KOMI :: Volume #15

#1458: Xi severe

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Li Luo is looking at four big ancient academy light tablets, on that teams is fluctuating in the unceasing beat, was revealing this time competition is intense. 李洛望着四大古学府的光碑,在那上面,一支支队伍在不断的跳动变幻着,显露着此时其中的竞争是何等激烈。 But Jiang Qing'e that team, now by four win zero lost/carrying the result, placed 13 positions. 姜青娥那支队伍,如今以“四胜零负”的成绩,排在十三的位置。 Simultaneously this position, but also is posting several teams. 同时这个位置,还并列着数支队伍。 In light tablet most peak, four teams ride to be above mundane thoughts, all maintains seven are winning zero lost/carrying the proud score, is one of them, Li Luo saw team that Saint bird leads. 在光碑最顶端,四支队伍一骑绝尘,皆是保持着“七胜零负”的傲人战绩,在其中,李洛见到了那个圣雀儿所率领的队伍。 But other three teams , is other three ancient academy four gentlemen lead. 而其他三支队伍,也皆是其他三座古学府的“四士”所率领。 As eighth grade Duke expert, their advantages without doubt are the steamroll. 作为八品封侯强者,他们的优势无疑是碾压的。 Moreover, in that 11 th position, Li Luo also saw a slightly somewhat familiar-sounding name. 另外,在那第十一的位置,李洛还见到了一个略微有些耳熟的名字。 Mysterious Spirit Ancient Academy, Xi severe, five win zero to lose.” 玄灵古学府,郗厉,五胜零负。” The Li Luo look concentrates, if he did not remember incorrectly, this Xi severe, perhaps is in the Xi Chan mouth that Xi powerhouse, but this person can lead the team to break in four big ancient academy 11 th, even also wants at this time high compared with the Jiang Qing'e team, obviously tyrannical of its strength. 李洛眼神微凝,如果他没记错的话,这个郗厉,恐怕就是郗婵口中那个郗家强者,而此人能够率队伍冲入四大古学府第十一,甚至此时比姜青娥的队伍还要高一点,可见其实力之强横。 Naturally, this does not mean this Xi severe compared with Jiang Qing'e many, because the earlier period eliminates, has not met the true powerful enemy. 当然,这也并不是说这个郗厉会比姜青娥强多少,只是因为前期淘汰中,都还没有遇见真正的强敌。 Li Luo turns the head to look to Teacher Xi Chan, discovered that her vision, is also staring at four big ancient academy light tablets, the pupil light is fluctuating, is surging the dislike and scared look. 李洛转头看向郗婵导师,发现她的目光,同样在盯着四大古学府的光碑,眸光变幻,涌动着厌恶与惧色。 Detected that the line of sight of Li Luo, Xi Chan shows a somewhat reluctant smile to him. 察觉到李洛的视线,郗婵冲着他露出一个有些勉强的笑容。 Saw usually in intellectuality chilly Teacher Xi Chan rare reveals some delicately, Li Luo warm sound comforts saying: Teacher felt relieved, so long as you do not hope, no one can lead you to walk.” 见到平日里知性清冷的郗婵导师罕见的露出一些柔弱,李洛温声安抚道:“导师放心,只要你不愿,没人能带你走。” Looks at Li Luo that modest actually firm look, the Xi Chan red lip sips, in the heart is flowing warm feeling, the nod, said gently: Thanks.” 看着李洛那温和却坚定的眼神,郗婵红唇微抿,心中流淌着一丝暖意,轻轻点头,道:“谢谢。” Li Luo smiles, changes the topic: These four big ancient academy, the background is indeed abundant.” 李洛笑笑,将话题转开:“这四大古学府,底蕴的确雄厚。” Perhaps now this top 20 team, comes one casually, can dominate Outer Divine Province, and yet, they actually can only in four big ancient academy, difficult to first ten is climbing up. 如今这排名前20的队伍,恐怕随便来一支,都能够在外神州这边称雄,可眼下,他们却只能在四大古学府间,艰难的对着前十攀爬。 Also this Heavenly Mirror Tower trial, must gives to separate no wonder ancient academy and sacred academy, if otherwise crowds together, perhaps six big Outer Divine Province teams add, is insufficient a ancient academy team to hit. 也难怪这天镜塔试炼,要将古学府圣学府给分开,不然若是凑在一起的话,恐怕六大外神州的队伍加起来,都不够一座古学府队伍打的。 The Li Luo vision transfers from four big ancient academy, goes to the Inner Divine Province sacred academy place, there competitive frigid degree, from some significance, besides the team that lacking four eighth grade Duke expert led, as if not compare four big ancient academy difference is too many. 李洛的目光从四大古学府那边转开,又是投向内神州圣学府处,那里的竞争惨烈程度,从某种意义而言,除了缺少了四位八品封侯强者率领的队伍外,似乎并不比四大古学府差太多。 And team that Duke expert that has top higher seventh grade many leads. 其中不乏有顶尖上七品封侯强者率领的队伍。 This strength, in four big ancient academy, can even the standing in line number. 这种实力,就算是在四大古学府内,都能够排上号。 However thinks also normally, after all these teams, perhaps is Inner Divine Province these sacred academy uses all resources, piles up, some nature many natural talent outstanding Duke expert. 不过想想也正常,毕竟这些队伍,恐怕是内神州那些圣学府倾尽一切资源,堆积出来的,其中自然不乏一些天资卓绝的封侯强者 After all places Inner Divine Province, resources that these sacred academy can obtain, is far from Outer Divine Province these sacred academy can compare. 毕竟身处内神州,这些圣学府所能够获得的资源,远非外神州的那些圣学府能比。 The Li Luo vision sweeps on the Inner Divine Province sacred academy light tablet, then stayed in the third position. 李洛的目光在内神州圣学府的光碑上扫动,然后停留在了第三名的位置。 Saint brume academy, Ruyan squad. 圣霭学府,吕如烟小队。 This Miss Maigui from Golden Dragon Mountain, the strength is also highly regarded, although she has not attended the Heavenly Mirror Tower trial in the name of ancient academy, Saint brume academy that but its is , is also top sacred academy in Inner Divine Province, the background is quite abundant, it is said that this is because the back has the support and support of Golden Dragon Mountain. 这位来自金龙山的吕脉贵小姐,实力同样不可小觑,她虽然未曾以古学府的名义参加天镜塔试炼,但其所在的圣霭学府,也算是内神州中的顶尖圣学府,底蕴极为雄厚,据说,这是因为背后有着金龙山的赞助与支持。 Academic Federation does not care about the bribing of Golden Dragon Mountain, academy that after all they must care about are too really many, Golden Dragon Mountain the behavior, although will win the rights to speak in some sacred academy, but from some significance, shared some Academic Federation here resources pressures. 学府联盟并不在意金龙山的这种染指,毕竟他们要顾及的学府实在太多,金龙山的这种行为,虽然会获得一些圣学府中的话语权,但从某种意义而言,也算是分担了一些学府联盟这边的资源压力。 Therefore sometimes, so long as Golden Dragon Mountain does not do too excessively, Academic Federation also turned a blind eye to their behaviors. 所以有时候,只要金龙山不做得太过分,学府联盟对他们的这种行为也就睁一只眼闭一只眼了。 The color of Li Luo eye reveal hesitation, because of Xi Chan and Lu Qing’er reason, this Xi severe and Ruyan now is the enemy non- friend, if later meets, is hard to give up surely, but in these two one in Area ancient academy, in Inner Divine Province Area sacred academy, cannot meet well temporarily actually. 李洛眼露沉吟之色,因为郗婵吕清儿的原因,这郗厉与吕如烟如今都是敌非友,之后若是遇见,必定难以善罢甘休,不过好在这两者一个在古学府,一个在内神州圣学府,暂时来说倒是碰不见。 But this situation will not continue is too long, as struggled the conclusion of crossing area, both sides will meet sooner or later. 但这种情况也不会持续太久,随着争渡区的结束,双方迟早会碰面。 That side Ruyan, will have three Inner Divine Province top sacred academy teams to ambush her, therefore you do not need to worry that she has the energy to look for our troubles.” But when the Li Luo consideration, the one side broadcast the Lu Qing’er light sound suddenly, that voice just like the clear spring that on the snowy mountain flows, is limpid and cold. “吕如烟那边,会有三座内神州的顶尖圣学府队伍去狙击她,所以你不必担心她有精力来找我们的麻烦。”而在李洛思虑时,突然一旁传来了吕清儿淡淡的声音,那嗓音宛如雪山上流淌的清泉,清澈又冷冽。 Some Li Luo being astonished looks to Lu Qing’er, said: „Are these protect your person?” 李洛有些讶异的看向吕清儿,道:“那些都是来保护你的人?” Is.” Lu Qing’er careless say/way. “算是吧。”吕清儿漫不经心的道。 Li Luo teased: Has so many better choice, you also participate in the name of Sacred Profound Star Academy, it seems like you really love about Sacred Profound Star Academy.” 李洛调侃道:“有这么多更好的选择,你还以圣玄星学府的名义来参加,看来你对圣玄星学府是真爱。” Lu Qing’er pupil lightstream is dripping frost looked at his one eyes, behind the unemotional turning around trend. 吕清儿光流淌着冰霜的看了他一眼,面无表情的转身走向后方去了。 Being rebuffed Li Luo, can only resentful shrugging. 碰了一鼻子灰的李洛,只能悻悻的耸耸肩。 Nearby Teacher Xi Chan is laughs in one's heart one that cannot bear, said: Why she comes Sacred Profound Star Academy, haven't you known?” 一旁的郗婵导师则是忍不住的暗笑一声,道:“她为什么而来圣玄星学府,你还不知道?” Li Luo can only sigh. 李洛则是只能叹了一口气。 But when Li Luo and the others the recuperation, the time gradual passage, six big Outer Divine Province all finished the first round, branched out the winner area and defeated area. 而在李洛等人休整时,时间逐渐的推移,六大外神州皆是结束了第一轮,同时也分出了胜者区与败者区。 Thunder fire Divine Province, Eastern Territory Divine Province, ten thousand wind Divine Province entered the winner area. 雷火神州,东域神州,万风神州进入了胜者区。 But sea Divine Province, lark Divine Province, night Divine Province fell into the defeated area extremely. 而沧溟神州,白灵神州,极夜神州则是落入了败者区。 Regarding this result, lark Divine Province with night Divine Province these sacred academy teams expressed extremely extreme shock, former years obviously was their three fellow sufferers in the defeated area compared with rotten, finally this, Eastern Territory Divine Province actually defeated sea Divine Province, pushed in the winner area. 对于这个结果,白灵神州与极夜神州的那些圣学府队伍表示极为的震撼,往届明明都是他们三个难兄难弟在败者区比烂,结果这一届,东域神州却是打败了沧溟神州,挤入胜者区。 Their looks are complex, mood some... uncomfortable. 他们一个个神色复杂,心情有些...难受。 In this world, what matter ratio but also there is to reach an agreement suspends the rotten brothers to buoy up together suddenly and was extravagant to make one be vexed? 这个世界上,还有什么事情比说好一起摆烂的兄弟突然间振作并且还阔起来了更令人糟心的? You diligently, after letting we go back, very difficult with the respective dean confession! 你这么努力,让我们回去后,很难跟各自的院长交代啊! When their mood is depressed, Area ancient academy and Inner Divine Province Area sacred academy first round is to also come to an end, all team struggles to cross the space to withdraw. 在他们心情郁闷的时候,古学府内神州圣学府的第一轮也是接近尾声,各方队伍纷纷自争渡空间退出。 Jiang Qing'e after drawing back, first looks to the Eastern Territory Divine Province platform, obviously she also cares about Li Luo their here result very much. 姜青娥在退出来后,第一时间看向东域神州平台那边,显然她也很关心李洛他们这边的成绩。 When she was seeing that Eastern Territory Divine Province defeated sea Divine Province to push in the winner zone time, on the beautiful fine cheeks also cannot help but appeared to wipe the slight happy expression. 而当她在见到东域神州打败了沧溟神州挤入胜者区时,绝美精致的脸颊上也是不由得浮现出一抹细微的笑意。 Meanwhile, platform that Mysterious Spirit Ancient Academy is, is thin, the eye pupil dark red man, the indifferent vision also went to that side Eastern Territory Divine Province, his cold severe line of sight, stayed on the body of Xi Chan. 与此同时,玄灵古学府所在的平台,一名身材削瘦,眼瞳暗红的男子,漠然的目光也是投向了东域神州那边,他那冷厉的视线,停留在了郗婵的身上。 Really is Xi Chan this cheap person!” He cleans in the hand slowly a blood red long sword, in the eye pupil is flowing cold and gloomy and vicious tendencies. “果然是郗婵这个贱人!”他缓缓的擦拭着手中一柄血红长剑,眼瞳中流淌着森冷与戾气。 Xi Brother Li, that Xi Chan some people are protecting now, that boy is called Li Luo, is the Heavenly Origin Divine Province Heavenly King Li's lineage person, the background is very strong, possibly because of him, Xi Chan dares to come Heavenly Mirror Tower.” Side this man, some people say, previously in Xi Chi who in the Li Luo hand has suffered a loss. “郗厉大哥,那郗婵如今有人护着,那个小子叫做李洛,是天元神州李天王一脉的人,背景很强,可能就是因为他,郗婵才敢来天镜塔。”在这男子身旁,有人开口说道,正是此前在李洛手中吃过亏的郗迟。 Heavenly Origin Divine Province, Heavenly King Li's lineage.” 天元神州,李天王一脉。” Xi severe brow wrinkled, this accident matter, that Xi Chan hid Outer Divine Province actually, how can also establish the relations with Heavenly Origin Divine Province Heavenly King lineage? 郗厉眉头微皱了一下,这倒是一个意外的事情,那郗婵躲去了外神州,怎么还能跟天元神州天王脉搭上关系? In front of Heavenly King Li's lineage, their backgrounds of Xi, but had no deterrent effect. 李天王一脉面前,他们郗家的背景,可就没什么震慑力了。 However what is good because of being, Heavenly King Li's lineage is Heavenly Origin Divine Province Heavenly King lineage, if in their Mysterious Spirit Divine Province, Xi severe must restrain many. 不过好在的是,李天王一脉天元神州天王脉,如果是在他们玄灵神州,郗厉就得收敛许多了。 In Xi Liyan appears from time to time cold and gloomy, from time to time emerges cruelly, but instability of this mood, is to make in his heart emerge to the Xi Chan anger, if were not this cheap person escaped in the past, causing his secret method unable the unexpectedly entire merit, he was also insufficient this. 郗厉眼中时而浮现森冷,时而涌现暴戾,而这份情绪的不稳定,更是令得他心中涌现出对郗婵的愤怒,如果不是这个贱人当年逃掉,导致他的秘法无法竟全功,他也不至于这样。 This cheap person, is he prepares many years of incense burner obviously, finally dares to run away secretly! 这个贱人,明明是他筹划多年的炉鼎,结果竟敢偷偷逃走! If later falls to his hand, must make her want surely dead difficultly! 若是之后落到他的手中,定要让她想死都难! Xi Lishen inspires, is constraining the mood of innermost feelings, cloudy say/way: I will seek an opportunity, met with that Li Luo, so long as he is willing to give up sheltering Xi Chan, I can pay to make his satisfactory reward.” 郗厉深吸一口气,压抑着内心的情绪,阴沉沉的道:“我会寻个机会,与那李洛碰个面,只要他愿意放弃庇护郗婵,我可以付出令他满意的酬谢。” Xi Chi hears Xi severe to plan admitted defeat unexpectedly to that Li Luo, in the heart slightly some were unwilling, said: Big brother, if that Li Luo doesn't want?” 郗迟听到郗厉竟然打算对那李洛服软,心中稍微有些不甘心,道:“大哥,万一那李洛不愿意呢?” Xi Liding in hand blood red long sword, complexion gradually becomes must twist, said: Here is Heavenly Mirror Tower, is not Heavenly Origin Divine Province, although I cannot kill him, but also some are the method makes him be unable to take a single step forward!” 郗厉盯着手中血红的长剑,脸色渐渐的变得扭曲起来,道:“这里是天镜塔,不是天元神州,我虽然杀不得他,但也有的是手段让他寸步难行!” If he really wants, for a cheap person and I feels embarrassed, that being concerned about face, such being the case... do not blame me not being impolite.” “如果他真要为了一个贱人与我为难,那就是给脸不要脸,既然如此...就别怪我不客气了。” ... ... The time gradual passage, the major contest areas were in the recuperation stage, but Outer Divine Province, is takes the lead to enter to the next round. 时间逐渐的推移,各大赛区都进入了休整阶段,而外神州这边,则是率先进入到下一轮。 Other two big contest areas, then casts many vision of attention. 其他两大赛区,则是投来许多关注的目光。 Six big Outer Divine Province, start the second round of ballot. 六大外神州,开启第二轮的抽签。 Now the winner area, is thunder fire Divine Province, Eastern Territory Divine Province as well as ten thousand wind Divine Province. 如今胜者区,乃是雷火神州,东域神州以及万风神州 Therefore this round of ballot, the side will draw a bye, the road of entering step this most reduces effort without doubt. 所以这一轮抽签,将会有一方轮空,这无疑是最省力的进阶之路。 Therefore, is full of the anticipation of people, Guo Jiufeng vice-president again self-confident making a move. 于是,饱含着众人的期待,郭九凤副院长再次自信的出手。 After several minutes . 数分钟后。 In Eastern Territory Divine Province platform, completely silent, people look complex looks at that light/only to sign another head that there... is thunder fire Divine Province is. 东域神州平台上,鸦雀无声,众人神色复杂的望着那光签的另外一头,那里...是雷火神州所在。 Then this round, they welcomed six big Outer Divine Province, a strongest side. 接下来这一轮,他们迎来了六大外神州,最强的一方。
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