ATG :: Volume #12 Meng Yue and Shen Xi (梦月神曦)

#1246: power of Heaven's Way

Divine Lord pressure how terrifying, suppresses Divine King and Divine Sovereign to the body soul sufficiently collapses, let alone struggles the resistance, will move the finger is quite difficult continually. 一个神主的威压何其恐怖,足以将神王神君都压制到身魂崩溃,别说挣扎反抗,连动弹一下手指都会极为艰难。 But Yun Che unexpectedly is the transient response, sign that the counter-attack...... has not suppressed instantly slightly. 云澈竟是瞬时反应,刹那反击......没有丝毫没压制的迹象。 But, that is Luo Guxie's power, but to anyone's eyes his counter attack would be like leaves in a hurricane. 但,那可是洛孤邪的力量,他的反击之力在任何人看来都如飓风下的残叶般卑微无力 The Lightning Dragon howling world, welcomed the storm, instant space exaggerating exploding that two power touched was broken , in everyone in...... the Lightning Dragon tearing storm to the extreme vision, put on panic-strickenly. 雷龙啸世,直迎风暴,两股力量相触的刹那空间夸张的爆碎,随之,在所有人惊骇到极点的目光中......雷龙撕裂风暴,一穿而过。 Wha...... what!?” The chin that this lets innumerable profound practitioner pounds the ground ruthlessly. “什......什么!?”这一幕让无数玄者的下巴狠狠砸到地上。 But that storm the strength of Divine Lord, and not from general Divine Lord, but is situated in Profound Dao peak Late Stage Divine Lord, for especially this storm does not injure to Luo Changsheng, reduced the power range vigorously, but has the penetration and lethality, absolutely sufficient to penetrate straight through a small star. 那股风暴可是神主之力,且还不是来自一般的神主,而是立于玄道最最顶尖的后期神主,尤其这股风暴为了不伤到洛长生,极力压缩了力量范围,但更具穿透和杀伤力,绝对足以将一个小型星辰直接贯穿 Actually by Lightning Dragon that Yun Che flings...... direct tearing!? 却被云澈甩出的雷龙......直接撕裂!? What is more fearful, torn storm power is not divided into two to overflow to disperse the eruption to the surroundings, but after being split, as the Pale White Lightning Dragon puncture extinguishes layer upon layer, when Pale White Lightning Dragon tears it completely, this storm power from Luo Guxie is disappearance without a trace, cannot stay behind including some remnant strength. 更可怕的是,被撕裂的风暴之力并不是分成两股向周围溢散爆发,而是在被裂开后,随着苍白雷龙的穿刺而层层消弭,在苍白雷龙将其完全撕裂之时,这股来自洛孤邪风暴之力已是消失的无影无踪,连些许残力都未能留下。 Eternal Sky Divine Emperor and Dragon Sovereign that is throwing full power also stagnate, on the face reveals ten thousand years of the startling color that is difficult to see. 正全力扑来的宙天神帝龙皇同时停滞,脸上露出万年难见的骇色。 Tears storm power Pale White Lightning Dragon seems like does not have the slight feebleness unexpectedly, the speed as before rapid like the electricity, direct impact Luo Guxie......, but the latter violent anger acts, this thinks that Yun Che is ten thousand dies not fresh, has a dream impossible to think that will have this matter, is caught off guard under the dumbfoundedness, by the White Lightning Dragon straight chest...... 撕裂风暴之力苍白雷龙看上去竟无丝毫的衰弱,速度依旧迅疾如电,直冲洛孤邪......而后者暴怒出手,本以为云澈已是万死无生,做梦都不可能想到会发生这种事,在目瞪口呆下措手不及,被白色雷龙直中胸口...... zī lā!! 滋啦!! pale lightning explodes, guard profound strength of Divine Lord rank, is this world most peak the strength of defense festers instantaneously, the Luo Guxie chest and back also blast out, Pale White Lightning Dragon passes through the body, the direct impact horizon, vanishes in everyone's line of sight in a flash. 苍雷爆裂,神主级别的护身玄力,亦是这世间最极致的防御之力瞬间溃烂,洛孤邪胸口与后背同时炸开,苍白雷龙贯体而出,直冲天际,转瞬消失在所有人的视线之中。 Bang ----- 轰----- Does not know that above far sky, ten thousand li (0.5 km) lightning domain explodes, under everywhere white glow, appears huge incomparable space black hole, the entire Eternal Sky God Realm sharp shake...... shook several breaths, as white lightning bolt and disappearance of space black hole is finally peaceful. 不知多远的苍穹之上,一个万里雷域爆开,漫天的白芒之下,现出一个庞大无比的空间黑洞,整个宙天神界剧烈震荡......足足震荡了数息,才随着白色雷光与空间黑洞的消失而终于安静下来。 This, if then heavenly might is born......, but that pale white lightning bolt, actually also precisely most terrifying heavenly might. 这一幕,便如天威降世......而那苍白雷光,却也正是恐怖天威 The chest of Luo Guxie, appeared an enough half foot wide cavity, her complexion however, the vision is stiffly gloomy, under little bending down head, decided looks at the giant cavity of chest, like a soul leaving the body...... 洛孤邪的胸口,现出了一个足够半尺宽的空洞,她面色僵然,目光灰暗,一点点的俯下头颅,定定的看着胸口的巨大空洞,如魂魄离体...... Everyone vision, world of staring stubbornly...... above this cavity is completely silent, peaceful fearfulness. 所有人目光,也都死死的盯在这个空洞之上......世界鸦雀无声,安静的可怕。 PU!! 噗!! The blood stream such as the fountain wells up suddenly crazily, in an instant dyed completely Luo Guxie half-length. The Luo Guxie double pupil changes colors, from in the air falls under. 血流如忽喷泉般狂涌而出,转眼染满了洛孤邪的半身。洛孤邪双瞳失色,从空中直坠而下。 Gu... Guxie!!” 孤......孤邪!!” Luo Shangchen such as awakens from the nightmare suddenly, swoops...... this solemn Sacred Universe Realm King, when setting out staggers unexpectedly, nearly knocks down. 洛上尘如忽从噩梦中惊醒,飞扑上去......这个堂堂圣宇界王,竟在起身之时一个趔趄,险些扑倒在地。 „......” “啊......” How...... how...... how can......” “怎......怎......怎么会......” Fairy Guxie...... unexpectedly...... unexpectedly............” 孤邪仙子......竟......竟被......被......” Luo Shangchen catches to crash, but below Luo Guxie, the whole body profound energy release, rushes to her whole body, careful incomparable turning round in she fearful incomparable wound. 洛上尘一把接住坠落而下的洛孤邪,全身玄气释放,涌向她的全身,小心无比的覆在她可怕无比的创口上。 The Luo Guxie double pupil presents Luo Shangchen has never been seeing lax, her entire portrait sank to fearfully and in the absurdest nightmare, whole body aura crazy is flowing out...... 洛孤邪的双瞳呈现着洛上尘从未见过的涣散,她整个人像是沉入了最可怕、最荒谬的噩梦之中,全身气息疯狂的流泻着...... Chang... sheng... her scared twittering, whole body trembling, fainted. 长......生......”她一声失魂落魄的呢喃,全身一栗,昏死了过去。 Master...... Master!” Luo Changsheng shivers to kneel in the barrier, sends out shouting of pain. “师......师父!”洛长生在屏障上颤抖着跪起,发出痛苦的嘶吼。 Divine Bestowment Stage as before peaceful scary. At present happened impact that all brings, hardly next in that shocking nine rounds of Lightning Tribulation. 封神台依旧安静的吓人。眼前发生的一切所带来的冲击,几乎不下于那惊世的九重雷劫 Eastern God Territory as Luo Guxie that has top lashes out Yun Che suddenly- a talent just broke through Divine Tribulation Realm, the is less than half sixty-year cycle junior, by the Yun Che Lightning Dragon smashing storm, was actually instead struck the heavy losses together...... 身为东神域最顶尖存在的洛孤邪猝然出手攻击云澈-一个才刚刚突破神劫境,年龄不足半甲子的小辈,却反被云澈一道雷龙粉碎风暴,然后一击重创...... Their this whole life has seen all absurdest, the most inconceivable matter adds, is less than just now one instantly. 他们这辈子见过的所有最荒谬,最不可思议的事加起来,也不及方才的一个刹那。 Was power of Heaven's Way...... is power of Heaven's Way!” Heaven's Fate Three Old Ones first Mo Yu trembling said: He...... controlled power of Heaven's Way unexpectedly!” “是天道之力......是刚才的天道之力!”天机三老之首莫语颤声道:“他竟......驾驭了天道之力!” Yun Che causes heavy losses to Luo Guxie, absolutely not is own power that uses, but is one should be defeated and dispersed, actually by Heaven's Way Tribulation Lightning that Yun Che leaves behind forcefully. 云澈重创洛孤邪,绝非是用的自己的力量,而是一抹本该溃散,却被云澈强行留下的天道劫雷 Grandmaster Mo Yu said right, is not exaggerating, although the time is very short, but he indeed controlled power of Heaven's Way, is highest plane/level wisp of power of Heaven's Way. 莫语大师说的没错,也并不夸张,虽然时间很短,但他的确驾驭了天道之力,还是最高层面的一缕天道之力 But controls power of Heaven's Way is the what kind of concept, the person who does not understand will be bewildered, so long as understands slightly a little, metropolis/can soul intense shock. 而“驾驭天道之力”是何等概念,不懂的人会一脸茫然,而只要稍懂那么一点,都会心魂剧震 Various Great Divine Emperor look at each other mutually, saw opposite party in the eyes trembles the shock of fiercely swinging, then thought of anything suddenly, simultaneously transfers to look to Yun Che. 大神帝互相对视,都看到了对方眼中剧烈颤荡的震惊,然后又忽然想到了什么,同时转首看向云澈 Yun Che's complexion incomparable light, as if made an ordinary minor matter. His body pale white lightning bolt has vanished does not see, aura that lets the various Divine Emperors invisible palpitation also vanishes. 云澈的脸色无比的平淡,仿佛只是做了一件再普通不过的小事。他身上苍白雷光已消失不见,那股让众神帝无形心悸的气息也随之消失。 Without coverage of pale white lightning bolt, is Yun Che's profound strength aura also finally complete appearance. 没有了苍白雷光的覆盖,属于云澈的玄力气息也终于完整的显现。 Divine Spirit Realm...... Fifth Level?” Mu Bingyun loses the soul slightly read lowly. 神灵境......五级?”沐冰云一声微微失魂的低念。 Divine Spirit Realm Fifth Level!? This......” the Eternal Sky Divine Emperor brow moves greatly. 神灵境五级!?这......”宙天神帝眉头大动。 The Yun Che body astonishing place are too really many are too many, many to numb, no matter what at this time who is very clear, Yun Che cannot absolutely by the common sense freak of theory, profound strength aura that but he reveals at this moment, makes all people be startled as before. 云澈身上的惊人之处实在太多太多,多到了让人麻木,此时任谁都很清楚,云澈绝对是个不能以常理而论的怪胎,但他此刻显露的玄力气息,依旧让所有人大吃一惊。 profound practitioner crossed Lightning Tribulation, after breaking through Divine Tribulation Realm, cultivation base natural migration to Divine Spirit Realm First Level...... brand-new Realm at first boundary. 一个玄者渡过雷劫,突破神劫境之后,修为会自然过渡到神灵境一级......一个全新境界的最初之境。 But just crossed Lightning Tribulation Yun Che, profound strength aura actually unexpectedly is Divine Spirit Realm Fifth Level! 而刚刚渡过雷劫云澈,玄力气息却竟然是神灵境五级 From Divine Tribulation Realm Ninth Level, one step trod Divine Spirit Realm Intermediate Stage! 神劫境九级,一步踏到了神灵境中期 This completely violates the Profound Dao common sense general knowledge, has not had certainly matter! 这是完全违背玄道常理常识,绝不曾有过的事! This boy...... far more than is a monster.” Shui Qianheng muttered. “这小子......何止是个怪物。”水千珩喃喃道。 As Glazed Light Realm King, he under Eastern God Territory King Realm, absolutely is one of the top five figures, but does not apologize the Luo Guxie opponent...... actually to see with one's own eyes to be possible be called invincible Luo Guxie to be struck the heavy losses by Yun Che, falls down faints. 身为琉光界王,他在东神域王界之下,绝对是排的上前五的人物,但也不认不是洛孤邪的对手......却亲眼看到堪称无敌的洛孤邪云澈一击重创,坠地昏死。 Brings in nine rounds of Lightning Tribulation not dead, instead injury to recover completely, profound strength also as cross as Divine Spirit Realm Fifth Level...... 引来九重雷劫而不死,反而伤势痊愈,玄力还一步跨到神灵境五级...... Shui Qianheng crazy read in the heart secretly: Is this a devil or a demon? A god or a ghost? 水千珩在心中疯狂暗念:这特么是魔是妖?是神是鬼? In any case impossible is a person!! 反正不可能是人!! My God...... Snow Song Realm this was picks what monster......” Huo Rulie to stare at the eye to say. “我的天......吟雪界这到底是捡到了个什么怪物啊......”火如烈瞠着眼睛道。 Strikes to cause heavy losses to Eastern Territory's number one person...... Divine Spirit Realm Fifth Level...... Yan Juehai to make an effort to shake, again difficult spoken language. “一击重创东域第一人......神灵境五级......”炎绝海用力甩了甩头,再难言语。 The Qianye Ying'er chest fluctuates, catches one's breath in this moment heavily, among flowery lips overflows the low and deep cold words: This bitch, nearly ruined my important business!” 千叶影儿胸口起伏,在此刻重重缓了一口气,唇瓣之间溢出低沉的冷语:“这妖妇,险些坏我大事!” Above remote clouds, Jasmine complexion slightly slow, has not actually looked at Yun Che again, but closed eyes spookily. 遥远的云端之上,茉莉的脸色稍稍缓过,却没有再看云澈,而是幽幽闭上了眼眸 When startles world Lightning Tribulation lowers, if said that the person did not worry completely Yun Che will be buried under Lightning Tribulation, that is Jasmine. 骇世雷劫降下之时,若说有一个人完全不担心云澈会葬身雷劫之下,那便是茉莉 Because her clearest Yun Che body secret. 因为她最为清楚云澈身上的秘密。 What is power of Heaven's Way? That is the Chaos Dimension most basic order and Strength of Principle, anything, any life, so long as exists in this primordial chaos, will be under the control of power of Heaven's Way. 何为天道之力?那是混沌空间最基本的秩序与法则之力,任何事物,任何生灵只要存在于这个混沌之中,就会处在天道之力的掌控之下。 not only the many living beings of the present day, even if Primordial Era True God, still cannot violate Heaven's Way. 不仅如今的万灵万物,哪怕上古时代真神,也同样不可违逆天道 But, actually existence, dominates above Heaven's Way...... 但,却有一种存在,凌驾于天道之上...... Creation God! 创世神 Heaven Punishing God Emperor Mo E, Creation God of Order Xi Ke, Creation God of Life Li Suo, as well as once Elemental Creation God the later Evil God. 诛天神帝末厄,秩序创世神夕柯,生命创世神黎娑,以及曾经的元素创世神-后来的邪神 Heaven's Way will fear, will tremble, will not hesitate to lower most peak Ninth Level tribulation lightning to want Yun Che destruction, because of his human body, has the strength of Creation God unexpectedly! 天道会恐惧,会战栗,会不惜降下最极致九重劫雷欲将云澈毁灭,是因他一个人类身上,竟存在着创世神之力! mortals cultivate divinity, but Divine Dao then must be reprimanded and punished by Heaven's Way slightly, the strength of Creation God let alone has really! 凡人修神,只是稍涉神道便要遭天道谴罚,何况真实存在的创世神之力! What if Yun Che body exists is other three Creation God power, even if strongest Creation God Emperor Mo E power, must be buried under tribulation lightning...... but, what Yun Che body is the strength of Evil God. 如果云澈身上存在的是其他三个创世神力量,哪怕是最强的创世神帝末厄力量,也必会葬身劫雷之下......但偏偏,云澈身上的是邪神之力。 Evil God was once Elemental Creation God, has world most peak, was strength of the most primitive element. 邪神可是曾经的元素创世神,有着世间最极致,也是最原始的元素之力。 Heaven's Way is supreme, on tribulation lightning plane/level non- human can touch...... but it actually absolutely cannot be higher than the Evil God's elemental strength! 天道至上,劫雷层面上更非人类所能触及......但却绝对高不过邪神的元素之力 Therefore let alone nine rounds of Lightning Tribulation, so long as is pure tribulation lightning, even if 900 rounds, or 9000 rounds, impossible wound to a Yun Che hair. 所以别说九重雷劫,只要是纯粹的劫雷,哪怕九百重九千重,也不可能伤到云澈一根头发。 Instead...... 反而...... Great Way of the Buddha Art broke through......” Jasmine softly muttered: Short is less than 12 years, fifth level...... Elder Brother, he exceeded...... past you completely......” 大道浮屠诀又突破了......”茉莉轻喃道:“短短不到十二年,第五重境......哥哥,他完全超越了......当年的你......” She doesn't know whether to be delighted, or terrified. 她不知道该高兴,还是该惶然 Under nine rounds of Lightning Tribulation, his strength rises dramatically, such as attains new life, actually also released extremely the extremely dazzling ray...... dazzling also impossible to fade from the memory to the world forever. 九重雷劫之下,他实力暴增,如获新生,却也释放出了太过太过耀眼的光芒......耀眼到了世人永远也不可能淡忘。 Also is doomed...... he unable to return again tranquilly, is unable to return to Blue Pole Star again safely. 也就注定......他再无法回归平静,再无法安然回到蓝极星 Yun Che's Great Way of the Buddha Art indeed breaks through under Lightning Tribulation. 云澈的大道浮屠诀的确在雷劫之下突破。 From the past years after on Primordial Profound Ark broke through to fourth level, although Great Way of the Buddha Art slowly has been promoting, is growing his body strength, but had no qualitative change again. When Blue Pole Star, he once thinks that is the limit of plane, but after God Realm, actually still cannot seek for the turning point of breakthrough. 自当年在太古玄舟上突破至第四重境后,大道浮屠诀虽然一直在缓慢提升,增长着他的躯体力量,但却再无任何质变。在蓝极星时,他一度认为是位面的限制,但到了神界之后,却依然寻找不到突破的契机。 Before early, he deeply felt Great Way of the Buddha Art already to the fourth tier/round bottleneck, but passed for several years, is actually not able to break through in any event. 很早之前,他就深感到了大道浮屠诀已至第四重的瓶颈,但数年过去,却无论如何都无法突破。 When the Heaven's Way Tribulation Lightning bang falls, that plane/level extremely high Heaven's Way principle and Heaven's Way Spiritual Energy made the Great Way of the Buddha Art lie several years bottleneck present the fissure instantaneously. 而在天道劫雷轰落之时,那层面极高的天道法则天道灵气大道浮屠诀停驻了数年的瓶颈瞬间出现了裂痕。 When seventh round of Lightning Tribulation falls, then breaks through the bottleneck thoroughly, enters fifth level. 第七重雷劫落下之时,便彻底冲破瓶颈,直入第五重境 Great Way of the Buddha Art Fifth Level, absorbs not only again is ordinary World's Spiritual Energy, but can truly absorb the energy of Heaven's Way! 大道浮屠诀第五境,所吸收的将不仅仅再是普通的天地灵气,而是可以真真正正的吸纳天道之气 If in ordinary, Heaven's Way Spiritual Energy indistinct thin. But in Heaven's Way Lightning Tribulation, contained is actually as rich as extreme Heaven's Way Spiritual Energy, particularly final ninth round of Lightning Tribulation, is highest plane/level power of Heaven's Way. 若在平常,天道灵气可谓缥缈稀薄。但天道雷劫之中,包含的却是浓郁到极点的天道灵气,尤其是最后的第九重雷劫,更是最高层面天道之力 new life Rage God's Power nearly crazy is absorbing, Yun Che's profound strength from just broke through to Divine Spirit Realm First Level pull-up to Divine Spirit Realm Fifth Level. 新生荒神之力近乎疯狂的吸纳着,将云澈的玄力生生从刚刚突破至的神灵境一级拉升到了神灵境五级 If the power of Heaven's Way persisted, going straight up Divine King Realm is only the time issue! 若是天道之力持续不散,直升神王境都只是时间问题! Yun Che lifts both hands, inspires, is feeling power at this moment. The promotion of breakthrough and Great Way of the Buddha Art of each Great Realm, his sensation to the world will then have very big change, this dual breakthrough, this change is earth-shaking. 云澈抬起双手,微吸一口气,感受着自己此刻的力量。每一次大境界的突破和大道浮屠诀的提升,他对世界的感知便会发生很大的变化,这次双重突破,这种变化更是可谓天翻地覆。 Divine Spirit Realm, stepping over the foundation of Divine Essence, Divine Soul, and Divine Tribulation, marches into the Divine Dao first step truly. 神灵境,踏过神元、神魂、神劫的筑基,真正步入神道的第一步。 All, are startled everyone such as to have a dream general, but he himself is so. 一切的一切,惊得所有人如在做梦一般,而他自己又何尝不是如此。 But, now is not he sighs with emotion, before his body, whole body blood-stained Luo Changsheng stands up slowly, body boiling berserk to extreme hostility and killing intent. 但,现在并非是他感慨的时候,他的身前,全身染血洛长生缓缓站起,身上沸腾狂暴到极点的戾气杀意 Yun... Che... 云......澈...... Luo Changsheng voice/sound hoarse gloomy seemed like one to be torn wild beast of throat. Yun Che body pale white lightning vanished, also that similarly vanishes lets his fearful and apprehensive aura, displaces, but is Divine Spirit Realm aura. 洛长生声音嘶哑阴沉的像是一头被撕裂了喉咙的野兽云澈身上苍白雷电消失了,同样消失的还有那股让他心惊胆颤的气息,取而代之的,不过是神灵境气息 Let him not have again, even if a constriction. 让他再无哪怕一丝的压迫感。 I will make you... wish you were dead!!” 我要让你......生不如死!!”
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