KOMI :: Volume #15

#1496: Purple Thunder Dragon

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A leader golden color thunder beast goes out from various mountain forest places, golden thunder light crazy beat in their body, is releasing extremely wild thunder fluctuation, causing void presents the sign of distortion. 一头头金色雷兽从山林各处走出,金色的雷光在它们身躯上疯狂的跳动,释放着极为狂暴的雷霆波动,引得虚空都是呈现扭曲的迹象。 In that distant place, has huge golden thunder beast figure indistinctly, that dangerous aura, lets many powerhouses on the scene is the complexion turns white slightly. 在那更远处,隐约还有着更为庞大的金色雷兽身影,那种危险的气息,让得在场不少强者都是面色微微发白。 But in the people by the aura shock and awe of these golden thunder beasts, Zhou Jun the palm was grasped, the thunder trident appears in his hands, above its top of the head, eight palatial duke platform swallows up world's energy, making its imposing manner increase in this time successively. 而在众人都被那些金色雷兽的气息震慑时,那周钧手掌一握,雷霆三叉戟出现在其手中,在其头顶上方,八座巍峨的封侯台鲸吞天地能量,令其气势在此时节节攀升。 The week honored light vision has swept the people, finally on the body of Li Luo, will choose Thunder Finger Peak regarding the latter, he is actually some accident, although after all Li Luo has thunder resonance, but that after all is only together auxiliary resonance. 周钧平淡的目光扫过众人,最后在李洛的身上顿了顿,对于后者会选择雷指峰,他其实是有些意外的,毕竟李洛虽说拥有着雷相,但那毕竟只是一道辅相 Comes to me?” “是冲着我来的吗?” „Before wanting the report, struggles to cross to fight, I to grievances that Jiang Qing'e does act?” “想要报之前争渡战上,我对姜青娥出手的恩怨?” Zhou Jun both eyes narrowed the eyes, pours has not appeared dreading extremely, although Li Luo now has entered unparalleled third grade, but he has also striven, really must begin, Li Luo is not necessarily able to take the too big advantage. 周钧双目微眯了一下,倒也并没有显得太过的忌惮,李洛如今虽说已进入无双三品,但他同样是有所精进,真要动手,李洛未必能占太大的便宜。 After all in his opinion, he needs to be vigilant that only, is Li Luo displays killing that two high grade heaven's fate grade duke technique form to incur simultaneously. 毕竟在他看来,他唯一需要警惕的,就是李洛同时施展那两道上品天命级封侯术所形成的杀招。 Walks!” “走!” Zhou Jun has not thought, drinks lowly, figure is takes the lead to pillage, in the hand the trident changes into the thunder, bringing the bellow to break the vault of heaven, then first step hit a golden thunder beast directly. 周钧没有多想,一声低喝,身影便是率先暴掠而出,手中三叉戟化为雷霆,带着轰鸣声震碎天穹,然后直接先一步的击中了一头金色雷兽。 Bang! 轰! The land shatters, the golden thunder beast that endures compared with sixth grade Duke expert, was crushed golden thunder light everywhere instantaneously. 大地震裂,那头堪比六品封侯强者的金色雷兽,瞬间被击碎成满地的金色雷光。 Zhou Jun the palm grasps, the trident changes into the thunder to shoot to return, simultaneously reduces and solves golden thunder light who several golden thunder beasts emit to come, above top of the head eight duke platform, some innumerable thunder rune/symbol Wenbian radiant dazzling. 周钧手掌一握,三叉戟化为雷霆倒射而回,同时化解掉数头金色雷兽喷吐而来的金色雷光,头顶八座封侯台之上,有无数雷霆符文变得璀璨耀眼。 Falls in torrents just like thunder plasma Duke divine mist, changes into the one after another thunder lance, by the easily accomplished potential, the town/subdues kills a leader golden color thunder beast again. 宛如雷浆般的封侯神烟倾泻而出,化为一道道雷霆长矛,再次以摧枯拉朽之势,镇杀一头头金色雷兽。 Short in a minute, Zhou Jun then by one's effort, kills to put on a road among that numerous golden thunder beasts, then leads the team to run out rapidly. 短短片刻间,周钧便是凭借一己之力,自那众多金色雷兽间杀穿一条路,而后率领队伍迅速冲出。 The week honored this moves, is causes other teams to act immediately, therefore in wooded mountains, wild thunderous sound, resounding through continuously. 周钧这一动,立马也是引得其他队伍纷纷出手,于是山林间,狂暴的雷鸣声,此起彼伏的响彻而起。 Li Luo sees this, is the slight nod, this Zhou Jun worthily is Mysterious Spirit Ancient Academy this time lifting a tripod, this strength, indeed extremely powerful. 李洛见到这一幕,也是微微点头,这周钧不愧是玄灵古学府此次的扛鼎者,这份实力,的确极为的强悍。 Does not know actually other peaks, the Jiang Qing'e that side should compete to pass with five sciences Xuan at this time? Now enters in the mountain, the thunder clouds camouflaged the field of vision, is unable to see other peaks the situations. 倒是不知道其他峰此时如何了,姜青娥那边应该在与第五明煊争夺首通吧?如今进入山中,雷云遮蔽了视野,也无法看见其他峰的情况。 In the heart flashes through these thoughts, Li Luo has not had the least bit to hesitate, his palm grasps, the dragon thunder blade flashes before likely, simultaneously figure is also to these golden thunder beast swiftly swept. 在心中闪过这些念头的时候,李洛却并未有半点迟疑,他手掌一握,龙象雷刀闪现而出,同时身影也是对着那些金色雷兽疾掠而出。 In it behind, Lu Qing’er, Li Hongyou and the others all are rapid following. 在其身后,吕清儿,李红柚等人皆是迅速的跟上。 Bang! 轰! Is sending out the golden thunder beast of wild fluctuation, is meets the approaching enemy. 散发着狂暴波动的金色雷兽,皆是迎击而来。 Li Luo single-handed knot seal, boundless vigorous resonance power sweeps across, changed into about roughly hundred zhang (333 m) dragon's phantom unexpectedly, in this dragon's phantom body is flowing the fluctuations of numerous resonance power. 李洛单手结印,磅礴雄浑的相力席卷而出,竟是化为了一道约莫百丈左右的龙影,这道龙影身躯上流淌着众多相力的波动。 This is came from Little Dragon Holy Seed bringing low grade heaven's fate grade duke technique. 这是来自小龙圣种自带的下品天命级封侯术 Dragon Raising Technique. 养龙术 This technique can resonance power change into dragon-shaped, may attack to defend, wondrous use quite a lot. 此术可以相力化为龙形,可攻可守,妙用颇多。 dragon's phantom in Li Luo becomes causes, directly was arbitrary collision to these golden thunder beasts, the terrifying strength erupted, became everywhere thunder light in broken bits that leader golden color thunder beast cracking-up. 龙影李洛的趋使下,直接是蛮横的撞向了那些金色雷兽,恐怖的力量爆发出来,将那一头头金色雷兽生生的撞碎成漫天细碎雷光。 Occasionally has broken fish slip through, has not been close to the team hundred zhang (333 m), is quietly was covered by overbearing ice-cold resonance power, changes into the ice sculpture, in the ice sculpture of glittering and translucent, there is a thunder light to overflow. 偶尔有着残破的漏网之鱼,尚未接近队伍百丈,便是悄然的被一股霸道的寒冰相力覆盖,化为冰雕,晶莹剔透的冰雕内,有雷光四溢。 But Li Hongyou also acts at this time, two symbol seal that is flowing the golden light infiltrates Li Luo and Lu Qing’er within the body, making them frequently maintain complete of resonance power. 李红柚此时也是出手,将两枚流淌着金光的符篆打入李洛吕清儿体内,令得他们时刻保持着相力的圆满。 Meanwhile on two duke platform of her top of the head, has exotic fragrance sending out, changes into the light scarlet smoke, lingers in the team the tip of the nose of people, in this exotic fragrance, everyone's resonance power restores the speed also to speed up. 同时在她头顶的两座封侯台上,有着异香散发,化为淡淡赤烟,萦绕在队伍中众人的鼻尖,在这异香中,所有人的相力恢复速度都随之加快。 Under her blessing, Xi Chan, Cao Sheng, the Mi Er three people were to display the strength of far ultra ordinary period. 在她的加持下,就连郗婵,曹圣,弥尔三人都是发挥出了远超平常时期的战力。 Therefore was destroyed along with a leader golden color thunder beast, the pushing onward speeds of their team are to also lead other teams, even starts the team that pursued honored led last week. 于是伴随着一头头金色雷兽被摧毁,他们这支队伍的挺进速度也是遥遥领先其他队伍,甚至开始追赶上周钧所率领的队伍。 Zhou Jun had also detected, immediately in the eye reveals cold light, he exerts its utmost regarding the chance of passing, if Li Luo dares to compete, he wants it to pay the price surely. 那周钧也是有所察觉,当即眼目中流露出一丝寒光,他对于首通的机缘势在必得,李洛若是敢来争夺,他必定要其付出代价。 However, the time at this time actually not making a move, as after all they gradually are close to the peak position, thunder energy that this between Heaven and Earth condenses, is starts becomes even more wild, vicious. 不过,此时倒不是出手的时机,毕竟随着他们逐渐的接近峰顶位置,这天地间凝聚的雷霆能量,也是开始变得愈发的狂暴,凶狠。 In Thunder Finger Peak, the thunder thunders continuously continuous, the stop of breakthrough golden color thunder beast teams do utmost. 雷指峰中,雷霆轰鸣连绵不休,一支支队伍竭尽全力的突破金色雷兽的阻拦。 But with the lapse of time, distant place, faintly visible peak outline. 而随着时间的推移,遥遥处,隐约可见峰顶轮廓。 Everyone is the great happiness. 所有人皆是大喜。 Bang! 轰! But, between Heaven and Earth suddenly has purple light greatly hold in the meantime, the one after another purple thunder falls in torrents from the cloud layer, is coercing the fluctuation of terrifying, pounded to Thunder Finger Peak numerous teams. 可就在此时,天地间突然有紫光大盛,一道道紫色雷霆从云层中倾泻而下,裹挟着恐怖的波动,砸向了雷指峰众多队伍。 Everyone is looks with amazement, because of the might of this purple thunder, as if extremely fearful. 所有人皆是面露骇然,因为这紫色雷霆的威力,似乎极为的可怕。 Has the strength to achieve lower seventh grade Duke expert to use meets the approaching enemy full power on, may strike along with the junction, void the collision place is bursting, that seventh grade Duke expert was rumbled to result in flying upside down to draw back, whole body burned black, a blood spurts crazily. 有实力达到下七品封侯强者倾尽全力迎击而上,可伴随着交击,虚空都在碰撞处破裂开来,那名七品封侯强者被轰得倒飞而退,浑身焦黑,一口鲜血狂喷而出。 The blood falls to the ground, full is purple thunder light is jumping. 鲜血落地,其中满是紫色雷光在跳跃。 This, making many teams all over the body live coldly, did the purple thunder, wound lower seventh grade Duke expert together unexpectedly?! 这一幕,让得许多队伍遍体生寒,一道紫色雷霆而已,竟然就击伤了一名下七品封侯强者?! Team that at this time can arrive here, is an elite, many seventh grade Duke expert, but suddenly, they were also deterred by this might more terrifying purple thunder do not dare to step into the front range. 此时能够抵达此处的队伍,皆算是精英,其中不乏七品封侯强者,可一时间,他们也被这威力更为恐怖的紫色雷霆震慑得不敢踏入前方的范围。 Only two teams, fearless pushing onward. 唯有两支队伍,无所畏惧的挺进。 That naturally is two teams that Li Luo and Zhou Jun lead. 那自然是李洛与周钧所率领的两支队伍。 Endures compared with purple thunder unceasing falling of seventh grade Duke expert full-power attack, the Li Luo complexion was also appears dignified, the hand mesosaurus looked like under thunder Daozhan. 堪比七品封侯强者全力一击的紫色雷霆不断的落下,李洛面色也是显得凝重了起来,手中龙象雷刀斩下。 Void also shatter, next one flickers, sees only three dragon's phantom to roar, is coercing the different resonance power fluctuations. 虚空随之破碎,下一瞬,只见得三道龙影咆哮而出,裹挟着不同的相力波动。 Three Dragon Heavenly Flags Canon! 三龙天旗典 Three dragon's phantom are intertwined in the same place, changed into a colorful ancient dragon flag, the dragon flag wielded, splashes to inundate the deity light. 三道龙影交缠在一起,化为了一面色彩绚丽的古老龙旗,龙旗挥动,泼洒出漫天神光。 Sanlong Town demon god light/only! 三龙镇魔神光! The gods have only brushed the horizon, that fearful purple thunder resolution all, each collision, will result in the deafening bellow in between Heaven and Earth. 神光刷过天际,将那一道道可怕的紫色雷霆尽数的化解,每一次的碰撞,都将会在天地间引发震耳欲聋的轰鸣声。 Numerous vision vibrate looks at this, Li Luo is being built on the midair, situated in team most above, by one's effort, obstructs these purple thunder. 众多目光震动的望着这一幕,李洛立于半空,处于队伍的最上方,以一己之力,阻截那些紫色雷霆。 In its top of the head, three ten pillars golden platform are swallowing up world's energy, restores resonance power for it. 在其头顶,三座十柱金台鲸吞着天地能量,为其恢复相力 Changing countenance that rear Fang Xingyun cannot bear, then smiles bitterly to shake the head, said: I can put together the last moment with such person before unexpectedly, but also was really my tall light.” 后方的方行云忍不住的动容,然后苦笑摇头,道:“我之前竟然能与这样的人拼上片刻,还真算是我的高光了。” If on, Fang Xingyun feels now again, perhaps he supports ten rounds in the hand of Li Luo, moreover this premise or Li Luo will not come up to display that fearful high grade heaven's fate grade duke technique. 若是现在再上,方行云感觉,恐怕他在李洛的手里撑不过十个回合,而且这前提还是李洛不会上来就施展那可怕的上品天命级封侯术 The Fang Xingyun vision is to go to the week honored that side, the latter is also giving full play of power and strength, in the hand a thunder trident changes into the say/way, chops into pieces the purple thunder. 方行云的目光又是投向周钧那边,后者同样在大发神威,手中一柄雷霆三叉戟化为道道雷芒,劈碎紫色雷霆。 Is relying on the higher eighth grade powerful strength, these pose the intense threat to seventh grade Duke expert sufficiently the purple thunder, obviously cannot stop Zhou Jun the footsteps. 凭借着上八品的强悍实力,这些足以对七品封侯强者造成强烈威胁的紫色雷霆,显然并不能阻拦周钧的脚步。 Therefore under two teams in the respective leader lead, is going against the purple thunder, nears the peak step by step. 所以两支队伍在各自的领头人率领下,顶着紫色雷霆,步步接近峰顶。 Everyone understands obtained to pass the chance, should be in these two teams. 所有人都明白,获得首通机缘的,应该就是这两支队伍中的一支了。 Rumbling! 轰轰! Everywhere thunder thunders, two teams even more nears the Thunder Finger Peak peak, they have even been able to see, in that peak highest place, one roughly about ten zhang (3.33 m) crystal mirror altar/jar, mirror altar/jar glittering and translucent, is producing an inverted image innumerable thunder light. 漫天雷霆轰鸣,两支队伍愈发的接近雷指峰峰顶,他们甚至都已经是能够见到,在那峰顶最高处,有一座约莫十丈左右的水晶镜坛,镜坛晶莹剔透,倒映着无数雷光。 Enters there, not only can enter 32nd layer, but can also obtain one to pass the chance! 进入那里,不仅能够进入第三十二层,而且还能获得一份首通机缘! Bang! 轰! But at this time, sky over Thunder Finger Peak, the thunder clouds start the sharp contraction, even in the thunder clouds, burst out the strong purple light, one after another purple thunder in rapid fusion. 但此时,雷指峰上空,雷云开始剧烈的收缩,甚至雷云中,迸发出了浓烈的紫光,一道道紫色雷霆在其中迅速的融合。 Everyone is a reveal with amazement, because of this moment, the fluctuation that in the purple thunder clouds sends out, already in gradual increases toward eighth grade Duke Realm. 所有人都是眼露骇然,因为这一刻,紫色雷云中散发出来的波动,已经在逐渐的向着八品封侯境攀升。 This is tries to capture to pass the chance, test that can face! 这是试图夺取首通机缘,将会面临的考验! Li Luo and week honored complexion, is becomes quite dignified. 李洛与周钧的脸色,也是变得极为凝重起来。 The purple thunder of that rapid fusion, start has made them feel the intense threat. 那种飞速融合的紫色雷霆,已经开始让他们感觉到强烈的威胁。 Bang! 轰! The purple thunder clouds vibrate crazily, simultaneously sent out the thunderous sound that covers all sounds, next one flickers, everyone sees, two giant purple Thunder Dragon, penetrate from the thunder clouds in suddenly. 紫色雷云疯狂震动,同时发出了遮盖一切声响的雷鸣声,下一瞬,所有人都见到,两条巨大的紫色雷龙,猛然自雷云中穿透而出。 In the purple Thunder Dragon body, each dragon scale, is clearly discernible, in dragon Tong, is filling the meaning of wild destruction. 紫色雷龙身躯上,每一枚龙鳞,都是清晰可见,那龙瞳中,更是弥漫着狂暴的毁灭之意。 Roar! 吼! Purple Thunder Dragon opens dragon mouth, sending out minute/share not clearly is dragon's roar is the thunderous sound, finally they since the horizon passes through, just like two strength of thunder tribulation is full of the destruction. 紫色雷龙张开龙嘴,发出了分不清楚是龙吟还是雷鸣的声响,最后它们自天际贯穿而下,宛如是两道充满着毁灭的雷劫之力。 Pounding ruthlessly to and Zhou Jun situated in frontline Li Luo! 狠狠的砸向了位于最前方的李洛与周钧!
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