KOMI :: Volume #16

#1576: Fake king

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Real king cannot enter...” “真王不可入...” Qin Jiujie both eyes narrow the eyes looks on the stele to present a character that changes, said: Fee such big time, increased a characterHeavenly King Pardon? ” 秦九劫双目微眯的望着石碑上面出现的一字之变,道:“费这么大的功夫,就只是增添了一字的“天王赦文”?” You thinkHeavenly King Pardon is so easy to change? Even if we brought „the Heavenly King symbol, but wants to change the stele above rule, still needs this Heavenly King Pardon originally the default of master, otherwise light/only depends on „the Heavenly King symbol, even this character could not increase, only if true had Heavenly King to arrive to act personally. ” Spirit Eyes Underworld King said. “你以为“天王赦文”这么容易更改的吗?即便我们取来了“天王符”,但想要更改石碑上面的规则,也需要这“天王赦文”原本主人的默认,否则光靠“天王符”,连这一字都增添不了,除非真正的有天王亲自降临出手。”灵眼冥王说道。 Moreover this character, only then our Origin Reversion Institute is capable of adding, after all these three pupil profound embryo Great Demon King strengths, are unable to penetrate the boundary river, if we do not help, perhaps it also can only look that this Other disaster was repelled.” “而且这一字,也只有我们归一会有能力添上,毕竟这三瞳玄胎大魔王的力量,无法穿透界河,我们若是不帮,或许它也就只能看着这场异灾被打退了。” Spirit Eyes Underworld King raised the head to appreciate the five character amnesty articles on stele, said: „The Heavenly King symbol will help its strength, it can take this as the medium, many power projections will come.” 灵眼冥王抬头欣赏着石碑上的五字赦文,道:“天王符将会助它一力,它能够以此为媒介,将更多的力量投射而来。” A character that the Qin Jiujie slight nod, this increases, is seemingly simple, actually changes the rule that the black rain contained actually. 秦九劫微微点头,这增添的一字,看似简单,实则却是改变了黑雨所蕴含的规则。 In the black rain, permitted the upper limit that the strength is to then go against the marquis, yet now, going against the marquis no longer is the pinnacle, the true pinnacle, will be... 原本黑雨内,允许力量达到的上限便是顶侯,可如今,顶侯已经不再是极致,真正的极致,将会是... Fake king. 假王。 Resembles king Feiwang, the false of king saying. 似王非王,谓之假王。 The strict sense, this is not a boundary, but is an achievement, but through the ages, can achieve fake Wang Cheng, compared with achievement King Realm must simply scarce. 严格意义来说,这并非是一个境界,而是一种成就,只不过古往今来,能够达成假王成就者,简直比成就王境者还要更为的稀少。 If withstand/top the marquis is the Duke Realm pinnacle, then the fake king withstand/top the pinnacle in marquis. 如果说顶侯是封侯境的极致,那么假王就是顶侯中的极致。 To obtain fake Wang Cheng, a between Heaven and Earth only appraisal, that is so-called six ten columns, three nine columns! 想要获得假王成就的,天地间唯有一种评价,那就是所谓的“六座十柱,三座九柱”! When you cast six ten pillars golden platform, simultaneously when cast three nine column duke platform, the strength that this boundary had, had been far in excess of so-called higher ninth grade, but the strict sense, this has not broken through King Realm as before, therefore, can achieve this step person, will then obtain fake king reputation. 当你铸就出了六座十柱金台,同时又铸就出了三座九柱封侯台时,这个境界所具备的力量,已经远远的超越了所谓的上九品,但严格意义来说,这依旧还未曾突破到王境,于是,能够达成这一步的人,则会获得“假王”的美誉。 This is an extremely rare achievement, because can cast six ten pillars golden platform people, Unparalleled Duke only has the one pace from that such person surely is startling talent, the natural talent unparalleled, therefore puts together completely all even, perhaps will attempt to cast that seventh ten pillars golden platform, becomes Unparalleled Duke. 这是一个极为罕见的成就,因为能够铸就六座十柱金台的人,距离那“无双侯”已是仅有一步之遥,这样的人必定是惊才绝艳,天资无双,所以就算是拼尽所有,恐怕都会尝试去铸就那第七座十柱金台,成为无双侯 Regarding so unparalleled heaven's chosen, fake king is not the honor, on the contrary, this is a symbol of failure. 对于这般无双天骄而言,假王并非是荣誉,相反,这是一种失败的象征。 It is precisely for this reason, fake king compared with real king rare. 也正因如此,假王比真王更为的罕见。 By information that Qin Jiujie knows, perhaps now on this Heavenly Origin Divine Province, cannot discover fake king to come. 秦九劫所知晓的情报来看,如今这天元神州上,恐怕找不出一个假王来。 Now most is close to this boundary, perhaps is Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e these two unparalleled sixth grade, even so, they were also short of three nine column duke platform background compared with the fake king. 如今最接近这个境界,或许就是李洛姜青娥这两个无双六品,但即便如此,他们比起假王也还是少了三座九柱封侯台的底蕴。 When the Qin Jiujie thoughts rotation, he felt suddenly the jet black fissure deep place that in the front land that was too deep to see the bottom spread extremely remarkable evil thoughts fluctuation, his vision looks, sees only a leader ninth grade real demon gloomy to go out from various places, then they started one is quite bloody, brutal mutual swallowing. 秦九劫心思转动的时候,他突然感觉到了前方大地上那深不见底的漆黑裂痕深处传出了极为惊人的恶念波动,他目光看去,只见得一头头九品真魔从各处阴暗中走出,然后它们开始了一场极为血腥,残酷的互相吞食。 Stave limbs, sad and shrill shouting, unceasing is dancing in the air. 破碎的肢体,凄厉的嘶吼,不断的飞舞着。 With the change of Heavenly King Pardon rule, here Other also starts under three pupil profound embryo Great Demon King wills, expedites childbirth to fuse to conform to its regular strength for new life. 随着天王赦文规则的改变,这里的异类也开始在三瞳玄胎大魔王的意志下,催生融合出符合其规则的新生力量。 That can compare favorably with the strength of fake king. 那就是能够媲美假王的力量。 Such fusion, is somewhat inconceivable regarding other lives, but regarding Other, the corrosion swallows, simply is their instinct. 这样的融合,对于其他生灵而言有些不可思议,但对于异类来说,侵蚀吞食,简直就是它们的本能。 Although swallows fake king Other that fuses not to exist like this is too long, may in the present aspect, be has to establish the decisive effect of victory. 虽说这样吞食融合出来的假王异类不会存在太久,可在眼下的局面中,却是有着奠定胜局的决定性作用。 Qin Jiujie even can imagine, when these fake king Other appear in the battlefield, this period of time three big Heavenly King lineage with irresistible force, will suffer vicious suddenly/violently to strike directly. 秦九劫甚至都能想象到,当这些假王异类出现在战场上的时候,这段时间势如破竹的三大天王脉,将会遭受到何等凶狠的迎头暴击。 Morale that this period of time they surge upward, will also fall suddenly. 这段时间他们高涨的士气,也将会随之暴跌。 Spirit Eyes Underworld King and Qin Jiujie waited for on the 2nd here, after two days, in the jet black abyss fissure spreads shouts the sound to stop suddenly strangely, then, they induced a vague and fearsome evil thoughts fluctuation birth again. 灵眼冥王秦九劫在此处等待了两日,两日后,漆黑深渊裂痕内传出的诡异嘶吼声戛然而止,再然后,他们就感应到了一股隐晦而可怖的恶念波动诞生了。 They are gazing in the abyss, there spreads the sound that the flesh mud flowed, then has the billowing blood plasma like mighty current howling, in the blood plasma, huge meatball ups and downs are uncertain. 他们注视着深渊中,那里传出了血肉泥浆流淌的声音,然后有滚滚血浆如洪流般的呼啸而出,血浆中,一颗巨大的肉球沉浮不定。 On the meatball, is covering entirely rune/symbol writing of gloomy distortion, as if the faces of strange pain, the next quarter, the meatball presented the fissure, the pale thin palms extended, rips conveniently, then tears the meatball. 肉球上,布满着阴森扭曲的符文,仿佛一张张诡异痛苦的人脸,下一刻,肉球出现了裂痕,有一只惨白削瘦的手掌从中伸了出来,随手一撕,便是将肉球撕裂开来。 As the meatball was torn, together naked figure from appears, that is a physique slender female, it is almost undifferentiated with the common female, the only difference, is its back lives pair of white wings. 随着肉球被撕裂,一道赤裸的身影自其中浮现而出,那是一名体态纤细的女子,它与寻常女子几乎毫无差别,唯一的区别,是其背后生有一对白色羽翅。 Inexplicable has a holy feeling. 莫名的有一种圣洁感。 When the wings launch can discover, refer to wing that” that clearly is the innumerable root by liquids soak palely swell the finger stack that becomes, a gloomy and cold fluctuation, sending out. 可当羽翅展开时才能够发现,那分明是无数根被液体泡得惨白发胀的手指堆积而成的“指翼”,一股阴冷的波动,随之散发而出。 Spirit Eyes Underworld King, Qin Jiujie can live refers to wing female Other clear detection to this at present, the evil thoughts fluctuation that within the body sends out, was more intrepid than these ninth grade real demons previously. 灵眼冥王,秦九劫能够清晰的察觉到眼前这生有“指翼”的女子异类,体内散发出来的恶念波动,远比此前那些九品真魔强悍。 This is, fake king Other birth. 这是,假王异类诞生了。 But at this time, that birth refers to wing female, looks up to two people directions, on the pale delicate face appears a charming smile, the instinct from Other, making it want the present two people to extinguish kills. 而此时,那诞生的“指翼”女子,抬头看向两人的方向,苍白清秀的脸庞上浮现出一丝妩媚的笑颜,来自异类的本能,让得它想要将眼前的两人灭杀。 However, when it just planned when lifts the foot to walk, seemed like dark transmitted some order, made its suppression the instinct, then behind it referred to wing launching, figure shot up to the sky, is plundering directly to the horizon of distant place. 不过,当其刚打算抬脚走来时,似乎是冥冥中传来了某种命令,令得它压制下了本能,接着它背后“指翼”展开,身影冲天而起,直接对着远处的天际掠去。 As this refers to wing going far away of female, between Heaven and Earth blew the gloomy and cold wind suddenly, subsequently had the black rain to start to fall in torrents under. 随着这“指翼”女子的远去,天地间突然刮起了阴冷的风,继而有黑雨开始倾泻而下。 between Heaven and Earth, the black rain like the note, is full of the destruction and death aura. 天地间,黑雨如注,充满着毁灭与死亡的气息 Qin Jiujie puts out a hand, catches drop of black rain, the black rain float in his palm, his look concentrates, because he discovers this time black rain, unlike the past somewhat. 秦九劫伸出手,接住一滴黑雨,黑雨悬浮在其掌心,他眼神微凝,因为他发现此次的黑雨,跟以往有些不同。 In that drop of raindrop, as if there is innumerable naked eye not obvious strange ashes, is ordinary like the insect, in hovering slowly. 在那一滴雨滴内部,仿佛是有着无数肉眼不可见的诡异灰烬,如同虫子一般,在其中缓缓的游动。 Black rain enhancement.” “黑雨增强了。” Qin Jiujie said in a soft voice, obviously, the enhancement of black rain is because they give „the Heavenly King symbol, this thing made that three pupil profound embryo Great Demon King project more strengths. 秦九劫轻声说道,显然,黑雨的增强是因为他们给予的“天王符”,此物令得那三瞳玄胎大魔王投射了更多的力量。 But is facing the enhanced black rain, Heavenly King Qin's lineage spring rain evil, that side Heavenly King Li's lineage does light god crystal swings demon, perhaps will be affected big. 而面对着增强的黑雨,不论是秦天王一脉的“春雨化邪阵”,还是李天王一脉那边搞出来的“光明神晶荡魔阵”,恐怕都将会受到不小的影响。 Three big Heavenly King lineage are so smoothly long, should bring to them is pleasantly surprised.” Nearby Spirit Eyes Underworld King hoarse saying with a smile. “三大天王脉顺利这么久,也该给他们带来一点惊喜了。”一旁的灵眼冥王嘶哑的笑道。 Also good, the powerhouse who they die are more, our collectionslife fruit mature. ” “也好,他们死的强者多一些,我们此次采集的“命果”才会更加的成熟。”
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