Strugglesto cross the warto end, allteamallcantime the recuperation, because of the nextwar, after10 th, butthis period of time , is to make eachacademyteambe ableto digestthisharvest that strugglesto cross the war.
争渡战落幕,各方队伍皆是得以休整,因为下一次的大战,将会在十日之后,而这段时间,也是让各个学府的队伍能够消化一下此次争渡战的收获。ButLi Luolooked forotherEastern TerritoryDivine Provincesacred academyvice-presidentinthis time, startedfor„to wrestlesandbureau”to collectHeavenly Mirror Sand.
而李洛则是在此时找上了东域神州其他圣学府的副院长们,开始为“搏砂局”筹集天镜砂。„Is TeacherLi Luo, the planparticipatesto wrestle the sandbureau?”
“李洛导师,是打算参加搏砂局吗?”RegardingLi Luo this operation that borrowsHeavenly Mirror Sand, Guo Jiufeng, kingXu, Chen Chiand othervice-presidentallareunderstands that hisplan, immediatelya littlehesitatesslightly.
对于李洛这番借取天镜砂的操作,郭九凤,王栩,晨炽等副院长皆是明白他的打算,当即微微有点犹豫。Theyknow certainly that wrestles the sandbureauisearns„Heavenly Mirror Sand” the quickestway, butthisthing is also gambling, after alldaresto participateto wrestle the team of sandbureau, which can be the fuel-efficientlamp?
他们当然知道搏砂局才是赚取“天镜砂”最快的方式,但这玩意也是一场赌博,毕竟敢参与搏砂局的队伍,哪个会是省油的灯?Evensomesinisterfellows, towrestlesandbureau, will also hide the methodintentionally, instrugglingto crossin the warto retain the strength and card in a hand, forinwrestlingsandbureauYinperson, gainsonegreatly.
甚至一些阴险的家伙,为了搏砂局,还会故意隐藏手段,在争渡战中保留实力与底牌,就为了在搏砂局中阴人一把,大赚一笔。Thereforethiswrestles the sandbureau, the Outer Divine Provincesacred academyteamwill rarely have the participation, becausetheirstrengthsare not enoughto playthistype of deepvolunteer fire-fighting association.
所以这搏砂局,外神州圣学府的队伍很少会有参与的,因为他们的实力不足以去玩这种深水局。Heavenly Mirror Sandto themis the raretopcultivationresources, ifplayednot to have, cansimply the meatpainthreeyears.天镜砂对他们而言是罕见的顶尖修炼资源,万一玩没了,简直能肉痛三年。„Icancollaboratewithsister Qing'e, participateto wrestle the sandbureau, ifbelievesus, canattempt.” The Li Luofranksaid.
“我会与青娥姐联手,参加搏砂局,诸位若是相信我们,可以尝试一下。”李洛坦言道。HearsJiang Qing'ealsoto participate, Guo Jiufengand othervice-presidentlookslightlysmall tokensmoveactually, after all the Jiang Qing'estrength, indeed is to make the personhaveonepoint of energy, wantsto comeso long as , if not meeteighth gradeDuke expert, allcanhave the strength of contending.
听到姜青娥也会参加,郭九凤等副院长神色倒是微微意动,毕竟姜青娥的实力,的确是让人有一分底气,想来如果只要不是遇见八品封侯强者,皆是能够有抗衡之力。Butwrestles the opponent of sandbureau, according to the rulecanbe the two-way job choice, Li Luonaturallynot possibleto provokeeighth gradeDuke expertatthis time.
而搏砂局的对手,按照规则会是双向选择,李洛自然不可能在这个时候去招惹八品封侯强者。Sothinking, Eastern TerritoryDivine Provincethesevice-president, finally the choicetoLi Luothisface and trust, saidafter allno matter how,thistimetheycanmake the progress of thisbrighteye, almostdepended onLi Luo.
这般想着,东域神州这些副院长们,最终还是选择给李洛这份面子与信任,毕竟不管怎么说,此次他们能够取得这个亮眼的成绩,几乎都是倚仗了李洛。Naturally, somewhatdiscretevice-presidentdoes not dareto loanHeavenly Mirror Sandcompletely, retained a point.
当然,有些谨慎的副院长也不敢完全借出天镜砂,还是保留了一点。Thereforeonecollects, Li Luoborrowedhad20grains of Heavenly Mirror Sand, thisadded ontheirSacred Profound Star Academythat18grains, was not right, was17grains, nowin the handhas37grains of Heavenly Mirror Sand.
于是一圈筹集下来,李洛借了有二十粒天镜砂,这加上他们圣玄星学府的那十八粒,不对,是十七粒,如今手中就有了三十七粒天镜砂。Butat this time, Jiang Qing'e is also catches upto meetwithLi Luo: „Mealtogetherhas23grains of Heavenly Mirror Sand.”
而此时,姜青娥也是赶来与李洛碰头:“我这边一共有二十三粒天镜砂。”Shealsocollectedthat sideHoly Light Ancient Academy, but because inHoly Light Ancient Academy the ambitiouspersonare many, theyalsocovet„wrestlesandbureau”, thereforeinsteadcollectsnot to have the Eastern TerritoryDivine Province effect good.
她也是在圣光古学府那边筹集了一些,但由于圣光古学府中有野心的人不少,他们也都觊觎“搏砂局”,所以反而筹集起来没东域神州效果好。„Ifyouthought that insufficient, I can also borrowtengrains of Heavenly Mirror Sand.”Lu Qing’ermakes noisesuddenly.
“那就够了!”Li Luosmiles, as the matter stands, theycancollect70grains of Heavenly Mirror Sand, thiswas the quiteastonishingnumber, evenhemuststartto worry,will playin a big way, will really have the teamto dareto meet?李洛笑起来,这样一来,他们就能筹集出七十粒天镜砂,这是相当惊人的数目了,甚至他都要开始担心,玩这么大,真的会有队伍敢来接吗?Thisshouldbethistimewrestlesin the sandbureau, biggest?
这应该算是此次搏砂局中,最大的一笔了吧?After allaccording towrestlingsandbureaurule, Heavenly Mirror Sand that both sidesprovide, needsto be the samequantity.
毕竟按照搏砂局规则,双方提供的天镜砂,都需要达到同等的数量。WhileLi Luofor this reasondisturbedtime, suddenlyhave several saying that figuretreadsto emptyto come, to fallontheirEastern TerritoryDivine Provincehereplatform.
而正当李洛为此忐忑的时候,突然又有数道身影踏空而来,落在他们东域神州这边的平台。Whentheseperson's shadowsappear, the Li LuoclearfeelingTeacher Xi Chancomplexioniceis suddenly cold, in the eyehas the thickdislike and scared lookappears.
当这些人影出现的时候,李洛清晰的感觉到身旁的郗婵导师脸色陡然间冰寒起来,眼中有着浓浓的厌恶以及惧色浮现。Immediatelyhisraising the headlooking pensivelooks, is really seesin the person, there isXiChi who previoushas met.
当即他若有所思的抬头看去,果然是见到来人中,有此前见过一面的郗迟。HoweverthistimeXiChipositiongoes lower, inhisfront, is a bodyis thin, pupildark red, the whole bodyis sending outsomedangerousauramen.
不过此次郗迟位置靠后,在他的前方,是一名身躯削瘦,瞳孔暗红,浑身散发着一些危险气息的男子。„Xi Li, Mysterious Spirit Ancient Academy, higher seventh gradeDuke expert.”Inheart of Li Luo, rapidflashing throughtogetherinformation.
“郗厉,玄灵古学府,上七品封侯强者。”李洛的心中,迅速的闪过一道信息。Butthisperson, in the previousstrugglecrossesin the war, performancealsoextremelyoutstanding, isthat side the Mysterious Spirit Ancient Academytopstrength.
而此人,在先前的争渡战中,表现也极为的优异,算是玄灵古学府那边的顶尖战力。„Xi Chan, long time no see.”Thatpupildark redman, the visionwent toXi Chan, on the faceappearedto wipeto be full of the smile of longing.
“郗婵,好久不见了。”那瞳孔暗红的男子,目光投向了郗婵,脸庞上浮现出一抹充满着怀念的笑容。Xi Chanslenderpalminthis timetightgrippingin the same place, onsnow whiteflesh, evenappeared the azurevein, hercoldly said: „Xi Li, Ido not wantto seeyou.”郗婵纤细手掌在此时紧紧的攥在一起,雪白的肌肤上,甚至浮现出了青色的脉络,她冷冷的道:“郗厉,我并不想见到你。”Xi Lisaid with a smilepale: „Xi Chan, goes homewithme, yourparentshave been waiting foryou, theirtheseyearsalsocross are not pleasant, youare like this willful, canoncethinkthem?”郗厉淡笑道:“郗婵,跟我回家吧,你的父母一直在等你,他们这些年也过得不太如意,你这样任性,可曾想过他们?”Xi Chanhearsthiswords, the beautiful eyeimmediatelybecomesred, herlookbites the personis looking atXi Li, saidsternly: „Youtothemhow?!”郗婵听到此话,美目顿时变得通红,她眼神噬人的望着郗厉,厉声道:“你对他们怎么样了?!”„Relax, howItothem, ourmain familyhave not spoken the customafter all, butsendssomequitedangerousdutyoccasionally.”
“放心,我并没有对他们如何,毕竟我们主家还是讲规矩的,只是偶尔派一些比较危险的任务罢了。”„, Right, several years agoyour father, whencarries out the task, broke an arm.”Xi Lioptionalsaying.
“哦,对了,前几年你父亲在执行任务的时候,断了一条手臂。”郗厉随意的说道。„Xi Li!”
The Xi Chanwhole bodyshivers, thatusually the intellectualitygracefulteacher, did not havethatcalm, whole bodyresonance powerto thriveat this timeagain, must unable to bearangrymaking a move.郗婵浑身颤抖,那个素来知性优雅的导师,此时再没有那份从容,浑身相力勃发,就要忍不住愤怒的出手。But a palmextendsat this time, gripsherslenderarm.
但一只手掌此时伸出来,握住她的纤细手臂。ThatisLi Luo.
那是李洛。„Teacher Xi Chan, do not worry.”Li Luocomfortsin a soft voice.
“郗婵导师,不要着急。”李洛轻声安慰。In the Xi Chaneyehas the tearsto condense, five fingersgraspingstubbornlyin the same place, sheknows that Xi Lithis is enragingandthreateningher, toletheradmitted defeat the compromise.郗婵眼中有着泪水在凝聚,五指死死的握在一起,她知道郗厉这是在激怒与威胁她,就是为了让她服软妥协。
When but, sheheard the fatherto break the arm, felt like a knife twisting in the heartas before.
可是,当她听见父亲断了手臂时,依旧心如刀绞。Li Luostoodin front ofTeacher Xi Chan, the slightlycoldvisionlookedtoXi Li, saidslowly: „Threatenswithothers'parents, yourmethodis truesomewhatmeanly.”李洛站在了郗婵导师面前,微冷的目光看向郗厉,缓缓道:“用别人的父母来威胁,你的手段属实有些下作。”Xi Lifirstlooked atLi LuoJiang Qing'e, thenslows down the toneslightly, said: „Li Luo, thisis the family affairs of Xi, yourhave no reasonto meddle . Moreover, forwhyover a womanall alone?”郗厉先是看了一眼李洛身旁的姜青娥,然后微微放缓语气,道:“李洛,这是我们郗家的家事,你没有理由插手,而且,何必为了一个无依无靠的女人出头?”„OurXi, althoughinMysterious Spirit Divine Province, butis also willingto be on good termswithdragon tooth lineage, butthisbenefit, wasshecannot giveyou.”
“我们郗家,虽然是在玄灵神州,但也愿意与龙牙脉交好,而这份利益,是她给不了你的。”Li Luolooked atTeacher Xi Chan, thisoncepowerful enough to canin his eyesto the teacher who hebrings the asylum, at this timeisto actually appear the unprecedenteddelicacy.李洛看了一眼郗婵导师,这个曾经在他眼中强大到能够给他带来庇护的导师,此时却是显得前所未有的柔弱。„In your opinion, the Teacher Xi Chanweight, the naturehas no wayto comparewithyourXi.”
“可是...”Li Luois looking atXi Li, lookgraduallybecomesmustbe swift and fierce, is cold: „In my eyes, yourXi, is less than her finger.”李洛望着郗厉,眼神则是渐渐的变得凌厉,冷冽起来:“在我眼中,你郗家加起来,都不及她一根手指。”In the pastLuolan Mansionmansion festival, Teacher Xi Chantoprotecthim, resigned from the duty of TeacherSacred Profound Star Academy, blockedbefore the Lanling Mansionentrance.
当年洛岚府府祭,郗婵导师为了护他,辞去了圣玄星学府导师之职,独自一人,拦在了兰陵府山门前。Thisbenevolence, in the heart of Li Luo, a Xicaneasilyweighcan it be that.
The Xi Lilook is also gloomygradually, saidslowly: „It seems likeyouinsist onforher, mustwithmefor the enemy.”郗厉眼神也是渐渐的阴沉,缓缓道:“看来你是执意为了她,要与我为敌了。”„Withyoufor the enemy, is very strange?”Jiang Qing'eonesteptreads, voiceLingvery cold.
“与你为敌,很奇怪吗?”姜青娥一步踏出,嗓音凌冽。In the Xi Lieye the vicious tendenciesascend, obviouslyLi LuoandJiang Qing'edoes not show due respect for the feelings is also makesinhisheart the violent anger, thereforehedeeplyinspires, gloomy and coldsay/way: „Seriouslyis the bigtemperament, whenreallyIfearedyouare inadequate? HereisHeavenly Mirror Tower, is notyourHeavenly King Li's lineage.”郗厉眼中戾气升腾,显然李洛与姜青娥的不给面子也是令得他心中暴怒,于是他深吸一口气,阴冷的道:“当真是好大的脾气,真当我怕了你们不成?这里是天镜塔,不是你李天王一脉。”„Here, mysomeare the methodbrings the troubletoyou.”
“在这里,我有的是手段给你们带来麻烦。”„Li Luo, don't youwantto playto wrestle the sandbureau? Don't youwantto be ambushed?”
“李洛,你不是想玩搏砂局吗?你也不想被狙击吧?”Li Luohearsword, staresimmediately, thencannot bearlooks the color of pleasant surprise: „You, do youwantto playto wrestle the sandbureau?”李洛闻言,顿时一愣,而后忍不住的面露惊喜之色:“你,你要玩搏砂局吗?”
His response, made the Xi Licorner of the eyepull outactually, sneers saying: „What's wrong? Noline?”
“可以啊。”Li Luois happy: „Iplanned70grains of Heavenly Mirror Sand, do youwantto play?”李洛喜道:“我筹了七十粒天镜砂,你要玩吗?”
The Xi Licomplexionemergesto wipe the delay, himgivesto be counted the way that allcanplan, on20grains of Heavenly Mirror Sand, but can Li Luoactuallyput out70grainsto hitto wrestle the sandbureau?郗厉面色涌现出一抹呆滞,他这边把所有能筹的方式都给算上了,也不过就二十粒天镜砂,而李洛却要拿出七十粒来打搏砂局?Whatcrazedgambler is this?!
这是什么丧心病狂的赌徒?!„What's wrong? Can't youcollect70grains of Heavenly Mirror Sand?”Li Luosees that somewhat cannot help but disappointed, said: „It is not really good, I can also make concessionsonestep, 50grainsalsogood.”
The Xi Licomplexionis gloomy, 50grains of Heavenly Mirror Sand, hecannot gather!郗厉脸色阴沉,五十粒天镜砂,他也凑不到!„Hehe, Li Luo, youalsowhenreallyinHeavenly Mirror Tower, without the rule by peopleresulted inyouto be inadequate?”
“呵呵,李洛,你还真当天镜塔中,没人治得了你们不成?”ButwhenXi Liis awkward, suddenlyhas the charmingwomen'slaughterto transmittogether, the peopleraise the head, is seesthatLüasstreameronegroup, walks into the field.
而就在郗厉尴尬的时候,突然有一道娇媚的女子笑声传来,众人抬头,便是见到那吕如烟带着一行人,走入场中。„LüRuyan does, youdo?”Lu Qing’erseesher, the complexionis coldimmediately.
“吕如烟,你来干什么?”吕清儿见到她,脸色顿时冷下来。LüRuyansmilesonetenderly, said: „I , if not come, no onedid accompanyLi Luoto play? What's wrong, youfeared that Idid giveto fumble and break up the showhim?”
吕如烟娇笑一声,道:“我若是不来,岂不是都没人陪李洛玩了?怎么,你怕我把他给玩坏了啊?”Li Luoslightly is a little actually surprised, shouldnot thinkLüRuyanwill runto butt.李洛倒是稍微有点惊讶,应该是没想到吕如烟会跑来插一脚。LüRuyanline of sightshifts toXi Li, said: „TeacherXi Li, yourmytwoteamscollaborates, withthisLi Luo, Jiang Qing'e, howplaysto wrestle the sandbureau?”
吕如烟视线转向郗厉,道:“郗厉导师,你我两队联手,与这李洛,姜青娥,玩一把搏砂局如何?”Previously the Lu Qing’erpersonambushedher, nowhas the opportunityretaliation, LüRuyannaturallycannotgive up, naturally, ifcanwinHeavenly Mirror Sand in Li Luotheirhand, thatmade the personmoodjoyful.
先前吕清儿的人狙击了她,如今有机会报复,吕如烟自然不会放弃,当然,若是能够将李洛他们手中的天镜砂赢下来,那就更让人心情愉悦了。Xi Liis somewhat surprised, healsoknowsLüRuyanstatus, the opposite partyis the Golden Dragon Mountainbackground, hehas wantedto be on good termswithit, buthas no goodopportunity, never expected that the opposite partywill mentionat presenton own initiativeforms a teamjointly.郗厉有些惊奇,他也是知晓吕如烟的身份,对方乃是金龙山的背景,他一直想要与其交好,但却都没有什么好的机会,没想到眼下对方会主动提及联手组队。Thereforehenodsimmediately, hassaying with a smile of demeanorvery much: „Such assmokeyoung ladyinterested, mysettledshedfateaccompanies.”
于是他当即点头,很有风度的笑道:“如烟小姐有兴趣的话,我定当舍命相陪。”Li Luoseesthisto stiraboutin the same placetwo people, actuallyhaving a relishsmiled.李洛见到这搅合在一起的两人,却是饶有兴致的笑了起来。This, complied with those wordsactually.
这一幕,倒是应了那句话。Enemies often cross each other's path, double happiness descend on the house.
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