邪黑塔的坍塌宣告索伦的失败和覆灭。Thiswindpassed to demonmanyeachcavern the news that Solondestroyed.
这股风将索伦毁灭的消息传到了魔多的每一个洞窟内。Sitson the rockthrone, corpseLuois looking at the ring in handwith the vision of appreciation. The ringis sending out the silver-whiteray, the flankis carvingoneline of engraved inscriptionswith the Elfwriting.
The news that the traitorsare defeatedcannot escape the corpseLuo'seyes, hersecret agentis found indemonmanyeachcorners, butin the forest of central lands, all kinds ofspidersare giving the messageforher. Onlywhatis a pity, sheis unable to see with one's own eyes the destruction of traitor, otherwiseshemuststandunderevilblack tower, tauntedSolon'sfailure.
背叛者失败的消息逃不过尸罗的眼睛,她的密探遍布魔多的每个角落,而中土的森林中,各种各样的蜘蛛都在为她传递消息。唯一可惜的是,她无法亲眼看到背叛者的毁灭,否则她一定要站在邪黑塔下,嘲讽索伦的失败。Butshewill not therefore let success go to the head.
但她不会因此得意忘形。Slowlyputs downto wear the hand of ring, corpseLuogoes down the rockthrone, the fingerhas stroked the arm rest of throne, gracefulis stepping the step, entersin the gloomycavernstep by step.
慢慢放下戴着戒指的手,尸罗走下岩石王座,手指抚摸过王座的扶手,优雅的迈着步伐,一步步走进阴暗的洞窟内。In a while, the cavernwelcomed the unexpected visitor.
没过多久,洞窟迎来了不速之客。Rides of cheetahto crash in the cavern.
骑着猎豹的格奈娅冲进洞窟。„Rollstome, corpseLuo!”Sheis looking at the cavernangrily, after a handgrabs the wild animal , the hair of nape of the neck, anotherhandaccording to sword hilt: „Immediatelycomes out! In the name ofTalos, you, ifmusthide, Imustburnyourcavern!”
“给我滚出来,尸罗!”她愤怒的望着洞窟,一只手抓着野兽后脖颈的毛发,另一只手按在剑柄上:“立刻出来!以塔罗斯的名义,你如果要藏起来,我就要烧了你的洞穴!”In the cavernreverberatesindragonangryyelling.
洞窟内回荡在龙裔愤怒的叫喊。Butbesides the ownsound, anythinghas not heard.
但除了自己的声音外,格奈娅什么都没有听到。LisaRielhas not comewithdragontogether, shedeliversdragonYitoforestborder. As the protector of forest, withoutorder, shecannotleave the foresthalfstep. Butshecanbestowto the dragonmount, helpingherreturnrapidly.
丽莎瑞尔并没有与龙裔一同前来,她送龙裔到卡南森林的边境。作为森林的保护者,如果没有卡南的命令,她不能离开森林半步。但她可以赠送给龙裔坐骑,帮助她迅速返回。Howevereven if the closeNownforest, Solondestroys the complementary waves that brings, still the volumecrossedthiscoastalforest, raises the mighty wavesin the Nowninland sea.
不过就算是封闭的诺恩森林,索伦毁灭所带来的余波,也卷过了这片沿海的森林,在诺恩内海掀起波涛。Zelindoes not have the choiceto rideGriffinto intrude the forestdirectly, heknows that inthisforesthasanything, knows,suchoffendinglikelywill provoke how bigresponse, heis notdeclares war, butisfinds the person.泽林没有选择直接骑着狮鹫闯入森林,他知道这座森林中存在着什么,也知道,这样的冒犯可能会引起多么大的反应,他不是来宣战的,而是来找人。WhenGriffinappearsin the forestedge, Zelinsaw a familiarform. Althoughcentral landshad crossed for more than 30years, butregardingZelin, hisleavesprevioustime, only hastwoyearsby the present.
当狮鹫出现在森林边缘的时候,泽林就看到了一个熟悉的身影。虽然中土已经渡过了三十多年,但对于泽林来说,他上一次离开,到现在也不过只有两年的时间而已。„LisaRiel?”Zelinsometoodid not confirm,withbeforehandvaliant, compared with the femalesoldier of high morale, frontformseemssomewhatthin and pale, in the wearylookas if is only left overnumbly. When seesZelinto appear, inhereyeflashes throughsurprised, butalong with, even ifvanishesdoes not see, probablysimplyhas not appeared same: „Isyou, LisaRiel?”
“丽莎瑞尔?”泽林有些不太确认,和之前英姿勃发,斗志昂扬的女战士相比,面前的身影显得有些憔悴,疲倦的眼神中仿佛只剩下麻木。只有在看到泽林出现的时候,她的眼中闪过一丝惊讶,但随即便消失不见,像是根本没有出现过一样:“是你吗,丽莎瑞尔?”„Are youSorcerer?”LisaRielfrowns: „How can you......? The person who yousendsaidsome time ago,youhave a more importantmatter, will not arrive at the demonto be many. But, the matter of outsideis relatedwithyou, right? Youcometo the demon, toresistSolon? The wild animalsare anxious, halfbeastpeopleintrude the forest, Imassacred, buttheywere still continue be.......”herlike this, covers the foreheadsingle-handed: „, Damn! Is I have been incessant. Iwas too anxious. No matter howsaid,Icanseeyouhappilyagain, Sorcerer.”
“你是巫师?”丽莎瑞尔皱起眉头:“你......怎么会?你派来的人不久前说,你有更重要的事情,不会到魔多来。但,外面发生的事情与你有关,对吗?你到魔多来,是为了对抗索伦?野兽们焦躁不安,有半兽人闯入森林,我杀掉了一些,但它们仍然在继续这样做.......”她顿了顿,单手捂住额头:“哦,该死的!一直是我在滔滔不绝。我太紧张了。不管怎么说,我高兴能再次见到你,巫师。”„I am also, LisaRiel.”Zelinturns over/stands upto jump downGriffin, followshethis. Witcherputs out a hand: „Saw that all your is wellis really good.”
“我也是,丽莎瑞尔。”泽林翻身跳下狮鹫,芙莉德跟着他这样做。狩魔猎人伸出手:“看到你平安无事真好。”„Ido not know that alsohow longcaninsist, the demonmanywantsto ruinthisforestalways.”LisaRielrevealedwiped the slightforced smile, disappeared. Shegripped the hand of Zelinto shakeshaking: „Ialsothink,youhad forgottenhereall, Sorcerer. Peoplesaid that yourtrailsdrift from place to place, thatwhiterobeSorcerernamedSarumanoncedeceivedmy mother. Ithinkyoualso......”
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