KOMI :: Volume #16

#1535: None the fire greatly

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None the fire greatly! 大无相火! Li Luo looks at the white golden fire seed that in the Myriad Resonances Wheel central that hot cauldron is condensing becomes, the heart deep place also cannot help but emerges to wipe the exciting color, after many years of self-torture, he obtained Great Void Resonance Godly Forging Art finally, cultivated/repaired this not to have the fire greatly. 李洛望着万相轮中央那火鼎内凝聚而成的白金色火种,内心深处也是不由得涌现出一抹激动之色,历经多年的苦修,他总算是获得了“大无相神锻术”,同时也修出了这大无相火。 Had this fire, he can refine fourth acquired resonance. 有了此火,他就能够炼制出第四道后天之相 At this moment, he can feel, oneself this so-called Myriad Resonances Seed, went to a preliminary complete situation. 此时此刻,他才能够感觉到,自身这所谓的万相种,达到了一种初步完整的地步。 From complete, is also missing anything as before. 只是,距离圆满,依旧还差着什么。 Ten thousand gold/metal pill.” “万相金丹。” Li Luo thinks slightly, was knows to be short of anything. 李洛微微思索,便是知晓欠缺了什么。 Li Luo had had a premonition faintly that is Myriad Resonances Seed advances to the truly complete indispensable thing, this thing perhaps is Myriad Resonances Seed the quarter of most essence. 李洛隐隐有所预感,那是万相种迈向真正圆满不可或缺之物,此物或许才是“万相种”最精髓之处所在。 But ten thousand gold/metal pill even in initial Sacred Void Resonance Sect, extremely rare and precious, only has from these inherits in Son of God to emerge, determined the person of next generation sovereign position, can obtain. 但万相金丹就算是在当初的无相圣宗内,都是极为的珍稀,唯有从那些传承圣子中脱颖而出,确定了下一代宗主地位的人,才能够获得。 Present Li Luo does not have the means to expect this ten thousand gold/metal pill, therefore after also can only , seeks for the chance, has a look whether to gain ten thousand gold/metal pill, at least, obtains its refinement method. 眼下的李洛是没办法奢望这“万相金丹”,所以也就只能之后再找寻机缘,看看能否获取到“万相金丹”,最起码,获得其炼制方法也可以啊。 Bang! 轰! When Li Luo is so thinking, has not actually detected, Myriad Resonances Wheel in within the body rotated in this time suddenly uncontrolled, the strange bellow, reverberates in within the body. 而在李洛这般想着的时候,却是并未察觉到,体内的万相轮突然在此时不受控制的转动了起来,奇异的轰鸣声,在体内回荡。 Then Li Luo felt that an inexplicable attraction, transmitted from the outside world. 然后李洛就感觉到了一股莫名的吸引力,自外界传来。 Li Luo opens the eye, the vision looks following the direction that attraction transmits, then the facial skin pulls out, because of there, impressively is god fruit crystalling phase position. 李洛睁开眼睛,目光顺着那吸引力传来的方向看去,然后脸皮就是一抽,因为那里,赫然是“神果晶相”的位置。 Calm, do not court death!” “冷静,不要找死!” Li Luo frightens full head is the cold sweat, strongly Myriad Resonances Wheel of comforting within the body, cracking a joke, that is even the Heavenly King powerhouses in competition god fruit crystalling phase! 李洛吓得满头都是冷汗,竭力安抚体内的万相轮,开玩笑,那可是连天王强者都在争夺的“神果晶相”! That is born the so-called god fruit ultra ninth grade resonance's nature, by his strength, don't said that is fights, even if that god fruit crystalling phase really falls to his head, he does not have the good fortune to enjoy. 那是诞生出所谓神果的“超九品相性”,以他这点实力,莫说是去争抢,就算是那“神果晶相”真落到他的头上,他都没福气享受。 The strength that ultra ninth grade resonance's nature the dissipation comes out, backlashes him sufficiently. 那“超九品相性”所散逸出来的力量,就足以将他反噬。 Moreover, in void of that Heavenly Mirror Tower deep place, but also is spanning Heavenly King remains, that Heavenly King remains are releasing the terrifying energy complementary waves, but is only this type of complementary waves, makes any Duke Realm halt sufficiently frightened. 而且,在那天镜塔深处的虚空中,还横亘着一具天王遗骸,那具天王遗骸正在释放着恐怖的能量余波,而光是这种余波,就足以让任何封侯境恐惧止步。 However although Li Luo is very sane, but Myriad Resonances Wheel of its within the body, actually displays the intense hope, Myriad Resonances Wheel thundered the rotation, erupted a strange strength. 但是李洛虽然很理智,可其体内的万相轮,却表现出了强烈的渴望,万相轮轰鸣转动,爆发出了一种奇异的力量。 That strength penetration was void, affects that god fruit crystalling phase, but the latter was fluttering to blue stone ancient seal, at this time was affected, that fluttering speed immediately became slow. 那种力量穿透虚空,影响到了那“神果晶相”,而后者原本正在对着“青石古印”飘去,此时受到影响,那种飘动速度顿时变得缓慢起来。 Dares to compete for god fruit crystalling phase with sovereign Saint seal „”, you fluttered! ” Say/Way that Li Luo shivers. “敢跟宗主圣印争夺“神果晶相”,你飘了啊!”李洛颤抖的道。 However in his heart understands, this is because his time successfully obtained Great Void Resonance Godly Forging Art, represents his successful promotion is being Sacred Void Resonance Sect inherits Son of God, from the position, is the sovereign candidate who is approved. 不过他心中明白,这是因为他此次成功获得了大无相神锻术,也就代表着他成功的晋升为无相圣宗的传承圣子,从地位来说,已经是获得认可的宗主候选者。 Had this heavy status, that is representing the sovereign status blue stone ancient seal, was unable to form the suppression from the jurisdiction to him again. 有了这重身份,那代表着宗主身份的“青石古印”,从权限上面已经无法再对他形成压制。 After all trades to make the words in common custom Wang Chao, present Li Luo is a crown prince, but blue stone ancient seal passes on the country imperial jade seal, but has at this time passes on the country imperial jade seal is not the emperor, but is a trusted subordinate court eunuch. 毕竟换作世俗王朝中的话,现在的李洛就是储君,而青石古印就是传国玉玺,但此时持有传国玉玺的不是皇帝,而是一个亲信太监。 Snort!” “哼!” Here accident, was detected by empty Heavenly King immediately, immediately in the eye has the meaning of being furious to reappear, because he felt similarly blue stone ancient seal's jurisdiction in Heavenly Mirror Tower, received the separation in this time. 此处的变故,也立即被虚天王所察觉,当即眼中有着震怒之意浮现,因为他同样感觉到青石古印在天镜塔内的权限,在此时受到了分离。 Because of this, Li Luo can inspire god fruit crystalling phase. 正因为如此,李洛才能够引动“神果晶相”。 „The strength of ants, secure is dares dissolute?” “蝼蚁之力,安敢放肆?” The empty Heavenly King intention moves, has the mighty force to drop from the clouds, blessing blue stone ancient seal, since the jurisdiction is equivalent, that directly by the strength suppression, after all Li Luo in his eyes, being true was too small and weak. 天王心念一动,有伟力从天而降,加持“青石古印”,既然权限相当,那就直接以力压制吧,毕竟李洛在他的眼中,属实是太弱小了。 But had empty Heavenly King blessing, that blue stone ancient seal above the mysterious azure light emerges, absorbs slightly some swings again god fruit crystalling phase, is towing. 而有了虚天王加持,那“青石古印”之上神秘青光涌现,再次摄住微微有些摇摆的“神果晶相”,将其对着自己这边牵引而来。 Li Luo sees that also does not know that disappointed or relaxes. 李洛见状,也不知道是失望还是松了一口气。 Exists to snatch the thing with Heavenly King, the pressure was really big. 跟一名天王存在抢东西,压力真的是太大了啊。 I help you!” “我来帮你!” But when Li Luo relaxes, the one side broadcast the Jiang Qing'e sound suddenly, she extends the slender white hands, grips the palm of Li Luo, the finger threads up. 而就在李洛松气的时候,一旁突然传来了姜青娥的声音,她伸出纤细玉手,握住李洛的手掌,手指紧扣。 „? Well?” “诶?咦?” Li Luo has not recovered, on the shocking discovery, had making a move of Jiang Qing'e, Myriad Resonances Wheel of his within the body rotated immediately cheerfully, as if had special jurisdiction blessing. 李洛还没回过神来,就震惊的发现,有了姜青娥的出手,他体内的万相轮顿时转动得更为欢快了,仿佛是有一种特殊的权限加持而来。 In this Heavenly Mirror Tower, they do not have the strength, but they have the jurisdiction! 在这天镜塔内,他们没有力量,但是他们有权限! The Jiang Qing'e jurisdiction and Li Luo this inherits the jurisdiction of Son of God to add, suddenly is revealed unexpectedly astonishing effect, that immediately was vibrating to god fruit crystalling phase that blue stone ancient seal is fluttering, this time, turns the head directly, at a slow speed, to Li Luo them. 姜青娥的权限与李洛这传承圣子的权限加起来,一时间竟是显露出了惊人的效果,那原本在对着“青石古印”飘去的“神果晶相”顿时震动起来,这一次,直接是转头,以一种缓慢的速度,对着李洛他们这边而来。 So the accident, making Li Luo very much shocking, he looked to Jiang Qing'e, the look complex say/way: „Really are you also that legendary sovereign bloodlines?” 这般变故,令得李洛都很震惊,他看向姜青娥,神色复杂的道:“你难道还真是那位传奇宗主的血脉?” Perhaps only then the body has the person of that legendary sovereign bloodlines, can in this case, press blessing of Heavenly King powerhouse. 恐怕只有身具那位传奇宗主血脉的人,才能够在这种情况下,将一名天王强者的加持都压过去吧。 I do not know.” Jiang Qing'e shakes the head. “我不知道。”姜青娥摇摇头。 Li Luo wants to look for Wang Taixi to ask, looked whether he knows the Jiang Qing'e status, but looks at latter that chaotic appearance, cancelled this thought. 李洛很想找王太曦问问,看他是否知晓姜青娥的身份,但看后者那副混乱的模样,也就打消了这个念头。 But in his heart the distracting thoughts surge, that empty Heavenly King is therefore becomes the startled anger extremely, how he cannot think, his solemn Heavenly King acts, will link both small Duke Realm not to struggle in this time. 而在他心中杂念涌动时,那虚天王则是因此变得极为的惊怒,他怎么都想不到,他堂堂天王出手,会在此时连两个小小封侯境都没争过。 No, the strict sense he has to struggle Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, but not the stern rule and jurisdiction that struggles Sacred Void Resonance Sect to formulate, only if he acts Heavenly Mirror Tower now or god fruit crystalling phase as well as Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e gives to ruin, otherwise in the Sacred Void Resonance Sect domain, this rule and jurisdiction will always exist. 不,严格意义来说他不是没争过李洛姜青娥,而是没争过无相圣宗所制定的森严规则与权限,除非他现在出手将天镜塔或者“神果晶相”以及李洛,姜青娥给毁掉,否则在无相圣宗的地盘里,这份规则与权限就始终会存在。 Empty Heavenly King wants to upset the table at this time actually, but clouds the diversion of Heavenly King, kept him from taking into consideration. 天王此时倒是想要掀桌子,但云天王的牵制,又让得他无法顾及。 Ants struggle the fire, brings about own destruction.” “蝼蚁争火,自寻死路。” Wishgod fruit crystalling phase, that gives you. ” “想要“神果晶相”,那就给你们。” However the empty Heavenly King method is also extremely vicious, sees with own eyes the jurisdiction to be backward, he stopped blue stone ancient seal to continue to tow that suddenly god fruit crystalling phase. 不过虚天王手段也是极为老辣,眼见权限落后,他突然止住了“青石古印”继续牵引那一道“神果晶相”。 But lost blue stone ancient seal fight, that god fruit crystalling phase immediately stagnates in the void deep place, at the same time, Li Luo is actually the fierce feeling a terrifying the strength that moreover is unable to resist, place wells up from god fruit crystalling phase, absorbs him, fast draws in the Heavenly Mirror Tower deep place. 而失去了“青石古印”的争抢,那“神果晶相”顿时停滞在虚空深处,与此同时,李洛却是猛的感觉到一股恐怖而且无法抗拒的力量,从“神果晶相”处涌来,将他摄住,飞快的拖入天镜塔深处。 The Li Luo look immediately becomes panic-stricken, in boundary tower deep place of that day, has „the Heavenly King remains, this remains time is releasing the fluctuation of destruction, by his Duke Realm strength, once enters, feared that will be is obliterated shortly. 李洛的眼神顿时变得惊骇起来,在那天境塔深处,存在着“天王遗骸”,这遗骸时刻都在释放着毁灭的波动,以他这封侯境的实力,一旦进入其中,怕是会在顷刻间被磨灭。 Obviously, this is also the plan of empty Heavenly King. 显然,这也是虚天王的打算。 In the Li Luo figure flies to shoot, with Jiang Qing'e that it palm grips tightly, also departs, two people revolution resonance power, tries to stand firm figure strongly, but actually no helps. 李洛身形飞射而出时,与之手掌紧握的姜青娥,也是同时飞出,两人竭力的运转相力,试图稳住身影,但却于事无补。 Therefore two people can only look at itself helplessly, gradual breaks in that destruction region. 于是两人只能眼睁睁的看着自身,逐渐的冲入那毁灭区域。 clouds that Heavenly King sensation to this, the look immediately changes, immediately the sleeve robe wields, the auspicious sign wells up from between Heaven and Earth, tries to restrain two people. 天王感知到这一幕,神色顿时一变,当即袖袍挥动,紫气自天地间涌来,试图将两人制住。 But mysterious is nervous and troubled follows closely, but, its rapid change nihility. 但神秘的灰气紧随而至,将其迅速的化为虚无。 That is empty Heavenly King is intending to disturb. 那是虚天王在出手干扰。 „Don't they like fighting for? That made them go.” Empty Heavenly King indifferent say/way. “他们不是喜欢争抢么?那就让他们去好了。”虚天王漠然的道。 In one after another line of sight with amazement, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e rapid passes through void, must fall into that destruction region shortly, was fluctuated to obliterate by the destruction of Heavenly King remains release. 一道道骇然的视线中,李洛姜青娥飞速的穿过虚空,眼看就要落入那毁灭区域,被天王遗骸释放的毁灭波动所磨灭。 Sigh sudden resounding. 一声叹息突然的响起。 That is Wang Taixi, his figure desalination even more, but at this time he puts out a hand, was having an seal law to the Heavenly King remains of that void deep place. 那是王太曦,他身影愈发的淡化,而此时他伸出手,对着那虚空深处的天王遗骸结出了一道印法。 Then the people on the shocking discovery, carved to release at that time the Heavenly King remains that destroys the complementary waves, restrained the strength in this time unexpectedly suddenly. 然后众人就震惊的发现,那时刻释放着毁灭余波的天王遗骸,竟是在此时突然的收敛了力量。 Destruction region, instantaneous dissipation. 毁灭区域,瞬间消散。 How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” This, continually empty Heavenly King with clouds Heavenly King is the pupil shrinks slightly, because in their sensations, Wang Taixi afterimage, how many strengths it does not have together, how possibly to control Heavenly King remains? 这一幕,连虚天王与云天王都是瞳孔微微一缩,因为在他们的感知中,王太曦不过只是一道残影而已,其本身并不具备多少的力量,怎么可能操控住一具天王遗骸? Wang Taixi look complex is looking at that float in the Heavenly King remains of void deep place, sigh gently. 王太曦神色复杂的望着那漂浮在虚空深处的天王遗骸,轻轻的叹息。 Although I am only one do not exist in spirit afterimage of this time, but controls slightly...” “虽然我只是一道不存在于这个时代的幽灵残影,但稍微控制一下...” Own remains, can always achieve.” “自己的遗骸,总是能做到的啊。”
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