ATG :: Volume #13 Life Severing, Soul Dying (命陨魂殇)

#1313: light profound strength

When Yun Che wakes up, is next day. 云澈醒来时,已是第二天。 profound practitioner to Divine Dao Realm, sleep already radically no longer important. But Samsara Land's aura is extremely infatuated with purely, here sleeps peacefully, without doubt is extremely happy luxurious enjoyment. Time that these two months, Yun Che sleeps here, be more than in the Snow Song Realm three years. 玄者到了神道境界,睡眠已根本不再重要。但轮回境地的气息太过纯净醉心,在这里安睡,无疑是一种极为美好奢侈的享受。这两个月,云澈在这里睡觉的时间,要比在吟雪界的三年还要多。 With awakens of consciousness, Shen Xi that deeply prints all that the immortal face of Soul deep place and previously had to well up the inner world, he sat all of a sudden, then looks at the front, quite a while has not recovered. 随着意识的苏醒,神曦那深深印入灵魂深处的仙颜和先前发生的一切涌上心海,他一下子坐了起来,然后愣愣的看着前方,半天没有回过神来。 In good taste exquisite bamboo hut, under the body, is that bamboo bed, trace in confusion, taste/smell in air...... all are proving, all that happened are real, rather than had a enticing dream. 雅静小巧的竹屋,身下,是那张竹床,狼藉的痕迹,空气中的味道……一切都在证明着,所发生的一切都是真实的,而不是做了一个旖旎的梦。 Stays there, gawked in a big way long time, he gets back one's composure finally, then aspirates silently. 呆坐在那里,足足愣了大半晌,他才总算回神,然后默默吐了一口气。 All real, he really...... respects benefactor and senior Shen Xi that admires to give him Shen Xi unexpectedly extremely...... 所有的一切都是真的,他居然真的把神曦……把他极为敬重仰慕的恩人兼前辈神曦给…… It is not right, accurate, was Shen Xi gives to do him! 不对,准确的来说,是神曦把他给搞了! He saw the world's most beautiful outstanding person, experienced most inconceivable one day and one night. 他见到了世上最美的尤物,也经历了最不可思议的一天一夜 But he impression to Shen Xi, is earth-shaking. 而他对神曦的印象,亦是天翻地覆。 Shen Xi in his heart, is beyond the day palace error sacred Fairy. These saintesses of society, their so-called sacred add less than her half a point......, because Yun Che feels from her body, is the true sacred dustlessness. 神曦在他心中,本是天外宫阙的神圣仙子。人世间的那些圣女,她们所谓的神圣加起来都不及她半分……因为云澈从她身上感受到的,是真正的神圣无尘。 He discovers now, oneself was too young is really naive. 他现在发现,自己果然还是太年轻天真了。 Originally she at all is not holy dustlessness Fairy that have thought that but seemingly is faint not wants, actually desire discontented seductress. 原来她根本不是自己一直以为的圣洁无尘的仙女,而是看似淡漠无欲,实则欲求不满的妖女。 He and Shen Xi is acquainted for two months, before did not have happening together, did not have grievances, daily meeting basically also short counted breaths, the goal also only then suppressed Brahma Soul Seek Death Imprint, was very light to each other passing, the character understanding, blending on emotion was the least bit does not have......, moreover he was the senior has politely called to her. 他和神曦才相识两月,之前毫无交集,毫无恩怨,每天的见面基本也只有短短数息,目的亦只有压制梵魂求死印,对彼此过往、性格的了解都很是淡薄,情感上的交融更是半点都没有……而且他对她一直都是前辈尊称。 But Shen Xi actually entices to his such external junior on own initiative, whatever he blasphemed...... 神曦却对他这么一个外来的后辈主动勾引,任由他亵渎…… Really in this world impossible exists not wants no asking extra mundane Goddess truly. Even if Fairy will also really have the desire...... . Moreover, by her heavenly beauty appearance, so long as she wants, the world man, which is not willing to pour under her skirt. 果然这世上不可能存在真正无欲无求的世外神女。哪怕真的是仙女也会有欲望……而且,以她的仙姿容颜,只要她愿意,天下男子,哪个不愿意倒在她的裙下。 Enticing that intrudes junior that so cannot repress including oneself one temporarily. She...... has read countless men surely. 连自己一个临时闯入的后辈都如此按捺不住的勾引。她必定……早已阅过无数的男人了。 Like this at the same time is thinking, in the Yun Che heart is complex difficult to be bright. He stands up from the bamboo bed, just about to lifts the step, sink place suddenly numb, making him nearly not have the paralysis to go back. 一边这样想着,云澈心中复杂难明。他从竹床上站起,刚要抬步,尾闾处忽然一阵酥麻,让他险些没瘫回去。 Yun Che subconscious putting out a hand according to the sides of the small of the back place, the both legs is also one feels weak...... recalled oneself put Shen Xi body that one day and one night, living is wild beast that goes crazy completely. Even if started to arrive at these days before God Realm in the past, tossed about for four days and three nights not to have empty to be in so the degree with Cang Yue, Su Ling'er, Feng Xue'er and Little Demon Empress crazily. 云澈下意识的伸手按在腰眼处,双腿亦是一阵发虚……回想自己扑在神曦身上一天一夜,活生生就是个完全发狂的野兽。哪怕当年启程到来神界前的那些天,和苍月苏苓儿凤雪児小妖后疯狂折腾了四天三夜都没虚到如此程度。 Let alone present are Divine Spirit Realm, was far from that time may compare. 何况现在的自己已是神灵境,远非那个时候可比。 Shen Xi...... she, if the monster gets up, can make Divine Dao profound practitioner die in her body absolutely. 神曦……她若妖起来,绝对能让一个神道玄者都死在她身上 Right! Why will I rest? could it be that is because vented the thorough prostration? 对了!我为什么会睡过去?难道就是因为发泄到彻底虚脱? Thinks that Shen Xi beautiful unparalleled luster of the skin, is at empty soft state him obviously unexpectedly is split second then bloodline indignant, the whole body temperature also rises rapidly. He hastily slow several tones, depresses in the heart Qi to read forcefully, then prepares profound energy, prepares to cancel the body prostration feeling. 想到神曦绝美无双的玉体,明明正处在虚软状态的他竟是一瞬间便血脉愤张,全身温度也急促升高。他连忙缓了好几口气,才硬生生压下心中绮念,然后准备玄气,准备抹去身上的虚脱感。 Just about to transfers profound energy that moment, his fierce stares, for a very long time the delay...... releases the unbelievable different light. 刚要调转玄气的那一刻,他猛的一愣,随之久久呆滞……目中释放出难以置信的异光。 His within the body, unexpectedly many did not belong to his aura. 他的体内,竟多了一股不属于他的气息 That aura incomparable peace, moreover is pure and holy, when his thought touches this aura, in soul, what exudes is clear and intense sacred feeling. 那股气息无比的安静,而且纯净而圣洁,他的意念碰触到这股气息时,心魂之中,泛动的是清晰而强烈的“神圣”之感。 This is...... 这是…… Although feels differently, but this aura is anything, Yun Che is not strange, because two years ago, he has obtained from Mu Xuanyin's body. 虽然感觉不同,但这个气息是什么,云澈并不陌生,因为就在两年前,他才从沐玄音的身上得到过。 Primordial Yin's aura! 元阴之气 Shen Xi...... is she...... the virgin?” Yun Che is startled however talked to oneself, in any event is unable to believe. 神曦……她是……处子?”云澈怔然自语,无论如何都无法相信。 He had had the dust Shen Xi to transform sacred in the heart to have the holy coat, actually desire discontented seductress. But, Primordial Yin's aura in within the body, making his whole person fall into thoroughly surprisedly with primordial chaos. 他本已在心中将神圣出尘的神曦转变为披着圣洁外衣,实则欲求不满的妖女。但,体内的元阴之气,让他整个人彻底陷入惊讶和混沌之中。 What's all this about...... 这是怎么回事…… Primordial Yin still, was proving she has not had the contamination with any man. Before yesterday, her true impeccable character, holy dustlessness. 元阴尚在,证明着她没有和任何男子有过沾染。昨日之前,她真真正正的白璧无瑕,圣洁无尘。 But she why to oneself...... initiative...... 但她为什么会对自己……还是主动…… Why is? 到底是为什么? When Yun Che is dumbstruck, his lower abdomen spot palpitates suddenly fiercely , an incomparably warm modest aura eruption, the release similarly temperate air currents, from inside to outside, spread quickly his whole body, then fast gathering to his Profound Vein. 云澈发懵之时,他的小腹部位忽然一阵剧烈悸动,随之一股无比温暖温和的气息爆发,释放出一道道同样温和的气流,从内到外,很快蔓延了他的全身,然后又快速的聚拢向他的玄脉 Yun Che has not responded, under entire body has turned round light white glow. 云澈还未反应过来,全身上下已覆起了一层淡淡的白芒 With...... exactly the same pure white ray that Shen Xi body turns round. Is far from her profound Saint being like that white. 神曦身上所覆的……一模一样的纯白光芒。只是远没有她的那般深邃圣白。 Yun Che lifts the hand slowly, with the rotation of his thought that in his palm, condenses one group of white lights slowly. 云澈缓缓抬手,随着他意念的转动,他的手心之中,缓缓凝聚起一团白光。 This is very pure white, does not have any impurity. This group of profound light are very peaceful , cold, lightning...... even compares it purest profound energy more peaceful than the flame, it is releasing the ray peacefully, has not moved restlessly, does not have any aggressivity . Moreover, Yun Che, clearly felt one type sacred aura. 这是一种很单纯的白,没有任何的杂质。这团玄光很安静,比火焰、寒冷、雷电……甚至比之最纯粹的玄气都要安静,它安静的释放着光芒,没有躁动,没有任何的攻击性,而且,云澈从中,分明感受到了一种“神圣”的气息 This group of white glow are lives by his profound strength, he decides looks, but thinks so, then felt own state of mind in little tranquility, in the shock on even the heart is vacant, reads the desire with Qi who just now moves restlessly, returning to normal slowly. 这团白芒是由他的玄力而生,他定定的看着,只是这么看着,便感觉到自己的心境在一点点的平静,就连心中的震惊茫然,和方才躁动起来的绮念欲念,都在慢慢的平复。 This is...... Senior Shen Xi's power.” Yun Che thought aloud. “这是……神曦前辈的力量。”云澈自言自语。 That in the Xia Qingyue mouth, among world special Divine Power that only then Shen Xi has. 那个在夏倾月口中,天下间只有神曦拥有的特殊神力 Through her Primordial Yin, did oneself actually obtain her to be in sole possession of Divine Power? 通过她的元阴,自己竟然就这么得到了她的独有神力 What power is this? 这到底是什么力量 Yun Che body white glow fluctuates at the same time, the Yun Che's Profound Vein world, caught holy white brilliance. 云澈身上白芒浮动的同时,云澈的玄脉世界,亦染上了一层圣洁的白色光华 Originally by four color Profound Vein World that the red, blue color, purple and black separate, finally welcomed the fifth color, is fifth power —— light profound strength. 本是被赤色、蓝色、紫色、黑色割据的四色玄脉世界,终于迎来了第五种颜色,亦是第五种力量——光明玄力 It is not lived by the Evil God seed as a result of this light profound strength, thus, its arrival has not opened Light Domain that alone is in the Yun Che's Profound Vein world, but is turns round in each corner lightly, for each Domain, added sacred brilliance and aura. 由于这股光明玄力并非由邪神种子而生,因而,它的到来并没有在云澈的玄脉世界开辟出独属的光明领域,而是轻覆于每一个角落,为每一个领域,都平添了一份神圣光华气息 Including Dark Domain. 包括黑暗领域 However at this moment, Yun Che does not know that this is light profound strength. Does not know, in his Profound Vein, light profound strength and dark profound strength presented the strange coexistence are the what kind of concepts. 但是此刻,云澈并不知道这是光明玄力。更不知道,他的玄脉之中,光明玄力黑暗玄力出现了诡异的共存是何等的概念。 Five big fundamental element profound strength, repel one another respectively. But repels one another is also compossible, even if repels one another most violent water and fire, but also forcefully with cultivating. 五大基本元素玄力,各有相克。但相克亦可共存,哪怕相克最为猛烈的水火,亦可强行同修。 But light and darkness, is actually two contradicts completely, not compossible attribute. In the God Realm cognition, even if in the Primordial Gods and Devils Era cognition, absolutely impossible coexistence. 光明与黑暗,却是两个完全相悖,不可共存的属性。在神界的认知,哪怕在上古神魔时代的认知中,都绝不可能共存。 Vertical is Elemental Creation God, absolutely impossible achieves. 纵是元素创世神,亦绝不可能做到。 The Yun Che palm grasps, in the hand and body white glow also vanishes. He within the body that Primordial Yin's aura refining from Shen Xi, has not instead depressed it, then has complex walked. 云澈手掌一握,手中和身上白芒同时消失。他没有将体内那股来自神曦元阴之气炼化,反而将其压下,然后心怀复杂的走了出去。 Opens the bamboo door, as if opened the window of dreamland. Yun Che sees, the Wood Spirit young girl stands in not far away, beautiful eyes is looking here, when sees him, her lotus steps move lightly, before arriving at his body, directly: Yun Che, your finally come out.” 推开竹门,仿佛推开了梦境的窗户。云澈一眼看到,木灵少女就站在不远处,美眸正看着这里,看到他时,她莲步轻移,径直来到他身前:“云澈,你终于出来了。” In the Yun Che heart feels weak, face slightly red, is without turning a hair saying: You...... waiting for me here?” 云澈心中发虚,老脸微红了一下,便面不改色道:“你……正在这里等我?” Un.” He Ling nod: Master said after letting your come out, then looks for her.” “嗯。”禾菱点头:“主人说让你出来后便去找她。” She hints the direction that Shen Xi was, then flowery lips opened, wants to ask that anything actually starts to speak but hesitates. 她示意了一下神曦所在的方向,然后唇瓣张了张,想问什么却欲言又止。 Eh, good, my goes.” Yun Che accordingly, then escapes departure that hastily also resembles, for fear that He Ling asked anything. ,好,我这就去。”云澈连忙应声,然后逃也似的离开,唯恐禾菱多问什么。 Looks the back that Yun Che rushes, on the tender face of Wood Spirit young girl appears the rare doubts color: Actually he and did Master stay one day and one night...... to make what in together? 看着云澈匆匆而去的背影,木灵少女的嫩颜上浮现少有的疑惑色彩:他和主人在里面一起待了一天一夜……究竟是在做什么? Why Master will also say that...... he can help me revenge? 主人又为什么会说……他可以帮我报仇? Shen Xi is situated in among ten thousand flowers, body white glow lingers, will cover her to let here all spirit flower gloomy no light again the grace and talent. Detected that Yun Che's arrives, she turns around to face him, said in a soft voice: You awoke.” 神曦立于万花之间,身上白芒萦绕,再次掩下了她会让这里所有灵花暗淡无光的风华。察觉到云澈的到来,她转过身来面向他,柔声道:“你醒了。” „...... Yun Che nod, then does not know that for a while said anything. “……嗯。”云澈点头,然后一时再不知道说什么。 Present Shen Xi such as sets up the clouds, her words are gentle and light, aura is indistinct and distant, making one not dare to approach, for fear that blasphemed. 眼前的神曦如立云端,她的话语轻柔而淡薄,气息飘渺而悠远,让人不敢靠近,唯恐亵渎。 The Yun Che eye...... really press her a while ago suddenly under the body, flaunted to want one day and one night willfully? 云澈眼前一阵恍然……自己真的把她压在身下,恣意逞欲了一天一夜 You are incapable temporarily Wuxin (unintentional) are the Ling'er revenging incident, I had told her.” Shen Xi slowly said: But, do not forget life-saving efforts of Ling'er to your , do not forget that you had said words, is only temporarily. If in the future, you had enough power, while revenges for oneself, do not forget Ling'er.” “你暂时无力无心菱儿报仇一事,我已经告诉了她。”神曦缓声道:“但是,不要忘了菱儿对你的救命之恩,也不要忘记你说过的话,只是‘暂时’。若是将来,你有了足够的力量,在为自己报仇的同时,不要忘了菱儿。” Then, she added one gently: „Perhaps, on this day, will arrive quickly.” 说完,她轻轻加了一句:“不过,这一天,或许很快就会到来。” „...... Is.” Yun Che responded to a character reluctantly. “……是。”云澈勉强回应了一个字。 Shen Xi visits him, supple sound like cotton wool: For serveral days, remembered congealing heart refining my Primordial Yin, if one point lost, will be a pity very much.” 神曦看着他,柔音如絮:“这些天,记得凝心炼化我的元阴,若是有一分损失,都会很可惜。” My Primordial Yin four characters, light supple said from her between lips, like stating an again normal ordinary thing. “我的元阴”四个字,淡淡柔柔的从她唇间说出,如同只是陈述着一件再正常普通不过的事物。 Standing that „......” Yun Che decides there, the brain presents one type to be very slight, very marvelous dizziness feeling, quite a while does not know how should respond. “……”云澈定定的站在那里,大脑出现一种很轻微,也很奇妙的眩晕感,半天都不知道该怎么回应。 Felt strange this feeling. Actually Shen Xi...... she is what kind of person...... 太奇怪了这种感觉。神曦……她究竟是一个怎样的人…… „Do you have the words to ask?” She said. “你是不是有话要问?”她说道。 In the Yun Che heart indeed has the innumerable questions, especially wants to know that she so receives Goddess that the world looks, why must entrust body......, but faces her dustlessness Wugou (stainless) heavenly beauty, this class words his character is unable to ask the exit|to speak obstinately, suppressed for quite a while, he extends oneself hand, one group of shining white profound light sparkle in his hands: Shen Xi...... the senior, junior wants to know, actually this is what power?” 云澈心中的确有无数的疑问,尤其想知道她这般受世人仰望的神女,为何要委身自己……但面对她无尘无垢仙姿,这类的话他愣是一个字都无法问出口,憋了半天,他伸出自己的手,一团莹白玄光在他手中闪耀:“神曦……前辈,晚辈想知道,这究竟是什么力量?” Senior two characters, he shouted very irritably. “前辈”二字,他喊得很是别扭。 Looks at white profound light in Yun Che hand, Shen Xi is unexpectedly speechless for a very long time. 看着云澈手中的白色玄光,神曦竟是久久无言。 Yun Che slightly surprised, looks askance to ask: What issue does could it be that...... have?” 云澈微愕,侧目问道:“难道……有什么问题?” As before silent, crossed for a long time, Shen Xi's aura presents slight shaking something finally, her one is light moan that absent-minded talked to oneself: Why, this power will appear in your body unexpectedly......” 依旧沉默,又过了许久,神曦的气息才总算出现些微的荡动,她一声似是失神自语的轻吟:“为何,这种力量竟会出现在你的身上……” Yun Che moves the brow, in the heart has doubts, probed: could it be that Senior Shen Xi didn't intentionally bestow this to me?” 云澈动了动眉头,心中更加疑惑,试探着问道:“这难道不是神曦前辈特意赐给我的?” „......” Shen Xi once again silent, enough after ten breaths, she said gently: This power, is special profound strength, is called light profound strength.” “……”神曦又一次沉默了下去,足足十息之后,她才轻轻说道:“这种力量,是一种特殊的玄力,叫做光明玄力。”
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