ATG :: Volume #12 Meng Yue and Shen Xi (梦月神曦)

#1201: The war of Soul

Shui Meiyin seemed to have estimated that Yun Che, blue profound image first will so reappear before her body, becomes small-scale profound array that imaginary is sparkling water blue brilliance. 水媚音似乎已是预想到云澈会如此,一道蓝色玄影第一时间在她身前浮现,幻成一个闪耀着水蓝光华的小型玄阵 BANG!! 砰!! The Yun Che air wave depresses, the airing sound is particularly sad, actually cannot suppress Shui Meiyin, in line of sight, her form with flashing before blue profound array vanishes slowly. 云澈气浪压下,气爆声分外沉闷,却是未能将水媚音压制,视线之中,她的身影随着闪现的蓝色玄阵缓缓消失。 But her aura, transmits from the quite remote sky. 而她的气息,从相当遥远的上空传来。 Illusory Butterfly Dance...... worthily is top movement skill that Shui Yingyue cannot even practice successfully, is really unusual.” “‘幻梦蝶舞’……不愧是连水映月都未能修成的顶级身法,果然非同寻常。” In Yun Che heart a dark to praise voice, only Shui Meiyin so escaping easily his suppression, even also split second got rid of aura locking, her Illusory Butterfly Dance absolutely under is not natural in Broken Moon's Flickering Shadow ——, has not repaired to great perfection Broken Moon's Flickering Shadow. 云澈心中暗赞一声,单凭水媚音如此轻易的遁开他的压制,甚至还有那么一瞬间摆脱了气息锁定,她的“幻梦蝶舞”就绝对不下于断月拂影——当然,是未修至大圆满断月拂影 Yun Che locks Shui Meiyin aura rapidly, but the counter-attack of Shui Meiyin also arrived at this time, the small hand brandished, Illusory Butterfly Whisper blue magnificent bloomed, the water curtain filled the sky together instantaneously, tilted under. 云澈迅速将水媚音气息重新锁定,而水媚音的反击也在这时到来,小手挥舞间,“幻心蝶语”蓝华绽放,一道水幕瞬间弥漫天空,倾覆而下。 ice attribute Profound Arts is the water attribute branch, but on the attack, control and defense capability, the entire aspect exceeds pure water attribute Profound Arts, the only disadvantage is hard to control. Therefore, in God Realm, water attribute Profound Arts that profound practitioner is familiar, nine entirely succeed are ice attribute, pure water attribute are extremely few. 冰系玄功水系分支,但就攻击、控制、防御能力而言,全方面胜过纯粹的水系玄功,唯一的劣势是难以驾驭。因而,在神界之中,玄者耳熟能详的水系玄功,九成都冰系,纯水系的可谓极少。 But Glazed Light Realm Main Profound Arts Billowing Star Endowment is pure water attribute Profound Arts, can actually be under Eastern God Territory King Realm one of the strongest three big Star Realm, it can be imagined it absolutely is common water attribute Profound Arts to compare. 琉光界主玄功澜星赋”就是纯水系玄功,却能位列东神域王界之下最强三大星界之一,可想而知其绝对寻常水系玄功可比。 But, regardless of ice attribute water attribute, to having Water Spirit Evil Body Yun Che, does not have the threat! 但,无论冰系水系,对拥有水灵邪体云澈而言,都毫无威胁可言! Let alone, this water curtain except for seeming like especially huge, no imposing manner deterrent, Yun Che rises with a spring, the sword blade pulls up at will, listened to Rip, everywhere water curtain such as the cloth easily to be ripped open generally, revealed the short camouflaged deep blue sky......, but, he has not seen the Shui Meiyin form with enough time, the second water curtain then suddenly duplicate, blocked his line of sight again. 更何况,这道水幕除了看起来格外庞大,毫无气势威慑,云澈一跃而起,剑身随意一撩,直听“嘶啦”一声,漫天水幕如布帛一般被轻易撕开,露出了被短暂遮蔽的蔚蓝天空……但,他还没来得及看到水媚音的身影,第二道水幕便忽然覆下,再次封锁了他的视线。 Also in this moment, Shui Meiyin aura, vanishes suddenly. 也是在这一刻,水媚音气息,也忽然消失。 Yun Che one surprised, just about to rips open the water curtain again, suddenly brow suddenly moved. 云澈一愕,刚要再度将水幕撕开,忽然眉头猛的一动 It is not right!! 不对!! The Yun Che's figure stopped suddenly, frames in in the air, body profound energy drifted in the air, but both eyes, were actually closed slowly, the consciousness sank to the inner world fast. 云澈的身形忽然停止,定格在了空中,身上玄气浮荡,但双目,却是缓缓的闭合,意识快速沉入心海之中。 Consciousness to sink in this General Divine Bestowment Stage, the itself/Ben is the action of danger, but Yun Che not only sinks, but also sank entire most likely (80%), only keeps two points of consciousness outside, without doubt the whole body is the flaw. 在这封神台上将意识沉入,本就是危险之举,而云澈不但是沉入,还沉入了整整八成之多,只留两分意识在外,无疑全身都是破绽。 Soul space stars, a peace, does not have the unusual form. But Yun Che does not have consciousness to take back immediately, but is mind concentrates, golden glow presently, Golden Crow Divine Soul changes to huge Golden Crow Divine Spectre for the first time, will stretch out the neck long cry, the Yun Che's Soul world changes to a sea of fire immediately. 灵魂空间星辰点点,一片安静,毫无异状。但云澈却没有马上将意识收回,而是精神一凝,金芒乍现,金乌神魂化作一道巨大的金乌神影,引颈长鸣,云澈的灵魂世界顿时化作一片火海。 split second, the innumerable exquisite light and lively black butterflies were only screened by the flame, 一瞬间,无数只小巧轻灵的黑色蝴蝶被火光映出, Then was burnt to extinguish fast, changes to the flying cotton wool that scatters. 然后被快速焚灭,化作飘散的飞絮。 But these have entered his soul black butterfly, before releasing Golden Crow Divine Soul, he not detected unexpectedly! 而这些已进入他心魂的“黑蝶”,在释放金乌神魂之前,他竟是毫无察觉! Aya!” 啊呀!” In the sea of fire resounds the young girl clear screams. 火海之中响起少女清脆的惊呼声。 Big Brother, you are quite fierce! Unexpectedly discovered all of a sudden!” 大哥哥,你好厉害!居然一下子就发现了!” No, actually I had not discovered.” Yun Che said slowly: But, your attracting presented that little small careless mistake. The Eternal Sky Realm sky is pale white, but the sky that I saw a moment ago, brings some deep blue unexpectedly. I then know, I already your not making a sound attracting!” “不,其实我并没有发现。”云澈徐徐说道:“只不过,你的‘魅惑’出现了那么一点点小纰漏。宙天界的天空是苍白色,而我刚才看到的天空,居然带些许蔚蓝。我便知道,我已经被你不声不响的‘魅惑’了!” Eh? is this......” young girl talked to oneself low voice. 咦?是这样吗……”少女小声自语。 Yun Che voice/sound is very gentle, the but in truth soul ties tight, was vigilant that extreme, the consciousness deep place is fuller is startled however. 云澈声音很是平缓,但实则心魂紧绷,警惕到了极点,意识深处更满是惊然。 He previously witnessed Meng Duanxi to collapse completely under the Shui Meiyin soul strength, until that moment of defeat does not know oneself have been in attracting of Shui Meiyin. Although he at that time exclaimed in surprise that in the unusualness of Shui Meiyin soul strength, actually absolutely self-confident by own mental strength, will not look like Meng Duanxi to be like that distressed decisively, was at least insufficient to be attracted not to know. 他先前亲眼目睹过梦断昔水媚音的魂力之下一败涂地,直到败的那一刻都不知道自己早已处在水媚音的魅惑之中。他当时虽惊叹于水媚音魂力的非同寻常,却绝对自信以自己的精神力,断然不会像梦断昔那般狼狈,至少不至于连被魅惑了都不知道。 But at this moment, he feels shocked Shui Meiyin soul strength is what kind of terrifying. 但此刻,他才惊觉水媚音的魂力是何等恐怖 When fights, he is raises Soul to be vigilant high, if the Soul attack approaches, he firmly governing, even can take advantage of opportunity the counter-attack. 交手之际,他已是高高提起灵魂警惕,若是灵魂攻击临近,他会牢牢御住,甚至可以顺势反击。 But just now, if not for consciousness to sink, he had not detected unexpectedly slightly oneself mind world had been attacked. 但方才,若不是将意识沉下,他竟是丝毫都未察觉到自己的精神世界已被侵袭。 Does not have under the protection by the silent attack also on forget it/that's all, but oneself are the entire god alerts obviously...... 毫无防备之下被无声侵袭也就罢了,但自己明明是全神戒备…… could it be that, her soul strength, can disregard the Soul defense unexpectedly, enters others 's Soul world recklessly!? 难道,她的魂力,居然可以无视灵魂防御,肆意进入他人的灵魂世界!? Hee, Big Brother, you guessed right!” “嘻,大哥哥,你猜对了唷!” Yun Che is surprised, the mind world resounds young girl's faint smile suddenly: My Soul, the strange names were Stainless Divine Soul, Daddy said, this was the strength of contamination primitive primordial chaos lives, in primordial chaos was purest purest Soul, by all non- evil Soul compatible, can therefore Soul world Oh of other very easy invasion people.” 云澈惊疑间,精神世界忽然响起少女的浅笑:“我的灵魂,有一个奇怪的名字叫‘无垢神魂’,爹爹说,这是沾染原始鸿蒙之力所生,混沌之中最纯净最纯净的灵魂,会被所有非邪恶的灵魂所亲和,所以可以很容易的侵入其他人的灵魂世界。” Big Brother Soul is very very strong, was actually invaded by me easily, explained Big Brother, actually has pure Soul!” 大哥哥灵魂很强很强,却被我这么容易的侵入,说明大哥哥,其实有着很纯净的灵魂呢!” Wugou (stainless)...... Divine Soul!? 无垢……神魂!? With Mu Xuanyin has mentioned Wugou (stainless) body, lives because of most primitive Qi of Primordial Chaos!? 沐玄音所提及过的“无垢身体”一样,因最原始的鸿蒙之气而生!? Pure?...... My Soul may not can be joined to these two characters.” Yun Che said, suddenly stares , the soul sound sinks: „Can you...... see my intention?” “纯净?呵……我的灵魂可配不上这两个字。”云澈说完,忽然一愣,随之魂音沉下:“你……可以‘看到’我的心念?” heeheehee!” Young girl again winning smile: Because I now Iya! in your Soul world 嘻嘻嘻!”少女再次巧笑:“因为我现在就在你的灵魂世界中呀! „......” A person can know at any time oneself think to think, this is a what kind of fearful matter. But if gets down, she very possible to invade oneself memory. “……”一个人可以随时知道自己所思所想,这是何等可怕的一件事。而是若是就此下去,她很可能可以侵入到自己的记忆。 The Yun Che's mind world ties tight again, said solemnly: Good...... that I...... first to drive out from my mind world you!!” 云澈的精神世界再度紧绷,沉声道:“好……那我就……先把你从我的精神世界里赶出去!!” BOOM!! 轰隆!! The Yun Che's mind world flame light explodes, the Phoenix cry startled day, Yun Che's each wisp of mental strength changes to Golden Crow to explode the flame, changes to a thorough sea of fire the entire mind world. 云澈的精神世界炎光爆裂,凤鸣惊天,云澈的每一缕精神力都化作金乌爆炎,将整个精神世界化作一片彻底的火海。 Golden Crow Divine Soul such as Golden Crow Divine Flame general violent, all foreign object, will perform all burns to extinguish. 金乌神魂金乌神炎一般暴烈,一切外物,都会尽皆焚灭。 But in everywhere mind sea of fire, some innumerable black butterflies is actually dancing lightly, perished of an only black butterfly in sea of fire, there are soon will have the new black butterfly to fly into, with the combustion of golden flame, black butterfly, not only had not been burnt to extinguish completely, instead are getting more and more, and gradual dancing in the air approaches the Soul world of deep place. 但在漫天精神火海之中,却有无数黑蝶在翩翩起舞,一只只黑蝶在火海中陨灭,又有很快会有新的黑蝶飞入,随着金炎的燃烧,黑蝶非但没有被焚灭殆尽,反而在越来越多,并逐渐的飞舞向更深处的灵魂世界。 A Yun Che thought revolution, the sea of fire changes instantly, spreads the flame butterfly that the burning golden flame changes to the innumerable illness/quick dances suddenly, the flutter the blazing flame is plunging the black butterfly. 云澈意念一转,霎时火海变动,遍燃的金色火焰忽然化作无数疾舞的炎蝶,扑动着炽热火光扑向黑蝶。 Red Butterfly, Golden Crow soul strength kills to incur most. In the past Yun Che solely depended on taking advantage of Red Butterfly Domain, being in chaotic situation that big Black Soul Divine Sect stirred, the entire sect was flustered, fearful and apprehensive. 红蝶,金乌魂力的最强杀招。当年云澈单单凭借着“红蝶领域”,将偌大黑魂神宗搅的鸡飞狗跳,全宗人心惶惶,胆战心惊。 Wa! Big Brother, your soul strength can have the ready-made such attractive butterfly unexpectedly, is quite fierce!” 哇!大哥哥,你的魂力居然可以具现成这么漂亮的蝴蝶,好厉害!” The Yun Che soul strength condenses, mind ties tight, the Soul world is actually transmits the Shui Meiyin elusive charmingly gentle voice voice/sound, voice/sound is passing the joy of seeing the beautiful thing, does not have, even if the anxiety and discretion of a wee bit Soul fierce battle. 云澈魂力凝聚,精神紧绷,灵魂世界却是传来水媚音空灵娇脆的声音,声音透着见到美好事物的喜悦,没有哪怕一丁点灵魂恶战的紧张和谨慎。 Clearly is a very relaxed stance! 分明是一副很是轻松的姿态! Red Butterfly soul strength overbearing, under the release, can easily burn down a Divine Dao profound practitioner soul extremely instantaneously. But it plunges the black butterfly, the flame light flashes before, is unable to burn to extinguish the black butterfly unexpectedly immediately, but is the short entanglement, suddenly, the Yun Che's Soul world flickers, group butterfly chaotic dance. 红蝶魂力极其霸道,释放之下,可以轻易将一个神道玄者的心魂瞬间焚毁。但其扑向黑蝶,炎光闪现,竟是无法将黑蝶马上焚灭,而是短暂纠缠,一时间,云澈的灵魂世界忽明忽暗,群蝶乱舞。 On Divine Bestowment Stage strange is peaceful, Yun Che stops in the midair, both eyes closed, motionless. Shui Meiyin is less than three ten steps away behind him, the star pupil narrows the eyes to gather, similarly is motionless. 封神台上诡异的安静下来,云澈停在半空,双目闭合,一动不动。水媚音在他后方不到三十步之距,星眸眯合,同样一动不动。 „Do they in...... compete mental strength?” “他们在……比拼精神力?” Meiyin has Stainless Divine Soul, if competes mental strength...... the Shui Yingyue beautiful eye to be light forcefully, had seen the result: Is Luo Changsheng, absolute impossible is the Meiyin opponent, Yun Che must defeat without doubt!” 媚音拥有无垢神魂,若强行比拼精神力……”水映月美目平淡,已是看到了结局:“就是洛长生,也绝对不可能媚音的对手,云澈已是必败无疑!” Glazed Light Realm King is also nodded slightly, the Shui Meiyin inborn different soul, her mental strength has multi- terrifying, no one is clearer than his father. Yun Che discovered even oneself were attacked by Soul, will still by occupying the strength of overwhelming superiority gains the chance, dares to spell with her direct mind, extremely non- wisdom! 琉光界王亦是微微点头,水媚音天生异魂,她的精神力有多恐怖,没有人比他这个父亲更为清楚。云澈就算发现自己被灵魂侵袭,也该以占据绝对优势的战力获取胜机,胆敢与她正面精神相拼,极其不智! Yun Che's body, Golden Crow lofty releases unceasingly, is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, obviously is stimulating to movement Golden Crow Divine Soul, in a while, a ice cold pressure overlaps with Golden Crow lofty suddenly, releases Ice Phoenix Divine Soul impressively. 云澈的身上,一股金乌威凌不断释放,时强时弱,显然是在催动金乌神魂,没过多久,一股冰冷的威压忽然与金乌威凌重叠,赫然是释放出了冰凰神魂 Two Divine Soul also stimulate to movement, Yun Che's body is also shivering slightly. 两种神魂同时催动,云澈的身体亦在轻微颤抖。 But reviews Shui Meiyin, pupil narrows the eyes lightly, hem of the skirt is floating, such as in the peaceful sleep, cannot feel the trace of least bit soul strength release. 而反观水媚音,眸儿轻眯,裙摆飘飘,如在安静的睡梦之中,让人根本感觉不到半点魂力释放的痕迹。 The Yun Che's Soul world, Red Butterfly dances in the air, Ice Phoenix long cry. The blue light and flame butterfly block destruction not to know that invades the black butterfly that simultaneously from where. But these black butterflies seem inexhaustible, how whatever Yun Che resists, never sees the reduction unexpectedly. 云澈的灵魂世界,红蝶飞舞,冰凰长鸣。蓝光与炎蝶同时封锁毁灭着不知从何处侵入的黑蝶。但这些黑蝶仿佛无穷无尽,任凭云澈如何抵御,竟是始终不见减少。 I do not believe that little girl that your such has not been weaned, mental strength will be deeper than in the —— Yun Che heart to roar me lowly, on mental strength fiercer welling up. 我就不信,你这么一个还没断奶的小丫头,精神力会比我深厚——云澈心中低吼一声,精神力更加凶猛的涌上。 Snort! little girl that you have not been weaned! Let you know my fierce!” “哼!你才是没断奶的小丫头!让你知道我的厉害!” The Yun Che thought just flashed through, then resounds the young girl discontented hum/snort, but her retaliation also twinkling, but, dances in the air the black butterfly to flash suddenly the jet black dim light, by far previous constriction presses to suddenly, making Golden Crow Divine Soul and Ice Phoenix Divine Soul soul light simultaneously one dark. 云澈意念才刚刚闪过,便响起少女不满的哼声,而她的“报复”也瞬息而至,飞舞中的黑蝶忽然闪动起漆黑的幽光,一股远胜先前的压迫感猛然压至,让金乌神魂冰凰神魂的魂光同时一暗。 „......!?” In Yun Che heart again startled...... could it be that she a moment ago, basic on useless full power!? “……!?”云澈心中再惊……难道她刚才,根本就没用全力!? Black butterfly light dance, flame butterfly fast destruction, but among more than ten breaths, invaded the Yun Che about 30% Soul spaces unexpectedly, moreover in nearly compels step by step. The Soul world starts anxious trembling, and gradually trembles to swing is getting more and more fierce. 黑蝶轻舞,将炎蝶快速的覆灭,不过十几息之间,竟是侵入了云澈近30%的灵魂空间,而且还在步步近逼。灵魂世界开始不安的颤荡,并逐渐颤荡的越来越剧烈。 But at this moment, all black butterflies disperse to the surroundings suddenly, in an instant then completely without a trace. But with dispersing of black butterfly, a picture scroll of imaginary beautiful appears in Yun Che's at present. 而就在这时,所有的黑蝶忽然向周围飞散,转眼便全部无影无踪。而随着黑蝶的散开,一副幻美的画卷出现在了云澈的眼前。 He saw the mountain stands erect, the fog is indistinct, sky is vast, star moon/month in. In the boundless world, a tiny feeling arises spontaneously. Gradually, he starts to notice that the mountain and fog are going far away, sky vast boundless, but own existence also even more tiny...... again tiny...... tiny such as sand and stone...... tiny such as dust...... tiny being approximate in nihility...... 他看到了高山矗立,云雾缥缈,苍穹浩瀚,星月同在。茫茫天地间,一种渺小的感觉油然而生。逐渐的,他开始看到高山和云雾在远去,苍穹更加的浩瀚无际,而自己的存在亦愈加的渺小……再渺小……渺小如沙石……渺小如尘埃……渺小的近似于虚无…… This is...... 这是…… Yun Che heart with amazement. The existed feeling uncontrolled is actually losing fast, he is very clear, the feeling of when having vanishes thoroughly, then when is his soul was attacked completely, that time he is Shui Meiyin will control, whatever she butchers. 云澈心底骇然。存在的感觉却不受控制的在快速失去,他很清楚,当存在的感觉彻底消失,便是他心魂被完全侵袭之时,那时的他将为水媚音所控,任由她宰割。 He first starts to struggle, but, strongly under struggling is actually especially weak, that fearful feeling, such as a small boat, presumptuously thinks to get rid of overturning of sea. Gradually, existence of even/including Golden Crow Divine Soul and Ice Phoenix Divine Soul also weak to being almost impossible to detect. 他第一时间开始挣扎,但,竭力之下的挣扎却是格外无力,那种可怕的感觉,就如一叶扁舟,妄想摆脱沧海的翻覆。逐渐的,就连金乌神魂冰凰神魂的存在也微弱到几乎无法察觉。 This...... this is how possible! 这……这怎么可能! I have many Divine Soul in the body, the mental strength far supernormal person, unexpectedly will easily be suppressed to the degree of simply collapsing completely...... she obviously is 15-year-old little girl! 我拥有多种神魂在身,精神力远超常人,居然会被轻易压制到简直一败涂地的程度……她明明才是一个15岁的小丫头啊! He more struggles, having the feeling is actually weak, consciousness, in by fearful peerless confused velocity. 他越是挣扎,存在感却越是薄弱,意识,在以可怕绝伦的速度模糊着。 Not good...... looks like, must release Dragon Soul! Otherwise...... 不行……看来,必须要释放龙魂了!否则…… Eh? Dragon Soul? Do you have Dragon Soul?” 咦?龙魂?你还拥有龙魂?” In the soul, transmitting Shui Meiyin fully is the surprised light call. 心魂之中,传来水媚音满是惊讶的轻呼声。 Yun Che not only has Dragon Soul, is extremely special, primordial chaos only Dragon God's Soul! This is one of the it biggest maintaining life cards in a hand, Divine Bestowment Stage is in the glare of the public eye, if, he will not unless it is absolutely essential want to use Dragon Soul decisively. 云澈不仅拥有龙魂,还是极其特殊,混沌唯一的龙神之魂!这是它最大的保命底牌之一,封神台众目睽睽,若不到万不得已,他断然不会想要动用龙魂 But, Shui Meiyin the fearfulness of soul strength, innumerable times exceeded his expectation. If he continues reserved Dragon Soul, then only has the disastrous defeat. 但,水媚音的魂力之可怕,无数倍的超出了他的预期。他若继续保留龙魂,便唯有惨败。 In Yun Che is going to release Dragon Soul full power, suddenly the intention moves...... wait/etc! She can see my thought momentarily...... 就在云澈将要全力释放龙魂之时,忽然心念一动……等等!她能随时看到我的念想…… Un...... 嗯…… Un? 嗯? Un!! 嗯!! Yun Che's mental strength completely gave up struggling suddenly, whatever the Shui Meiyin soul strength attacks recklessly, but in his soul, appears a beautiful picture: 云澈的精神力忽然完全放弃了挣扎,任由水媚音的魂力肆意侵袭,而他的心魂之中,浮现出一副绮丽的画面: In formation that Illusory Demon Realm, Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley, Golden Crow Spirit supposes, Little Demon Empress and Feng Xue'er beautiful clothes broke to pieces everywhere, whole body without a thread, tight being intertwined in Yun Che body. Little Demon Empress on, either Feng Xue'er on, either was overlapped by Yun Che together, either is immersed in the hip of Yun Che's simultaneously...... two such as star moon/month perfect the luster of the skin, actually in does the matter that the world's most obscene cannot be withstanding with Yun Che. 幻妖界,金乌雷炎谷,金乌魂灵设下的结界之中,小妖后凤雪児美丽的衣裳碎了满地,全身不着一缕,紧紧的交缠在云澈身上。或小妖后在上,或凤雪児在上,或被云澈交叠在一起,或同时埋首于云澈的的胯间……两具如星月般完美的玉体,却在和云澈做着世上最淫靡不堪的事。 BANG!! 砰!! The Yun Che's Soul world shakes suddenly violently, resounds the sharpest long young girl who his whole life heard to call out in alarm the sound. 云澈的灵魂世界忽然猛烈震荡,随之响起了他这辈子听到的最尖长的少女惊叫声。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”
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