ATG :: Volume #14 Scarlet Tribulation (绯红之劫)

#1453: absolute power

Although was separated by for several million years, although only then extremely thin aura, but Jie Yuan will not admit mistakes absolutely! 虽然相隔了数百万年,虽然只有极其稀薄的气息,但劫渊绝对不会认错! Because that is God Race under Heaven Punishing God Emperor Mo E place! 因为那是诛天神帝末厄座下的神族 Cruel and hatred found the exit|to speak of expression, Jie Yuan body black qi twisted suddenly ascends, but the Qianye four people...... their pupil split second put in a big way, seemed blocked the throat by Devil stubbornly, towed fast to bottomless death abyss. 暴戾和仇恨找到了宣泄的出口,劫渊身上黑气猛然扭曲升腾,而千叶四人……他们的瞳孔一瞬间放到了最大,仿佛被恶魔死死扼住喉咙,快速拖向无底的死亡深渊 Jie Yuan lifts the hand slowly, is such a simple movement, lets the Qianye four people such as lost/carrying hundred million, several wants to explode to internal organs from the body. 劫渊缓缓抬手,就是这么一个再简单的不过的动作,却让千叶四人如负亿均,从躯体到内腑都几欲爆开。 Sir Devil Emperor......” Divine Emperor Fantian makes noise crabbedly: We...... not......” 魔帝大人……”梵天神帝艰涩出声:“我们……并非……” He finishes barely the words, death aura already suddenly under cover. 他话音未落,一股死亡气息已猛然罩下。 Eh...... Aah!” 呃…啊啊!” power releases, the pressure terrifying to has not then been able to describe in any spoken language. Three Brahma God under beyond control trembling, the eye split the Yin light completely, fears the within grows offense, simultaneously shouts one, throws Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor together! 力量微释,威压便已恐怖到无法用任何言语形容。三梵神在无法控制的战栗之下,全部目绽阴光,惧中生戾,同时嘶吼一声,齐扑劫天魔帝 AH!! 啊!! This change, causes massive Divine Lord to lose one's voice to bellow. 这一变动,引得大量神主失声大吼。 Brahma Emperor three Brahma God, three Tenth Level Divine Lord, in the world cognition Divine Lord in Divine Lord, their three people also make a move, power that split second erupts makes these with be Divine Lord High-Rank Realm King felt that own body almost must be destroyed debris directly. 梵帝梵神,三个十级神主,世人认知中神主中的神主,他们三人同时出手,一瞬间爆发的力量让那些同为神主上位界王都感觉自己的躯体几乎要被直接摧成碎屑 Most people the first time are saw three Brahma God to act, but is all Divine Emperor, basically the first time is saw three Brahma God to act with joint forces...... because of Eastern God Territory except for Divine Emperor , there is nothing to exist with letting their three people cooperation strength. 大多数人都是第一次见三梵神出手,而就是各方神帝,也基本都是第一次见三梵神合力出手……因为东神域除了神帝,根本没有任何存在配让他们三人协力。 Facing the strength of three Brahma God, Jie Yuan moves has not moved, the facial expression does not have, even if tiny bit change, only has the palm of outstretch...... a finger gently ball. 面对三梵神之力,劫渊动也未动,神情更没有哪怕一丝一毫的变动,唯有伸出的手掌……手指轻轻一弹。 Bang! 砰! An incomparably slight sound moves, the strength of Divine Lord suddenly, three Brahma God just surged vanishes without the trace suddenly. 无比轻微的一声响动,一刹那间,三梵神刚刚涌起的神主之力忽然消失无踪。 Present age highest plane/level the strength of Tenth Level Divine Lord, three...... all dissipate instantaneously! 当世最高层面十级神主之力,还是三股……全部瞬间消散! As if that let various High-Rank Realm King for it panic-stricken power a moment ago, but is the bubble that can wipe to extinguish conveniently. 仿佛刚才那让各上位界王都为之惊骇的力量,不过是随手便可抹灭的泡影。 But three big Brahma God...... they send out a pitiful yell simultaneously, body erupt the big piece the blood fog, the space of flying rearward. 而三大梵神……他们同时发出一声惨叫,身上爆发大片的血雾,飞向后方的宇宙空间。 Snaps fingers to be able destruction stars Brahma Emperor three Brahma God...... with joint forces, unexpectedly in Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor the strength of next instant heavy losses of snapping fingers! 弹指便可毁灭星辰的梵帝梵神……合力之下,竟在劫天魔帝的弹指之力下一瞬重创! Still... dare... to.. resist... the five fingers of Jie Yuan open slowly, the indifferent four characters, actually in everyone's soul deep place, resound the most fearful curse that they this life heard. 还……敢……反……抗……劫渊的五指缓缓张开,冷漠的四个字,却在所有人的心魂深处,响起了他们今生听到的最可怕的诅咒。 One group of black light, flash past in her palm. 一团黑光,在她掌心一闪而过。 Immediately, Brahma Emperor three Brahma God body, shining has one group of black glow simultaneously, black glow their body engulfed...... 顿时,梵帝梵神身上,同时耀起一团黑芒,黑芒将他们的躯体吞没其中…… In the pitiful yell sounds of three panic-stricken crack souls, body of —— their Divine Lord most tyrannical is present age tenacious, the ratio of destroying ascends to heaven also the difficult body, such as the most vulnerable cloth is common, was ripped the innumerable dark fragments by black glow...... 三声惊恐裂魂的惨叫声中,他们的神主之躯——当世最强横坚韧,毁之比登天还难的躯体,如最脆弱不堪的布帛一般,被黑芒撕成无数的黑暗碎片…… Bang...... 嘭…… black glow clears, belongs to the nihility in a flash. 黑芒散尽,转瞬归于虚无。 Brahma Emperor three Brahma God, vanish in dark thoroughly, complete cancels from world, has not left any trace. 梵帝梵神,就此彻底消失于黑暗,被完完全全的从世间抹去,没有留下任何的痕迹。 The time, ice cold in the fearful silencing flows, is for a long time, does not have voice/sound again. 时间,在可怕的静寂中冰冷的流淌,却是许久,都再无一丝声音 The endless fear makes everyone tremble, the courage wants to crack. That pale face, cannot see a wee bit blood-color that is the person. 无尽的恐惧让所有人瑟瑟发抖,肝胆欲裂。那一张张苍白的面孔,看不到丁点属于人的血色。 Qianye Wusheng, Qianye Wubei and Qianye Wuai...... 千叶无生千叶无悲千叶无哀…… They are not the mortals, on the contrary, this is three anybody remembers, the name of understanding startled chestnut. 他们不是凡人,相反,这是三个任何人想起,都会心中惊栗的名字。 ...... Died...... 就这么……死了…… Simple probably wiped three grains of dust! 简单的像是抹去了三粒灰尘! This, is not shocking two characters can describe, at that moment in panic-stricken that in their chest cavities explodes, making these haughty Divine Lord know what suddenly collapses for the soul, faith avalanche...... 这一幕,已不是“震骇”二字所能形容,那一刻在他们胸腔中爆开的惊恐,让这些傲世神主忽然间知晓何为心魂崩溃,信念崩塌…… Also brutally destroyed to extinguish in their hearts that final little lucky. 也无情摧灭了他们心中那最后的一点点侥幸。 Eternal Sky Divine Emperor previously said that Devil Emperor primordial chaos power collapse that pray returns...... can contend with outside hope, thorough shattered. 宙天神帝先前所言,“祈祷归来的魔帝在外混沌力量崩散……可以抗衡”的希望,也彻彻底底的破碎 Three Brahma God...... basically can represent present age most Johnson spirit, actually returned Devil Emperor flickers to write off! 梵神……基本可以代表当世的最强生灵,却被归来的魔帝一瞬抹杀! This is the disparity of mortal and god...... 这就是凡灵和神的差距…… In the present age such as Divine Spirit common they, before the true god, are such lowly are unexpectedly tiny, such collapsing at the first blow. 在当世如“神灵”一般的他们,在真正的神面前,竟是如此的卑微渺小,如此的不堪一击。 Three Brahma God died...... Qianye Fantian to be startled to stand there, such as the petrification was ordinary, for a long time moves. 梵神死了……千叶梵天怔立在了那里,如石化一般,许久一动一动。 Without doubt, he is in the world the people of clearest three Brahma God strengths. 无疑,他是世上最清楚三梵神实力的人。 But he is actually not able to understand that actually what power can flicker to write off three Brahma God...... 但他却无法理解究竟什么样的力量可以一瞬抹杀三梵神…… Three big Brahma God are not only his blood brothers, is the Brahma Emperor God Realm three big cornerstones, can be situated in Eastern God Territory first King Realm three big pillar/backbone —— is precisely in his eyes, in three big props that anybody in the eyes firm may not shake absolutely. 三大梵神不但是他的胞兄弟,更是梵帝神界三大基石,是能位居东神域第一王界的三大支柱——且是在他眼中,在任何人眼中都绝对牢不可撼的三大支柱。 Died, collapsed...... 就这么死了,崩了…… Many legend, the Primordial record, cannot compare the eventuality of shock this institute brings. Kills three Tenth Level Divine Lord such as to break worthlessly, this time, they with oneself eye, witnessed ancient times Devil Emperor power how fearfully, personally experiences...... has Divine Lord of it strength, in front of Primordial Devil Emperor, unexpectedly is lowly like the ants! 多少的神话传说,上古记载,都比不上这一幕所带来的震撼之万一。杀三个十级神主如断草芥,这一次,他们是用自己的眼睛,亲眼目睹了远古魔帝力量是多么的可怕,亲身感受着……拥有神主在之力的自己,在上古魔帝面前,竟是卑微如蝼蚁! Piercing awl soul dense in this space, flees in all directions in the Divine Lord body and Soul each slit crazily. Jie Yuan hands over slowly, the palm to standing is motionless there, such as soul destroyed/terror-stricken Qianye Fantian: Also... has... you......” 刺骨锥魂的森然在这个空间,在神主们躯体与灵魂的每一个缝隙疯狂流窜。劫渊缓缓转手,掌心直对站在那里一动不动,如魂飞魄散千叶梵天:“还…有…你……” Is facing the palm of Jie Yuan, exuded the eye pupil of death black light with her, Qianye Fantian body short under...... was bows to kneel slowly unexpectedly. 面对着劫渊的掌心,和她泛动着死亡黑光的眼瞳,千叶梵天身体缓缓矮下……竟是屈膝跪地。 Sir Devil Emperor, I...... inherits little Divine Power mortal, absolutely not...... Brahma God Clan...... Sir Devil Emperor returns in glory now primordial chaos, will certainly command ten thousand realms, the world submit, my Qianye clan, in Eastern God Territory slightly has the prestige...... to be willing to turn over to under Sir Devil Emperor, works for in wait hand and foot...... the command of Sir Devil Emperor, complies with...... absolutely no disloyalty all......” 魔帝大人,鄙人……只是继承少许神力凡灵,绝非……梵天神族……魔帝大人如今荣归混沌,必将号令万界,天下臣服,我千叶一族,在东神域小有威名……愿归魔帝大人麾下,效劳于鞍前马后……魔帝大人之令,无不遵从……绝无二心……” If not sees heard, feared will be the present age has no one person to believe East Territory number one Divine Emperor will make so lowly condition, will say so the word of lowly. 若非亲见亲闻,怕是当世没有任何一人会相信东域第一神帝会做出如此卑微之态,说出如此卑微之言。 However, no one despises and taunts him. 但是,没有人鄙夷和嘲讽他。 Facing one can decide person who in a flash own life and death, this is most mourning reveres the humiliation, actually is also...... wisest, most sane choice. 面对一个能在弹指间决定自己生死的人,这是最丧尊屈辱,却也是……最明智,最理智的选择。 But can under Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor devil might complete defined said these spoken languages, present age few individuals can achieve. 而能在劫天魔帝魔威下完整明晰的说出这些言语,当世都没有几个人能做到。 But has Qianye Fantian this grade of East Territory number one Divine Emperor is first, looked like punctured numerous Divine Lord final dignity bubble, under many people in the both legs trembled, almost couldn't help bowing immediately , indicating to give loyalty. 而有千叶梵天这等东域第一神帝为先,就像是刺破了众神主最后的一层尊严泡沫,不少人在双腿发颤下,几乎忍不住要当即屈膝,表示效忠。 No possibly resistance or balance power...... 没有任何可能反抗或制衡的力量…… World's control is going the thorough change, 世界的主宰将要彻底的改变, The death and humbleness, most lives, will choose the latter without hesitation. 死亡与卑屈,绝大多数的生灵,都会毫不犹豫的选择后者。 They have never faced such choice, has never thought one day will encounter such choice. 只是,他们从未面临过如此的选择,也从未想过自己有一天会遭遇这样的选择。 But pitifully, even if throws actually the dignity, acts servilely, actually may not trade to maintain a livelihood, because decision-making power...... throughout in the hand of Jie Yuan. 但可惜,哪怕抛却尊严,卑躬屈膝,却也不一定能换来活命,因为决定权……始终都在劫渊的手上。 Her corners of the mouth incline slowly, that is one is very contemptuous, the curve of incomparable taunt, everyone on the scene, felt that disdaining with despising clearly: This is the Mo E lackey descendant, this is really the descendant of that unfailingly righteous god clan...... Hehehe...... Hahahaha...... Hahahahahaha......” 她的嘴角缓缓倾斜,那是一抹无比轻蔑,无比嘲讽的弧度,在场的每一个人,都清楚感受到了那种不屑与鄙夷:“这就是末厄走狗的后裔,这就是满口正道的神族的后裔……呵呵呵……哈哈哈哈……哈哈哈哈哈哈……” She laughed wildly suddenly, smiled incomparably recklessly, but...... resembles to bring the endless sorrow and sadness. The laughter falls, her hand signal also fiercely changed at this time, a jet black pressure depressed with overturning of her palm suddenly. 她忽然狂笑了起来,笑的无比肆意,但……又似带着无尽的悲哀与悲戚。笑声落下,她的手势也在这时猛地一变,一股漆黑的威压随着她手掌的翻覆猛然压下。 Eh! 呃! AH!! 啊!! The depressed and alarmed and afraid chanting in a low voice sound gets up, this dark pressure not only pressed in Qianye Fantian body, also Star God Realm six Star God and Moon God Realm...... five Moon God including Xia Qingyue! 沉闷、惊惧的低吟声响起,这股黑暗威压不仅压在了千叶梵天身上,还有星神界的六星神月神界……包括夏倾月在内的五月神 Under the Devil Emperor pressure, their split second then suppressed single knee kneels, is unable to stand up again. 魔帝威压之下,他们一瞬间便被压制的单膝跪地,再无法站起。 Mo E lackey, even if only a descendant, still all deserve death!!” 末厄走狗,就算只是后裔,也全部该死!!” Brahma God Clan, Star Gods and Moon Gods...... in Remote Ancient Era, is under Heaven Punishing God Emperor Mo E! 梵天神族、星神、月神……在远古时代,都属诛天神帝末厄麾下! Mo E has died, various Gods has extinguished, her hatred and anger, can only release without doubt in these descendants...... not, is power successor body that the descendants are not even. 末厄已死,诸神已灭,她的仇恨与愤怒,无疑只能释放在这些后裔……不,是连后裔都算不上的力量继承者身上 People simultaneously startles greatly, during retreat, is in a panic alarmed and afraid, there are such several points rejoiced that...... is like Eternal Sky Divine Emperor, they also detected, presently Devil Emperor of the world is not as if expected loses the wisdom to be cruel like that she has the reason, has soberly, can obviously her who they write off completely, actually goal centralized in God Race successor body that belongs to Mo E. 众人齐齐大骇,仓皇后退,惊惧之中,又有那么几分的庆幸……和宙天神帝一样,他们也都发觉,现世的魔帝似乎并无预料中的那般失智残暴,她有着理智,有着清醒,明明可以将他们全部抹杀的她,却将目标集中在了归属末厄神族继承者身上 Perhaps...... can others escape? 或许……其他的人可以逃过一劫? They in alarmed and afraid with retreat, such as is thinking. 他们在惊惧和后退之中,都如是想着。 Three Brahma God death shapes still at present, the pressure of that duplicate world let Qianye Fantian and many Star Gods Moon God are unable to well up under the slight resistance, only has rapidly spreads the despair of whole body. 梵神的死状犹在眼前,那覆世的威压让千叶梵天众星神月神无法涌上丝毫的抗拒之下,唯有快速蔓延全身的绝望。 Bad!” Mu Xuanyin chants in a low voice. “糟了!”沐玄音一声低吟。 Qianye dies, Star God dies, all has nothing to do with her, but Moon God...... Xia Qingyue is also involved! 千叶死,星神死,皆与她无关,但月神……夏倾月亦身在其中! „...... Wait!” Eternal Sky Divine Emperor flutters to exclaim: Sir Devil Emperor...... they...... are not God Race, it's just... Eah!” “等……等等!”宙天神帝颤声吼道:“魔帝大人……他们……并非神族,只是……呃啊!” Except for Eternal Sky Divine Emperor, no one acts to prevent or ask favor. Felt oneself perhaps they who may escape, how also to take the risk that was flickered to extinguish for others. 除了宙天神帝,没有任何人出面阻挡或求情。感觉自己或许有可能逃过一劫的他们,又怎会为了他人而冒被瞬灭的风险。 Eternal Sky Divine Emperor finishes barely the words, black light has pressed its together suddenly, depresses his voice/sound and body suddenly, Jie Yuan that also wants terrifying hundreds and thousands of times voice/sound also to resound compared with Death God in everyone Soul deep place: It seems like, you also want dead!” 宙天神帝话音未落,一道黑光已骤压其身,将他的声音身体猛然压下,劫渊那比死神还要恐怖千百倍声音也随之响起在所有人灵魂深处:“看来,你也很想死!” Xi Ke's lackey...... similarly should die!!” 夕柯的走狗……同样该死!!” Main...... Majesty!” Numerous Guardian wants immediately panic-strickenly......, but, Devil Emperor's power, hate of Devil Emperor, who can rescue! “主……主上!”众守护者顿时惊骇欲死……但,魔帝之力,魔帝之恨,谁人能救! In present this world, the god, existence that should not present. 在如今这个世界,神,是不该出现的存在。 Present primordial chaos aura, basically impossible is pregnant to give birth to True God again. even/including from Remote Ancient Era True God Artifact under carry-over, with the change of primordial chaos aura but fast feeble...... including Eternal Sky Pearl this grade of Heavenly Profound Treasure. 如今的混沌气息,也根本不可能再孕生出真神就连一些从远古时代的遗留下的真神之器,也随着混沌气息的变化而快速衰弱……包括宙天珠这等玄天至宝 Now does this world, have absolute power? 如今这个世界,存在着“绝对力量”吗? Not. Each King Realm extreme powerful, but, will have other King Realm to keep in balance with it. 并没有。每一个王界都极端强大,但,会有其他王界与之制衡。 Primordial Chao's most supreme Dragon Sovereign, can in the present age blatantly willfully not be absolutely not. 混沌至尊龙皇,也断不能在当世公然任意非为。 But, if True God near the world...... that presents absolute power that should not present, exists absolutely. 而,如果一个真神临世……那,就是出现一个不该出现的绝对力量,绝对存在。 On such as Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor that returns from outside primordial chaos! 就如从外混沌归来的劫天魔帝 power that she has, surpassed the present age boundary, surpassed this primordial chaos Heaven's Way and principle. She can decide willfully the life and death of any life, can decide any race the life or death. 她拥有的力量,超出了当世的界限,超出了这个混沌天道法则。她可以任意决定任何生灵的生死,可以决定任何种族的存亡。 The future primordial chaos world, the order and principle, will be formulated by her, myriad spirits...... will not all have any power for the slave, any possibly with it contending. So long as she wants, she even can the slaughter extinguish present age all lives and dying thing, vents her hate and wrath, or makes primordial chaos evolve, becomes only belongs to her world. 今后的混沌世界,秩序、法则,都将由她一人制定,万灵皆为奴……根本不会有任何力量,任何可能与之抗衡。而只要她愿意,她甚至可以屠灭当世所有生灵和死物,来发泄她的怨恨和暴凌,或让混沌就此重新演变,成为只属于她的世界。 The future world, future primordial chaos myriad spirits, will crawl in the future that a Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor person of under foot...... this is they can see, will be the best future. 未来的世界,未来的混沌万灵,都将匍匐在劫天魔帝一人的脚下……这是他们所能看到的未来,还是最好的未来。 The world, starting today, will have the drastic change...... 世界,将从今天开始,发生剧变…… They are thinking like this, regardless of the look, is the innermost feelings, is one piece heavy and dim......, but Brahma Emperor, Star God, Moon God and Eternal Sky...... only have the despair. 他们这样想着,无论眼神,还是内心,都是一片沉重与昏暗……而梵帝星神月神宙天……则唯有绝望。 But at that moment, a fierce profound aura burst from beneath the devil's pressure that even Divine Lord's could not withstand, releasing a blood-colored glow. 而就这时,一股暴烈的玄气,却在连神主都无法抵抗的魔压下忽然爆开,并释放出血色的玄光 Although this profound energy is strong, what kind of character but on the scene is, under their power classes, this is only one may be called lowly profound energy. 这股玄气虽强,但在场都是何许人物,在他们的力量阶层下,这只是一抹堪称卑微玄气 But is profound energy that this in their eyes cannot withstand small and weakly, lets Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor black pupil suddenly trembling, hostility, hate intent and killing intent, Devil Emperor's power that also will soon release, completely froze in place. 但就是这在他们眼中弱小不堪的玄气,却让劫天魔帝的黑瞳猛然颤荡,戾气恨意杀意,还有即将释放的魔帝之力,全部定格在了那里 Yun Che goes out from Mu Xuanyin behind gradually, body blood-color profound energy under the Devil Emperor pressure as before rich dazzling, he looks straight ahead the vision that Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor is shooting suddenly, said slowly: Senior Devil Emperor, whether to listen to a junior word?” 云澈沐玄音身后缓步走出,身上血色玄气魔帝威压下依旧浓郁刺目,他直视着劫天魔帝陡然射来的目光,缓缓道:“魔帝前辈,可否听晚辈一言?”
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