KOMI :: Volume #13

#1283: Grants the aid

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Chapter 1283 第1283章 Grants the aid 施予援手 Li Luo, the summer language leads thousand health/guard respectively, cuts the expansive sky at the extreme speed, the boundless energy causes to thunder in the horizon. 李洛,夏语各率一支千卫,以极速划破长空,磅礴的能量在天际引起轰鸣。 When the extreme speed grazes, Li Luo turns the head to look to the remote rear area, in that side, seemed like transmitted extremely intense fluctuation of energy, obviously Jiang Qing'e has intended to obstruct the powerful enemy. 在极速飞掠时,李洛转头看向遥远的后方,在那边,似乎是传来了极为激烈的能量波动,显然姜青娥已经出手在阻截强敌。 Li Luo, relax, by the ginger dragon tooth envoy strength, even does not beat, but must move out does not have the issue certainly.” Sees worry in Li Luo eye, summer language makes noise the comfort to say. 李洛,放心吧,以姜龙牙使的实力,即便不敌,但要全身而退是绝没问题的。”见到李洛眼中的担忧,夏语出声安慰道。 Li Luo nods gently, in his heart somewhat rebukes oneself slightly, starts from Luolan Mansion, Jiang Qing'e really kept off is too many for him, in Great Xia, he continuously chase diligently, to want one day to stand in her front, told her, this time danger, was resisted by him. 李洛轻轻点头,他心中微微有些自责,从洛岚府开始,姜青娥真的为他挡下了太多,在大夏的时候,他就一直都在努力的追赶,为的是想要有一天能够站在她的面前,告诉她,这次的危难,由他来抵挡。 Although his these years strength increases already extremely swift and violent, but Jiang Qing'e evildoer/monstrous talent degree, lets the Li Luo tremendous feeling pressure. 只是虽然他这些年的实力提升已是极为的迅猛,可姜青娥的妖孽程度,还是让得李洛大感压力。 This fiancee goes against heaven's will, I am quite difficult. 这个未婚妻太逆天,我好难啊。 The Li Luo five fingers grip tightly, because of this, he to evolution heavenly dragon resonance so urgent, because his goal is in this time Boundary River Territory, breaks through Duke Realm, moreover... he must cast ten pillars golden platform! 李洛五指紧握,正因为如此,他对进化天龙相才会如此的迫切,因为他的目标就是在此次的界河域中,突破到封侯境,而且...他也要铸就十柱金台 But ten pillars golden platform the difficulty is self-evident, to achieve this, heavenly dragon resonance may be most important. 而“十柱金台”的难度不言而喻,为了达到这一点,天龙相或许会是重中之重。 When the Li Luo thoughts hundred revolutions, the large unit does not dare to have the slight stay, because they can feel, although Jiang Qing'e obstructed most powerful enemies, but some fluctuations of energy are pursuing to them. 李洛心思百转的时候,大部队则是不敢有丝毫停留,因为他们都能够感觉到,虽然姜青娥阻截了大部分的强敌,但还是有一些能量波动在对着他们追击而来。 Without Jiang Qing'e, the following road, can only depend upon them. 没有了姜青娥,后面的路,就只能依靠他们自己了。 But the obstruction, imagines compared with them must come quickly. 而阻截,比他们想象的还要来得快。 Obviously, lost the shock and awe of Jiang Qing'e, these coveting in secret, somewhat could not repress. 显然,失去了姜青娥的震慑,那些暗中的觊觎者,都是有些按捺不住了。 Bang! 轰! The between Heaven and Earth energy thunders, sees only in the front land, a towering great tree rises straight from the ground, is brandishing the branch, is ordinary just like everywhere python, is going to two thousand health/guard bombardments. 天地间能量轰鸣,只见得前方大地上,一棵参天巨树拔地而起,挥舞着树枝,宛如漫天巨蟒一般,对着两支千卫轰击而去。 Be careful!” summer language drinks coldly, in its top of the head, two palatial duke platform reveals, simultaneously with the aid of thousand health/guard Jiezhen blessing, its strength immediately increasing supreme third grade Duke level. “小心!”夏语一声冷喝,在其头顶,两座巍峨封侯台显露而出,同时借助一支千卫结阵的加持,其力量立即攀升至上三品封侯的层次。 In her hand presented a azure long sword, sword blade delimited swift and fierce astral wind, cut off like the python branch that everywhere directly, then sword blade cut void, thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword light shoots towards that towering great tree ruthlessly was at together. 她手中出现了一柄青色长剑,剑锋划出凌厉风罡,直接是将那漫天如巨蟒般的树枝斩断,而后剑锋划破虚空,一道千丈剑光狠狠的射向那参天巨树所在。 Top the great tree, the person's shadow appears together, its top of the head three duke platform appear, its hurried revolution boundless resonance power, changes into at the same time the giant Qingmu shield. 巨树顶部,一道人影出现,其头顶三座封侯台出现,其急忙运转磅礴相力,化为一面巨大的青木盾。 Bang! 轰! The sword light cuts to break to pieces the Qingmu shield directly, twists the smashing that towering great tree, that person's shadow stuffy snort/hum, changes into the azure light to vanish does not see. 剑光直接斩碎青木盾,同时也将那参天巨树绞成粉碎,那道人影闷哼一声,化为青光消失不见。 However when the summer language is under the attack, Li Luo there, welcomed the attack for the first time. 不过当夏语这边遭遇攻击的时候,李洛那里,也是首次迎来了袭击。 Sees only three powerhouse who steps into second grade Duke from the front appears, then Duke divine mist is billowing, changes into everywhere offensive, falls in torrents by the potential of moving mountains. 只见得三名踏入二品封侯的强者自前方出现,然后封侯神烟滚滚,化为漫天攻势,以排山倒海之势倾泻而来。 Li Luo, hands over king bead!” They exude the greedy drinking sound. 李洛,交出王珠!”他们发出贪婪的喝声。 In their opinion, Li Luo is only the great heavenly resonance realm strength, even if has thousand health/guard in the hand, but is still hard to control its strength, their three people attack jointly, sufficiently the Li Luo suppression. 在他们看来,李洛只是大天相境的实力,即便有着一支千卫在手,但也难以掌控其力,他们三人联手突袭,足以将李洛镇压。 Li Luo is looking at that in the everywhere offensive in the eye pupil enlarging, the face is also becomes cold, he one step treads, strength of the thousand health/guard, direct blessing. 李洛望着那在眼瞳中放大的漫天攻势,脸庞也是变得冷冽下来,他一步踏出,身后的千卫之力,直接加持而来。 In his hand under Dragon Elephant Blade fierce dividing, shakes immediately void, the boundless blade light falls in torrents, congealed a giant block wheel, the block wheel howled, collided with that everywhere energy offensive together. 他手中龙象刀猛的劈下,顿时虚空震荡,磅礴的刀光倾泻而出,凝结成了一道巨大的刀轮,刀轮呼啸而出,与那漫天能量攻势碰撞在一起。 Dragon likely invincible might!” “龙象神威!” The block wheel howls, twists that three second grade Duke offensive with the easily accomplished stance directly all broken, simultaneously the blade light passes through, in three people of looks with amazement, divided on their palatial duke platform. 刀轮呼啸而过,直接是以摧枯拉朽般的姿态将那三名二品封侯的攻势尽数绞碎,同时刀光贯穿而过,在三人骇然的眼神中,劈在了他们那巍峨的封侯台上。 Bang! 轰! Immediately the deep slash, appears from duke platform on. 顿时深深的刀痕,自封侯台上浮现出来。 Titter! 噗嗤! Three people are damaged, a blood spouts, figure distressed but actually shoots to draw back. 三人受创,一口鲜血喷出,身影狼狈至极的倒射而退。 „It is not good, this boy is very hard!” They roar to make noise lowly, in the sound full is the regret, they think perhaps Li Luo by the great heavenly resonance realm strength, is unable to display the strengths of thousand health/guard, but obviously, they want. “不好,这小子很硬!”他们低吼出声,声音中满是懊悔,原本他们以为李洛凭借大天相境的实力,恐怕无法将千卫的力量施展,可显然,他们想多了。 Their this is wounded, made the vision that some spied on secret slightly startled actually, this did Li Luo, display unexpectedly so completely the strengths of these thousand health/guard? 他们这受创,倒是令得一些暗中窥探的目光微惊,这李洛,竟然将这千卫的力量发挥得如此圆满? Under a blade, drove back three second grade Duke! 一刀之下,逼退了三名二品封侯 First reveals toweringly, Li Luo has not prolonged contact, but is separated with the summer language rapidly, speeds away to go. 初次显露峥嵘,李洛并未恋战,而是与夏语迅速脱离,疾驰而去。 But this war starts merely. 但此战仅仅只是开始。 In the following several double-hour, they encounter the attack obstruction one after another, many third grade Duke expert make a move, but surpasses fourth grade actually rare, has Li Jinpan, Niu Biaobiao, Li Rouyun and Jiang Qing'e reason, perhaps also some are make a move to help reduce and solve by the compatible Heavenly King Li's lineage influence or the powerhouse secretly, after all in any case will be Heavenly King lineage, the friend will not be few. 在接下来的数个时辰中,他们接连遭遇袭击阻截,其中不乏三品封侯强者出手,但超过四品的倒是少有,这其中有李金磐,牛彪彪,李柔韵以及姜青娥的缘故,或许也有一些是被亲和李天王一脉的势力或者强者暗自出手帮忙化解,毕竟好歹也是天王脉,朋友也不会少。 However comes, to fight does not rest, the energy thunders to resound through the horizon. 一路而来,战斗不歇,能量轰鸣响彻天际。 This obviously is somewhat difficult, but the road of resounding return trip. 这显然是一场有些艰难而轰动性的回程之路。 But regardless of the final outcome how, this war, will spread over Boundary River Territory. 但不论最终结果如何,此战,都将会传遍界河域 ... ... Bang! 轰! summer language stimulates to movement to inundate the Sky Sword light, the strong winds are big, with an extremely swift and fierce stance, shakes front third grade Duke draws back, she grasps the palm of long sword somewhat to shiver slightly, fighting that continually this gets down, created a big consumption to her. 夏语催动漫天剑光,狂风大起,以一种极为凌厉的姿态,将前方一名三品封侯震退,她手持长剑的手掌微微有些颤抖,这一路下来的连番大战,也是对她造成了不小的消耗。 Go away!” Her pupil light ice is cold, contains the murderous intention is staring at that third grade Duke. “滚!”她眸光冰寒,蕴含着杀机的盯着那名三品封侯 That third grade Duke expert is slightly silent, unexpectedly is the initiative retreat, because he does not want to become the goal that summer language fights tooth and nail, after all only then preserves the strength, can benefit as the third party in a dispute. 那名三品封侯强者微微沉默,竟是主动退去,因为他不想成为夏语搏命的目标,毕竟只有留存实力,才能渔翁得利。 summer language sees the opposite party to retreat, relaxes secretly, she looks to the horizon of distant place, there presented one piece to stand erect the black mountain range in land, that was the black soul range, crossed here, even if must near the Heavenly King Li's lineage territory. 夏语见到对方退走,暗自松了一口气,她看向远处的天边,那里出现了一片矗立在大地上的黑色山脉,那是黑魂岭,过了此处,也就算是要接近李天王一脉的领地了。 At that time, many pursuing troops will also give birth dread the heart. 那个时候,许多追兵也就会生出忌惮之心。 summer language has turned around, wants to plan that helps that side Li Luo. 夏语转过身,就欲打算去帮李洛那边。 Bang! 轰隆! However, works as its flash of turning around, the front suddenly has the scalding hot scarlet light eruption void, sees only that space to come shatter, the great tiger that is flowing the magma roared to come, the tiger's roar was shocking, was directly appropriate the vitality to shake summer Yuzhen, the intelligence presented the fuzziness of several breaths. 不过,就当其转身的那一霎那,前方虚空突然有灼热的赤光爆发,只见那空间破碎开来,一头流淌着岩浆的巨虎咆哮而来,虎啸震天,直接是将夏语震得体内气血震荡,神智都是出现了数息的模糊。 Her heart startles immediately: „The tiger demon of god tiger health/guard howls!” 她心头顿时一骇:“神虎卫的虎魔啸!” The summer prefix withstand/top two duke platform, immediately erupts billowing divine mist, sweeps across, tries to defend. 夏语头顶两座封侯台,顿时爆发出滚滚神烟,席卷而下,试图防御。 But in that great tiger, a giant fist rumbles outrageously, above is flowing the flame and magma, with an extremely fierce and brutal stance, the bang like lightning broke to pieces Duke divine mist, then rumbled in the summer language body. 但那巨虎之中,一只巨大的拳头悍然轰出,其上流淌着火焰与岩浆,以一种极为凶暴的姿态,闪电般的轰碎了封侯神烟,然后轰在了夏语身躯上。 Titter! 噗嗤! Her blood spouts, figure violently shoots draws back, in its rear area, that is its blessing thousand health/guard is also the energy burst the disorder feeling. 她一口鲜血喷出,身影暴射而退,在其后方,那为其加持的千卫也是能量爆发出紊乱感。 Zhao Zhuoyan!” “赵灼炎!” The summer language cancels the bloodstain of corners of the mouth stubbornly, the eye is staring at the front, sees only there void comes shatter, the whole body sent out the blazing aura grandiose person's shadow to walk together. 夏语抹去嘴角的血迹,眼睛死死的盯着前方,只见那里的虚空破碎开来,一道浑身散发着炽热气息的壮硕人影走了出来。 In it behind, seems scarlet clouds, obviously figure of god tiger health/guard. 在其身后,仿佛是一片赤红云彩,其中可见神虎卫的身影 The leader of god tiger health/guard, Zhao Zhuoyan, his strength is stronger than for several points the summer language, because under he has arrived in the second grade Duke top level, has the possibility of breakthrough momentarily. 正是神虎卫的大统领,赵灼炎,他的实力比夏语更强数分,因为他已经抵达下二品封侯的顶尖层次,随时有着突破的可能。 summer language, arriving here was also similar, really helped you cross the black soul range, we were not good to report on accomplishments.” Zhao Zhuoyan eye is red, grins fiendishly to summer language, said. “夏语,走到这里也就差不多了,真让你们过了黑魂岭,那我们可不好交差啊。”那赵灼炎眼目赤红,冲着夏语狞笑一声,道。 You also really can endure, I looked that do not call the god the tiger to protect, called the god Kamee!” “你们还真能忍,我看别叫神虎卫了,叫神龟卫吧!” summer language taunted, this Zhao Zhuoyan they with, endured not to act, clarifying is to consume their strengths, then waited for the time, struck to cause heavy losses to them. 夏语嘲讽道,这赵灼炎他们跟了一路,就是忍着不出手,摆明了是想要消耗他们的力量,然后等待时机,一击重创他们。 Similar to the present. 就如同眼下。 Zhao Zhuoyan vision is full of the aggressive glance the summer language has to concave-convex the stature, said with a smile: summer language, do not show off power, my hundred inflammations are not poisonously good to enjoy, your strength was weak in me, at present blocks me with what?” 赵灼炎目光充满着侵略性的扫视着夏语凹凸有致的身材,笑眯眯的道:“夏语,不要逞强了,我的百炎毒可是不好消受,你实力本就弱于我,眼下用什么拦我?” summer language feels the scalding hot stabbing pain that within the body is spreading, complexion ice even more is cold: You give a try!” 夏语感受着体内传出的灼热刺痛,脸色愈发的冰寒:“你试试看!” But at this time, Li Luo is also plunders, he looks at the complexion to be red from time to time, from time to time pale summer language, the heart then sinks, latter's injury is evidently heavy. 而此时,李洛也是掠来,他望着脸色时而赤红,时而苍白的夏语,心头便是微沉,看样子后者的伤势不轻。 Li Luo, hands over king bead, here was the limit, you could not pass through the black soul range.” The laughter transmits together, sees only side Zhao Zhuoyan, another body similarly tall and strong man comes presently. 李洛,交出王珠吧,这里就是极限了,你们走不过黑魂岭的。”一道笑声传来,只见得赵灼炎身旁,另外一名身躯同样魁梧的男子现出身来。 That is the god tiger health/guard two commands, Zhao pillar, on first grade Duke strength. 那是神虎卫二统领,赵柱,上一品封侯的实力。 Zhao Zhuoyan smilingly is staring at Li Luo, said: You look.” 赵灼炎笑眯眯的盯着李洛,道:“你瞧。” He aimed rear area, sees only there to have some light shadow to fly high to stand, the one after another greedy vision distant projection comes, these are tag along after for a long time many powder to cultivate/repair the powerhouse. 他指向了后方,只见得那里也有着一些光影凌空而立,一道道贪婪目光远远的投射而来,那些是尾随许久的诸多散修强者。 At this time the front has Zhao Zhuoyan, the Zhao pillar two leaders obstructs, the rear area has to disperse the long and arduous road, this final blocking the way, obviously is very difficult to rush. 此时前方有赵灼炎,赵柱两大统领阻截,后方有散修阻路,这最后的一截路,显然无比难闯。 Li Luo look gradually becomes must Ling very cold. 李洛眼神渐渐的变得凌冽。 But in the meantime, suddenly has the women's chuckle sound together, never on the summit of distant place transmits. 而就在此时,突然有一道女子轻笑声,从不远处的山巅上传来。 Li Luo, this final section of road, is probably difficult to walk.” 李洛,这最后的一段路,好像不好走呢。” The Li Luo vision throws, is saw that the female beautiful figure appears from there together, had seen impressively previously Shuanglu. 李洛目光投去,便是见到一道女子倩影从那里出现,赫然是此前见过的吕霜露。 This command his brow slightly wrinkle, can she also snatch king bead? 这令得他眉头微皱,她也要来抢王珠么? Looks at Li Luo to knit the brows, Shuanglu extended one to stretch, said with a smile: I have no interest in your king bead, but, you, if asked me, I can help you cultivate/repair to dispatch these powder to draw back, how?” 瞧得李洛皱眉,那吕霜露则是伸了一个懒腰,笑眯眯的道:“我对你的王珠没什么兴趣,不过,你若是求我,我可以帮你把那些散修遣退,如何?” Li Luo hesitates saying: Asked you not to need actually, at the worst I found a person to fight tooth and nail, even if died, later still quite made my grandfather ask him to revenge, was regarded as a life to compensate a life.” 李洛沉吟道:“求你倒是不必了吧,大不了我找个人搏命,就算死了,之后也好让我爷爷找他报仇去,当做是一命赔一命。” Such remarks, made these powder cultivate/repair the powerhouse to look at each other in blank dismay actually, the arrogance of surging as if stopped. 此话一出,倒是令得那些散修强者面面相觑,涌动的气焰仿佛都是停顿了一下。 Shuanglu also gawked staring, then cannot bear smiles to make noise: Your this threat somewhat is rather shameless.” 吕霜露也是愣了愣,然后忍不住的笑出声来:“你这恐吓未免有些无耻。” Li Luo shrugs the shoulders, at this time also managed anything to be shameless, effective on line. 李洛耸耸肩膀,这种时候还管什么无耻不无耻,管用就行。 Calculates.” “算啦。” Shuanglu chuckled, said: Looks in my younger sister's share, today helps your, this favor will come back I to look for my younger sister.” 吕霜露轻笑一声,道:“看在我那妹妹的份上,今日帮你一把,这个人情回头我会找我那妹妹还的。” Saying, she claps gently. 说着,她轻轻拍手。 Immediately in this hills, some powerful fluctuations of energy appears, just locks the powder that these were ready to make trouble to cultivate/repair. 顿时在这片群山间,有一些强大的能量波动浮现,刚好是锁定了那些蠢蠢欲动的散修们。 I can only make these powder cultivate/repair do not move heedlessly, this Heavenly King Zhao's lineage person, I may frighten motionless, therefore can only depend on yourself.” Shuanglu smiles to say. “不过我只能让这些散修别乱动,这赵天王一脉的人么,我可吓不动,所以还是只能靠你自己咯。”吕霜露微笑道。 Li Luo is startled, has not thought actually this Shuanglu not only does not snatch king bead, will also help his one. 李洛怔住,倒是没想到这吕霜露不仅不抢王珠,还会帮他一手。 Finally, he did not have to say anything, but is expressing thanks to this Shuanglu submissively. 最终,他没有多说什么,只是对着这吕霜露拱手致谢。 First leaves urgently is thanking me, when you can rush to this two fierce-looking gods to say again.” Shuanglu both hands lose behind, having a relish is staring at Li Luo. “先别急着谢我,等你能闯过这哼哈二将再说吧。”吕霜露双手负于身后,饶有兴致的盯着李洛 She wants to have a look actually, in summer language the caused heavy losses situation, Li Luo this great heavenly resonance realm, actually how second grade Duke Zhao Zhuoyan from the apex, on Zhao pillar hand of first grade Duke rushes. 她倒是想要看看,在夏语被重创的情况下,李洛这个大天相境,究竟怎么从顶尖下二品封侯的赵灼炎,上一品封侯的赵柱手中闯出去。
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