AC :: Volume #4

#369: Herd old Chen

In dim light of night, in entire family/home Exorcism Bureau courtyard, quiet. 夜色之中,整个家驱魔局的院子里,一片静悄悄。 In this time Baodeshan Temple event, entire family/home Exorcism Bureau elite carries out the security activity in Baodeshan Temple most probably, finally encounters the old god to recover, especially shouted devil final mental power to suck, was the loss is it may be said that serious. 这次的报德善寺事件之中,整个家驱魔局的精锐大半都在报德善寺内执行安保活动,最终遭遇到旧神复苏,特别是呼魔鬼最终的精神力吮吸,可谓是损失惨重。 At least half of exorcisming police officers die at the security scene that repaid a kindness thinks of good, these that remaining lives, security region on the street outside Baodeshan Temple. 起码有一半的驱魔警员都死在了报德善思的安保现场,剩下活下来的那些,安保区域都在报德善寺外的街道上。 Its region in the Baodeshan Temple edge, although was under the impact on fall into the comatose condition, still did not have the danger. 或者本身所处的区域在报德善寺的边缘,虽然受到了冲击陷入了昏迷状态,却仍然没有生命危险。 Most pitiful is the family/home Exorcism Bureau high level, the entire family/home Exorcism Bureau core high level, has Minister Investigation Bureau and support section minister including three big Bureau Chief, as well as some Investigation Bureau the department heads of Chief Awakener and other departments, basically die in process that in the old god recovered. 最凄惨的则是家驱魔局的高层,整个家驱魔局的核心高层,包括三大局长还有调查部部长、支援部部长,以及一些调查部觉醒者队长、其他部门的处长等,基本上都死在了旧神复苏的过程之中。 In view of the fact that the entire family/home Exorcism Bureau pitiful present situation, the Moss Country high level spreads the news at the scene, begins using Department Head Dissection Department Ruan Wen is family/home Exorcism Bureau Bureau Chief. 鉴于整个家驱魔局的凄惨现状,藓国高层当场传来消息,就地启用解剖处处长阮文为家驱魔局局长 It is said this is a result of internal gambling, matter is also urgent, is really not suddenly good to decide on the candidate, was done by Ruan Wen acted Bureau Chief. 据说这也是内部博弈的一个结果,事情紧急,一时间也实在不好确定人选,就由阮文做了代理局长了。 Living these exorcism the police officer, basically rises one same place continually two-level, became the leadership at the scene. Really is short of manpower. 活着的那些驱魔警员,基本上都是原地连升一两级,当场成了领导层。实在是缺人啊。 It can be predicted that entire family/home Exorcism Bureau then must conduct the large-scale recruitment and expansion. 可以预见,整个家驱魔局接下来要进行大规模的招聘和扩充了。 As for the present, family/home Exorcism Bureau exorcisming police officers, under acting the leadership of Bureau Chief Ruan Wen, is rescuing in the Baodeshan Temple scene. 至于现在,家驱魔局的驱魔警员们,在代理局长阮文的带领下,正在报德善寺的现场进行救援。 It is estimated that for these days must work in the rescue location. 估计这几天都要在救援场地工作了。 Now the anomaly spirit radiation of Baodeshan Temple is still in a high level, many places must by putting on the exorcisming police officer of exposure suit enter can clean up and rescue. 现在报德善寺异常精神辐射仍然处于一个较高的水平,很多地方还必须由穿着防护服的驱魔警员进入才能清理和救援。 Li Fan just started still the figure ghosts and demons in home Exorcism Bureau courtyard to swing, afterward discovered really no one swing likely monkey, therefore falls to the ground directly slowly took a stroll toward the office building. 李凡刚开始还在家驱魔局的院子里身形鬼魅荡来荡去,后来发现实在没人自己荡来荡去像个猴儿,于是直接落地慢悠的朝办公楼溜达了。 Quick, he had arrived at the office building of headquarters, presses the elevator directly, comes to the Bureau Chief office in attic. Also was once office. 很快,他已经来到了指挥部的办公楼,直接按动电梯,来到顶楼的局长办公室。也就是沙马曾经的办公室。 The strength of tiger column god covers the whole body, Li Fan felt that obviously strove to excel compared with before much, walking is the same like the ghosts and demons, does not have the slight sound. 虎柱神的力量笼罩全身,李凡感觉明显比之前要强了不少,走路如同鬼魅一样,没有丝毫声息。 The door shoves open gently, sees the Clean Association five people of groups at this time a relaxed stance, sits on the guest's seat sofa and chair of office, with pauses smokes to chat. 轻轻将门推开,就见清洁协会五人组此时正一副轻松的姿态,坐在办公室的客座沙发和椅子上,有一搭没一搭的抽烟闲聊。 On the face of everyone is of jubilant, the happiness not being able to conceal. 每个人的脸上都是喜气洋洋,掩饰不住的开心。 Feels Li Fan to appear in the entrance, five people have a scare, stands hastily, stands neatly a row, welcomed the arrival of Sir Collector. 感受到李凡出现在门口,五人不由吓了一跳,连忙站起来,整齐地站成一排,恭迎收藏家大人的到来。 The Li Fan complexion is gloomy, did not speak, slowly before arriving was Yu Exorcism Bureau Bureau Chief office chair sits down, lifts the both legs to build on the desk. 李凡面色阴沉,也不说话,慢慢走到原本属于家驱魔局局长的办公椅前坐下,抬起双腿搭在办公桌上。 Entrains nearby drawer conveniently, in sees impressively is one box of cigar. 随手拽开旁边的抽屉,就见里面赫然是一盒雪茄。 Nearby old Chen watches a person's every mood , puts out a cigar from inside hastily, cuts cigar with the nail directly, hands in the Sir Collector hand respectfully, helps the Sir light the cigar. 旁边的老陈察言观色,连忙冲过来,从里面拿出一根雪茄,直接用指甲把雪茄头剪开,恭敬地递到收藏家大人手中,又帮大人把雪茄点燃。 The Li Fan expression looked at old Chen one eyes complex, slight nod. 李凡表情复杂地看了老陈一眼,微微点头。 Side old Chen who can handle matters returns to stand immediately with joy. 会办事的老陈立刻喜滋滋地回到旁边站好。 Passed through a Baodeshan Temple war, the Clean Association five people of groups and dreads about the respect of Sir Collector is deeper. At this time Sir Collector did not speak, no one dares to take the lead to open the mouth. 经过了报德善寺一战,清洁协会五人组对收藏家大人的崇敬和畏惧更深了。此时收藏家大人不说话,谁也不敢率先开口。 The Li Fan mouth is holding in the mouth the cigar, smokes like a chimney, while plans in the heart, what to do then Clean Association should. 李凡嘴里叼着雪茄,一边吞云吐雾,一边在心中筹谋,接下来在清洁协会这边到底应该怎么办。 He now is the Clean Association East pastoral area patriarch, manages entire China and Mulberry Country( east to win), the ginseng/partake country( pickled vegetable country), the South China Peninsula also to have a series of island countries wait/etc regions. 他现在已经是清洁协会东方牧区牧首,统管整个中州桑国(东赢)、参国(泡菜国)、中南半岛还有一系列的岛国等等区域。 It can be said that the range that in the entire Clean Association patriarch, he manages is broadest, moreover mostly is the economically developed region. Even if the China pastoral area had not established completely, but also absolutely is at present under the patriarch the most powerful patriarch. 可以说,整个清洁协会的牧首之中,他统管的范围最广阔,而且大都是经济发达的地域。哪怕中州的牧区一直都没有建立完备,但也绝对是目前大牧首之下最为位高权重的牧首。 In addition, Clean Association President also makes him be responsible for planning to establish new department court, letting him be the chief judge. Temporarily was really rises not to be possible in Clean Association to rise. 再加上,清洁协会会长还让他负责统筹建立新的部门“裁判所”,让他担任了裁判长。暂时在清洁协会内部真的是升无可升了。 Rises again, became the patriarch. 再升,就成了大牧首了。 Is good because, now own autonomy is bigger, a lot were instead easy to do. Clean Association does not give his enormous freedom, making him become the local despot in Eastern pastoral area? 好在,现在自己的自主权更大了,很多事情反而就好办了。清洁协会不是给他极大的自由,让他成了东方牧区的土皇帝吗? I give to destroy the Eastern pastoral area directly, do entire Eastern pastoral area one group of loose sands, turns into the Clean Association home for the elderly, all people turn into the wage thief. 那我就直接把东方牧区给搞垮,搞得整个东方牧区一团散沙,变成清洁协会养老院,所有的人都变成薪水小偷。 Before having, in foundation that in Southwest Bureau Dissection Department builds, this set simply should not be too familiar. The expansion plan of what Clean Association, anything to the respect of Lord of Abyss, all scuffles. Everyone is slack in work happily, is so depressed. 有了之前在西南局解剖处里打下的基础,这一套简直不要太熟悉。什么清洁协会的扩张计划,什么对深渊之主的崇敬,全都敷衍了事。大家开开心心地消极怠工,就这么消沉下去。 The time is long, the Clean Association entire Eastern pastoral area battle efficiency will plummet, it is estimated that casually by China Abnormal Bureau or will be other official Awakener organizations catching the whole lot in a dragnet. 时间一长,清洁协会的整个东方牧区战斗力都会直线下降,估计随便就会被中州异常局或者是其他的官方觉醒者机构给一网打尽。 How could it not be beautiful. 岂不美哉。 As for the chief judge of this court, that was simpler. 至于这个裁判所的裁判长,那就更简单了。 To put it bluntly, what chief judge, is the discipline committee member. 说白了,什么裁判长,就是个纪律委员啊。 Establishes this organization and this position, the Clean Association high-level goal obviously is to check to organize internal in ghost, condenses member's belief. 设置这个机构和这个职位,清洁协会高层的目的显然是要清查组织内部的内鬼,凝聚成员的信仰。 It can be said that the main purpose is to purify entire Clean Association, enhances the organization strength. 可以说主要目的就是想要净化整个清洁协会,提升组织力。 Reason that makes Collector be this chief judge, obviously is because Collector person until now supposes, is Lord of Abyss crazy letter/believes, was known as that most is close to the Lord of Abyss man. 之所以让收藏家来做这个裁判长,显然是因为收藏家一直以来的人设,都是一个深渊之主的狂信者,号称最接近深渊之主的男人。 In let crazy letter/believes be the chief judge to catch the ghost, that obviously is the natural matter. However at this time Li Fan had cleared off the mentality rapidly. 让一个狂信者做裁判长抓内鬼,那显然是理所当然的事情。不过此时李凡已经迅速理清了思路。 After he was the chief judge, the most important matter turns a blind eye, creates the opportunity to ghosts as far as possible, destroys Clean Association. 他做了裁判长之后,首要的事情就是睁一只眼闭一只眼,尽量给内鬼们创造机会,把清洁协会搞垮。 All goals are to let the Clean Association disunity in any case are deserted by friends and allies to disintegrate. In ghost type of thing, naturally the more better. 反正一切的目标都是让清洁协会离心离德众叛亲离分崩离析。内鬼这种东西,当然是越多越好。 Various organize in ghost to come although undercover, so long as I move your fine hair to calculate that I lose. 各家组织的内鬼尽管过来卧底,我只要动你们一根汗毛都算我输。 On the contrary is these seems like specially steadfast hard-working, obviously is the Clean Association backbone backbone fellow, must find fault to grasp as far as possible them. 反倒是那些看起来特别踏实肯干,明显是清洁协会中坚骨干的家伙,要尽量找茬把他们都抓起来。 Broken is Clean Association worth paying so many? If worth, obviously you are not the good person. Cleared off the mentality rapidly, in the Li Fan heart the thought understood much. At that moment opens the mouth to say ; 一个破清洁协会值得你们付出那么多吗?如果值得的话,显然你们不是什么好人。迅速理清了思路,李凡心中念头通达了不少。当下开口道; Said.” “说吧。” Hears the Sir Collector words, the Clean Association five people of groups relaxes instantaneously, the nether world clears throat, in the look full is the happy expression, the report said: 听到收藏家大人的话,清洁协会五人组瞬间松了一口气,幽冥清了清嗓子,眼神中满是喜色,汇报道: Sir, the news that the headquarters spread, Sir President personally ordered, appointed you as the Eastern pastoral area patriarch, recently established court chief judge!” “大人,总部传来的消息,会长大人亲自下令,任命您为东方牧区牧首,新成立的裁判所裁判长!” mo song stubble yu adze shen ying ma die cun sui inch ke xia xia deserted nail meat lian cen beats xuan to reach ren song zan rou pian huang adze shen jian fine jade marriage shi cuan to insert pan- ren to soak the sui duo pan gauge yong hong embarrassed chi mo umbrella 銆愯茬湡锛屾渶杩戜竴鐩寸敤鍜鍜闃呰荤湅涔拷鏇达紝鎹簮鍒囨崲锛屾湕璇婚煶鑹插氾紝瀹夊崜鑻规灉鍧囧彲銆傘 Their five people lit up with pleasure a moment ago, is discussing this matter. 刚才他们五人之所以喜笑颜开,就是在讨论这件事。 Obviously, after passing through this time Baodeshan Temple event, Sir Collector in Clean Association internal position straight line promotion, their several naturally also following when production costs rise, prices rise too. 显然,经过了这次的报德善寺事件之后,收藏家大人清洁协会内部的地位直线提升,他们几个自然也会跟着水涨船高。 Before they just followed Sir Collector time, the association also had the sound that many kisses satirized. 以前他们刚刚追随收藏家大人的时候,协会内部还有不少吻讽的声音。 Some many people think that they were insane, is following a lunatic to do, now can shut their mouths well. Let alone Sir Collector pulls out the chief judge who sentences, has the supervision, they will naturally also obtain the corresponding weight. Before meeting , some repugnant fellows, can massacre directly at the scene judge again. 有不少人都以为他们疯了,就是在跟随一个疯子作死,现在可以好好堵住他们的嘴了。更何况收藏家大人还是拔判所的裁判长,拥有监管权,他们自然也会获得相应的赋权。遇到以前自己讨厌的一些家伙,都可以直接当场杀掉再宣判了。 Naturally, this matter wants the area of concealment to be done, must make fully the evidence, cannot make Sir Collector discover. 当然,这种事情还是要隐蔽地去做,要做足了证据,不能让收藏家大人发现。 A moment ago the nether world and blood pearl two people had chatted for quite a while with joy, the colleagues in which headquarters before had and other pastoral areas in the back wagging the tongue plant root, which female colleagues also there are to install to compel before them. 刚才幽冥和血珍珠两人已经喜滋滋地聊了半天,之前有哪些总部和其他牧区的同事在背后嚼舌根子,又有哪些女同事在她们面前装逼。 Then the power of court all makes into the traitor within, killed. Really thinks happily. 回头接着裁判所的权力一律打成内奸,都杀了。真是想想都开心。 The Li Fan slight nod, said unemotionally ; Knew.” 李凡微微点头,面无表情地说道;“知道了。” On the faces of Clean Association five people of groups appears the natural facial expression. 清洁协会五人组的脸上现出理所当然的神情。 By the Sir Collector present position, it is estimated that Sir President first informed him. Afterward listens to Sir Collector to continue saying: 收藏家大人现在的地位,估计会长大人第一时间就通知他了。随后就听收藏家大人继续说道: You were so long with me, is meritorious, made the tremendous contributions to the development of association, should the duties in some administrative, unable to follow in my side ......... this, old Chen, later you are herd in South China Peninsula pastoral area, as for others, behind arranges slowly.” “你们跟了我这么久,也是功勋卓著,为协会的发展做出了巨大的贡献,也应该有些行政方面的职务了,总不能一直跟在我身边………这样,老陈,以后你就是中南半岛牧区的牧者,至于其他人,后面慢慢安排。” Hears the Sir Collector words, old Chen whole body trembles, later eye socket slightly red, is almost moved to tears. South China Peninsula pastoral area herd! 听到收藏家大人的话,老陈全身一颤,随后眼眶都有些微红,差点激动得落下泪来。中南半岛牧区牧者! This is pastoral areas that contained several countries, even is huger, population to be much more pastoral area of many patriarch. 这可是一个包含了好几个国家的牧区,甚至比很多牧首的牧区面积都要巨大、人口都要多得多。 Moreover this pastoral area can be said as the pastoral area that Sir Collector builds up, now makes his old Chen be herd directly, what explained? 而且这个牧区可以说是收藏家大人起家的牧区,现在直接让他老陈来做牧者,说明了什么? Explained the matter that his old Chen handles, Sir Collector watches! Why such important pastoral area, gave his old Chen, doesn't give others? Because Sir Collector understands, his old Chen will work! 说明他老陈做的事情,收藏家大人都看在了眼里!为什么这么重要的牧区,给了他老陈,不给其他人?因为收藏家大人明白,他老陈会做事啊! Payout silently until now, had the return finally! 一直以来的默默付出,终于有了回报! Nearby old Sun and nether world and the others, have not thought obviously Sir Collector will appoint old Chen as South China Peninsula pastoral area herd directly, throws the look that envies toward old Chen in abundance. 旁边的老孙和幽冥等人,显然都没想到收藏家大人会直接将老陈任命为中南半岛牧区牧者,纷纷朝老陈投来羡慕的眼神。 In old Chen heart excited, flutters saying: 老陈心中激动,颤声说道: Sir, I ......... old Chen Hede what energy, this herd, I ......... I am inappropriate ......... I...... other to do ......... “大人,我………老陈何德何能,这个牧者,我………我不合适啊………我……还是让其他人来做吧………” Li Fan yao said: 李凡揺手说道: Has decided that does not need to talk too much.” “已经决定了,无需多言。” Later you kept here, we try not to meet again. 以后你就留这儿了,咱俩尽量不要再见面。 old Chen concentrates to choke at this time speechless, only felt own payout until now obtained the return, is excited is hard from already, must cry. 老陈此时无语凝噎,只感觉自己一直以来的付出都得到了回报,激动得难以自已,就要落泪。 Li Fan then said: 李凡接着说道: Nether world, the blood pearl, you, are responsible for the accounting work of Eastern pastoral area temporarily, and construction work of court, the headquarters should send for the coordination.” “幽冥,血珍珠,你们二人,暂时负责东方牧区的财务工作,以及裁判所的筹建工作,总部应该会派人过来配合。” The nether world and blood pearl looks at each other one, in the heart the great happiness, the nod name is. 幽冥和血珍珠对视一眼,心中大喜,点头称是。 Guzzling, later is under the charge of the awakening stimulus project to you, the corpse agriculture, you go...... to go to the China Western Des. to plant trees, later has big using.” “暴食,以后由你来负责觉醒刺激项目,尸农,你去……去中州西部沙漠里种树吧,以后有大用。” Li Fan said unemotionally. 李凡面无表情地说道。 At present it seems like, oneself these under, the old Sun synthesizing capacity instead is strongest, can not need not to use, sends in Great Western Erg to plant trees directly is most convenient. 目前看来,自己这些手下里面,老孙的综合能力反而是最强的,能不用就不用,直接打发到西部大沙漠里面种树是最方便的。 Looks for a matter to do to him, calculates the benefitting society. 给他找点儿事儿干,也算造福社会。 Hears the Li Fan words, guzzling and old Sun such as was struck by lightning, cannot believe own ear simply. 听到李凡的话,暴食和老孙如遭雷击,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Does not wait for them to respond, Li Fan then said: 不等他们反应过来,李凡接着说道: Decided, is familiar with the new job as soon as possible . Moreover, entire Eastern pastoral area all member funds turn completely provide, the performance measure reduces half, if desired, the organization acts to help solve to look for the work and school district room purchase and child goes to school, the entrance into nursery school issue.” “就这么定了,尽快熟悉自己新的工作岗位,另外,整个东方牧区所有成员经费全部翻倍发放,工作指标削减一半,如有需要,组织内部出面帮忙解决找工作、学区房购买以及孩子上学、入托问题。”
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