KOMI :: Volume #16

#1532: Heavenly King spars

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The endless profound air/Qi from clouds the Heavenly King top of the head shoots up to the sky, shines upon various heaven, but Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e is all looking at this that shocks, in that enormous and powerful profound air/Qi, they identifies resonance's nature that this cloud Heavenly King had indistinctly. 无尽玄气自云天王头顶冲天而起,映照诸天,而李洛,姜青娥皆是震撼的望着这一幕,在那浩荡的玄气中,他们隐约辨认出了这位云天王所拥有的相性 Cloud, astrology and physiognomy, phase of the moon, illusion resonance. 云相,星相,月相,幻相 Four resonance's nature, all are the sublimation to ultra ninth grade. 四道相性,皆是升华至超九品 And is pasting terrifying mighty force, changes the world sufficiently. 其中流转着恐怖至极的伟力,足以改天换地。 The endless profound air/Qi passes, finally fused purple cloud, purple expansion slowly, changed into a purple cloud chart scroll. 无尽玄气流转间,最后融合成了一朵紫色的云彩,紫色徐徐的展开,化为了一道紫色云图卷轴。 Above has the mountains rivers, the stars, trillion lives. 其上有山川河流,日月星辰,亿万生灵。 As if the real world, exist. 仿佛是有一座真实的世界,存在于其中。 The purple cloud chart scroll launches slowly, immediately the world reverses, unexpectedly is directly Heavenly Mirror Tower and even this day mirror province, loaded into the cloud chart. 紫色云图卷轴徐徐展开,顿时天地倒转,竟是直接将天镜塔乃至这座天镜州,都是装进了云图之中。 Meanwhile, the vast auspicious sign wells up, changed into plain purple rune/symbol Zhuan on the vault of heaven. 与此同时,浩瀚紫气涌来,于天穹上化为了一张古朴的紫色符篆。 Above the symbol seal, inscribes most ancient trace, when each trace, as if contains the world to inaugurate the charm, mighty force that above flows, suppresses the world sufficiently. 符篆之上,铭刻着最为古老的纹路,每一笔痕迹,都仿佛是蕴含着天地初开时的神韵,其上流淌的伟力,也是足以镇压天地。 The purple symbol seal falls gently, is seemingly slow, but in the twinkles, has appeared in the empty Heavenly King above. 紫色符篆飘落而下,看似缓慢,但却在闪烁间,已出现在了虚天王的上方。 The purple symbol falls, from, when suppressing seal all. 紫符落下,自当封镇一切。 „Is this your „ the auspicious sign Taixuan symbol? It is said you once with this symbol, suppressed a Great Demon King hundred years of scene. ” Empty Heavenly King is looking at that purple rune/symbol Zhuan, said with a smile. “这就是你的“紫气太玄符”吗?据说你曾以此符,镇压了一位大魔王百年光景。”虚天王望着那一张紫色符篆,笑道。 But, wants to suppress me, perhaps also insufficient.” “不过,想要镇压我,恐怕还不够。” Empty Heavenly King opens the mouth, put out one wisp to be nervous and troubled, this wisp was nervous and troubled initial weak, but was wreaks havoc in a flash between Heaven and Earth, this air/Qi was quite strange, when it swayed, everyone panic-stricken sight, this between Heaven and Earth all materials, in rapid disappearance. 天王张开嘴巴,吐出了一缕灰气,这缕灰气初始微弱,但转瞬间便是肆虐天地间,此气极为诡异,当其吹拂起来时,所有人都惊骇的见到,这天地间的一切物质,都是在迅速的消失。 That feeling, as if the trace on drawing board, by young boy with eraser little cancels common. 那种感觉,就仿佛画板上的痕迹,正在被幼童用擦子一点点的抹去一般。 Changed into the nihility. 化为了虚无。 Continuous vast being nervous and troubled collides with purple rune/symbol Zhuan who that falls gently, has no great sound to get up actually, fluctuation that but invisible within spreads, is lets be built on Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e front Wang Xuanjin, gold/metal Xi, white jade three King expert is critical situation, the eyeful dreaded. 连绵浩瀚的灰气与那飘落的紫色符篆碰撞,倒是没有任何巨声响起,但无形间扩散的波动,却是让得立于李洛,姜青娥前方的王玄瑾,金玺,白玉三位王级强者如临大敌,满眼忌惮。 They know, if not this time places to say Heavenly King cloud chart within, perhaps is only these complementary waves, will make them suffer loss, but as for the people under Li Luo their these king rank, is the meeting is nervous and troubled by that from between Heaven and Earth instantaneously erases cleanly. 他们知道,如果不是此时身处云天王的“云图”之内,恐怕光是那些余波,就会令得他们吃尽苦头,而至于李洛他们这些王级之下的人,则是会瞬间被那灰气从天地间抹除得干干净净。 Is nervous and troubled moves continuously, the purple symbol seal trembles fiercely, above that said the ancient terrifying cloud pattern, was becomes desalinated thin. 灰气连绵而动,紫色符篆剧烈震颤,其上那一道古老恐怖的云纹,则是变得稀薄淡化了一些。 clouds Heavenly King to see that a been able to bear sigh, said: Your excellency this by the nihility is expedited, butgreatly empty airless, seriously is overbearing. ” 天王见状,忍不住的一声感叹,道:“阁下这由虚无相催生而出的“大虚无气”,也当真是霸道。” Nihility?” “虚无相?” The Li Luo eye reveal is surprised, that empty Heavenly King resonance's nature, unexpectedly is extremely rare nihility? 李洛眼露惊奇,那虚天王的一道相性,竟然是极为少见的“虚无相”? Empty Heavenly King is also light smiles, said: clouds Heavenly King, I have said that you could not block me to obtain thisgod fruit crystalling phase. ” 天王也是淡淡一笑,道:“云天王,我说过,你拦不住我取得这道“神果晶相”。” His palm throws, in the hand that represents Sacred Void Resonance Sect sovereign status blue stone ancient seal to vanish suddenly. 他手掌一抛,手中那一道代表着无相圣宗宗主身份的青石古印突然消失。 When appears again, in Heavenly Mirror Tower deep place that „the Heavenly King remains above, blue stone ancient seal has then bloomed unexpectedly the vast brilliance, absorbed that god fruit crystalling phase. 再次出现时,竟已是在天镜塔深处那具“天王遗骸”上方,而后青石古印绽放出浩瀚光彩,摄住了那一道“神果晶相”。 But god fruit crystalling phase has not erupted the resistance unexpectedly, but being separated slowly „the heart of Heavenly King fetter. 而“神果晶相”竟然也未曾爆发出反抗,而是缓缓的脱离“天王之心”的束缚。 clouds that Heavenly King sees this, the look concentrates immediately, must make a move decisively. 天王见到这一幕,眼神顿时一凝,就要果断出手。 But empty Heavenly King said with a smile: clouds Heavenly King, your strength searched into at this time, will inspire that surely „ the Heavenly King remains, at the appointed time the heart of Heavenly King ruptured, perhaps this Heavenly Mirror Tower, could not preserve. ” 但虚天王却是笑道:“云天王,你的力量此时探入其中,必定会引动那具“天王遗骸”,到时天王之心爆裂,这天镜塔,恐怕就保不住了。” Your jurisdiction is insufficient, simply does not have the qualifications to bribe thisgod fruit crystalling phase, therefore here except for me, anyone of you cannot touch it. ” “你们权限不够,根本没有资格染指这道“神果晶相”,所以此处除了我,你们谁都不能触及它。” clouds that Heavenly King figure, several breaths silent, said: That blew you, making you unable to leave then.” 天王身形一顿,沉默数息,道:“那就将你镇住,让你走不掉便是了。” His sleeve robe wields, between Heaven and Earth has vast cloud Qi to surge, cloud Qi the deep place, has the moonlight, the star lightstream revolutions, finally condensed rune/symbol Zhuan who is ascending purple cloud Qi, the symbol seal rolled up, changes into symbol seal beads. 他袖袍挥动,天地间有浩瀚云气涌动,云气深处,有月光,星光流转,最终凝聚成了一张张升腾着紫色云气的符篆,符篆蜷缩,化为一颗颗符篆珠子。 Then these symbol seal beads fall, gets bigger and bigger, finally occupied the field of vision eyeball of people directly, changed into symbol seal stars. 而后这些符篆珠子掉落而下,越变越大,最终直接占据了众人的视野眼球,化为了一颗颗符篆星辰。 That, really magnificent to pinnacle. 那一幕,委实壮观到了极致。 Empty Heavenly King sees that is hearty laughter, it behind void bursts in this time, does not know that the so high jet black demon ape goes out, this obviously is also his resonance's nature. 天王见状则是朗笑一声,其身后的虚空在此时破裂,有一道不知何等之高的漆黑魔猿走出,这显然也是他的一道相性所化。 The demon ape great hand grasps, grasps black bottle-gourd from void, like pouring liquor down the throat common, in one toward that fang great mouth but actually, the great mouth ballooning gets up immediately. 魔猿巨手一抓,从虚空中抓出一只黑葫,如同灌酒一般,往那獠牙巨嘴中一倒,顿时巨嘴鼓胀起来。 ! 噗! The demon ape opens mouth spurts, immediately between Heaven and Earth is nervous and troubled fills the air, simultaneously was nervous and troubled presented the innumerable vortex, the vortex rotation, formed the one after another nihility to be empty unexpectedly, the cavity was common like the bottomless trench, welcomes the symbol seal stars that these crashed. 魔猿张嘴一喷,顿时天地间灰气弥漫,同时灰气中出现了无数漩涡,漩涡转动,竟是形成了一道道虚无空洞,空洞如同无底深渊一般,迎上那些坠落的符篆星辰。 Scoff! 嗤! Instance of collision, in stars falling cavity all, empty deep place spreads the strange wailing sound, obliterates to twist broken that symbol seal stars. 碰撞的瞬间,星辰尽数的落入空洞中,空洞深处似是传出诡异的尖啸声,将那符篆星辰磨灭绞碎。 Two Heavenly King spar in this time, magical powers mighty force that displays, looks at everyone is dazzling and intoxicating. 两名天王在此时斗法,那所施展的神通伟力,看得所有人都是目眩神迷。 However Jiang Qing'e actually pulled the palm of Li Luo at this time, said quietly: Takes Great Void Resonance Godly Forging Art quickly!” 不过姜青娥此时却是扯了扯李洛的手掌,悄声道:“快去取大无相神锻术!” Li Luo awakens, this remembers the goal of his trip. 李洛惊醒,这才想起他此行的目的。 But at this time also has Wang Xuanjin, gold/metal Xi, the white jade three King Realm powerhouses is defending the ancient altar, he wants, needs one right by head, otherwise the opposite party is not necessarily able to allow them to change in this moment. 但此时还有王玄瑾,金玺,白玉三位王境强者在守着古老祭坛,他想要过去,也需要一个正当的由头,不然对方未必会允许他们在这个关头有所异动。 After all Heavenly Mirror Tower calm and steady that god fruit crystalling phase, extremely important. 毕竟不论是天镜塔的安稳还是那“神果晶相”,都太过的重要。 Wang Xuanjin dean, thatgod fruit crystalling phase, was being absorbed by that empty Heavenly King blue stone ancient seal. ” The Li Luo vision flashes, was saying to Wang Xuanjin. 王玄瑾院长,那“神果晶相”,正在被那虚天王的青石古印摄走啊。”李洛目光闪动,对着王玄瑾说道。 Wang Xuanjin, gold/metal Xi, white jade three people of hears word is a reveal is also anxious, this indeed is a hidden danger, if that god fruit crystalling phase blue stone ancient seal were really taken away by that by empty Heavenly King, at that time by clouds Heavenly King one person, not necessarily really can leave behind the opposite party. 王玄瑾,金玺,白玉三人闻言也是眼露忧虑,这的确是一个隐患,如果那“神果晶相”真被虚天王以那“青石古印”收走,那时候凭借云天王一人,未必真的能够将对方留下。 After all Heavenly King wants, is very easy. 毕竟天王想要走,还是很容易的。 But they do not have the means that they do not dare to enter the Heavenly Mirror Tower deep place at this time, otherwise inspires that „the heart of Heavenly King disorder to explode, Heavenly Mirror Tower was destroyed surely. 可他们也没办法,他们此时不敢进入天镜塔深处,不然引动那“天王之心”紊乱爆炸,天镜塔必定被毁。 I have means to try.” Li Luo said with a smile. “我有一个办法可以试试。”李洛笑道。 You?” The vision that cannot bear gold/metal Xi, white jade elder is casts to question, this type of bureau, even their King Realm powerhouses can only look dry/does, Li Luo small Duke Realm, what can also make? “你?”金玺、白玉长老皆是忍不住的投来质疑的目光,这种局,连他们这种王境强者都只能干看着,李洛一个小小封侯境,又能做什么? Li Luo earnestly said: King dean you should know that I am Myriad Resonances Seed? But Myriad Resonances Seed in Sacred Void Resonance Sect is the status of sovereign candidate, therefore from some significance, I also has some special jurisdictions in this Heavenly Mirror Tower?” 李洛认真的道:“王院长你们应该知道我是万相种吧?而万相种无相圣宗乃是宗主候选者的身份,所以从某种意义来说,我在这天镜塔是不是也算是有着一些特殊的权限?” If I with the aid of the status of this sovereign candidate, go with that empty Heavenly Kingblue stone ancient seal the jurisdiction struggles a struggle, could change some situations. ” “如果我借助这个宗主候选者的身份,去与那虚天王的“青石古印”的权限争一争,说不定能够改变一些局势。” The Wang Xuanjin three people stare, but can also like this? 王玄瑾三人一愣,还能这样? However, thinks carefully, indeed has a little truth. 不过,仔细想想,也的确有那么一点道理。 Moreover the most important thing is, attempts, always compares anything not to do to be better. 而且最重要的是,尝试一下,总比什么都不做要好吧。 That tries.” Wang Xuanjin is the decisive person, the thinking several breaths, then made the decision. “那就试试吧。”王玄瑾是果断之人,思索数息,便是做了决定。 gold/metal Xi, white jade sees that also had not opposed. 金玺,白玉见状,也没有反对。 The Li Luo great happiness, said: Before then, I must go to that altar, improves my Myriad Resonances Seed, therefore also please three seniors help me.” 李洛大喜,道:“不过在此之前,我需去那祭坛,完善我的万相种,所以还请三位前辈助我。” Wang Xuanjin deep looked at his one eyes, said: Perhaps this is your goal.” 王玄瑾深深的看了他一眼,道:“恐怕这才是你的目的吧。” Li Luo said confidently: Accords to his need.” 李洛坦然道:“各取所需罢了。” Wang Xuanjin several breaths silent, the nod, said slowly: Your moral character, I am trustworthy, I believe that you will not make to harm the Academic Federation matter.” 王玄瑾沉默数息,缓缓点头,道:“你的品性,我是信得过的,我相信你不会做出损害学府联盟的事。” gold/metal Xi, white jade elder looks at each other one, puts Li Luo in this crucial point, if had/left what accident when the time comes, causing Heavenly Mirror Tower to be destroyed, perhaps even the Wang Xuanjin status, will still receive some punishment. 金玺、白玉长老对视一眼,在这个节骨眼把李洛放进去,如果到时候出了什么岔子,导致天镜塔被毁,恐怕就算是王玄瑾的身份,也会受到一些责罚。 However since a Wang Xuanjin strength load it, they will not naturally talk too much. 不过既然王玄瑾一力担之,那他们自然也就不会多言。 Wang Xuanjin said: We deliver on you altar, at this time outside that altar, there is under an empty Heavenly King secretly arrange/clothgreatly empty airless, if you rash rushing, perhaps in touching will be changed into the nihility instantaneously. ” 王玄瑾说道:“我们送你上祭坛吧,此时那祭坛外,有虚天王暗自布下的“大虚无气”,你们若是莽撞的冲上去,恐怕在触及的瞬间就会被化为虚无。” Li Luo hears word, this one startled, some lingering fear, did not have to clash fortunately a moment ago rashly, but with the Wang Xuanjin confident exchange, otherwise fears at present will die a tragic death. 李洛闻言,这才一惊,有些后怕,还好刚才没有自己莽撞的冲进去,而是与王玄瑾坦然交流,不然眼下怕是会死得很惨。 That many thanks king dean, my completely my full power, will certainly protect Heavenly Mirror Tower.” “那就多谢王院长了,我一定会尽我全力,保护天镜塔。” Li Luo gives the solemn promise. 李洛给予郑重承诺。 Wang Xuanjin nods, then with gold/metal Xi, the white jade two elders turns around to tread to empty is walking simultaneously to that ancient altar. 王玄瑾点点头,然后与金玺,白玉两位长老同时转身踏空对着那古老祭坛走去。 Walks.” “走吧。”
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