ATG :: Volume #11 Profound God Conference (玄神大会)

#1122: Ancient Boundary collapse

Filled the horizon ice-cold and Mu Xuanyin profound energy such as insane general sudden rise, when terrifying cold qi powerful to some critical point, changed to seemed to be aura unexpectedly, the heavily impact is twisting profound energy Domain before Little Jasmine body. 弥漫天际的冰寒沐玄音玄气如疯了一般的暴涨,当过于恐怖寒气强盛到了某个临界点,竟化作似有形的气场,重重冲击扭曲着小茉莉身前的玄气领域 Gradually, she starts to feel ice cold that approached fast. 逐渐的,她开始感觉到了快速逼近的冰冷 In Little Jasmine screams, continuously laughter free her finally face austere, profound energy Domain several times inflate, all dispels surrounding cold qi, the imminent ice-cold feeling also extinguishes. 小茉莉惊呼声中,一直嬉笑自若的她终于脸儿肃起,玄气领域数倍膨胀,将周围的寒气全部排开,迫近中的冰寒感也随之消弭。 Ding! 叮! The blue light flashes lightly, such as the daybreak ago North Pole multi-colored sunlight. The Mu Xuanyin snow clothes hikes up, the white delicate arms light dance, Snow Princess Sword delimits several hundred sword shades in several breaths, internal qi of the whole world seems towed, but, changes to the cold prison storms from nine quiet under. 蓝光轻闪,如黎明前的北极霞光。沐玄音雪衣飘起,玉臂轻舞,雪姬剑在数息之间划出数百道剑影,整个世界的气机都仿佛被牵引而至,化作来自九幽之下的寒狱风暴。 climate big change of Illusory Sea Ancient Boundary, even if outside thousand li (500 km), life of surviving desperate wail in cold wind. But the center of ice-cold and storm, what condensed is the average man, even if ten live terrifying ice prison that ten lifetimes is unable to understand absolutely. 幻海古境气候大变,纵然千里之外,残存的生灵都在寒风中绝望哭嚎。而冰寒与风暴的中心,凝聚的是常人纵然十生十世都绝对无法理解的恐怖冰狱 Little Jasmine form fast retreat, her profound energy Domain was twisted and suppressed layer upon layer, but will immediately restore completely, regardless of cold destruction, has not touched she seemingly delicate incomparable body from beginning to end. But her face is actually floating off deeper and deeper surprised and unbelievable, to finally, gradually turned was incomprehensible. 小茉莉身影快速后退,她的玄气领域被层层扭曲和压制,但马上又会恢复完好,无论寒冷还是毁灭,自始至终都未曾碰触到她看似娇弱无比的身体。但她的一张脸儿却是浮起着越来越深的惊讶和难以置信,到最后,逐渐变成了不可理解。 Although is only Middle-Rank Star Realm Realm King, but the name of Mu Xuanyin, is well-known in High-Rank Star Realm and King Realm. Because she after all is powerful Divine Lord. 虽然只是一个中位星界界王,但沐玄音之名,在上位星界王界广为人知。因为她毕竟是一个强大的神主 Star Realm that has Divine Lord, any other Star Realm easily will not provoke. 一个拥有神主星界,任何其他星界都绝不会轻易招惹。 But, the strength that Mu Xuanyin shows, was separated from her estimate completely, is incompatible about all her materials and rumor by far. 但,沐玄音所表现出的实力,完全脱离了她的预想,更远远不符关于她的所有资料与传闻 Under thousand ice shadow, has not broken open Little Jasmine profound energy Domain as before. This to Little Jasmine, is the natural matter. The altitude of because by her status and being, even if strength far ultra expectation of Mu Xuanyin, impossible caused threat her only to use less than 30% power to her decisively even. 千道冰影之下,依旧没有破开小茉莉玄气领域。这对小茉莉而言,是理所当然之事。因为以她的身份和所在的高度,纵然沐玄音的实力远超预料,也断然不可能对她造成威胁即使她只使用了不到30%的力量 ice-cold as before, but the storm and cold light rest slightly, after seeming like the limiting condition next, strength is difficult. Little Jasmine face lifts, just about to speaks, suddenly, Ice Phoenix called spatially, with fluttering of wing of Ice Phoenix, the deep blue ice link dropped from the clouds together, covered Little Jasmine. In a twinkling, the whole world becomes deep blue one piece. 冰寒依旧,但风暴和寒光稍歇,似乎是极限状态下后力难继。小茉莉脸儿一抬,刚要说话,忽而,一声冰凰鸣空,随着冰凰之翼的招展,一道蔚蓝冰环从天而降,直罩小茉莉。霎时间,整个世界都变得湛蓝一片。 This thinks that has achieved peak ice-cold to rise dramatically in split second several times unexpectedly. 本以为已经达到极致冰寒竟又在一瞬间数倍暴增。 Yeah Ai!?” Little Jasmine profound energy was suppressed all of a sudden, by seal, was lost the control unexpectedly slowly. Has never had bitter cold suddenly such as myriad invisible ice edges, pierces her profound energy Domain directly, the duplicate vine whole body, pricks the soul again, causes her one to call out in alarm. “哎哎!?”小茉莉玄气被一下子压制,随之竟被缓缓封结,失去了控制。从未有过的酷寒忽如万千无形冰刃,直接刺穿她的玄气领域,覆蔓全身,再刺入心魂,引得她一声惊叫。 The deep blue ice link contracts in the whereabouts, withstand/top Little Jasmine profound energy to continue to depress, nearly to distance of insufficient hundred feet, on the Little Jasmine tight face had gradually presented some painful looks, finally, her look slightly changes, in pupil, flashes through the one exceptionally resplendent goal blue light. 蔚蓝冰环在下落中收缩,顶着小茉莉玄气持续压下,逐渐已近到不足十丈之距,小茉莉绷紧的脸上出现了些许痛苦的神色,终于,她眼神稍变,瞳眸之中,闪过一抹异常灿目的蓝光。 BANG!!!!!! 轰!!!!!! Illusory Sea Ancient Boundary fierce trembling, rumbled, exceeded this ancient times Secret Realm in history all startling thunderclap, the lives in all Ancient Boundary lost the sense of hearing in split second completely. 幻海古境剧烈颤荡,一声轰鸣,胜过了这个远古秘境有史以来所有的惊雷,所有古境中的生灵在一瞬间全部失去了听觉。 Deep blue ice link blasting open, the entire hundred li (0.5 km) region, all cold qi were evacuated by split second, probably was cancelled from the world by an invisible hand directly. 蔚蓝冰环炸裂,整整百里区域,所有的寒气一瞬间排空,像是被一只无形之手从天地之间直接抹去。 Displaces, is says crackling to flash innumerably, such as lightning general dark blue profound light. 取而代之的,是无数道嘶鸣闪动,如雷电一般的苍蓝玄光 Mu Xuanyin such as by the hammer of Tianqing, the form was shot hundred li (0.5 km), when stops, above snowy face is actually unrelieved. 沐玄音如遭天擎之锤,身影直直倒射百里,停住之时,雪颜之上却是毫无变化。 ice blue and dark blue, are two close colors, actually distinguishes right from wrong, divides into two entire Ancient Boundary world. 冰蓝苍蓝,本是两种相近的颜色,却泾渭分明,将整个古境世界一分为二。 Little Jasmine is in the previous position as before, but before she absolutely does not have , the optional appearance of leisurely strolling idle courtyard, can only call it in exquisite both hands, grasping one is bigger much the dark blue great sword. 小茉莉依旧处在先前的位置,但她已完全没有了之前信步闲庭的随意模样,只能称之为小巧的双手之中,握着一把大得出奇的苍蓝巨剑。 sword body is more spacious than girl's body, the sword long is two times in the height of young girl, even if the thick sword hilt girl both hands are unable about grasping. 剑体比女孩的身躯还要宽大,剑长更是两倍于少女的身长,粗大的剑柄女孩即使是双手都无法合握。 The so big sword, even if nine chi (0.33 m) great man (Han) being hard phase contrast, do not say an exquisite young girl. But, was held by the girl in the hand, presented unexpectedly is a not different sense of harmony, as if irresistible and unquestionable voice/sound flutter in Soul: It should control for her, only has her, with controls it. 如此大剑,纵然九尺巨汉都难以相衬,更不要说一个玲珑少女。但,被女孩持于手中,呈现的竟是一种无异的和谐感,仿佛有一个不可抗拒、不容置疑的声音灵魂飘荡:它本就该为她所驾驭,也唯有她,才配将它驾驭。 Sword blade steel, resembles Glazed Glass, on will flicker dark blue dazzling, next instant will sink without the light secretly. Sword hilt one foot, the sword blade does not have the blade to be not sharp, before the dark blue sword blade, is actually flashing all over the body two scarlet sanguine light, such as wolf of berserk bleeding the eye of bloodthirsty. 剑身似钢铁,又似琉璃,上一瞬苍蓝耀目,下一瞬又会暗沉无光。剑柄一尺,剑身无刃无尖,通体苍蓝的剑身前端,却闪动着两枚猩红血光,如喋血之狼狂暴的嗜血之目。 The great sword comes, Little Jasmine aura thorough changed. Previous she, looks like worry-free, naive leads the cunning elf young girl, even if she displays is crushing Mu Xuanyin's power sufficiently, is still very difficult to give the fear feeling. 巨剑现身,小茉莉气场彻彻底底的变了。先前的她,就像是一个无忧无虑,天真中带着狡黠的精灵少女,哪怕她表现着足以压倒沐玄音的力量,依然很难给人以畏惧感。 But at this time, her face faintness, aura did not have the least bit again light and lively temperate, but is complete another peak 但此时,她的脸儿却一片淡漠,气息再没有了半点的轻灵温和,而是完完全全的另一个极致 Unequalled evil spirit and cruelty! 无与伦比的凶煞与残暴! If Primordial Devil God, takes her petite body to regain consciousness as the carrier suddenly. 如一头上古魔神,以她娇小的身躯为载体忽然苏醒。 The sky fracto cloud tumbles, the land trembles, the sea anger heavy breathing, myriad spirits bows the head, at this moment, as if world's control is born, all life dead souls submit to the fear tremble. 天空碎云翻滚,大地震颤,沧海怒哮,万灵俯首,这一刻,仿佛天地的主宰降世,一切生灵死灵都在恐惧中臣服战栗。 Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword!” In ice pupil of Mu Xuanyin, release radiant different light. 天狼圣剑!”沐玄音的冰眸之中,释放出璀璨的异光。 Little Jasmine has not said a word, the slender both arms lift slowly, the dark blue great sword holds up spatial and vertical...... her body does not have the anger, without killing intent, but is actually seething angry sea raging waves fighting intent, as if her sword, her power then to fight to live, the non- origin, must shake day to startle the world. 小茉莉没有言语,纤细的双臂缓缓抬起,苍蓝巨剑擎空而立……她的身上没有怒意,没有杀意,但却翻腾着怒海惊涛般的战意,仿佛她的剑,她的力量便是为战而生,不出则已,一出必撼天骇世。 When the great sword raises, that innumerable say/way flashes dark blue brilliance also to waver slowly, the sword blade refers to spatial that moment, congealed shadow of the height hundred li (0.5 km) great dark green wolf. 巨剑擎起之时,那无数道闪动中的苍蓝光华也在缓慢游移,剑身指空的那一刻,凝成了一个身长百里之巨的苍狼之影。 That...... that...... that...... that is anything!!” “那……那……那……那是什么!!” In Illusory Sea Ancient Boundary, surviving profound practitioner no one has been able to stand, their complete paralysis looks spatially, in panic-stricken looks above extremely sky that was only huge the dark green wolf, the pupil of enlargement almost supports completely the entire eye socket. 幻海古境之中,残存的玄者已无一人能站立,他们全部瘫地望空,在极度的惊骇中看着苍穹之上那只巨大苍狼,放大的瞳孔几乎撑满了整个眼眶。 Ices the eyebrow to sink slightly, pitches up one to be dignified in Mu Xuanyin snowy face. Usually handles gently the swayed, Snow Princess Sword is paddling the strange path, in an instant, several small-scale profound array have congealed before the body. 冰眉稍沉,在沐玄音雪颜上倾起一抹凝重。素手轻摆,雪姬剑划动着奇异的轨迹,转眼之间,数个小型玄阵已在身前凝成。 The center of hundred li (0.5 km) dark green wolf, Little Jasmine moved finally, under dark blue great sword superficial cutting, among fresh-faced flowery lips, voice/sound is still elusive, brings the indifference and dignity of trembling soul: 百里苍狼的中心,小茉莉终于动了,苍蓝巨剑轻描淡写的斩下,粉嫩的唇瓣间,声音依旧空灵,却带着颤魂的冷漠与威严: Heavenly Wolf Slash!” 天狼斩!” „” “嗷呜” The dark green wolf howls spatially, dashes to Mu Xuanyin, above shake sky, put a huge dark blue path, for a very long time was not loose. 苍狼啸空,直扑沐玄音,在震荡的苍穹之上,划出了一道庞大的苍蓝轨迹,久久不散。 If Yun Che in the side, decides at this time however will be startled. 如果此时云澈在侧,定然会大吃一惊。 Because of this sword, is he receives from Jasmine impressively, usually quite takes advantage Heavenly Wolf's Divine Tome of Imprisonment first sword Heavenly Wolf Slash! 因为这一剑,赫然就是他承自茉莉,平时颇为依仗的“天狼狱神典”第一剑天狼斩 But, although with is Heavenly Wolf Slash, its power and influence and its charm, its ideal condition, must exceed Yun Che far more than ten million times. 但,虽同为天狼斩,其威势、其神韵,其意境,要胜过云澈何止千万倍。 If Heavenly Wolf Slash of Yun Che limiting condition is the strength of firefly candle, then Little Jasmine this sword, then such as vast Milky Way. 如果说云澈极限状态的天狼斩是萤烛之力,那么小茉莉这一剑,便如浩瀚银河。 The Mu Xuanyin form illness/quick draws back, flashing before of each Broken Moon's Flickering Shadow, will leave behind a clear ice lotus. 沐玄音身影疾退,每一次断月拂影的闪现,都会留下一枚纯净冰莲。 Hundred li (0.5 km) Heavenly Wolf rips spatially, but, under covers the sky wolf spectre, Mu Xuanyin's form is then small like the sand dust, but at this time, before her body, has embellished 99 ice lotuses, a Snow Princess Sword finger/refers, all ice lotuses also bloom, release everywhere ice magnificent. 百里天狼撕空而至,遮天狼影之下,沐玄音的身影便如沙尘般微小,而在这时,她的身前已点缀起九十九朵冰莲,雪姬剑一指,所有冰莲同时绽放,释放出漫天冰华。 Nine Absolute Lotus Heart Formation!” 九绝莲心阵!” World instantly silent, only had ice blue brilliance richly several times. 99 ice lotuses in the blue light like the stars vacillation, spread huge Star Formation, hundred li (0.5 km) dark green wolf imprisonment, in an instant, the shadow of dark green wolf then stopped roaring, stubbornly frozen, frames in in the air. 世界霎时无声,唯有冰蓝光华浓郁了数倍。九九冰莲在蓝光中如星辰般游移,铺起一个庞大星阵,将百里苍狼禁锢其中,转眼之间,苍狼之影便停止了咆哮,被死死冰封,定格在空中。 KA!! 咔!! After being instantly quiet, ices the lotus and wolf spectre also blasts open, blue light everywhere, the prestige of Heavenly Wolf, although the power and influence reduces greatly, but the remaining prestige is still scary, the Mu Xuanyin form is motionless, Snow Princess Sword punctures gently, the Heavenly Wolf remaining prestige was divided into two immediately, howls from her body, after half breath, the rear world transmits the earth-shaking destruction sound tide. 刹那沉寂后,冰莲与狼影同时炸裂,蓝光漫天,天狼之威虽威势大减,但余威依旧骇人,沐玄音身影不动,雪姬剑轻轻刺出,天狼余威顿时被一分为二,从她身体两侧呼啸而过,半息之后,后方的世界传来天翻地覆般的毁灭音潮。 „......?” On the Little Jasmine indifferent face appeared again surprisedly. Mu Xuanyin compels her to appear Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword, is to make her quite shocking. But she appears a sword after Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword, unexpectedly was also received by her, moreover seems like not strenuous. “……?”小茉莉冷漠的脸上再次浮现出了惊讶。沐玄音逼她现出天狼圣剑,已是让她极为震惊。但她现出天狼圣剑后的一剑,居然也被她接下,而且看上去并不费力。 This to her, is nearly incomprehensible. 这对她而言,已近乎不可理解。 Heavenly Wolf Sacred Sword holds up again, the second sword cuts horizontally. 天狼圣剑再次举起,第二剑横斩而出。 Savage Fang!!” 蛮荒牙!!” RUUUUUMBLE is prosperous 轰隆隆隆隆 Trembling of the world is more intense, Illusory Sea Ancient Boundary each corner, each life, seeing helplessly, big such as the sky dark blue great wolf brings to destroy the heavenly might potential to throw toward oneself 世界的战栗更加强烈,幻海古境的每一个角落,每一个生灵,都眼睁睁的看到,一只大如苍穹苍蓝巨狼带着毁天威势向着自己扑来 Bang KACHA!! 咔嚓!! A huge space fissure broke out like lightning, spanned 1/3 Illusory Sea Ancient Boundary, continued several breaths has not actually healed slightly. Illusory Sea Ancient Boundary no longer is pure trembling, but completely boiling. 一道巨大的空间裂痕如雷电般劈开,横亘了三分之一个幻海古境,持续了数息却丝毫没有愈合。幻海古境已不再是单纯的战栗,而是完全沸腾 sky and land turn over directly, all mountain avalanches, the sea overturns, innumerable lives shouts desperately is defeated completely, then buries together with the life in gradually the collapse world. 苍穹和大地直接翻转过来,所有山岳崩塌,沧海翻覆,无数生灵的绝望嘶吼被完全覆没,然后连同生命都埋葬在逐渐崩坏的世界之中。 Enters Illusory Sea Ancient Boundary profound practitioner, survived innumerable profound beast in Ancient Boundary. They until death, do not know why oneself are dies. 无论是进入幻化古境玄者,还是本就生存于古境中的无数玄兽。他们至死,都不知道自己是因何而死。 Disaster? In does the world, how possibly have such terrifying disaster? 天灾?世上,怎么可能有如此恐怖的天灾? **? How that possibly belongs to power of life! **?那怎么可能是属于生灵的力量 Is away from almost the space fissure that Ancient Boundary divides into two, two groups of blue light burn the eye as before and distinguish right from wrong. Little Jasmine divine sense crosses several hundred li (0.5 km), is locking existence of Mu Xuanyin clearly. 隔着差点将古境一分为二的空间裂痕,两团蓝光依旧灼目和泾渭分明。小茉莉神识横穿数百里,清晰锁定着沐玄音的存在。 Compared with the first sword more powerful Savage Fang, has not actually routed Mu Xuanyin as before, drives back 200 li (0.5 km) him merely. 比之第一剑更加强大的“蛮荒牙”,却依旧没有击溃沐玄音,仅仅是将其逼退两百里。 „......” In Little Jasmine pupil flashes through one look of surprise , her fighting intent with the blood-colored wolf pupil that the Saint sword emperor's wrath opens, but berserk. “……”小茉莉瞳眸中闪过一抹异色,随之,她的战意随着圣剑上怒睁的血色狼瞳而更加狂暴 Rip! 哧啦! Rip! 哧啦! The space was torn crudely, several times shuttled back and forth, several hundred li (0.5 km) space pulls closer in a flash, two blue shades hit in the sky, then interlocked in a flash dozens times, shadow of Ice Phoenix's spectre and dark green wolf also collides finally, overturned in the world, in the world that principle collapsed, the region that two people was, created one to have several hundred li (0.5 km) destruction vacuum fast fully, any existed to touch, can be invisible instantaneously. 空间被粗暴撕裂,数次穿梭,数百里空间转瞬拉近,两道蓝影当空而撞,弹指间便交错数十次,冰凰之影与苍狼之影也终于碰撞到了一起,在天地翻覆,法则崩溃的世界之中,两人所在的区域,快速缔造出一个足有数百里的毁灭真空,任何存在碰触,都会瞬间消失于无形。 this period of time was seized by a native of Singapore , Maya, but because my looks too commander afraid was snatched light/only female of their world by me, put me......, was this.】 这段时间被玛雅星人抓走了,但由于我长得太帅怕被我抢光他们全球的女性,又把我放回来了……是的,就是这样。】
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