KOMI :: Volume #6

#548: Disintoxicating

Chapter 548 detoxifies 第548章解毒 You said that it to you independent signalling, wants to ask you to help it detoxify?” “你说它会给你单独传信,是想找你帮它解毒?” When Lu Ming hears Li Luo said this guess, on the cheeks also cannot help but appears some surprised colors, at once she sizes up on that gigantic silver tree heart is inserting at present the black tree thorn, poisonous qi that on that sent out obviously extremely fearful, even if she were away from some distances, but feels the extremely intense crisis as before. 鹿鸣听见李洛说出这个猜测的时候,脸颊上也不由得浮现出一些惊讶之色,旋即她打量着眼前那颗硕大的银色树心上面所插着的黑色树刺,那上面所散发的毒气显然极其的可怕,即便她隔着一些距离,但依旧是感觉到了极为强烈的危机。 Li Luo, is not I disparages you, but deadly poison of this rank, you determined that is you can contact?” Asking that she cannot bear. 李洛,不是我贬低伱,但这种级别的剧毒,你确定是你能够接触的?”她忍不住的问道。 The strength that this Thunderous Tree has is quite good, but, was still so punctured deadly poison to weaken and suppress by this special tree even, obviously the intensity of its toxicity, Li Luo small Resonance Master Realm , to purify this poisonous qi, that violates the danger in the by body without doubt, even the slightest misstep, is beyond redemption. 雷鸣树所具备的力量相当不俗,可即便如此,也被这种特殊的树刺剧毒所削弱与压制,可见其毒性之强烈,李洛一个小小的相师境如果想要去净化这种毒气,那无疑是在以身犯险,稍有不慎,就是万劫不复。 Li Luo is stepping the step, about looked at the silver tree heart above stinger, hesitates saying: This poisonous qi is very indeed fearful, wants to reduce and solve by my ability, that simply in dream of a fool.” 李洛迈着步子,左右看了看银色树心上面的毒刺,沉吟道:“这种毒气的确很可怕,以我的能力想要化解,那简直就是在痴人说梦。” Moreover, these stingers seem like form some specific poison, then, can poisonous qi complete sealed, suppress in this tree heart, conducts to it is nibbling and corroding, this is very exquisite technique.” “而且,这些毒刺似乎是形成某种特定的毒阵,如此一来,就能够将毒气完全的封闭,压制在这树心之中,对它进行着蚕食与侵蚀,这是很精妙的手法。” I think, Thunderous Tree should not really count on I can help it poisonous qi complete resolution.” “不过我想,雷鸣树应该也没真指望我能够帮它将毒气完全的化解。” Its goal. Perhaps is hopes me for it this strict poison, a loosen opening.” “它的目的.或许是希望我为它将这严密的毒阵,松一个口子。” As Li Luo thought aloud said these words, at present the vibration of that silver tree heart intensifies unexpectedly, had strange buzz the whining noise reverberated here, seems echoing the Li Luo spoken language to be the same. 随着李洛自言自语的将这些话说出来,眼前那颗银色树心的震动竟然加剧了起来,有奇异的嗡鸣声在此处回荡,仿佛是在应和着李洛的言语一般。 In the Lu Ming bright eyes full is surprised. 鹿鸣明眸中满是惊奇。 Li Luo rubs suo the chin , his detoxification technology actually is quite looking pensive ordinary, but his very special place, that is he has three resonance power that has the strength of detoxification. 李洛磨挲着下巴,若有所思,他的解毒技术其实比较一般,但他有一个很特殊的地方,那就是他拥有着三种具备着解毒之力的相力 water resonance, light resonance, wood resonance. 水相,光明相,木相 These three resonance power have the detoxification ability, but the strength of these three detoxification fuse in together, can indeed have the influence on rare deadly poison, this point he has tried many times. 这三种相力都具备着解毒能力,而这三种解毒之力融合在一起的时候,的确是能够对许多罕见的剧毒造成影响,这一点他已经亲身尝试过许多次了。 Because from some significance. This is a simple version also aims in the detoxification three resonance's power. 因为从某种意义来说.这算是一种简单版并且针对于解毒的“三相之力”。 Although because of the reason of Li Luo ability limit, he is impossible to reduce and solve these rare deadly poison directly, but if alleviates or causes a point its toxicity to weaken, can actually achieve. 虽说因为李洛自身能力限制的缘故,他不可能直接将那些罕见的剧毒化解,但如果只是将其毒性缓解或者造成一点削弱,其实还是能够做到的。 Previously this Thunderous Tree asked him to give the information specially, could not say that also induced this point in the contact, sometimes after all these between Heaven and Earth strange tree, the sensation must be keener than Human Clan. 此前这雷鸣树专门找他传递信息,说不得也是在接触的时候感应到了这一点,毕竟这些天地间的奇树,有时候感知的确比人族要更为的敏锐许多。 „.” “不过.” Li Luo looks on silver tree heart these black stingers, flexure scratches the head, said: brother Tree, this poison seems exquisite, I cannot feel the clue completely, you really want me to help, to be honest I a little do not know that from where starts.” 李洛看着银色树心上面的那些黑色毒刺,挠了挠头,道:“树哥,这毒阵似乎很精妙,我完全摸不着头绪,你真要我帮忙,说实话我也有点不知道从何下手啊。” Poison that at present these black stingers compose is he has never seen, he does not know that before original poisonous qi can also use, today opens mind actually. 眼前这些黑色毒刺所组成的毒阵是他从未见过的,他以前都不知道原来毒气还能够这么用,今日倒是开了眼界。 He has a feeling, present poison cannot destroy at will, if cannot find the rule, once he meddles, instead will result in the poisonous eruption, when the time comes he cannot even run away. 他有种感觉,眼前的毒阵不能随意的破坏,如果不能找到规律的话,他一旦插手,反而会引发毒阵的爆发,到时候连他都跑不掉。 But resembled heard the Li Luo words, above silver tree heart, suddenly has thunder light to jump, then, Li Luo saw again, a thunder light continuously started to gather to a position, there deep is inserting a jet black stinger. 而似是听见了李洛的话语,银色树心之上,突然有着雷光跳跃起来,再然后,李洛就见到,一缕缕的雷光开始汇聚向了一处位置,那里深深的插着一根漆黑的毒刺。 thunder light beats on the stinger, once for a while melts with that jet black poisonous qi mutually. 雷光在毒刺上面跳动,时不时的与那漆黑毒气互相消融。 brother Tree, is this stinger the key? So long as weakens its above poisonous qi, you can grasp actively some?” The Li Luo spirit inspires, asks. 树哥,这根毒刺是关键吗?只要将它上面的毒气削弱,你就能够掌握一些主动?”李洛精神一振,问道。 Silver tree heart thunders. 银色树心轰鸣起来。 Saw that it so responded, Li Luo hesitated slightly, turns the head to look to Lu Ming, said: I try, you help my limelight ambient condition, remembering the time must maintain the intelligence to be sober.” 见到它这般回应,李洛微微沉吟,转头看向鹿鸣,道:“我上去试试,你帮我注意点周围情况,记得时刻要保持神智清醒。” Called Lu Ming to come this together, the main function to prevent he presented accident, but at that time Lu Ming can also prompt crumb spirit mirror, guarantee two people life. 叫上鹿鸣一起来此,最主要的作用就是为了防止他自身出现意外,而那个时候鹿鸣还能够及时捏碎灵镜,保得两人性命。 Un, you carefully.” “嗯,你小心点。” At this time, Lu Ming naturally cannot stop Li Luo, but is the earnest nod should under. 都这个时候了,鹿鸣自然不会阻拦李洛,而是认真的点头应下。 Therefore Li Luo deeply inspires, walks up, before arriving at the stinger that root by thunder light covered, his both hands close up, revolves directly three in within the body resonance power that has the strength of detoxification, by his strength, although condenses resonance power that becomes compared to Thunderous Tree quite weak, the strength of detoxification but three resonance power send out, indeed has its unique effect. 于是李洛深吸一口气,走上前去,来到了那根被雷光所覆盖的毒刺前,他双手合拢,直接运转起体内的三股具备着解毒之力的相力,以他的实力,虽然凝聚而成的相力相对于雷鸣树来说相当的微弱,可三股相力散发出来的解毒之力,却的确是有着其独特的效果。 After several minutes, drop of clear liquid dropped from the Li Luo fingertip, falls on that stinger. 数分钟后,一滴晶莹的液体自李洛指尖滴落,落在了那毒刺上面。 Then above that stinger, is has the huge response to appear, sees only the jet black viscous poisonous qi tumbling, in poisonous qi, as if presented a strange face, the face in sad and shrill neighing, it is throwing the hatred to Li Luo the vision, but the clarity of face, obviously under this drop of detoxification liquid, slightly became must desalinate. 然后那毒刺之上,便是有着剧烈的反应出现,只见得漆黑粘稠的毒气翻滚,毒气中,仿佛是出现了一张诡异的人脸,人脸在凄厉的嘶鸣,它对着李洛投去怨毒的目光,但人脸的清晰度,显然是在这一滴解毒液体下,稍微的变得淡化了一些。 Obviously, Li Luo detoxification liquid, took the function. 显然,李洛的解毒液体,还是取到了作用。 Unexpectedly really useful?” Lu Ming is somewhat shocking. “竟然真的有用?”鹿鸣有些震惊。 The fearfulness of these stingers, she, although has not contacted, but can actually the clear feeling, deadly poison of this rank, the Heavenly Astral General Level powerhouses not dare easily to contaminate, but Li Luo this small can Resonance Master Realm, actually weaken it? 这些毒刺的可怕,她虽然没有接触,但却是能够清晰的感觉得出来,这种级别的剧毒,连天罡将阶的强者都不敢轻易的沾染,可李洛这小小的相师境,竟然能够将其削弱? Although this weakening is not a little worth mentioning overall speaking, but this is only because of the Li Luo resonance power extremely weak reason, if this time Li Luo is the Respected General Realm strength, can directly this deadly poison resolution easily? 虽说这种削弱从整体来看有点不值一提,可这只是因为李洛自身相力太过薄弱的原因,如果此时的李洛拜将境的实力,岂不是可以直接把这种剧毒轻易的化解? „After water resonance and wood resonance fuse can the detoxification effect, strong to this degree?” Lu Ming felt that quite puzzled, she is also the twin resonances owner, therefore the understanding twin resonance's power must clear, because regarding this quite clear, she surprisedly in Li Luo of detoxification effect. 水相木相融合后的解毒效果,能强到这种程度?”鹿鸣对此感到颇为的不解,她自身也是双相拥有者,所以对双相之力的了解也要更为的清楚,可正是因为对此颇为的清楚,她才会惊讶于李洛的解毒效果之强。 However perhaps how she cannot think, in Li Luo that abundant water resonance and wood resonance's power, but also is hiding relatively speaking weak light resonance's power. 然而她或许怎么都想不到,在李洛那雄厚的水相木相之力之中,还隐藏着一股相对而言微弱许多的光明相力 Although this together light resonance's power is not strong, but made the detoxification effect have a change of quality. 这一道光明相力虽说不强,但却令得解毒效果出现了一种质的变化。 However the Li Luo detoxification ability can be so strong, pouring is also makes Lu Ming secretly relax, having the effect is good, so long as then Li Luo slowly weakens that stinger above poisonous qi, breaks open a slit this strict poison, then Thunderous Tree can control some initiatives, when the time comes the entire aspect will be partial to them. 不过李洛的解毒能力能这么强,倒也是让得鹿鸣暗自松了一口气,有效果就好,只要接下来李洛慢慢的将那根毒刺上面的毒气削弱,将这严密的毒阵破开一丝缝隙,那么雷鸣树就能够掌控一些主动性,到时候整个局面就会偏向他们这边。 Pouring is also smooth.” “倒还算是顺利。” But flashes through this thought in the heart of Lu Ming that flash, in the tree body region that suddenly, this tree heart is at transmitted the fierce vibration. 而就在鹿鸣的心中闪过这道念头的那一瞬间,突然,这树心所在的树体区域内传来了剧烈的震动。 Bang! 轰! In that front silver tree wall place, has the astonishing strength like the mighty current eruption, directly is forcefully tears that tree wall. 在那前方的银色树壁处,有惊人的力量如洪流般的爆发,直接是硬生生的将那树壁撕裂开来。 Your these Academic Federation mousies, but also is really haunted by the ghost.” “你们这些学府联盟的小老鼠,还真是阴魂不散。” The gloomy and cold hoarse sound from the tree wall of breakage conveys, then Li Luo and Lu Ming are sights of complexion drastic change, together grandiose black-armored person shadow, outside entering slowly from that tree wall, wild astonishing resonance power surges in its whole body, that resonance power pressure, is ordinary like the storm, is covering to two people directly. 阴冷嘶哑的声音从破损的树壁外传来,然后李洛鹿鸣便是面色剧变的见到,一道壮硕的黑甲人影,自那树壁外缓缓的走进,狂暴惊人的相力在其周身涌动,那股相力威压,如同暴风雨一般,直接就对着两人笼罩而来。 Earthly Fiend General Level?!” 地煞将阶?!” Lu Ming feels that powerful resonance power oppression, the eye pupil is shrinking immediately. 鹿鸣感受着那股强大的相力压迫,眼瞳顿时一缩。 In this Thunderous Mountain deep place, is also hiding a Earthly Fiend General Level expert unexpectedly?! 在这雷鸣山深处,竟然还藏着一名地煞将阶的高手?! Buzz! 嗡! But in that flash that this black-armored person presents, he not to Li Luo two people of many reaction time, the palm lifts, in the hand heavy spear such as racing Leiban violently shoots, is coercing the astonishing strength, in an instant, has appeared in the Li Luo front. 而就在这黑甲人出现的那一瞬间,他也没有给李洛二人多少的反应时间,手掌一抬,手中重枪如奔雷般的暴射而出,裹挟着惊人力量,霎那间,就已出现在了李洛的前方。 Bang! 轰! heavy spear howls, direct ruthless spicy incomparable pierces the body of Li Luo. 重枪呼啸,直接狠辣无比的将李洛的身体洞穿而过。
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