KOMI :: Volume #13

#1277: Spirit freshwater mussel king

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Chapter 1277 spirit freshwater mussel king 第1277章灵蚌王 Is pasting on the golden light inscription on stone tablet and bronze dike, the inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel, emits like mushrooms after a spring rainfall in abundance on own initiative, they in greedy when absorbs these to contaminate the deep pool water of Li Hongyou blood, the freshwater mussel shell is also opening even more. 流转着金光的金石岩壁上,金石灵蚌如雨后春笋般,纷纷主动冒出,它们在贪婪的汲取着那些沾染着李红柚鲜血的渊水时,蚌壳也是愈发的张开。 In that just like the freshwater mussel meat deep place that the inscription on stone tablet and bronze casts, has mystical powers the lightstream revolutions. 在那宛如金石铸就的蚌肉深处,有灵光流转。 At present this, is to make Li Luo be filled with joy similarly, at once his making a move harvesting without hesitation. 眼前这一幕,同样是令得李洛满心欢喜,旋即他毫不犹豫的出手收割。 Sees only his sleeve robe to wield, the billowing energy seems to change into the one after another energy light rope, directly is if quickly breaks open the deep pool water like lightning, pricks these spirit freshwater mussel deep places, ties down that wisp of miraculous glow. 只见得他袖袍一挥,滚滚能量仿佛是化为一道道能量光绳,直接是快若闪电般的破开渊水,刺入那些灵蚌深处,缠住那一缕灵光。 Then energy light rope fierce withdrawing. 然后能量光绳猛的抽回。 Xiū! 咻咻咻! In an instant, this deep pool water depth place has the one after another bright light to bloom suddenly, is almost in an instant, ten several spirit beads appear, throws the forest to be the same like the bird, shoots to go to the position illness/quick that Li Luo is. 霎那间,这渊水深处突然有着一道道明光绽放,几乎是霎那间,十数颗灵珠出现,如同飞鸟投林一般,对着李洛所在的位置疾射而去。 Li Luo first receives these spirit beads, the sketchy glance, then found several bright lights to surpass ten zhang (3.33 m) high grade spirit bead, immediately a heart excitement. 李洛第一时间将这些灵珠收起,粗略一瞥,便是瞧见了数颗明光超过十丈的上品灵珠,当即心头一阵激动。 Hiss hissing! 嘶嘶嘶! How long however excited has not continued, was broken by an sharp grating strange sound, the Li Luo look concentrates, sees only in the answer only inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel, suddenly has the jet black viscous liquid to well up , only snow white creamy figure, drilled from that freshwater mussel meat all over the body, these figure physique twist, strange, lives the multi- arms, and is extremely long. 不过激动没持续多久,便是被一股尖锐刺耳的诡异声音所打破,李洛眼神一凝,只见得数只金石灵蚌之内,突然有漆黑粘稠的液体汩汩的涌出来,紧接着,一只只通体雪白滑腻的身影,从那蚌肉间钻了出来,这些身影形体扭曲,怪异,生有多臂,而且极长。 When these figure appear, immediately has fearful evil thoughts aura to sweep across. 当这些身影出现时,顿时有可怕的恶念之气席卷开来。 Hiss! 嘶! Their wailing, figure is twisting, by extremely quick speed tearing deep pool water, if quickly like lightning is plundering to these Dragon Tooth Guard members. 它们尖啸着,身影扭曲,以极快的速度撕裂渊水,快若闪电般的对着那些龙牙卫成员掠去。 Buzz!” “嗡!” But in this moment, has slightly buzz the whining noise that the bowstring vibrates to resound, one after another condenses the water arrow of boundless energy to have the sonic boom, the heavy deep pool water will be will shake to disperse, will then explode these Other shooting directly. 但就在这一刻,有弓弦震动的细微嗡鸣声响起,一道道凝聚着磅礴能量的水矢带起音爆,将沉重的渊水都是震散开来,然后直接将这些异类生生的射爆。 Li Luo grasps heavenly dragon sunchaser bow, the bowstring also in the fierce tremor, he thousand protect blessing at this time, the strength endures compared with on third grade Duke, although in these Other has the real demon level many, but to him, but is only slaughtering of no hindrance. 李洛手持天龙逐日弓,弓弦还在剧烈的颤动,他此时有一支千卫加持自身,实力堪比上三品封侯,这些异类之中虽然不乏有真魔级,但对于他而言,不过只是一场毫无阻碍的屠戮罢了。 But when Li Hongyou in seeing these inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussels emerges, was knows Li Luo to bet right, her resonance's nature coordinated the blood again, indeed has the extremely intense attraction to these inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussels. 李红柚在见到这些金石灵蚌涌现时,也是知晓李洛赌对了,她自身的相性再配合鲜血,的确对这些金石灵蚌有着极为强烈的吸引力。 Therefore she deeply inspires, bites the tip of tongue, is has blood essence to spout, her both hands close up, this blood essence package, oneself resonance power gushes out, urges to send this blood essence. 于是她深吸一口气,一咬舌尖,便是有着一口精血喷出,她双手合拢,将这口精血包裹,自身相力涌出,将这精血催发开来。 Immediately sees only its nearby golden deep pool water, was exaggerated in this time somewhat pale red. 顿时只见得其附近的金色渊水,都是在此时被渲染得有些淡红起来。 Here becomes the exotic fragrance to wind around immediately. 此处顿时变得异香缭绕。 Li Luo makes the best use of the time, unceasing these spirit freshwater mussel harvesting that all braves from the surroundings inscription on stone tablet and bronze dike, therefore the spirit bead falls into his bag continuously, the harvest of short moment, then previously searched for a double-hour also to want rich ten several times compared with him laboriously. 李洛则是抓紧时间,不断的将那些从周围金石岩壁上冒出来的灵蚌尽数的收割,于是灵珠源源不断的落入他的袋中,短短片刻的收获,便是比他此前辛苦搜寻一个时辰还要丰厚十数倍。 In this period naturally some spirit freshwater mussels multiplied Other unavoidably, even also presented the third grade real demon, Other of this rank appeared, pours brought finally some troublesome to Li Luo, harvested the spirit bead the rhythm to break him. 期间自然不免有一些灵蚌滋生异类,甚至还出现了三品真魔,这种级别的异类出现,倒终于是给李洛带来了一些麻烦,同时也将他收割灵珠的节奏打断。 Li Luo has to stop harvesting, acts full power, just now cuts to kill it. 李洛只好停下收割,全力出手,方才将其斩杀。 But such fight sound is extremely intense, even brought in spied on. 但这样的交手动静太过强烈,甚至都引来了一些窥探。 The Li Luo brow slightly wrinkle, urging without hesitation sent a signalling, then sped up the speed of harvesting these spirit beads. 李洛眉头微皱,毫不犹豫的催发了一枚传信,然后加快了收割那些灵珠的速度。 Spirit bead turnover uncertain bright lights, unceasing flashes before from this water deep place. 一颗颗灵珠吞吐不定的明光,不断的自这处水渊深处闪现。 So is half double-hour passes, this water deep pool has some external resonance power to fluctuate suddenly for the first time presently, these are following the gully fissure of water deep place, then other powerhouses who came by here bright light attraction. 如此又是半个时辰过去,这处水渊突然有着一些外来的相力波动乍现,那些是顺着水渊深处的沟壑裂痕,然后被这边的明光吸引而来的其他强者。 When they come here, looks at that by the spirit bead that Li Luo gathers unceasingly, on the face has to reappear immediately unbelievable, when especially they see on that inscription on stone tablet and bronze dikes, as if when shears the fragrant-flowered garlic to be the same, shears braved an inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel, the breath becomes is extremely immediately loud. 而当他们来到这里,望着那被李洛不断收取的灵珠,脸庞上顿时有着难以置信浮现出来,特别是当他们见到那片金石岩壁上,仿佛割韭菜一般,割了一茬冒一茬的金石灵蚌时,呼吸顿时变得极其粗重起来。 The inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel is quite discrete, has the change to hide in the gold/metal rock cliff deep place slightly, extreme strenuousness that therefore they catch, but at present Li Luo here, simply to picking the stone of roadside is the same, whom does this change to bear? 金石灵蚌极为谨慎,稍有异动就躲进金石岩深处,所以他们捕获的极为吃力,可眼前李洛这里,简直就跟捡路边的石头一样,这换谁受得了? Therefore they hesitant flickered merely, is going to these inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel violently shoots, obviously is plans to begin use force to snatch. 于是他们仅仅只是犹豫了一瞬,然后就对着那些金石灵蚌暴射而去,显然是打算动手硬抢 Li Luo sees that on the face has the cold air to reappear immediately, drinks to spread in the golden deep pool water: Dares to move my Heavenly King Li's lineage thing?” 李洛见状,脸庞上顿时有寒气浮现,喝声在金色渊水中传开:“敢动我李天王一脉的东西?” Has the powder to cultivate/repair the powerhouse to counter-attack saying: Jinshishui deep pool without owner, when did these inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussels become your Heavenly King Li's lineage?” 有散修强者反击道:“金石水渊无主,什么时候这些金石灵蚌成了你们李天王一脉的?” Li Luo sneers, is disinclined with its idle talk, in the hand heavenly dragon sunchaser bow draws full bow directly, the bowstring vibrates, like the Water Dragon light arrow, then brings the wild bellow, cultivates Duke expert violently shoots to go to that powder that was previously speaking. 李洛冷笑,也懒得与其废话,手中天龙逐日弓直接拉成满弦,弓弦震动,一道如水龙般的光矢,便是带着狂暴的轰鸣声,对着先前说话的那名散修封侯强者暴射而去。 That Duke expert complexion big change, oneself resonance power erupts loudly, two duke platform emerge out of thin air, changes into the barrier, prevents in the front. 那名封侯强者脸色大变,自身相力轰然爆发,两座封侯台凭空出现,化为屏障,阻挡在前方。 Bang! 轰! When Li Luo under thousand health/guard strength blessing, this arrow is fierce at this time, the Water Dragon light arrow bombardment on two duke platform, erupts the great sound immediately, the energy of rushing falls in torrents to open. 当此时在一支千卫力量加持下的李洛,这一箭何等凶猛,水龙光矢轰击在两座封侯台上,顿时爆发出巨声,澎湃的能量倾泻而开。 Ka! 咔! That two duke platform, have some cracks to reappear immediately. 那两座封侯台,顿时有着一些裂纹浮现。 Titter! 噗嗤! That powder cultivates the powerhouse eyes reveal with amazement, the corners of the mouth bloodstain flows, then does not utter a word, turns around directly runs. 那名散修强者眼露骇然,嘴角血迹流淌下来,然后一声不吭,直接掉头就跑。 But when Li Luo cultivates with this powder the powerhouse begins, others actually arrive in the inscription on stone tablet and bronze dike place, must begin to rob these spirit beads. 但就在李洛与这名散修强者动手的时候,其他人却是抵达金石岩壁处,就要动手抢夺这些灵珠。 Bang! 轰! That moment that however when they just about to begin, suddenly has radiant light to arrive , seems a Saint territory, this waters covering all, light as if brings extremely scalding hot aura, tries to plunder the spirit bead the powder to cultivate/repair the boundless resonance power purification that these in the powerhouse body passes directly. 不过就当他们刚要动手的那一刻,突然有璀璨的光明降临而下,仿佛是一座圣域,将这片水域尽数的笼罩,光明仿佛是带着极其灼热的气息,直接是将那些试图掠夺灵珠的散修强者身躯上流转的磅礴相力净化。 Their fleshly body started to have the ablation sign immediately. 他们的肉身立即开始出现了消融迹象。 These powder cultivate/repair the powerhouse immediately with amazement, looking up, is sees together just like the light goddess beautiful figure, the broken water comes, endless light takes her as the source, falls under. 这些散修强者顿时骇然,抬头一看,便是见到一道宛如光明神女般的倩影,破水而来,无尽的光明以她为源头,倾洒而下。 In its top of the head, colored glaze duke platform that is sending out the perfect flavor, just like one round of big day, blooming endless light. 在其头顶,一座散发着完美韵味的琉璃封侯台,宛如一轮大日,绽放无尽光明 Jiang Qing'e! 正是姜青娥 In ten breaths not drawing back, death!” The Jiang Qing'e ice-cold sound, is coercing the murderous intention, spreads in this waters. “十息内不退者,死!”姜青娥冰冷的声音,裹挟着杀机,在这片水域中传开。 This time, these greedy powder cultivate/repair the powerhouse, finally can only restrain the innermost feelings the desire, as because Jiang Qing'e comes, but also has enough three thousand Dragon Tooth Guard members, at this time three thousand protect blessing Jiang Qing'e, even is facing under fifth grade Duke expert, may fight. 这一次,那些贪婪的散修强者,终于是只能收敛内心的欲望,因为随着姜青娥而来的,还有着足足三千龙牙卫成员,此时有三支千卫加持姜青娥,即便是面对着下五品封侯强者,都可一战。 Therefore, they can only unwilling rapid retreating, figure hide in the dark deep pool wall crack deep place. 于是,他们只能不甘心的迅速撤退,身影躲在幽暗的渊壁裂缝深处。 In cultivates the powerhouse to be startled to withdraw these powder, the Jiang Qing'e beautiful pupil has swept below deep pool wall, when she saw when inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel that these brave like mushrooms after a spring rainfall unceasingly , was startled being startled that could not bear. 在将那些散修强者惊退后,姜青娥美眸扫过下方的渊壁,当她见到那些如雨后春笋般不断冒出来的金石灵蚌时,也是忍不住的怔了怔。 She looks to the sources of these exotic fragrances, then discovered Li Hongyou figure. 她看向那些异香的源头,然后就发现了李红柚身影 Jiang Qing'e looking pensive, is then having the sound said to Li Luo: You gather the spirit bead with single-hearted devotion, I come to clear for your protector.” 姜青娥若有所思,然后对着李洛出声道:“你专心收取灵珠,我来为你护法清场。” Li Luo nods, with here more and more spirit bead appearances, its sound will definitely bring in many coveting, when the time comes is not only the powder cultivates the powerhouse to appear, other top influence will perhaps also meddle, including Heavenly King Zhao's lineage. 李洛点点头,随着这边越来越多的灵珠出现,其动静必然会引来更多的觊觎,到时候不仅是散修强者出现,其他的一些顶尖势力说不定也会插手,包括赵天王一脉 After all, his shearing law, indeed a little destroys probably balanced. 毕竟,他这种割法,好像的确是有点破坏平衡。 Therefore at present must make the best use of the time, gathers as far as possible. 所以眼下还是得抓紧时间,尽量多收取一些。 Therefore the Li Luo restraining mind, does not pay attention to surrounding spying on, innumerable resonance power fall in torrents, is ordinary just like the tentacle, at an exceptional pace, is gathering the spirit bead. 于是李洛收敛心神,再不理会周围的窥探,无数相力倾泻而出,宛如触手一般,以惊人的速度,收取着灵珠。 Bright radiance, unceasing twinkle. 明亮的光华,不断的闪烁。 More and more pearl divers were attracted to come, in their eyes is producing an inverted image these radiance, is inspiring greedy of innermost feelings. 越来越多的采珠人被吸引而来,他们眼中倒映着那些光华,引动着内心的贪婪。 Tyrannical pressure that but Jiang Qing'e sends out , is to make them not dare to act rashly. 姜青娥散发出来的强横威压,又是令得他们不敢轻举妄动。 May come to this waters gathering with more and more pearl divers, unknowingly, here has become in several thousand li (0.5 km) water deep pool liveliest. 可随着越来越多的采珠人对着这片水域汇聚而来,不知不觉,这里已经成为了数千里水渊中最为热闹的一处。 Covets in these, in the greedy vision, Jiang Qing'e, started to feel some pressures. 在那些觊觎,贪婪的目光中,就连姜青娥,都开始感受到了一些压力。 But Li Luo also knows, he almost must receive the hand. 李洛也知道,他差不多要收手了。 Therefore he is casting the vision to Li Hongyou, gives to hint. 于是他对着李红柚投去目光,给以示意。 Li Hongyou nods, then restrains aura, preparing to finish is the bait. 李红柚点头,便是收敛气息,准备结束以身为饵。 Bang! 轰! However, in Li Hongyou aura restraining that flickers, its below water deep place, has the vibration to transmit suddenly, sees only a golden tentacle violently shoots, if quickly startling thunderclap is going to the Li Hongyou winding. 不过,也就在李红柚气息收敛的那一瞬,其下方的水渊深处,突然间有震动传来,只见一道金色触手暴射而出,快若惊雷般的对着李红柚缠绕而去。 This attacks sudden extremely . Moreover the energy of above that golden tentacle condensing, compares favorably with fifth grade Duke sufficiently! 这攻击来得太过的突然,而且那金色触手之上凝聚的能量,足以媲美五品封侯 Therefore Li Hongyou can only look at enlargement of rapidly that golden tentacle helplessly in his eye pupil. 所以李红柚只能眼睁睁的看着那金色触手在其眼瞳中急速的放大。 Xiū! 咻! But when that golden tentacle will soon touch Li Hongyou, suddenly the light nail of shining by the extreme speed broken water comes, to take the lead with that tentacle to bump into. 但就当那金色触手即将触及李红柚时,突然有一枚流光溢彩的光钉以极速破水而来,率先与那触手相撞。 Has the wild energy shock-wave to wreak havoc, Li Hongyou was shaken to fly directly, the vitality turns wells up, nearly a blood spurts. 有狂暴的能量冲击波肆虐开来,李红柚直接是被震飞了出去,气血翻涌,险些一口血喷出来。 Li Luo hurries to intend Li Hongyou to catch, then his complexion changes is looking at the water deep place, sees only there deep pool wall unexpectedly is gradual tearing, the golden spirit freshwater mussel that roughly counts the hundred zhang (333 m) size, from precipice most deep place, drilled slowly. 李洛赶紧出手将李红柚接住,然后他脸色微变的望着水渊深处,只见得那里的渊壁竟是逐渐的撕裂开来,一只约莫数百丈大小的金色灵蚌,从山岩最深处,缓缓的钻了出来。 But that golden tentacle, drills from the freshwater mussel shell. 而那金色触手,也是从蚌壳内钻出。 Big inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel!” Li Luo with astonishment loses one's voice. “好大的金石灵蚌!”李洛惊愕失声。 It is not right! 不对! Li Luo quickly grasps the meaning of something suddenly, the whole body fine hair as if set upright in this time, that is staring at the vision of great freshwater mussel, suddenly becomes extremely blazing boiling hot. 李洛突然一个激灵,浑身汗毛仿佛都是在此时倒竖了起来,那盯着巨蚌的目光,陡然变得极其炽热滚烫起来。 This is not the ordinary inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel! 这不是普通的金石灵蚌! This is in that hearsay the rare inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel king! 这是那传闻中罕见之极的金石灵蚌王! Li Luo swallowed saliva, he knows, this time , he fished the big fish. 李洛吞了一口口水,他知道,这一次,他无意间,钓到大鱼了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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