KOMI :: Volume #6

#519: Celebration party

Returned to the garret, all students seem by prior agreement returns to the room respectively, can look, this courtyard level competition regarding everyone is an enormous consumption, the spirit or the physical strength, endured the limit. 回了阁楼,所有的学员都是不约而同的各自回房,看得出来,此次院级赛对于所有人都是一场极大的消耗,不论是精神还是体力,都是熬到了极限。 Similarly was exhausted Li Luo also returned to the room directly, to the end could not bear whistling rested greatly. 同样是精疲力竭的李洛也是径直回了房,倒头就忍不住的呼呼大睡。 When must wake up again, is the big half day time passes. 待得再度醒来时,已是大半日时间过去。 The sky of out of the window becomes dark, resembles has the stars to embellish, in this holy grail space, as if becomes a side world. 窗外的天空变得黑暗下来,似是有星辰点缀,在这圣杯空间内,仿佛自成一方天地。 At this time has the door sounded sound transmits. 此时有房门被敲响的声音传来。 Li Luo stretched a body, gets out of bed to open the door, then before is sees Bai Mengmeng to be built on the door . 李洛舒展了一下身子,下床开了门,便是见到白萌萌立于房门前。 A young girl good-fitting pure white clothing, the slender waist beautiful white skin, does not execute the small face of cosmetics is quite pretty, the bright and intelligent eye pupil made its to seem like clear incomparable. 少女一袭合身的纯白衣衫,细腰雪肤,不施粉黛的小脸极为俏丽,水汪汪的眼眸令得其看上去更是清纯无比。 „Did captain rest?” Sees Li Luo that opens the door, on the Bai Mengmeng cheeks reveals like the flowered smile immediately, the gentle voice such as the fragrant wind caresses the face. 队长休息好了吗?”见到开门的李洛,白萌萌脸颊上顿时露出如花儿般的笑容,轻柔的嗓音如香风扑面。 vice-president Su Xin was very happy that our academy this time in the progress on courtyard level competition making, therefore previously said this time, no matter Holy Grail War can win the champion finally, the students of these participation, everyone can obtain three ten thousand academy points.” 素心副院长很高兴咱们学府此次在院级赛上面取得的成绩,所以先前说此次不管最后圣杯战能不能取得冠军,咱们这些参与的学员,每个人都能获得三万学府积分。” Everyone was very happy, is dining together in two buildings, but you as the lead, cannot absent.” “大家都很高兴,正在二楼聚餐呢,而你身为主角,可不能缺席哦。” Li Luo hears word, is somewhat surprised, said with a smile: vice-president Su Xin also is really generous, this writing skill is big.” 李洛闻言,也是有些惊讶,笑道:“素心副院长还真是慷慨,这手笔不小啊。” Everyone three ten thousand academy points, this is not the small number, cultivates the resources by academy in these price, these points made many students spend freely sufficiently well some time. 每人三万学府积分,这可不是小数目,以学府内的那些修炼资源的价格,这些积分足以让很多学员好好的挥霍一段时间了。 Was lucky captain also has senior sister Jiang to give full play of power and strength, we can follow to profit at someone's expense.” Bai Mengmeng is sipping small mouth gentle saying with a smile, the young girl sparkling star pupil of looks at present Li Luo, in the sound has the small worship, makes the heart that many opposite sexes cannot bear add several points of proud air/Qi sufficiently. “多亏了队长还有姜学姐大发神威,我们才能跟着沾光。”白萌萌抿着小嘴轻柔的笑道,少女亮晶晶的星眸看着眼前的李洛,声音中带着的小小的崇拜,足以让得许多异性都忍不住的心头平添几分自傲之气。 However Li Luo is but actually tranquil, but said with a smile: This strongest title, there are your merit in inside, is not my.” 不过李洛倒还算平静,只是笑道:“这个最强称号,也有你们的功劳在里面,可不是我一人的。” Walks, was happen to hungry.” “走吧,正好也饿了。” Then he goes out of the door, as Bai Mengmeng goes to two buildings together, this courtyard level competition extremely intense, although he surfaces finally by luck, but to its mind, the physical strength is also the enormous consumption, but vice-president Su Xin does dining together, wants to come to also let them can relax. 而后他走出房门,随着白萌萌一同前往二楼,这场院级赛太过的激烈,他虽然最终侥幸脱颖而出,但对其心神,体力也是极大的消耗,而素心副院长搞个聚餐,想来也是为了让他们能够放松一下。 After all later, the bad risk and intense mixed level competition are waiting for them. 毕竟之后,还有更为凶险与激烈的混级赛在等着他们。 Two people talked, arrived at two buildings. 两人一路交谈,来到了二楼。 Lifts the curtain screen, what is pleasant is the spacious main hall, at this time among actually a babel of voices, extremely busy. 掀开帘子,入眼的是宽敞的厅堂,此时其内却是人声鼎沸,热闹非凡。 All students are the accumulation here, form respectively 所有学员都是聚集在这里,各自形成一个个 The small group, the laughing sound is unceasing. 的小圈子,欢笑声不断。 The arrival of Li Luo made many vision project immediately, even some high-star courtyard students, were nodding to him with a smile, meanwhile held up the wine glass release good intentions in hand. 李洛的到来顿时让得许多的目光投射了过来,即便是一些高星院的学员,都是对着他含笑点头,同时还举起了手中的酒杯释放善意。 Before Sacred Profound Star Academy, Li Luo, although the fame was also big, but that basically stopped in 1-star courtyard, but these high-star courtyard students, especially 3-star courtyard, 4-star courtyard this senior student, when regarding Li Luo this new student/life, the superior mentality of unavoidably a little acting with constraint. 以前在圣玄星学府中,李洛虽说名气也不小,但那基本都是止于一星院内,而那些高星院的学员,特别是三星院,四星院这种的老学员,在看待李洛这种新生时,难免还是有点矜持的优越心态。 They will pay attention to Li Luo, more because of the relations of Jiang Qing'e. 他们会关注李洛,更多还是因为姜青娥的关系。 But this mentality, since the conclusion of courtyard level competition, was by radical break. 但这种心态,随着院级赛的结束,算是被彻彻底底的打破了。 Present Li Luo, can be the Eastern Territory Divine Province strongest 1-star courtyard student, this title is not casual can attain, when Holy Grail War finished, perhaps the Li Luo reputation in Great Xia, in this vast vast Eastern Territory Divine Province, will be spread incessantly even. 现在的李洛,算得上是东域神州最强的一星院学员,这个称号可不是随随便便就能够拿到的,待得圣杯战结束,李洛的名声恐怕不止是在大夏,就算是在这浩瀚辽阔的东域神州中,都会被传开。 Before everyone's line of sight is looking at Luolan Mansion Jiang Qing'e, because her ray really extremely dazzling, but no one has thought that once by Luolan Mansion young mansion lord that everyone neglected, in sent out unexpectedly his ray, although with Jiang Qing'e compared also some distances dazzlingly, but no one has dared to regard as does not have this young mansion lord again the thing. 以前所有人的视线都只是在看着洛岚府姜青娥,因为她的光芒实在是太过的耀眼,可谁都没想到,那个曾经被所有人忽视的洛岚府少府主,竟然也是在不知不觉间将他自身的光芒散发出来,虽说跟姜青娥的耀眼相比还有一些距离,但已经没有人再敢将这个少府主视为无物。 Future he, is also limitless. 未来的他,同样不可限量。 But is facing these well-meaning vision, Li Luo is also returns to nod. 而面对着那些善意目光,李洛也是回以点头。 Then he followed Bai Mengmeng to go to that side the 1-star courtyard student. 然后他跟着白萌萌去往了一星院学员那边。 Yo, our big donors arrived.” “哟,我们的大金主到了。” 1-star courtyard people, when Li Luo walks, the Lu Qing’er bright eyes are throw, teased in a tone with. 一星院众人这边,当李洛走过来的时候,吕清儿明眸便是投来,语带调侃。 Li Luo looks to Lu Qing’er, this time young girl after the careful appearance, the simple and beautiful appearance impeccable character, her tender body is obviously slender, the white hands are wrapping the ice silk glove, however this snow white ice silk glove, cannot cover up that even such as the flesh of snow, on her body, explains anything to be called snow-white skin actually very much perfectly. 李洛看向吕清儿,此时的少女显然是经过精心的打扮,清丽的容颜似白璧无瑕,她娇躯纤细玲珑,玉手套着冰蚕丝手套,然而即便是这雪白的冰蚕丝手套,都未能遮掩住那如雪的肌肤,在她的身上,倒是很完美的阐释着什么叫做冰肌玉骨。 The both legs under skirt under the package of white silk stockings, are appear slender straight. 裙下的双腿在洁白丝袜的包裹下,更是显得修长笔直。 Lu Qing’er is carrying the wine glass, the both arms hug before the body, the curve is tall and straight, the lip angle is gazing at Li Luo with a smile. 吕清儿端着酒杯,双臂抱在身前,曲线挺拔,唇角含笑的注视着李洛 The surroundings obviously have many vision to come in the vague projection, opposite sex lines of sight of many these high-star courtyard, after all by the Lu Qing’er makings appearance, even in this light bright main hall, is such dazzling, making person one eyes sweep, is then difficult to put aside. 周围明显有许多的目光在若有若无的投射而来,其中不乏那些高星院的异性视线,毕竟以吕清儿的气质容颜,即便是在这灯光明亮的厅堂内,都是那样的耀眼,让人一眼扫过,便是再难移开。 When just they when seeing Lu Qing’er welcomed the beautiful smile of Li Luo on that simple and beautiful cheek reappearing, was shaking the head that could not bear, simultaneously went to the Li Luo vision to be many some is not unwilling. 只不过当他们在见到吕清儿迎着李洛时那清丽的脸蛋上浮现出来的明媚笑容时,便是忍不住的摇摇头,同时投向李洛的目光中就多了一些不甘心。 This boy, had the engagement with senior sister Jiang obviously, moistened the flower to annoy unexpectedly everywhere 这小子,明明都与姜学姐有婚约了,竟然还到处沾花惹 Grass, senior sister Jiang this boy leg not breaking? 草,姜学姐怎么不把这小子腿给打断? Li Luo had not discovered the vision that actually these shoot became complex, but received one glass of ratafia that Lu Qing’er handed over. 李洛倒是没有发现那些射来的目光变得复杂了一些,而是接过吕清儿递过来的一杯果酒。 Li Luo, heard that following mixed level competition, each academy can only organize two teams to participate, is really regrettable, it seems like we were nothing opportunities.” Qin Zhulu walks, was sighing to Li Luo. 李洛,听说后面的混级赛,每个学府只能组织两个队伍参加,真是遗憾,看来我们是没有什么机会了。”秦逐鹿走过来,对着李洛叹道。 Only can two teams participate?” Li Luo hears word is also a little surprised. “只能两个队伍参加?”李洛闻言也是有点惊讶。 Un, vice-president Su Xin had previously disclosed some information.” Lu Qing’er nods. “嗯,先前素心副院长已经透露过一些信息了。”吕清儿颔首。 Li Luo looks to hesitate, each time Holy Grail War mixed level competition seems some changes, therefore he was not clear that what kind of mechanism this mixed level competition can be the content, but if limits two teams to participate, then explained that this time mixed level competition difficulty will raise. 李洛面露沉吟,每次圣杯战混级赛似乎都是有些变化,所以他也不清楚此次混级赛会是怎样的机制与内容,但如果只是限制两个队伍参加的话,那么说明此次的混级赛难度会拔高许多。 In mixed level competition, he and Jiang Qing'e inevitably are in the same place. 混级赛中,他和姜青娥必然是会在一起的。 Naturally, by strength that he shows now, placing in 2-star courtyard, although does not dare saying that is the top rank, but should also be able to be the first-class level, but can let the 2-star courtyard student who he dreads, takes a broad view in this time 2-star courtyard courtyard level competition, is almost few. 当然,以他现在展现出来的实力,放在二星院中虽然不敢说是顶尖级别,但应该也能达到一流层次,而能让他忌惮的二星院学员,放眼此次的二星院院级赛中,几乎是屈指可数。 Then, he and Jiang Qing'e only need a 4-star courtyard student. 如此一来,他与姜青娥就只需要一位四星院的学员。 Actually the choice are not many, if only then two teams, then in 4-star courtyard, only then the two have the qualifications participation. 其实选择也不多,如果只有两个队伍,那么四星院中,也就只有那两人有资格参与。 Gong Shenjun and Crown Princess. 宫神钧长公主 Should these two, whom elect? 这两人,应该选谁? In Li Luo hesitates, suddenly detected that the side has the sound of footsteps to transmit, immediately looks up, saw that Gong Shenjun carries the wine glass to approach, on the latter handsome face has the temperate smile, the profound look is highlighting the good charm. 而在李洛沉吟间,突然察觉到身旁有脚步声传来,当即抬头一看,就见到宫神钧端着酒杯靠近过来,后者英俊的面庞上带着温和的笑容,深邃的眼神凸显着自身不俗的魅力。 junior brother Li Luo, this courtyard level competition amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, after Holy Grail War finished, perhaps Great Xia everyone will sigh with emotion Luolan Mansion young mansion lord really to conceal one's abilities and bide one's time.” The Gong Shenjun smile said. 李洛学弟,此次院级赛一鸣惊人,待得圣杯战结束后,恐怕大夏所有人都会感慨洛岚府少府主真会韬光养晦。”宫神钧微笑道。 Li Luo said with a smile: Has sister Qing'e, which wheel obtains me to blossom in radiant splendor.” 李洛笑道:“有青娥姐在,哪轮得到我来大放光明。” Gong Shenjun smiles, has not beaten around the bush actually, but is staring at Li Luo, very frank asking: junior brother Li Luo, I look for you, wants to send out the invitation to you, I hope that you can join my team in mixed level competition, I believe that in our jointly, certainly can make the outstanding progress in mixed level competition, how doesn't know under your opinion?” 宫神钧笑了笑,倒是没有拐弯抹角,而是盯着李洛,很坦率的问道:“李洛学弟,我来找你,是想向你发出邀请,我希望你能够在混级赛中加入我的队伍,我相信在我们的联手下,一定能够在混级赛中取得优异的成绩,不知你意下如何?” Li Luo is startled slightly, this Gong Shenjun frank is a little actually not as he expected. 李洛微微一怔,这宫神钧的坦率倒是有点出乎他的意料。 This is, can come to drawing he to join a group directly? 这是,直接要来拉他入伙吗? Although from the strength, Gong Shenjun indeed is the best choice, but really can always to touch the airtight fellow with this to cooperate together? 虽说从实力上来说,宫神钧的确是最好的选择,但是真的要和这总是让人摸不透的家伙一起合作吗? Suddenly, Li Luo slightly somewhat hesitates. 一时间,李洛微微的有些迟疑起来。
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