the pupil screened, without doubt was true Devil God. 白蓬舟死,也断灭了天武国主最后那根脆弱的救命稻草。天武国主的瞳孔放到了平生最大,瞳孔中映出的云澈身影,无疑便是真正的魔神 The Yun Che line of sight transfers, his instinct thinks that he must extinguish his Heavenly Martial for Eastern Cold Country, during trembles, his body slowly kneels down, but immediately, he thought of anything, is cowering raising the head, exhausts all strengths to exclaim: Yun…... Yun…... Venerable Yun...... Eastern Cold permits your thing, my Heavenly Martial...... is willing to present double...... no, no...... five times...... five times!” 云澈视线转来,他本能的以为他是要为东寒国灭他天武,战栗之中,他的身躯缓缓的跪倒在地,但马上,他又想到了什么,瑟缩着抬头,用尽所有力气吼道:“云…云…云尊者……东寒许你之物,我天武……愿奉双倍……不……不不……五倍……五倍!” Yun Che slightly narrowed the eyes, the corners of the mouth bring back slightly, in everyone's in the eyes, his expression seemed gentle such several points: Oh? Yes, I must listen but actually, what can you give me?” 云澈双目微眯,嘴角微微勾起,在所有人的眼中,他的表情似乎平和了那么几分:“?是么,那我倒要听听,你能给我什么?” Heavenly Martial Country Lord as if saw the dawn of hope all of a sudden, stared wide-eyed, hiss called out strongly: Small King...... Small King is willing to present Venerable Yun is to protect the country...... not, was Qi Country Preceptor, was orthogonal in the Heavenly Martial Country position and Small King! Heavenly Martial Country all thing, so long as Venerable wants, the profound crystal rare treasure, the power and influence beautiful woman, performing to take it.” 天武国主仿佛一下子看到了希望的曙光,瞪大眼睛,竭力嘶叫道:“小王……小王愿奉云尊者为护国……不,是齐国国师,在天武国地位与小王平齐!天武国所有之物,只要尊者愿意,玄晶异宝,权势美人,尽可取之。” The word of Heavenly Martial Country Lord, and Yun Che's attitude, making the Eastern Cold Country Lord whole body excited, hurrying stands to exclaim: Venerable Yun! Although Eastern Cold Country Profound Dao is slightly weak, but productivity degree by far Heavenly Martial, more suitable Venerable settles down! Small King is willing to do obeisance Venerable Yun is big Country Preceptor, Heavenly Martial Country can give Venerable, my Eastern Cold may give ten times!” 天武国主之言,以及云澈的态度,让东寒国主全身激动,慌忙站出吼道:“云尊者东寒国玄道稍弱,但丰饶程度远胜天武,更适尊者驻足!小王愿拜云尊者为大国师,天武国能给予尊者的,我东寒可予十倍!”
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