ATG :: Volume #13 Life Severing, Soul Dying (命陨魂殇)

#1350: Divine Emperor life certainly

Eternal Sky Divine Emperor what kind of existence? In this world, from having nothing to shock him to losing the soul. 宙天神帝何等存在?这个世上,从没有什么能将他震骇到失魂。 Until today. 直到今日。 Divine Emperor Fantian of head of Four Divine Emperors, is the whole body is also stiff, such as sees the ghosts and gods...... not, the present young girl, clearly also want terrifying ten million times compared with the ghosts and gods! 四神帝之首的梵天神帝,亦是全身僵硬,如见鬼神……不,眼前的少女,分明要比鬼神还要恐怖千万倍! black qi blocks out the sun filling the heavens, crying of Evil Infant smiles resounds through near the ear again, moreover anger is sad and shrill. The Jasmine arm holds up, Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations curls up dark whirlpool in the pupil light of Four Divine Emperors fright, a black mark incision space, rips Eternal Sky Divine Emperor. 黑气重新蔽日弥天,邪婴的哭笑再次响彻耳边,而且更加的愤怒凄厉。茉莉手臂举起,邪婴万劫轮四神帝惊魂的眸光中卷起黑暗涡流,一道黑痕切开空间,直撕宙天神帝 „......” Eternal Sky Divine Emperor has not moved unexpectedly. “……”宙天神帝竟是未动。 The Moon God Emperor vision startles, in the hand Purple Crown Divine Sword blooms purple light, explodes purple Moon Domain, looks from afar, such as round of vault of heaven purple moon, falls in the heavenshaking calling out sound to dark Devil Wheel. 月神帝目光一骇,手中紫阙神剑绽放紫光,爆开一个紫色月域,远远看去,就如一轮天穹紫月,在震天的暴吼声中坠向黑暗魔轮 ———— ———— Purple Moon Domain was flickered to tear two halves by dark Devil Wheel, in the Moon God Emperor hand Purple Crown Divine Sword lets go to depart, was flown by the distant bang with Eternal Sky Divine Emperor together, the power complementary waves let rear Divine Emperor Fantian and Star God Emperor such as by the ten thousand mountains bang body, was shaken turns several hundred li (0.5 km). 紫色月域被黑暗魔轮一瞬撕裂成两半,月神帝手中紫阙神剑脱手飞出,和宙天神帝一起被远远轰飞,力量的余波让后方的梵天神帝星神帝如遭万岳轰身,被震翻数百里。 The center of dark light territory, Jasmine has not actually overtaken immediately, but is body in a flash, in in the air falls fiercely, fell hundred zhang (333 m) to stop, black glow on Devil Wheel, is presenting the confusion and distortion. 暗黑光域的中心,茉莉却没有马上追及,而是身体一晃,在空中猛地坠下,直坠了百丈才堪堪停止,魔轮上的黑芒,也呈现着混乱与扭曲。 She was first injured by Divine Emperor Fantian, caused heavy losses by Divine Suppression Cauldron, she ruined Divine Suppression Cauldron finally, actually also power consumes greatly, the scar all over the body...... only has her anger and hate, not tiny bit desalination and extinguishing. 她先被梵天神帝所伤,又被镇荒神鼎重创,她最终毁掉了镇荒神鼎,却也力量大耗,伤痕遍体……唯有她的愤怒与怨恨,没有一丝一毫的淡化与消弭。 Her raised the head, the vision touched Moon God Emperor...... split second, the black flame in her pupil became incomparably violent. 抬起头来,目光碰触到了月神帝……一瞬间,她瞳中的黑色火焰变得无比暴烈。 Moon God Emperor...... persecutes to death her mother, nearly kills her Elder Brother, she once poured into the person of all killing intent and hate, endless killing intent and hate that also lives to this person, urged Heavenly Slaughter Star God her! 月神帝……逼死她母亲,险些害死她哥哥,她曾经倾注了所有杀意与怨恨的人,也是对这个人所生的无尽杀意与怨恨,将她催成了天杀星神 She this life must kill the person!! 她今生必杀之人!! The incomparably intense hate was ignited again, Jasmine charged into Moon God Emperor, the remote distance pulls closer in the black light next twinkling of together suddenly dodging, Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations brings the strength of bang brutal destruction to approach with amazement Moon God Emperor. 本就无比强烈的怨恨再一次被引燃,茉莉冲向了月神帝,遥远的距离在一道骤闪的黑光下瞬息拉近,邪婴万劫轮带着残酷的毁灭之力轰向骇然中的月神帝 The demon presses the complex, the hostility fear heart, Moon God Emperor felt oneself seemed like sealed into the demon pupil of devil, fled nowhere. Four people encircle Jasmine, only may refuse to compromise in a short time reluctantly, a person faces, he does not have the strength of contending. 魔压覆体,戾气慑心,月神帝感觉自己像是被封入了魔鬼的魔瞳,无处遁逃。四人合围茉莉,也只可短时间内勉强僵持,一人面对,他根本毫无抗衡之力。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang BANG!! 砰!砰!砰!砰!砰轰!! Moon Realm that he releases full power, only resisted four attacks of Jasmine reluctantly, the fifth time, Moon Realm disintegration, Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations straight his chest, opens abyss devil light in his chest violent. 他全力释放的月界,也只勉强抵御了茉莉的四次攻击,第五次,月界崩碎,邪婴万劫轮直中他心口,在他心口暴开深渊魔光 Wu! 唔! Moon God Emperor looks painfully, to fall, but Jasmine again is imminent in next moment, under Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations again bang. 月神帝面露痛苦,直坠而下,但茉莉却在下一个瞬间再次迫近,邪婴万劫轮再次轰下。 The Moon God Emperor double pupil stares in a big way, in the hand purple light flashes, calls Purple Crown Divine Sword in the hand, cuts strongly. 月神帝双瞳瞪大,手中紫光一闪,将紫阙神剑重新唤于手中,竭力斩下。 !! 刺啦!! lightning bolt split open that purple moon glow such as disintegrates, Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations shakes Purple Crown Divine Sword, the heavy bang on the chest of Moon God Emperor, the Moon God Emperor eye pupil explodes again raised, has not actually escaped with the strength forcefully, but is the arm punctures suddenly, purple light explodes to shoot from the sword together sharp, blasts out deep purple Moon Domain in the chest of Jasmine. 紫色的月芒如散碎的雷光崩开,邪婴万劫轮紫阙神剑震开,再次重轰在月神帝的心口上,月神帝眼瞳爆凸,却没有借力强行远遁,而是手臂骤刺,一道紫光从剑尖爆射而出,在茉莉的胸口炸开一个深紫色的月域 BANG!! 砰!! Moon God Emperor sprinkles the blood to crash, Jasmine body from the sky turns over, face flashes through the paleness of split second, actually falls at the terrifying peerless speed fiercely, she fast enlargement of jet black flame in the pupil of Moon God Emperor. 月神帝洒血坠落,茉莉身体在空中翻转,脸儿闪过一瞬间的惨白,却又以恐怖绝伦的速度猛坠而下,她目中的漆黑火焰在月神帝的瞳孔中快速放大。 !! 咣!! Purple Crown Divine Sword was rumbled to fly again, rolls up and pushes along a black light Devil Wheel round of blade to tear his final guard profound strength, rips open the body of his Divine Emperor, inserted the body, blasts out big blood rain in his chest...... each drop of blood, is shocking crimson black. 紫阙神剑再一次被轰飞,卷动着黑光魔轮轮刃撕裂了他最后的护身玄力,撕开他的神帝之躯,生生的嵌入了躯体,在他的胸口炸开一大片血雨……每一滴血,都是触目惊心的猩黑色 The Moon God Emperor facial features twist, arm purple crystal, shakes Jasmine and Devil Wheel with nearly desperate power......, but, he was unable to obtain a wee bit respites, under nightmare black glow then again bang. 月神帝五官扭曲,臂化紫晶,用近乎绝望的力量茉莉魔轮震开……但,他还没能得到一丁点的喘息,噩梦黑芒便再一次轰下。 Chi! 哧! CHI!! 哧!! CHA!!! 嚓!! The jet black wheel blade of revolving such as insane cut the crack generally in Moon God Emperor body, rips open one after another jet black blood ditch his body, destroys to extinguish his body, blood, veins, skeleton and internal organs...... in tearing sound that in that can let any cardiospasm, the black blood of splash drenches like the rainstorm falls, one generation of Divine Emperor, cruel dragging to death abyss. 旋转的漆黑轮刃如疯了一般切裂在月神帝身上,将他的身躯撕开一道又一道漆黑的血沟,摧灭着他的皮肉、鲜血、筋脉、骨骼、内脏……在那能让任何心脏痉挛的撕裂声中,飞溅的黑血如暴雨般淋落,将一代神帝,残忍的拖向死亡深渊 Eternal Sky Divine Emperor depresses the injury forcefully, to/clashes to fast, an invisible giant palm passes through void, hits hard in Jasmine's body. 宙天神帝将伤势强行压下,快速冲至,一只无形巨掌穿越虚空,重击在茉莉的身上 Jasmine light moan, such as the meteor falls, but...... Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations in her hand actually flies suddenly, bringing jet black path flying to curl Moon God Emperor, straight he former body of covered with blood, has turned the blade to pass through the body, explodes black glow in his back, sprinkles the next piece again by the blood rain that corrodes dark. 茉莉一声轻吟,如流星般直坠而下,但……她手中的邪婴万劫轮却骤飞而出,带着漆黑轨迹飞卷月神帝,直中他已血肉模糊的前躯,轮刃贯体而过,在他的后背爆开黑芒,亦再次洒下一片被黑暗侵蚀的血雨。 Eh...... Ah......” The Moon God Emperor pupil is lax, his mouth opened wide, the cry that but exits is actually incomparable weak hoarse. He felt that oneself consciousness in the fast fuzziness, the corner of the eye, as if passed over gently and swiftly several to wipe familiar moon glow, near the ear, transmits to the big roar that being hard to hear clearly remotely. 呃…啊……”月神帝瞳孔涣散,他嘴巴大张,但出口的叫声却是无比的微弱嘶哑。他感觉到自己的意识在快速的模糊,眼角,似乎掠过几抹熟悉的月芒,耳边,亦传来遥远到难以听清的大吼声。 Sir Divine Emperor!!” 神帝大人!!” Western sky, nine wipe various, but incomparably rich moon glow is approaching fast, but each moon glow, is a symbol of Moon God. After they arrive at Star God Realm, goes all out to rush to the shock, but, saw that is Moon God Emperor is actually passed through the body by Devil Wheel, the picture that the blood rain spurts. 西方的天空,九抹各不相同,但都无比浓郁的月芒在快速逼近,而每一道月芒,都是一个月神的象征。他们到达星神界后,在震惊中拼命赶赴而至,看到的,却是月神帝魔轮贯体,血雨飞洒的画面。 Panic-stricken of this flash, not less than with earth-shattering. 这一刹那的惊骇,不啻与天崩地裂。 Speed quickest Golden Moon God Yue Wuji plunders to empty, holds Moon God Emperor in the hand, that moment that the vision touches, he is almost startled the heart to stop suddenly. 速度最快的黄金月神月无极掠空而下,将月神帝托于手中,目光碰触的那一刻,他惊得几乎心脏骤停。 The chest cavity of Moon God Emperor...... already is rotten by the complete penetration and bang, belongs to Divine Emperor unsurpassed Divine Body, changed to one pile of jet black rotten meat unexpectedly, flows out the blood in his hand, is the fearful scarlet black. 月神帝的胸腔……已被完全的穿透和轰烂,属于神帝的无上神躯,竟化作了一堆漆黑的烂肉,流泻在他手上的血,也是可怕的赤黑色。 God...... Divine Emperor......” Yue Wuji both hands shivers, sends out as obscure as extreme voice/sound difficultly. “神……神帝……”月无极双手颤抖,发出艰难晦涩到极点的声音 Does not want...... to manage me......” Moon God Emperor to make noise weakly, his body that fearful wound, also invades devil qi of whole body......, if not he is Moon God Emperor, thousand have died ten thousand dead: Fast kills............ the infant evilly......” “不要……管我……”月神帝虚弱出声,他身上那可怕的伤,还有侵入全身的魔气……若非他是月神帝,早已千死万死:“速杀……邪……婴……” A language falls, devil qi launches a psychological attack, faints...... not, his heart had been destroyed crushes, only has to follow he ten thousand years of Purple Crown Divine Power to hang his final life air/Qi and consciousness stubbornly. 一语落下,魔气攻心,昏死过去……不,他的心脏已被毁得粉碎,唯有跟随他万年的紫阙神力死死吊着他最后的命气和意识。 Yue Wuji palm duplicate, one group of golden moon glow cover Moon God Emperor, half to continue life forcefully, other half, is does not dare to make other Moon God see his time pitiful condition, he turns the head to exclaim loudly: Here gives me! The command of Divine Emperor, does not hesitate all, fast kills Evil Infant!” 月无极手掌覆下,一团金色月芒月神帝笼罩,一半是为了强行续命,另一半,则是根本不敢让其他月神看到他此时的惨状,他转头大吼道:“这边交给我!神帝之令,不惜一切,速杀邪婴!” Other eight Moon God attention steep extensions, that side, Eternal Sky Divine Emperor and Divine Emperor Fantian have fought with Jasmine in the same place, each split second is heavenly might startles the world. 其他八月神注意力陡转,那一边,宙天神帝梵天神帝已与茉莉重新战在一起,每一瞬间都是天威骇世。 The sky of north and south, have several saying that respectively aura approaches fast, each aura is very powerful. But each aura, these Moon God are very familiar! 北方与南方的天空,分别有数道气息快速逼近,每一道气息都无比强大。而这其中的每一道气息,这些月神都无比熟悉! Was Eternal Sky Guardian...... came 11 people!” Is Moon God said solemnly of head, finishes speaking then the complexion changes: That side was Brahma Emperor God Realm Brahma God and Brahma King...... three Brahma God all comes!” “是宙天守护者……来了十一人!”为首的月神沉声道,话音刚落便脸色微变:“那边是梵帝神界梵神梵王……三梵神全部来了!” Do not divert attention...... on!” “不要分心……上!” The Star God Realm pitiful condition is alarmed, but cannot allow them to ask one now, in August the Divine Moon glow release, such as eight bright moon near the day, attack Jasmine together. 星神界的惨状触目惊心,但现在容不得他们多问一句,八月神月芒释放,如八轮皎月临天,齐攻茉莉 Eight Moon God also make a move, its power and influence its potential is vast, several Moon Realm and moon/month from the different direction straight covers, such as the rainstorm hurricane bang fall on Jasmine body, Eternal Sky Divine Emperor must pant for breath finally slightly, his both hands gather, the complexion is serious, in the mouth a clear howled, the azure glow appeared on the palm together, then flickered to wear out void, straight Jasmine. 月神同时出手,其威势其势浩大无际,数个月界、月阵从不同方向直罩而下,如暴雨飓风般轰落在茉莉身上,宙天神帝终稍得喘息,他双手微合,面色沉重,口中一声清啸,一道青芒在掌上浮现,然后一瞬穿破虚空,直茉莉 Ka Ss!! 嘶! black glow of round campylodromous from the sky splits together, tears all Moon Realm and moon/month completely, this, being startled eight Moon God is the complexion changes suddenly, cannot believe own eye. But, is this instantly, Eternal Sky Divine Emperor is floating the azure glow palm straight Jasmine back of the body. 一道圆弧状的黑芒在空中裂开,将所有月界、月阵全部撕裂,这一幕,惊得八月神俱是脸色骤变,不敢相信自己的眼睛。但,也是这一个刹那,宙天神帝浮着青芒的手掌直中茉莉的后心。 —— —— The Jasmine whole body play trembles, spits a black blood fiercely, but actually strange had not been repelled half step, but turns around slowly, Dark Flame that in the pupil burns, almost burns the ashes the solemn Eternal Sky Divine Emperor courage and soul. 茉莉全身剧颤,猛吐一口黑血,但却诡异的没有被击退半步,而是缓缓转过身来,瞳孔中燃烧的黑炎,几乎将堂堂宙天神帝的肝胆与魂魄焚成灰烬。 BANG!! 轰!! Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations pounding ruthlessly in the mighty current that the chest of Eternal Sky Divine Emperor...... devil qi such as bursts a dike, crazy rushes to Eternal Sky Divine Emperor within the body, his both eyes circle stares, chest, and even face and whole body at extremely quick speed on duplicate gray-black, then probably a puppet that did not have the consciousness, fell from in the air straight planting. 邪婴万劫轮狠狠的砸在宙天神帝的胸口……魔气如决堤的洪流,疯狂的涌向宙天神帝的体内,他双目圆瞪,胸口,乃至脸庞和全身以极快的速度覆上了一层灰黑色,然后像是一尊没有了意识的木偶,从空中直直的栽落了下去。 Main...... Majesty!?” “主……主上!?” Majesty!!!!” 主上!!!!” Similar to Moon God Realm, when a Eternal Sky numerous Guardian arrival, what seen is to make them want one that panic-strickenly. 月神界相似,宙天一众守护者到来时,看到的是让他们惊骇欲死的一幕。 BOOM! 轰隆 Extremely fierce space puncture, has startling thunderclap space blasting open, several Guardian insane general rushing, holds Eternal Sky Divine Emperor in the hand, ice cold of starting, such as buried the millenniums corpses in ice prison. 太过剧烈的空间穿刺,带起惊雷般的空间炸裂,数个守护者疯了一般的冲上,将宙天神帝托于手中,入手之冰冷,就如在冰狱中埋葬了千年的死尸。 Does not want...... to manage me......” Eternal Sky Divine Emperor complexion gloomy scary, actually struggles was saying: That is Evil Infant...... she has been seriously injured, power...... is also not as before...... must not hesitate to extinguish her kills......, otherwise...... future trouble......” “不要……管我……”宙天神帝脸色灰暗的吓人,却是挣扎着说道:“那是邪婴……她已受重伤,力量……也大不如前……必须不惜一切将她灭杀……否则……后患……” Eternal Sky Divine Emperor words not completely, nearly jet black scarlet then spurts crazily. 宙天神帝话语未尽,一口近乎漆黑的猩红便狂喷而出。 Majesty felt relieved, we do not fail in one's mission!” Guardian has the sobbing sound said. 主上放心,我们绝不辱命!”守护者带着泣声道。 Moon God Emperor consciousness not to have, the life and death does not know, Star God Emperor pounds to fall on the place, the whole body is the blood, as if no strength of again war, the Eternal Sky Divine Emperor whole body was the wound heavy...... is unable to imagine them to spend the big price, trades the Evil Infant present condition. 月神帝意识全无,生死不知,星神帝砸落在地,全身是血,似乎已无再战之力,宙天神帝全身更是伤重至极……无法想象他们是花费了多大的代价,才换来了邪婴如今的状态。 Ten Guardian all turns the head, the remote horizon, Divine Emperor Fantian and eight Moon God are just right for the strength and Evil Infant fierce battle, but, even if in the Eternal Sky Divine Emperor mouth carries the severe wound, Evil Infant that power is also not as before, is still fearful to letting them cannot believe own eye. 十一守护者全部转头,遥远的天际,梵天神帝和八月神正合力与邪婴恶战,但,哪怕宙天神帝口中身负重伤,力量也大不如前的邪婴,依然可怕到让他们不敢相信自己的眼睛。 When with their power suitable Moon God, each moon glow blooms, its prestige sufficiently covers vast Star Realm. But, dim...... dim to the dreary situation that Moon Domain that at this time entire eight Moon God open full power, was exploded unexpectedly flashed incomparably black glow that suppresses. 与他们力量相当的月神,每一个月芒绽放时,其威都足以笼罩一个浩大星界。但,此时整整八个月神全力张开的月域,竟被爆闪的黑芒压制的无比黯淡……黯淡到了惨淡的地步。 Rip!! 嘶啦!! A crack sound, three months of Divine Profound light collapse, sprinkles the blood to depart. Also is this split second, ten Guardian remains protects Eternal Sky Divine Emperor, other ten people rip to empty on. 一声裂响,三个月神玄崩散,洒血飞出。也是这一瞬间,十一守护者留一保护宙天神帝,其他十人撕空而上。 BOOM!! 轰隆!! Fissure innumerable sky blasted open again, everyone has forgotten here is completely Star God Realm, or some people do not believe that here unexpectedly is Star God Realm. Divine Emperor, eight Moon God and ten Guardian...... what kind of fearful lineup, but everyone is complexion gloomy, in the mouth howls crazily, whole body power insane general suppression, blockade and bombardment Evil Infant, anybody, no, does not dare to have any retention. 本就裂痕无数的苍穹再度炸裂,所有人都已完全忘了这里是星神界,或者说都不会有人相信这里居然是星神界。一神帝、八月神、十守护者……何等可怕的阵容,但每一个人都是面色阴沉,口中狂啸,全身力量疯了一般的压制、封锁、轰击邪婴,任何人,都没有,也不敢有任何的保留。 But this frigid war has not continued is too long, with the collapse of half sky, is shocking strength wells up, straight duplicate Evil Infant. 而这惨烈的战局没有持续太久,随着半边天空的塌陷,又是一道道惊世之力涌上,直覆邪婴 Brahma Emperor God Realm seven Brahma King to...... ten five Brahma King, although only came less than half, what lets everyone heart big quake is...... seven Brahma King rear areas, impressively is Brahma Emperor three Brahma God aura! 梵帝神界梵王到……十五梵王虽只来了不到半数,但让所有人心头大震的是……七梵王的后方,赫然是梵帝梵神气息 Although some people openly have never declared, but actually altogether knows in the heart of East Territory profound practitioner: Brahma Emperor three Brahma God, dominate in the Eastern God Territory position in Brahma King, Guardian, Star God and Moon God faintly. 虽从未有人公开宣称过,但在东域玄者的心中却是共知:梵帝梵神,在东神域地位上隐隐凌驾于梵王守护者星神月神 Divine Emperor name, not only symbolizes its King Realm Realm King status, has symbolic —— Tenth Level Divine Lord on another power plane/level! 神帝”之名,不单单象征其王界界王的身份,更有另一个力量层面上的象征——十级神主 Also the peak in Divine Lord! Supreme supremeness. 神主中的巅峰!至尊中的至尊。 East Territory Four King Realms, Star God Realm and Moon God Realm Tenth Level Divine Lord various is one person, that is Star God Emperor Xing Juekong and Moon God Emperor Yue Wuya. 东域四王界,星神界月神界十级神主都各为一人,那便是星神帝星绝空月神帝月无涯 Eternal Sky God Realm is two people: Eternal Sky Divine Emperor Zhou Xuzi and Guardian first Venerable Taiyu. 宙天神界则为两人:宙天神帝宙虚子守护者之首太宇尊者 But Brahma Emperor God Realm, then there are entire five people of —— Divine Emperor Fantian Qianye Fantian, Brahma Emperor Goddess Qianye Ying'er, as well as...... Brahma Emperor three Brahma God! 梵帝神界,则有整整五人——梵天神帝千叶梵天,梵帝神女千叶影儿,以及……梵帝梵神 Brahma Emperor God Realm, its Tenth Level Divine Lord, Divine Emperor level power, are more than East Territory three King Realm sum totals. The only this point, it then has no qualms the head of East Territory Four King Realms. 一个梵帝神界,其十级神主,“神帝”层级的力量,比东域王界的总和还要多。单凭此点,它便无愧东域四王界之首。 —————— —— ———————— Gu Zhu:???】 古烛:???】
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