The suddenspookysound, makingLi Luobe startledjumped, quicklyturned the head, thensawWang Xuanjin of not far away, the lattercrossed the hands behind the backto stand, is looking atthemill-humoredly.
突如其来的幽幽声音,令得李洛惊了一跳,急忙转头,然后就见到了不远处的王玄瑾,后者负手而立,正没好气的望着他们。„Wang Xuanjindean?”
“王玄瑾院长?”Li Luois somewhat awkward, squatting that your Triple Crown Kingdoes not make noiseinone side, whocandiscover?李洛有些尴尬,您这一尊三冠王不出声的蹲在一旁,谁能发现得了啊?Howeverhefiercerecovering, startledasksat oncehastily: „What did yousaya moment ago?! Dean Pang? Great Xianowhow?!”
不过他旋即猛的回过神来,连忙惊问道:“您刚才说什么?!庞院长怎么了?大夏如今怎么样了?!”Li Luorememberssuddenly, their timecloses up, continuedone -and-a-half years of time, butcalculates the time, at this time, that sideGreat Xia the seal that was setbyDean Pang, perhapshad reached the limit.李洛陡然想起,他们此次闭关,足足持续了一年半的时间,而算算时间,这时候,大夏那边由庞院长所设置的封印,恐怕已经到了极限。Butlost the Dean Pangseal, a Other disasterinevitablymore violenteruption of Great Xia, before that constrainedtwoOther King, will get out of trouble.
而失去了庞院长的封印,大夏的异灾势必会更为猛烈的爆发,那之前被拖住的两尊异类王,也将会脱困。EntireGreat Xia, cannotkeep in balancetheirstrengths!
整个大夏,将再不能够制衡它们的力量!Under the Other Kingterrifyingprestige, the qualifications that Great Xiabarely manages to maintain a feeble existencecontinuallydoes not have.
在异类王的恐怖之威下,大夏连苟延残喘的资格都没有。„How can also, the sealdate and timearrive, naturallywas the Other disasterradicaleruption.”Wang Xuanjintranquilsaying.
“还能怎么样,封印时日已到,当然是异灾彻底爆发了。”王玄瑾平静的说道。Li Luo, the Jiang Qing'ecomplexionisbecomes is quite all ugly, in the eyehasto be frightened with emergeanxiously, ifOther KingcoercesOther disasterto sweep acrossentireGreat Xia, theninLuolan Mansion will also be difficult the means of livelihood.李洛,姜青娥的脸色皆是变得极为难看起来,眼中有惊惶与焦急涌现而出,如果异类王裹挟异灾席卷整个大夏,那么洛岚府中也将难有活路。Cai Wei, Yan Lingqing...蔡薇,颜灵卿...With hardshipSacred Profound Star Academy of firmbrace, will be cancelledthoroughly.
还有苦苦坚撑的圣玄星学府,也将会彻底被抹去。Yu Lang, Bai Mengmeng, Bai Doudou, Xin Futheseonceold friend, how can also?虞浪,白萌萌,白豆豆,辛符这些曾经的故人,又将会如何?Thinks ofhere, two peopleheartisflood the chill in the air of not being able to bear.
一想到此处,两人心头都是忍不住的泛起寒意。„Walks! Returns toGreat Xia!”
“走!回大夏!”Li Luoclenches teeth, althoughcompared withInner Divine Province, Great Xiaappearsextremelybarren, as if no many is too goodto yearn, butregardingLi Luo, Luolan Mansion, Sacred Profound Star Academy, thereishisnative land.李洛一咬牙,虽说与内神州相比,大夏显得极为的贫瘠,似乎没太多好留恋的,但对于李洛而言,洛岚府,圣玄星学府,那里才是他的故土。Therecarrying/sustainingheimportantrecollection that andis unable to abandon.
那里承载着他许多重要并且无法抛弃的回忆。Jiang Qing'enodwithout hesitation, thentwo peopleeruptresonance power, mustdepartdirectly.姜青娥毫不犹豫的点头,而后两人爆发相力,就要直接离去。„Oh, the presentyoung people, are really impetuous.”
“唉,现在的年轻人,真是浮躁啊。”Wang Xuanjinsees that helplessshaking the head, puts out a handto press, Li LuoandJiang Qing'e were the stagnation in same place, boundlessresonance power that even the whole bodysurgedinthis timebypressureallwithin the body.王玄瑾见状,无奈的摇摇头,伸手一按,李洛与姜青娥便是停滞在了原地,连周身涌动的磅礴相力都在此时被尽数的压回了体内。Even iftheypromotehave enteredunparalleledsixth gradenow, mayin front ofTriple Crown KingpeakWang Xuanjin, be similar to the young boyto be the sameas before, the does not have anystrength of resistance.
即便他们如今已经晋入无双六品,可在三冠王巅峰的王玄瑾面前,依旧还是如同幼童一般,没有任何的反抗之力。„Reallymustwait foryouto go backto rescue, perhapsentireGreat Xiaturned into a stretch of deathtrap.”
“真要等你们回去救援,恐怕整个大夏都变成一片死地了。”Li Luowas stopped, justwantedto interrogateangrily, becauseactuallyWang Xuanjinthissayingstares, thenhesomewhatastonishedis looking at the opposite party, said: „WasAcademic Federationmakes a moveto rescue?”李洛被阻拦,刚欲愤怒质问,却又因为王玄瑾这话一愣,然后他有些惊愕的望着对方,道:“难道是学府联盟出手援救了?”Wang Xuanjinindifferently said: „Inyouclose upthis year of cultivationinhalf, becauseourAcademic FederationOrigin Reversion Instituteinvades the matter of Heavenly Mirror Tower, has declared wartoit, both sidesundergo the innumerableconfrontation, has the damagerespectively.”王玄瑾淡淡的道:“在你们闭关修炼的这一年半中,我们学府联盟因为归一会入侵天镜塔之事,已经对其宣战,双方经过无数次的交锋,各有损伤。”„HoweverOrigin Reversion InstituteinmanyOther disaster that Outer Divine Provinceraises, was detectedbyAcademic Federation, subsequentlysent outmanysupport troops, butthat sideGreat Xia, thenbyourHeavenly Origin Ancient AcademyLan Lingzivice-president, before more than half a year, led the teamto go.”
“而归一会在外神州掀起的诸多异灾,也被学府联盟所察觉,继而派出了许多的支援部队,而大夏那边,则是由我们天元古学府的蓝灵子副院长,大半年前就率队前去了。”Li LuoandJiang Qing'ehearsword, is relaxing of feeling relieved.李洛与姜青娥闻言,皆是如释重负的松了一口气。„Wang Xuanjindeanis credible, thatsaid, the Great Xiacrisishas relieved?”Li Luois giving the thumbs-uptoWang Xuanjin, to praisesighed.
“还是王玄瑾院长靠谱啊,那这么说,大夏的危机已经解除了?”李洛对着王玄瑾竖起大拇指,赞叹道。Lan Lingziis the Dean Pangold friend, is the King Realmpowerhouse, hasherto hurry, wantsto come, even if the sealbreaks open, sheandDean Pang , can still cope withthatFish Mountain Elf KingandCorpse Elf Kingjointly.蓝灵子是庞院长的老相好,同时也是王境强者,有她赶去,想来就算是封印破开,她与庞院长联手下,也能对付那鱼魑王与尸魍王。If the Great Xiathat sidecrisishas solved, thatpressurein the heavystone of Li Luoheart, canshove openactuallyfinally.
如果大夏那边危机已解,那压在李洛心头的重石,倒是终于能够推开了。Howeverwhat made one not think, Wang Xuanjinshakes the head, said: „OnlycansayGreat Xiaas well asSacred Profound Star Academynowalsonotby the destruction, but the Great Xiasituation... shouldeven morebe precipitous.”
“?”Regarding the reply of Wang Xuanjin, Li Luocast the unbelievablevision, Lan Lingziled the teamto goto support, how did the Great Xiainsteadsituationbecomeprecipitouser? What is thisis doing?
对于王玄瑾的回答,李洛投来了难以置信的目光,蓝灵子率队前去支援,怎么大夏反而局势变得更为险峻了?这是在搞什么?FacesLi Luothatshockingvision, Wang Xuanjinis explaining: „Youknowghostlegendary creature that behindthatFish Mountain Elf KingandCorpse Elf Kingbelong to?”
面对着李洛那震惊的目光,王玄瑾解释道:“你们知道那鱼魑王与尸魍王背后归属的鬼魊吗?”Li LuoandJiang Qing'eallshake the head, in the pasttheyinGreat Xia, basiccontactedsuchinformationwithout the qualifications, after allat that time was only Fish Mountain Elf KingandCorpse Elf King, in their eyes, is the terrifyingtoexistence of pinnacle, hadanythingas forthembehind, absolutelywould have no meansto think.李洛与姜青娥皆是摇头,以往他们在大夏,根本没资格接触到这样的信息,毕竟当时光是鱼魑王与尸魍王,在他们的眼中,就已经是恐怖到极致的存在,至于它们背后有什么,根本就没办法去想。In the antseye, the beast of preyisextremelyfearsome, howalsoto ponder the mountain forest of beast of preyhousingagain, where?
在蝼蚁眼中,猛兽就已是极为可怖,又怎会再去思考猛兽居住的山林,又在哪里?„Theirback, isnamed „ eightghostlegendary creatures” the Dark Worldinfluence, ” is commandedby„Eight-Headed Dark Demon King, itsstrengthis quite terrifying, is the Triple Crown Kingpeaklevel, several hundredyears ago, under itledto raiseOther disasterinInner Divine Province, at that timehas several the King Realmpowerhouseitsto be swallowed, finallybrought inmaking a move of Heavenly King, repelsitsheavy losses.”
“它们的背后,是一座名为“八首鬼魊”的暗世界势力,由“八首黑魔王”所统率,其实力极为恐怖,乃是三冠王巅峰的层次,数百年前,它曾经率领麾下在内神州掀起过一场异灾,当时有数位王境强者被其所吞食,最终引来了天王的出手,将其重创击退。”„HoweverthatFish Mountain Elf King, Corpse Elf King, is belongs tothis „ Eight-Headed Dark Demon King” the subordinate. ”
“而那鱼魑王,尸魍王,皆是属于这“八首黑魔王”的麾下。”„InDark World, eightghostlegendary creaturesis the topghostlegendary creature, ifsome daythisEight-Headed Dark Demon KingpromoteenteredHeavenly King rank, perhaps the Dark World72biglegendary creatures, mustturn into73numbers.”
“在暗世界中,八首鬼魊乃是顶级的鬼魊,如果有朝一日这八首黑魔王晋入天王级,恐怕暗世界七十二大魊,就得变成七十三之数了。”„Thereforetheseeightghostlegendary creaturesandEight-Headed Dark Demon King, are highly regarded.”
“所以这八首鬼魊与八首黑魔王,都不可小觑。”„Wetookasthistimelead the teamto goto supportwithLan Lingzi, thatFish Mountain Elf KingandCorpse Elf Kingshouldalsoretreat, butweunderestimatedthat „ Eight-Headed Dark Demon King”to the Great Xiaassiduousdegree, inyouclose up the cultivationintheperiod of time, Ireceive the information that Lan Lingzitransmits, that„Eight-Headed Dark Demon King”strengthened the strength of corrosion, under the placeFour Demonic Kings, otherfox spiritking, monsterliangkingalsoalreadyarrivalall. ”
“原本我们以为此次随着蓝灵子率队前去支援,那鱼魑王与尸魍王应该也就会退去,但我们低估了那位“八首黑魔王”对大夏的执着程度,在你们闭关修炼的这段时日中,我收到蓝灵子传来的情报,那位“八首黑魔王”加强了侵蚀之力,座下四邪王,另外的狐魅王,妖魉王也已尽数的降临。”„ThereforepresentGreat Xia, presentedfourOther King.”
“所以现在的大夏,出现了四尊异类王。”„Pang QianyuanandLan Lingzitwo peopleare very difficultto resist.”
“庞千源与蓝灵子两人已经很难抵御。”„Whatis good because of being the fox spiritkingandmonsterliangkingJishaocomes, butresides inOther disastermostdeep place, otherwise the Great Xiasituationwill be worse.”
“不过好在的是狐魅王与妖魉王极少现身,而是居于异灾最深处,不然大夏的情况将会更糟糕。”„Butthis is actually not the goodnews, becauseIsuspected that thesetwoOther Kinghidein the Other disasterdeep place, perhapsis preparingto arrive at the ceremony, Eight-Headed Dark Demon King”will bring inthoroughly„.”
“但这其实不是什么好消息,因为我怀疑这两尊异类王躲在异灾深处,恐怕是在准备降临仪式,彻底将“八首黑魔王”引来。”„OncehoweverthisTriple Crown Kingpeak „ Eight-Headed Dark Demon King”brings, don'tsaidisGreat Xia, perhapsperipheraltheseimperial dynasty, will be difficultto escapeto perish. ”
The Wang Xuanjinwords, the information contentwas too big, causesLi LuoandJiang Qing'eis startled the goodmomentjust nowto recover, subsequentlytwo peoplelooked at each otherone, eyefuldignity.王玄瑾的话,信息量太大,导致李洛与姜青娥都是怔了好片刻方才回过神来,继而两人对视一眼,满眼的凝重。
The goodnewswasAcademic FederationsendsLan Lingzivice-presidentto take the reinforcements, oldhugewas separated from the sealto live.
The bad newswasGreat XiafelltwoOther King, oldhugefell into the dangerous situation, moreovermade contact with an old friend.
The Li Luolookis complex, probablywhenhismemory, knowsoldhugeinitially, hein the Dark Cavedeep placeis imprisoned, all year longsuffers injustice, afterwardjusthad/leftDark Cave, was compelled the self-seal, constrainstwoOther King, now the sealrelieveswith great difficulty, the old friendcomesto rescue, resulttwoOther King, turned intofour...李洛神色复杂,好像在他的记忆中,初识老庞时,他就在暗窟深处坐牢,终年不见天日,后来刚出暗窟,又被逼得自我封印,拖住两尊异类王,如今好不容易封印解除,老相好又来相救,结果两尊异类王,变成了四尊...Directlyisbeating savagelyright in the face.
迎头就是一顿劈头盖脸的暴打。Thisoldhuge, is really goodto fade.
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