ThenfromQin Lianwithin the bodysweeps across, but the vastresonance powerfluctuation, presentedstagnationinthis moment, thesewreaking havocbattlefieldsblackflamechains, inthis timebacking upslowly.
那自秦莲体内席卷而出的浩瀚相力波动,在这一刻出现了凝滞,那些肆虐战场的黑炎锁链,也是在此时缓缓的倒退。Thisgives the time that the peoplepanted for breathwithout doubt.
这无疑是给了众人喘息的时间。Theirvisionsurprisedgoing todistant place, then sawQin Yifigure.
他们目光惊疑的投向远处,然后便是见到了秦漪的身影。„Qin Yi!”
The Qin Beimingcomplexionchanges, becauseheseesthatto pierce the blackflamechains of Qin Yilower abdomen, attack that obviously, Qin Lianstopssuddenly, shouldbe the desperatestop of Qin Yi.秦北冥脸色微变,因为他见到那洞穿秦漪小腹的黑炎锁链,显然,秦莲突然间停止的攻击,应该是秦漪的拼命阻拦。HoweverQin Yiobviouslyalsosuffered the fatalheavy losses.
但是秦漪明显是也是受到了致命般的重创。Alllines of sight, arehold the breathto look atthis, theirnottooclearQin Yimadeanything, but ifQin Lianwere really preventedbyher, thatthishopeless situationwill be solved.
所有的视线,都是屏息般的望着这一幕,他们不太清楚秦漪做了什么,但如果秦莲真的被她所阻止,那这绝境就将告破。„Junior Sister!”
“师妹!”Chu Qing is also a whole facewith amazement, hetriesto rush the rescue.楚擎也是满脸的骇然,他试图冲上去救援。ButQin Yi is actually difficultputting out a hand, tohisstrenuouslaying out, shewas consumingoneselfoverwhelming majorityblood essence, fusesninth gradewater resonance, condensedonedrop„to turn over tospiritual water”bysecret method.
但秦漪却是艰难的伸出手,对着他吃力的摆了摆,她消耗了自身绝大部分的精血,融合九品水相,以秘法凝聚成了一滴“归灵水”。This„turns over tospiritual water”, althoughthere is no lethality, buthasextremelystrongstate of mindpotency, Qin Yidoes not know whether thiscan awakenfrom the condition of pollutionQin Lian, butno matter how, shemustattempt.
这“归灵水”虽然没有什么杀伤力,但却有着极强的清神的效力,秦漪也不知道这能否将秦莲从污染的状态中唤醒过来,可不管如何,她总得尝试一下。Butlooks at the presentappearance, seems a little the effect, is onlyherstrength is too after all low, thereforedoes not dareto makeChu Qingtheyat this timebe close, so as to avoidalarmsQin Lian.
“母亲。”Qin Yifierceache that endures the lower abdomenplaceto transmit, summonedin a soft voice.秦漪忍着小腹处传来的剧烈疼痛,轻声呼唤。Butunderhersummon, thatQin Lianlikeblackvortexeye, theninthis timegradualdrawing backpowder, the vortexdeep place, presented the eye pupilfaintly.
而在她的呼唤下,那秦莲如同黑色漩涡般的眼睛,则是在此时逐渐的退散,漩涡深处,隐隐的出现了眼瞳。Thateye pupilmovementslowly, is gazing atpresentQin Yi, then the Qin Liancoldseverecomplexionsomewhatfluctuatesslightly, finallyhas the low and deephoarsesoundto resound: „The flatterripples, you, youwere too impulsive.”
那眼瞳缓缓的移动,注视着眼前的秦漪,而后秦莲冷厉的脸色微微有些变幻,最后有低沉嘶哑的声音响起:“阿漪,你,你太冲动了。”On the Qin Yielegantfaceshows the reluctantpalesmile, said: „Mother, I do not wantto seeyouto destroy itself, therefore, pleasesober.”秦漪俏脸上露出勉强的苍白笑容,道:“母亲,我不想看见您毁了自己,所以,请您清醒过来吧。”Qin Lianexudes the hoarselaughter, said: „Iwaitedyouto be severein those days, youactually must save my thisperson of perishingat risk of life.”秦莲发出嘶哑的笑声,道:“我往日待你严苛,你却还要拼死来救我这沉沦之人。”„You is a my mother, how can Igive up?”Qin Yishakes the headslightly, said.
“您是我的母亲,我怎能放弃?”秦漪微微摇头,道。Qin Lianvisionspookyhas sweptthisconfusionbloodyregion, silentseveral breaths, said: „Gooddaughter, but, having an issueis...”秦莲目光幽幽的扫过这混乱血腥的区域,沉默了数息,道:“好女儿,但是,有个问题是。。。”„Howyouknow, whetherIam willingto comesoberly?”
“你又怎知,我是否愿意清醒过来呢?”Qin Yitenderbodyfiercetrembles, say/way that the soundshivers: „Is mother, whatyousaying?”秦漪娇躯猛的一颤,声音颤抖的道:“母亲,您在说什么呢?”Qin Lianwoodensay/way: „Perhaps, is I am willingso, seizes the chanceto give the destructionall these?”秦莲木然的道:“或许,是我甘愿如此,趁机将这一切都给毁灭呢?”Hercorners of the mouthrevealwipe the happy expression, said: „Youlooked,Ihappen to can also draw support fromthisopportunity, thatLi Luokilling, methinks, thatTantai Lan, after Li Taixuanknows, will decidegrievedlyincomparable?”
The Qin Yicorner of the eyehas the water splashto flow, sadsound said: „Mother, are youtotheirhatreds, reallysodeep? Theseyearsyoufor this reasoneven morebiased, nowisto spelldestroysall, is thisworth?”秦漪眼角有着水花流淌下来,悲声道:“母亲,您对他们的恨意,就真的这么深吗?这些年您为此愈发的偏执,如今更是拼得毁灭一切,这值得吗?”Qin Lianlooksuddenlygloomy and cold, said: „Thishate, naturallyis very deep.”秦莲眼神陡然间阴冷下来,道:“这份恨,当然深得很。”„EspeciallythatTantai Lan! Ihatedherto arrive at the pinnacle!”
“特别是那澹台岚!我恨她到了极致!”„Youmayknow! Initially when IknewwithLi Taixuanmarried, in the heartiswhat kind ofliking? When thatperson, was youngin the past, had once savedmewhen the Otherhand, inthatTantai Lanhas not appeared, inmyheart, deeplycarvedhisfigure!”
“你可知!当初我知晓与李太玄联姻时,心中是何等的欢喜?那个人,当年年少时,就曾在异类手中救过我,早在那澹台岚还没出现时,我的心中,就深深刻下了他的身影!”„If notTantai Lan, Iwill become the Heavenly Origin Divine Provincehappiestwoman!”
“如果不是澹台岚,我将会成为天元神州最幸福的女人!”„But, Tantai Langaveto destroythesecompletely!”
“可是,澹台岚把这些全部都给毁了!”„Iam the Heavenly King Qin's lineageHeaven's Chosen, Iaminthatgeneration the mostdazzlingfemale, butthisdoes not knowwherefrombravesTantai Lan that actuallymystepping onstubbornly under foot, evenLi Taixuan, is willingforher, to abandonwithmymarrying!”
“她凭什么?!”Qin Lianface, inthis timegraduallyalsohad the sign of distortion, in the eyewas filling the endlesshate.秦莲的脸庞,在此时渐渐的又是有了扭曲的迹象,眼中弥漫着无尽的怨恨。Qin Yiis silent, Qin Liancharacterextremelyproud, the appearance of Tantai Lan, actually the Heavenly King Qin's lineagemost outstandingHeaven's Chosengaveto be inferior this at that time, sheis naturally unwilling, let alone, Li Taixuan...秦漪沉默,秦莲的性格太过的骄傲,澹台岚的出现,却是将她这位当时秦天王一脉最为出众的天骄给比了下去,她自然不甘心,更何况,还有李太玄。。。„Mother, this matterhas passedmanyyears, Li Taixuan, Tantai Lanis also compelledto leaveHeavenly Origin Divine Province, thesegrievancesare deep, shouldput down? Youalsoleave leewayfor this reasondeeplyholdto read, butsuffers itselfinoneself.” The Qin Yipersuasionsaid.
“哈哈哈哈!”Qin Lianexuded the sharplaughtersuddenly, the corner of the eyeevenhas the blacktearsto fallwith a smile.秦莲突然发出了尖锐的笑声,笑着笑着,眼角甚至有黑色的泪水滑落下来。„Ialsowantto put down!”
“我也想放下啊!”„But, itdoes not want!”
“可是,它不愿意啊!”When the Qin Lianvoicefalls, Qin Yi is shockingsight, in the formerforehead, the fleshwrigglessuddenly, formed a blood redspiderchartmarkgradually, thatspiderextremelystrange, livesfourheads, at the back of the spider, as ifinscribes the person's shadow that the men and womenare intertwined.
当秦莲话音落下的时候,秦漪便是震惊的见到,在前者眉心间,突然血肉蠕动起来,渐渐的形成了一个血红色的蜘蛛图纹,那蜘蛛极为的诡异,生有四头,蜘蛛背面,仿佛铭刻着男女交缠的人影。„What is this?!”Qin Yiloses one's voicewith amazement, from thatspiderbloodmark, shefeltonetoevilaura, even, thatblackeye of ghostincantationwas deeper than Qin Lianat this time.
“这是什么?!”秦漪骇然失声,从那蜘蛛血纹上面,她感觉到了一股至邪的气息,甚至,比秦莲此时中的那种黑目鬼咒还要深沉。„Thisis the demonplants the brand mark.”
The Qin Liangloomy and coldsoundconveys: „The methodfromsomeHeavenly King rankGreat Demon King, everythingwas plantedthisbrand mark, oneselfwill then change into the cauldronfurnace that hasfearfully, oneselfall, allareconsecrate, onceIvisitedninth gradeDuke Realm, all my, will be takenbyit.”秦莲阴冷的声音传来:“来自某位天王级大魔王的手段,凡是被种上了这烙印者,自身便会化为那可怕存在的鼎炉,自身一切,皆为供奉,一旦等我踏足九品封侯境,我之一切,都将会被它取走。”„Thisthingevencanchangemywill, makingme unable to give birth the thought that itpurified.”
“此物甚至能够改变我的意志,令我无法生出将它净化的念头。”Qin Yionlythinkscold air, wells up the crown of the headfrom the sole, makesto sway, she who she weakbody cannot bearat this timeis unable to imagine, on the body of Qin Lian, is also hiding the soterriblethingunexpectedly.秦漪只觉一股寒气,自脚底涌上天灵盖,令得她此时虚弱的身子都是忍不住的摇晃了起来,她无法想象,在秦莲的身上,竟然还藏着如此可怕的东西。„Mother, whydoes not seekin the lineage/veinKing expertto act, drives outforyou?”Qin Yidifficultasking.
“母亲,为何不寻脉中王级强者出手,为您驱除?”秦漪艰难的问道。Qin Liansay/wayslowly: „King expertcannot achieve, moreoverIhave also said that itwill affectmywill, if notthis timehas the disturbance of thatpoisonousincantation, Iwill not tellyouon own initiative.”秦莲缓缓的道:“王级强者根本做不到,而且我也说过,它会影响我的意志,如果不是此时有那毒咒的干扰,我也不会主动告诉你。”In the Qin Yibeautiful eyegatheredcompletely the tears.秦漪美目中蓄满了泪水。Qin Lianlookcold and gloomyterrifyingsay/way: „Thisthingharmsme is so pitiful, youknow why Iwill end up am so out?”秦莲眼神森冷恐怖的道:“此物害我如此凄惨,那你知道,我为什么会落得这般下场吗?”„ThatTantai Lanharms!”
“还是那澹台岚所害!”At this point, herfaceis suddenly fierce: „In the pastinthatvestige, sheandmybattle, harmedmeto fall into the vestigesomewherein the fearfulplace.”
说到此处,她脸庞陡然狰狞:“当年在那遗迹中,她与我争斗,害我落入到了遗迹中某处可怕之地中。”„Inthere, Icontactedthatto existby the terrifying of seal, subsequentlywas planted the type of thiscauldronfurnace, after thatlife and deathnotbyme!”
“在那里,我接触到了那被封印的恐怖存在,继而被种下了这道鼎炉之种,此后生死不由我!”„You said that if notTantai Lan, Isowill be out?!”
The Qin Lianlookis full of the stronghatred, in recent years, shewas sufferedby the type of thiscauldronfurnacelivesto might as welldie, underthispain, shedoes not hateTantai Lan, Li Taixuan, whomalsohates?!秦莲眼神充满着浓烈的怨毒,这些年来,她被这鼎炉之种折磨得生不如死,在这种痛苦下,她不仇恨澹台岚,李太玄,又去仇恨谁?!„Yousaid,theyharmmeso, can Ilet offLi Luo?!”
“你说,他们害我如此,我能放过李洛?!”HearsQin Lianthatgratingsharphatredsound, Qin Yisuch asto be struck by lightning, cannot bearweak in within the bodyagain, collapsing to the ground, inhereyefullis the sadtears, whatever the lower abdomenbloodflows.
听着秦莲那刺耳尖锐的怨毒声音,秦漪如遭雷击,再也忍不住体内的虚弱,瘫坐在地,她眼中满是悲伤的泪水,任由小腹鲜血流淌。Originally, on the body of Qin Lian, soencountersunexpectedly.
原来,在秦莲的身上,竟然还有这般遭遇。Poursalsono wondertheseyear of Qin Liancharacterseven moreextremely, vicious, evendoes everything possible, does not hesitate the statusmustmassacreLi Luo.
倒也怪不得这些年秦莲的性格愈发的偏激,凶狠,甚至想尽办法,不惜身份的要杀掉李洛。AsQin Lian the air/Qi of hatredeven morestrong, in her eye pupilsomewhatdrew backlooseblackvortexemergenceagain, butthistimecounter-attack, compared withbeforefierce.
轰!More terroristresonance powerfluctuationis coercingevil thoughts aura, sweeps acrossfromherwithin the body.
The distant place, Qin Beimingand the otherschange colorsin abundancewith amazement, justhad the relax relaxedbodyquicklyto tie tight, looks atlike this, Qin Yifailure!
远处,秦北冥等人纷纷骇然失色,刚刚有所松缓的身躯急忙紧绷起来,看这样子,秦漪失败了!Qin Yilooked at the blackvortex that in the Qin Lianeyeis emergingagain, in the heartdesperateto the pinnacle, sheunderstands,in the Qin Lianheartaccumulatedtoomanynegativities, nowwas detonated, was not her „turns over tospiritual water” to suppress.秦漪望着秦莲眼中再度涌现的黑色漩涡,心中绝望到了极致,她明白,秦莲心中积累了太多的负面情绪,如今被引爆,根本就不是她那“归灵水”能够压制的。So long asoriginallyhernaivethinkingcanawaken a Qin Lianintelligence, Qin Lianinitiativesuppresses, butafterknowingthesesecrets, shehas understood, plan that perhaps, Qin Lianhas not helped oneself.
原本她天真的以为只要能够唤醒秦莲的一丝神智,秦莲就会主动的去压制,但在知晓了这些隐秘后,她已是明白,或许,秦莲根本就没有丝毫自救的打算。Sheis suiciding!
Before dying, she must draw in the padback.
只是死前,她也要拉上垫背的。Li Luoismost importantthat.李洛就是最重要的那一个。„The flatterripples, theseyearsyoucrossverylaboriously, butdo not blame mother, motherroad, cannot turn head.”
The vortex in Qin Lianeyewells up, but in itwill soon block from the eye pupil, shecounts on the fingers a ball, onegroupfellon the body of Qin Yiblack light, changed into the one after anotherblackplumefeatherblack light, was ordinarylike the cover, figurecamouflage of allQin Yi.秦莲眼中的漩涡涌来,而就在其即将遮住眼瞳时,她屈指一弹,一团黑光落在了秦漪的身上,黑光化为一道道黑色翎羽,如同盖子一般,将秦漪的身影尽数的遮蔽。„flatterripples, thiswas mother lovesabout your finalpoint.”
“阿漪,这是母亲对你最后的一点爱了。”„Hope, youcancrossthisdisaster.”
The Qin Lianspookysoundconveys.秦莲幽幽的声音传来。AstheseblackplumefeatherscoverQin Yifigure, the Qin Lianfacerestored the previousdensityagain, rushingresonance powerswept across.
随着那些黑色翎羽覆盖住秦漪的身影,秦莲的脸庞再度恢复了此前的森然,澎湃的相力席卷而出。Shestretches out the palm, a racketruthlessly.
她伸出手掌,狠狠的一拍。Sees only the voidbreakage, a blackflamegreathandsuch as the claw of devilis common, graspeddirectlytoZhaoXiuyuan.
The ZhaoXiuyuanpanic-strickendesirecertainly, fiveduke platformerupt the radiantray, welcomedfull power.
轰!Howeverbrilliantfiveduke platform, underthatblackflamebig hand are actually vulnerable, the giant palmpats, onfiveduke platformcracksimmediately the crack of making a debutsay/way.
然而光彩夺目的五座封侯台,在那黑炎大手下却是脆弱不堪,巨掌拍下,五座封侯台上顿时崩裂出道道的裂纹。Finallyfiveduke platformerupt the wailsound, changes into the gloomyflowing light, falls into ZhaoXiuyuancrown of the head.
最后五座封侯台爆发出哀鸣声,化为黯淡的流光,落入赵修渊天灵盖中。ZhaoXiuyuanbloodspurtscrazily, figurecrazyretreat.
赵修渊鲜血狂喷,身影疯狂后退。But the blackflamegreathandisseparatesto graspdirectlyspatially, onegraspeditin the palm, the blackflamecoerced the terrifyingstrengthto well up, instantaneouslyZhaoXiuyuanfleshskeletoncrumb.
啊!ZhaoXiuyuanerupted the sad and shrillpitiful yellsound.
赵修渊爆发出了凄厉的惨叫声。„Savesme!”Hewas exuding the desperatecall for helptoQin Beimingand the others.
“救我!”他对着秦北冥等人发出了绝望的呼救声。Qin Beimingand the others are also startleslooks deathly pale, butafter allZhaoXiuyuanfifth gradeDuke expert, butdoes not have the strength of resistancein the Qin Lianhandnow.秦北冥等人也是骇得脸色惨白,毕竟赵修渊可是五品封侯强者,可如今在秦莲手中却是毫无反抗之力。Intheyare panic-stricken, thatblackflamegreathandgripsruthlessly, thenpinched the mudZhaoXiuyuan, flungconveniently.
The bloodsplashesfrom the sky.
鲜血自天空泼洒。In the one after anotherfrightenedvision, the ZhaoXiuyuanbrokenbodydrops from the clouds, falls into the big mouth that giantflower petalopened.
嘎吱嘎吱。Fangbig mouthchews, made the fleshskeletonshattersound.
獠牙大嘴嚼动起来,发出了血肉骨骼破碎的声音。Is looking atthis, ineveryone'seyes, cannot help butraised the despair.
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