ATG :: Volume #11 Profound God Conference (玄神大会)

#1124: „Flaw”

Independent Secret Realm naturally collapses, will not affect outside world. But the collapse of imaginary sea well is extremely frigid, in destruction arouses an incomparable berserk space turbulent flow instantly, rips open a lot of space fissures, flickers engulfed Illusory Island. 独立秘境自然崩溃,本不会影响到外面的世界。但幻海古井的崩坏太过惨烈,在毁灭的刹那激起一阵无比狂暴的空间乱流,撕开千百道空间裂痕,将幻海岛一瞬吞没 Remains behind Illusory Island three Star Realm disciple to make any response without enough time, was swallowed into the space fissure, vanishes with Illusory Island in world together. 留守幻海岛的三星界弟子来不及做出任何的反应,便被吞噬入空间裂痕中,同幻海岛一同消失在世间。 The tranquil sea level rushed to Illusory Island that vanishes given space turbulent flow crazily, a surroundings several hundred li (0.5 km) sea area curls up chaotic whirlpool for no reason, raises the dreadful monstrous waves calmly. 原本平静的海面在空间乱流的牵引下疯狂涌向消失的幻海岛,周围数百里海域无故卷起混乱涡流,无风掀起滔天巨浪。 Illusory Island presented the Emperor Immortal Grass aura news to spread, to at this moment, has massive neighbor Star Realm powerhouses from drown oneself in the sea in all directions, but, many person from Middle-Rank Star Realm. 幻海岛出现皇仙草气息的消息早已传开,到了此刻,已有大量附近星界的强者正从四面八方踏海而至,其中不乏来自中位星界的人。 The monstrous waves that curls up for no reason make everyone one startled, but they also in the future and will inquire about the outcome, then the complete complexion will be startled changes, originally was body stopping of stubbornly full speed flight there, does not dare to go forward one step. 无端卷起的巨浪让所有人一惊,但他们还未来及探寻究竟,便全部脸色惊变,本是全速飞行的身躯死死的停在了那里,再不敢前进一步。 Because of the the front world, is turning round a terrifying peerless pressure, such as sky is vast, such as the land is boundless, they dare to come this place, is the haughty side, even commands a powerhouse, but in front of this aura, they felt that own lowly such as the mosquito ant, from the body to Soul, only has trembling of fear unexpectedly. 因为前方的世界,正覆着一层恐怖绝伦的威压,如苍穹般浩瀚,如大地般苍茫,他们敢来此地,都是傲世一方,甚至统领一界的强者,但在这股气息面前,他们感觉自己竟卑微如蚊蚁,从身躯到灵魂,唯有恐惧的战栗。 Does not dare to go forward, even does not dare retreat. 不敢前进,甚至不敢后退 What power this...... is this......?” profound strength has achieved Divine King Realm old man trembling said. “这……这是……什么力量?”一个玄力已达到神王境的老者颤声道 „Is could it be that...... some...... Divine Lord arrives?” 难道……是某个……神主降临?” Same thought flashes through in the mind of everyone flashes through, making them look deathly pale immediately, regenerates ten thousand times of panic-stricken. 相同的念想闪过在每个人的脑海中闪过,让他们顿时脸色惨白,再生万倍惊恐。 Divine Lord, is situated in the Divine Dao peak, in primordial chaos true Divine Bestowment to exists high. God Realm innumerable profound practitioner have listened to Divine Lord that like the myth legend, is looking up to and yearning for existence of Divine Lord, but poor its life, had not expected that can witness its exists, do not say that withstands its unparalleled lofty. 神主,立于神道的巅峰,混沌之中真正封神的至高存在。神界无数玄者都听过神主那如神话般的传说,仰望和向往着神主的存在,但穷其一生,也不曾奢望能目睹其存在,更不要说亲身承受其盖世威凌 But terrifying of aura at this time the sensation arrives, innumerable times surpassed their cognition to the Profound Dao, that seems like fearful power that existence of the world is even defeated, in front of such power, they puts together completely half a lifetime cultivation, being proud power endless lowly. Divine Lord two characters, appear, in they tremble in the soul that swings. 而此时他们所感知到的气息恐怖,无数倍的超出了他们对玄道的认知,那似乎是一种连天地的存在都覆没的可怕力量,在这样的力量面前,他们拼尽半生修炼,引以为傲的力量无尽卑微。“神主”两个字,浮现在他们颤荡的心魂中。 The space fissure heals completely, Illusory Island complete disappearance, has not left behind grain of sand dust. After whirlpool high sea chaotic wreaking havoc, subsides finally slowly. 空间裂痕全部愈合,幻海岛完完全全的消失,没有留下一粒沙尘。涡流怒涛混乱的肆虐之后,也终于缓缓平息下来。 Then, that almost startled broken innumerable powerhouse heart and Soul pressure also vanishes suddenly. 然后,那股几乎惊破无数强者心脏与灵魂的威压也忽然消失。 A everyone whole body loosen that approaches, such as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain suddenly exsomatize. But their in the eyes alarmed and afraid has not reduced, turns around in abundance, always when the direction runs away fast, no one dares to approach half step again. 临近的所有人全身一松,如万丈山岳忽然离体。但他们眼中惊惧未减,纷纷转身,向来时的方向快速遁去,无一人再敢靠近半步 Sky over disappearance Illusory Island, Mu Xuanyin and Little Jasmine distant looking at each other. Surrounding ocean waves surges, but the sea areas under their body actually smooth such as the mirror is common, does not have the mighty waves. 消失的幻海岛上空,沐玄音小茉莉遥遥对视。周围海浪翻腾,但她们身下的海域却平整的如镜子一般,毫无波澜。 profound energy is released externally as before, but two people as if by prior agreement hidden got down profound light, has not fought again. Short silence, Mu Xuanyin coldly opens the mouth: Princess Caizhi, the Star God Realm King youngest daughter, the living body is today weak, is most mediocre in Star God Realm King all children, because the birth mother perishes to be subject to early desolately, actually inherits Heavenly Wolf Star God's power five years ago perfectly, rumor is also Star God Realm in history only one perfect compatibility.” 玄气依旧外放,但两人都不约而同的隐下了玄光,亦没有再交手。短暂的沉默,沐玄音冷冷开口:“彩脂公主,星神界王最小的女儿,本天生体弱,在星神界王所有儿女中最为平庸,又因生母早亡而备受冷落,却在五年前完美继承天狼星神之力,传闻亦是星神界有史以来唯一一个完美契合者。” Has not thought actually, I unexpectedly one day to fight with Heavenly Wolf Star God!” “倒是没想到,我竟会有一天与天狼星神交手!” The blood-colored wolf pupil on Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword closed, as the blue light flashes, Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword vanished in the hand of Little Jasmine. 天狼圣剑上的血色狼瞳闭合,随着蓝光一闪,天狼圣剑消失在了小茉莉的手中。 Received Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword, Little Jasmine aura changed immediately, the look also restored limpidly nimble and resourceful. Regarding Mu Xuanyin accurate exposes her status and name, she is not strange, lip curls upwards, both hands hold the chest, mumbled low voice: You not only fortunately and this Princess fights, had not been defeated, you certainly were self-satisfied.” 收起了天狼圣剑,小茉莉气场顿时变化,眼神也恢复了清澈灵动。对于沐玄音准确无误的说穿她的身份和名字,她一点都不奇怪,唇儿一翘,双手抱胸,小声嘟囔道:“你不但有幸和本公主交手,还没有被打败,你心里一定得意死了。” Mu Xuanyin: „......” 沐玄音:“……” But...... but!!” Little Jasmine voice/sound suddenly big, her circle stares the eyes to look at Mu Xuanyin: You...... will you why so fierce? Is y-y-yo-you really only Middle-Rank Star Realm Realm King? All High-Rank Star Realm Realm King this Princess have seen, but you equally fierce person, coming of ten finger numbers.” “可是……可是!!”小茉莉声音忽然大了起来,她圆瞪着双眼看着沐玄音:“你……你为什么会这么厉害?你你你你真的只是一个中位星界界王?所有上位星界界王本公主都见过,但和你一样厉害的人,十根手指头都数的过来。” About your information, you should be only Fourth Level Divine Lord obviously, why can......, moreover you are so fierce, even if the Star Realm you are in is the kitten puppy, depends on your one person, will still advance into High-Rank Star Realm to be right, why is Snow Song Realm Middle-Rank Star Realm? Is could it be that you have been hiding the strength?” “可是关于你的信息,你明明应该只是一个四级神主,为什么会……而且你这么厉害,就算你所在的星界都是小猫小狗,就凭你一个人,也该跻身上位星界才对,为什么吟雪界才是中位星界呢?难道是你一直都在隐藏实力?” If were known the Snow Song Realm unexpectedly such fierce people, even if my Royal Father, will have a scare, it is estimated that entire Eastern God Territory will alarm, High-Rank Star Realm still certainly will be many.” “如果被人知道吟雪界居然有一个这么厉害的人,就算是我父王,都会吓一大跳的,估计整个东神域都会惊动,上位星界也一定会多一个的。” Has nothing to do with you!” The Mu Xuanyin pupil light is indifferent, her Snow Princess Sword has not received, still aims at Little Jasmine......, although the opposite party lets Princess Caizhi that ten thousand realms bows the head sufficiently: Answered me the beforehand issue! Why you must follow secretly he!” “与你无关!”沐玄音眸光冷漠,她雪姬剑并未收起,依然指向小茉莉……虽然对方是足以让万界俯首的彩脂公主:“回答我之前的问题!你为什么要偷偷跟着他!” Princess Caizhi tilted the head: Snort, does not want! I am willing to follow he, you cannot manage. Ha! Your big courage, knows this Princess status, unexpectedly also dares is so impolite, you do not fear the this Princess vitality/angry!” 彩脂公主脑袋一歪:“哼,才不要!我就是愿意跟着他,你管不着。哈!你好大的胆子,知道了本公主的身份,居然还敢这么无礼,你就不怕本公主生气吗!” Mu Xuanyin ice pupil one cold: Is it possible that...... do you know him and relations of your Elder Sister?” 沐玄音冰眸一冷:“莫非……你知道他和你姐姐的关系?” A probe of Mu Xuanyin, making the eyebrow of Princess Caizhi fierce jumps, face transferred all of a sudden: How do you...... you know?” 沐玄音的一句试探,让彩脂公主的眉毛猛的一跳,脸儿一下子转了过来:“你……你怎么会知道?” Really!” Mu Xuanyin fine eyebrows sinks: „...... You also knows anything regarding him!” “果然!”沐玄音纤眉一沉:“对于他……你还知道什么!” Princess Caizhi lip half, then rope character: I know that he called Yun Che, from remote Lower Realm, arrived at God Realm to look for my Elder Sister, I also know that he came to here to seek for Emperor Immortal Grass, was in order to sees my Elder Sister.” 彩脂公主嘴唇半张,然后索性道:“我知道他叫云澈,来自一个遥远的下界,来到神界是为了找我姐姐,我还知道他来这里找寻皇仙草,也是为了能见到我姐姐。” Princess Caizhi will say one every time, a Mu Xuanyin eyes ice cold point: How these you know! This matter, he will not tell others to be right!” 彩脂公主每说一句,沐玄音眼眸就会冰冷一分:“这些你是怎么知道的!这件事,他绝不会告诉别人才对!” How you know!” “那你又是怎么知道的!” I am his Honored Master!” Mu Xuanyin coldly said: His all, I naturally clear.” “我是他的师尊!”沐玄音冷冷道:“他所有的一切,我当然都一清二楚。” DING!! 叮!! Snow Princess Sword blooms ice glow, enters in the Princess Caizhi cover sword light: Now this/should you answered my issue. His absolutely impossible told you on own initiative, actually you how knew...... his body, actually also anything flaw!” 雪姬剑绽放冰芒,将彩脂公主罩入剑芒之中:“现在该你回答我的问题了。他绝不可能主动告诉你,你究竟是怎么知道的……他的身上,究竟还有什么破绽!” Flaw? 破绽? Looks at the Mu Xuanyin dignified look, the sensation the chill in the air in her sword light, Princess Caizhi was understanding anything finally, the facial expression a loosen, smiled immediately: You care about him probably very much.” 看着沐玄音凝重的神色,感知着她剑芒中的寒意,彩脂公主终于明白了什么,神情顿时一松,笑了起来:“你好像很关心他呢。” I am his Honored Master, naturally must care about him!” “我是他的师尊,当然要关心他!” Why you must be so ominous to him a moment ago, but also him......” “那你刚才为什么要对他那么凶,还把他……” Answered my issue!” The Mu Xuanyin tonality is colder. “回答我的问题!”沐玄音音调更冷。 Hee hee, good.” Princess Caizhi vigilant and anxious goes, said with a smile: You really care about him probably very much, moreover he is willing with you saying that matter about Elder Sister, definitely believes that very much you are right.” “嘻嘻,好吧。”彩脂公主的警惕和紧张顿去,笑吟吟的道:“你好像真的很关心他,而且他肯和你说关于姐姐的事,肯定是很相信你才对。” Mu Xuanyin: „......” 沐玄音:“……” Princess Caizhi said: Actually, is not considered as that what flaw, has little coincidence that's all.” 彩脂公主道:“其实,也并不算是什么破绽,有一点点巧合而已。” Coincidence?” “巧合?” Probably six months ago? this Princess runs away come out to play secretly, runs into a bad uncle, this Princess wants to lose playing that bad uncle, but he actually to/clashes suddenly, helping this Princess expel the bad uncle.” Princess Caizhi very nose: His expelling bad uncle, what used is Heavenly Wolf's Divine Tome of Imprisonment first sword Oh.” “好像是半年前?本公主偷偷跑出来玩,遇到一个坏叔叔,本公主本来想把那个坏叔叔丢着玩,但他却忽然冲过来,帮本公主把坏叔叔打跑了。”彩脂公主挺了挺鼻子:“他打跑坏叔叔,用的是天狼狱神典的第一剑。” „......” Mu Xuanyin pupil light concentrates. “……”沐玄音眸光一凝。 That sword visible has the potential to be atheistic, he also integrated the flame, others definitely look at not come out. But but this Princess Heavenly Wolf Star God, most familiar Heavenly Wolf's Divine Tome of Imprisonment person. After Elder Brother dies, can display the Heavenly Wolf's Divine Tome of Imprisonment person, should, only then a this Princess talent is right, but Elder Sister told me, in this world the there is still one person, he did not draw support from Heavenly Wolf Star God's power and bloodline, built Heavenly Wolf's Divine Tome of Imprisonment, only then the first sword.” “那一剑有形有势却无神,他还融入了火焰,其他人肯定看不出来的。但本公主可是天狼星神,最最最最熟悉天狼狱神典的人。哥哥死后,能够施展天狼狱神典的人,本该只有本公主一个人才对,但姐姐告诉我,这个世界上还有一个人,他不借助天狼星神的力量血脉,也修成了天狼狱神典,不过只有第一剑。” „...... Will really have this matter!?” Snow Princess Sword dangles slowly, Mu Xuanyin body aura also gradually restrains. She does not know that Yun Che's body also Heavenly Wolf Star God Divine Art...... was separated from Heavenly Wolf Star God's power and bloodline actually built the Heavenly Wolf's Divine Tome of Imprisonment first sword forcefully, all over the world, indeed also only had Yun Che that had Evil God's Profound Veins can achieve. “竟然……会有这种事!?”雪姬剑缓缓垂下,沐玄音身上气息也逐渐收敛。她并不知道云澈的身上还有天狼星神神诀……脱离天狼星神的力量血脉却强行修成了天狼狱神典的第一剑,普天之下,的确也唯有身具邪神玄脉云澈能够做到。 She believes firmly that Yun Che decides however will not inform others the contact with Jasmine, once otherwise passes on to Star God Realm, the consequence will be very serious. Therefore, she must know that his body actually also anything flaw made Princess Caizhi stare at him unexpectedly...... original, can be the so strange coincidence unexpectedly. 她确信云澈定然不会将与茉莉的联系告知他人,否则一旦传至星神界,后果将无比严重。所以,她必须知道他身上究竟还有什么破绽竟让彩脂公主盯上了他……原来,竟然会是如此奇异的巧合。 He makes a move to rescue Heavenly Wolf's Divine Tome of Imprisonment that Heavenly Wolf Star God...... uses unexpectedly...... 他竟然出手去救天狼星神……还是用的天狼狱神典…… Originally has not dared to believe firmly that he is that person who Elder Sister said that this Princess follows quietly he, then the discovery, he and Elder Sister said looks like more and more, in a while, this Princess knows that he certainly was that person who Elder Sister said.” “本来还不敢确信他就是姐姐说的那个人,本公主就悄悄跟着他,然后就发现,他和姐姐所说的越来越像,没过多久,本公主就知道他一定就是姐姐说的那个人了。” To look for Elder Sister, he runs up to God Realm to come, this Princess has is moved little, therefore follows to protect him behind him, so as to avoid he before seeing Elder Sister died, , he since has you such fierce Honored Master, this Princess does not seem to need to fear the appearance that again he died...... went back to accompany Elder Sister to be good.” “为了找姐姐,他跑到神界来,本公主还是有一点点感动的,所以就跟在他后面保护他,免得他在见到姐姐之前就死掉了,不过呢,他既然有你这么厉害的师尊,本公主好像不需要再怕他死掉的样子……还是回去陪姐姐好了。” About his matter, how many your Elder Sister said? Besides you, whom did she also tell?” Mu Xuanyin pursues asks. “关于他的事,你姐姐说了多少?除你之外,她还告诉了谁?”沐玄音追问道。 Elder Sister said are more, imagines certainly you are more. But only told me.” Princess Caizhi smiles: I have Royal Father, there are many uncle uncles Elder Brother Elder Sister, but Elder Sister, is actually my only family member. Regarding Elder Sister, I am also her only family member Oh.” 姐姐说了很多很多,一定比你想象的的还要多。但只告诉了我一个人。”彩脂公主微笑起来:“我有父王,有很多的叔叔伯伯哥哥姐姐,但姐姐,却是我唯一的亲人。对于姐姐来说,我也是她唯一的亲人。” She is smiling faintly sweet, but behind the strange voice, Mu Xuanyin actually felt an indescribable misery. 她在嫣然浅笑,但怪异的话音背后,沐玄音却感受到了一种难以言喻的凄凉。 Elder Sister will be in a daze frequently suddenly, meets again and again to mention about his matter on own initiative, Elder Sister anything is willing to me, that red skirt, she to hug only frequently in the bosom, actually never allows me to touch one time.” 姐姐会经常忽然发呆,会一次次主动说起关于他的事,姐姐什么都愿意给我,唯独那一件红色的裙子,她会经常抱在怀中,却从不允许我碰触一次。” Wants about him, Elder Sister will become completely different. I have wanted to know, is actually how a person, will make Elder Sister have that big change. Elder Sister has added that in this life, impossible see again/goodbye to him, but I know, if can see again/goodbye, she very be certainly happy. Although she......” “只要是关于他,姐姐都会变得完全不一样。我一直都很想知道,究竟是怎样一个人,会让姐姐发生那么大的变化。姐姐还说过,今生今世,都不可能再见到他,但我知道,如果可以再见到的话,她一定会很开心的。虽然她……” The following words, Princess Caizhi stops suddenly, has not said. 后面的话,彩脂公主忽然停住,没有说下去。 Mu Xuanyin aura takes back completely, the pupil light return is tranquil, only then the deep place is shaking something complex some: What you have not arrived at God Realm him tells you Elder Sister?” 沐玄音气息完全收回,眸光回归平静,只有深处荡动着些许复杂:“你没有把他来到神界的是告诉你姐姐吧?” Naturally no!” Princess Caizhi say/way without hesitation: You cannot say with anybody!” “当然没有!”彩脂公主毫不犹豫的道:“你也不许和任何人说!” Does not need you to remind!” Mu Xuanyin cold words, in her heart have doubts and stand guard eliminate, no longer stay, no longer talks too much, turns around to fly away directly, but in the heart was actually left over one point of deep shock. “不用你提醒!”沐玄音一声冷语,她心中疑惑和警戒消除,不再停留,也不再多言,直接转身飞离,不过心中却存下了一分深深的震撼。 Princess Caizhi, according to rumor, she completed the inheritance of Heavenly Wolf Divine Power five years ago, becomes new Heavenly Wolf Star God. The short five years, Divine Power should be only the preliminary fusion, the strength then already powerful to so the situation, crosses for five years...... ten years...... hundred years...... to wait her to fuse Heavenly Wolf Divine Power again completely, powerful to what kind of Realm, simply unimaginable. 彩脂公主,按照传闻,她在五年前才完成了天狼神力的传承,成为新的天狼星神。短短五年时间,神力应该只是初步融合,实力便已强大到如此地步,再过五年……十年……百年……待她完全融合天狼神力,又会强大到何等境界,简直不可想象。 The legend she might become in the Star God Realm history in the future very much most Star God...... seems like not a wild talk. 传说她将来很有可能会成为星神界史上最星神……看来并非妄言。 Ah...... wait/etc!” 啊……等等!” Before body of Mu Xuanyin, color movie in a flash, Princess Caizhi animated keeping off before her body: Big Sister, this Princess replied a moment ago very much earnestly your issue, you...... earnest is a very reply this Princess issue also good!” 沐玄音的身前彩影一晃,彩脂公主已俏生生的挡在了她的身前:“大姐姐,本公主刚才可是很认真的回答你的问题了,你也……很认真的回答本公主一个问题好不好!” „...... What issue?” “……什么问题?” That......” Princess Caizhi suddenly becomes shy, face hangs slightly, but also redden, starts to speak but hesitates slightly, she looked at Mu Xuanyin to stand tall and erect to want the snow clothes of crack, looked at an only slightly prosperous chest, finally had the greatest courage: What to do wants......, after growing up, can become with your same bulging breasts and perky behind?” “那个……”彩脂公主忽然变得扭捏起来,脸儿稍垂,还微微泛红,欲言又止,她看了一眼沐玄音高耸欲裂的雪衣,又瞄了一眼自己只堪堪微隆的胸脯,终于鼓起了莫大的勇气:“要……怎么办,长大后才可以变得和你一样前凸后翘?” Mu Xuanyin: „......” 沐玄音:“……” Must open Profound God Conference immediately, opening and process should think differently with your anybody......】 【马上要开启玄神大会了,开局和过程应该和你们任何人想得都不一样……】
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