ATG :: Volume #12 Meng Yue and Shen Xi (梦月神曦)

#1209: Heaven Smiting new life

Hong'er you............ wait/etc!” 红儿你……等……等等!” How meets food Hong'er possibly to have free time to pay attention to Yun Che, whiz before one threw Golden Crow Sacred Sword, the speed will draw near Yun Che to respond radically without enough time. Then, he saw the Hong'er pupil is bright, flowery lips opens, reveals her shining white sharp small canine tooth, bites to Golden Crow Sacred Sword. 遇到食物的红儿又怎么可能有空理会云澈,“嗖”的一下就扑到了金乌圣剑之前,速度快到了云澈都根本来不及反应。然后,他看到了红儿眸光闪闪,唇瓣张开,露出她莹白尖尖的小虎牙,就向金乌圣剑咬去。 A big row of saliva no prelude leans from her flowery lips, has drawn to sword body. 一大排口水毫无前奏的从她唇瓣中倾下,一直拉到剑身上 „...... Stops talking!!” “啊……住口!!” Yun Che has a big shock, rushing of being thrown into confusion. But this time, Yun Che's panic-stricken absolutely not is feared that Hong'er injured...... the joke Golden Crow Sacred Sword! That is Golden Crow Sacred Sword, divine item that kept from ancient times Era of the Gods! Although cannot with initially compared with, but essentially, is existence of True God plane/level, general profound sword may compare can it be that. 云澈大惊失色,手忙脚乱的冲上去。但这一次,云澈的惊恐绝非是怕红儿金乌圣剑伤了……笑话!那可是金乌圣剑,是从远古诸神时代留下来的神物!虽然远不能和当初相比,但本质上,还是真神层面的存在,又岂是一般玄剑可比。 He is feared that Hong'er was injured by Golden Crow Sacred Sword. 他是怕红儿金乌圣剑伤到。 By Golden Crow Sacred Sword plane/level, Hong'er must really be gets down, was injured to arrive is light. 金乌圣剑层面,红儿要真是一口下去,被伤到都是轻的。 But the Yun Che startled shout just exported, Hong'er is one bit. 云澈惊喊声刚刚出口,红儿已是一口咬了下去。 Ka squeak! 咔吱! With a resounding, on Golden Crow Sacred Sword presented a tooth seal shape gap. 随着一声脆响,金乌圣剑上出现了一块牙印状的缺口。 The living resembles gnawed off a golden biscuit. 活生生像被咬掉一块的黄金饼干。 The Yun Che both eyes circle stares, petrifies instantaneously. 云澈双目圆瞪,瞬间石化。 The Hong'er cheek helps the agitation, the big mouth chews, in the double pupil is releasing the incomparably exciting bright red glow: Wa! delicious...... quite delicious!!” 红儿腮帮鼓动,大口嚼动,双眸中释放着无比兴奋的朱红之芒:“哇!好吃……好好吃!!” Hiss......” “嘶……” inferno moves restlessly suddenly fiercely, the above Phoenix double pupil is contracting unexpectedly suddenly: What she...... she...... she is!?” 火狱忽然剧烈躁动,上空的凤凰双眸竟在急剧收缩:“她……她……她是什么!?” The Phoenix god sound, is trembling because of panic-stricken unexpectedly......, because at present presents, is picture that its this plane/level is not even able to understand. 凤凰神音,居然在因惊恐而发颤……因为眼前呈现的,是连它这个层面都无法理解的画面。 Yun Che in delay is then as if awakening from a dream, fierce plunging Hong'er, in the mouth bellows: Hong'er, unedible!!” 呆滞中的云澈这才如梦方醒,猛的扑向红儿,口中一声大吼:“红儿,不能吃!!” Kuangfeng (fierce wind) throws, Hong'er „”, starts running away at once, if the petite body quickly the flowing light, making Yun Che come up empty-handed directly. 一阵狂风扑来,红儿“啊”的一声,拔腿就跑,娇小的身躯快若流光,让云澈直接扑了个空。 But Yun Che puts forth the vigor that nurses unable to move Golden Crow Sacred Sword, was brought directly by Hong'er, as she easily escapes to together by far...... seems like picks up a wood/blockhead from the ground. 云澈使出吃奶的劲都没能动弹一下的金乌圣剑,就这么被红儿直接带起,随着她一起远远遁离……轻易的像是从地上捡起一块木头。 ~! # ¥ %......” the Yun Che eyeball has almost not stared come out, rushes to cry out strangely, plunges Hong'er again: Hong'er! That really cannot eat AH!! “~!@#¥%……”云澈眼珠子差点没瞪出来,随之又赶忙一声怪叫,再次扑向红儿:“红儿!那个真的不能吃啊!! Waaah!” Sees Yun Che to pursue to snatch her food, Hong'er calls out in alarm one, running off without hesitation, in the bosom closely hugs is wanting on big several times compared with her body Golden Crow Sacred Sword. 哇啊啊!”见过云澈又要追过来抢她食物,红儿惊叫一声,毫不犹豫的跑开,怀中紧紧抱着比她身躯要大上数倍的金乌圣剑 Yun Che now what kind of cultivation base, under inferno, but his speed full, Hong'er in line of sight actually such as the bright red flowing light, then flings in an instant far away him......, but in her bosom is not only holding Golden Crow Sacred Sword, but dashes about wildly while gnaws to nip, regardless of dashes about wildly the speed that or gnaws to nip, extremely heartshaking and moving, along with continuous ka ka ka ka ka ka sound...... 云澈如今何等修为,又是在火狱之下,但他速度全开,视线中的红儿却如朱红流光,转眼便将他甩得老远……而她的怀中不但抱着金乌圣剑,而一边狂奔一边啃咬,无论狂奔还是啃咬的速度,都可谓惊天地泣鬼神,伴随着持续不断的“咔咔咔咔咔咔”声…… Indistinct also as if came from panic-stricken crackling of soul of Golden Crow. 隐约还有似乎来自金乌之魂的惊恐嘶鸣 Initially when with Hong'er, she eats the Dragon's Fault sword forcefully, he cannot catch up with her. Afterward Hong'er ate Eternal Night Devil Sword forcefully, he could not prevent as before, but now, his profound strength is Divine Tribulation Realm Late Stage...... actually cannot catch up with Hong'er as before! 初遇红儿,被她强行吃掉龙阙剑时,他追不上她。后来红儿强行吃掉永夜魔剑,他依旧阻止不了,而现在,他的玄力已是神劫境后期……却依旧追不上红儿 Shortly, stopping that Yun Che accepts fate there, staring looks at Hong'er......, in she bosom Golden Crow Sacred Sword that vanishes fast. 没多久,云澈认命的停在了那里,直勾勾的看着红儿……以及在她怀中快速消失的金乌圣剑 The time of short more than ten breaths, are especially huge Golden Crow Sacred Sword are then eaten into the belly by Hong'er completely. When sword body completely vanishes, has burnt does not know that many years Golden Crow Divine Flame also extinguish completely, sword hilts of only gloomy no light. 短短十几息的时间,本是格外庞大的金乌圣剑便被红儿完全吃入肚中。剑体完全消失之时,已燃烧了不知多少年的金乌神炎也完全熄灭,只余一个暗淡无光的剑柄。 Hong'er throws the sword hilt conveniently, whiz capturing, animated standing in front of Yun Che, the cheek helps highly bulge, grinning is chewing final sword body, a pair of bright red thin eyebrow exquisite bends: Had finished eating Oh, Master, even if pursues to others has not used, heehee heehee......” 红儿把剑柄随手一丢,又“嗖”的兜了回来,俏生生的站在云澈面前,腮帮高鼓,笑嘻嘻的嚼动着最后的剑体,一双朱红细眉精巧的弯起:“已经吃完了,主人就算追到人家也没有用啦,嘻嘻嘻嘻……” gulp...... the Yun Che's throat agitated ruthlessly. 咕嘟……云澈的喉咙狠狠的鼓动了一下。 Rumble! Last food swallows, Hong'er vermilion eyes narrowed, on the small face is infatuated completely: Quite delicious, was too delicious, any food is more delicious than others have eaten, Master, you to others are really very good, unexpectedly found such delicious food to others.” 咕噜!最后一口“食物”咽下,红儿朱眸眯起,小脸上满是陶醉:“好好吃,太好吃了,比人家吃过的任何食物都好吃,主人,你对人家真是太好了,居然给人家找到了这么好吃的食物。” Yun Che both eyes are straight, mouth opened wide, quite a while has not closed up. 云澈双目直直,嘴巴大张,半天没有合拢。 That is Golden Crow Sacred Sword...... 那可是金乌圣剑…… Golden Crow Sacred Sword AH!!! 金乌圣剑啊!! Unexpectedly eating...... gave to eat like the ordinary sword by Hong'er!? 居然被红儿给吃了……像普通的剑一样给吃了!? She had eaten Eternal Night Devil Sword before......, although does not have power, but after all is Primordial Devil Sword, eating is enough scary. But this time, ate Golden Crow Sacred Sword unexpectedly! 她以前吃过永夜魔剑……虽然已经毫无力量,但毕竟是上古魔剑,吃了已是够吓人了。但这次,居然吃掉了金乌圣剑 Golden Crow Sacred Sword may not be without power Eternal Night Devil Sword, it is Golden Crow stays behind, Phoenix Divine Spirit guards...... to exhaust cannot obtain approval Divine Sword full power! 金乌圣剑可绝不是没有了力量永夜魔剑,它可是金乌留下,凤凰神灵镇守……自己用尽全力都得不到认可的神剑 Under the Hong'er mouth, like an ordinary sword, was eaten a cleanness by her unexpectedly directly! 红儿的口下,居然就像一把再普通不过的剑,被她直接吃了个干干净净! Although Hong'er is Little Monster that is unable to understand, but this this...... 红儿虽然一直都是个无法理解的小怪物,但这这这这…… She............ ate Golden Crow Sacred Sword unexpectedly...... unexpectedly......” “她……竟然……吃了金乌圣剑……竟然……” Phoenix Divine Spirit voice/sound is trembling...... in this does not have the world of god, what also to let does Soul that has True God plane/level tremble? 凤凰神灵声音在战栗……在这个早已没有了神的世界,还有什么能让一个有着真神层面灵魂战栗? Who is she......? What is she?” “她……是谁?她是什么?” „...... Eh......” Yun Che raised the head, made excuses, said reluctantly: She...... is I Sword Spirit of sword of using, usually uses the sword as the food. This...... I do not know that she can eat Golden Crow Sacred Sword......” “啊…………”云澈抬头,一阵支吾,才勉强道:“她……是我所用之剑的剑灵,平时都是以剑为食。这个……我也不知道她连金乌圣剑都能吃……” Yun Che brain piece of primordial chaos, what to do what the fuck...... this may! 云澈大脑一片混沌,这尼玛……这可怎么办! divine item that True God leaves behind...... unexpectedly by Hong'er eating, this incessantly is the issue that spoils and blasphemes, how should oneself compensate? Compensates with! 真神遗留的神物啊……居然被红儿给吃了,这已经不止是糟蹋和亵渎的问题,自己该怎么赔?拿头赔啊! Sword Spirit? How will world...... have so Sword Spirit?” The Phoenix soul sound said, its final Soul is locking Hong'er, it can see existence of Hong'er, but Spirit Sense actually the sensation does not arrive at her existence: „The Golden Crow Sacred Sword main body is primordial chaos primitive Golden Crow Golden Crow after Sacred Ancestor perished Sacred Bone casts, vertical is True God's power almost impossible destroys, but how...... how can......” 剑灵?世间……怎会存在如此剑灵?”凤凰魂音道,它最后的灵魂在锁定着红儿,它能看到到红儿的存在,但灵觉却偏偏又感知不到她的存在:“金乌圣剑的主体为混沌的原始金乌-金乌圣祖陨灭后的‘圣骨’所铸,纵是真神之力都几乎不可能摧断,怎可……怎会……” Perhaps Eh............ yes, yes, yes......” Yun Che wants to compile reason, but related to the sword of True God, Golden Crow leaves behind, faced Phoenix Divine Spirit, he racks brains also impossible to the explanation that can look at passes. ……也许……是是是……”云澈想编造个理由,但涉及真神之剑,金乌遗留,面对的还是凤凰神灵,他绞尽脑汁也不可能给个能看得过去的解释。 But at this time, Hong'er suddenly was light well, golden glow of one difference flashes through in her pupil , golden flame ignited from her body, spreads the whole body. 而这时,红儿忽然轻“咦”一声,一抹异样的金芒在她瞳孔中闪过,随之,一层金色的火焰从她的身上燃起,遍及全身。 Yun Che: „......?” 云澈:“……?” Waah! With the Master same fire, is quite warm.” The Hong'er both arms open, pupil bright looks flame of own body spontaneous combustion, quick, her eye slowly narrows the eyes, under voice/sound also gradual soft: „...... Does not feel suddenly trapped/sleepy, good to sleep.” 哇啊!和主人一样的火,好温暖。”红儿双臂张开,眸光闪闪的看着自己身上自发燃烧的火焰,很快,她的眼睛又慢慢的眯起,声音也逐渐的软下:“唔……忽然觉得好困,好想睡觉。” Waist extended, hit a big yawn, the say/way that Hong'er had a drowsy look: Master, Hong'er ate to the full, should go back to sleep...... cannot awaken by noise others Oh.” 腰儿一伸,打了一个大大的呵欠,红儿睡眼惺忪的道:“主人,红儿吃饱了,该回去睡觉了……不许吵醒人家。” The soft sound just fell, she has then changed to together the bright red flowing light, returned to Yun Che's body. 软音刚落,她便已化作一道朱红流光,回到了云澈的身上 Yun Che was startled there...... he had not stimulated to movement Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World a moment ago absolutely, but Hong'er body, did oneself ignite Golden Crow Fire unexpectedly? 云澈怔在那里……他刚才绝对没有催动金乌焚世录,但红儿身上,居然自己燃起了金乌炎 could it be that, because ate up Golden Crow Sacred Sword, Hong'er presented some qualitative change. 难道,因为吃下了金乌圣剑,红儿出现了某种质变。 Read hence, Yun Che called Heaven Smiting Sword rapidly. 一念至此,云澈迅速唤出劫天剑 The giant sword blade flies high the appearance, Yun Che grasps in the hand, just about to investigates its aura, actually felt that suddenly own both arms such as were suppressed by ten thousand mountains, sinks suddenly. 巨大剑身凌空出现,云澈抓在手中,刚要探查其气息,却忽然感觉到自己的双臂如被万岳镇压,陡然沉下。 BANG!!!!!!!! 轰!!!!!!!! Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword from the sword blade to the sword hilt, bringing Yun Che's both hands both arms pounding ruthlessly to fall on his under foot, rumbled, such as the highest heaven thunder blasts open, inferno the crazy surges, entire God Burial Fire Prison resembles immediately is trembling faintly. 劫天诛魔剑从剑身到剑柄,带着云澈的双手双臂狠狠的砸落在他的脚下,一声轰鸣,如九霄雷霆炸裂,火狱顿时疯狂翻腾,整个葬神火狱都似在隐隐发颤。 Under the Yun Che body tune, both eyes stare in a big way, both hands grab the sword hilt stubbornly, the arm blue vein stick out suddenly, the muscle on face also tightens completely......, but, Heaven Smiting Sword is actually entirely still. 云澈身体曲下,双目瞪大,双手死死抓着剑柄,手臂青筋暴起,脸上的肌肉也全部紧起……但,劫天剑却是纹丝不动。 This...... this is...... 这……这是…… Yun Che clenches teeth fiercely, profound energy raised, only listened to a resounding, under foot divine stone slight blasting open. 云澈猛一咬牙,玄气提起,只听一声脆响,脚下神岩轻微炸裂。 But, Heaven Smiting Sword is moves as before also motionless, resembles is suppressed by power of Heaven's Way firmly. 但,劫天剑依旧是动也不动,似是被天道之力牢牢镇压。 The Yun Che brow sinks, drinks lightly, profound strength rises suddenly, direct opening Rumbling Heaven gate. Finally, with a rolling thunder depressed sound, Heaven Smiting Sword was worked by him slowly...... accompanies with it, is tyrannical to letting Yun Che unbelievable terrifying sword might. 云澈眉头一沉,一声轻喝,玄力暴涨,直接开启“轰天境关。终于,随着一股滚雷般的沉闷响动,劫天剑被他缓缓抓起……与之相伴的,是一股强横到让云澈难以置信的恐怖剑威 several breaths, Yun Che holds up Heaven Smiting Sword finally , heavily wields. 足足数息,云澈终于将劫天剑直直举起,随之,又重重挥下。 BOOM ----- 轰隆----- This explosive, like shakes the whole world completely, the present flame was lifted completely, Yun Che stuffy, Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword lets go instantaneously, heavy pound on the ground, his both arms also dangle directly, is shivering fiercely. 这一声爆响,如同将整个世界都完全震荡,眼前的火焰被全部掀开,云澈一声闷哼,劫天诛魔剑瞬间脱手,重砸在地,他的双臂也直接垂下,剧烈颤抖着。 This sword...... merely is a sword, found time Yun Che all power unexpectedly directly, in his mouth breathes like the cow thickly, the whole body is weak, especially the both arms, almost could not feel that its exists. 这一剑……仅仅是一剑,竟是直接抽空了云澈所有的力量,他口中粗喘如牛,全身酥软,尤其双臂,都几乎感觉不到其存在。 But these, he has had no time to care, both eyes straight looks at the front. 但这些,他已无暇在意,双目直直的看着前方 inferno in crazy is seething, but a long vermilion sword mark unexpectedly horizontal seal in, how whatever this burns the fire of the world to explode fiercely, this vermilion sword mark remains clearly, for a very long time has not extinguished. 火狱在疯狂的翻腾着,而一道长长的朱红剑痕竟横印其中,任凭这焚世之火如何爆烈,这道朱红剑痕依旧清晰存在,久久没有消弭。 Here is not the ordinary world, but is the bottom of God Burial Fire Prison!! 这里不是普通的世界,而是葬神火狱之底!! „Is this...... my...... power?” Yun Che lowers the head, looks oneself are still numb the arm, cannot believe twittering. “这是……我的……力量?”云澈低下头,看着自己依旧酥麻中的手臂,不敢相信的呢喃着。 Devil Slayer Sword aura......” Phoenix Divine Spirit shock language: Not...... also Golden Crow Sacred Sword aura!” 诛魔剑气息……”凤凰神灵震惊而语:“不……还有金乌圣剑气息!” This...... fused Golden Crow Sacred Sword Divine Power the sword unexpectedly!? It is......” “这把剑……居然融合了金乌圣剑神力!?它到底是……” Yun Che has not replied, he is breathing heavily to sit cross-legged, both hands grasp on the Heaven Smiting Sword sword hilt, does not have power to work it again......, but, in his eye pupil, actually flashes the incomparably exciting different glow. 云澈没有回音,他喘着粗气盘坐而下,双手抓在劫天剑的剑柄上,却再无力量将它抓起……但,他的眼瞳之中,却闪动起无比兴奋的异芒。 Time Wheel Pearl put out by Yun Che, has not waited for his profound strength stimulation of movement, then had been burnt directly by the fire of inferno, hour wheel formation silent opens around Yun Che's...... 一枚时轮珠云澈拿出,未等他玄力催动,便已被火狱之火直接焚开,一个时轮结界云澈的周围无声张开…… ------ ------ Eastern God Territory, Moon God Realm. 东神域,月神界 One as Eastern God Territory Four Great King Realms, here is aloof existence. During the innumerable years, are withstanding kneeling down and looking up to of the world , want sacred compared with the world of mortals myth legendary Moon Palace. 身为东神域四大王界之一,这里是一个超然的存在。无数年间,承受着世人的顶礼和仰望,远比凡间神话传说中的月宫还要神圣 Divine Consort Palace, the Moon God palace situated in Moon God Realm core, is the place of sacred place of sacred. 神后殿,位于月神界核心的月神宫,是神圣之地中的神圣之地。 Even if such as Moon God so existence of looking disdainfully world, does not dare easily to visit. 哪怕是如“月神”这般睥睨天下的存在,也绝不敢轻易踏足。 Arrived Moon God Realm this level, had disdained to pursue the so-called luxury radically. But in Divine Consort Palace, each side, every inchs, luxurious two characters will annotate peak. Here bricks, are Chasing Moon Colored Glaze, here furniture, for Serene Moon Wood carving, the bedding, the bed curtain, each, as honored are unable to imagine as the average man completely. 到了月神界这个层次,已根本不屑追求所谓的奢华。但神后殿中,每一方,每一寸,都将“奢华”二字诠释到了极致。这里的砖瓦,是“逐月琉璃”,这里的桌椅,全部为“幽月木”雕刻而成,被褥,床帘,每一丝,都尊贵到常人根本无法想象。 Because, what here lives is the Moon God Realm most honored female. 因为,这里居住的是月神界最尊贵的女子。
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