Few peoplecanacceptSolonimmediately the destroyednews.
After staring a meeting, LisaRielruns up toneighboron the highesthillimmediately, looks into the endvolcanoto the distant place the direction.
The endvolcanowas still erupting, but the momentumhas considerably been weaken, was towering the evilHeita'splace, now is only left overstretch of ruins. Cannot seeevilblack tower, does not have the abstentionspirit in sky, thatoppressiondemonwere many demoneyes of alllivesto vanishin the skyfinally, shedoes not needto hideagainin the underground and shrubbery, evaded the gaze of thateye.
末日火山仍然在喷发,但势头已经大大减弱,原本耸立着邪黑塔的地方,如今只剩下一片废墟。看不到邪黑塔,也没有天空中的戒灵,那颗压迫魔多所有生灵的魔眼终于消失在了天空中,她不需要再躲藏在地下和灌木丛里,逃避那颗眼睛的注视。Wipes the pure whitesunlightacross the dark cloud, shineson the evilHeita'sruins, looked at the sky of distant place, the LisaRielsitting downbody, both handsis covering the faceto weepin a low voice.
一抹洁白的阳光穿过乌云,映照在邪黑塔的废墟上,望着远方的天空,丽莎瑞尔坐下身,双手捂着脸低声啜泣了起来。Herall aloneperseveredmuch for more than 30yearsin the demon.
The connectionwithmadeherbecomeno longerseems like the ordinary people, the waterandfood of fostering talentcontain the unusualstrength. Sheobtained the strength, butremainingdoes not knowmanyyearslonely.
与卡南的连接令她变得不再像是平常人,树人的水与食物蕴含着不同寻常的力量。她得到了力量,但剩下的只有不知道多少年的孤独。Zelinhas not realized, whatfeelingdefends against a siegeso manyyearsin a placeis. ButWitcheris not willingto be forcedto stayin a placeabsolutely, thiswithwas imprisonedto have no difference. Let alone, here, evendoes not havesecondHumanwithitto talk, butghostobviouslyis not the object who canchat.泽林从来没有体会过,在一个地方困守那么多年是什么样的感受。但狩魔猎人绝对不会愿意被迫在一个地方待着,这与被囚禁没什么区别。更别说,在这里,甚至都没有第二个人类可以与之交谈,而卡南幽魂显然不是一个可以聊天的对象。Crossedsome little time, LisaRielrecovers, hercheeksspreadpiebaldcompletelyby the tears and dust. Shemakes an effort the eye that rubbedto blush.
过了好一会,丽莎瑞尔才回过神来,她的脸颊被泪水和灰尘涂满了花斑。她用力揉了揉发红的眼睛。„Sorry, Sorcerer...... I, Ihave not thought that Ione day can also liveam going out of the demonto be many, reuniteswith others.”
“抱歉,巫师......我,我从来没想过,我有一天还能活着走出魔多,和其他人团聚。”„I come here to tell your matter, Solonhas been defeated.”Zelinpatted the LisaRiel'sback: „To be honest, ifoneyear ago, somepeopletoldme saying that Solonwill be defeated, to be honest, Iam unable to believe. Itsstrengthis so strong, so manyarmies, Iperhapsonlythinkhand/subordinate,caneliminateitsarmy, forcingitnot to dareto treaddemonmanyonestep, is the victory.”
“我来到这里就是为了告诉你这件事,索伦已经失败了。”泽林拍了拍丽莎瑞尔的后背:“老实说,如果是在一年前,有人告诉我说,索伦会被击败,老实说,我也无法相信。它的力量那么强,手下又有那么多的军队,我恐怕只会以为,能消灭它的军队,迫使它不敢踏出魔多一步,就是胜利。”LisaRiellongimplored the tone, rubbed the somewhatnumbcheeks, thencannot stopsmiled.
丽莎瑞尔长吁了口气,揉了揉有些麻木的脸颊,接着又止不住的笑了起来。„Thank you, Sorcerer, you can always bring the newstome!”
“谢谢你,巫师,你总是能给我带来好消息!”„Perhaps Ineedyouto tellme a news, LisaRiel.”
“但我恐怕需要你告诉我一个消息,丽莎瑞尔。”„Whatmatter? So long asis I know? Makinguschat while walking? Ithink,beforedeparture, Ishouldsee. Perhapshas knownthismatter.”
“什么事情?只要是我知道的?哦,让我们边走边聊?我想,在离开之前,我应该去见卡南。也许卡南已经知道这件事了。”LisaRielstood up, picked uphersword and shield. Zelinfollowssheto move toward the place that the forestcoreoak treeis attogether. Has followedinZelinbehind, did not say a word, butis taking a look atLisaRielfaintly, Zelinmanner.
丽莎瑞尔站起身,拾起了她的剑和盾牌。泽林跟着她一起走向森林核心橡树所在的地方。芙莉德一直跟在泽林身后,一言不发,只是隐隐打量着丽莎瑞尔,还有泽林的神态。„Youhad saida moment ago, myfriendhas arrived here. Where did shegoafterward?”Zelindirectlyasked the ownquestion. Hewantsto know that dragonYiis makinganything. Heis not worried aboutdragonYi the safety, especially, whenpresentSolonwas defeated, the demonfearsnoenemy to threatendragonmuch the security: „Iam looking forher. Now the warhad ended, shehad not appeared.”
“你刚才说过,我的一个朋友来到过这里。她后来去了什么地方?”泽林直接问出了自己的问题。他很想知道龙裔在做什么。他不担心龙裔的安危,特别是在现在索伦被击败的时候,魔多恐怕没有什么敌人能够威胁到龙裔的安全:“我在找她。如今大战已经结束了,她却一直没有出现。”„Shewas deceivedbycorpseLuo.”LisaRiel'slivelysaying, shewalksin the forefront, familiarcrossestheseshrubberies and rockpiles, foundinsidecovertpath: „Shearrives atNohntimesaid,corpseLuotoldher, Iwill helpherfind a road that went to the endvolcano. Shesaid,mustcircle the hills that coversto the northsnow, thenshifts to the endvolcano. CorpseLuoevensaid that thisisreaches an agreementwithmeahead of time. Icandetermine,corpseLuocertainlydeceivedher, corpseLuohas not contacted withme, IinhalfbeastpersontoherunderstandingnotBishandongam more. Evenhelpsher, Iwill not chooseto makeherarrive at the northernhills, only thento the person of demonmulti-knowing nothing, believe such simplelie. PerhapscorpseLuo'shoneyed wordsui makes one...... is quite stupid.”
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