KOMI :: Volume #15

#1460: Fights seventh grade

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When Eastern Territory Divine Province and thunder fire Divine Province all sacred academy teams, all are enter struggles to cross the space, sees only to have the innumerable ray castings, forms the giant light screen in the horizon, is projecting among many scenes. 东域神州与雷火神州的所有圣学府队伍,皆是进入争渡空间时,只见有无数光线投射而出,于天际形成巨大的光幕,投影着其内的诸多景象。 At this time the ancient academy war zone, is the Inner Divine Province sacred academy war zone, all team, raised the head, having a relish is gazing at that light screens. 此时不论是古学府战区,还是内神州圣学府战区,各方队伍,也都是抬头,饶有兴致的注视着那片光幕。 But at once, many people call out in alarm suddenly make noise. 而旋即,不少人突然惊呼出声。 Well, side Hangyun leads the thunder fire Divine Province team directly, charged into that side Eastern Territory Divine Province, his had not planned competes to struggle to cross stage, but must compel Eastern Territory Divine Province to fight a decisive battle with them directly!” “咦,方行云直接率领雷火神州的队伍,冲向了东域神州那边,他这是没打算去争夺争渡台,而是要逼东域神州与他们正面决战!” „, This side Hangyun has the boldness actually very much, the overall strength had the advantage, therefore does not need to disperse, competes for these struggles to cross stage with Eastern Territory Divine Province, so long as in any case routs Eastern Territory Divine Province directly, naturally also on victory.” “啧啧,这方行云倒是很有魄力,他们本就整体实力具备优势,所以也没必要分散开来,与东域神州争夺那些争渡台,反正只要将东域神州正面击溃,自然也就胜了。” You looked, side Hangyun leads the thunder tribulation the sacred academy team probably, directly to the Sacred Profound Star Academy team that Li Luo was at!” “你们看,方行云好像率领雷劫圣学府的队伍,直接冲李洛所在的圣玄星学府队伍去了!” Originally he plans to stare at variable biggest Li Luo from the beginning directly, so long as after all defeats Li Luo, then the Eastern Territory Divine Province sacred academy team naturally can the rout.” “原来他一开始就打算直接盯上变数最大的李洛,毕竟只要将李洛击败,那么东域神州圣学府队伍自然将会溃败。” This side Hangyun is decisive enough, since Li Luo is the variable, that ahead of time according to dying he, looked how he changes.” “这方行云够果断,李洛既然是变数,那就提前按死他,看他怎么变。” „The Israeli good cloud lower seventh grade Duke strength, how Li Luo again changes, perhaps did not help matters.” “以方行云下七品封侯的实力,李洛再怎么变,恐怕都无济于事了。” „......” “......” Jiang Qing'e is also gazing at the scene in light screen, she looks at that to ignore any stop, directly soars side Hangyun who Li Luo goes, willow eyebrows slightly pressed, in the pupil light passed over gently and swiftly wipes cold intent, the slender five fingers grip slightly tightly. 姜青娥也是注视着光幕内的景象,她望着那不顾任何阻拦,直奔李洛而去的方行云,柳眉微蹙,眸光中掠过一抹冷意,纤细五指微微攥紧。 But the distant place Mysterious Spirit Ancient Academy place, Xi severe sneers secretly, this Li Luo inserted a foot at the Xi Chan matter , is to make in his heart angry extremely, if now this side Hangyun first takes off its sharp qi, this can make him exit|to speak the foul odor but actually slightly, this is also beneficial he later and negotiations of Li Luo. 而远处玄灵古学府处,那郗厉则是暗自冷笑一声,这李洛郗婵的事情上插了一脚,也是令得他心中极为恼怒,如今若是这方行云先挫挫其锐气,这倒能让他稍微出口恶气,这也有益他之后与李洛的谈判。 The Inner Divine Province sacred academy region, Saint brume academy Ruyan, the both arms holds the chest, so the stance is appears the chest front to be mammoth, on she charming moving cheeks, hung all over taking pleasure in others' misfortunes at this time. 内神州圣学府区域,圣霭学府的吕如烟,双臂抱胸,这般姿态更是显得胸前波澜壮阔,她娇媚动人的脸颊上,此时同样挂满了幸灾乐祸。 Under gaze that in this numerous mood varies, the Outer Divine Province struggle crosses in the space, the intense war, is ready to be set off. 在这众多情绪各异的注视下,外神州的争渡空间中,激烈的大战,一触即发。 ... ... side Hangyun, your opponents are our Sacred Bright King Academy!” “方行云,你们的对手是我们圣明王学府!” The Guo Jiufeng long and loud cry makes noise, top of the head six duke platforms erupts the radiant glare, then ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) divine mist shoots up to the sky, changes into light rainbow to side Hangyun the figure air-splitting assault. 郭九凤长啸出声,头顶六座封侯台爆发出璀璨强光,然后万丈神烟冲天而起,化为光虹对着方行云的身影破空袭去。 However his offensive, has not gone near side Hangyun thousand zhang (3.33 m) region, was cut by the fiery red sword light together suddenly broken. 不过他的攻势,尚未接近方行云千丈区域,便是被一道火红的剑光骤然斩碎。 Sees only a hair scarlet middle-aged man to lead one after another figure to appear in the midair, is thunder fire Divine Province, Saint smoke academy vice-president, Meng right. 只见一名头发赤红的中年男子率领着一道道身影出现在半空中,正是雷火神州,圣烟学府副院长,孟右。 Words that Guo Jiufeng, wants to play, our Saint smoke academy accompanied you to play and that's the end, do not disturb the side vice-president aesthetic pleasure.” The Meng right hand holds a as if to flow the magma fiery red big sword, laughter loud and clear saying. 郭九凤,想玩的话,我们圣烟学府来陪你玩就是了,可别打扰了方副院长的雅兴。”孟右手持一柄仿佛流淌着岩浆般的火红大剑,笑声洪亮的说道。 Guo Jiufeng is looking Meng right who comes to the stop, the complexion is somewhat ugly, he also understands at this time side Hangyun plan, the opposite party obviously is above attaching great importance to of imagination to Li Luo, therefore rushed to the latter directly. 郭九凤望着现身阻拦的孟右,脸色有些难看,他此时也明白了方行云的打算,对方明显对李洛超乎想象的重视,所以直接就奔后者去了。 side Hangyun this is must with the aid of the advantage of own rank, in most starts, Li Luo according to getting down. 方行云这是要借助自身等级的优势,在最开始,就把李洛按下去。 Solemn high grade marquis, looks second grade Duke, is true somewhat falls in price.” Guo Jiufeng cold sound shouted, drank like the thunder, was spreads to that side Hangyun ear, obviously he tried to prod the opposite party. “堂堂上品侯,去找一个二品封侯,属实有些掉价。”郭九凤冷声喝道,喝声如雷,也是传入那方行云的耳中,显然他试图激将对方。 But regarding his behavior, side Hangyun is the plan that the least bit pays attention to does not have. 但对于他的行为,那方行云却是半点理会的打算都没有。 But at this time, thunder fire Divine Province other sacred academy teams, Eastern Territory Divine Province numerous sacred academy team interception all, including king Xu vice-president, is hard to withdraw. 而此时,雷火神州的其他圣学府队伍,也是将东域神州这边的众多圣学府队伍尽数的拦截,包括王栩副院长,都难以脱身。 Therefore, everyone can only look helplessly side Hangyun leads the thunder tribulation the sacred academy team, approaches the Sacred Profound Star Academy people. 于是,所有人只能眼睁睁的看着方行云率领着雷劫圣学府的队伍,逼近圣玄星学府众人。 Is ready in full battle array the Sacred Profound Star Academy people who count the hundred zhang (333 m) distance when the distance, side Hangyun the footsteps stop, his is locking Li Luo sharp-eyed, said slowly: Guo Jiufeng talked into ordinary second grade Duke you, does not know that is he is stupid, when I am stupid.” 在距离严阵以待的圣玄星学府众人数百丈距离时,方行云脚步停下,他的目光锐利的锁定着李洛,缓缓道:“郭九凤把你说成了普通二品封侯,也不知道是他蠢,还是当我蠢。” Your Eastern Territory Divine Province can arrive this round, what depended is , doesn't he have the points?” “你们东域神州能够走到这一轮,靠的是谁,他心里没点数?” Hears side Hangyun the spoken language, Li Luo to say with a smile: „Did I also want many thanks side vice-president to think highly of me?” 听得方行云的言语,李洛笑道:“那我还要多谢方副院长这么看得起我了?” Meanwhile his vision sweeps the thunder tribulation the sacred academy team, immediately the heart cannot bear sinks, because he discovered that the thunder tribulations sacred academy besides side Hangyun this lower seventh grade Duke expert, but also has under one sixth grade Duke Realm veteran teacher. 同时他的目光扫过雷劫圣学府的队伍,当即心头就忍不住的一沉,因为他发现雷劫圣学府除了方行云这位下七品封侯强者外,还有着一名下六品封侯境的老牌导师。 Is known as six big Outer Divine Province background strongest sacred academy worthily.” “不愧是号称六大外神州底蕴最强的圣学府。” Li Luo sighed one secretly, the thunder plundered the sacred academy strength, perhaps even in Inner Divine Province many sacred academy, can push in the above-average ranks, but their here lineups and opposite party compared, was suppressed completely. 李洛暗叹一声,雷劫圣学府的实力,就算是在内神州诸多圣学府中,恐怕都能挤入中等偏上的行列,而他们这边的阵容与对方一比,完全被压制。 This weaponry, is very indeed difficult to hit. 这一场仗,的确很难打。 After all even if his here constrains side Hangyun, but under opposite party that the sixth grade veteran teacher, will still rout Teacher Xi Chan they. 毕竟就算他这里拖住方行云,可对方那名下六品的老牌导师,也将会击溃郗婵导师他们。 At the appointed time the Sacred Profound Star Academy team rout, he will also face the besieged aspect. 到时圣玄星学府队伍溃败,他也会面临被围攻的局面。 Under that sixth grade Duke expert, can give me to divert, but I need the help of Hongyou elder sister.” When the Li Luo thoughts rotation, Lu Qing’er makes noise to say suddenly. “那个下六品封侯强者,可以交给我来牵制,不过我需要红柚姐的帮助。”而在李洛心思转动的时候,吕清儿突然出声说道。 Li Luo somewhat shocking looks to Lu Qing’er, Lu Qing’er now is only unparalleled first grade, can she divert under one unexpectedly sixth grade Duke expert? Can she also break unparalleled leaps the third grade limit? 李洛有些震惊的看向吕清儿,吕清儿如今只是无双一品,她竟然能牵制住一名下六品封侯强者?她也能打破无双跃三品的极限了? I do not have you is so abnormal, but, but diverts him temporarily, to trade one, actually can also achieve.” Lu Qing’er indifferently said. “我没你那么变态,不过,只是暂时牵制住他,以一换一,却是还能够做到的。”吕清儿淡淡的道 Li Luo hesitates slightly, finally nods, although Lu Qing’er is only unparalleled first grade, but she also has the extremely strong card in a hand, at least, in the Li Luo sensation, Lu Qing’er within the body, seems to be hiding aura that made one dread, he guessed that aura, possibly was Golden Dragon Mountain lineage/vein that Freezing Ice Holy Seed. 李洛微微犹豫,最终点点头,吕清儿虽然只是无双一品,但她同样拥有着极强的底牌,最起码,在李洛的感知中,吕清儿体内,似乎就隐藏着一股令人忌惮的气息,他猜测那股气息,可能就是金龙山吕脉的那一枚寒冰圣种 That gave you.” “那就交给你了。” Simultaneously Li Luo to Xi Chan, Cao Sheng, the Mi Er three teachers was also saying: Three teachers, you oppose the enemy respectively, constrain then, so long as crossed this round, Outer Divine Province first, is our Eastern Territory Divine Province.” 同时李洛又对着郗婵,曹圣,弥尔三位导师道:“三位导师,你们各自对敌,拖住即可,只要过了这一轮,外神州第一,就是我们东域神州的了。” Finally he looks to Li Hongyou. 最后他看向李红柚 Hongyou senior sister, by you.” 红柚学姐,靠你了。” In this team, the function of Li Hongyou is without a doubt, even Li Luo, can complete the war of present limit, has part of Li Hongyou to give the blessing reason. 在这支队伍里面,李红柚的作用毋庸置疑,甚至就连李洛,能够完成眼下的极限之战,也都有着一部分李红柚给予加持的原因。 Li Hongyou nods gently, then her rapid breaking by biting fingertip, sends out the blood of exotic fragrance to flow, his fingertip outlined, changed into two rune/symbol Zhuan who is flowing the golden light. 李红柚轻轻点头,而后她迅速的咬破指尖,散发着异香的鲜血流淌出来,其指尖勾勒,化为了两道流淌着金光的符篆。 vermilion Guohua god seal! 朱果化神篆! Two dao metal light rune/symbol Zhuan injected Li Luo and Lu Qing’er within the body, immediately causes resonance power that in two human bodies sends out to fluctuate increases successively. 道金光符篆射入了李洛吕清儿体内,顿时引得两人体内散发出来的相力波动节节攀升。 Meanwhile, Li Hongyou is congeals ordinary three sincerity Golden Seal, these three symbol seal effects want on weak many, but does not have the means that her present strength can only support her for Li Luo and Lu Qing’er blessing vermilion Guohua god seal. 与此同时,李红柚又是凝结出三道普通的“赤心金篆”,这三道符篆效果要弱上许多,但没办法,她如今的实力只能支持她为李洛吕清儿加持“朱果化神篆”。 Completes this series of blessing rapidly, Li Hongyou ruddy tender and beautiful elegant face, was becomes pale. 迅速做完这一系列的加持,李红柚红润娇艳的俏脸,也是变得苍白了许多。 But Lu Qing’er, Xi Chan and the others all are expresses gratitude one. 吕清儿,郗婵等人皆是道谢一声。 The next flash, their figure plunder suddenly, palatial duke platform shoot up to the sky, charged into these thunder tribulation sacred academy Duke expert respectively. 下一瞬间,他们的身影骤然掠出,一座座巍峨的封侯台冲天而起,各自冲向了那些雷劫圣学府封侯强者 Sky over Li Luo top of the head, two ten pillars golden platform such as big day reappearing, turnover world's energy. 李洛头顶上空,两座十柱金台如大日般的浮现,吞吐天地能量 ten pillars golden platform, if is really enviable.” 十柱金台,果真令人羡慕。” Is looking at that two ten pillars golden platform that is flowing complete aura, side Hangyun sighed one gently, next one flickered, seven duke platform shot up to the sky, an extremely astonishing powerful resonance power pressure, covered between Heaven and Earth. 望着那两座流淌着圆满气息十柱金台,方行云轻轻的感叹一声,下一瞬,七座封侯台冲天而起,一股极为惊人强悍的相力威压,笼罩天地间 But, I really do not believe that your unparalleled second grade, can leap fifth grade games today I!” “不过,我真不信,你这无双二品,今日能跃五品我!” With falling of that last character, in side Hangyun the double pupil, has the thunder light to emerge suddenly, he one step treads, figure changed into racing thunder unexpectedly, during void breakages, his figure like ghosts and demons appearance in the Li Luo front. 伴随着那最后一字的落下,方行云双瞳之中,陡然有雷光涌现,他一步踏出,身影竟是化为了一道奔雷,虚空破裂间,他的身影如鬼魅般的出现在了李洛的前方。 side Hangyun this act, is quite unexpected, no one has thought, his solemn seventh grade Duke expert, when facing Li Luo this second grade Duke, will also take advantage unexpectedly its unprepared, kills directly! 方行云此举,极为出人意料,谁都没想到,他堂堂七品封侯强者,在面对着李洛这位二品封侯时,竟然还会趁其不备,直接袭杀! Bang! 轰! side Hangyun the five fingers grip tightly, a fist rumbles, sees only to have thunder light fist seal to roar, above twines the startling thunderclap, breaks void, with one type sweeps away all obstacles overbearing stance, bang to Li Luo. 方行云五指紧握,一拳轰出,只见得有雷光拳印咆哮而出,其上似是缠绕惊雷,震碎虚空,以一种所向披靡般的霸道姿态,轰向李洛 side Hangyun the offensive is quite swift and violent, but holds the heart of vigilant alert in the Li Luo time well, even if he can only see to come into sight the thunder glittering, but the palm is still grasping to gather together in an instant. 方行云的攻势极为迅猛,不过好在李洛时刻都抱有警惕戒备之心,所以即便他只能见到眼中雷光闪烁,但手掌也是在霎那间握拢。 The dragon thunder blade flashes before likely. 龙象雷刀闪现而出。 On the knife, similarly is thunder falling in torrents like a waterfall, simultaneously the knife slightly side, just like the shield is common, kept off that bang thunder fist. 刀身上,同样是雷霆如瀑布般的倾泻,同时刀身微侧,犹如盾一般,挡下了那轰来的雷拳。 Rumbling! 轰轰! That flash, the startling thunderclap crack, reverberates, in the entire vast struggle crosses in the space. 那一霎那,惊雷炸响,回荡在整个辽阔的争渡空间中。 Void like mirror breaks, but Li Luo figure, under side Hangyun this wild fist, was rumbled to depart several thousand zhang (3.33 m) directly, pours to shoot, but figure, collapsing several mountains. 虚空如镜子般的破碎开来,而李洛身影,也是在方行云这狂暴至极的一拳下,直接被轰飞出了数千丈,倒射而出的身影,震塌了数座山岳。 At this time, struggles to cross in the space outside, countless people for it astonished in an uproar. 此时,不论是争渡空间之内还是外面,无数人为之惊愕哗然。 This side Hangyun, quite fierce resolute. 这方行云,好生凶猛果决。 Will not be direct a fist, that Li Luo eliminating? 不会直接一拳,就将那李洛给淘汰了吧?
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